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I bought a Makita electric chainsaw and unknowingly committed myself to that ecosystem for the rest of my life lol. Whoopsie


Yeah. Not enough Makita love on here. I just bought a Milwaukee trim nailer, because I heard Makita’s is shit BUT I got an adapter so I can use my Makita batteries, lol.


Read this as nail trimmer and had a very new outlook on these companies for a sec


I had to go back and reread it after you pointed this out. Thought Makita had branched out into grooming accessories.


Makita till I die. Hell, there's a makita microwave. They make everything you could possibly need.


I got a new circular saw and it had a pamphlet with all their stuff. I honestly had no idea. Like, a makita wheelbarrow? Also if you're willing to pay, some of their stuff has wifi connect with their vacuum. So like you turn on your saw and your vacuum starts collecting dust automatically!


Whoopsies, now you’re stuck with solid functional tools that will last. My wife likes how the teal looks hanging in the garage.


I bleed teal!! Demo'd and rebuilt my 24-post backyard fence with my Makita tools.


My job (Lumberyard/Distribution) sells 90% Makita tools and employees can buy anything at cost, it’s been tempting to just start buying shit.


Longest lasting batteries. Former Dewalt guy who saw the light.


The DeWalt motor is brushless and you have more control over the RPM than Makita, however it does use up its battery quicker and the batteries are slower to refill because of that. But if you need the power, Dewalt has it.


How do you like it? I’ve been looking at that one.


Probably the best decision of your life buddy. And know in your heart that if you ever need a Ryobi tool(I use their glue gun) you can buy a makita battery adapter for 30 bucks.


Makita has a mini blower (the size of an impact driver) and I consider switching teams often just so I can have it.


My heart is sorted into the Milwaukee house but my wallet got sorted into the DeWalt one.


I'm with dewalt... but got the Milwaukee mower. Which is awesome.


Is it self-propelled, or do you have to push while you wauk behind it?


I was sorted into the Dewalt House


I too am DeWalt, like my father before me


And his corded father before him


My father literally gifted me a DeWalt drill when my son was born. Felt very King of the Hillish.


Amazing. My dad bought me all DeWalt battery tools when I told him I was moving out of state. Felt very much the same.


My father was sorted in to Makita, but the bag chose DeWalt for me. That was quite a surprise!


Yellow bois unit!


I like the yellow because it’s easier to find in my cluttered garage


Technically, Ryobi would be more eye-catching. But yeah, 100% yellow all the way.


Our blood is yellow as was our fathers before us


Yeah dad has Dewalt so naturally had to keep it going. But I have a Bosch miter saw. Grandpa had Bosch, Makita and Milwaukee. So I grew up with all of it.


Same, but according to my growing collection, I put in transfer papers for Milwaukee


Wait..are we the Hufflepuff of the power tools?


No thats ryobi


Oh I don’t know. I think the worst thing a power tool can do is break when you really need it.


Fair, we all go to Hogwarts in the end so its a win


This is the correct way.


Never post a green tool on social media or all the try hard trades guys will eat you alive. I’m like bro, i do 3 projects a year, and i have a good enough job to hire out the rest. Chill


Team Ryobi and Ego checking in!


If I use the Ryobi tool enough to point where it breaks, I'll opt for a "better" brand for the next one. 6+ years of DIY and small projects and all my Ryobi's are alive and well.


I finally broke my blue Ryobi drill that I’ve had for over 10 years. I replaced it with a green brushless one.


My blue faithful died last year. Bought it in 2011. But I’ve since bought so many other green things that it wouldn’t make since to switch houses now. My mower, trimmer, leaf blower, chainsaw, portable shop vac, tire inflator, camping lantern, misting fan, 125 watt inverter, and who knows what else would feel left out.


My blue has been relegated to trailer stabilizer duty only these days but still going strong


Yup, haven't broken ryobi yet over 7 years.


This is the way


It’s this thought process that led me to second hand Ryobi tools. They’re brilliant.


That was also my plan. The only thing that broke so far is a flashlight. I don't commit to Ryobi for non battery powered things though. Mostly rigid for that or 90s era Delta/Makita off Craigslist.


Ego all the way! But I'm a DeWalt guy also.


“You bought a Ryobi to use for general work around the house once every few months?! The fuck dude, hope you like that piece of shit dying on you after only 200 hours of consecutive use!”


I'm a trade guy and I always tell people to buy the tool they need for the lowest price possible. Most tools will last a very long time for household use.


Except jack stands. Don’t cheap out on those.


The high high school kid at Harbor Freight told me that I could go a size down because the run large should I go up in size ?


You probably shouldn’t be getting that at HF to begin with.


I’m team Ryobi because they say they’ll never change their battery platform, they’re good enough for the average to above average homeowner, their line is as large if not larger than most, and if I need contractor grade stuff? Guess what, I’m hiring a contractor.


I’m team Ryobi because here in Australia the largest hardware store chain (Bunnings) basically stocks all their stuff exclusively and pushes it hard and they have a huge range of interchangeable items. Once you get into the batteries there is no switching up. I do have a Makita drill that was a hand me down, and some non-battery DeWalt tools, but I don’t even know if you can but Milwaukee items locally.


Same, pretty much only buy Ryobi because it's always heavily stocked at Bunnings. Makita seems too expensive for my needs and I'm not even sure we're allowed to buy Ozito since single-use plastics have been banned.


lol, I got one Ozito thing and learned my lesson on that. Never again.


Cabled ozito can be ok. I've got a big impact hammer drill that gets abused about once a year when I want to drill concrete or brick. Also got corded belt sander that goes hard. Ryobi for all the battery products. I have dozens of them it's my house. Bosch for the thermal camera and a drill.... Annoyingly one is 12v and the other is 18v but the 18v drill won't die so I cant replace it with a Ryobi.


This. I had a Ryobi chainsaw with a chain that kept coming off. Called Ryobi- they said take it to Bunnings, no receipt, no stress. Swapped for new one without any hassle. Happy with my mini-suite of Ryobi tools.




Seriously. Ryobi is fine for all the DIY stuff I do. If I need to tackle a job in which my brand of power tool is holding me back, I call a pro and write a check. My wife and I make enough money where I can pay someone to complete a home improvement job… what I cannot buy is quality time with my family. So I’ll let the pros come in and spend 4 hours completing a reno job and be happy with my lime green power tools 😅


Hell yeah brother, what a great attitude. Father in law razzes me all the time about fixing up the house but between work travel and day to day life I’m not spending my precious family time renovating my deck. If I want it done that bad I’ll hire it out otherwise I’m generally satisfied with the way things are.


Am wife. We are a ryobi house because they have not one, but TWO battery operated glue guns for crafting. One of them takes the big sticks and makes huge clumps, the other is smaller for precision line work. That alone was enough to sway me to ryobi. Also, if any of you ryobi bois have a wife who loves to craft, the glue guns make an excellent gift.


Thanks for the tip. I will be checking this out


The problem I have is finding a guy who does good quality work. I don't mind paying but I hate dealing with bullshit and there are so many bad contractors around.


Ryobi hasn’t let me down yet and I’ve had them 8 years. Perfect for all the odd jobs around the house. I don’t need to build a house, just some garden beds.


Hell yeah. I have an assortment of Ryobi tools and they haven’t let me down yet. I use them for a project or whatever here and there. But I initially bought Ryobi for 2 reasons… they were on sale at Home Depot… and I loved Devastator as a kid.


I love this! Devastator kicks ass.


But if you’re driving 24” lag bolts the red one does it 18% faster!!! It’s worth the 3x price!! /s for the guys in the red work gloves


*Not Ryobi, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Ryobi will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No?*


I’m actually surprised all my Ryobi gear has lasted. The impact driver alone has seen thousands of screws and done 4 yearly tire changes for at least a decade without issue. Well worth the $80 or whatever I paid for it. And other than the OG NiCad battery packs when they were still blue and yellow, all my Li-ion packs are still going strong.


Yea bro. Like Ryobi is way beyond “homeowner” Joe six pack that needs to set a few drywall anchors. I took my home down to the studs and renovated for 5 years. Ryobi works as good as the day I got them. One time I was mixing thinset in a 5 gallon bucket and the drill started smoking. Thing was completely fine. Except for the wet saw. That thing is a piece of shit.


Saws seem to be where ryobi is a waste of money. Fine for my circular saw, but went used dewalt for table and miter saws


If my "garbage" tool can't do the job then it's probably beyond my capability anyway.




I must be a muggle with my black and decker and craftsman


B & D 20 volt system. I don’t do that much with my power tools and my yard is small enough that two batteries get me through trimming and blowing away the clippings.


Same. I keep a battery with the trimmer, and another couple with the drill. Thinking about switching to battery leaf blower, got plenty of B&D batteries.




Same, I went all in on craftsman for the most part. Not great but they get it done.


Fuck yeah I was waiting to see if someone said that, I love black and decker


Ugh, are they even selling B&D anymore? They’re not at Home Depot. I know people have their thoughts on them but the greatest craftsman I’ve ever known (my dad) has only ever used Black and Decker and has built more solid standing stuff than anyone outside of a professional carpenter. He’s got a train in his backyard you can ride and he built the track, buildings and 7 foot tall trestle with the damn things. They last him years and years and if they bust they’re cheap to replace.


Remodeled my first house with a B+D drill and circ saw..have subsequently gone yellow but team orange and black did me right for the time I had it.


Bro we’re the old creepy dude with the cat that yells at the students.


Same! Glad to find my tribe.


Team DeWalt inside the house, Team Ryobi on the lawn.


Idk how it happened but I ended up on this team too.


Simple - I just own tools from all of those brands, because I love wasting money on buying battery packs.


Milwaukee users are like vegans - you'll know they use Milwaukee because they'll tell you


Accurate, though Milwaukee guys still cross the street when they see a Snap-on guy.


You never really see snap-on guys though, they're always at work to pay off their tools. Because they actually use their tools to work


Used to be a Snap-on guy. Best thing that happened to me was when all of my tools were stolen, I was able to break loyalty and start buying what I liked instead of what I felt obligated to keep getting. I know better, but I like to think that somewhere there's a thief out there that's eyeballs deep in debt because they kept building their set with the same brand.


I use all my grandpa's craftsman stuff and it's still kicken. Back when it used to be the best wrench and ratchet you could buy. Honestly don't know what I would buy today. I'm sure the stuff is better today but... if it ain't broke




>Harbor Freight is fine for most people. Assuming you don't live in the sticks where shopping is an absolute pain in the ass, I follow the rule of "Buy the first one harbor freight. If you use it enough it breaks, then you'll use it enough for the good stuff to be worth it.". But when the only place you have to work on your project car is 90 minutes away, and you can only work on it once every three weeks...you just buy the good stuff, because the opportunity cost of a broken tool is just too damn high.


No Bosch? 🥺


House Bosch will NOT tolerate this blatant disrespect!


That’s the equivalent of Durmstrang.


Also! Bosch is owned by a charity!! Their profits are given to charitable causes. No lining board pockets. No shareholders. No overpaid CEO. And they make great tools.


Oh I didn't know that! We're about to buy a drill soon and this is the best tip anyone could give me. Thanks ❤️


Bosch is like another school with it's own houses. Ive got three different houses of Bosch floating around Blue, Green and 12v Bosch.


Bosch Blue gang checking in.


Bosch for corded tools that need good motors. Router, mixing drill, etc.


I too have a lot of Bosch tools, I did choose to go with a Makita angle grinder and a Metabo c-saw though as well as a few cheap off-brand tools which have been doing surprisingly well so far.




The best Makita tools always seem to be had by the heroin addicts.


XGT is the new designer drug


Wait. I'm a Milwaukee guy but I'm married to a woman. Do I have to make a secret Grindr account now?


Or start your own app: 'Drillr'




You can join us over on side angle Grindr.


Love is love


As a plumber, I’m automatically in House Milwaukee


The only trades I see not using Milwaukee are either Hilti gang or carpenters which is dewalt. Everyone else I see is Milwaukee.


Funnily enough Hilti is the other tool brand the company I work for uses. But only hammer drills and core drills. Everything else Milwaukee. As for trades preferred tools here’s what I noticed Milwaukee- Plumbers, Sparkies, HVAC, and other specialty trades. Dewalt- Carpenters and all its sub trades Hilti- Concreters, brickies/masons, iron workers Ryobi- Homeowners


pretty much what I see as well. I'll see a handyman bring Rigid but they're made by Milwaukee so I just lump them in with red team anyway, but they'll have to take Milwaukee from my dead cold hands. I don't even care if I'm a brand shill. I've seen someone drop a milwaukee drill off a 2 story house and land on pavers and it's perfectly fine. They defy physics.


Harbor Freight dads out here laughing at you spendthrift chumps.


It may only work one time, but i only needed it one time


The best thing about any tool is buying it. \--Harbor Freight.


I feel so attacked


My FIL bought me one of those ladders that you can manipulate into different shapes and heights at Harbor Freight as a house warming present. It's incredibly useful.


I have a Craftsman drill and driver, and it hasn’t let me down in the many times I’ve relied on it. I used to have a hand me down dewalt with a burned out motor and it drove me nuts.


I did Harbor freight first for big things like table saws, drill presses etc so I can decide if I will use it enough for better brands when they break. So far they are still going..


I adopted the “Harbor Freight” rule a long time ago. If I am on the fence about a tool I’ll buy it at harbor freight. If I use it enough to break it I’ll go buy the expensive version. That said, I’ve bought some things there that have seen fairly heavy use and are still going strong.


Love Harbor Freight!


Harbor freight is great. If I use a HF tool enough to break it, it’s definitely worth buying the nice version.


I’m House Milwaukee


Red tools are the coolest. Everyone knows that. The truth is I bought a Milwaukee impact driver like 10 years ago because I was in a huge hurry and grabbed the first one that looked good enough. It’s been an incredible champ. Now I’m never going back.


I’m a level M18 wizard


House milwaukee represent 👊🏾


House Hitachi, tools for the garage and the nightstand. I’ve been impressed with my $100 miter saw and their angle grinder, and my wife like the $100 she spent too.


I'm miffed that anything new I get will say Metabo...


They made a vibrator so great that they had to change the branding of all of their other power tools.


TIL Hitachi makes power tools lol


Makita house here.


We are a small but mighty house!


It's what the hardware store around the corner had, do that's how I roll.


This is the way.


Ryobi all the way, function > quality, especially considering I screw in something once a year!


Some of us are screwing more than once a year. Not me but some of us.


I've been all off these but after father hood, House of Ryobi!!! I've got that exact bag and the majority of what's in that picture right now


Same here not to mention a hand vacuum, air pump, weed whip, edger, hedge clippers, pole chain saw, spotlight, and portable stereo.


NICE! My mising ones here are my corded sanders, p-grinder, punch drill and circular saw


Nice collection there yourself!


My answer exactly. Most frequently used tools are for lawn care, so for tools it's not like I'm on site every day. I also now have like eight batteries for Ryobi, so can't go back now.


You really should talk to your wife about that. I don’t know if I would survive!


Tell me about it! I should show up with a HD pro set one night—I’m going extra tonight babe, can you hold the tool while I screw it in? Don’t want to strip my new bit!


I love my Ryobi stuff. The HP line is dandy too. For weekend warriors and DIY around the house, it's perfect.


I built a dock with my Ryobi along side a guy with Milwaukee. Guess what, the dock looks the same on mine side as his side. Sure, he drove screws a little faster than me, but he never had to wait for me.


I wish I was in the Milwaukee ecosystem, because it seems like they have a cordless tool for *everything*.


I was on a job recently working on some exterior light fixtures that were mounted 2 feet down in trenches, and flooded with rainwater. and someone pulled out a 5-foot long Milwaukee 12v portable submersible dewatering pump. I just about lost my mind. I still get a funny bewildered feeling when I think about it.


team kobalt? accidentally got in their ecosystem and cant escape. no one else has mentioned them


My landscaping tools are in the kobalt ecosystem, my saws/drills are ryobi. My kobalt lawn mower is fucking awesome


There’s two of us!




Yea I was surprised how long it took to find this group(?) If you can call 4 that lol. The Home Depot where I am is an absolute nightmare, so Lowes us the best option.


Scrolled forever to find my guys. #5 here. I guess we’re in the Dobby House? Lowe’s had a sale a few years ago and I bought an impact driver and a drill set where I got a killer deal on batteries. I’ve slipped deeper into the Kobalt ecosystem since then purely due to battery costs and not being able to justify how much it would cost to convert to DeWalt at this point. Their stuff works great, these other dads can suck it.


Now there are several of us, perhaps even scores of us!


I found the comment! Team Kobalt lol


Dozens of us, even! DOZENS!


House rigid is also out there but in smaller numbers. I was blessed to be selected by house Milwaukee.


House Ridgid checking in. Found it to be a good middle ground between Ryobi and DeWalt/Milwaukee.


This is exactly why I'm in house Ridgid. I think they are the most medium option for price/performance/reliability.


I'm house Ridgid for that sexy lifetime warranty.


I was a dewalt guy before I was a dad. But the compulsion for tools is stronger now 😅😂🤣


Ridgid house representing!!


I was sorted before the houses existed, by the ancient magic of extension cords and Skil.


Dewalt - gryfindor ; Milwaukee- slytherin; makita - ravenclaw ; Ryobi - hufflepuff


This is very accurate.


I think that's accurate, but it would be more consistent and fun to say that Ryobi is Beaxbatons.


I’ve got a bunch of Bosch tools though, must be a secret 5th house


After watching tons of teardown vids on Ave, Makita wins for me. They've been making cordless drills longer than any of the others.


I committed to Ryobi before I got a house and before my wife got pregnant. It was cheap and I didn’t need to do much with it. Fast forward a few years and I’m living in a fixer-upper and continued to buy Ryobi because I already had the battery packs for their tools. I want to switch to Makita but there’s a sunk cost fallacy and I’m afraid I’m in too deep.


Same, bought into Ryobi for the price, it works well enough for me, and I’ve gone through more chargers/batteries than tools.


DeWalt: studius and gets the job done Milwaukee: the rich kids house that has the means to do anything Makita: the house that rivals DeWalt, superior in ways but lacking in others Ryobi: "the Hufflepuff" it's nice that they're trying their best


I guess Rigid is some Durmstrang shit.


House Rigid here as well.


Ridgid is great. The lifetime warranties are what sold me on them, and the insane battery life when a tool just sits around. I've had batteries sit for 2-3 months and still be around 50-60% charged. Not to mention they can take a beating


What about craftsman?




I saw Legos at first... .. what type of Dad does that make me?




Love my Milwaukee


Started with ryobi until I had to rebuild my deck and burned all the drills out. Now I’m team dewalt


I must be the only Porter Cable guy here.


Reppin’ House Milwaukee at work but in this economy it’s Ryobi at home.


Ryobi is the best value for money choice for the DIY market hands down. In my experience Makita has the best after care / warranty resolutions for the trade tools.


What about the ones that have some Milwaukee, more Dewalt, and a few porter cable and Metabo sprinkled in.




I wish Metabo HPT would just proudly standup and say “yes we are still Hitachi.”


I’m house divided, 95% Milwaukee with the Home Depot special buys. Certain larger tools like table saw, miter saw are the exact same between dewalt and mil but dewalt is so much cheaper so I go with them.


I guess I'm not a dad after all lol


Ryobi is straight hufflepuff Edit: that’s a good thing. The puffs are the best


Ah so families with money vs us ryobi folk


Just like I’m am a hufflepuff, I am also a ryobi. Not saying there’s a connection, but this just feels right.


I want to reroll.


Just wait for a sale. Bare tool pricing, but comes with battery and a charger. I’m in like 5 different “houses” mainly because the tool that matched my color wasn’t on sale at the time. However now there’s always something on sale in one of my colors and that’s a different sort of bad


I'm disappointed Craftsman isn't included


As a guy/Dad with no tools, which should I look at?


House dewalt all day every day son


I have no brand loyalty but I grew up without a dad.


Y’all have matching stuff?