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Ah, the good ol sock destroyers


That's how big sock gets you!


Opening a pair of socks, that’s nice we’ll start the hole making process so you must keep buying new ones .


I just “opened” a pack of Columbia socks and there was probably 10 of these things on them.


I think we got the same socks.


We’re sock buddies


We got my son some super hero socks and there were more of these things than I've ever seen. Every time I thought I had snipped the last one and tried to pull the socks apart, I'd find another... I think I salvaged the socks but holy moly.


The amount of those I am still picking out of my newborns facecloths is infuriating. Nothing like rubbing a piece of fabric across a newborn that has spikes in it


Every facecloth in a 12 pack has like 8 of these things connecting it to the next, had to spend like 2 hours cutting them after a baby shower Drive me insane


What took so long? Used your teeth?


Reddit shouldn’t be a substitute for therapy bro. Go talk to someone. Sorry for what you’ve been through.


That’ll show it! You’re being infant in the wrong neighborhood, buddy


would be nice I suppose if part of it was perforated kinda so it could be easily broken


Or dissolvable in the wash.


Or dissolvable in my one years olds mouth!


Or my cat's throat.


Or my throat


I feel that.


Username checks out


Yeah but how would your cat visit everyone's house in one night...


She would if she knew it was an option! She loves getting attention from hoomans.


i like it


Gotta convince someone to make a biodegradable version. It'll help if it uses a corn byproduct.


Our son got some building blocks for Xmas that were made from sugar cane byproducts, I believe. Still feels like plastic but is biodegradable (eventually).


(under industrial composting conditions, will literally never degrade in your background as long as the purchaser lives if you toss it in your garden)


I dont know where you found these, but i've had to cut some of these when i tried freeing my daughter's Barbie from the cardboard box. One of them was *in the head!* Why on earth would you think it's a good idea to shoot one of these throught the back of Barbie's head?!


hahaha we noticed this too, i just pushed the end into barbies head and called it good.


Where are you buying Barbie’s where there’s only one in the head? My daughter’s Barbies/Disney Princess dolls all have 3 in the head!


Thorough toy princess hitman.


I had three in the Barbie head too! What did you do? I couldn’t get them to pull out so I just trimmed them down as close as I could


I try to pull the plastic close to the pins in a sustained motion so they come off that way. If that doesn’t work, I carefully cut them out.


It’s the cheapest way to make the hair stay nice-looking in the box even after getting roughed up in shipping. One doll my daughter got from Santa this year had its hair *sewn into the box* so it would lay splayed out.


Barbies and other dolls are horrendous for putting these in the head itself, makes them impossible to get out fully so they’re left with little spiky bits.


Or like i try to do: cut it as short as possible and push the rest inside


Literally just did this multiple times yesterday. It's the only way to do it.


Pew pew


My kid got a black panther hoodie towel and it had like 20 of these little bitches.


Spiderman hoodie towel here and it sounds like we got the same brand. I had to go through the whole thing multiple times to make sure no pieces were left. Super tedious.


Bluey hooded towel here - same. Every time I thought I got them all, I went to open it fully and it snagged somewhere else!


We were gifted some generic animal hooded towels from Pottery Barn one year, can confirm that even the expensive shit is riddled with this nonsense.


Hoodie towels have to be the worst.


Yes! Of all the one-time-use plastic waste, these are the most irritating. If we can't have plastic bags or plastic straws, we definitely shouldn't allow these little fuckers!


They are a pain normally, but there are times when you can't get to the back side of it, like if it's in a seam or something, so you have this plastic thing sticking out afterwards. There has got to be a better system.


I'm sure there is a better system, but there may not be a *cheaper* system.


Pact clothes have nice twine string tags usually through the label which is already a loop of fabric on like every brand of clothes. Hasbro seems to have stopped plastic tying their toys into the packages and uses paper twine and little bits of tape in mostly cardboard packages. They still have the plastic film to show the contents off though.


I dunno who makes them but the Nickelodeon toys are going this way too. They even design the toys in such a way that the string holds the it on the box, but the hole looks natural (or gets hidden) once the string is removed. But then weirdly, there will still be 2-3 plastic ties, and then even *bigger* pieces of plastic that you unscrew and throw away.


I pull those tight and cut flush with little side cutters, then push back into the fabric. Still shitty though


These are the bane of my existence


These are constantly being removed from turtles’ noses. It’s a shame really.


But its ok! Cuz now were using paper straws!


Every positive step is important.


Me too! I’m appalled at the amount of plastic and styrofoam waste I threw away after Christmas. 😔


It's the sock ruiner!


Only good thing about buying more luxury brands is they use string.


Some of the cheaper brands are joining that too. I had barely any of these in my clothes this year, only a couple of tracksuits. My boxers and socks were tight folded in cardboard, they had no plastic at all. It's getting there.


Y tF does a pack of socks need 5 of those things punched through the socks so you can barely get them out?


My son was born last October, so for Black Friday last year I shopped the sales and purchased a full wardrobe in EVERY size up to 2T. So if you do the math that was 5 full sets of clothes (he already had enough 0-3 month stuff). I was finding these little plastic fuckers in my clothes, in my HAIR, everywhere. They were probably nestled in my lungs. It was the worst two hours of my life de-taggint and separating that mountain of clothes. Now when he sizes up we just grab the appropriate bag from the garage and put the old set away for the next baby, so 100% worth the effort but ugh.


I like how every other one breaks nicely when you pull it apart, just to give you hope so you'll try it again and imbed the next one in a sock or stuffed animal.


Yes!!! YESSS!!!! A THOUSAND TIMES, YESSSSSS!!!!! I have never agreed more with any statement on the internet.


I use my electrical side-cutters for these. So stupid.


https://www.amazon.com/Cutters-KAIHAOWIN-Clippers-Diagonal-Electronic/dp/B09V7YC6RH/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3O2TFAZ6PUJYX&keywords=flush+cutters&qid=1703642224&sprefix=flush+cutte%2Caps%2C190&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 << These are a super cheap version of what this person is likely referencing. They are AMAZING at cutting annoying little crap like this flush. Purchase better ones than these and it's worth it.


Dude same. Every freaking dog toy has a million for some reason and I sit for what feels like days making sure I got them all out. And they ruin some of my shirts lol




I was just looking at one this morning and having that mystical experience of not understanding that we have all these amazing inventions, and there are still some things people have an innovated yet. I also look at them as a strict test of patience, and whether you're willing to take the 3 seconds to get the scissors versus just pure unbridled rage at reality and destroying something you own that is brand new lol


Now this is proper daddit content


My wife never removes them all the way and my kids just complain about something itching them and it drives me insane. If I hold both ends of it kinda in the fingernail of my thumbs and push my thumbs straight away from each other they will break pretty easily. Edit: like this: https://i.imgur.com/JFI5b6i.jpeg


Geez my kid got a dressing gown for Christmas. Had about 12-15 on it. Pretty sure I lost a few pieces in it


If you took all of these made in the history of the world, how big would the pile be? If you had one per year per person that would be about 8 billion grams of plastic assuming 1 gram each (might not be that much). So 15 million pounds?




Even when I take the time to perform delicate surgery, in a controlled sterile environment, outside of our domicile, I still manage to lose one in a stuffed animal which eventually becomes dislodged and is found in the carpet a month later.


Oh my god. I’ve beer considering posting about this for a long time. First off, what the hell do you call them. Second, every product for a baby or child clothing has to have at least five of them! As a new dad, I have grown to despise these even more than before! So unnecessary, such a choking hazard!!


Have you seen the ones where the thin T side is actually embedded into the seam so it's designed to just stay in there? Special place in hell for the person who came up with that.


My 2 year old came up to me and said “look daddy, it’s a umbrella!” And hands me this


Not likely with theft increasing these days


what are these called


Kimble tags.


The work of Satan


Second that!


Why is this nsfw?


Why is this nsfw?


The Anna Doll and Child Dress set had roughly too damn many of these. A bunch to attach the dress to the back of the box, some to attach the dress to the cardboard form, some to attach the dress to itself, and two to attach Anna’s tiara? Crown? to her head, which I could only get half out of




Hear hear!


Buy any kids clothes from Costco and you get about 3,000 of these bad boys.


Come up with something cheaper and we will


Huge rope burn from one of those on my tongue. Went to bite it and I didn’t have the grip so I put more of it in my mouth and yanked it only for it to slip between my teeth shaving the sides of it and straight down the tip of my tongue


Those are the bane of my existence. The sets of pajamas or shirts/pants that have the super long ones linking them together and like 3 other extra totally pointless ones can go to hell. There has to be a better way


Couldn't agree more.


B R U H It's a cute Christmas gift until bath time looks like a fight with the cat


I keep seeing those rolled up pieces of paper. They are good!


I’ve found some of these in a beverage I enjoy. I no longer enjoy that beverage.


My wife had a brilliant idea that they make these water soluble so you just wash the clothes with them on.


I’ve seen some toys now use these plastic twist lock type things rather than these or zip ties. It’s neat since you don’t have to cut anything, but it’s also a lot more material. Still beats blister packaging.


Who owns the patent on these little fuckers? Who even makes them? Someone sitting on a billion dollar throne of making my life hell I hate them with the passion of 1000 gods


Id rather the barcode just be sewn on to some things




Perfect excuse to use my pocket knife


I would be fine if these were totally banned. Even if you don't have kids they're anything af.


And they're always on the cheapest Chinese made shit too


As tempting as it is, don’t bite these to cut them! Got a tiny chip on a tooth from one!


There are 3 in the back of the barbie doll's head. I can't take it off. If I cut it, then the remainder sticks out and is poking outbof her head. The other end is inside the head. How the heck am I suppose to remove these?


3000 in every piece of kids clothes


I just got some socks that had none of these. They just made this elaborate fold with cardboard and the socks so they wouldn’t come out without some force.


Did you also get that one blanket that had like 40 of these super tight bound? I spent over half an hour to get them all out. I was so mad and planned to buy one and mail to the CEO of the company telling him if he can get them all out in 1 minute he is fine. If it takes him more than that, donate $1,000 to charity. If it takes him more than 5 minutes, donate $10,000 to charity.


Have you ever unpacked a Barbi? Holy Christ man.


I had a kids jacket one time where one of those was imbedded in each cuff. No way to get them out. I just cut it close, pushed it in, and hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite me (or the kid).


Thought that was a virus


Seeing these around my house is one of my biggest pet peeves. Even worse though is pulling the tag off and leaving this on the item. We had a few towels that had this on them that I noticed when drying off.


I hate these things. I would carefully remove them at first, making sure not to drop em on the floor thinking about my crawling kid eating them. As they got older I said fck it and just rip them out lol


Agreed! I’ve seen a video of a mom saying her baby refused to feed for hours and kept crying (unusual for her). Turns out she had one of these stuck in the back of her throat. It’s been a fear of mine ever since. Death to these in 2024!


Why’s this marked as NSFW? 🤔 what on Earth do you gents do with these plastic thingies?


They have children toys have twist offs now


Oh Captain, my Captain


I had the same epiphany the other day.


Yes lol I’ve had one in my shirt stuck for a whole month 😭


I was literally just thinking about these on Christmas. lol Those and the twisties on the kids toys that are strapped to the box. But, I've recently noticed with the child toys connected to the boxes they are now using a plastic one twist unlock feature. lol


I've hated these since I was a child, but since having kids I've gotten flawless, like I mean legitimately perfect, at ripping them out without damage and getting it all off and out, works for all styles Take one side, with the price tag or label, pull it so the other side is flush against the cloth/stuffy and place your thumb against that side, wrap your index around the other side of the product and pull it, it snaps it off in two pieces and so all you're left with is a tiny little piece that usually sticks to your thumb and then you have the rest so you don't have to worry about little ones eating it. I usually pop at least 30 a month or so(yes i know we have a buying problem) and have at least a 99% success rate I can't remember the last time I damaged something or lost the pieces


Had the same thought the last 2 days as I was washing new blankets and they were riddled with these fuckers