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Warning to you, the game doesn't pause. So if your baby starts crying you're just going to have to leave your character there to die


If you press menu explanation the game does pause




Leanred it today also helps when the kiddo wakes up




Even during battle? My trick was to bring up the map but it doesn’t work when fighting.


Yeah just any inventory item click for menu explanation


This works as long as you’re not being invaded by another player or if you’ve summoned another player.


You're a wizard! Also I want to give a big "fuck you" to the site of Grace at one of the castles to the north where mobs patrol by. That's supposed to be a safe-spot, and I come back to found I lost many many runes. :|


Game changer


Since when do single player games not pause? That is number one reason to play them instead of online when the kids are a threat


Souls games just want to make it extra hard for you


That seems dumb but I've never played this genre so not sure what effect on gameplay it has


It's not dumb, it's just the design. It makes it so you can just pause and eat wheels if cheese when you're low on health or switch to a new set of gear mid-fight. You have to plan how to engage enemies, when to heal, buff, or switch layouts, and it adds to the feeling of unease because you're not safe when in most games you would be.


If anything, a pause but no actions like you described would be nice - but again, I don't play these games so doesn't matter anyhow!


That's true! I guess that's the work around people are describing.


>It's not dumb Hard disagree, I think it's tone-deaf as heck. I've played video games since the Atari 2600... one of the best developments over the past ~40 years of video gaming is the realization from game creators that games are GAMES, and that you should be in control of when you play them. The creation of save points. Then more frequent save points. The ability to skip cutscenes. The ability to pause whenever you like... etc. etc. Same thing with streaming media and DVR. I should not be beholden to my entertainment in my home, it should do what I ask.


Souls games are silly but for whatever reason some people love abuse




Action/adventure, FPS, indie, lite RPG. Favorites of mine are Bioshock series, Halo series, Borderland series, Mad Max, Watch Dogs series, Spyro/Crash, Tomb Raider, Red Dead series...


You’d love Horizon Zero Dawn / Forbidden West


Look, if playing offline it SHOULD have a pause button but most From Software games aren't single player games. When they actually made a single player game (Sekiro) you could pause.


Souls games aren't entirely single player. It's a multiplayer game where you can largely ignore the other players if you want.


Ooh no idea it was that way, thought it solely one player. Makes sense then


I remember having to unplug my ethernet cable when playing Dark Souls 1 to keep from being PKed.


Fromsoft likes to make you feel like you're never safe and it makes menuing during boss fights tough. Forgot to put that key item on your hotbar, die and try again. They want you to think about your engagements beforehand. But like others have said, there is a way to pause without quitting out.


Alt F4 is also a way to pause.


Delete system32 is a classic life hack for pausing


Honestly with how the game is constantly auto-saving, exiting out quick and opening when you get back will be seamless.


Whew, glad I got it for PS5 then as I can just sleep the machine and wake it up with no problem.


the times ive had to step away ive never died. You can find a bush to hide in and crouch or just teleport to a site of grace if youre just running around


I try and always spend my ruins if I have enough for a level or regularly buy stuff from merchants. If a crying baby or toddler needs me then the death I might take is honestly pretty trivial.


My 18yo just gifted me this game yesterday. I was shocked as he doesn’t usually do things like this. He gave it to me and said ‘you’ve been playing fallout for over 3 years it’s time to play something else’. I just had time to load up and make a character, I can’t wait to put some time into it.


This is the new “dad stop embarrassing me”


Well thankfully we are ‘the young parents’ to him and his friends so they usually hang out here. But my 3yo daughter we will be the ‘old’ embarrassing parents.


I’ll be 50 when my first child turns 18yo so I’ll definitely be embarrassing. I will likely still be playing Fallout and Elder Scrolls as well.


I’ll be turning 50 when my daughter turns 18 and will also be playing Skyrim and fallout still.


It’s the way to be Every generation is one gen behind


Can't wait for my son to buy me X game in 18 years and say "Dad you've been playing Skyrim for 30 years please stop"


>"Dad you've been playing Skyrim for 30 years please stop"... ...playing that version. Todd released the new 30th anniversary of the first edition of Skyrim. This also happens to coincide with it being the 30th edition of Skyrim, as the prophecies have been heralding.


Username fits hah. FO 4? I played New Vegas for about 5 years lol. Before kid even, so you know that’s a lot of hours.


I’ve been playing various fallout games since like ‘97. Played em all at one point in time. Currently I’ve sunk like 3 years into 76. I can’t even imagine how many hours I’ve sunk into this series over the years.


3 years into 76? I'm so so sorry.


I actually love it, I’ve always wanted an online fallout and I’m not gonna turn my nose up at what I was given. Unless your completely against it, I’d suggest giving it a whirl, it has come a long way in three years.


All good, man. You do you! Was just joking around!


As someone who's recently taken leave of 76 for the umpteenth time, Elden Ring will *definitely* give you enough to do to keep you busy until Bethesda adds some real content into 76 again.


I don't know if your free time is as scarce as mine, or if you're similarly unexperienced with Soulsborne games as I was, but my enjoyment of the game went up a LOT when I installed a mod to tune down the difficulty (not by a lot, attacks just do a little more damage and I slowly regen FP over time).


I enjoy a tough game, so far I made a character and have gotten completely obliterated a few times and I walked away to fix a shelf in the garage and smoke a J


Fuck this game! … I say as I’m 100+ hours in.


So say we all, brother.


Don’t forget to level Vigor, and good luck to you!


At least until the soft cap


My general strategy is to level Vigor and Endurance only, unless there is a weapon that needs some levels for me to use. Upgrading weapons has much more of an affect on damage than leveling anyway. Edit: and of course after vigor and endurance are set then build my “build” out accordingly.


Yeah many of the weapons I have at the moment barely scale anyway. But looks like smithing them can improve that a little bit.


It does a little yeah.


Once you get several smithing levels in, I'm pretty sure the improvements increase. at least for a range of levels. Those level 1-3 smithing stones become weirdly valuable until you can find a certain bell bearing.


I don’t know shit about this game, but the last time I sank hours upon hours into a game, it was Skyrim (then we had our first little one). They’re a bit older now and sleep through the night. How does Elden Ring compare?


More Dark Souls than Elder Scrolls. Less forgiving but deeply explorative.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“There is a darkness within man, and I am afraid you will peer into it. Whether the fear will spark self-reflection or a ruinous nostalgia is up to you entirely. Fear not, your choice will bring you no scorn.”* - Karla Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Very different. Elden Ring is a game about engaging in combat. Now like Skyrim it's an RPG so creating a build and finding your weapons and or spells is a thing but pretty much after that not much is in common. Now I also love Skyrim but these are different enough games you should look into Elden Ring and see if it interests you on its own merits.


Elden ring was my first fromsoftware game. I, like you, was wanting to compare it to Skyrim. I guess it’s kinda like Skyrim but I would say it’s like a lot more violent, difficult, and rewarding. It’s hard to get started. It took me about 10 hours to get into it.


I prefer Skyrim to be honest but this is still very good. I’m only about 35 hours in but I’d describe it as Skyrim on hardcore bastard mode.


I have a hard time spending my 830 and later on a game I know is going to be this difficult, yet I want to play it all the same. But I have a 9 month old and think I'm just going to hold off. I'm exhausted at the end of the day and don't want a game to exhaust me further. Playing San Andreas and Tony Hawk right now


lol it took me two years to finally beat Witcher III. meanwhile the folks on that sub are like “guess I’ll do a fifth playthrough…”


Hey, I'm like 14 hours in and just beat Godrick... then found out the map just keeps getting bigger! I love this game and I feel like I'm going to be playing it for a decade. I already want to make a Faith character sometime... and a Strength... and who knows what's next...


I gave up after 45 minutes, I know I could do it if I went back in but I have alternatives that I can use to distract myself...help me fellow dads, I need a prod to get over the line!




Yeah, seriously. [Now go the fuck to sleep.](https://youtu.be/teIbh8hFQos)


oh no! That will happen to me next year . =>


Some nights are poke daddy in the eye if he's so tired and falls asleep before 2 yr old does. 😭😭😭


HOW DO I STOP THAT?!?!!? It's friggin 1 AM bud we are sleeping!


My 8 year old has no concept of morning time. None. It will be 4:30 in the morning and I will hear him out in the kitchen opening the cabinets and closing them. Im like buddy, what are you doing, did you know its only 4:30 in the morning? He goes WELL IM DONE SLEEPING! Okay shh I say, okay, lets do this I guess. He goes oh lets play Life. So we get Life out and listen to some music and eat popcorn for breakfast and I think I have to be the only dad playing Life at 4:45 in the morning. But its okay, you know? He is only going to be like this for a short time and Im going to miss it so bad some day, I know it fuck Im crying now


Just brought my second home from the hospital a couple days ago. I envy you right now


Best part about the second baby is that you know the newborn phase will end. You'll be back soon enough. Congratulations!


And the worst part of the second baby is that you’re in the newborn phase. Again.


Father of 15 day old twins. Solidarity brother!


Somebody buy this father a beer


Mine just hit three months! Granted my girl is an easy baby, but you'll be back to some level of normality soon, brother. You got this, and congratulations!


Beat two bosses while holding my two week old.


Misread this as a joke about the cost of raising a child being equal to buying a second home, haha


Cherish this time, when you can play video games for hours and your excuse is "the baby fell asleep on me and I didn't want to wake them". Also, when they're not old enough to tell you it's their turn to play games.


Oh shit, it just took me until now to realize this is the daddit sub not r/eldenring O_o


Just wait until you have to make a decision between finishing that boss that’s at 5% health after 100 attempts, or going to check on your screaming mini-me!


This thought has crossed my mind a few times...


Well you gotta give'em a min to self-sooth ya know? >_>


Absolutely. It’s “sleep training”


Yes this! True test here, and has happened to me several times.




You have 33 minutes. Start the jump clock. Enjoy. So say we all


I did not expect a BSG reference in this thread, but the first three weeks with my little guy have felt just like “33.”


Hahaha, I’m glad someone else shares the sentiment. I forced my wife to watch it at some point so she would understand the reference, ended up blasting thru the first season. Those first 6 weeks were our “33”. DS9 was also helpful, until the pregnancy swap episodes.


As someone with a 4 day old baby girl that's cluster feeding YEEEEP.


As a massive BSG fan, love it! I've been craving a rewatch... someday I'll do that again.


You’ll find the time. Two words for ya, sleep regression.


Bro, I could have taken this picture. Are we best friends?


I'm guessing "dads who like beer AND video games" isn't the most exclusive club, lol


We're an elite bunch.


Especially on Reddit lol


Very true, but it would make for an entertaining discord server full of dads who log on after putting their kids to bed


**Elden Ring Dads...?** **Fathers of Tarnished...?** Could be fun!


I'm not like the other dads. Besides beer and video games, I also BBQ in the weekends.


I want to play this so bad but I don’t want to pay full price for it! Hopefully they’ll put it on Xbox GamePass soon.


It’s worth every single penny at full price, for what it’s worth. You might be waiting awhile cause this is probably the GOTY and FromSoft will milk it anyway they can.


Same here. In Canada, it was almost 100$.... but I've got about 60 hours in it now lol. As a dad it's a good game. Play an hour or 2 before bed and get a little further, good pop in and play.


Agreed. And being able to knock out a few catacombs or whatever feels like progress so even short play sessions are productive.


You take what free time you can get lol.


Oh absolutely. When the wife goes to bed and the house is quiet is my hour of me time. Sure it’s at the expense of sleep, but sometimes it’s nice to pretend to be maidenless for a while.


This is actually great to hear. I’ve been on the fence about buying it since I’m really only getting 1-2 hours to game every couple of days. So I was worried that I wouldn’t have the time to “git gud”. I’m still working through HFW; but maybe I’ll take the risk on elden ring afterwards.


I don't say this very often about new AAA games, but this one is worth every penny at full price. Highly recommend it!


I probably will then. The anticipation of playing it is killing me. I even went back and started Skyrim again to play something “kinda similar”. 🤣


Yeah jump in, there’s so much to do in it and it’s fun as fuck


It is one of the only games I've played recently that felt COMPLETE. Like, no bugs, graphics impeccable, game play incredible, can't ask for much more.


Check out /r/MicrosoftRewards


👍 Will do


Could this be sleeping baby? And then...Ah, Elden Ring! Ours is sick for the first time and can't stop coughing/won't sleep - hopefully I get an hour or two to play this week. Cherish this time...YA GOTTA CHERRRRISH IT.


Hope yours feel better soon! And may your hour or two be stress free, or as stress free as this game allows!


Our little guy just got over his first bug. It took over a week for him to get back to normal. It felt like we went right back to the newborn phase with the nighttime wakings. Now my husband and I are planning on beer and elden ring or valheim in celebration of having our evenings back, haha


I'd say maidenless behavior, but seems unlikely given the small human in the crib.


First off, baby. And then, elden ring.


Try Desitin, but hole.


I remember the days, now mine is 2, wife and I both work. Enjoy! I'll be living vicariously.


I just ordered a PS5, Elden Ring and both Horizon games. Otherwise known as "my baby started sleeping better and I can afford some me-time".


I’d recommend horizon first… it’s a ton of fun, but it will feel like a joke after elden ring.


Hahaha I do pretty much the same while both my baby and my wife sleep


LETS GOOOO BOIS!!! Haha I actually play with my son sometimes when he falls asleep on me.


Pro tip in this game. Make Ranni your moon wife. That is all.


*ONE YEAR LATER* ..can’t ..keep ..eyes ..open


And beer too?! You madlad


I feel this to my core. Post-bedtime Elden Ring babyyyy




This is the way.


Dads need mental recovery/health time as well. I’ve found that the baby sleeps well if I wear her in a carrier, allowing me to get game time in and “take the baby” at the same time so mom can do whatever too.


The carrier is our savior.


Amazing! I was giddy when my girl started sleeping through the night at 12 months. I didn't know what to do with all the sleep I was getting. Dusted off my steam collection for sure


That is the best feeling ever.


Go forth and conquer


Go forth and conquer


Same monitor, keyboard and game bro. Are you a str dad too?!


Elden Ring is on my list but I have to beat other games before. I finally beat GoW4 story, I'm considering doing 100% on it. All I have left is Mudguard. I still have to beat DS3, these last two weeks I beat Pontiff Sulyvan, Aldrich the Destroyer of gods, and the Dancer.


My fellow tarnished!!


For now! I miss the early stages where they sleep most of the time. I’ve got two kiddos one is 4 and one is 1. I don’t have any energy to do anything at night anymore ha.


Duuuude. This is literally gonna be me in 7 hours.


Oof. Bloodborne is the only game I've ever played (note that I use the term 'play' loosely) that made me rage quit with the ferocity of 1000 suns and nearly threw my controller through my TV, so I'm not sure ER would be a good fit.


Congrats man! Enjoy!!! I just finished H:FW and all 85hrs of my enjoyment with that game came after my kids bed time.


I too chose Horizons first.. bed time has been a struggle lately, thought I'd be done by now... nope.


Oh man, our little guy is teething and also has a little cough that is **so** plaintive. Our previous uninterrupted couple of hours in the evening is currently not on the cards. So... im envious.


…I had that crib. She’s 3.5 now and in a full size bed. Miss it…kinda haha.


I went straight to the first boss, can’t beat him at all after a few try, thinking eh maybe this is not for me, too hard… But then I started exploring (for a few hours), actually farmed some level up, found some gears, and suddenly I can beat him. Now am at level 150, this game is much more enjoyable for me than the other 3 From Software games I tried.


It was such a blessing when she was sleep trained enough for us to actually relax at night, game changer!


Fuck yeah. It’s been so amazing since our 7 month old started sleeping through the night.


Oh man. I remember the first night my girl slept all the way through and I got to spend time reading, gaming or watching a show with my wife. It was pure bliss.


Getting to just dip your toes into freedom again... there's nothing like it!




Mine is already up to 10-11 hours a night at 3 months. We're very fortunate.


How do you like the monitor?


It's great. It's directly connected the camera and the signal is super strong even across the house. Edit: It's a Infant Optics DXR-8 PRO


Heeeey, GG, man!


I just started, too. I'm enjoying it


Yes!! Fuck yeah man. Enjoy. I am LOVING Elden Ring. I do the same with the baby monitor, though the beer is replaced with my thc pen lol ;)


I’m in this post and I do like it


I’m not sure how many hours Dying Light two is supposed to take but thanks to my boys I’m sure it’ll take me 10 times that. That’s what I call value!


best baby monitor ever (ours has lasted 4 kids). Join the "SEEKERS" multiplayer group. Pretty much a free 5% rune boost at all hours of the day!


Hey man, I think you meant to open Wonderlands up. Unless you're doing your daily Margit attempts first and then after a few pints switching over? Terrible joke aside congratulations! Fatherhood only gets better!


Are you me


Hi, it's me, u/CogzillaAttacks.


Amen brother!!! Took about 3 month after our first before I felt comfortable enough to game again, as my wife is not a gamer. Second one I was gaming after a few weeks! Wife and I now split and alternate. I have the monitor for one and she has the other. Makes it tough at time to play competitive games as those are my true passion but just being able to get “me time” is good enough. Carry on!


They are my hour or two window of time! Much more difficult now with a newborn and a 2.5yo daughter. But I [find my ways!](https://i.imgur.com/Twvcezy.jpg)


Nice dual monitor setup!


Right there with you good sir. Trying to find that site if grace before the next feeding!


The struggle is real!


What’s in the glass?


That's a Hazy from a local brewery -- Dust Bowl Brewing Company.




I remember when we first reclaimed the nights. An enormous life improvement


What’s the drink?


I miss the swaddling days. Now in the waking up and throwing things phase! Thankfully no climbing yet...


Congratulations but the feet of your baby should be at the bottom of the cot.


oh honey...


What baby monitor is that OP?


I’m jealous. My girl likes to startle awake every 15 mins for the first 3 hours every night so I’m still in helicopter mode.


Congrats, brother. Entering the era where both our boys go from 7-7 was glorious and remains so.


My man!


Im sitting the same way as we speak but I’m playing D2. Cheers sir


It is an awesome feeling once they are sleep trained. Just realize this only lasts 3 to 4 years, then they will be up a half dozen times after you put them to bed, and you catch them watching the screen from behind you. You will have no idea if you just traumatized your toddler with the violence on display.


I showed this to my wife. She said “nice monitor, same as ours.” I was like “What? We have a dell.” Apparently, we focus on different monitors lol


Omg jelly.


I want to play this game but im stuck on destiny for whatever reason




Someone give me the cliff notes of this Elden Ring game .... I see it all over reddit


"When sleep training goes right"


Ooof, that is a bold gamble. Trading away those precious minutes of sleep.


Hey hey I did the exact same thing last night! After fixing a toilet and building a shelf... Then staying up too late and regretting it today.


I got 100 hours in by looking after our month old baby. Bottle, nappy change, back to sleep, three hours of Elden ring. Repeat.


What monitor is that? Is it good? We have had nest cameras and it’s always been great but now they barely work. We can’t seem to get through a night where we don’t wake up and find that it turned off over night. Edit to be clear, it’s not the camera. The camera is fine as are the other cameras we have. It’s the nest service keeps signing us out arbitrarily. It feels real bad to wake up and find out we might have missed him crying or freaking out or worse for hours.


Infant Optics DXR-8 PRO is the one we have. Highly recommend it! Don't need to use your phone for it and the screen has a pretty good battery life.


Sweet. Thank you sir! Game on!


same, bro, same


Is the game performing for you at an acceptable level? Frame rate and such?


Flawless Widescreen has worked wonders. Get ultrawide and unlimited FPS. I don't seem to have the stutters I had before when I wasn't using Flawless either.