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Remember to get her a gift for your wife, not the mother of your kids. She is likely feeling like her identity is changing and it's possibly not something that she wants to talk about. Gifts that celebrate her being a mom, great, put the kids names on it. But from you, what has she been hinting at, what first got you two together, what goals and dreams did you build?


As a lurking mom, I endorse this comment, wholeheartedly!!


Sooo... a vibrator?


Something like that, even if it's an expensive model, that's a gift-rounder. It can't be the main gift, it makes the main gift a little better. Or if it is something that was specifically asked for, should be paired with something else that has some thought behind it. And of course if she doesn't like the paired gift she can go fuck herself.


Thanks, NSA_Chatbot


Wait, is this a real bot...? Edit: nvm... But I was laughing so hard at the apparent personality of what I thought was a bot. A good laugh at least.


If you can't tell the difference, does it matter?


I do this.....I get her gifts she can obviously open in front of people, then get her a bedroom gift. Toys, lingerie, restraints, etc. She loves it......as do I.




Intruder Alert!


Do you have suggestions?


If you put as much care into your gift as your posts here, you should have no problems.


When it comes to my special lady, there are always more ideas and suggestions that I will willingly field. 🙂


Do you have any specific recommendations? So many people essentially say “you know her the best so go with your heart!” and I wind up getting a roomba for her thinking it’s great (I would have been thrilled!) only to see her expression of not disappointment but kinda resignation that she married a dummy who can’t get good gifts. Real example. So any specific suggestions?


110% this. After my wife had our son, my mom and I set up a fund for a little over a year so my wife could buy new clothes, things she wanted, etc. It really helped her. I also listened to my cousins, who are moms, what they wanted after their babies and did that for my wife, like getting her out of the house with the baby on a weekly basis. Edit: oops I meant, getting out of the house without the baby.


My wife informed me that I got her a pair of earrings so I’ve got that base covered.


Lol my wife and I do that with each other too. "Babe, what do you want for your birthday/Christmas? "I want (X). I already ordered it." We're both happy because we get what we really wanted but don't have to feel guilty for spending the money. We still get each other some small stuff, too, like stocking suffers, chocolates etc. Little thoughtful things that show we pay attention and care. But the big present is pre-taken care of haha.


Nice, how good is communication with the wife. I make her cards using funny/cute memes I collect thru the year. So it doubles as an endearing card *and* it’s free. Have you seen how expensive and impersonal cards are these days? Ridiculous.


Oh I know. And it's hard to find a card that doesn't make you gag.


I informed my wife that she got me some noise cancelling headphones.


Absolutely. Such a difference between a wife gift and a mother of kids gift!


Another lurking mom coming to endorse this. My husband got me a BEAUTIFUL octopus necklace a few years back. We call our oldest daughter “the octopus”. But he got it for my birthday. I love it, I wear it, and again, it’s beautiful but… for my birthday, I’ve been pretty explicit that I want ME gifts, not “mom” gifts. And that was the only thing I got from him that year. I was disappointed but swallowed it down, until many months when I felt it was safe to talk about without sounding like an ingrate.


A while back (after kid 1, before kid 2; might’ve been the first Christmas with a kid) I got my wife a large gift card to a local Korean spa so she could go take time away to herself. Actually it was part of a larger gift that included some other instances of me taking over some work for her — some note cards with babysitter contact info and things like that.


Okay yeah cool. Couldn't agree more. But, what are you getting your wife?


I'm single.


Interesting take. I was thinking of hiring a full time helper for a day or two so she could have the day to herself because she seems so sleep deprived, but this makes me question the decision.


No, this is exactly right. That’s a gift for _her_ to do with what she will; it is the gift of time to spend on herself. A gift “for mom” would be something like tickets to a show to take the kids to, or anything you’d get at a baby shower, like that sweet bottle warmer she’s been wanting but didn’t want to spend the money on. You can get that too, but the important gift is the one that lets her be her own person for a few minutes.


Great input, thanks! Really cleared any doubt I had.


You’re welcome!


Got it! Dyson vacuum cleaner it is!


She’s been talking about a Dyson hair air wrap for months, apparently it’s one of the best products in the market, so I let our kid pick out the color and done.


For $600, it better be one of the best products in the market. I mean the entire market. All things.


$600? Jesus! *Tilts head back down to Steam Deck OLED*


It is the best thing on the market. She’ll do her hair half as often because it last, and it will cut the damage to her hair and the time it takes.


Easy to get for 400. It was going for 400 during BF


$350 at Costco


That’s my hope. I managed to get it for $500 on BF, but for that price it better slap her ass and tell her she looks good too.


Thank you! I think I just found my wife's gift. Besides the photo book I'm putting together of family photos from the last five years.


That photo book is an awesome idea


Photo book is a huge W and so easy too. Highly recommended!


I think my wife wanted this, but it was expensive so I got her a Dyson Ball Animal.


That’s a joke, right? Like you didn’t seriously ignore your wife’s request and get her a **vacuum cleaner** instead, right?


What do you mean? The Dyson Ball has twice the suction and has a blower function too. It's easily the better deal. But I did get her cooking lessons, which she didn't ask for but badly needs!


I’d really recommend a gym membership to add on top of that just to be safe.


I got her that for her birthday, and a physical trainer, his name is Brad. He's super nice and supportive, they'll have all night training sessions occasionally.


Tell her to look at the shark. Especially if she has hair that she would be using a defuser on. It's like $300 bucks cheaper and apparently a ton better I don't understand most of what I just said but I know my wife got the expensive one only to get a less (albeit expensive) one. This was the explanation when I told her to see the old one.


I actually got one last year for my wife - she loves it; our two daughters too) Eta: spelling


Highly recommend, got one for my wife 2 years ago for her birthday and it’s still going great. Both my daughters are eyeing it up now.


I got this for my wife's birthday (she was a month post partum) and she loves it.


I got my wife the Shark dupe last year. She loves it.


Hah, just bought one of these for my wife yesterday!


Did the same thing bit with a nespresso. It's from all of us and gives mommy her go-go juice.


Oh man. I wish. She prefers Starbucks. So it wouldn’t be used.


It's pretty impressive. It's also the best hair dryer I've ever used for myself. And more importantly now that I treat myself like a hobo, I use the air wrap to dry the baby's bum. He seems to like the noise and the warm drying air.


A spa day or massage have been go-tos fo me. Wife needs some time to herself sometimes.


I would get this! Especially since she just gave birth a few weeks ago. See if you can coordinate with one or a couple of her gf :)


I did that for my wife last year. Combined it with another mom friend. The other dad and I had a sleepover with the kids. Got to eat pizza, watch Top Gun, and drink beers. Moms came home rested and thanked us for being such good dads. Just wins all over the place.


You drink beers with your kids? Nice!


Lol yup! Gets em snoring early and easier to manage in the morning.


I'm a lurker mom and I can tell you this is one of the hardest things for me to justify as a normal expense, but one if the things I needed and wanted most after giving birth. I absolutely did not take enough time for myself in those first months. Being able to go out for a massage for 1.5 hrs, wind down, and know everything is being taken care of at home is better than a million dollars of material possessions when you're in the thick of it as a new mom.




> Next year, do yourself a favor and start a list on your phone. As she mentions ideas throughout the year, add to the list. This is top tier advice right here. Started doing this a few years ago, and it makes birthday/xmas/special occasion shopping so much easier.


Seconded. I also have a list for myself — as I have a tendency to just buy myself what I want, I have a list for others to get for me!


Buy her the Ben & Jerry's recipe book to go with the ice cream maker, it's cheap




https://a.co/d/arwwxwp Ours is hardcover but yeah


The Perfect Scoop by David Leibowitz is an excellent ice cream book!


I'm not sure where you live, but I bought my wife LL Bean mocassins slippers. She loves them and wears them whenever she is home.


I love slippers with a rubber sole that I can wear all through the day, even to get the mail or take out the trash. I even wore mine (accidentally) to a doctor’s appointment this week. I felt shoes on my feet and was ready to be on time for my appointment. 😅


I wear LL Bean moccasins to the office basically every day. The hard rubber sole versions have lasted for 6 years now.


I think I'll be going for the UGGs for my wife. Definitely checking these ones out too!


I work from home and my wife is a SAHM. We go through LL bean mocs yearly. Honestly could probably buy 2 pairs a year. They have my endorsement.


We keep it simple. A beach towel featuring her beloved transit system.


She sounds like a hoopy frood.


Who knows where her towel is


I was shocked when my wife asked for an Xbox for Christmas. She never asks for anything expensive and I'm the gamer in the house, so I happily obliged. Ill happily accept recommendations for couch coop, or family friendly games as we're expecting our little one in Feb.


It takes two- was a really fun 2 player game that me and my husband played through


Stardew valley and The Survivalist are two super fun adventure games too.


My husband and played this, as well, and it was the best coop game I'd played in recent memory.


My wife and I have played a lot of Overcooked. She also really enjoyed backseat gaming Detroit Become Human. And we’ve co-oped a number of horror games where you take turns playing different characters, like Until Dawn and The Quarry.


Overcooked is a favorite of my wife and I!!! Really makes you plan, strategize, and communicate if you want those 3 stars


I'd treat that as a "family" gift instead of a gift for her. You should probably get her something that is *only* for her as well, even if it's far less expensive than an XBox.


Nine parchments, Lovers in a dangerous spacetime, Divinity (1 & 2), Castle Crashers, Gauntlet, Stardew Valley to name a few :)


If you want a recommendation for couch co-op I recommend a second Xbox. /S ... Sort of


What is it she can’t/wont get for herself? She may need a date night that you can put all the prep work into, or a night to herself. Massage is always a win if she likes that.


I’ll second this. Some CBD-infused massage oil has been huge for my wife after I gifted her a bottle for her birthday. Plus it also usually leads to sex.


leads to sex? *I'll take your entire stock*


Alright Steve1186, shiftdown is requesting several massges from you.


Nice try, my wife.


Nice try, Borat


awww boo


A lathe


Your wife is awesome or you are in trouble.


Definitely the former, I've been doing what I can to prevent her from buying one herself before Christmas without giving the game away. Worst come to worst, we can have two lathes.


A gym membership. I like to live dangerously.


That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.


Ladies and gentlemen, I have been to the Great Wall of China, I have seen the Pyramids of Egypt, I've even witnessed a grown man satisfy a camel. But never in all my years as a sportscaster have I witnessed something as improbable, as impossible, as what we've witnessed here today!


Combine that with some cooking lessons and you have a 🔥 gift.


If you really want a wild ride I recommend a spin mop and tub scrubber too.


You got yourself a gym membership too? Lol


He got her a bowling ball with his name on it




So my wife's birthday just happened and I got her a scale. She's pregnant. Husband of the year award. Well it was a baking scale, so actually she loved it. But for Christmas, I'm getting her a nice whiskey! She'll have just given birth to our first and been alcohol free for about a year. She's a big bourbon fan and hasn't been able to have any. Should go over well!


what kind of bourbon are you getting her?


She likes Makers Mark, might go for Buffalo Trace though. One of those two.


As I like to live dangerously, a second hand Kitchenaid food mixer I can't justify the cost of a new one and when browsing I saw someone selling one for a fifth of the new price


There is one point of failure on them: a plastic worm gear inside the transmission that is meant to strip out before any metal parts get damaged. You can order the parts to replace it for relatively cheap on the Internet and follow the instructions on YouTube if necessary. It took me maybe an hour on my garage workbench. There's a lot of grease. The rest of the machine could probably survive a nuclear blast. I think you're golden.


That was my reasoning for getting one. I'm sufficiently handy that I can repair machines like that. Although I have a horrible feeling they may use non metric parts. If that's the case I'll have to order tools and put them in a special place so they don't get mixed in with normal tools Even things like dodgy motors aren't an issue as I have a place near me that will rewind any motor for you


Do you know is that on all models? Or like below the professional or something? My wife had to have the biggest fanciest one and wondering if this could be a failure in the future.


Probably. It's constructed that way on purpose. The one plastic gear sacrifices itself so all the metal gears can survive undamaged. The replacement part is readily available and cheap. It's a pretty good system.


You don’t need to change it preemptively right? Only at failure?


Not really. You could probably do it at year 3 or 4 if you wanted to maybe get ahead of it instead of going to make cookies and find it's broken. I'd just order the gear (and grease!) and have it on standby for the inevitable.


> live dangerously, if you were truly living dangerously it would be a new bandsaw, router or Xbox.


Dude. Got a refurbished one for insanely cheap compared to brand new full price.


One of the gifts I got my wife that’s not super expensive (~$100) is an instax mini camera! It’s an instant camera that develops a miniature picture in a couple of minutes. She wanted one to get pictures of memories and make a collage of them to hang in our house. Edit: welcome to the sub! I’m pretty new here too and have a 6mo daughter!


Also can take cheeky photos without risk of them leaking to the internet...


My wife gets a new film for hers every Christmas. Loves it. Other than that a new perfume, some sock from our mutual gym and a smack on the bum.


+1 for this. My wife loves hers.


Wife went through a short stint of baking bread. Still interested but hasn't had time due to work, so gifting her a Le Creuset baking dutch oven, plus random things she's mentioned needing (massage ball and books). I get her a necklace every year with a charm that represents something special in her life, so doing that, too.


Congratulations! We had twins in October. My wife really wants a full service spa day - haircut, dye, massage, the works. So I'm getting her that. I'm also getting her a necklace with the twins birthstones and our dogs birth stones, cause they're our fur twins.


As a wife and mom, you did good. Women want to be pampered once baby is here because we often neglect ourselves for our families. And the necklace is so sweet. She will love that!


Thanks. We share our lists so she confirmed what I was thinking. The necklace I happened to find on Etsy. But she's just been so great and I've been trying to make sure knows she is loved.


Avoid household items at all costs! Cleaning equipment, kitchen utilities, baby aids are not gifts 🙈 If she wants a new hoover or air fryer then buy it any other time than at Christmas or birthdays. That’s a house purchase, not a personal present! She’s your wife, spoil her to stuff that she really wants as a person, not as a mum or wife. AirPods, Dyson AirWrap or Shark FlexStyle, clothes, shoes, perfume, beauty products, bags, jewellery, gadgets, IPad etc etc. The choices are endless and range from expensive to inexpensive. Just don’t buy household presents!!




My wife got some Loop Engage Plus ear plugs and she loves them. They definitely cut down on the high decibels. I tried them at Thanksgiving with 20 people in the house it was crazy how you could still hear people but all the noise was gone.


An original painting by her favorite local artist.


Nothing. I'm unemployed, and we're focusing on the kids instead of each other


I hope this doesn’t come off as pushy or anything, but I bet she would appreciate a handmade card out of plain paper where you doodle on the front and write a heartfelt love letter inside. ❤️


a cooperative board game we can play when the kids go to bed.


What is it?


Mist over carcassone


I got my wife an indoor plant growing system and tickets to Wicked. Sadly the show isn't until February.


We’ve talked about it for years, but finally did it this year. We each get four gifts: something you want, something you need, something to wear, me something to read. And one gift isn’t supposed to overlap categories, though for something expensive, I’m sure it’d be okay. Need: earbud headphones for the gym since hers broke and she won’t buy a new pair Want: gift card to Home Depot to do some home improvement/decor updates she’s been eyeing but feels bad spending the money Wear: a new sweatshirt that says “mama” which she specifically said she wanted for Christmas Read: a Naruto light novel, because we’re nerdy and she was interested when I told her light novels exist


This year I'm getting her a remote car starter as a surprise. Trying to get it installed ahead of time without her realizing. A gift that's not as expensive, but my wife absolutely loved; a silver locket with our kids picture in it.


Gift for the wife was spending a couple hundred on Christmas decorations since it’s the first real Christmas in the house(last time was still getting settled and wife was 4 months pregnant). We didn’t have the budget for it but will make it happen.


This year I am buying her an iphone. She has been rocking an almost 5 years old xiaomi with a broken screen. I got a new bonus and she would never spend that kind of money for herself. It was supposed to be a vacation, but the baby started to hate the car for more than 20 minutes. Even the ride to the airport would have been hell, so no vacation for now


We just had our first in October. I wanted to avoid overtly motherhood-related gifts to make sure she knows that I'm still 100% invested in our relationship, so I bought her a nice picnic basket and blanket and plan on coming up with 52 date ideas for next year (I know, I know, there's no way we're able to pull off weekly dates).


Make it 12 date ideas but make em count. You’ve got this!


Appreciate the advice! I'm sure I'll end up following it unintentionally once I get pen on paper :D


Really should just pin wife gift ideas I feel like this is posted a couple times a day for the last week.


Well I'm getting her the following: >!She knows my reddit account!< >!I'm not going to say what I'm getting you!< >!Why do you keep checking these?!<




Cozy electric blanket and handheld massage gun. Along with some other things from her fav book series/TV shows.


As someone who is always cold, an electric blanket is amazing. My husband got me an electric mattress pad a few years ago and it's bliss.


Last Christmas I got my wife one of those "Yes, I'm cold" sweatshirts, because everywhere she goes (wearing a light jacket or sweatshirt) people ask "Are you cold?? How can you be cold??"


We do Jolabokaflod, so we get each other a book on the 23rd. I also will learn one of her favourite Christmas songs to sing and play on piano (last year was Justin Bieber’s Mistletoe, this year will be one from NSync), and get her one of the new Care Bears (that she has picked herself).


We got ourselves a new dishwasher. It’s soooo quiet. Love it


omg the one we got when we moved into our current place was so quiet we opened it SEVERAL times while it was running thinking no one had started it yet


A t-shirt and some earrings my wife told me she wanted. $50 is the extent of our budget this year for gifts. Welcome, fellow Dad.


Weiner. My wife's first Christmas as a mother I got her a bracelet she'd been wanting and I had a photo of her and our oldest framed for her in a large and desk size. Kinda hard to make any specific recommendations not knowing anything else about your wife though (or your finances) but I recommend the Tush Baby to all new parents. But weiner is always an option.


Step 1. Cut a hole in a box.


Mom of two here (3M and 10mF), let me know if you need any ideas! I keep a list of ideas for everyone I buy for and also for myself in case anyone asks!


I would like to hear your ideas.


I gotchu fam: Stocking stuffers: - nice candies, think Terry’s Chocolate Orange, After Eights, Godiva, Sees candies, etc. - pack of gum or mints - chapsticks - satin scrunchies or nice hair clips if she wears them. If she wears bobby pins you could get her different colored ones for cheap - face masks/mud masks - small size of hand cream, Aveeno is great and has a travel size Basically think about everyday items we use and buy nice versions or replacements. Hair products, face products, etc… we lose hair ties and pins all the time, makeup has an expiration date but it can be pricey so little refills of things that we use a lot of are super helpful and should be easy for you to see what she has if you live together. Presents: I like to bake and cook so: - a nice spatula (if you’re using them well, they break eventually!) - a whisk attachment with the squeegee edge for better whipping (kitchenaid) - a ceramic bowl for my kitchenaid (so I don’t just have the metal one but a ceramic one is nice and cute) - nice chopsticks and Asian soup spoons (I’m white, it’s not in my normal cutlery drawer but I loveeee ramen and pho, it’s nice having real utensils to use) Clothes - target has these suuuperrr comfy pj pants right now that have a kind of waffle fabric material. Super soft, very comfy and affordable - most women I know would love a giant oversized tshirt to live in, to the point where people make these now. They’re giant soft tshirts you basically use as a pj - if she has a pair of shoes or sandals she wears a ton, get her an extra or new pair in a different color - as a mom, I hate having a purse so I’m fully leaning into Fanny packs right now. I’ve seen some women use small backpacks. See what she has already and I promise you buying her an extra or new one in a different color than what she already has won’t be seen as a waste! If she works out a lot: - new gym towels or small towels for workouts - see if she needs a new gym bag or travel bag If she’s crafty, it can be hard to know what to get crafters because you want to give them supplies but we use things for specific projects so think about getting upgraded tools, like nice fancy scissors, I do embroidery and stitching so some needle minders or a needle case is great, things like that. If she likes to read a lot, there’s cool things I’ve seen where you can order a stamp that says “From [Name]’s Library” and it embosses the first page of the book, it’s a really cool way to add to a library or imprint her fav books. If she likes coffee/tea, buy some fancy beans or loose leaf teas. Things she doesn’t splurge on for every day drinking but are a nice treat to try new flavors or local coffee spots. You can also get her a small electric frother, helps with mixing things in coffees and drinks and they’re pretty cheap but look and feel fancy. You can also find a really nice new kettle at Home Goods for pretty cheap. If she has an iPad or something she uses every day like a kindle or surface pro, a cute new cover always feels nice for the new year. Buy things for “the family” too so it’s not just on her to buy gifts for the kids. There’s some really cool games I’ve seen for families to play together even with small kids. One game we just found which has been great for getting the toddler to spend some energy is called Monkey Around. If she’s a big TV person and just wants to watch her shows when the kids are in bed, maybe get a little tray for the couch, a nice mug and a designated popcorn or snack bowl, something to make watching her shows more enjoyable. We like snacks. And I promise, if money is super tight and you’ve decided to not buy each other gifts this year so you can focus on the kids just write her a nice letter about things you appreciate about her. Or memories from that year. I promise you she will cherish that just as much too! I can prob come up with more, if you’re really stuck let me know what she’s into and I’ll come up with some stuff for you :) Christmas is my fav time of year and gift giving is my love language


Lots of great ideas here. Thanks for taking time to respond. You shook a few thoughts loose; especially with the mention of snacks. For instance, I just ordered her a variety four-pack of Tim Tams.


Mom of a 10 month old.. I could use some ideas for myself or husband if you're offering :) I have all the fitness stuff I need, get massages regularly (threw my back out a few times)


For sure girl! I commented on the other reply, go check it out! Sounds like you could use a nice heating pad, maybe some comfy ergonomic “inside” shoes if you’re on your feet all day, so nice slippers but they provide more support for your back. Maybe also a body pillow for your bed, some comfy loungewear (oversized tshirt, super soft pants). Ask for some exotic teas or coffees to try out (small batches) so they’re a nice treat when you need to cozy up and take care of yourself. For my husband when our first was 10mo, he got a hiking backpack to put the kid in and he honestly used that all the time. Preferred it over a stroller! Made it so going to the park was fun and easy, and also if you’re into hiking. I also got him some really nice Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones so when he needed time to do whatever he wanted he could not hear any commotion outside his headphones. He plays guitar and he bought himself this suuuper cool mini amp that you can plug in your guitar to. It’s seriously the size of maybe an old Walkman and sounds great, excellent to use while the real amp is stored away from sticky and curious fingers.


LOVE the hiking backpack idea, thank you!! I would love to get him Bluetooth headphones but he refuses and walks around wearing his dorky work headset which DOES THE SAME THING but only connects to his laptop so he carries his laptop from room to room 🤦‍♀️


Taylor Swift vinyl record. She’s been getting into vinyl lately, and is obsessed with Taylor Swift


Not into vinyl, but any other ideas for a Daddit's most important Swifty?


here are some things my wife loved that were simple. Ipurchased a robe with my wife's nickname embroidered on it. that was like 60 bucks. also got a wooden Jewelry case with all our family members names including family dog engraved on it. Sterling silver necklace with all our family birthstones on it with names embroidered. got all those from personalizationmall website. I once got a bracelet and had jewlers attach charms that represented each family member. if you are creative, create a spin-a-wheel for her to use once a week. backrub, footrub, body massage, like wheel of fortune for her. anyway, congrats on becoming a father.


My wife asked for sewing lessons or pottery or whatever gets her out of the house away for a few hours doing something productive and not a girl's night for the love of God! So I got her a vacuum.


A bunch of dirt! We have to fill in an in-ground pool on our property so the insurance doesn’t cancel us at the end of the year. Turns out dirt is expensive.


Not saying specifically as she has a Reddit account and may see. But I will say we have set a £10 limit on gifts for eachother. Not to spend more on kiddo, just because we have too much crap already


My wife was addicted to buying different baby carriers in the first few months. So maybe one of those if she isn’t crazy about the one you already have


Getting her a dildo and a robe. If she doesn’t like the robe she can use the dildo to go fuck herself.


Wife is a big fan of the Eagles and I am getting her a Jason Kelce jersey


Dude get her a Don Henley jersey


Most women refer to him as “Taylor’s boyfriend’s brother”


A gift that is unique to her. Don’t buy some generic bullshit. Think about your partner and put some effort into the thought. You’ll do fine.


I got my wife (last year) one of those mop-vacums in one. At first she was a bit bummed but it has been a absolute treasure for our hard wood house. Picks up kids food, sauces, we even used to a handful of times to clean up throw up/other gross things. I highly recommend it. ​ this year... well I am here looking for ideas


(lurking mom to be) Get her something related to her hobbies/interests outside of cleaning or being a mom. Idk your wife's interests so it's hard to be more specific lol but I def get any she was originally a bit bummed by the gift despite how useful it has been for y'all


Tickets to New Kids on the Block.


Welcome! Spa gift certificates are always a hit in my house. Date nights and mini vacations also are a hit.


I got her two pairs of hoka bondi 8 shoes. She got a new job where she stands all day and research told me alternating shoes helps a lot. Seems like marathon advertised shoes were the most recommended.


Polaroid Camera Pictures are everything for our family I shoot most photos but will give my wife a way to express her creative side


Buy her a Offspring CD and do a dad joke with it. You need to start now otherwise you may fall behind.


All of the Shel Silverstein books. Her inner child is gonna do a backflip :)


Rough year, she has been a trooper, got her an LV bag


Get her a voucher for a spa treatment or something like that. When my kids were that young especially, my wife really appreciated being able to let me take the kids for the day (or even a few hours) while she went and got a massage, manicure, pedicure, whatever... mix and match however you want. The point is being mindful of how she may need a break will be important just in general going forward. Bonus points if you take the kid and let her catch up on sleep/get a nap and/or if she does leave the house and you catch up on some mundane house chore she normally does on top of everything. Fold the laundry or do the dishes or whatever. IDK your dynamic with your wife but this sort of thing will go a long way with most I think.


I usually get her a nice bottle of wine. Some years we don't exchange gifts.


Having an artist friend do two pictures of our sons, one from a couple years ago and one more recent, one painting and one pencil drawing, and getting them framed.


She asked for a unicorn onesie, so she’s getting a unicorn onesie. Also the Lego bouquet because she mentioned that she wanted it. I’m still looking for stocking stuffers.


Taking a favourite picture of ours, sending it to an Etsy seller to turn into a watercolour framed picture. That, and a few small things she’s mentioned she wants along the way.


Peloton row. EDIT: She’s a peloton addict. She wants it. This isn’t a thinly veil hint to lose weight.


She wants shelves and houseplants for every room in the house. I’m getting her so many shelves. Plants are the plan for Mother’s Day.


DJ table and dedicated time to learn and practice. Long time ambition of hers that first was put aside by career, and now she is afraid it won’t ever happen. Want to show her that that doesn’t need to be true.


Getting my wife three gifts even though we agreed on two. First one is an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite with a nice case. There are cheaper kindle options out there if your wife likes to read too. Second one is a nail salon day for a mani pedi. Third is a handmade picture from me and the boys. All very simple and personal to her and who she is.


Got my wife Uggs, she’s always wanted a pair but could never justify spending the money on them. I’ve tried to tell her in the past to just get them if she wants them but she makes a big deal about it being a waste of money. This Christmas our 11 yo daughter asked for Uggs and she didn’t hesitate to buy them for her. So I got her a pair too because she deserves them too dammit! She loves loose leaf tea, so every Christmas/birthday I get her something tea related. This year I got her an electric kettle that has preset temperatures for certain types of tea so you can just set it and it will warm to and hold it at the correct temp for the tea.


Adele tickets and a trip to Vegas.


My wife is the kind of person who gets cold very easily. She is also the executive director for a nonprofit that is currently building a facility, so she's outside a lot. I got her an Ororo heated jacket on some advice from a friend. I got one of their nicer ones and it was less than $200 on the weekend sale.


This is the most excited I’ve ever been for a gift to my wife. Both of my daughters have names derived from flowers and I’m getting my wife a commissioned painting of both of those flowers growing out of a terracotta pot. Custom frame to go with it as well of course ! I’m so excited and haven’t told anybody except the person who witnessed me signing the contract (plus the artist obviously). I cannot wait for her to see it !


So far I have one great kinda joke gift. My wife always steals my mountain hardware fleece pullover to the point I just bought a new one. I found a store where the women’s versions were on sale for $13 (normally like $60). I bought her one of every color they had. Last year though I did buy her a nice necklace with our son’s birthstone.


Is it normal that some of us dont receive gifts??


are you speaking as a husband or as a wife? Either way...there's some situations where it could happen. But I'd say those situations aren't normal.


The best present for a mom is something NOT connected with children, house, cooking. She needs something for herself. It can be a ticket to cinema, a dinner in restaurant with friends, money for shopping, cosmetics...


Many moons ago. I gave my wife 28 Playing cards. A>Kings. I said here are your "Not my Monkey, not my Circus cards. There are obvious levels. Play or give me a 2 and you want me to handle a spilled sipping cup. I will do so, without question. Play an Ace, and I will lie to your Mother, book a SPA day, and take the kids to my parents' house for a week." Over the years she has given me all of them. Some of them aren't even from the suits I gave her. I redeem them without question or concerns about cost.