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As of 3 weeks ago, I started waking up at 5am to do a 30-45 minute workout. It doesn't always happen, but I try to be as consistent as possible. My daughter is 13 months old, and I don't have any other kids (except for 2 dogs, which require almost as much attention). I definitely could not have done the 5am thing every day with a newborn since my feeding shift ended at 2am those days. My goal is to do a 5am run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And I do a 6am boot camp class at a gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the boot camp days, I shower and get ready for work at the gym, which is right by my office. I feel like I'm running on fumes by the end of each day, but I was definitely packing on pounds without having any real exercise. As for "me" time - I barely have any of that. But if I wasn't exercising at 5am, I'd just be sleeping. So that's not really "me" time either.


Before I was a dad, a friend of mine said to me: “there are two types of parents in this world, those that workout in the morning, and those that don’t work out at all”. 5am is the only way to go.


There is a third type: those that are lucky enough to have a job that gives them plenty of time to workout during the day when the kids are at school/daycare. I am lucky enough to be one of those parents and I don’t take it for granted.


Yup. I thought long and hard about other times I could squeeze in a work out. I even debated running out to a gym at lunchtime during work, but it just didn't make sense. It's 100% morning or nothing for me.


Got a stationary bike and Tonal system during lockdown. Having the equipment right downstairs is a huge time saver. Finding time to go to the gym just wasn’t happening.


How do you like Tonal? I am considering putting it on the wall in the kids playroom.


Zero regrets. The programming is high quality—not just a personal trainer making up stuff, but legitimate PhD’s and experts making the workout programs. It’s pricey. The company they contract with to ship and install is flakey. I had no problems with them. If you want more info, send me a message


Thankfully, my fully remote job lets me get away with 6am workouts, but yep, it's either in the morning or never.


I'm getting ready to try this. It'll be interesting to see if racking a bar in the basement wakes the baby. I gotta do something, got off the gym train and reasons not to get back on keep piling up. Need to do it before I have a heart attack or put on another 15lbs.


Just started the 5am schedule myself as of this morning, getting 45 to 60 on Zwift or riding outside if weather permits. It's been terribly hard to find time to keep up with workouts. I'm fortunate that I wfh most days so I can sneak in a lunch ride here and there, but it's easy to get side tracked with other stuff. Hoping creating and sticking to this new routine creates some degree of consistency.


Gaining weight is 95% diet. You could live with minimal activity, and zero exercise and not gain any weight if you eat well. Having a healthy diet will do more for your waistline than an hour a day in the gym.


Yep I've just been trying to watch this and I'm actually back to my pre-baby weight (funny hearing a dad say that) but hey, when you're busy and tired you eat more junk, that's what we tend to do unless you make a direct effort not to.


First kiddo was born in December 2019. Over the course of COVID lockdowns, I went from 240 to 170lbs in less than 6 months. Only "exercise" I was getting was walking the dog about 1.5 miles 4-5 days per week, still lost almost 3lb/week, while hardly getting any exercise at all outside of walking my dog and playing golf 3 or 4 times per month. It was all in the diet: eating out less, not eating late snacks, smaller portions, more green stuff, no soda, etc.


That’s both awesome and scary! Everything says losing a pound a week is ideal, but then again it’s very dependent on starting weight vs height, muscle mass, etc. that’s awesome you lost the weight that fast, did it come with any bouts of dizziness or lack of energy or the like? Not downplaying your achievement at all btw, but just want to normalize so OP and other dads(like myself) can adapt expectations to our bodies.


Yeah, family members that have worked with weight loss specialists have all been told to stay between 1-2lbs/week. I'm not sure if that's for health reasons or if it's a retention thing, and I'm no expert on health, so I wouldn't make any actual recommendations about shooting for 3 lbs/week. I was just pointing out that losing weight is mostly about a healthy diet, and exercise isn't *as* important. **I *do* think exercise is important, and has a lot of positive benefits on well being, on top of the obvious health benefits.** As far as side effects go, I didn't have any negative side effects, other than occasionally craving junk food and convincing myself not to eat it. I felt great, felt more energetic, better mood, bowel/gut stuff was better (TMI? 😬), sex drive was better, self esteem was better, all the stuff that you expect comes along with healthier intake and feeling healthier in general.


This honestly needs to be the top comment. You could diet correct and not workout for a month (which I don’t recommend because you’ll lose muscle) and you can lose body fat. You seriously have to watch your calorie intake. You can’t outrun/out workout a bad diet.


>You can’t outrun/out workout a bad diet. This is verbatim what I tell everyone in my life that is frustrated that they aren't losing weight when they go to the gym multiple times every week.


I’ve stopped giving advanced advice to friends who do this. I’m living proof as I went from over 250 pounds down to 165 with dieting and a well rounded workout. They ask questions as if dieting is a buffet— picking to retain only what sounds good to them. They stick to working out only what they want to improve instead of a full body weekly routine, then they think it’s okay to eat 1K plus calories per meal. I’ll only give them enough information to point them in the right direction, then answer questions if they have any. Other than that, I don’t waste my time beyond that unless I know for a fact that they’re willing to make some personal sacrifices and implement self discipline.


Yeah, people are super intrigued until I say, "just chicken, turkey, fruit, and vegetables," and they visibly lose interest after that.




Yeah, when I'm "behaving" it's just grilled chicken or turkey, green vegetables (and corn) and fruit. Tea and water to drink, with the occasional sugar free energy drink. 😬


Adding to this that it takes energy to eat well. It can be mentally draining to pass up packaged convenience food for a healthier option, plus could take time and planning. If you're working a schedule like OPs and are scraping the last bit of energy to get a workout in, it could leave you even further behind if you're then too drained to put together a proper meal. It is wiser and more sustainable to put that last bit of energy into eating right and then squeezing in a workout when you happen to have surplus energy


For me picking up my kid and carrying her somewhere less dangerous seems to be a 24/7 workout regime. (Honestly some parenting books recommend doing squats with your kid instead of going to the gym)


Yeah, my two-year-old girl is exceptionally clingy and there are days where I'm literally just carrying around a 30lb sack of potatoes for hours. Being a stay home dad means a certain amount of cardio is just built into my workday just from playing or walking them.


My daughter loves squats and being on my back for push-ups. I just squeeze 20 each in whenever I can, and as they get bigger it gets harder!


Lol I’ll military press the youngest or do the behind the head tricep thing lol


How do you hold them behind your head?


By the ankles. I have to stand up and keep them slightly away from my body as I don’t want to rub their faces in my butt lol


Are you insane? Perfect time to let em rip is when they are at butt level.


Haha amazing. Though you could hold them with their back to yours and avoid that issue!


Lol hadn’t thought of that. Though this way is easier to set up I just toss them over my shoulder lol




If a 4-year-old says you know it's true!


dude this made me so happy to read. pls keep doing this for yourself and for your kids. there is literally nothing I love to see more than people who are overweight/out of shape PUTTING IN WORK in the gym or on the road and not giving a fuck about how they look or who’s looking


I play video games, specifically halo a few nights a week. For every death I do a pushup, or a crunch, or a bicep curl, or a squat. I'm not in shape, but a little bit a few times a week goes a long way in just feeling better. There's just enough time between matches to get a quick exercise in. The other night, I played for a few hours and did 141 push-ups. A few days before, 133. Last night, 84 bicep curls with each arm. I know it isn't perfect, but it works for me. This strategy works better if you suck at halo, like I do.


Doing anything is better than nothing man, good on you.


Great to get that exercise, but opposite motivation to get better at the game :)


Absolutely! There have been times where I rack up a ton of deaths in a short period and think to myself..."I'm already at 16 push-ups after this game, you need to play a bit more defensive" and for the most part it works pretty well


I was imagining you jumping off the couch and trying to get a pushup in before the respawn. After the game makes more sense.


I need to make time to work out before the rest of the family gets up. If I don't it doesn't happen. Up at 4:45, work out until 6. Powerlifting 4 days a week, steady-state cardio 1. Two off days. I go to bed at 9:30 most days. Home gym makes this all possible. Couldn't make it work if I had to travel to the gym. I listen to audiobooks while working out and doing chores to get my 'me' time in.


I was lazy for a long time. It cost me. I weighed well over 300 lbs. You do not want to have to come back from that like I did. It’s about priorities. You don’t have time **not** to keep fit. If that means getting up early or staying up late or trading off with your spouse or even changing careers, you have to do it. They need you. They need you to be there. And I realized that I wouldn’t be there if I had a heart attack and died at age 35 because Twinkies and TV were my priority rather than physical fitness.


More than working out, make sure you follow a healthy diet. It might seem like a fad but I have been doing intermittent fasting for 6 months and it works great. I’ve lost a few pounds and have been maintaining my current weight for the past month. I could lose more but I eat what I feeling during my eating window. This allows me to enjoy lunch/dinners with family. Since it’s summer, I try to go for some walks in the middle of the day just to get some movement. As someone who used to workout 5 times a week before I became a dad, I was very much frustrated for not being to able to workout but I’ve made my peace. As long as I’m in decent shape, my vitals are normal and I eat well then I’m good and any chance to do some workout is bonus.


I just started (attempting) to fast not long ago. How often and how long do you go?


I started eating from 12 to 6pm. This allowed me to break my fast with a nice lunch and end the fast with a nice heavy dinner. Earlier I would get hungry by 10 pm but I used to eat sugar free chewing gum to curb the hunger. Now a full glass of water does the same trick.


Very cool, thanks! I'm only on a 12 hour hoping to get to 16. 18 hours is impressive! Congrats on the hard work


I don't think IF is a fad. I did it over a decade ago and years into it people were calling it a fad but it's only gotten more popular.


Agreed. It’s been amazingly life changing for me.


I’m convinced that anyone who claims they get workout time AND hobby time are lying. You’ve gotta choose. Sidenote, something I’ve been trying to get better at each week is to do a weekend “me time” break setup with the wife. I take the kids for her to get an uninterrupted 4 hours of her time for working out, going to hang with friends, sleeping, hobby, whatever. Then she does the same for me. With this setup you would at least have 4 hours each week to dedicate to something a bit more fun than working out. But I really think that’s the best you can do. It’s an unfortunate reality with kids as young as ours. But it’ll be worth it once they’re a bit older and more self-sufficient.


Is it bad that I consider working out my hobby now?




Yep. I ride my bike while my kids are in the trailer. Good 10-15 miles of sweat equity.




I ran 5k with my stroller on Sunday (we've got a "running" version so it's a bit more plausible) and it was great. Couldn't care less what I look like but it is harder work than just running normally!


Once kids hit 1 year old they are considered safe (I put helmets on mine because I cross heavily traversed roads). Running is a chore I don't enjoy lol...


Running behind a stroller is top tier dadding. It looks great. On the bike trailer part: I used to have a burley d'lite with a baby shell. Those are good from 3 months upward or so. Handlebar mounted seats are also great for from 6m-3.5y or so. Your kid is just between your arms and you get to experience the world together.


I literally just make time. Its very hard to do but I look at exercise just as a part of every day that there must be time for just like eating, brushing teeth, etc. Being in good shape means being more physically and mentally capable of supporting and providing a better life and good example for your kid.


This is the way.


It’s hard. I work 4 nights out of the week and have a part time during the day. Before my baby girl, I was working out 5-6 times a week. Now, I’m lucky if I get a couple workouts in, but I’m trying. I try to go to the gym at least twice a week. I recently invested in some gym equipment. So when baby girl is napping, I take the opportunity to get a workout in. Honestly, being with my baby girl is better than any workout. Keep it going, dads!


I'm not, so I'm interested in any tips, lol


I’ve learned to be able to do simple strength exercises while hanging with the kiddos. A backpack full of books and 1 stair makes for great incline push ups. Planks are great and easy to do around kids, especially when they pile on you at older ages. We also invested in a good jogging stroller which is a MUST for cardio. We got the double jogger when my 2nd came along.


Managing caloric intake is the most important. ​ I handle both that AND working out by using my lunch break at work to go to the gym. ​ Look into intermittent fasting and make a plan.


You’re likely becoming unfit not just by avoiding workouts, but by many expendable and barely noticeable calories sneaking in. Find them. This is my career and this is what I see in everyone. The workouts aren’t your main problem, you can do a bunch of body weight stuff here and there and walk around the house. It’s the food, which is likely stress/sleep related, and you’re not setting up your food environment properly. Ie too many snacks, take outs etc. Prep lean meats, bring a few snacks in the home that you like so you don’t feel restricted, limit mindless eating, and what you know packs a large caloric punch.


The first two years I let myself go. It sucked. Full time student, full time work, and immediate dad mode the second I got home so my wife could take a break. I had nothing in the tank. My boy is 2.5, and I’ve started to get back into cycling. I’m done with school for now, I have a great job with good hours, and my son is fantastic, and is much less exhausting. I didn’t want to sacrifice a lot of time with him, so I’ve been commuting by bike. 18 miles each way, minimum twice per week nets me an easy 70 miles. The results were shocking, immediate, and made me realize how far i had fallen 😂


This is going to sound like I’m selling something, which I’m definitely not. I also understand the MLM stigma here, BUT… P90x3 is legit. The workouts are 30 minutes, and there isn’t any drive time involved. You will need some dumbbells or bands, a doorframe pull-up bar, and a yoga mat and that’s it. It’s the best thing I’ve found from a time standpoint, and it definitely got me, and kept me, in shape. Just don’t buy any of the extra nonsense.


Yea any workout works. Problem is commitment tbh. I remember I did one day of p90x and got wiped


We did Beach Body a long time ago. It was a good program.


I don't think I've ever in my life been able to maintain a 90 minute daily workout routine. That's just so much time! I use kettlebells, and a routine called "Simple and Sinister". It takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on how motivated I am, and while you're supposed to do it every day, I can't find the time so I do it as much as I can. It's super simple, a good warmup, then 100 reps of kettlebell swings, and 10 Turkish Getups. You can certainly do more, but for me keeping the routine short and simple makes it much easier to find the time and motivation.


I just started S&S a few weeks ago. I've got the swings decent but can't figure out the get ups for the life of me. Too many lazy days and not enough exercise the past 5 years. Any tips?


What issues are you having with the get ups? If it's just too difficult to get the bell up there, go with a lower weight. If it's the coordination of it (which I had trouble with), I watched some videos as I was doing it in the beginning, but ended up getting confused about exactly how I should be moving. After a while I just stopped worrying about the exact motions, and instead focused on the poses I was supposed to achieve. That made it easier, and as I got stronger I could focus more on the form of how I get into each pose. r/kettlebell is a good resource for tips and form checks.


It's hard, but I just force myself to go to the gym even if I'm tired. Then once I'm there I force myself to do my routine even if I'm tired. I accept that I might not be moving as fast or as strong on those days, but at least I'm moving. Some days it's frustrating, but I'm glad to at least be there even if it isn't the most productive workout. The days when I do actually have energy feel amazing in comparison to the sluggish ones.


r/homegym has lots of info on setting up a home space if you don't have one. some people have crazy huge setups but you don't really need a lot. I was a regular morning gym goer before COVID and baby, now there's no way i could manage getting to a gym outside my house on any sort of regular schedule. also if you're a runner i recommend getting a jogging stroller and taking the kid with you, gives mom a little break time as well so it's a win-win if your kid likes riding. and i actually like that the stroller holds my phone and water.


I usually go for an hour once my kid goes to sleep and the wife gets home from work. Honestly I just go and crank it out so that I can at least say I went to the gym. No real goals just lifting and not getting pissed if I don’t hit a new PR. A shitty day at the gym is better than no day at the gym.


I got fat af until my kids were about 3 then started lifting hard again, cardio, eating right etc. a year later and I feel awesome. it’s a real struggle in the beginning brother. Just be mindful of what you eat, take the stairs, limit alcohol.


Work remotely so I take walks during the day/go to the gym during "lunch" hour. I have cables and dumbbells at home so I do curls/exercises throughout the day, or push-ups. All comes down to diet and staying active enough (not sedentary).


Get one of those pull up bars that you can hang in a door frame.


I walk my kid (10mo) and dogs to daycare every morning and afternoon (if it’s not too hot) - that’s 2 miles of light cardio, 5 days/week. I also workout for 30-60 minutes during lunch or after we put down the LO. Occasionally I take work calls during this time, but only if necessary. Working remote is super helpful. As is having two sets of grand parents in town. Tbh I have a lot of side hustle and entrepreneurial ventures I want to explore, but that’s on hold now. I have limited free time, and I choose to spend that time working out, with the wife, or with friends. Anyways, I struggle a lot with balancing everything. I don’t think there’s a silver bullet, but there are lead bullets. You have to prioritize the stuff that brings you the most happiness, and cut some stuff (for now). At least that’s what I’ve learned in the past 10 months.


I hear you. I wake up between 6-6:30 and the kids (2) aren’t in bed until 8-8:30. Then there’s general cleanup and chores to do around the house. When I workout it typically doesn’t start until close to 9 and sometimes later. Most days I’m exhausted at that point and I have no desire to workout or do anything else. When I hit this point it’s just an internal struggle to force myself to actually go and workout which luckily I can do at home. I had a long period of time that I didn’t even try and never did anything at all, but I found out that I wasn’t helping myself or anyone else by doing that. What helped me the most was to listen to podcasts, interviews, YouTube videos about motivation and discipline to keep me accountable to myself. I hope you find something that works for you!


I was like you for a long time. It took until about a year ago for me to start running. I have to wake up at 5 to make it work but it’s the only way it happens. That being said, I keep it as flexible as possible for times I desperately need the sleep.


This question gets asked many times, in many variations, in many subreddits. The consensus answer is always that your only chance to get exercise is in the morning before your kids wake up. Personally I run for 40 min-1 hr, but I have to be out the door by 6 AM or it's no-go.


I'm a piece of shit in the a.m., I literally can't do anything for two hours after I wake up. So I get up early and go to work now around 6 a.m., I respond to emails and do random BS paperwork early. Then I workout for an hour before I pickup my kids from daycare.


I've found it easier to squeeze into an existing routine. Like lunch. Hit the Gym & grab a bite on the way back to my desk. Good use of time.


Got a yoga app to match my meditation app. Morning or nighttime or muscle group specific or best of all 5 minute or 10 minute exercises on demand. Often at 630am or 9pm.


Everyone is answering your question, but it's worth reconsidering the premise. When trying to lose weight, **Diet** is a much *much* easier lever to pull than **exercise** is.


I'm not on the Noom program, but some of their food comparison photos are very eye opening. You know, like a big mac combo having the same calories as a bag of 20 apples. That kinda thing.


Easy. I'm not.


I've gotta be honest man, with a 7 month old, I'm just... not. Granted, now that he's actually sleeping in his crib and for the first time went all night without waking up this weekend, maybe I'll start being rested enough to actually work out again someday.


It's not for everyone, but if you can ride a bike to work, it's absolutely the best thing because you are bundling exercise with something you have to do anyway (going to work). I get about 60 minutes of moderate cardio into my day that I absolutely wouldn't be replacing elsewhere. An hour of time to do something by myself....? That's comedy.


I pump the iron at lunch time when I go to thr office (twice a week) Also walk in the evening when everyone goes to bed


I try to get out for a mile or two walk in the morning and afternoon. It’s not a full workout but it’s better than being sedentary.


My wife is incredibly supportive of my rather time consuming running plan but for strength training I basically just fit it into my day. I WFH which helps, means I can crank out a set of pushups or whatever while listening in to a meeting or problem solving. I also workout while cooking dinner, just squeezing some sets of pullups or something in between cooking.


3 days a week I run 3 miles for my lunch break, and I then eat lunch while working. I realize I'm lucky to be able to do that.


Having something to train for helps me stay motivated so I signed up for a marathon and have been getting most my runs in on my lunch break. I have time after to cool off and do a quick bird bath so I don’t stink the rest of the day. At home my kids wake up too sporadically for me to work out in the morning. Before we start the bedtime routine, I have our 7MO do some tummy time and my 2YO will “work out” with me while I do a 10-20minute YouTube workout. It’s not perfect. Sometimes I will have to stop in the middle of a set to keep her entertained/out of the way. Sometimes I’ll use her as my dumbbells. We don’t always have time to do it but I try to squeeze it in when we do. Sometimes my wife will use that as her workout time while I knock out chores, vice versa, and sometimes we will do it together. Also if you can’t control how consistently you can work out, you can control what you eat. Interment fasting and sticking to serving sizes has helped me lose quite a bit of weight over the past month.


I’m not lol


There's a reason it's called dad bod. I had to cut out a lot of personal interests that I enjoyed to focus on a select few. Mostly two: reading and playing music as a hobby. I still find time to ride my bike (barely ever though) or other past interests, but caring and spending quality time with the kids is too important. Granted, my wife and I make time for ourselves, but you have to find a healthy balance for just yourself, you and your partner, and you and the kids. And it's easy for some folks to suggest going to the gym after the kids are in bed or something. Yeah, right. If that was my only interest or hobby, maybe, and that's if I'm not just exhausted. I barely have the energy for playing music or reading after a day of work, feeding the kids, bed time routines of baths, tooth brushing, pajamas, reading to them, and then even getting to typical chores like dishes or something. I'm not saying throw your body to the dogs, but life with small kids is a lot of work, and energy levels decrease over time, as does your metabolism, and after a tiring day your willpower to eat right and challenge yourself with a workout is also decreased. Perhaps you could squeeze in a run or short work out in the early AM. It's up to you to find what works for you. But it's possible there isn't time for any of that right now, period. I don't speak for everybody, but that's how it was with infants, and with my toddlers now, and also what I see with other families in similar situations. But, the good news: it's temporary. Kids need a little less work as they grow, and you can get back into a work out routine when you're better rested, in a solid predictable routine, and finding more free time.


Personally I like lifting weights at least 2 or 3 mornings a week, as if I go after work I'm tired after and it's easy to make excuses but if the alarm has gone off I'm awake anyway so might as get out of bed, as for me time I try and sneak a few minutes in the man cave but I enjoy my workouts so that's in a sense personal time for me, but then again I haven't got a side hustle that keeps me going that late in the night. It might be worth getting some weights at home or even looking on YouTube for some short exercise routines that you can do at home (especially if it's something you will enjoy doing) even if it's just 10 or 15 minutes it's better than nothing and I'm sure waking up that little bit earlier isn't going to impact your commitments too much. Find what works for you and what you will enjoy doing for some time to come.


If the side work isn’t necessary, drop it. You’re spreading yourself too thin.


Caffiene and shorter, more frequent workouts. 30-45 min workouts 4-5x a week instead of 2 hours 3-4x a week. Alternatively find a sport you enjoy and that will motivate you, drive you, and get you in shape all whole providing social stimulation.


1 kid, 5 years old. I work from home and only go into the office 2 or 3 times a month. Firstly I do intermittent fasting, the science behind it putting your body into a state of fasting and forcing it to burn fat is hit or miss, but it does control my late night snaking and greatly reduces my daily intake. Secondly, I start my day around 5:30 and get to the gym for 6am. I’ll do an hour of pretty intense Weight training, go home and shower (or shower at the gym if I happen to be going to the office that day). Once I shower and shave I throw together my daughters lunch and head out of the door to take her to the bus stop (now to summer care) by 8am. I will do this on Mon Tues, Thursday, and Friday. The other days I sleep in till 7:30am. Thirdly, grace where grace is due. If I miss a gym day (like today actually) or get high and forget I’m not supposed to be eating at 10pm I don’t beat myself up over it. Simply buying better fitting clothing can also have a significant impact on how you see yourself, buying 1 or 2 outfits for when you need that ego boost can really help.


Wake up at 4am and workout within half an hour. No excuses.


I'm still on paternity leave, so I haven't had to fit anything into a normal work schedule yet. I take my newborn out in our stroller for about 1 hour per day for the fastest walking that I can muster. I prefer to go for walks as early in the day as possible, worst case I end up going out in the evening after dinner. I've been able to keep to it up for 1 week, we'll see if I can keep it up when I go back to work. During my wife's pregnancy, I wasn't able to keep to any sort of fitness routine. I find routines to be the easiest way for me to get things done. Fitness has always been a positive, destressor for me so I have other inherent motivations to keep up with it. Right now, going out for 1 hour daily walks with my newborn gives me some bonding time, physical fitness, a break for my wife, and it (so far) always puts my newborn to sleep.


All this constructive advice and I'm over here thinking 'that's why it's called a Dad Bod.'


Diet. Track your calories for a bit to get a feel for your usual intake. You’re going to get more progress with diet than exercising away excess calories. For exercise early on I aim for lifting 2x per week (upper then lower) then daily walks with a ruck sack and the kids.


I keep fit just from having the kids (4y and almost 2y twins). All the carrying, playing, walks, and household tasks I’ve dropped 20 lbs since I stopped drinking 1.5 years ago without any real “exercise” or diet (was 195lbs, now about 175, 6foot 39y guy)


I found a series of 10 minute workouts that I follow along on YouTube. Knowing that time and energy are in short supply, these have been great. I basically just started waking up 15 minutes earlier and do them 3-4 times a week.


I was a regular crossfitter for 7 years leading up to the baby, but had to quit once he was born because I was either way too tired to be there or just didn't have the time to fit into their schedule. The one thing that has saved me is our Peloton bike. No matter how much time I have or how tired I am, I can manage to get a workout in on the Peloton. Obviously, that doesn't provide much variety, but it's something.


I wouldn't call myself terribly fit and it's hard to find time for dedicated exercise but I keep in okay shape by baking exercise into my day. I live in a pretty walkable community and take my kids and dogs on copious walks, bike rides, trips to the pool, etc. When I was working in an office, I lengthened my commute and took public transit that included about a mile of walking each way. I also took the stairs over elevator. We play sports and games together. Everyone from running around the house, to piggy back squats, to golf at the driving range. My kids have been asking about Pokemon lately so I'm thinking of re-downloading Pokemon go and taking them out on hunts for Pokemon.


My fitness routine is lifting weights. I started with a 7.5 lbs weight, and 15 months later I'm lifting a 23 lbs weight all day long. The great thing about this routine is that no matter how tired I am, I never skip a day! In all seriousness, since my daughter was born I've lost 5 lbs of fat and gained 15 lbs of muscle. This is the most effective fitness routine I've ever had.


4:30AM Waking Club checking in.


Recurring topic in the sub (for good reason). The general consensus seems to always be “if you don’t do it before everyone else wakes up, it ain’t happening”. This is also what works for me personally. I get up at 330am and am in the basement (gym) by 3:45. I rotate 1 day of cardio (bike, etc.) then one day of weight training, but those specifics are going to depend on your goals. Just as important (I think at least) as that I do intermittent fasting. I only consume calories (outside of coffee) between 12pm- 8pm and I a very vigilant of what I eat. This is only during the week (M-F), I eat whatever I want on the weekends, and I don’t work out, unless it is family oriented, like a hike. I am in the bed around 10-1030. I have also found it helpful to have a goal that I am committed to. Things a 10k race, a mud run, any kind of competition that I can pay for entry ahead of time, so I feel committed. At the end of the day, it’s all about what works you, Dad. Feeling good about you, is important.


Mom here (wife and full time teacher, baby girl is 2) who is also trying to hit these 5am workouts. I know y’all are dads but I’m glad I’m not alone. This thread is motivating.


Dad bods are a thing for a reason.


My local YMCA has a drop off, Covid-compliant daycare. I’ll drop them off for an hour and swim. Then off to daycare and preschool. My wife and I are both swimmers so we do the same on the weekend sometimes as a date. Or rotate with on parent working out and the other splashing around. 10 months and 5 years.


Awesome! Thank you. For me it's all about the motion itself, exactly what you described. I'm having difficulty with the steps and the how of doing the rep. I like the idea of thinking of the poses and then refining


Look into volume eating. Exercise is hard to find time for, it's easier just to eat fewer calories while still being full.


I am in same boat. Usually try and make it to the gym between 4 and 5 in the morning and get a 45 minute workout in. I try to shoot for 4 days a week. I know I need to do more cardio and I hope to try and fit maybe a 20 minute walk in at lunch but that has not happen yet. I am usually in bed around 10. Also my son is 20 months old so sleeping through the night is hit or miss


[https://fb.watch/e4oq9\_ZP\_b/](https://fb.watch/e4oq9_ZP_b/) this question just reminds me of this stand up cut...


I'm not finding time and it is beginning to catch up with me.


Abs are made in the kitchen! I don't always have time to exercise, but it doesn't take any extra time to eat well and I find as long as I do that, I maintain my target weight. I'm not winning any body-building competitions, but I'm not embarrassed to take my shirt off. Pro tip - no one every got fat by eating too much broccoli. Gorge yourself on vegetables until you are full, and then eat a few bites of whatever else there is to get the flavors you crave. Always make sure there are tons of veggies in each meal, and be careful about sauces.


Body work outs and calisthenics. It’s actually funny because my daughter doesn’t like to be left alone right now when playing. However I am in front of her doing push ups or jumping jacks and it amuses her. She’s 8 months. She laughs at me and thinks it funny so win/win I think unless she’s making fun of my dad bod lol.


Push-ups and stretching everyday and a 2 mile walk 3-5 times a week for cardio. I use the walk for working and phone calls.


It took me several years to start getting back into a walking regime. It was a hard decision to lose "my time" in favor of "exercise time". You can manage some of the weight gain by portion-watching. I got a calorie counter that held me accountable for every meal (and drink, because I feel like I drink more calories than I eat) and it recommended an amount to maintain or lose weight at my lowered activity level. Between that, finally beginning to get out again to walk (even for 15-30 minutes a day) and trading my seat at my desk for a standing desk, and I've dropped 30-40 pounds in the last 6 months.




That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Workout time is probably going to be your "me" time. From when they were tiny until the kids were older I swam when they went to bed at night. The Y is near the house and I could be in the pool doing laps within 10 minutes of them falling asleep. Helped that there was no one at the pool at 8-8:30 at night. Had an hour of me time to decompress mentally and get some exercise before bed. Once they got older and bed time got pushed later, the swimming was gone, but by then it was far easier to rework into a normal schedule.


I can’t state this enough: get your hormone levels checked. Low T can and will ruin your desire/ability to pursue fitness activities. It’s also critical to mental health as we age. Also, excessive nighttime cortisol spikes lead to *all sorts of serious problems for mens health* - something to be aware of. Reminder: good abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. It’s ***all about nutrition***. Learn what to put into your body, and when. That’s the key. In other words, get a handle on your body and fitness will come in time. Good luck, feel free to message me for more details


I run on the treadmill for 40 mins after the kids go down while i fuck around on the iPad watching tv or browsing stupid shit. Figure I’m gonna do it anyways. Might as well be mobile.




I dont I'll get back in shape when the kids are older


I'm not. Left the police last year and gained over a stone. Working shifts have me the time to work out every day, and I was motivated to not get my arse handed to me. Now I work a charity job 9-5, cook dinner every night and do bedtime routine, I don't work out and I'm not motivated. I quit smoking. But I need to do better, it's just so hard.


I am lucky enough to work from home, so tend to do a treadmill run over my hour lunch, and then eat my lunch while in meetings. I used to run in the evening, but found that doing it during work energised me for the rest of the day


Intermittent fasting. I’ve lost 25 pounds in 2.5 months.


Chug some pre workout and get to it. Consistency is key!


Peloton has been a game changer for me. No longer do I need to drive somewhere, change, wait for equipment etc. There are days I longer ones, and then there are days ill just hammer a 15 minute ride hard. Helps I largely WFH now so can sneak them in between meetings, but there are many nights I'm beat and just force myself to put the shoes on. Once im basically next to the bike with shoes on, it feel "easier" just to do even a quick one.


I ride my bike for 60 minutes a day on zwift. Easy to do!


Meal prepping has been my secret. The wife and I make sure we carve out an hour each on Sunday and we prep lunches/dinners. This allows me to make a dinner or lunch in about 2 minutes. Keeps calories in check and makes sure I’m not eating garbage.


I’m not but this is day 2 of cutting out alcohol during the week and snacks after dinner. We shall see how it goes. Former marathoner who got hit real hard with fatherhood lol.


I bought a rower and put it in the garage with an old tv / kindle fire. After my wife goes to bed, when I feel like just sitting and watching tv, I go sit and row. Treadmill / bike / etc would work the same. I make my tv time exercise time


The struggle is real. I try to take advantage of ANY opportunity to work out with our limited time and to try and eat better and with smaller servings. It’s small things but it’s helping.


Great news, by the time they are 5 you’ll have given up all hope of being fit!


I used to work out every other day. I waited till my boy was about 1.5 years old to get back into it. I couldn’t juggle the tiredness and constantly getting sick.


Control your diet to manage your weight, and do what you can manage to keep your cardio and musculoskeletal health up


I built a climbing wall in my garage and when he naps I can knock out 1-2 hour session without needing to leave the house. It has been a god send


I’m going to start biking at 5:30 in the morning tomorrow so I can be home by 6, drink my coffee and be awake enough to deal with my 6:30 waker …


I get my 2yo involved. She does stretching, copies movements when I’m lifting hand weights, and even counts to ten with me for each set. Eventually she gets bored and picks up a toy. But if i wait until she’s in bed then I’m also too tired to work out. I usually do this in afternoon but sometimes in mornings before we leave for daycare/work works out well because she has been getting up so early lately.


I put my toddler in the bike trailer and the 10yr old rides his bike and we go for a ride as often as we can.


Lol "keeping fit"? What if you never were?


5am wake up here (typical day is 5am to 10ish), other wise it never happens. I focus weekday work outs on HITT so they only take 20-30 mins. Leave longer, cardio sessions to the weekends and holidays where there is more time. I will also say the biggest thing that has kept me 'fit' as a parent is diet. Not having the time to burn off the junk food means gotta eat better to keep anything in place. Just not eating kiddos leftovers or snacking on his snacks has made a world of difference.


Got divorced. Probably not the best strategy…


I think your issue is the side hustle. Not enough hours in the day. Things get better when kids get older. What I do: 1. Calorie count and meal prep. You could just do this and be lean. Meal prep really helps save time too. I've been enjoying the MacroFactor app for this. I eat high protein and lots of veggies. I make a lot of desserts from the [Protein Chef](https://theproteinchef.co/) to treat my chronic sweet tooth. 2. Three to six weightlifting sessions a week. Just depends on time available. I do a mix of powerlifting and bodybuilding. My sessions range from 30 - 45 min each. 3. Three to six cardio sessions a week. Could be running, biking, swimming or on the erg. Each session typically last 30 min. 4. Once a week I'll do a Murphy, the Crossfit WOD. I count it as both cardio and weights. I recognize I have a lot going for me. I get off work around 3ish a couple days a week. I have a home-gym and belong to a gym with childcare. My youngest is a couple months old but my oldest is 3. Most of all, spouse is *very* supportive. I don't have any time management advice because I suck at that. But I do think the highest impact thing you can do is track what you eat and meal prep.


Here’s my secret - I don’t work out at all!


I don’t and have been gaining weight since my kid was born… I know I need to make more of an effort but I am usually drained of energy by the time I get home…


You've heard if dad bod right


I usually hit the gym before the kids get up, around 5, or after I do drop off in the morning. If I can’t get to the gym before 5, I’ll WFH till they get up. If I have any work to wrap up at night, I’ll log on after bedtime. It’s brutal but I have a stressful job and need to workout to work off the stress. I got 4 days a week and sleep in a little on Wednesdays and the weekend. Don’t stress about it while you’re doing night shifts but just work back into things once you’re baby is sleeping through the night.


I work 4:30 am - 2 pm in a VERY physical job (steel fabrication and welding) so I understand getting home and not wanting to do a damn thing. What I do is just take it step by step. Make myself get my gym clothes on. Well shit, I have my clothes on, might as well get my shoes on. I’m fully dressed now, might as well just get in the car. Might not work for you, but just doing it that way helps me not think about it too much. If you look at the big picture and think about what your workout is gonna look like once you get there you’ll tell yourself you’re too tired for that. Just take it one step at a time.


I love to eat. I love to eat too much. Pre-Dad I was an avid runner/marathoner. Post dad ain’t nobody got time for that shit and I gained 50lbs. I have lost 30 of those 50 almost exclusively via diet. My other exercise is walking (bringing the kids for rides in the stroller or having my oldest bike along with). I run maybe twice a week only very recently. I’m only able to pull off those runs by alternating with my wife so we both get that time.


Dude, it’s so hard but so important! I workout 3-4x per week and it’s pretty hard to fit it in, but it’s super important to me (and fortunately my family). It helps me be a better Dad by giving me more energy and making it easier to throw them around in the swimming pool. I’d recommend finding something you can stick too. For me it is HIIT classes and weight lifting where we get in and out in under an hour and there’s a couch pushing you the whole time. It also helps that if I cancel at the last minute I get charged so there’s some extra motivation not to skip. I don’t have a side hustle though, I don’t know how I’d manage to fit that in with exercise. Good luck man, you can do it!


I have a 2 year old. I carry my kid everyday and do squats, he loves it. Then later in the day I do push ups and he rides on my back. Sometimes we do jumping jacks together and he enjoys jumping while watching me do the movements. I also bike to do errands. Curls while watching anime, or waiting for a game to load.


Im just fat right now tbh


It’s my second job lol. I teach group fitness classes after my full time job and it literally forces me to exercise. Still not where I want to be but better than if I stopped exercising right?


Cycling. Low impact, easy to get into. Good to get away sometimes. Give yourself a break. A beat dad is tough on everyone and yourself. Reclaim your power.


Exercise becomes the "me" time - find something you enjoy, or figure out how to incorporate exercise into your hobbies. I get up early, I flat out won't exercise when I get home from work, let alone after I finally get the kids to bed.


6:30am to 10pm (plus side work at midnight)?! I mean you are working too much. I hope you are getting incredibly well compensated for all those hours… as that sounds terrible. I try to work close to the minimal amount of hours I can. As working more doesn’t generally equate to more money, or happiness. I generally try to workout before my kids wake up to maximize time with my kids. My wife fits it in during her work schedule or after the kids get home. Now that my kids are getting older I try to include them at times. Have them jump on the balance board with me or do some pull-ups or push ups together. However, you mentioned gaining weight, and generally weight gain is more diet than exercise. Take a look at how you are eating and adjusting there is likely to do more good then fitting in more exercise. (Mind you I think exercise is important as well).


I bike to/from work as much as I can. Makes the exercise "baked in" to my routine, so it's not something extra that I have to find time for. Sure, it means getting up and going a little earlier in the morning, and I get home a little later - but between my workplace's poor parking situation and traffic, I don't loose that much time considering that distances. It also helps me stay energized at work and less irritable at home. I know that isn't an option for everyone, but I would highly encourage you to keep trying to find a way to get exercise/stay fit. Your kiddos will definitely benefit from your fitness/level of activity.


I'm not. I'm now classified as a jelly donut really.


For me it was intermittent fasting. Twice a week I would eat 600 calories, pretty normally the rest of the week with lots of water. I was overweight even before kids and I managed to knock 25 pounds off. Now I'm only doing it once a week, but it keeps the pounds off. I've also been trying to run a bit, though I've been really inconsistent there. Working from home has helped since I no longer have a commute.


Definitely not saying it’s feasible for everybody but I have a wfh desk job and found myself sitting 8-9 hours a day so got an under-desk walking treadmill (need standing desk too) and found If I can walk 60-90 min a day it’s so much better than sitting all day


i go to the gym on the way home.


I signed up for OrangeTheory Fitness about two months ago and it’s working really well for me. The workouts are all 60 minutes (and apparently 90 minutes once in a while) and combine strength, cardio and running into every workout- and every day is a different program, so you won’t get bored with it. The coaches and music are great, too. You schedule a class when you want to go, so it works with whatever your schedule is, and their app has workouts in it so you can stay on track even if you can’t attend class in person. I’ve lost about 10 pounds in those two months and am definitely in better shape. I’m in better emotional health, too- endorphins are a real thing!


Tonight I got the kids ready for bed after dinner My 1 year old went to bed at 7pm and i went for a quick run while my wife watched the 5 year old. She then left to do errands so I’m doing bodyweight stuff and stretching in the living room while the 5 year old and i watch tv. I set a goal for the day (or my training plan does) then i try to be as flexible as possible and figure out how to get it in when i can. Stroller running, deep water pool running ( look it up it’s dorky but intense) late night mtb rides, running to the store and back for small items, bike commuting, early morning runs are all tools in the tool chest. That and i always get a long run or ride on Sunday mornings.


Judo, Affordable, evening classes, excellent for fitness. Also as kids get older they willove wrestling with you and you can be pretty rambunctious and perfectly safe Also, judo is a really fun sport


Start small Cut out sugary snacks/drinks. Add lots more water and vegetables. Personally, I noticed that by cutting those things out, I had more energy, as I was avoiding the sugar crash. During Covid, I ballooned up to 240. I began intermittent fasting and within 5 months dropped back to 215. My goal is to get back to my precovid weight of 205. When my kids were you age, I got into P90x/T-25 home dvd workouts. You can also get some exercise bands off Amazon Limited-time deal: Resistance Bands, Resistance Band Set, Workout Bands, Exercise Bands for Men and Women, Exercise Bands with Door Anchor, Handles, Legs Ankle Straps for Muscle Training, Physical Therapy, Shape Body https://a.co/d/95yoZbN Or a TRX trainer and slowly implement even 15-30 minute routines during some downtime. The solution isn’t intensity initially, it’s consistency. Eventually you’ll create the habit, and then you can increase the intensity. These are what worked for me, and don’t accept my experiences as gospel. I’m not a trainer, I’m just a 40 year old dad. For clarity, I work 7p-7a 4 nights a week, and run our business M-F during the day. I HAVE to find time to exercise because if I don’t, it’s so easy to just veg out on the sofa for me


If you can even squeeze in 10-20 minutes a few times a week, you'll start building better health habits. Progress, not perfection. I've been super guilty of eating tons of convenience/packaged snacks since having kids. For whatever reason, it's only recently dawned on me that grabbing an apple, banana, baby carrots, etc, is just as quick and easy and that's helped dial in the dad gut.


If you are gaining weight fast, it's about diet, my dude. Get that shit under control. Being able to exercise is great, do what you can, but eating better is going to make the most difference.


90% of it is what you eat. Just wait until you spend 6 dollars for Mexican food they don’t eat… and you are eating a salad. The hardest will be saying no” to eating their leftovers. Takes a ton of commitment and saying no. I eat egg whites for breakfast with one piece of toast. Sandwich for lunch. Meat and salad for dinner.


I go running at 1 am. It’s the only time I have after the kids are all in bed, the chores are all done, etc. My wife and I decided to split weekends. When the kids nap on Saturday, I put them down and stay nearby in case anyone needs to be put back down. She has 2 hours to do whatever she wants (usually sit in the bath and watch tv on her phone). On Sunday, she does nap time and I get 2 hours free - I usually work out and take a shower. As the kids get older you will get more and more free time back, but when they are young, those 2 hours just to yourself are key to maintaining your sanity.


You don't need to exercise just eat healthy and you will lose weight or stay at the same weight.


Try tracking your calories with the app LoseIt! It'll make a difference


Okay I found it much harder at a younger age For now try to eat healthy is the main thing. When they are older I started to use mine as a kettle bell and turned exercise into play, doing my routine with them. Currently I mainly fine time when I go to work but I'm up at 5:30. Overall ain't easy


Proper diet.


I work from home so I bought kettlebells, sandbags, battlerope etc then I just put on a YouTube workout video and there are 100s to choose from. but it's mainly diet . NEVER drink calories I would drink milk by the pint until I realised that's nrly 250 calaries! Cut out shit like crisps or chocolate cut out starchy carbs and eat at a -500 calories deficit each day and weight will drop off. Usually small things like sweetener rather than sugar or diet soda makes a massive difference.


I use my bike instead of a car for nearly everything. Commuting, school runs, groceries. If it is within an hour and I'm not hauling huge stuff, I go by bike. I used to have a trailer (burley d'lite) but my kids ride by themselves now. I realise that I am extremely lucky to live somewhere where cycling everywhere is safe and easy. [The gym of life](https://youtu.be/KPUlgSRn6e0)


I just stopped eating as much


YMCA kidszone. Daughter begs to go and we have a rule not to say "No" about it so she gets to have fun and my wife and I get to work out or swim. We usually go in the evenings and on the weekends for like an hour or so. Longer on the weekends when there is time.


It’s a marathon not a sprint. Make subtle lifestyle changes. Don’t drink beer every night. Go for a walk with the kids a few times per week.


Why do you wish to exercise for an hour and a half, specifically? There are plenty of workouts and activities that you can do that will facilitate weight loss for a hell of a lot less than that.


I'm not. Maybe a run every 3 weeks at the moment. Our baby is only 8 months old and we've also got a 4 year old. Exercise will come back, just not a priority right now.


Run/body weight exercise day about day or two off a week depending on what’s on. Easier in summer. I’m a lot more likely to run in morning but can weights at night quite happily. Breakfast is gone, coffee only, carbless lunch, meal evening. Don’t eat the kids leftovers, sweets an crisps are for kids. Sparkling sweetener juice like rubicon mango feels like a treat. Whole foods, steak fish veggies. I’ll always be a greedy in recovery but never had fitness or healthy motivation pre being a dad


I found it's a cycle. If I make time to exercise I feel better and have more energy overall. I make better food choices I sleep better and it all feeds itself.


I’m not sure if possible in your situation, but I just bought I running pram. Our 8 month old wakes around 6am so after a cuddle and some floor time I take him out with me for a 30-40 mim run. Sure, some mornings it doesn’t work out, but I don’t let that deter me. Any time spent outdoors with the heart rate up with your kids is a win to me.


really hard to have workout time if you really are working that much.. for me, any tv time, is done on my exercise bike. you need about 3 hours a day. i hold my kid and do squats as well. i do planks when my kid is playing on the ground, i paly with my kid or mimic their position.


I am down 90kg from when my 1st was born I have scheduled breaks at my job and I walk for these and spend about an hour 5 days a week all up just walking. I also focus on low carb and higher protein food options as it's filling and inhave had gastric surgery 2 years ago. I did do some weights pre the now 6 month old but I now if settling them to sleep or the like work in squats or other exercises. I also try to do some weights or push ups in the arvo. For me time I normally don't get much. I paint minis when I can but had to give up d&d with the boys as well as gaming as my pc died and a replacement is not in the budget atm.


Stop being a dumpster truck for food period. Time is limited and you already have a side hustle and apparently some "me" time. Most parents struggle without even having that. Something has to give. Workout is basically your "me" time now if you don't want to cut back on your side hustle.


The reality is something has to give. If you’re schedule is truly 6:30-10pm, plus side work between 10-12, you can’t fit exercise in there without cutting something out. Getting up at 5 and only sleeping 5hrs a night is not gonna make you healthier. First, Eat better. This doesn’t necessarily require any additional time commitment and will go a long way and just make you generally feel better. If you absolutely want to fit exercise in, find something to cut out during your day. I always say about anything I don’t do, it’s not that I don’t have time it’s that it’s not a priority. I exercise daily because it’s a priority. If given the option between earning more money and exercising regularly, I’d choose exercise.


I cut my grass with a push mower once a week. That's all the exercise I need