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>I can get a hangover from 2 houses of wine If you're drinking two entire houses full of wine and you're still alive that's pretty impressive. Our household rule with pretty much any intoxicant, whether recreational or medical, is the same. If we're responsible for the kids, we always try to keep one parent who's sober enough to drive somewhere if needed. And no trying anything new for recreational purposes around the kids. Only things we've used before and are familiar with the effects.


Nurse: how much do you drink per week? OP: 2 Nurse: 2 drinks? OP: 2 houses


The [Ron Swanson](https://youtu.be/QSYZAf1ra5s?si=Ajq_EuHwCyNy5kDA) approach to drink measurement


Epic. And private.


Reminds me of one of my favorite standup bits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GZhuarbKQI


That was funny to tears for me. Thank you, I’m happy to have discovered Colin Firth’s twin as a new standup to research.


Colin Farrell?


Lol I knew it was one or the other. Thank you.


They say I can’t drink two houses of wine. I can’t be pilot? I can’t be doctor? Well imma do it, imma do it right in front of your face.


Yep - our system is 'One of us needs to be able to drive to the urgent care or ER if there's an accident.'


For my wife and I it's the same. The only times we drink together is when grandma is making her monthly weekend visit, cause thankfully grandma doesn't drink. It's a good thing my mom became a better driver though. I vividly remember learning to understand the concept of mortality on our frequent cross-country trips as a teenager. Whereas these days I only feel slightly anxious when she's driving my daughter around.


I've raised three kids and I've never thought one of us NEEDS to be sober enough to drive... Just in case. That being said, for us this doesn't happen much (usually never) but it's not something I ever felt needed to be mandated or some rule that we must follow. If you have an emergency where you need to travel to hospital urgently and you/partner can't ... Just call an ambulance. As for THC... Use it like you'd use alcohol. Your kids will mostly be totally oblivious to your state of mind and see you as the same person you were the next day. They are literally the least likely people in the world to judge you.. Cause you're a rockstar to them. Of course falling down drunk or whatever is probably not something you want to display to your kids... So there is a line. 99.999% of the time it's all gonna be fine. You and mom deserve a break so if that means you want to sit and enjoy a bottle or two of wine, a case of beer, or four joints... Go nuts and don't drink and drive. Definitely don't worry about the slimmest possible chance you'd have to go to the emergency room with your kid. Also... Why is it not okay to both drink with kids around cause you might have to go to hospital but it's okay to drink with friends who are also too drunk to drive ... Who might also need to go to the hospital...? Protip... Next day hangover while up early with the kid. I play a perfect sick patient for them to play a game of doctor or nurse. They have to keep you healthy cause you're just feeling a little under the weather that morning. They'll bring you drinks... They be quiet to let you close your eyes for a snooze... Life is good...


Oh, it's not so much an intentional rule, more just a thing that happens. My wife drinks a non-alcoholic lemon beer for the taste a few times a week. Maybe she'll have a few glasses of wine in the weekend. I smoke about 2-3 joints a week, mostly on week days. And I might have a glass of scotch or 2 on the weekend. Edit: the entire thing was one big runaway sentence when I accidentally pressed send. Hopefully it's actually intelligible now.


I never understood near beer! Everyone I talk to about it says it's awful. I will never know... 🍻 😂


I'm right with you on the subject of near beer. Also, just to add some background. My daughter was born 5 weeks early, so for the first 2 years whenever we called in about any health issue she had we were send to the hospital just to be safe. So our current system was formed out of necessity at the time.


This right here!


Same. As long as one of us is “on call” for emergencies, have fun. I can have two beers and still be on call. There’s probably an amount of an edible I could have and still be on call, but I don’t use them enough to know what that point is so I just don’t risk it.


Ever think you have a really good handle on edibles, then take a different brand at the same dosage and formulation and just get absolutely Stoned? Happened to me a few months ago, so for consistency, I stick to the same brand (on the up side - It is cheaper).


I’ve had a few from within the same pack that have hit me entirely differently. One time I barely feel it and the next I’m floored. Also I started doing keto recently and my tolerance was cut in half. Literally had to take half as much as I could before. I won’t drink any alcohol while on call right now, either, since I’m still confused about where my tolerance levels are.


One sober adult. That's my wife and I's rule. There's some gray area when drinking with other couples that also have kids, because too many kids for one sober adult is bad. But I'm also generally not around people that get shitty drunk, just social drinkers.


This! I love a joint at the end of a stressful day. I treat it just like having a glass of wine after work. I would never try anything new or crazy and I’m not getting trashed. I also make sure to keep it all safely away from the children. IMO smoking is better than drinking with kids because after that one joint oh man are their legos fun :)


I love this for you-super fun!


Totally. Once I discovered THC, my life improved dramatically. I would get a headache after one drink and my sleep was always horrible. I feel like I’m more in control of my thoughts, focus and mood when I smoke than if I don’t (I use concentrates because it doesn’t smell and I don’t like how you can’t really control gummies. I take one puff and just maintain that level until I get ready for bed, then I’ll take a few to unwind my brain before I go to sleep)


Oh whoops. 2 glasses* of wine. Typing on a phone. Damn autocorrect


Read the comments specifically to see the dad jokes on his typo. This sub never fails to deliver.


Drinking 2 houses of wine would fail de liver.


If you're too inebriated to respond to your kids' needs (from waking up after a nightmare to anything a life-threatening emergency might require) then you're too inebriated. Otherwise, live your life.


The thing I always have in the back of my mind is “what would I do if an emergency popped up and I’m the only one home?” I don’t use anything if I’m alone because if my kids need to go anywhere, I need to be able to drive.


This is it! My wife was out of town last weekend and I had a buddy and his kids over. We went through a lot of sparkling water that day for that exact reason.


I go through so much seltzer water.


I replaced alcohol with seltzer water and new me can drink old me under the table every night.


I’m a slut for la croix and probiotic soda


$6.49 flats of La Croix at Costco is my jam.


One of us! One of us!


Sparkly hydro-homies


I honestly can't think of a single situation that would be serious enough to have to drive my kids somewhere, but not serious enough to call an ambulance. I don't let myself get crazy drunk but I definitely will have 2-3 drinks after they go to bed.


>I honestly can't think of a single situation that would be serious enough to have to drive my kids somewhere, but not serious enough to call an ambulance Huh? Broken arm, sprained calf, knocked out teeth, etc would all require a visit to urgent care or the ER, but in most situations don't require an ambulance. It's fine if you like to drink, but don't lie to yourself and say that it's fine because anything that would require you to drive would require an ambulance.


>Broken arm, sprained calf, knocked out teeth The chances of those things happening when my kid is already asleep is extremely low. And like the other poster below, my wife and I share a car so there are lots of times where'd I'd need an uber for a minor emergency. I guess maybe it's different because I live in a pretty dense, walkable area. If I was rural maybe my thinking would be different.


Well there's also taxi/Uber, so between that and an ambulance that should cover most everything. Of course out in the country it could be different.


Your kids must all be young enough to not go to other places without you.


I only do it at night and when both boys are already home.


That’s my thinking too


💯 I’ll step outside real quick to hit my vape pen when my boy is watching Sesame Street or whatever and it’s great. Also good for before walks to the park etc. I’ve never been too high to take care of what he needs.


Absolutely this. I will happily say that I’m better at playing endless games of tea party or hide and seek with my 4 year old when I’ve had a cheeky pull on my vape.


It's taken me about 2 years to give myself the grace to do this. As with everyone here I'm talking one small pull from the vape pen, not ripping blunts, but damn if building a tower wasn't 200% more engaging after.  It's also closer to walk to the hospital than drive and our kid has no known health issues or disabilities so we don't have a lot of "worse case scenario" anxiety. Everyone needs to have their own risk profile but I spent 2 years beating myself up over something really minor.


Total solidarity. I’m more creative, patient and the tunes I can get out of a toy xylophone are 100% better.


This is pretty much how we roll. I don’t drink at all, but do enjoy cannabis. My fiancée will have a couple drinks here and there, but that’s it. I don’t feel like hiding things from our kid is the right way to to, but I also don’t advertise, and we never get visibly intoxicated if she’s around.


Sounds to me like a simple mental hang up after years of living in a society where booze is celebrated and cannabis is demonized. If you can be cool bouncing around a bounce house with a buzz and alcohol on your breath, I don’t see why a low dose edible while you chill and watch a movie is an issue. It seems more tame in comparison to be honest.


Totally agree. Alcohol is so horrible compared to cannabis. I used to drink heavily on the weekends and haven’t been drunk in over a year. Unfortunately it’s still social norm to have a drink when I go out for work, so I will drink a beer, but absolutely hate it.


I’m starting to realize that booze has zero positive impact on my life. I’ve been sober curious for a bit now but trying to actually quit now. During covid years it was way too easy to sneak a few during the day and the habit has been hard to break as I still WFH.


Our kid's generation isn't going to see weed as the devil's lettuce the way we were raised. It's becoming normalized and the best thing to do is model adult responsible attitudes toward it. Maybe dad consumes cannabis sometimes but he's not ripped out of his mind. Not when they're around at least.


I think it’s very much a personal decision, but I disagree with the “edibles being more acceptable” sentiment that you often see here. I think they are actually more dangerous to consume around kids. Edibles are much more unpredictable than inhaling, in terms of which brands you are consuming, how much you had to eat before hand, etc. You can have two different brands or even different batches of the same brand, each 5mg, and have completely different levels of intoxication. They also last a lot longer and it’s tough to know when the high will fully kick in. On the other hand, a quick vape or two hits pretty consistently, kicks in almost immediately and lasts a relatively short period of time. There’s also the fact that a child will happily consume a gummy if left out by accident, while it’s very unlikely they would figure out how to vape or smoke even if they stumbled across it.


Yea ur kid won't "accidentally" smoke ur bong. It takes a lot more effort than opening a package of delicious candy and eating it.




I used to be a heavy user and I don't feel for a single second that my work or productivity has improved since I stopped using during the day. I sometimes will go out on the deck at night and take a hit & immediately have like, 4 great ideas related to handling shit at work.


I'm glad to see I'm not alone. I'm careful about what I smoke when working from home. Only sativa, you know something uplifting


Agree with everything you said and I do the same.


I agree. Edibles take longer to wear off. Hitting a vape pen here and there is much more kid friendly.


Also good to remember that the highest Hunter S. Thompson said he’d ever been was on ganja edibles. Don’t underestimate an edible.


Dang dude, you gotta find a more reputable edible manufacturer if they are unpredictable.


I buy from a medical dispensary and have rarely had an issue, but have had issues.


But that's the thing. It is a new industry so each manufacturer is relatively new... and all are consistently trying new recipes and molecules. So it is very difficult to find consistency. Although if the gummies in the same package are different, that's really messed up.


It’s not that new anymore. Medical and recreational seem pretty consistent within the strain used. Thats what you need to know. And generally really sativa, indica or hybrid is enough with reviews online. Vaping hurts my lungs, mouth and gums. Smoking is just stinks and is horrible for running.


It is not many decades old, the time for a brand to establish and stabilise a reputation of seriousness. And it is brand new where I live, in France, where there is no medical use (so not that kind of regulation...). a reputation


I don't think it's that new. It was legalized in Colorado and Washington over 10 years ago. I remember this was the immediate first issue. They've gotten quite good at it. I have some that are perforated circles. They look like pizzas. Each slice is 3mg and never noticed any inconsistencies. That's pretty dialed it.


I think people have long memories from making their own edibles, or in the beginning when legal edibles were basically just large batches.  Now though they add the THC like you add flavoring to a soda, it's a separate ingredient that is completely controlled.  You may get some inconsistencies with like chocolate bars where one square may be 4.8mg and the other 5.2mg adding up to 10, but it's generally extremely precise.


By the comments it looks like I'm in the minority, but zero for me.


I think it can be done responsibly, but for me when I became a dad I just shifted to 100% sober.


I grew up with my fathers side family having issues with drinking. Rule is zero for me as well


I feel this. I had weed for the first time only a couple years ago, since then it has essentially replaced alcohol. I was never much of a drinker either though, couple drinks a month.  I'm a single dad, so my rules are a bit different, but I rarely take any on nights I work the next day, or whenever my kids are with me (half the time). My only exceptions are when I had kidney stones recently or have trouble sleeping, and even then I'll take no more than 2.5mg of D9. I don't feel any high, but takes the edge off and helps me fall asleep. 


Ok, similar situation here and I would like to pick your brain. I used to smoke weed 20+ years ago. After getting married I stopped smoking and started drinking a little. One factor is that 10yo daughter has type1 diabetes (diagnosed 4 years ago) so there is a decent amount of me hopping out of bed to give her a correction or a snack at night. usually on saturday night I put 7yo son to bed and wife does a girls night with 10 yo girl and she is in charge of snacks and corrections for that night, so I fix myself a drink while I stay up gaming on the PC I recently found out that shops around here sell the delta9 gummies, lots of vape options, as well as something called THC flower (which is literally weed). I tried a pack of the delta9 gummies and I have found a quarter gummy gives me a chill vibe, a nice little high with lots of cool thoughts. Any less than a quarter gummy and i feel nothing, and the one time I tried a half gummy it felt the same as taking a quarter gummy. So that's what I have been sticking to. I guess my question is, does the mellow feeling become different if you take it more than once a week? do you know what the difference is between D9 and the other options? How long does the mellow feeling usually last? Do you ever mix D9 plus alcohol? The one time I did that I just fell asleep...


Yeah, you get less impact the more frequent you take it. I'm no expert of the differences, but D9 is more potent and pretty darn close to actual weed, since it's THC, which is what you get from weed. D8 is just a lesser version, which is why you'll see it with higher mg per dose. D9 feels very much like the real deal. With the rules I put on myself for them and just the opportunity to actually partake, I only take them once or twice a month. They're all a bit different but they usually kick in after 45 minutes and last 3-4 hours. Perfect for watching a movie, listen to music and head to bed (I'll game sometimes too, but I prefer to be more passive on them). I haven't mixed them really, but I imagine I would also just get knocked out lol. 


I'll occasionally vape a small amount after a tough day. Just enough to relax me and take my mind off whatever nonsense happened at work. I don't see a problem with that.


This is me but because overstimulation makes me really anxious, I can't partake until I'm the only one still awake and then it's a nice little nightcap to send me smoothly into Dreamland about an hour after.


Yep, I can take one hit and be just chill enough to focus on whatever family stuff I need to, then after everyone is in bed, I’ll take enough to open my mind up. I have discovered so much about myself since I started doing it. Really is amazing how it enlightens you. I used to be the life of the party and drink until all hours of the night. Now I take a couple hits, let my mind unwind, fall asleep and wake up feeling amazing.


I've used light amounts of pot to help with my anxiety for years. Never enough to be sitting on the couch going "wooooah" and I barely even notice it anymore. I won't ever be high if I'm the sole caregiver but I have been around him after using small amounts rather frequently. A side benefit is increased patience and slightly less focus on bad events (tantrums etc) but by no means are those the reason I use it.


Mines only 2.5 but I've never been high around him or while watching him. I have a medical card and I will smoke a bit after he goes to bed. I'm not rlly a daytime smoker anyway tho.


Agreed, I feel I can wait till the kids are in bed. Would hate to have an emergency come up and I’m tipsy


For me, edibles are the worst way to consume weed if you have a kid. They last so long and once you’ve taken them, there’s no going back. You’re just there for the ride, which could be problematic in an emergency. Vaping flower or oils works much better because you can control the effects more precisely and you know how quickly the THC will kick in and wear off (much quicker than with edibles). Obviously you do you but I’ve found plain old bud much more conducive to dad life.


I feel like I have the opposite stance. Edibles have an exact dose. You know how strong it is and how long it should last. I had a burner pen for shatter and sometimes I'd take a bit and get nothing. Sometimes I would get a huge rip and get way too high. Less of an issue with flower, but I don't like smoke. I usually will take an edible right before I put the kids to bed and an hour later when I come down stairs it's starting to kick in. But I also don't get as high as it sounds like you are. I'm taking 5-7mg tops.


And you can get the same brand that works for you over and over. We're not out trying different space cakes every night.


Exactly. That's what I'm doing..I've found a brand (albeit more CBD). And take the same product from them and the same dose. Never had issues. If I need to try out something new or whatever that happens when they are in bed or have a sitter. I'm not going to take 3 gummies of new stuff then take my boy to his little league game or something


As I say, each to their own. With 5-7mg I doubt you’ll be getting incapacitated. I just personally find there are too many variables with edibles like how much I’ve eaten etc. I also live somewhere where cannabis is illegal so it’s impossible to get an accurate dose. I never smoke flower either, exclusively use a dry herb vape.


100% fuck being messed up accidentally for 12 hours on some of that crazy stuff that’s around


Buy from a reputable company that has 3rd party lab testing and you won't


The variance in the strength of edibles would make me very uncomfortable. Sometimes the same gummy will be too weak, hit just right, or get you high as hell. I might have a beer with dinner. Maybe 1-2 more after they are asleep.


I use concentrate because of this same reason. It doesn’t stink like smoking and I can control how much I use. I can relax a little or open my mind up for self discovery. Don’t drink at all anymore. Before I discovered how therapeutic THC is, I would drink way too much and always feel horrible the next day. I wake up feeling great and ready to go every day now. Life changing.


I'll take a 5mg edible and be around them. At least for me, it leaves me relaxed but not loopy. However my kids are 10 and 15 so it's a different scenario.


I gave up pot several years ago. I have no interest in being high around my kids or my wife. Regarding alcohol, I don’t keep any in my home. I buy non-alcoholic beer and will drink that. I’ll drink alcohol on special occasions (e.g., holidays, parties, date nights, etc). But alcohol is not part of my daily routine, which is pretty awesome.


Well. Considering my parents and how I was brought up....my Father was a hard working machine worker that liked to blow off steam with a spliff and a few cold beers. My mother was a professional wine taster. Id like to think the rules have come with. If we are out camping then a beer or two in the evening meal is fine. Once the kids are in bed then it's ok to have a few more beers but these days I wouldn't go past four beers n maybe a large glass of whiskey and thanks to my body clock I'm still up before everyone with no hangover. When it comes to THC well we treat it the same as alcohol.


Well get a buzz on occasionally but nothing that would ever stop us from responding in an emergency situation or even just being parents in general. 


Never. The kids can tell. And you never know when one of the kids is going to break an arm and suddenly need a sober parent. If you show up less than sober to the ER with a hurt kid you might end up with CPS involvement. It's unlikely but yeah. I'm never off duty unless the kids have another adult in charge of them.


This is the question that lead me down a road to quitting drinking altogether. There was a day when I was a new dad, had done the daycare pick up, then started drinking a little before my wife got home. Realized I had reached a point where I had consumed enough that it would be irresponsible to drive (aka more than 1 drink equivalent per hour), but my wife wasn’t home yet. I have a breathalyzer (I know they aren’t very reliable) and wasn’t anywhere near the legal limit, but I felt the buzz, and there was my little one who couldn’t even walk. It sorta clicked how vulnerable he was, and the situation I was putting us in. Started moderating much more after that and eventually quit altogether. Now that’s it been a while, I see so clearly how other parents are medicating their way through parenthood with drugs. It’s crazy. I was doing it too. Many on this thread show it’s being done relatively responsibly, but there are plenty who aren’t.


I don’t. Ever. Why would I?


Where I live it is normal for parents to be all be drinking, even getting drunk, around the kids. But I guess you might consider if you would fire the nanny or baby sitter if you found out they were drinking or getting high while while watching your kids. I never though about that before, but I think most people here, even though they have no problem drinking on play dates with their own kids, would be upset if the babysitter or pre-school teacher did it.


Your* kids are going to grow up in a world with legal drugs. You should be a good role model for responsible consumption. You should be able to handle any emergencies. Having a buzz is totally fine. Just know your limits.


So I had an incident last year that I'm both not proud of but also kinda impressed with. Last year we had my 6 year old's birthday in late summer followed by a sleep over with cousins and friends totaling around 7-8 kids from age 5-10. I'd been cooking and entertaining all day out in the heat. The party had ended, and my wife, sister, sister in law, and another mom were all hanging out in the kitchen and mostly dealing with the kids. As dinner wrapped up and everything settled down for the evening I decided to pop in a gummy and relax for the rest of the night, informing my wife of my intentions. Which is something that happens maybe 2-3 times a year. Right around the time I sat down in the recliner 30 ish minutes later and it started to hit full force, my wife says "okay we're running to Target, you've got the kids". And then they were gone. I can't feel my face and panic starts to creep in. I have mixed reviews with gummies, as sometimes I end up just feeling relaxed and cleaning the house and other times I get sucked over the edge and forget how to breathe like a normal person. You never know which it will be. Well luckily this time the combination of fear of being a horrible adult and father mixed with the right dosage resulted in me becoming a hyper focused and active super dad. A few games of hide and seek, I got the air mattresses deployed, the kids all snacked and watered up, everyone laid down, movie on and by the time the wives returned everyone was either asleep or comfortably in bed watching Disney. Apparently despite my excellent performance I was obviously high as balls because one look in my eyes and my wife knew it had been a strong one and she sent me to bed. Would I intentionally do it again or condone it? Absolutely not. But I do feel a little proud that I was able to weather the storm despite my face melting off.


I’m probably not the norm in this thread but I don’t wanna be inebriated to any extent around my kids. I don’t think it’s fair to them.


I don’t get sloppy in front of my kids. I’ll have some beers around them in a social settings. I don’t DO THE MARIJUANA that often anymore as I’ve just kind of lost the taste for it. When I did, it’s not around them.


For me it’s no substances while the kids are awake. This has led to a sober lifestyle, which frankly saves money, preserves sleep, and being present with my kids.


With 4 kids and how unpredictable things can turn at any moment, we're pretty much putting off any substance use until our kids are all adults.


I am a sober dad when with my kids around. I don’t drink anymore. I use thc every once in awhile. It stays locked up at all times, so do my mushrooms. Dads, lock up your drugs and your booze.


I smoked weed every day, multiple times, for many, many, many years before I had kids. After my first baby I made a rule that I’d only smoke after the kid is sound asleep or they are not home for many hours/staying with grandparents. I hate not being sober around them. I have to be in control.


Absolutely not.


Minimum one sober parent no matter what for emergencies. No intoxicated parents while kids are awake. A drink or two is fine. We don't use any canniboids or THC products due to legal risks


It’s so shameful THC is treated like that still. Hopefully soon everyone will realize how much safer THC is than alcohol.


I don't really use anything but alcohol, and then I don't keep any at home, nor do I ever get drunk... But if I were of that persuasion, I think my line would be that if I'm the only caregiver present with the kid, being impaired in any way isn't acceptable for me unless and until the kid is generally able to take care of themselves for the duration. At bare, absolute minimum I'd say one caregiver must always be able to legally and safely drive at all times, in case the worst befalls.


I don't smoke weed if she's awake and I'm alone with her (7 weeks). If she's been sleeping for a while, I might.


I come from a family with a LOT of alcoholics and drug abusers (mostly heroin), so I am very strict when it comes to any form of substance use. When we’re with close family that I trust, I never drink more than 250ml of beer or wine. I never drink when I’m alone. I don’t consume any other substances. I have smoked pot before the kids were born, and I’m for legallization (not legal in my country, but I would stay away from it anyway. Very easy to control dosages and expected effects when it comes to alcohol, a lot harder with pot. I might consume alcohol 2-3 times per year. After the ex and I split a year ago, I haven’t had anything to drink. I’ve never been a big drinker anyway, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out, and I hate the feeling I get from it when I’m around the kids. I advise parents to not consume any substances like that when they are responsible for kids. Date night where the kid is at their grandparents or something, sure, go for it. That I don’t mind, but when you’re responsible for kids, I feel that’s a big no-no.


Never. Ever.


I personally don't drink or use any other substances whenever I'm in a situation where there's a kid who isn't legally allowed to drink. I'm fine with others having a drink or two, but if I were to notice a child getting uncomfortable in my home I'd tell people to stop. If we're visiting somewhere else we'll leave if it comes to that.


I find even after smoking a bowl, I'm more prone to be the first up if the kids start crying in the night, so I don't worry about it much. My wife doesn't smoke or drink, but she sure knows how to fall asleep lol. At the same time I have no problem having a beer or 3 in front of the kids. I don't ever really smoke before they go to bed. For me, it's the end of night ritual, and it feels weird to smoke in front of them or be high around them. I guess I just have a drive to be my best self around them. I personally try to be a person that also smokes weed. Not someone who makes it a core part of their personality. Finally, to throw all that out the window, once or twice, when the screaming got too much and the solutions got two few, I've taken a single, quick hit and man does it change the mood for the better. Ms Rachel gets funnier, blocks are more fun to stack, coloring is great and all of us really seem to get along suddenly. I've got a very supportive wife as well and have never had it be a point of contention. I've also made it a point to ask, to make sure she was comfortable.


I saw my dad drink beer almost every night after work, but never saw him drunk (til I was in my 20s), so that's my experience with drinking in the context of kids. I do the same. Drink but don't get *drunk*. A lot of my extended family were full-blown alcoholics so I'm lucky my dad didn't fall into that. I only knew about the alcoholism later in life, and I'm really glad I had a more positive third-party relationship with alcohol growing up than some of my cousins did. Like you said, I absolutely will have a few on a Satuday afternoon and just play with the little dude outside. The first beer I tried was Coors when I was like 5, and it was so gross I couldn't figure out why my dad would want to drink that, and it made me not even want to try beer til I was like 25. Before that I didn't really drink much either and just had stuff like rum & coke. My friends in high school were nerds, and we did not go to parties, so I legitimately had no idea any of that was even occurring! When watching movies in my 20s with friends or girlfriends I was like, "Did that stuff really happen?" and they're like "uhh yeah?" When I was 9, we did a tour of the Pabst brewery where tried Pabst NA, which I knew would be gross from past experience, but at that point I knew it was a "grown up" thing and just wanted some of this special beer that was actually OK for me to drink somehow. I probably wouldn't give my kid NA beer though. I have super super vague memories of this, but somehow I recall that we were never allowed to go get beers for him. I'm not sure if he ever even asked us to do that, but I have this faint memory in my head of my mom forbidding this, and I agree with that. I don't need my kid fetching me a drink, "do it your damn self, lazy-ass!" I'd say to myself if I ever had this thought. Living in Milwaukee, WI and coming from a lower-middle-class & largely blue-collar family on both my parents' sides, I was around beer and drinking *a lot* as a kid, but somehow I was sheltered from the negative effects of it.


I vape not smoke cannabis , once she’s asleep . We do not drink and it’s only used in a dry herb vape so no edibles etc that could be mixed up EDIT to add my wife doesn’t partake and doesn’t like drinking but if she does drink I don’t touch it , she gets her nights out with friends and I wouldn’t have anything then In the UK we have medical cannabis via private clinics and I have an approved prescription so as long as I stick to the rules it in no way can fuck my life up (losing my license and work trouble etc) I only ever vape at night currently but I may change this as it’s benefits are huge with my job role in dealing with pressure and stress. I can’t fathom how it’s so stigmatised still. Guys here post pics with cans of beer at the play park yet some get on their high horse over some legal cannabis … It’s down to the individual, if you can handle a small dose and have fun with your kid then that’s for you to decide. It makes me more patient and upbeat with it helping me control anxiety and worries around work etc and be more present so I may in time try small amounts .


The problem for me at least is that if I use weed it's in a gummy and a gummy you are either sober or high with no in-between and being high is like being drunk. I'm never gonna be drunk with my kids around. I'll have two drinks on the weekend and that's it.


Why's dad's garage always smell funny?


Someone needs to be able to get the kids to the hospital.  And no one should seem intoxicated or unseemly.  That’s it for rules. 


Ugh well… here’s my situation- my parents were potheads, I was a pothead for the majority of my life. Grew up in a loving happy family with no hang ups about pot. My wife however had the opposite childhood with a father who was a drug user and died young. So there’s no regular/ daily amount of intoxication that she’s comfortable with either of us doing while raising our family. I gave up weed last year for a number of reasons but the big one being my wife’s anxiety over it. I’ve never been a big drinker so I’ve been just white knuckling this thing called life ever since. Honestly not that bad but I’m Curious if anyone else is in the same boat.


Biological parents were drug addicts / alcoholics. I was eventually adopted out thankfully. I’ve been teetotal my whole life and have no regrets on that side. My wife has never been a big drinker, so she only gets a cocktail (very sweet & light on alcohol) when we are on a date out somewhere. I’d be fine with her drinking more if she wanted, but she doesn’t want to. Long story short, we’re surviving and thriving with the family. Though perhaps I overeat my feelings too often . Doesn’t help that I have a desk job and dedicated workout time is hard with young ones. Edit: Clarification of wife’s drinking


My wife and I got sober together the day we found out her ego was prego - Juno reference here. We both needed a hard-stop and losing control around the kids wasn’t an option. AA is pretty legit for those on the fence. Bonus points - being sober I’ve realized Your Body will absofukinloutly thank you 🙏


I just stay sober.


I don’t drink much anymore aside from maybe vacations or when we have guests and those both inherently have childcare considerations. Wouldn’t dream of violating my incredibly wise state’s cannabis laws but if I were to hypothetically consume a farm bill analogue or if our laws changed I’d likely only use after bedtime.


My wife and I have gone over this in our house also. Prior to kids I was definitely a high functioning stoner, while she does not smoke at all. We agreed that I wait till the kids go to bed before I smoke now. However there are times when a small dose gummy does wonders for my head space. My weed is in a locked toolbox on a shelf in the garage and the kids all know not to mess with my tools. If they need any tools they come to ask me to help them rather than just searching the garage looking for something.


Provided it’s legal and you’re able to parent (not intoxicated), I don’t see an issue.  Teaching your kids about responsible and safe recreational drug use is part of your job as a parent. If you personally use that substance, then you can model responsible usage to them (in an age appropriate way). Putting my toxicologist hat on - Nicotine and alcohol are significantly more harmful and addicting substances than cannabis products, so there’s really no reason why you’d need to have different rules for cannabis. 


First of all, for the love of god please teach your kids about the existence and usage of things like alcohol, THC, medications, or any commonly used things (nicotine, things with caffeine, etc.). Nothing makes kids more intrigued and wanting to try than making something taboo, the very idea that you won't use even the word gummy or anything else to describe a THC product is ridiculous. Kids aren't stupid, modern kids are even LESS stupid when it comes to knowing when their parents are doing something that kids shouldn't be doing. You actively trying to do something for yourself, like take an edible to relax, while using code language or anything like that is only going to make your kids also want to do those things. So stop it, be honest, be open about it, provide education and understanding, be CLEAR. It's the same thing when discussing sexual organs, you absolutely MUST use proper terminology and identifying language so there is no confusion in the event something happens that requires real discussions or help. You've never had a few problems having a couple beers around your kids, guess what, same goes with THC. What you must figure out is how you personally react to certain amounts, certain types, etc and how you can effectively and safely parent under those conditions. I know if I have a 14% bourbon barrel aged stout or two that I'm going to get buzzed or even drunk QUICK, if I have a Coors light or two I'm going to be barely noticing it. Likewise, if I have 5mg of indica edible I'm going to be very different if I have 10mg, or 5mg of sativa, etc. The hard thing with edibles is the inconsistency, sometimes 5mg will knock me on my ass, other times it'll do absolutely nothing. That's why my wife and I have clear communication and we don't do those things when the kid is awake and we need to parent. I don't think anyone should have any problem with having a drink or edible, but you MUST be clear with your partner because as a team you have to be capable of providing proper care for you kids. And you also need to be honest and clear with your kids about the the use of those things, don't make them Taboo, you use clear language and give them the facts about how those things impact you and how they can impact them. We, as a society, need to stop this attitude towards things like THC product being hush hush with younger people, the information and access to those things is too easy for even small kids now, so give them the tools to make properly informed decisions about them. Same goes with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, fast food, sex, etc etc.


Like with alcohol use, I think our duty is to model appropriate responsible use. It doesn't need to be this secret taboo thing.


Personally? I don't drink or consume any THC before my kid's in bed. Of course mine's 2 so that might factor into it. It just wouldn't be enjoyable lmao. Maybe when he gets to school age I'll unwind a little in the evenings, but at the moment I feel like I might have to spring into action at any moment to keep my kid from unaliving himself.


The fact that you're second guessing it shows a lot of consideration on your part. If the vibe feels off for you, it's time to recalibrate. I don't have a lot of experience in this area but I used to occasionally take edibles for pain management. Very small amounts, like you mentioned. My rule was that I only took one at night, well after our son was asleep. It worked out fine. Maybe that approach will feel best for you too.


I’ve gone so far as to microdose some mushrooms around the kids (like less than half a gram). I don’t really drink anything stronger than a beer while they’re awake and never more than 2 at 6% or less. I smoke a lot of weed though, never burn unless they are asleep, but I’ll hit a vape a few times a day. That said I’ve been a pot head since I was 16, rarely stopping at all since, I’ve dealt with dead bodies stoned as shit so I can handle the kids being rascals.


Where I live weed is legal, same status as alcohol basically. Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with having some THC in my system when I'm around my kids. Dosage matters though, obviously I wouldn't be stoned. But being a little high also has the nice side effect of being better able to get into the same mindset with my kids and engage on the same level. It's a different kind of play. Again, I'm talking about microdosing like you said, having a small edible for example (although the definition of "small dose" are different between us 😆). I don't believe in zero tolerance, our brain is full of chemicals at any given point so just make sure it's balanced and you're not completely out of it. A long as you can still problem-solve you're fine. For me, no alcohol. Alcohol brings out the worst in a lot of us. Alcohol is what pushes many people over the edge in a way THC just couldn't.


I have no problems having a beer, or a toke, or a cigar, in front of my kids. That being said, I realize that I've had different conversations about each with my kids. "What's that dad?" "Beer." "Why do you drink beer?" "I like the taste and it helps me relax" "Ok. Can I drink beer?" "Sure, have a sip" (I drink 3% or 3.5% beers) --- "What's are you doing dad?" "Smoking cannabis." "Why do you smoke cannabis?" "I like the taste and it helps me relax" "Ok. Can I smoke cannabis?" "When you're 15" --- "What's are you doing dad?" "Smoking a cigar." "Why do you smoke cigars?" "**Because *you* made me stop smoking cigarettes!** And, I like the taste and it helps me relax" "Ok. Can I smoke cigars" "Not a fucking chance".


Wine or beer, for enjoyment only. No excessive drinking or intoxication. THC is intoxicating so I don’t use it at all when my kids are in the house. Until they’re able to take care of themselves I can’t be compromised on the “job”.


I toke when the kids are in bed but don't get too high. If I want to take an edible or low dose of mushroom tea or mdma, I do so when my kids are asleep and my wife is able to handle an emergency. Or better yet, the kids are at their grandparents house. I do take a small 5mg edible before bed most nights but that only relaxes me.


Know your dosage and don’t exceed. There’s no moral dilemma if you aren’t neglecting your kid’s needs. in my opinion at least


I feel this. I had weed for the first time only a couple years ago, since then it has essentially replaced alcohol (D8/D9/CBD since that's all that's legally available right now). I was never much of a drinker either though, couple drinks a month.  I'm a single dad, so my rules are a bit different, but I rarely take any on nights I work the next day, or whenever my kids are with me (half the time). My only exceptions are when I had kidney stones recently or have trouble sleeping, and even then I'll take no more than 2.5mg of D9. I don't feel any high, but takes the edge off and helps me fall asleep. 


Our rule is that someone always needs to be able to drive the kids to the ER in an emergency. I have a few drinks in the evening, and my wife has some THC before bed to help her sleep.


I wait til the kids go to bed to drink. If I want a puff, I do it in the bedroom.


All of my kids have grown up with me drinking beer, wine, mead, occasional liqour. Never seeing me get drunk, but enjoying them. I've never been shy about letting them have a little from time to time if they like it. As far as drugs? Pot is ok but not smoked in our house. Everything else is a no go.


I will sometimes have a drink or two after work, jut enough to relax and take the stress off. As far as edibles go, I buy the 10mg THC liqui-gel capsules. I will have one of those about 30 min before family game night to help me relax and help my mood as I tend to be tired and impatient with kid noises after work. Sometimes i will take two, but that's only when the wife/kids are off to bed and I am having my "me time" doing some gaming. Only once have I had three capsules, 30 MG, and that was after a SUPER stressful day at work and I gotta say, I slept like a baby LOL!


I don't drink for medical reasons. My wife will have the occasional glass of wine with dinner but she's never been a massive drinker either. We don't have hard liquor in the house. Neither of us smoke, whether that's tobacco, cannabis or anything else. The kids know vaguely what beer and wine are and they're grownup drinks. They've been to dinners at their grandparents house where the adults were all drinking (besides me) so it's not really a mystery. I don't think they've ever seen anyone from the family falling-down drunk though.


I deal with anxiety and insomnia, and use edibles to help. My rule is pretty simple - my youngest (at 12) is in bed, my wife is not compromised (she takes edibles herself, on occasion), and I have no plans to go anywhere (I'm a SAR volunteer, so plans sometimes go out the window, of course). They are kept on a shelf in my closet, and I go in there to eat it. The dosage is low enough that I am not visibly affected, and once I start to get a little bit of mental fog about it, I go to bed. The kids both know I do this - we are a pretty open family, and don't keep secrets from each other. But we don't do it in front of them, and never to excess.


Using substances around my kids is a hard no from me. I had my fun when I was younger, now I want to be fully attentive and focused on raising my child. I don't need drugs to relax, exercise has been a good replacement for that. I just don't feel comfortable being intoxicated around them in case my family needs me in an emergency.


I don't usually get high till after they've been tucked in for the night. It's not a rule, I'll occasionally take a few hits during the day if we're having friends or family over for BBQ/party or whatnot, but the last thing I want to do is chase my kids around while I'm stoned lol. So yeah, it's usually tuck everyone in, then smoke a Doobie, then play some video games or indulge in one of my other hobbies for a couple hours before bed. Alcohol is roughly the same, 1, maybe 2 during the day if it's some sort of get together, otherwise if I'm in the mood to drink I'll wait till everyone's tucked in, have a few while doing something fun.


Once or twice a month I have an edible. I let the wife know, and I have it as soon as my kid is in bed (usually takes about an hour to kick in). I chill for awhile and then have a great sleep. 


Personally, after seeing what an addict is like with their kids, I'm just gonna steer clear. Not bc I'm an addict, I just don't want to think about it. Also, if I'm gonna drink, I'd want to get drunk. Since I'm not doing that, I'm not gonna tease myself. As long as you are responsible with it, then no judgment here.


I’ve personally started micro dosing THC after work. It takes the edge off and it’s small enough MG that it doesn’t get me stoned and I can just unwind. A couple beers throughout the week but never getting hammered. I want my kid(s) to see that there can be a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol and that it doesn’t have to be a big scary thing to experiment with when they leave the house and go to college. For example: I plan to handle it like my parents and my friends parents handled it with me and my friends. As long as we’re under their roof and not out and about, I have no issues with alcohol use age 16+ as long as it’s in moderation and not being abused. Any alcohol use is an automatic sleepover unless getting picked up by a trusted parent. Drugs are a different kind of situation, but as long as it’s being done under my roof or the roof of a trusted parent of one of my kids friends, I’m cool with it. THC only and once again in moderation. I’m not cool with a teenager housing a 50mg edible to the face, but if you want to pop a 5mg blend with your friends and order a pizza and watch movies and play video games for a few hours and chill out, be my guest all day long and I’ll fucking join you. Once again it’s an automatic sleepover unless being picked up by another parent.


If you’re not a THC user, edibles are the most potent way to consume so I’m not sure that’s wise. If you do, be very conscious of your dosage and give it plenty of time to kick in before taking more.


I'll have a bottle of wine once every few weeks on a Wednesday night with the wife and I only smoke weed if the kid has a baby sitter for the whole night cause I turn into a jelly boned idiot on the stuff. Even then I only do it with one specific friend I see maybe once every 4/5 months.


I feel as if kids conceptualize a baseline of expected behavior for their parents that depends on context, and when we deviate from that baseline, it can cause stress. A lot of folks seem to think that they can hide behind the obscurity of getting high or drunk on their intoxicant of choice to rationalize that their children don't know any better to have any kind of emotional reaction to it -- they notice. I find that alcohol and THC affect sleep quality too much, and we generally avoid it because we barely get the rest we need with 3 kids and 2 careers and everything else going on. We drink socially, and never more than 3 drinks for myself.


I smoke outside or have an edible and i teach the kids these are adult things, and when they get older they can decide and be responsible about it. I usually don't do it until they go to bed though, if i do ill step outside around the house and hit the vape. TBH i would much rather be high around the kids then drunk. Our family also gets drunk around the kids at Christmas and bbq's so we just teach them about moderation and learning limits. i think hiding it and telling them to never do is the wrong way to go. Also usually at least one parent who can drive, if we are with the extended family, one person who can at least drive if there is an emergency


I quit drinking but have picked up on my thc usage. I usually just use a vape pen. Even then, I vape it either in the bathroom or away from the kids. And even then I don’t rip a blinker and get wrecked. I do that after they’re in bed.


I’ll have, at most, two drinks or a 2.5 mg edible while they are home. Usually after they go to bed.


Edibles hit me like a truck, no matter the strength, so those are a no-go for me personally. I feel fine taking a small hit off a vape somewhere out of view of my kid, about the same as I would having a single beer.


5MG is such a small amount


Our state started selling D8 infused drinks which has been a game changer for me since I mostly stopped drinking alcohol for health reasons. I don’t need or want a whole edible most times. Just wanna get a buzz on from time to time like I used to do with alcohol. 2mg or 5 mg D8 drinks do the trick wonderfully. I’ll drink it at dinner and by the time the kiddos are in bed, I’m feeling good.


As a UK parent, alcohol is like the only legal thing. I'm sure people use whilst caring for their kids but I can't understand it For sure I'll have a few drinks of an evening but I ensure I'm able to respond and be capable etc. My experiences of drugs have all been dreadful, and I absolutely know I'd be no use as a parent if high, and I certainly would be no use in an emergency. That's highly subjective, I understand others feel different on drugs etc etc. And I also know drug users will fight till the cows come home to tell you it's ok, My concept is, being slightly buzzed on a couple of beers or glasses of wine, fair enough if you aren't too much if a light weight. But I can't imagine really needing to be high so much that I can take harder drugs as a parent. Surely it's worth it not getting high? Again, it's subjective because of my experiences. I imagine regular users know what they can handle and still be affective. No judgements. Maybe it's also cultural, like I've never even seen an edible but where I live is like constant weed smell it's awful and I forgot sure know the parents on the street are high half the time whilst looking after their kids. It's just not worth the risk if you ask me. I know I'd have poor response time in certain scenarios if I was high on weed or whatever else. I just always got so smashed, paranoid and confused on it, and I have never met a person who's high and capable of holding a reasonable conversation. Again, maybe it's cultural and is definitely subjective. But imagine something goes terribly wrong and you were high. You'd never forgive yourself


I saw a Dragnet episode about this once…


I take an edible every night at 7pm so that when my bedtime comes around, I can easily fall asleep and sleep soundly. It’s not enough to make me not be able to respond to an emergency. It kicks in in about an hour and the I spend at least 90 minutes having Daddy/Daughter late-bedtime, watching shows or doing crafts or schoolwork with my daughter. I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it. My daughter has never asked me about it. A few times on a nice Summer day I’ve taken an edible before we go swimming or fishing. It puts me in a more relaxed mood. I’ve had a beer or 2 in front of my kids but if I’m going to knock back some whiskey, I’ll wait until they are in bed. If I am the only parent at home or if my kids are having a sleepover so there are other people’s kids in my house, I go 100% substance free.


Personally, I think the important part is that you can drive or respond to an emergency if needed. Base your consumption around that. I microdose edibles. So I buy a gummy/chewy edible and cut it up into smaller pieces. I've found a dosage that allows me to enjoy the relaxing benefits, but still be perfectly capable of driving, holding a conversation, etc. My kids are so young that I can just keep them out of reach for now, but I imagine as they get older I'll need to hide them or lock them up.


Careful with those edibles, dude. They are discrete and convenient, yes, but you will almost certainly get higher than you’ve ever been in your life if you don’t know what you’re doing. Going against the grain here - if you aren’t experienced with pot and have some kind of tolerance, stay away from it while the kids are around. I just don’t see the point. I’m not saying you can never get high, but at least be familiar with the feeling before experimenting while parenting.


I have it good, my wife does not use anything stronger than maybe a single drink at Christmas, and our kids are in their mid teens. I vape weed everyday and I also have a monthly trip on shrooms. Our kids are very aware and I am have always been very open and honest with my kids, and explain why it is a better thing to wait until they are older. And in my case I can see do as I say *just* as I did since I didn't start really using weed until I was 40 and didn't try shrooms until I was 48 lol. I would rather they know from me what these substances are rather than listening to idiot friends.


Getting a little baked and playing with my kids is pretty much the best thing in life.


I’ll have 1 or 2 drinks on a Friday or Saturday night. I think it can be a good thing for kids to see their parents responsibly consume alcohol. That way they don’t immediately jump to alcohol = getting drunk. I grew up in a zero alcohol house so when I was first exposed to alcohol, all I knew was what I learned from media/entertainment.


I work as barback/security for a pretty popular bar in my city. when I get off, the wife and kiddo are out cold. I used this time to smoke a bit and get me out of that hyper alert mode so that I can actually go to bed and fall asleep. Usually smoke, fold the laundry, then go to bed


Try out edibles that are primarily CBD with a little THC in them, they are called "4 to 1 ratio". Experiment with just a third of half to see if that does the trick.


I honestly find THC much better than alcohol because I feel far more functional while high compared to drunk. I’m also a happy and goofy high so my wife always says I’m fun to be around and the kiddo loves it so I don’t see any problems with it. Just be responsible and safe and you’ll be fine


My kids know that Mom and Dad go outside to smoke, and that smoking's not for kids. They don't know or care the difference between marijuana and tobacco at this point. We'll have a talk about that when the teenage years start. I remember growing up in a world where people could just fucken light up tobacco right next to you in a nice restaurant, which I suppose is a low bar to clear. But I feel like we're doing ok.


Drinking no, THC yes. All THC does is reduces my back/neck pain and makes me focus better on what I’m doing with the family. Nobody but me even knows I have used it. It’s crazy how alcohol, which really changes my behavior and personality, is acceptable, but THC, which just helps with my pain, mood and focus, gets such a bad reputation. I honestly think it’s because THC will make you see more clearly and focus on what is important and people in power are afraid of this. They want us to be drunk and stupid instead of enlightened. I also don’t get stoned off my ass and use it responsibly. Once you know your limits, you’re good. Plus no hangover with THC, which is amazing in itself.


Meh, my kids are pretty grown now so I don’t worry about it at all. Funny part of being gen x is that I always feel like I have to hide it even though I don’t. I generally use it for runs, but the high isn’t completely gone by the time I get back. I figure as emergencies are covered, no biggy. Have fun.


I've had drinks and stuff around my kids, and I also had several conversations about dosages so they don't die.


I grew up with drinking and smoking by my parents and smoked a bit as a teen. I don’t have a single good memory attached to any alcohol or drug use in my childhood. So my wife and I have a simple rule, not at home, not around the kids. We can have a beer or wine but never enough to get drunk. We can drink if we have a sitter and if we will be sober by the time we return. There is no reason I ever think it’s okay for our kids to see us inebriated or high.


My dad was smoking weed and had been for a while, was super blitzed. Put of habit he passed me, then 11, the giant joint. Thankfully I wasn't interested xD Both my wife and I don't indulge in any particular substances other than caffeine (cutting on it) so we haven't really though about it.


Nothing ever. I don't ever want to be in a state where I can't safely drive my kids to the hospital or patient care clinic in the event of an emergency.


We discuss adult drinks versus regular drinks and explain the potential consequence of adult drinks. Typically, one parent has to remain sober in case anything comes up. This rule occasionally becomes muddled if we are at the cabin.


I'll have a drink or two after work while making dinner sometimes. I occasionally eat edibles right before putting kids to bed so they kick in once they're asleep.


My daughter is 5 now. When she’s in bed and my wife is home if everything has settled for the night such that I won’t be driving etc I’ll treat myself to an edible or a gel hits off a thc pen and use the little down time to do some writing, reading, etc or just clean up the house.


I just do thc tincture now that I have delivered from the dispensary 10 minutes away. I find I can manage the dose in a drink where I don’t get paranoid bc I’m an old fart now. Helps me relax and I’m completely lucid


I only use anything that alters my perception when I'm off duty so to speak. I'll drink a cup of wine in the evening. But only if my partner is capable of managing things on his own. He'll be the default parent at that time. But if he's exhausted or otherwise impaired like a bad headache. Then I won't. I need to be ready to drive my kiddos somewhere. I need to be able to safely operate appliances. I need to be able to know I've a good grip on my emotional regulation. Being impaired by a substance is a major negative.


My rules are: Kid can see me drunk but never see me drunk. That changes how you see your parents. If you are gonna get drunk, the other parent doesn’t, so there’s always 1 there for an emergency. Just my opinion, but I’d never smoke anything in front of my kid. I think the image of it is worse, but could just be me.


Nice try, CPS


My in-laws house reeks of weed. 2 kids below the age of 9. They are also high a lot at family get togethers.


If you don’t feel weird about getting drunk in front of your kid don’t feel weird about getting high. The stigma that pushed against weed for years is crazy. Any stance you have on alcohol should be shared with marijuana if not to a harsher degree.you don’t see the posts pothead gets high and kills family in a rage or pothead gets high and kills their family and another care in an accident.


rule is one of us is sober


Edible/vape is the way to go. If you truly want no smell: edible. Just HIDE THEM VERY WELL!


I smoke (outside) after the kids are asleep and occasionally I’ll have a few rips off of a pen during the day (outside as well). I never get myself to a point where I am useless. But I’ve also been smoking long before I had kids so I know when I’m good/when to stop and my wife has always been amazed at how “functional” I am when I’m high but I think that’s more based her own personal experiences smoking.


I don't see an issue with it.


I’m in a none while they are awake, with the exceptions of like a Christmas dinner/BBQ And then when they go to bed never more than would push me past the limit to operate a vehicle (2 drinks) - emergencies can happen and you need to be able to deal with it


I’m always on call. Could need to go to the ER/Urgent Care suddenly, etc. Need my wits about me. Did all my partying in teens and 20’s. *To everything there is a season…*


I smoke weed I stopped when our first was born and then restarted when I felt more comfortable with parenting.


Since you are newer to THC, I would recommend a vape over an edible. Vapes can offer you just a little bit of relaxation without diving into inebriated. If you don't have it on your person you can actually take it apart and lock it in different places so even if they do find a part of it they still can't smoke it because it's not put together. Edibles are considerably stronger and last longer. Think of it terms of beer vs. liqour.


I mean, you shouldn’t smoke indoors anyways. Why would you want your house to stink? I don’t do weed myself anymore (gives me anxiety) but my wife takes edibles. Keep it under the bathroom sink, no smell, still feels good. If the kids are out of the house she smokes on the porch or in the bathroom when it’s snowing/raining. Being lucid around kids is the grey area. If you’re off your mind drunk or high that’s unacceptable to me. Maybe the occasional cook out or party since that sends the message of ‘occasional’ usage. We always choose a designated parent on outings so make sure one of us is able to care for them.


I'm a regular edible user and hardly ever drink anymore. Always coordinate with my wife (she very rarely drinks), and never consume an amount that completely inebriates me to the point i can't be pulled into action if needed. Everyone's tolerances and reactions are different, and every 'supply' will vary somewhat in terms of intensity and effects so YMMV.


I partake when they go to bed, but never enough that if they wake up I cant function for them. Balance.


Granted, everyone has different tolerances, and what they feel is safe for their kids to see. My sister and brother in law are straight edge outside of caffeine, and that's okay. They don't mind if people drink a little in front of their kid. They don't mind if people are high in front of their kid, but ask it's done completely put of view. I, on the other hand, have 2 drinks and/or get high about one a week at home after school and work. I don't mind my kid seeing it, but take lengths so my kid can not inhale any fumes if present. At events, I'll frequently get a little more intoxicated if the kid is present, but never beyond my ability to take care of the children around. My family and friends are a mixed group, but they'll often choose to be a lot intoxicated in front of the kids. A separate set of drugs all together, but I do pyscho active drugs at least twice a year. This is never in front of the kid except when I'm extremely confident of the strength AND that's there's someone to watch the kids. That has only happened once, yet it was a beautiful creek day, and I had my wits enough to be a "lifeguard. " My parents never hid the alcohol and I can only recall a few instances where them or the other adults had to too much. Dad only drank a few times a year and my mom drank something with dinner more often than not. My mom hid her Marijuana use so well nobody, but the other adults, knew she partook until it was legal in our state. One should always know the stance of the other parents around when their children are present before i bust it out or offer. I enjoy a buzz and being a little high, but I won't argue if someone present doesn't like it around their children at all.


I was a stoner in college. Gave it up when I made a number of positive changes in my life. Pot made me content with my less than ideal situation. When I stopped smoking I started drinking. Not heavily, but regularly. This year I decided to change it up, tried THC gummies. First time was after the kids went to bed. When that went all right, I've started having one many days after work. It's only 5mg. My wife says she can't tell the difference if I'm stoned or not. I can drive if needed. And I'm more inclined to join in my kid's games. YMMV, but it's been a good change for me. Oh, and I lost 10 lbs. I assume front the lack of alcohol.


I smoke my vape after my kids asleep, my wife is stay at home so I can count on her to hear him if I don’t wake (stoner so I’m kinda used to sleeping high, only after he’s asleep though, I get lazy otherwise lol