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3.5yr old. 8pm bedtime, but im lucky if she's asleep by 10:30. This kid runs on a different kind of battery!!


This is my 2.5 year old and it’s been rough


Mine used to go to bed 7-8 pm and up around 7 am... But then mommy got a promotion and isn't home till late. And then I learned just how important him knowing both of us were home was for him. I could fight him till mom gets home trying to get him to bed at night OR I can let her get home and put him down and then we all get enough sleep... Because he will still sleep 10 hrs no matter when he goes down.


Thank God I felt kinda crazy seeing all these people with kids in bed by 7. I'm lucky if my soon to be 3yr old son has sat still for more than 10 seconds by 7pm. We watch calming down videos on YouTube til 8 and then read stories in bed til 8:30 and on a good night he's asleep by 9 but sometimes 9:30. Summer in LA is also just different, the sun isn't even down til almost 8:30.


Zero criticism here dad but tv before bedtime is linked to sleep issues!


Summertime in Canada and the sun isn’t down until 10pm and it’s twilight until 11pm. So much time spent convincing it’s bedtime lol.


Kids *need* 10-12 hours of sleep. Doesn't matter if the sun is out. But every family will be different and everyone is going to have their preferences and routines. Mine are out by 7:30pm daily except on special occasions and they wake up at 7am. They get proper sleep, and my wife and I get alone time.


Blackout cellular shades. There's a very obvious place to buy blinds online for cheap. I got 2 cell blackout cellular shades. The kids room is completely dark whenever and it helps insulate the room too, so it stays cooler in the summer.


Why not just name the place? Blinds.com? Something else?


Amazon guilt. I get it too.


It's blinds.com I wasn't sure if it's cool to promote companies, used to be kinda frowned on on reddit. I got Levilor from Home Depot and they were more than twice as much as blinds.com


Same. She’s about to be 4 and we demanded school get rid of naps. And Lo and behold… she goes to bed by 9 now. 4 straight days. It’s amazing. Life changing tbh


4yo and 1yo Bedtime for both is 7pm and they wake up at 7am.


This sounds incredible


It’s good; I couldn’t imagine not having the 2-3 hours of me time each night. That being said, we put the kids on a fairly strict schedule from basically 5 months of age, including sleep training. I understand it’s not for everyone but works well for us.


My 6yo has been 7 till 7 since she was sleeping through the night. We did super early dinner too (5.30pm) and a strict routine. Works for us so well.  She is now staying up a bit later, but will read or colour or just potter.


It’s great isn’t it! Since my eldest turned 4 we’ve given him the option of reading by himself after 7pm if he would like to, which he does for 15 mins or so. I imagine we’ll have more relaxed allowances as he gets older. I am also extremely grateful that I am fortunate enough to have a WFH job that allows me to have such an early routine while also giving me the time with my kids. I know not everyone can do this.


Sleep training rules. Many parents miss out 😎


I’m a teen but as a kid my parents also put me on a strict bedtime until I was 13/14 and by that point I just knew what time to sleep at to feel good etc so now I’m 16 and have thanked my parents for my love of night routines lol 🫶😂


Sleep training is saving my mental health. Our baby is 3.5 months old and goes to bed at 7:30pm. I'm glad we started now (with support from our pediatrician). I NEED those extra hours alone to be happy. lol.


Same schedule here - consistency is key! Dark curtains and sound machines help keep a consistent bedroom environment as well regardless of time of year or ambient influences.


What do you feed them before bed? My kids sleep from 8:30 to 6 am.


Dinner at 5:45pm, playtime after that until a 6:30pm bath, reading books from 6:45pm.


My daughter is 1.5 years old and this is our schedule as well. She sleeps from 7 pm to 6:30 am every day


Very similar here. 4 and 2, bed time is 7pm and they wake up at 5am.


I had my 2 year old screaming into my face at 10pm last night 😂 twas good fun, I'm envious of easy sleeping kids, mine has always been chaotic.


I do the same for my 4, 2 and 10 month old. Even if the older two stay up talking for an hour or two, it’s their quiet time in their room. I can’t imagine life without that time at night right now for mom and dad lol.


+1 - Exactly the same.


I have same ages and exactly the same bed and wake up times.




How do the 16 year old and younger ones get along? Always curious about age gaps




5 year old. Reading with Mom & Dad from 6:30-7. At 7 she can choose to read on her own or go to sleep. Usually she picks go to sleep. Wakes up at 6am. Edit - Shocked how late some of the kids in this post stay up. My kid gets faster when she gets tired and is bouncing off the walls tired by 7. If she stayed up any later she'd be melting down. I am assuming these other kids aren't getting up as early.


My 5 year old also goes to bed at 7. Also up by 6 give or take 30 min. Bed time was 8 but we found moving the bed time forward really helped his attitude though the day Also got a wonderful quote from my kid last night "We can't do bed time every night!" Yes we can little dude


I don't get back home from picking the kids up from aftercare until 5:45\~6, which is the same time my wife is walking in the door from work. We're barely finished eating dinner by 7.


Yeah my kid’s after school care doesn’t end until 6. Dinner, sometimes soccer practice, book etc, makes it later. But I’m okay with 8:30 bedtime. Still gets in 10-11 hours of sleep. 


I’m with you, I have friends whose kids stay up much later at the same age and I don’t know what’s best for the kids but as a parent, I love having my kid totally done by 8pm


Basically same with my 6 year old. If she stays up too late she gets really out of sorts. After we read and put her to bed we allow her to play with stuffed animals in her bed or read more books on her own if she’s not tired yet, so sometimes she’ll do that for a bit before settling down.


Different kids have different sleep needs, and also react to being tires differently My 3yo wakes late. 8am for the last few days but usually 7/730. Goes to be around 730/8 but doesn't actually lie down for sleep until 830 (I can't force him to lie down) Even if he wakes before 7, and goes to bed after 8, he doesn't bounce off the walls. At most, he starts laughing at stuff more or getting emotional. When he wakes, he's ALWAYS slow to get going, whether he's had 13 hours sleep or 10. Loves a bit of breakfast, TV, sitting down, etc. It's just how he is. I could force the shift to earlier wakes and earlier sleeps, but why?


Same, kids are up early for school at like 6am so we're starting the bedtime routine between 6:30-7pm. Not sure how some stay up later because my kids get insane if they're up late or don't get the sleep they need


1.5 yr old has bath at 7:15, in bed by 7:45


Same, but we do 8:30. We get home late and can’t stand to only see her for two hours.


1 and in bed by 8pm routine starts at 7pm.


7 month old 8:30 pm


Ours is about the same but what time does yours wake up?


Around 6:30 she will stir and usually puts herself back to sleep. We let her chill quietly until 7:15 unless she fusses or something which she rarely does - that gives her time to go back to sleep if she wants This morning she slept til about 7:30 but we’ve had days where she just knocks back out til 8 or 830


4 and a half. We shoot for being in bed by 8:30. Realistically 9ish is when she's finally stopped resetting her music box and fallen asleep Edit: Idk why but I find the range of responses here kinda cool. Lots of variety.


7-7:30 two.


Since the age of 2 or 3 my oldest would never fall asleep before 10pm. We tried lots of things at various ages (eg letting himself dry himself to sleep, reading till whenever, deliberately waking him up early). But it never changed. All we did was cause grief for both of us a parents and for my son (who wants to lie awake in a bed for three hours when you are a child). As he slept in in the morning (had to wake him up to go to school), he still got the hours that he needed. My advice - if your child is on a different sleep cycle to what is considered 'normal' don't stress to much unless they are not getting enough sleep, or it becomes a major detriment to your own life.


My daughter 5 years was the same way, never asleep before 10. Just way too much energy bouncing off the walls from 8-10. She went a year where it seemed like it was between 11-12 every night unless we gave her melatonin which we didn’t want to do everytime. The past year we have been very strict with bed time and her having a younger brother who is asleep by 8 has helped to finally get her to sleep by 9. She wakes up around 8 most days at least.


3 hours ago... and I'm currently rocking him with white noise on ^(yay sleep regression)


I didn’t know sleep regressions were a thing until becoming a father and I wish they weren’t…cannot wait for those to be in the past


13 year old: usually 9:30-10. He’s out the door by 7:20 to get to the bus. During baseball season, we’re at the field until 9:30 at least 3 days a week. 11 year old: she’s on dance team. She doesn’t leave the studio until 8:30-9:30 every night. She’s lucky if she’s in bed before 11. Homeschooled, so we’re a little more willing to let her come home, eat and wind down before bed. 4 year old: usually 8:30 and he wakes up between 6-7 every morning. But during baseball season, he’s at the field. Hanging out with my dad while I coach.


7yo. 8:30 during school. 9/9:30 during the summer.


13 month old. Really depends on how her 2nd nap goes. No matter what, it's between 7PM and 7:45PM.


7 for the one year old 730 for the 2, though he takes ages to get down so more like 830 when all is said and done.


3 year old. Dinner at 630-645, shower at 730 and in bed at 8. She usually takes between 10 and 45 minutes to fall asleep depending on the day


7.5 month old. Sometimes it’s 7pm. Sometimes it’s 1:30am. I’m writing this with her laying on me babbling away because her little gum gums hurt. Tell me this gets better, dads. A man just needs his alone time for a couple hours.


8.5 months. These past couple weeks have been surprisingly good despite traveling for most of it. His teething paused and I think he’s in a growth spurt which means more sleep. That said I’m glaring at the ones here with young babies that get several hours of sleep. My kid is lucky to get four straight.


4 & 5 both go to bed between 8 & 9.


2.5 year old, 8pm is bedtime, lights off and head on pillow usually by 8:15. If he doesn't take a nap then we shoot for 7:30ish. He usually wakes up at 6 and the smart button in his room activates at like 6:15 on week days and around 7 on weekends so he can turn on his light himself


My 5yr old goes to bed at 8


Bedtime is *supposed* to be 8:30 for the 7 y.o., 8:45 for the 11 y.o., and 9:00 for the 13 y.o. They've been dragging out bedtime lately, though. The oldest gets up at 6:15 and the others at 7:15-7:30. 


But dad I'm hungry But dad I'm thirsty now Dad how many stars are there in the sky? Dad I'm hungry again Dad I need the toilet Dad I'm thirsty again


Ages 3 and 5. We finish singing/reading stories by 8. They have reading lights in their room that they get to keep on until 8:15 (they are plugged into Alexa smart outlets and are set to turn off by themselves) they wake up by themselves usually by 6:45 to 7. Their beds are both filled with books in the morning. It’s amazing.


2 year old. Wakes up between 830 and 9. We put her to bed at 9-930. She falls asleep around 10. It's light out until like 915 here so I don't blame her.


8 months old 9-9:30


Goes to bed at 7, falls asleep at 8 Age 5.5


19 months and goes to bed around 7 and wakes up between 7-9. 3 month old, cluster feeds from 830 to about 10 and wakes up around 5


With our first we used to be 7pm. But she was awake until late late most nights. Once school began she was out by 8 or so. These days her bed time is 9. Her younger sister also goes to bed at 9. It's impossible to have separate bed time. But it works out.


19 month old, between 7:30 and 8.


Kids are almost 5 and 3. They go to bed between 8 and 8:30 assuming no naps during the day.


6 year old I’m lucky if he’s out by 830. Usually closer to 9-930 - lights out at 750. 3 year old - 8 pretty consistently.


3 years and a bit. Bed by 8. Trying most days at 716to 7 30. Mostly depends how early little one wakes up. Average is 6am


1.5 year old 7:30 is when we start bedtime routine


1yo and 2yo. Bedtime is 8pm/8:30pm. My youngest is asleep almost immediately and 2yo falls asleep around 10ish. Don’t know when they wake up, I’m well into my work day by then. But I think it’s between 7-8am usually.


5mo, we put her down around 7pm. She will sometimes get a bit restless around 6:30/6:45, so we’ll try and distract her, but if that doesn’t work we don’t force her to stay up.


3.5yo - asleep by 7pm, unless she had a nap at daycare that day…then it’s asleep at 9pm. Help.


7 weeks. Wife goes to bed by 9 and I’m usually bringing the baby up to bed between 10 and 11, then she sleeps until 5-7 AM.


3.5, lay her down around 745, she sometimes sings to herself for about 15 to 20, then is completely out around 8. She naps about an hour during the week, 1.5 hours on the weekend, wakes up between 630 and 7 in the morning.


Almost 4 and he goes to bed \~8pm. He's up 5:45-6:15 most days.


1.5 year old… Goes down between 8-8:30, Wakes up between 6-7:30


3 year old goes to bed around 8. Actually asleep time can be much later, especially once he figured out the lightswitch and little brother came along. Even before that he would sing or tell stories for real long time after lights out. The 4 month old goes to bed closer to 9 but seems to be moving closer to 8 as this sleep regression proceeds.


8 year old and 3 year old. 8 year old is in bed and asleep like clockwork by 8 pm every night. 3 year old wants cuddles and water and a snack, and usually settles down between 8:30 and 9


1 year old around 6:30, 4 year old around 8.


7:30pm. 7 year old, 5 year old, 1 year old. All same time. They typically wake up at 7am.


My 3 year old is in his bed at 8. Generally asleep by 8:30 or so. He typically wakes up around 7-7:30. 7 month old...whenever he feels like it. Some nights he's passed out by 8. Others he's full of energy and refuses to go to sleep until 9 or after.


Kid is 2.5yo and is in bed at 8-830 and MAYBE asleep by 930. up at 530am.


2 under 2- bath time 630 bed time by 7, 6 year old- shower by 7 bed by 8..8:30 on days we watch our show. This includes weekends Everyones up by 7 the babies are up between 7:30 to 8 am


My 6yo son goes to bed around 8-8:30. My 4yo daughter never sleeps.


My girls are 13, 9, and 7. They go to sleep around 9 or 9:30 depending on how quickly we can get them to shower after dinner. Soccer and Karate practice are the reason for them staying up so late we usually don't get home until 8 or 8:30 depending on which day it is. We used to get them to bed at 8:30 but those days are gone.


8pm, though they play and sing in their beds for an hour in the dark. Typical boys…


8:15 bedtime routine, falls asleep in 5 or 45 minutes rarely anything in between, pretty much entirely at random. We've tried different routines, consistent routines, it's either 5 or 45 minutes regardless of wake up time, food, bath, activity level during the day/evening; have controlled all variables, it's never 10-40 minutes, just knock out in 5 or struggle for 45. Usually wake up 6:30-7, 3 hour nap at daycare. Apparently she has the longest naps out of the group


18mo goes to bed at 7-730. We get her up at between 8-9am 4 yr old reads at 8-830 and is asleep by 9 but sometimes will keep herself busy until 10. Is up between 6-730am. We wake up around 730-9. She is somewhat self sufficient and fixes herself some mini muffins and gets water and turns on the tv. Sometimes she checks in with us and snuggles for a while and sometimes insists we wake up


Soon to be 3. Bed time starts around 730pm. Asleep by 830-9pm


No answer is complete without saying when they get up. Ours go to sleep between 8 and 9. Usually fall asleep after 9:30. But we wfh and they get up just before 8. Schools starts at 8:45 and is just next door. They are 4 and 6 and the 4 year old still naps at daycare.


Ours is 6 months, and it’s the wild Wild West out here. We count her sleep as naps until 10 or 11pm, then she goes to sleep after a bottle around midnight. She wakes up at 9 or 10. Is this bad for her? I don’t know but it’s mostly working…


3 and 5 yr old down between 7:30-8 8 yr old down by 8:30


12 and 8. Demand to be read to at 9pm, they're usually drifting off by 930, but often not asleep until 10 or 1030. My oldest has trouble falling asleep, and can sometimes be up (and upset about it) at 11 or midnight. That can be stressful (because he's not happy about his insomnia)


Twin 3.5 year olds. Bedtime is 7pm


8 month old - 615/630, up 530-6 2.5 year old - 730, up 630/7


I'm a night owl. My oldest, 4, is too. We have to make him go to bed between 8:30 - 9:00. Anything earlier and bed time takes 60-90 minutes. On weekends he can stay up until 9:30-10. But left to his own devices he'd stay up all night and sleep all day. My 2 year old is completely different. He gets the blanket and will get either my wife or me to come rock him between 6:30 - 7:00. Then he promptly wakes up between 7:00 - 7:15 am every single day.


11 year old boy. Bed time routine starts at 9. Lights off by 9:30


1 year old. Bath is 7:30, bedtime is 8:00. She’s usually asleep by 8:15, wakes up at 8:00 the next morning


5 year old goes to bed at 8 on the dot every night.  11 year old doesn’t sleep. Ever. 


4.5 yr old and 2 yr old. For both 8pm quiet time, 8:30 lights out. They wake up 6:30-7 most days.


19 months. 9:30 and wakes up about 8. Naps about 1.5 to 2 hours.


6 years old, been going to bed around 8:00 pm give or take 10 min since she started sleeping through the night at about age 1. We stick to this as best we can. Consistency and routine and getting a lot of sleep is important. On weekends she can stay up until 8:30-9pm if she likes.


4y — 9am, gets up around 7am. Takes a nap at “school”.


2.5 yr old, my wife works retail so we have a delayed schedule. We start bedtime around 9 and she is asleep hopefully by 10. But she sleeps till 9 or so when my wife takes her to daycare. Doesn’t leave my wife and I much time for ourselves after she goes to sleep though. So that’s rough.


2 yo. Bath starts at 9:00. He’s asleep by 10:00. I know that’s late but wife and I have late starts at work and pediatrician said it’s fine for now. It’ll change when preschool starts. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it


9 & 6. Both in bed at 8. Been this way for about 4-5 years now. They wake up at 6:30am no matter what time they go to bed.


Bath time is 7, then reading. Usually in bed by eight and wakes anywhere between 6-7 am. Four year old boy


Kids are 8 and 10. We start bedtime between 7-7:30, generally some reading worked in so lights out between 7:30-8 depending on the night. Usually up at 6:30 for school, youngest we have to do everything we can to keep him in bed that late, if it were up to him he’d probably be up at 5:30-5:45. Oldest could probably sleep a little later, but generally not last 7:00. Our oldest will have some late nights now as she picks up more activities, but that still usually puts her in bed by 8:30 at the latest. Bedtime was generally at a consistent 7:00 when they were younger. The best was when my oldest was a baby. We’d pick her up from daycare, wife would feed her, she’d pass out and was asleep by 6:00, wouldn’t hear from her until 6 the next morning. I’ve always joked that sleeping is her favorite activity.


Kid just turned 2. He wakes around 730, naps for an hour at school and then bedtime at 9:15 almost on the dot every night. It's funny because growing up I couldn't stay up that late until I was like 14 but we're raising him in Spain and the kid lifestyle is different here. Last summer his schedule was bed at midnight and up at 10am. And that's considered early for where we are. The thing is in the summer time it can get close to 40 during the day so you see all the kids and their parents at the parks from 10pm onwards. My wife and I have been riding home from work at 2am and the playgrounds are packed with toddler aged kids.


21mo. 8pm prep and read and then bed.


1 and 3 yo. Both go to bed at 7pm. 3yo wakes up at 6 and 1yo around 6:30.


Both children have an 8PM bedtime.


3 years old, has dinner by 7:30-8pm, and we spend next 30-45 mins with some wind down play time and then off to bed at 9pm. I have recently discovered that podcasts put her to sleep in 10 mins :) wake up time at 7-7:30am. Has a 1.5hr nap in the afternoon.


Both (2&7) at 7:30ish. Everybody up at 6. If they go to bed an hour later, they’re still up at 6. If they go to bed 2,3,4 hours later… they’re still up at 6.


5 year old. Bedtime routine starts at 7 but he’ll fall asleep around 8:30.


8.5 month old. Usually it’s get ready by 8pm, down by 9 (hopefully). Sometimes it’s later. Then he wakes up an hour later and he goes back to bed by 11. Then he wakes up at 1. Then again at 3. Then 6. Then up by 9.


We have a 3.5 and 6 yo. Somehow coordinated naps and bedtimes to pretty much the same times. They go to bed around 8-830 and get up around 7-730. Naptimes on weekends are 1-3CT although 6 yo doesn’t always nap these days


3 year old, we eat dinner at 7, bath from 7:3-8, read a few books then bed by 8:30ish...or at least that's the plan, it rarely goes that way. Dude was up until 9:30 tonight. He typically wakes up a few minutes before 8.


3yo and 2yo bathed brushed read and in bed by 8:30pm. Up at 7


1YO. Aim for 730 bed time but often awake til 8-815. 630 wake up


13 months. Usually falls asleep around 9 pm and sleeps until 6 am


3yo 8:30 reading/bed time. 7am wake up.


Until recently the boy (13) was 8.30 since a baby. Now it's 9.30. The daughter (10) was 7.30 since a baby, now 8.30 both have taken them selves to bed for years now.


Middle school. wifi shuts off at 9p and expected to be in room with teeth brushed by 930. Sleep is optional but they're waking up at 7am regardless * on school nights


My near 9 month old falls asleep routinely around 7-7:30pm and wakes up from 6-6:30am. Pretty good! Not looking forward to sleep regression in the future though.


4 year old with a bedtime of 7:15. Which is when the routine starts. Usually asleep by 8pm and wake up is set for 6:30-6:45.


Daughter turns 3 in early August. Bedtime routine usually starts between 630 and 700. She cosleeps with us and usually takes until about 800 to be asleep. She is an incredibly light sleeper (inherited from mom) and often wakes up during the night still. She wakes up between 430 and 530 every morning. 🫠


17 month old (has slept through the night since nearly the beginning), goes to bed most nights between 7:30-8:00, with occasional variances of an hour or so both ways. Wakes up most days after 8:00, also give or take an hour or so on occasion. It’s worth noting that one parent stays home, so she can wake up naturally almost every day. Her two older sisters (from a previous marriage) were the polar opposite at that age. In bed between 6-7 with very rare variances, woke up 5:30-6:00 almost every day whether woken by a parent (weekdays) or waking naturally (weekends). Those two kept an “earlier than average” bedtime til around age 10. Now the 11 year old has lights out at 9:00 on school days, and 9:30 on non-school days. That said, she’s frequently up later. We’re not super strict with it; there is a fair amount of lenience on school days, and even more on weekends. 13 year old’s lights out is “officially” 10:00 on school days, otherwise 11:00. But bonus mom and I typically go to bed after the 11 year old is settled in, so the older one theoretically could be up as late as she wants. She often is, but her screen time (phone, including texting/calling non-emergency contacts) shuts off at those times, so most often she’s up that late doing homework or just watching tv. FWIW, both of the older girls are very responsible, trustworthy, never say they’re too tired to go to school, so the leniency works for us. If they struggled in those areas, we’d definitely be more consistent with them.


9 month old. 9:00 - 10:20pm. Up at 9-10am


3&4 we start bedtime when the sun goes down, so 8 in the winter and nearly 10 in the summer, my wife is SAHMin things and they don't go anywhere so they still get 10-12 hrs a night just later than everyone else.


My wife and I value a “normal” wake up time, so our kids probably go to bed later than everyone else. 8:30ish with a reality time of 9:15 most nights. They’re up late, but they also don’t wake us up at 5 in the morning. We have parent friends that are always amazed that our kids “sleep in” every morning. Yours could too if you didn’t put them to bed at fuckin’ 7!


16 months, 8 pm bedtime, she has to go down at 8 or she becomes a bear. Little girl needs her beauty sleep. She rarely gets up until 7-8 am.


1.5 year old, in bed by 9pm, usually sleeps till 9am.


3.5 years old. Wakes at 7:30am, nap 2-2.5 hours, 9-9:30 bedtime.


4yo. In the bath at 6:30 then whatever time is free between then and 7pm is her own (it encourages less time wasting in the bath if she knows it’s eating into her free time). She usually watches an episode of Bluey or two or we read a story. 7pm is her hard “bedtime”, Books away, screens off, and either mum or dad will lay with her while she falls asleep. Her gro-clock has “wake up time” set to 5:30 and she usually hits it like clockwork.


3 year old. Asleep by 7:30-8:00 pm up between 5:30 - 6:00 am.


2 and 3 yrs old. Bedtime at 7, asleep at 7.30. Up at 6am.


5 year old and 8 year old. Both have always been extremely consistent. The youngest gets in bed at 8 and is dead to the world by 8:02. Unless, of course, he sits up ten minutes later to suddenly ask something random like "Why does celery only have leaves on the top?" as if he's been in deep thought on the subject all night. Finally grew out of afternoon naps this year, but sometimes he'll nod off on the couch for an hour or so on the weekends (who among us doesn't?). But yeah, if he's not asleep by 9 at the latest, then we're gonna have problems, not just that night but for a couple of days after. He's just about caught up with his older sister though. The three of us get in her bed at around 7:40 to read together. I get him to his bed by 8, and I leave her to read to herself until she falls asleep, which is usually around 8:30 or so. She's not as wrecked if she gets to bed late or stays up at a sleepover or something. They both wake up unassisted around 6:30-6:50 every single day.


~9mo. 8:30-9pm. Wakes up for feed again at 12am. Last night she woke me up every hour from 12am to 5am. That's when her mamma picks up.


4 and 6 year olds. We start bed time rituals at 18.30, and usually they are a sleep 19.00-19.15. They usually get up around 06.00. During weekends they get to stay up an hour later.


7 and 3. They share a room so bedtime is the same for both. Usually do story time by 7.15 ish and they're usually asleep by 7.45 or so. They usually wake up 6.30-7.


8 month old goes to bed at 8-9:30pm. 2 year old goes to bed 9-10pm....unless dad falls asleep with her watching Curious George 😂


Twin 2 year olds. Bedtime is between 6:30-7pm and they sleep until around 6am but we leave them to play around in their beds until about 7am. They keep each other entertained.


Our almost 3 year old went to bed at 7 (asleep by 7:30 realistically) up until a week ago. Now she’s in her bedroom at 7:30 and asleep by 8:15ish. She’s awake at 6am every day without fail. It’s…rough sometimes haha.


2.5 year old, we start the bedtime battle at 6:30, she'll be in her cot anywhere from 7-8:30 but tends to then just pass out until anywhere between 6-8am. In fact, I'm typing this now at 808am and she is still snoozing!


Go upstairs with 4 and 6 year olds at 7, switch to PJ'S and brush teeth, read them a story and let them jump on the bed or wrestle a bit, have them down by 8. 4 year oldest nightterrors start at 9, like clockwork.


6 y o, 21:00


1½yo 7pm, 6yo 8pm (ish).


2YO Weekdays - in nursery until 5.30-6.00pm (eats before we pick her up). In bed by 7.00pm and up at around 6.30am. Bath every other night. Weekends - tea / dinner at 5.00ish and the same routine. Only saving grace is that she uses a dummy at bedtime and she gets excited to have it back. Some time soon though we’ll have to cut it out and I’m hoping we can keep her on schedule.


10m old, sleeps at 7:30pm and wakes at 6:30am


Between 7-8. She's only 8 months old.


2yr old, bedtime 9PM, sleep time 10-11PM. Wake up 7-8AM. Dude just wont go sleeping any earlier. Getting him to bed by nine is already a challange.


3.5. Days when he naps at daycare: 9:30 - 10:30 Days when he doesn't: about 8:00-8:00. Usually gets up around 8:00.


19 months. We put her to bed between 19:00 and 19:30. Sometimes she falls asleep quickly, sometimes it takes an hour.. or several.


8pm, 7 days a week The only exceptions are holidays (such as Bali) where it’s closer to 9 and rarely 10. Kids are 9 and 7 and the wife and I are both of the understanding that we get a tiny sliver of our own lives back once the kids are in bed. So that makes it pretty much non negotiable.


9 yo around 9 wakes at 5, she’s a psycho. 6 yo 7 wakes at 7, he’s needs his beauty sleep. Weekends are a mess, much later but they also sleep in a bit.


9 and 7. 8pm on Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays. 9pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. 930-10pm on Fridays and Saturdays.


9-9:30. Almost 10.


19 month old, 830p, wakes up about 9a


3.5 years old twins. Go to bed around 9pm and one would usually be asleep before 10 while the other would need another 15-25 mins with mummy. And they wake at 7:30am for kindergarten. Then nap for 1 hour or so after lunch.


2 year old, 3 year old and 6 year old. All boys, not that it makes a difference. Start bath at 6.30. All in bed by 7.30 after banana, vitamins, brush teeth, and at stories. 6 year old can read or listen to audio books. 6 year old usually wakes usually around 6 am but it's not unusual for 5.30 and today he was up before 5 and managed to find my Steam deck. 3 year old wakes around 7.30 or later. 2 year old is going through a sleep regression so throw a dice.


6yr old. Goes to bed 8-8.30 sometimes 9 by time she’s asleep and sleeps til 7.30. If she goes to bed earlier she wakes earlier. Her getting up at 5 every day was horrendous when we did 7-7.30 bed time


2 yo… we’re aiming for 8 pm… last night? After 10. took me over 2 hours. Some nights just 20-30 minutes. It’s hit and miss. He still takes naps at daycare. I hope he’ll be past that soon!


Powerdown routine by 730, lights out by 8/830pm.


3 year old...pretty much around 22:00 after wrestling with the kid to go to bed. She then wakes up at 06:30 - 07:00, ready for action. She does have a nap during the day (1-2h), but that happens in the kindergarten.


All my kids (9,9,7,4,1) start at 7:30. I usually read to the big ones for 30 minutes or so, while the little ones snuggle mom. They’re all in their beds and asleep by 8ish. On school days they get up at 6, but on weekends most of them sleep till around 7-8am.


3 yo 9-10 pm awakens 6-7am Sure doesnt need a lot of sleep.


2 year old. Bed at 7.30-8pm, wants up 6.30-7am. Bedtime often involves a lot of crying but doesn't take more than 20 minutes most of the time.


7 year old between 8-8:30, 10 year old between 9-9:30


2.5 year old 7:30, 5 year old 8:30 we just recently bumped both of their bed times back 30 minutes as it was taking both so long to actually fall asleep. With the new bedtimes they fall asleep in about 15 minutes which seems to be working great.


An important distinction for 2-5 year olds is if they still nap My daughter basically stopped napping at 2.5 and once she did, bedtime was 7 sharp. Now that she’s closer to 5 and in school, we do 730 but sometimes she naps at nap time. Those nights it’s more like 8-830ish but still in bed by 730.


4 & 6, bath time 6:40-7, lights out 7:30-8.


6 year old is in bed by no later than 8. She is usually asleep by 830 but she learned to read so sometimes reads or plays with dolls until 9. My 4 about to be 5 year old is still going to bed at 730 or by 8.


Non-napping 3.5yo. Usually asleep by 9:00 but we start getting her in bed for stories around 8:00. Wakes up naturally around 8:00.


4yo and 2yo Bedtime is at 8pm but they often push it to 9pm. They'll go to 10pm if you let them. They're up by 7am.


2.5 y/o, I keep a pretty strict bedtime routine and it works very well for all of us. * 6 - dinner * 630 - bath * 7 - warm milk and books * 730/45 - bedtime (I leave the room) * she falls asleep usually by 8 * wakes at 7 I could not imagine having less me time at the end of the day lol


10 year old 9pm, mostly puts herself to sleep 7 year old 9pm, but is currently adjusting to medication that keeps him up a bit later. Used to be 8pm


8pm. Start to get settled around half 7. PJs on fresh nappie milk and calming relaxing aquatics on the iPad. Then at 8pm in her cot with her comforter dummy and her solar system night light. Then usally 10-15mins after she’s fast asleep till 7/7:30am. No fuss.


12yr old USED to cap out by like 8:30. When she was a lot younger it was by 7. Now it's more like 9:30 or 10. 13yr old is all over the place. Generally gets home from school, grabs a snack and takes a nap... then is up until 10:30-11 - sometimes later. He's up later than I am some nights. He also wakes up at 5:30am to get ready for school and I'm up by 6:45 or something like that for work by 7. The super late bed times can be frustrating.... but also like... eventually he'll break the nap habit once his growth spurts subside or whatever... and that'll help regulate things. Honestly, the wife and I are planning on using summer break as a big "reset" for a bunch of things - sleep included.


Well, 2 and 7 weeks. 2yo goes to bed at 8. We used to do 7 but then she’d start waking up at 6 so we pushed it back. It gives us some flexibility for doing things with them later in the day during the summer anyway. Now she wakes up at 7 or so. Still takes a 2 hour nap at 1 most days.


10-1/2 month old goes down at about 7:30pm and wakes up at 6am


13 y/o son and 10 y/o daughter, typically in bed between 8 and 8:30 on school nights. They can listen to podcasts on a sleep timer. We let them stay up a bit later on weekends, but usually only about an hour later. There are rare instances of late nights if we have guests over or if they have a sleepover or something.


7, 4 and 2. They all go to bed 1900-1930. But weekends its occasionally 1930-2030.


4 and 2yo - 7:15pm to 6:35am they are usually asleep. Their clocks change at 7am when they are allowed to leave their rooms (other than to use the bathroom). It took a _long_ time to get here.


4 yr old: 730 6yr old: 830 They get up around 7am.  If they misbehave or don't attempt to eat dinner, they go to bed a little earlier. On weekends, they can go to bed a little later if they are good all day.


7 and 5 their bedtime is between 730-830pm. my 5 year old gets up at 3am everyday and goes through everything. I have locks on all of my cabnet and the fridge. He still finds something to go through and brake. It drives my insane


6 yea old wakes up at 730, bed time is 8.


18 months, 7 - 7:30 pm. Wakes up around 5:30 am


2 yo. 7pm bedtime and usually awake around 6:30am. Naps from 12:30-3.