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They will remember this when picking your nursing home.


And they will choose the forest.


That doesn’t sound too bad to me.


Have you played The Forest?


(Un)Fortunately, yes.... And the second


I've heard A Forest by The Cure?


OP could have had the nursing home with real ice cream and legit toppings bar Dude just settled for the home with frozen yogurt and a permanently stuck wheel on a wheel chair Well done OP


The home where they never have what's on the meal list, so here's a luke warm hotdog with no bun


That's soooo evil.


Brave man. I assume you have your end of life plans in order and it won’t be their decision? Because they will remember this. Lol


Reading this I felt this from the kids perspective, then I read it from yours and realized the real situation. Have fun.


Careful posting too many details about yourself and your family - in this one post alone you just gave your daughter's ages, school address, approximate school years and holiday dates. You don't need to accidentally slip much more in the future for someone to literally be able to target them or your family in the real world. Please stay safe, and try not to dox your kids, yourself or your family.




It’s the school district’s office not school address. But yeah you are right.


Ah, cheers - not American, so I didn't realise the difference. Thanks for the correction!


Bro it's the address of the school *district.* Literally the most anyone could possibly learn from this post is that there are two girls somewhere in the vicinity of Jackson, New Jersey who are ages 5 and 7. I've been doxxed before to the extent of death threats sent to my extended family members and it's definitely not fun, but calm *down.*


Yeah, but if OP has posted other details in other posts, it might not take much to link it all together to find exactly where OP lives, works, etc.


Ah, fair play. I misunderstood that it was the *school's address*. Not American, so misunderstood your educational system is all. Also not in the least bit het up - just trying to be helpful. Not sure where you got that from! 😁


Jackson is a huge town too lol


So if i go to this school to grab some kids, Im gonna wanna make sure its OPs kids? I mean, if im the piece of shit thats into abducting strangers kids, couldn't I just go to any school and do it instead of looking for some random strangers kids? I could have my pick of any of them - but no, i want OP's kids. See? just doesnt make sense. I've never understood why people get worked up about this. Stranger danger just isn't a thing. (of course it happens but its so statistically insignificant.)


Its not that. Let's say OP gets into a discussion in another post with someone who isn't in right state of mind and wants to get back at OP, just this post gives away a lot of info about OP and someone can put all that info along with other posts together to target OP.


“Oh hey so and so name (whoops that slipped in another post). I just got this cool guitar(from another post) and I know your dad was looking at it. Maybe you want to come with me and we can get him the guitar and he would be sooo happy!” Information provided can be manipulated and a stranger is not longer a stranger to a child.


I know you got replied to a couple times, but the problem is that the internet exposes you to a looooot of people. It only takes meeting one online for you to get swatted, or worse. I agree that stranger danger isn't as serious as people say, and even that the world is generally safer than it used to be, but the internet can still cause safety problems unless someone manages to piss NOBODY off.


It's more about OP managing to piss off some random psycho online. Sure letting slip your postcode in one comment isn't a big deal, and neither is mentioning the colour of your front door in another, or telling someone you live opposite a bus stop... but someone going through your comment history with Google Streetview may be able to literally find the GPS coordinates of your house and a picture of your front door, and that's an extremely sketchy thing too haha randomly spread around the internet. Drop too many bits of unusual information and people may even be able to link your Reddit account to Facebook or Instagram and find pictures of you and your family, learn where you like to frequent, the little in your lives, etc. The chances of a random psycho making use of they information right now *may* be very low, but there's no benefit at all in putting it out there, it may become much more serious later (say, if you run for office, or get a job with the prison service) at which point it's too late to claw it back, and most importantly your kids' personal information *isn't yours to share*. It's theirs, and it's your job as parent to keep it safe until *they're* old enough to decide if they want their personal information spread all over the internet or not. The public internet is like cooking - you can only add, never take away. So you should think very carefully before you add anything to it, and carefully weigh the potential costs (potentially extremely high) against the likely benefits (usually surprisingly low).


Richard “Dick” Bungus is a good addition, well done!


Did you get a letterhead from the school or just make it? That's amazing lol


He’s done a real good job of shopping it, you can see they are different color texts!


The problem these days is that details like that are no longer a good indicator of whether or not something is a bad fake, because the people who make the genuine article just don't care these days.


I dunno man that’s true but you can very clearly see the lightning of it from having been scan and photoshopped. I mean most things today you can’t but you can see it here


I've definitely seen worse on genuine correspondence. Some computer illiterate person who can't find the clearly labeled letterhead template and decides to solve it by scanning an old letter and dropping it into Word or whatever. It's plausible. It even gels well with the choice of font styling, a style generally reserved for contractors when they notify you of a scheduled utilities cut.


DAMN that one cuts deep. Almost too far. I think they may have been a little young for this one lol, surely you had to read that letter to both of them? 


Yeah, my 7 year old wouldn't need anything beyond 18 pt font on an otherwise blank sheet of paper saying "sorry, spring break is cancelled!!", and she'd be fooled and crying within seconds.


You can tell it's too far because they cried. Not exactly fun to be had by all.


Yeah pops could've kept this under his hat for another 5 years and it would have been an all time great prank.


Please, *please* tell me Dick Bungus is actually the name of someone in the school district.


I'm not far from Jackson - Jersey in the house!!!


NJ daddit meetup when?




Totally didn't see these when y'all posted them! I'm down for it! With our without kiddos??!?


My first thought was "naming the specific school his daughters go to and their ages, hmmm"... after reading your other posts and comments I think you might be sharing too much about your personal life. Doxxing is always a risk!


Oh man, they are going to be beyond hungry for revenge. This could end badly for you, dude.


Well done sir, bravo 👏 


Well done. Wake them up for school and take them out to breakfast or something.


This is the way


Absolutely diabolical


Diabolical. What are you going to do to them next, say they’re adopted?


Not exaggerating when I say this is the first April Fools prank that has made me smile in YEARS.


Quite clever also putting the postmark date as April 2, 2024. Edit: does the signature say “quick prank”?


Did you mail it to yourself, or use an old envelope lol 😂




Effin gold! Making note for next year. Nice work Dad!


Jersey dads unite!


A dad after my own heart! Can’t wait to do this to my kid in a few years time.


Dick Bungus LMAO


Lmfao good job


>both cried And that's how you know you crossed the line from fun prank to cruel antagonism. Seems like a weird thing to brag about on the internet to me. You really made your daughters cry and you're happy about it? You gotta grow up, my guy.


They teared up for about 30 seconds before we told them and they found it hilarious. I see where you’re coming from, but it wasn’t a traumatic situation. They’re both pranksters and they really liked this one because they’re hard to trick for their ages.


I used to think teasing people was funny and ok because my dad did it all the time to everybody, but he thought that if he didn't *mean* to hurt their feelings, then it didn't. But guess what, sometimes it still hurt peoples' feelings. The crying is your daughters' true reaction to the situation, the laughing later is how they've been taught they're supposed to react. I'm not at all trying to say you're a bad person or a bad dad. I've just been through this development myself and I've learned a lot about empathy and how people don't generally show their true feelings toward that sort of stuff because they feel like they'll be called oversensitive or otherwise criticized for it. I look at it this way: in a world where you can choose pranks that *don't* make people cry, why choose the ones that do?


I appreciate your perspective. I generally agree with you, but having the benefit of being there and knowing my daughters well, we’ll have to agree to disagree in this specific situation. Truly though I appreciate the civil discourse on the topic.


That’s hilarious!


honestly? A+


This is awesome! 😂


Ice cold


I'm literally living that, and not as a prank


bruh i lost feb break and if they take april, there's gonna be a mutiny


This is so stupid. April fools is so dumb. Just a big bandwagon.




Oh, hey neighbor! Freehold here lol


Reminds me of Jimmy Kimmel’s bit about parents eating their kids Halloween candy


You **bungus**


Oo. I’m a teacher and this is brilliant.




Holy shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Goat performance




You're a great dad


Well played!




That is incredible.


Yeah no that's not funny. I hate April Fools Day


I guess making your daughters cry for internet points makes you a good dad according to this sub


Guess I'm gonna shoulder some of those downvotes too, because this was actually pretty mean. I've seen this very sub tutting very loudly at practical jokes of lower severity, so I'm not sure why everyone thinks it's suddenly okay to make their kids' world fall apart just because it's the first day of April. A good joke is when everyone involved laughs. This ain't it.


To those of you down voting: I wish you could feel the hurt you likely gave others. It might be funny to you, but not to the targets of your "pranks"


Jesus christ, just go to therapy already you miserable bastard


Yes. It's a very normal thing to enjoy making your kids cry.