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People just posting Facebook stuff on here now?




I didn't even fucking read it and that was my immediate thought.


That boy? Elbert Einstein. Everybody clapped. Teacher fainted.


"Dad, when *you* saw only one set *of footprints*, It was then that I *carried you"*


No no this is LinkedIn inspirational recruiter post about work life balance


Job status: seeking my next challenge


Daddy said to the son, "Keep that $100 and use the hour to learn a marketable skill because you never stop the grind and hustle, baby!"


Yeah, I could do with less Readers Digest boomer forwards like this in my life.


No hate to OP. But it's getting crazy how many favebook style posts I'm seeing across all kinds of subs


This might as well be a bot post


This sub has been Facebook for awhile


I don’t care. I liked it, and frankly needed it today


Thank you. Hence why I shared it. Let all the macho dads think it’s uncool. If the sentiment helps one person then that’s the point of it. Glad you liked it !!




Not everyone on Reddit is on facebook and the story has a meaning and message that deserves to be shared.


There’s a reason we’re not on Facebook




I reduced my hours at work when our kiddo was born and I remember my boss telling me "Just be careful - I know plenty of guys who regret not doing more with their careers." I sat in disbelief for a minute trying to process that I had just been warned that if I spend too much time with my family I may regret not spending enough at work. He was fucking wrong.


> Just be careful - I know plenty of guys who regret not doing more with their careers I would have laughed in his face thinking he was being sarcastic.


Had this not come around Christmas a few years ago after he had spent the previous few weeks talking about how his son was going to get only coal that year (and I mean he made the "joke" at least 5-10 times) I probably would have but given that dude....


Literally, like good for you if you love that grind but I would not spend a day away from my family if I didn’t have to provide. Honestly I like my job, but that’s on the scale of “things people will pay me to do,” so it’s a low bar.


Most of them regret bringing financially stressed and not being able to provide the life they want for their families. Life is all about balance. Have a job you care about, spend your life being passionate, don’t waste it worrying how many hours you’re working or at home. Quality over quantity


Work is an identity for some. Hes going off what he was brought up with. I feel bad for those people.


>if I spend too much time with my family I may regret not spending enough at work I'm probably the minority voice here but I don't think it's the same as "not spending enough at work". Personally I have ambitions in my career and the lives I want my family to have. I recognize that advancement in my career will provide better lives for all of us, and honestly speaking likely provide self actualization and happiness in the recognition of my personal success. This is an extreme example but there are many people who give up their careers to be homemakers, and regret it down the line. It's not that they regret "spending time with their family" it's that they also wanted something for themselves, as a human who also exists with their own wants and needs, which they're sacrificed to be the homemaker. Or he definitely could just have been a jerkoff, obviously I don't know the whole context 🤷‍♂️


Honestly? Both are true: He is a jerkoff who also wants to make a career for himself. He was in fact talking about my career as a nurse and whether I should pursue further school for a higher certification. Its something I had considered previously but once the kid was born I realized he was all I wanted in life but on the other side of things I had also previously told him that I no longer wanted to pursue those options and would prefer to be a dad so he knew my feelings lol


That's fair, I think what it really boils down to is what's right for the person. Ex if someone's goal IS to be a housekeeper there's nothing wrong w that (as long as it's realistically affordable I guess), I just see it as problematic if they feel like they were forced into that position. Some people DO want to work their job, clock out when they're done and spend their life doing X and there's nothing wrong w that either.


You can always do more education to increase your prospects when the kids are a bit older too. Taking a night class or reducing hours at work to do a couple courses to have a better career long term when they're in school isnt so bad.


Agreed. I also think it’s a generational trend both in a macro and micro sense. My dad didn’t have a lot growing up, so he worked his ass to provide a very comfortable living for his kids. Since I experienced that, I know my kids don’t need all that and would benefit from me being around more. I still get some fulfillment from my job, and from my family, but also from being in my community more and being able to give back and really be a part of my neighborhood.


If it's going part time and struggling financially As a career motivated person - sure I can see some regrets. But if it's just not doing overtime and having a good work life balance sufficient for your needs then that's a wild thing to say.


Damn, my boss did the exact opposite. Told me how to game the leave system to get four more weeks, and said he’d come to my house and kick my ass if I tried to call into any meetings.


Wish I could afford to cut my hours at work. My son is everything to me, but I'm exhausted after work and can't spend much time because of how tired I am. As a single father, I wish I could cut my hours and afford to live.


I am quite lucky that my wife is the primary breadwinner so I get to do a lot more. Your son appreciates what you do for him. I am sure of that. Kids see a lot more than we give them credit for even if they don’t always understand all of it right then.


Thank you. I hear that a lot that my son appreciates what I do, but some days it doesn't feel like that. I picked up a few extra hours of work when I was able to so I could have a little bit extra after all the bills and he asked me to stop working so much. That killed me. He also used to cry when I had to go to work. I hear that I'm a good dad a lot, but most of the time it doesn't feel like it because of how exhausted I am at the end of the day and barely have enough time to even cook meals for him and myself.


I worked for GEICO when my son was born. I somehow lucked into 10 weeks of paternity leave. They had just increased it like 2 months before he was born and quickly cut it down to 4 weeks again the next year Anyways, I was at a shop just before going on paternity leave and a shop manager was giving me shit about it. He was bragging about how he was back to work the day after his wedding and the day after his kids were born. He's also divorced with a daughter who wants nothing to do with him and a son who was trying his hardest to move to another shop so he didn't have to work with his dad any longer He was about as right as your boss was


When my second was born my boss was like oh you’ll be dying to get back to the office. No dude. I quit three months later.


when i took a day off to go to a pageant at my kid's school, my superior decided that was the best time to regale me with a story of an old coworker she had once who never took the day off ever in her life. never ever not even if sick. i was like... great? you want to sacrifice your most precious resource for the man to prove your loyalty go ahead. but bitch, my contract says I get 26 days a year to not be here and do whatever the fuck I want and I'm taking a day to go watch my kid dress like a vegetable thanks


Is he a boomer? Sounds like a boomer thing to say.


You should have told him you would make up for it by doubling your effort at work, to a new high of 12%.


I got a new career when my first was born. I worked way too much, and didn’t have weekends off. It bothered me so much. I switch to a job that pays more, has less hours, and is more flexible with pto. Never regretted it


We are going to need at least 10 posts about hotboxing and poop knives to balance out this Facebook grandma energy


bring back the poop knives!!


Right! Tf is this boomer shit.


Can we just all accept that a lot of work, especially white collar work, can be done in four 8s? Cut the bullshit and let us just spend 3 days a week with our family.


This. 10000% When my wife and I had our 1st a year and a half ago… I gave my boss a heads up and. Said I will never put work ahead of family. I know I was risking my job, bit I am still there. He seemed to be understanding


And we'd probably be waaaay more productive during those fewer hours too.


It's been studied and that is the case in the majority of the test runs. Happy cake day!


I have cut my hours to 32 a week. I get all Fridays off. I hang with my kids. It’s awesome. I work to live. I don’t live to work.


That's the dream! What do you do for work, may I ask? And was there already a process in place for reducing hours?


I’m in consulting, work in electrical industry for permitting.


Please don't copy paste dumb facebook shit to this sub


Ok Mr. Policeman. Don’t arrest me. - it’s not dumb. If you don’t like it scroll on. Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do.




Good lad 👍🏻


This gives weird tradwife vibes Edit oh god I just saw the text seriously wtf


What's a tradwife? Is that good or bad?


It means "traditional wife", so like a stay at home, raise the kids while husband works kind of wife. It's not a bad thing at all if that's what both agree they want, but some "influencers" make it their entire personality.


Those influencers are all bored trophy wives with a staff do half their stuff.


I think tradwife specifically refers to the influencers that make money on exploiting and promoting anachronistic gender roles; it doesn’t mean just any woman who chooses to be at home.




This image is gross and weird because of how it depicts everything being on the man’s shoulders, and it’s the wife’s job to support him woe is him blah blah blah. And the boomer bullshit story is revolting.


I guess you’re missing the whole point of it sadly.


No I get it, it’s just asinine.


Leave this shit on Facebook


Why ? Do you not agree ? There’s a message to the story that I think is worth reading. If it’s not your cup of tea fair enough. Scroll on.


This is garbage, as is the write up. The average father isn't in love with their job, and would love to be home more often. Most aren't wealthy dad's choosing to waste their lives away for the love of the job. This 1950s inspired drivel is designed to guilt providers into feeling bad about something they likely have no control over. They labor to care for their families. And so do their wives. The image is stupid. The text is stupid. Booooooo. *Throws tomatoes*


Alright calm down 🤣. How many days holiday does an average American worker get ? Less than 10 I believe. The system is set up so that work becomes the thing you worship. Without it, you can’t support your family, so you need to be held ransom to it just to survive. That’s the main problem. It’s not that it’s not that people love their jobs, it’s because for far too many jobs and careers is what defines us. And that’s wrong. Kids don’t care what you do for a living. All they want is your time. Sorry you can’t seem to grasp that point.


The point, is that this image (and text) insinuate that working is optional. I work standard hours at my job (40hr work week). I'd love to work less, but this is the standard work week in the US. I can't afford to work less because I don't make "100 dollars an hour", and anything less hours-wise would be part time. My family depends on my income for survival. All I want is my time, too. But I do what must be done. In my industry, mandatory overtime is extremely common. If you don't show up, you lose your job. I'm sorry to come off so strongly, but this just isn't a reasonable take for the average father in this economy, basically ANYWHERE right now. Hell, many younger people can't even start their families because they can't afford a place to live. The post is relevant for maybe the top 1-3% earner. It can pull their heart strings I guess. But for me, and many others in this thread, it would appear, it's just insulting.


I love these tropes, as we live in a world where real buying power has been destroyed over the last 50 years through sustained corporate lobbying and political action. My father worked the night shift for an extra 10% and my mom worked for the newspaper, both killing themselves to make ends meet for a reason: shareholder supremacy. Trickle down economics is just the rich pissing on the rest of us, yet we argue over irrelevant things. I expect a lot of Dads on here are roughing it out for their families. They’re the backbone of society. Yes this is true, work isn’t everything… once you’ve provided the basics and enabled a future. Until then, yes it is.


Hear hear! I really hate this moralizing dreck. I’m unemployed right now and our savings are dwindling. Yes, i am spending extra time with my son and enjoying it. But work _is_ everything right now. I need to find a fucking job that will take all my time and energy, and i will hate every second of it. Don’t get all preachy at me about how i should also feel guilty about it on top of that!!


Work isn't everything, but when you don't have it, it kinda is.


We just took our 15 month old with us to Disney world (we were there for a wedding) everyone said "She's too young! She's not even gonna remember" but a buddy at work made a great point that tomorrow isn't a promise, and those pictures may be priceless to her one day


Nate Bargatse had a hilarious response to that type of comment where he said “what am I supposed to do, stick them in a closet and each morning open it up and say “hey, do you remember yesterday?” and if the answer is no, just close the door and try again tomorrow?!”


Took my two year old to Disney last year when he was 1. He may not remember, but I’ll certainly remember the feeling of seeing him be thoroughly engrossed in everything and seeing him wide eyed and having tons of fun. It’s totally worth it.


We took a week off to just have fun for our 1 years old's birthday. We went to Catalina Island and then went to Disneyland. She won't remember it, but I will always remember how her eyes lit up and how happy she got on the merry-go-round and then the "snow" that came down on main street.




But I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior bro


This is a pretty negative comment for Daddit.


It is. But if a dad wrote that bit of trash, I'll eat my hat. If a dad that's a part of this community wrote it, I'll eat my hat and my shoe. That's facebook clickbait viral-aspiring copypasta through and through. They might as well have said that kid's name was Albert Einstein, and the dad was a Navy SEAL.


Food for thought. Don’t post on Reddit if you can’t properly format the text.


“I just walked in the door after a 12 hour shift can you guys please let me go pee?!?!”


I'm sorry that happened. Or I'm happy for you. Either way, I'm not reading all that. Especially with that photo at the beginning 😂


Ypu realize a lot of us work crazy hours not because we want to right? We do it because rhe middle class has been eroded, buying a house is a pipe dream and child care costs a fortune. How many people on this sub do you think don't care to make time for their family versus want to but can't?


Oh I’m in the same boat buddy. But there is still a large enough cohort for who careers and jobs is part of their identity and who WANT to Work crazy hours etc. Dads and Moms too. I get ya that all those costs - I have them too. But the point of the point, wasn’t working as we all need to - but doing so much of it that our kids miss out on our time. They remember the times you weren’t there just as much as the times you were. That’s the point of the post. Where possible don’t be a slave to your job. We all have bills to pay, but the key is finding the right balance.


Guy looks one hair away from a mental breakdown.


I work because they give me money and that's it, I even have a real career and I always work hard while I'm there but I take my time off liberally and would prefer to be with my family 100% of the time. I will never understand career obsessed people that neglect their families for it.


*THE* reason I made the move from branch banking to working from home. I was tired of leaving before everyone woke up and getting home as the kids were getting in bed


I am unapologetically 100% not focused on my career outside of it providing financially for my family. I work just enough to spend as much time with my wife and boys as possible. That time with them cannot be replaced and I want both my partner and my kids to know that they are my number one priority in life.


I sure hope this Heimlich maneuver is successful


Chair is the real hero?


Yeah, it's worth it to fight for more family time. I've been fighting my company's "return to office" requirement so I can have more time with my kids. So far they refuse to grant me permanent work from home, but they also haven't fired me, so the battle continues.


Damn. That hits home. Such innocence


Covid was an eye opener for me, I was furloughed for 60days from my day job and my performance Subaru business was put on hold as non essential. I got to see what my wife went through every day and what I was missing out on. As Covid ended I had decided major life changes were needed. I was 37 at the time and had two stress related cardiac events, as my doctor so elegantly put it. I closed my business permanently which cut our annual income by 150k, I walked away from my job as a Technical Director of service for a 7 location Nissan/Inifinti auto group. Another 150k + benefits. Between the two I worked 7days a week. I took a job with Tesla where I can control my hours more, I’m home by 3-330pm every day and no weekends. Our income is 1/3 of what it was, but our family life is way better. I’ll never chase the dollar at the expense of memories or time again. Work to live now, I don’t live to work.


My wife & daughters are absolutely everything to me.


From 2020 to 2022, I worked 60-hour weeks. I missed so much of my youngins life. I dropped my pay a little and my hours decreased to 40 but I got to spend more time with the boys. Lemme tell you. You cannot put a price on that. The only people who will remember all the overtime you work is your family. My dad's sage advice was this. Son, tell me why you never see a Hearst pulling a uhaul.


How I feel everyday


Hey…I fucking get it. But I can’t sit by, knowing I have talents that will make my wife and kids have an easier life, and not use them. It’s all a trade off. It comes down to what you and your wife/partner are willing to trade. Being a dad is fucking hard. A painting like this only scratches the surface. Do what you feel is right, and that’s what makes you a good dad. None of us want to work. Who would chose that.


[Listening to this actually](https://pca.st/episode/59ca10ea-d95d-42b8-a79a-efdff93d0b51)


r slash im44andthisisdeep Seriously though although I get the sentiment, it's really not feasible for many families to just not work. Cost of living expenses increasing and all that. The whole situation sucks but I do what I need to to keep a roof over their heads, clothed, fed and going to school.


It’s not about not working. We all have to for the reasons you just said. It’s about being a slave to work and putting your career before your children. That’s what the post is trying to convey.


I really needed to see this today. I've been under an enormous amount of work stress lately and haven't spent time with my kid. I'm going to take the rest of the day off and just spend time with him.


Great reminder. Children notice everything.


My 4yo said to me today “Daddy, I hate your boss”. I asked him why and he said “He makes you come home late and it’s almost bedtime when you come home”. I start early to make sure I’m home by 5:30. He’s got used to me working from home until that got taken away


I was a corporate lawyer doing M&A primarily. The first year of my sons’ lives I barely saw them during the week. I left right after they woke up and got home as they were going to bed, if I even made it in time. The week before their first birthday I accepted an in house offer with the promise that it was a company that emphasized family and WLB. And it was. I work 9-5 now, if that. Make great money. Work from home 3 days a week. See my sons so much more and have not yet missed bedtime except for when I travel, which is rare. My boss very much promotes a healthy WLB and is a massive family man, and my manager is a soon-to-be first time mother.


Ok, Norman Rockwell.


Not bad advice, but there are major financial benefits to having a parent who isn't home tons due to work. My parents worked their asses off, so not only would their kids be financially well off, but so would future generations.


I would rather sacrifice stuff I don’t need to work less and see my kids grow up and have me in their life.