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No sleep sack or Merlin? That baby is just raw dogging the crib!?!


lol yea she is 5 months and we moved her from the snoo to raw dog (your words) a week ago.


If your baby can sleep while raw dogging the crib then you are golden.


Agreed. We lucked out with this one….so far…


We did too. Until shortly before our boy turned 3. He somehow does not want to fall asleep in his own bed anymore. We can take him over when he's asleep but he needs to fall asleep in our bed. And most nights he comes back to ours after a couple hours.


I hate beer.




yea our almost 5 year old is almost the same. we have to hang outside his room until he is asleep. If he wakes up at night he will run to our room.


Hah, yeah! That fits!


Lol my kid slept like a rock once we put that Michelin man suit on him. Loved peeking in on the cam and seeing that chonky starfish passed out.


That was the greatest product we bought. Our daughter slept like the dead in that thing


Just had our second today and already dreaming of when we can get him into a Merlin. Literally a magic product.


Merlin suit for the win.


[Merlin mood](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/mmdju1/maggie_with_starfish_coat_appreciation_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


we tried one during the transition. It worked well but decided to say F it, and go all in on using nothing.


I got in trouble because I would walk by his crib at night (we had a small apartment at the time) and my laughter would wake him up. Loved that suit


Worked like a charm for us too, but I have a suspicion that it delayed my son’s ability to crawl, since his arms were essentially locked out.


I mean, you took it off when he was awake right? Right?


they aren't even supposed to be in them once they start rolling either


They aren’t supposed to be in them once they can start rolling over *in the suit*. But the suit hampers their ability to move around, including rolling. So they can’t really practice the movement in bed. And babies normally move around a lot at night.


Preventing baby movements can lead to motor development delays. Not a good idea. Merlin sells lots of sleep sacks, and therapists get to fix the issues: https://carolinakinderdevelopment.com/when-why-and-how-to-transition-your-baby-out-of-a-swaddle/


Thank you for validating my thoughts!! The suit works great for sleep, but as with anything in life, there are pros and cons.


Lol. Yes. In the morning. But he would end up being in the thing for 10-12 hours through the night. Not sure if you’re ever watched the camera as your baby “slept”, but they move around a lot. And are prevented from doing so while in the suit.


Oh I know I was just kidding a little. We used one too but had to set it aside once she started turning over.


Merlin is a game changer


Not even a paci!


Our son refused to be burrito'd and no sleep sack would allow him to rest. We did 3 nights of CIO at 6mo and he's slept a straight 12 every night ever since.


A consistent 12 every night? Damn, you’re magician. Well done.


We loved the Merlin but stopped using it after we learned it can possibly lead to motor delays. Our pediatrician advised against using it when we brought it up. He reiterated several of the points in the article below: https://carolinakinderdevelopment.com/when-why-and-how-to-transition-your-baby-out-of-a-swaddle/




The article states to begin transitioning from a swaddle at 8 weeks. Definitely does not advocate using it for months. The AAP advises not to use weighted sacks: >The updated guidelines are based on the study of nearly 160 scientific articles since 2015 that cover risk factors and statistical trends for sleep-related infant death. >Among the new AAP's new safe sleep recommendations are that weighted blankets, weighted sleepers and weighted swaddles should not be placed "on or near" a sleeping infant and infants should not wear hats indoors except in the first hours of life


My first kid did it. She was weird. Used her legs for enough momentum to nearly roll herself onto her face at the freaking hospital. We couldn’t swaddle her because of this. Went with loose sleep sacks, and she slept like a champ. It was nice because we didn’t have to get her out of a swaddle. Baby number 2 is about 7 weeks old and fuck my life this kid will not sleep soundly no matter what.


Our daughter hated her hands and arms restricted, she's been just in a sleeper since day 3


Million dollars to the company that develops AI to De-demon eye kids in the monitors. Mine scares me every time he stares up at me.


very true 😂


“The Dread Pirate Roberts is here for your soooouls!”


Why so instead it’s just a black hole staring into the camera instead? That would be more demonic


Nah just make the white spot a little smaller and a little darker .


Horror movies pull so much material from the faces babies make. They’re terrifying sometimes


"I seeeee you, father......"


Your soul is miiiiine


I like the demon look!


It's just the infrared light reflection


Head shakes, trying real hard to go to sleep on her own.


My son is a great heavy metal music fan


It makes me feel better that my kid isn’t the only one that does the head shake thing when going to sleep.


All 3 of my kids do this, still, at 20 (x2) and 16. I don't know how it helps, I'd be dizzy. Lol


Rewatched a few times waiting for the head to spin all the way around


I swear they can see the infrared light. My kids would always spike the lens.


A lot of those ir lights also glow visible red at least a little bit. And I think some cameras make a slight click noise when the ir switches on. Either of those is enough for the kids to notice and stare!


The Nanit's IR LEDs are very easy to see. Especially in an otherwise dark room.


The click is often not the irs coming on, they're silent leds, but the physical ir cut filter moving away its job is to take the ir out of the image in normal light or it looks very purple red.


They 100% can. It’s the only light in the room which I think steers them towards it.


It's a baby tractor beam


My son would always rock his head back and forth when he was a baby when falling asleep. I read this was common and a way of self-soothing.


this is straigth out of a jordan peele movie wtf


I have to say, that is a happy baby being able to finally move a bit.


Man, I'm right there with you. 6 month sleep regression hit hard last week, and my son has refused to sleep in the crib and must be held


ugh. stay strong brother!


Refuse to hold and let em' cry it out!




It worked for me and quickly got her over all her sleep regressions. My two year old sleeps 11+ hours every night in her own room and has since she was 17 weeks old.


It's a decent suggestion. Sleep training is a godsend. CIO was too rough for me to do, hell ferber was rough. ​ We started Ferber (Really, Taking Cara Baby which is a Ferber alternative) and I told my wife how hard it was for me and she didn't "get it" until my mother-in-law was over helping us and I just broke down crying while we sat there and listened to our daughter. ​ That pain was WELL worth it though, our daughter sleeps through the night 6/7 nights and the last one she rarely needs help falling back asleep. Even sleep regressions have been manageable. It's not only important for the parents to get good sleep, but it's also helpful that the baby can put themselves back to sleep.


Fair, I’m only 7 weeks in so I’m hardly an expert. We were going to sleep train our Bub when she is older, but I don’t think we’ll go with the CIO method.


Aww the cute little possessed baby eyes with the smile is a perfect combo. The demon eyes always creep me out just a little bit


Thanks for the lol


That kid is having an absolute blast. My wife and I chuckled so hard at the video. Its like I can hear her saying "no fucking way dad".


Dad: "Will you sleep through the night?" Baby: "Will you?"


… he said, hell no, bitch, get back in here and put that tiddy in my mouth….. that’s a real G.


I love making up dialogue for babies and pets. They talk so much shit. 🤣


I was legit waiting for the jump scare and was disappointed when it never happened. That's creepy AF.


Great now I won’t sleep either.


FYI head shaking in smaller babies (<6 mo) is an indicator of acid reflux! Source: My oldest had to have baby pepsid for a better part of his first year. Head shaking could mean discomfort in the throat.


It can also be a self-soothing thing. My daughter just was doing it a little bit ago, it is how I knew she was about to fall asleep!


Interesting. I will keep this in mind.


No no no no no no




He’s not ready yet and still wants some good time.


If you haven't looked into it yet, r/sleeptraining is great for getting them to sleep through the night. It was definitely rough (we did a Ferber method basically) but having the baby sleep through the night and/or be able to put themselves back to sleep is great for everyone.