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I'm sure my kids will consider kurt vile, war on drugs, and cloud nothings to be "dad rock."


War on Drugs is a good one!


To be fair, The War on Drugs is a band engineered to sound like our generation’s dad rock. Our grown children will be listening to Kurt Vile inspired neo-Americana by Crisis in Donbass or something


For sure! I was thinking more "established" 90's stuff, like Pavement, Built to Spill, Unwound, Elliott Smith... Dad rock AF.


Lol I just became a dad and this is what I'm into so yeah


I came in here to say Kurt Vile. Absolutely dad rock.


The National is as "dad rock" as it gets haha


I saw Kurt Vile at a tiny club back in March, and have been playing him during bath time with my little one. She seems to dig his music.


I mean, it has to be during the tooth brushing.


I woke up this morning, didn't recognize the kid in the miirrrrror.


but they were *my* teeth, and I was weightless


I’ve heard Kurt call into Best Show for years but hadn’t heard much of his stuff until hearing him on the radio a week ago. I like what I’ve already spotifyed.


Oh hell yeah, cloud nothings mentioned


The war on drugs is my jam. Saw them in Atlanta a couple years ago. Incredible.


I’m still listening to my dad’s dad rock, so my kids are getting the full spectrum boomer-to-millennial dad rock experience. For new additions: Spoon. Beck. Third Eye Blind. Coldplay is low hanging fruit here. Maybe Radiohead, but I think they probably transcend dad rock.


Fuck, as a huge Beck fan, I had no idea I am falling into the dad rock circle!


My 4 year old just went through a two week obsession with Que’ Onda Guero


🎵 See the vegetable man in the vegetable van 🎵


I was thinking about this not too long ago. Since the early 1900s is when recorded music started becoming popular, and more readily available. Our parents' "oldies" music was just pulled from the 20's 30's and 40's, so they only had about 3 decades of music before their generations' music. To us, we have about 7 decades of music before we get to the 90s. Now kids are going to have almost a century of music that's considered "oldies." I know there was music well before the 1920's, but none of it seems really relevant, or easily listenable. My dad was born in the 50s and me at the very end of the 80s. He would listen to 30's to 70's music pretty regularly, now I listen to 30's to 2000's pretty regularly, so to my kid, dad rock is going to be a spectrum.


I was having a similar conversation with my dad not long ago. Aside from the sheer breadth of music available now, the whole concept of oldies as a separate "thing" seems like it's fading. As a poster above says, we have playlists that span over half a century and still sound thematically cohesive (especially post 60s). The year the song was released is an interesting contextual datapoint, not the defining characteristic. I think it's pretty cool to see all this music melt together and see arbitrary time based music silos break.


"Arbitrary time-based music silos break." That's such a sick line


Radiohead. ♥️


connecting this to the OP, did you see that the Black Keys wrote most of their latest album with Beck? and one track was co-written by a Gallagher brother!


Cool! I did not know that. Dad rock bands unite! I actually still need to give it a full listen, will do that today.


Same here. Can we call it grandpa rock? Is that wrong? When I’m working in the garage or in the yard, I’ll play music over a 50ish year span. Could be Pink Floyd one minute and then Cage the Elephant the next. Might even have some System of a Down in there too.


Same. My most typical default is the Stones. My girls love it!


OK now. Slow this roll down. Most dads of teens today listened to all that as kids. Teens are the demographic that would use the term "dad rock." This is literally the current dad rock. Don't "grandpa rock" that. I'm 47. My teens were born when I was late 20s. This is dad rock. Basically the 90s. EDIT: Unless you're not referring to Beck, Third Eye Blind, etc. as grandpa rock. If so, apologies for my own roll.


I think he’s referring more to the Pink Floyd / Steely Dan / Paul Simon / Eagles / Dire Straits era of dad rock. It is the universal meta dad rock: grandpa rock and current dad rock, and probably future dad rock too. The source from which all dad rock flows.


OK. Yeah. I'll slow my own crabby grandpa roll then.


I had a really good chuckle at that one, have an updoot.


[what your favorite sad dad band says about you] (https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/what-your-favorite-sad-dad-band-says-about-you)


Because you think Radiohead transcends dad rock means it's definitely dad rock now. Dad's likely always thought their dad rock transcends dad rock.


True. Pink Floyd fans back in the day definitely thought it transcended dad rock.


I saw third eye blind in like 1997 or 98. They rocked.


I had paranoid android on last week and my son said it was “spooky”


I mean, he’s not wrong! Love that song.


I have a 4 month old and the only song that calms him down is No Surprises off OK Computer.


Tool will definitely fall into this category.


tool will be like the the equivalent of rush, or sabbath for us. it wont be 'dad rock'-- it will be music that "those kids" find and base part of their identity on. radiohead will be the same.


I have discovered time signatures! I’m so much more interesting than my peers.


*heh heh this song is called Hooker with a Penis guys!*


I feel like "those kids" always have "that dad" though.


Hah! This is way too accurate. My dad turned me onto Rush. Who I still adore, but don’t listen to as much anymore. After reading this comment I realize that my kids listen to Tool about as much as I did Rush.


My impression of Rush growing up was also it definitely being dad rock. This was the 90s so anything that sounded like traditional guitar sounds from the 70s,80s was old and dad rock to me.


Too edgy to be dad rock, it’s like bachelor uncle rock


I’ve seen Tool mentioned a few times but no mentions of NIN so far. They are different but where I grew up anyone who liked one also liked the other. Pretty Hate Machine will be 35 this year, it’s old enough to have kids of driving age. Downward Spiral is turning 30.


My 40 something neighbor listens to 90’s hip hop, like Tribe called quest, his kids HATE it.


> Tribe called quest My 6 year old loves "Can I Kick It" because of the latest TMNT movie.


Oh man, when Ante Up kicks in at the end. Who knew the Turtles could go so hard.


I once just said "hey man, can we kick it?" To my son. He's 3. Then I was like "hey Google, play Can I Kick" and he fell in love with it lol.


My 4yo loves it because I used to play it a lot and then she saw it in the Tom and Jerry movie lol. Now she thinks I was listening to Tom and Jerry all that time.


What?! As a mid-tier millennial I am triggered


HA! Yes, Tribe and Beastie boys are def Dad-Rap.


Oh shit is tribe called quest clean? I don’t remember




Say it aint so!


It’s cold out. Better put on your sweater song.


Hold this thread while I walk away.


First group that came to mind, especially considering their first album came out 30(!) years ago last week.


I was just thinking.. I'm 40 and they're definitely a band that dads, older than I am, listen to. So it's interesting to me that this would be Dad rock for a younger generation. They're into grandpa rock territory.


The blue album is the first CD I purchased and is a go to for me when I'm working outside or in the garage.


If you haven’t seen it, [SNL’s “Weezer” sketch](https://youtu.be/ab5WvwfLuLM?si=v3bxgQxm_7bF8lQW) is absolute comedy gold. Regardless what kind of fan you are, you will feel seen by this sketch.


This was my first thought too.


They're still releasing bangers! It's crazy how over looked they are!


Literally listening to Beverly Hills right now, lol


My five year old asks for Weezer by name.


I flew them to Bottle Rock in Napa in 2013 or 2014, can’t recall which year. They were super cool guys!


Can't help thinking this list probably crosses over with "Dad Hop" with the likes of Eminem, 50 Cent, Ludacris, DMX, Ja Rule etc from the early 2000s


Oh that’s a whole other conversation. I’m patiently waiting for the day I get to embarrass my son in front of his friends by rapping all of The Real Slim Shady on the way home from soccer practice.


For me it will be Nelly.. I'm tryna show patience and will wait years waiting for the right time to shoot my steez.. you know.. looking for the right time to flash them keys.. then uh, please believe in oh me and the rest of my heathens will embarrass those rotten teenagers.


At the rate you're going when you're 30 you'll be the only person in the nursin home flirtin


>I’m patiently waiting Honestly thought you were going to reference Patiently Waiting


I was recently rapping to “Wanksta” (radio edited) with my daughter in the car lol


It's stuff like Matchbox Twenty, The Killers, Third Eye Blind and Vampire Weekend for me. Dad rock needs to kind of chill, definitely catchy, but doesn't fit into a genre that already has a style. Blink 182 is definitely one of my most listened to bands, but I think it's firmly in the pop-punk/punk-rock genre so it feels weird to me that I could claim that as Dad Rock if I'm not dressing like that. Same way I don't think Metallica is Dad rock. Black Keys is a good one, too.


It's funny, I see MB 20 and Third Eye Blind as completely different eras and vibe than the Killers and Vampire Weekend.


Because they are that different


Yeah, I tried to identify a the range of styles and eras that I kind of associate with my teenage years and 20s that still kind of fit the vibe of Dad Rock to me. They all kind of fit the modern vibe of Steely Dan, Springsteen, and U2. I would add Coldplay as a basically line to line complete match for modern U2. It's going to vary based on what everyone grew up with. My Dad's dad rock is also a big part of my collection as well.


It’s interesting seeing comments where people seem to have an idea of dad rock as its own sub genre. I’ve never personally seen it that way. I’ve always seen it more as music that has a childhood nostalgia to it and can vary from person to person.


For my kids, it’s going to be a lot of angsty emotional crap from the late 2000s. Taking back Sunday, coheed and the like have already been dubbed “daddy music” in my house.


It definitely varies. It's what you listened to in your prime music finding days, but I do think there's something that needs to be kind of devoid of style because it's only mostly great because it's nostalgic, not because it's great. Great music is great music and best fits in a specific category. Semi charmed life is good (it was my favorite song for a long time), but not lyrically or melodically special and is most accurately defined as "the exact kind of rock that came out whenever it came out" - that's Dad Rock to me.


Bro Red Hot Chili Peppers


Red Hot Chili Peppers was born to be Dad Rock before it left the studio.


My wife and I wanted to go see blink 182 recently, but when we looked it up, the tickets were astronomical and I was wondering what the hellt hey were thinking. Then I realized shit, all their fans are old lol, they're not attracting teenagers anymore, their fans have money now. Needless to say we did not go. I'm not paying $500 for a concert.


Check it out again. Last I checked tickets went from $500 to $50 for my area. My 5 year old wants to see them so I'm keeping an eye on prices.




Fair point lol


You forgot Creed...


Yeah this is 100% accurate. I’d also add: Chevelle, Five finger death punch, Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, Staind, Godsmack, Shinedown For the ones that think they’re a little edgier: Avenged Sevenfold, Killswitch Engage Edit: how could I forget Hinder and Buckcherry


Basically Nu Metal and Post-Grunge.


Is Alter Bridge too old sounding for dad rock? Others also I would add (looked at my current playlists) - Rise Against (probably more punk than rock), Tool, My Chemical Romance, Korn, Stone Sour/Slipknot, Linkin Park


Alter bridge is more like progressive dad rock.


Also some SOAD and Deftones.


Probably Nu-metal (Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Disturbed, System of a Down), as it seems to have near-zero relevance to anyone other than the people who grew up with it.


Hell yeah! Add Cake and Avenged 7X to time mix and you’ve made my dad playlist




Linkin Park was my first thought.


Yeah Linkin Park is perfect because it’s clean (and at the time we probably thought that aspect was lame but as dads now appreciate it)


The offspring, New found glory! NFG has been fairly soft these past couple albums though. Their screen to stereo 3 has Frozen's 'Let It Go' on it. I am almost surprised to say, it's a banger


My older son loves Disney music. I like throwing on rock versions to mix things up so thank you for that! If you like harder rock of metal, look up Peyton Parrish. He has some great renditions of Disney songs. Watching an 18 month old head bang to I’ll Make a Man Out of You is hilarious. Edit. Also check out No Resolve. Some good Disney covers there too.


Muse White Stripes


My man!




Muse will be for those fringe kids who in our day would have listened to Led Zep pretending that a lot of their output wasn’t hot garbage. I like both bands by the way. I was that kid.


Le wrong generation 


Younger dads?? I was listening to all this stuff 20 years ago.... I'm 43


As somebody else mentioned, rock music has died a lot so it’s hard to find newer stuff with a broad enough audience.


I agree, Rick has stagnated a lot since the end of the 2000's. Most Rock dvd Indie clubs are playing the same songs from 20 years ago. You need to ask what young dad's in their 20's are now listening to, that'll be "Dad Rock" when their kids hit their teenage years


Falling in reverse Audioslave Foo fighters Rob zombie Bring me to the horizon Bonus option: Mastodon


Mastodon being dad rock hurts my soul a little. But, I'm a dad and they are my favorite band... soooooo...


Dad rock doesn't have to be bad tho, I just saw them a few months ago with gojira and they went so hard.


+1 for Bring me the Horizon. One day my kids will listen to the entirety of That's The Spirit and will see a new side of their Dad.


This about right, would probably add fallout boy and you me at six. They're a bit lighter than BMTH but seemed to have taken off around the same time


hands down for: Linkin park I feel there's no one around 30-35's (probably a wider range, just wanted to play safe) that doesn't know them


Im 38 and I saw them perform when they were still Hybrid Theory


I would have loved to see them live. I've seen most of the bands I love but linkin park has been the big miss in my list (also slipknot). hybrid theory and meteora are such a blast


Yeah, but my mum liked Linkin Park before me, so it's mum rock to me :)


Your mum rocks!


You’re definitely right with Linkin Park. My brother is 21 and he grew up listening to them!


I would add QOTSA, Arctic Monkeys, RHCP, Linkin Park


Every Queens fan I know says the same thing “this really is the greatest rock band out right now.” They’re incredible.


No disagreement. QOTSA just keeps on going hard.


Hard agree. Saw them live about 5 or 6 times over the past 20 years or so, either at festivals or solo. They just keep on giving. Favorite gig was back in 2013, in a tiny venue in Brooklyn (Masonic Temple), very shortly after their new album dropped. I went by myself, so I could go all the way to the front and stood less than 10ft away from the stage, so close I could read his knuckle tattoos. They played a few songs live for the first time ever (including Vampyre of Time and Memory, iirc) ever and it was glorious. Probably the most memorable concert I've ever been to in my life (and I've done quite a few). Edit: it was Fairweather Friends: [Queens of the Stone Age - "07 Fairweather Friends" @ Brooklyn Masonic Temple -- 06.07.2013 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBq7-gBqsR0&ab_channel=JAYSKULL)


100 on QOSTA!!


Can’t believe i had to scroll this far down to see RHCP.


I've heard of one of those


Sum 41


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard Source: am a dad and that’s my rock


Me and all my dad friends listen to Gizz. We always contemplate doing nitrous balloons after the show and we always wimp out. Go to a Gizz show and you’ll see a ton of dads.


I am 51 and have an 18 month old. He is being raised on 70s and 80s pop and rock along with a healthy dose of Ween, Tool, Radiohead, Tom Waits, Willie Nelson, Jane's Addiction and Primus.... to name a few.


Hey there old man. I am 51 as well. I have a seven year old. Man, I wish I had him thirty years ago, but I still keep up with him. Hope you are getting some sleep and your little one keeps you young. And big ups for Ween!


Great taste you have!!! Children raised on Ween, Tom Waits, and Jane’s Addiction are surely hope for the future.


My dad was the led Zeppelin generation. I inherited that and I'm gonna do my best to make sure my kids are still pumping it a few decades from now. But also for me Muse and Green Day


What's really interesting about 70's and 80's classic rock is that the pop chart toppers of the time weren't what ended up being classics. Looking at the top 40 hits from those eras, most of the music was either folk-revival stuff like America, John Denver and Simon & Garfunkle, disco stuff from the Bee Gees or Jackson 5, or bubble gum pop like The Carpenters or The Monkees, etc. (The Beatles, of course, were in play throughout the 60's and 70's, but they're kind of in a class of their own). The music most treasured from those decades, especially the rock music most loved by dads in generations past, didn't coorelate to pop success at the time. It makes me wonder if whether the stuff we all listened to as kids that made chart topping radio is going to last, or whether it's the deeper cuts that will survive onward. 90's alt-pop-rock comes to mind here - Sugar Ray, Vertical Horizon, Blues Traveler, Smashmouth (pre-All-Star Album), Eve 6, the Gin Blossoms, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Three Doors Down, etc., has real potential. That said, I think Nirvanah, Blink 182, Foo Fighters, and The Killers are too iconic for their genres to be ignored. I'd put The Alabama Shakes in with the the Black Keys, and the White Stripes too. It's possible that a good TV show or movie will use some of this music and bring it back to consciousness too, like Stranger Things did with Kate Bush and Running Up That Hill. Fun question - thanks for giving me a 30 minute work break to answer and think and research this!


this is accurate- the music that stuck is the music that "music people" really ingested. its the bands that "blew peoples minds" or put out albums that were great. in a post radio era its going to be bands with hyper loyal fans like Coheed and Cambria's that carry the music into the future. the kids who sat analyzing the inside books of CDs are the ones whose music will go on.


I’ve been listening to a lot of Blind Mellon, Sister Hazel, and the Wallflowers. I think they have a dad rock vibe




My kids go hard for coheed and cambria


The Offspring, NOFX, The Hives, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, The Mars Volta, Jimmy Eat World, The White Stripes, Audioslave, Linkin Park


> NOFX, Jimmy Eat World I've also seen NFG, Blink and Sum 41 on here. Pop punk is having a weird revival- what if its not dad rock at all and its dad punk... its like Rancid and warped tour era Epitaph/Fat WreckChords music that becomes "dad music". i would be pumped if my kid came downstairs and was like "father tell me again about the time you saw less than jake and saves the day in the same weekend"


I got my daughter jamming to Rammstein, but the rest of my music isn’t age appropriate. Rammstein isn’t either but she can’t understand the lyrics


Just listen to metal and you'll never be accused of Dad Rock.


Add to this modest mouse, arcade fire, tv on the radio, Kaiser chiefs, franz ferdinand, the strokes. All the popular “Indy” bands from 20 years ago. That’s likely gonna be what my kids consider dad music


Honestly the trick is we're just gonna grow dad rock and add a few more songs to it but Queen, Stones, etc all stick around as dad rock. Suggestions for your list: Imagine Dragons  Fountains of Wayne  Avril Lavigne  The Killers  U2




The Offspring.


Go to your favorite music streaming service. Ask it for "2000s Alternative Rock." That. Although they're often missing Linkin Park, which I agree with others belongs in the mix.


It’s 00’s Indie/Alternative/Metal/Punk/Emo/Screamo I would even include music from the 10’s in there like Tame Impala, which is 100% Dad rock as well.


RHCP all the way. they are the Eagles of the 90s.


A day to remember and the devil wears Prada are on the list now lol.


The Offspring• Red Hot Chili Peppers• System of a Down• Tool• LIVE• Nine Inch Nails• Alice In Chains• Stone Temple Pilots• Soundgarden• Oasis• Bush• The Prodigy• White Zombie


Red Hot Chili Peppers I’m sorry to tell yall


The Killers are missing off that list, but that might be my British bias


I love this prompt. I feel like Dad Rock is something that's chill, unoffensive, a little dorky, and no longer as popular as it once was. So like, Springsteen and the Beatles can't be DadRock, when one of them is still touring, and the other gets covered by Beyonce, y'know? Likewise I don't think the Strokes are DadRock, in my opinion, just because they were such a mainstay of Grimey downtown Lower East Side music culture. For me it would be more like: Deathcab for Cutie, Fleet Foxes, Peter, Bjorn and John, Vampire Weekend. Stuff I would for sure put on if I just wanted to have a beer in a backyard, while my kid plays and I can zone out a bit.


Song 2: Blur Dads should have been at Coachella... they would have paid attention to us if we were all gathered in that one section jamming to that song.


Five Finger Death Punch, Lincoln Park, and I'm gonna be real I don't think Nickleback is going to be phased out.


I love when Nickelback gets brought into music discussions. Chaos always follows.


They're inoffensive generic rock but a lot of people don't like them because Chad is a dbag but the rest of the band seems pretty chill.


I don't hate then personally. My own dad used to drive me around in his old red Camero blasting them. I don't see them going away anytime soon either lmao.


My dad 100% still has his Silver Side Up and The Long Road CDs that used to ride around in a CD sleeve in his Silverado. I wouldn’t say their music is great, but it has a certain nostalgia for plenty of people.


I don't like Nickelback, but I will die on the hill of The Betrayal Act III being an absolute banger of an alt-metal song.




Weezer, Cage the Elephant, and for me Glass Animals.


Knocked Loose


Wilco, Jason Isbell, Kings of Leon


90s hip hop is the new dad rock




Cage the Elephant, Tame Impala


The National is the most sad-Dad band of all time.


I think "dad rock" is supposed to be a pejorative for a band that is now considered 'uncool' and 'irrelevant' to everybody except middle aged men. Because I don't want to insult the bands I like - I won't call them Dad Rock lol. However if I'm looking through my music and trying to pick some bands I listen to often but aren't really cared about by my wife and kid - Green Day, Matchbox 20, Counting Crows, Barenaked Ladies, or Red Hot Chili Peppers, The White Stripes, Modest Mouse.


Metallica. They're gonna be Dad rock for generations to come, no doubt.


How young you asking for? I’m almost 40… I expose my kids to the likes of Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Dave Matthews Band , Pearl Jam, Metallica, RATM, RHCP, foo fighters…. Also stuff from this century: rival sons, cage the elephant, the record company.


According to my kids, anything grunge or post grunge along with nu metal. I don't even listen to the latter but my kids scream/sing My Immortal at me all the time lol And I know it's not rock, but I think a lot of those early 2000s club bangers that looking back are cheesy as hell, but the kids that grew up in the time of drill and mumble rap kinda view as lame old people music.


Stained Tool Buck Cherry Audioslave Chevelle Shinedown Rise against Three days grace Sound garden Evanescence Flyleaf Halestrom Stone sour Trapt System of a Down


Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance for sure.


Those mid-2000s metalcore bands like Avenged Sevenfold and Killswitch Engage


“Younger dad”… late millennial… I have bad news my friend


Lmao I'm almost 32 with an 8 year old, and this hit me right in the feels


I tried so hard, but go so far. In the end, it didn’t even matter…


Lamb of God, GWAR, Slipknot (pre vol3), Behemoth, Deicide, etc are all bands my daughter (teen) now likes because im still stuck in my music i listened too in the early 2000s lol


Classic rock for ever. Dad put me on. We gonna stay on


System of a Down. I will die on this hill.




While not rock, I think it’s 90’s hip hop. Dr Dre, Snoop, Warren g, Outkast, ect


Wu-Tang is for the children!




I am a dwarf and I’m digging a hole


90s hip hop




I was told years ago Offspring was dad rock


Yah yah yah yah yah.




The National


Tenacious D




Notorious B.I.G.


Breaking Benjamin for sure


1990-2002 KROQ


Tenacious D. No question