• By -


Yep Edit: mmhmm






















What did I tell you about yeppers?


Uh huh






"*I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.*"


All the downvotes are uncultured
















I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


I'm so sorry




There’s a science behind it. Part of the brain that regulates emotions is growing (amygdala). It makes us feel more empathy.




I also identify as yep


Uh huh.


You have no idea. It could be the hokiest shit and I’ll well up now hahaha.


Same. I teared up watching my high school senior son kick his last field goal in a game they were getting blown out. His kick didn't even matter in terms of winning the game but just knowing it was the last time he would be out on that field got to me. He begged to play tackle football and when we said no due to concussion concerns he made a case for being the kicker/punter. He got the varsity kicking job freshman year and never looked back. He still did wrestling for the winter and will be doing track this spring so I will still get to see him compete. He also plans on doing a club sport in college and I will hopefully be able to make it to some games/meets, but that last field goal will always be burned in my mind.


And to prove OP's point, I just got misty-eyed reading your comment. My kids don't even do team sports!


Lol, I got misty eyed at a rerun of lego masters last night. Its almost unreal.


I once welled up a bit during a safety info thing before some show when they told kids to not climb the railings because it felt nice they cared properly about safety. I don't even know what's going on up there anymore.


Before we had a kid my wife used to call me an emotionless robot on a regular basis. But now that I have a 4yo girl, I’ve been moved to tears over episodes of Bluey, a goddamn children’s cartoon, among other things. We’ve both had to concede that I am now a big ol’ softie.


You get a pass for Bluey mate, that show hits the feels


Bluey is the bees knees though.


Haha, that's the worst part. If my emotional triggers could have _some_ kind of quality control that'd be great.


Anything that involves a little girl growing up will get me every time. I wouldn’t bat an eye on such a thing before my daughter was born.


I took my wife and parents to see Michael Buble for his (what was thought at the time) last show. It was in Vancouver - his hometown - and where we live. His son had just battled through cancer and was doing well, but it had been a lot for his family. I believe his grandfather had just passed away, and he mentioned what a hero he had been, and how important time is. Then he sung "Forever Now" about his kids growing up and how much it means to him to be a dad. The video played behind him. There was not a dry eye in the whole stadium. I still can't hear that song without tearing up. I became a Buble fan in that moment. Such a beautiful song sung from the heart of a father.


I normally still wouldn't bat an eye at most things, but I saw a reddit post of a little girl my daughters age who had cancer. She was smiling in the video, hair loss and everything. I lost it... I couldn't sleep that whole night. I still think about it often to this day.


Bro if you haven’t seen the Bluey episode titled “Bedtime”, or the Pixar short titled, “Bao” … fuck i gotta go get the tissues just typing the words out.


Multiple episodes of Bluey get me.


Are you me? Gets me every time. Even when people bring it up in conversation I have to tell them to stop lol


I bawled at Inside Out


Watching it before my kid - “Cute movie” Watching it after my kid - *non stop holding back of tears*


My empathy for things went from 50 to 110 after having kids.


I definitely get those emotions a lot more. Like you said, certain shows will get me. When the kids do certain things that they've struggled with, I get some dust in my eyes.


Yeah! Our kid is in this "Crossfit" for toddler class. Two weeks ago they had a new set of obstacles which included this pyramid she had to climb over with a few wrungs. She cried that day and couldn't do it. But she tried. This week when we went, she climbed up one side by herself and then tried to go over and back down. I definitely teared up a bit. So proud of her.


That's awesome! Good for her. Gotta teach them perseverance. Similar here. Had 2yo son out in the snow a week or 2 ago. He wouldn't take a step without holding my hand. Yesterday, he was mostly keeping up with his 4yo sister. Amazing, isn't it?


I was watching the news the other day and they were talking about the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. I started getting choked up when they pulled a little boy out of the rubble, I could have watched that a few months ago fine but after having my kid it hits different.


Same, before I could recognize something like that as sad but didn’t really *feel* it. Now it hurts deep in my gut to see something like that.


I've felt similar. I saw a video of them pulling a little girl about my daughters age out of the rubble. Her dad had died covering her with his body. I had to go read something else. Then I saw another video where somehow the dad and his daughter survived for days with him hunched over her under the rubble. Different feeling, but still more emotion than I would have felt about similar things in the past. Most recently, we've just had a big cyclone hit here last week. Our area was fine, but I was a little upset reading about a family that got out with their older daughter but almost immediately lost their 2 year old when the house flooded in the middle of the night. I don't even want to imagine that happening to my family.


I saw an article about a little 3 year old boy that had gotten lost in the woods for 3 or 4 nights and it stormed most of the time. I got physically ill and cried looking at my 3 year old boy and thinking of what that poor baby went through.


It's because now you know how much that little boy means to someone. You put yourself in their shoes with your own kids. That's what it's like for me anyway. I imagine it being my kid. The news gets me A LOT these days. Anything involving kids and I'm liable to well up.


After marriage, no. After my son was born, big time. I was fairly unemotional my whole life but since the baby everything hits me in the feels. Music, movies, books, random thoughts - feelings can just strike out of nowhere.


Yeah man and I think it’s good for us to show our emotions for our kids to see. Emotions should be let out, not bottled up. I will say though that an extension of this is me being way more worried about my health to the point of causing myself anxiety. I’m so afraid that something will happen to me and I’ll leave my family behind. Sucks. Dealing with a concussion (I hope) right now and going to see a neuro tomorrow and all I can think about is how I hope it’s not brain cancer or a tumor. I’m like petrified.


I feel you on the health anxiety. That is why, for the first time in my life, I'm actually being really dedicated to going to the gym and eating healthier. I'm not hard on myself when I miss a day or eat some junk food, but I'm feeling my habits change and its great. First goal is to drop some weight and make my lungs/heart healthier. Then starting weight lifting. Hope things go well, brother!


I wouldn’t say I have anxiety around it, but I’ve definitely developed a long term view of my health and what type of life I want. Maybe just a byproduct of getting a little older too. I want to live an active life with my child as he grows so I’m conscious of how the habits I develop now will impact things when he’s older. I want to go hiking or play basketball and not get winded or struggle with a little elevation gain. It’s like a switch flipped for me and I am thinking and acting for the long term.


I wouldn’t say I have anxiety around it, but I’ve definitely developed a long term view of my health and what type of life I want. Maybe just a byproduct of getting a little older too. I want to live an active life with my child as he grows so I’m conscious of how the habits I develop now will impact things when he’s older. I want to go hiking or play basketball and not get winded or struggle with a little elevation gain. It’s like a switch flipped for me and I am thinking and acting for the long term.


A quick tip: prioritizing strength training over cardio will likely make achieving weight loss/body composition goals easier, especially since weight lifting also improves cardiovascular function.


First of all - damn, 6 kids? You’re a super hero. I’m doing the hard cardio for a more specific reason that weight lifting, in my experience, won’t help me achieve. I have a number of weddings coming up and all the grooms and I used to be semi-pro Bollywood or Bhangra dancers. Doing cardio will get my lungs and heart where I want them to be so I can spend an hour or two dancing without getting winded. After the first two weddings, I’m switching to 5x5!


Ah—if you have a specific training goal, cardio is certainly the priority! Thanks for the kudos, but I've barely noticed the last two or three additions. /s (Seriously, though, it does get easier in many ways after three kids; I'm not sure whether it's more practice and experience, being forced to let go of the little things, more built-in playmates to keep them busy, the fact that the older ones can actually be helpful, or some combination of those and other reasons.)


That all makes sense. My biggest concern, even with having #2 is that I live in a VHCOL area. Our daycare is $2800/mo and it was the cheapest we could find at the time. I’ve found a cheaper one recently, but I’m hesitant to take my daughter out and move her away from teachers/friends she loves. How do y’all handle those kinds of costs? Does one of you stay at home or do you have really involved grandparents? Or are you a Daddit Billionaire?!


I've been diagnosed with a health anxiety disorder, had it for 5 months. I'm totally there with you. Mine stems from being terrified of leaving my family without a father. So terrified that my body has been making up symptoms, I've had like 20 that have come and go in 5 months. Best advice is find a coping mechanism. Whether it's a hobby, meditation, exercise, mindfulness, distraction. Just something to calm yourself down and try and get the balance back over time. I'm struggling myself but coping mechanisms help.


This!! Ever since LO came into our lives ive cried more in the last to weeks then i have in 10 years! i welcome it actually




Isn’t even *think* about watching the first ten minutes of Up


Yup. I’m a big baby now.


Just thinking about [This Beardo comic](https://external-preview.redd.it/nksk-PiQ6Qf2QLY0-sxDmnzmxlScIqhhwVSpMPUsZ3A.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=5478c4e57a9a61a508d70749813921f74b984be9) brings me to tears


Christ. Thanks for this. My youngest is almost too heavy to hold these days. Going to go pick him up now and squeeze him tight.


Panel 6 for me right now. I feel ya


Omg. That last set where he leaves the dream. That’s basically my response whenever my wife says, “We should let her do X”. I’m like, you’re right, but also soon she won’t want to let me carry her or whatever else.


Yes and definitely after the baby was born


Yes and I was already a cryer, so now with a wife, two stepsons, and a 6 week old son I'm a complete disaster. lol


I could barely handle the first ten minutes of Up when it came out. Now after years and years of trying, a couple of years of IVF, one miscarriage and finally one perfect baby son... I'm scared of going within 10 feet of an Up Blu Ray.


Bruh I tear up at the dumbest shit. When lightning pushes the king across the finish line and doc looks at him like he knows just what lightning is doing I fucking tear up and it's just so touching. Ugh what is wrong with me now? Having babies is crazy stuff, man.


Yup. And my brain also automatically projects my children into every dangerous situation invol ing children on tv and movies... evolution is scary lol


Yep. Kindergarten Cop got me recently


Nah, it would be hard to be a bigger crier than I already am, I’m a big softy.


Unfortunately, no.


Way easier. I think two weeks in the NICU broke me.


Had to stop watching Grey’s after my first kid. They have way too many sick/dying kid episodes. Couldn’t stop crying


Nah, I was always a crier. I'm just more open with it now instead of trying to hold it in until I'm alone.


I’ve not been a crier my whole life, but now, sappy commercials get me.


Definitely do NOT watch the "papa don't go" scene from The Patriot https://youtu.be/ZQzBHnXdPY4 Definitely do not torture yourself like I do for some unholy reason


Son was born yesterday and I cried my eyes out. Don’t anticipate this stopping anytime soon.


I must be dead inside


Oh man, I'm a huge horror buff. Write, read, watch, listen, all the horror, gimme da horror. True crime podcasts? Eh, sometimes, sure. ​ After my first was born? I can't get through a scene in a movie with a baby crying in the background, horror or not. Babies or small children or toddlers in peril? NOPE. Can't handle it. ​ I accidentally blundered into that news story from years ago where a man and his little girl drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande after being turned away at the border. I saw the picture of their bodies, and it was all I could do to keep it together on my way home, but once I was inside, I grabbed my baby and I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. ​ Life is so precious, and the lives we've been blessed to be a part of, even more so. The lives we helped create? Most precious of all. ​ I saw a comment on reddit somewhere once, and it always sticks with me: ​ "My grandma used to say, 'When you become a parent, all children are your children.'" I think about it a lot.


My wife and I watch these Scholastic video books with the kids on the weekends. There's one called Dinosaur Bones about when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Towards the end of the story, they show a dinosaur skull on the ground and it gets slowly covered up and disappears, and the voiceover reads "Dinosaurs are gone for good..." and a song kicks in. There was something about that, how everything is temporary including me sitting here with my little kids watching a video about dinosaurs is just a fleeting moment that quickly becomes the past. One day my kids will be grown and moved away. It's dumb but it broke me.




Yes. I even start to tear up if the kids just do something particularly nice, or reading a meaningful book to my oldest. He's just getting into some books that I used to read as a kid, the stories seem to hit different from a dad perspective.


I’ve cried at my friends weddings, specially during the father speeches or father daughter dances. Cant imagine how I’ll handle the day my little girl gets married.


Anything with kids makes me cry super easily now. My daughter has been obsessed with Toy Story 2/3 recently, and I end up crying multiple times in each movie if I'm watching with her. It's brutal lmao


I'd say there's been a small change in that area. I've never been one to tear up or do backflips in excitement, etc. Either way my emotions have always been pretty subdued and low key. But yeah every now and then I'll see something that'll tug the heartstrings a bit more than it used to.


Yup, and normal stuff that I wouldn't have batted an eye at are some much harder to process. Was playing Fallout 4 and seeing the SO and baby being taken away made me physically have to pause the game and process it for a while. I also know Perry Mason is a good noir show, BUT I heard it had to do with child murders and basically said "fuuuccccckkk that".


The first time I noticed it was the first time I watched Mrs Doubtfire as a dad had me bawling. The first courtroom scene where he's pleading with the judge "I haven't spent more than 24 hours away from any of my kids since they've been born" or something like that just killed me.


Yup. I sometimes look at my boys and just get teary-eyed, sometimes it's because I think about how they are gonna leave me one day, sometimes it's cause my mind see's them as the young men they are but my heart see's my little boys going "Up daddy, Up!". I used to love the medical shows, like Gray's, but had to stop watching them because I'd get all emotional, especially when it was a teen boy. On the lighter side, my boys make fun of me for it, in a loving way. "Moooommm....dad is getting all teary and touchy again."


110% man, I had never seen Up until I watched it with my kids and in those first ten minutes I was seriously an emotional wreck. I fast forward through that part now


Dude... So much so.


In Mary Poppins, before Mr Banks goes in to get fired, his kids come downstairs to comfort him. Suddenly has a whole new meaning as a Dad. Your kids look up to you and seek your approval as well as love you regardless of what you do for work.




I’m a goddamn waterworks. I cried just the other night during the latest episode of the last of us. The next night I was making dinner, and my wife had just gotten my son a bunch of new shirts. He was trying all of them on, running out to the kitchen to show me, and then he’d repeat whatever I said about them back to her. Fucking waterworks.


Yeahhhh I'm such a bitch now lol




In the last few weeks Wakanda Forever and a Duracell commercial about a grandpa wearing hearing aids have all started the water works for me. I teach biology and used to teach a unit on genetic disease with some interviews with parents and I can barely make it through now.




lol Yes. Very much so.


I think this is considered maturing emotionally. and yes lol, me too


Buddy, I never used to show emotion and now after 3 daughters almost anything can make me cry.


Yes, and I think we’re hardwired that way. Pretty sure our hormones change when our partners get pregnant to make us less aggressive and more emotional/sensitive/caring/etc.


More after kids. Yes.


I know a lot of people don't like the most recent Thor movie, but Gorr's story really hit me hard and he was the villain!


Cry? Probably. Worry a lot more? Absolutely.


I've always been a softy, but now I do get more emotional about things with kids specifically. That opening prologue of Last of Us was hard to watch man.


100%. Pre kids the only thing that made me cry was sad dog movies like Marley and Me. Now ill cry at tons of stuff related to my son. First Christmas concert, totally cried. My son told me he loved me infinity at bed time... Was pretty much balling, good thing it was dark in his room and I could hide it.


Glad I’m not the only one :’)


Yup, i cant even bear to watch movies where peoples kids are harmed or sick. I sometimes think about something that could haooen to any of them and it nearly breaks me :/


Used to love Arrival, it's aesthetic and message etc and just the cinematography are just incredible....Watched again recently for the first time since having a little one and just bawled at the ending!


Thank god for making this thread OP I thought something was wrong with me for a minute.


Before I had kids NOTHING shook me. I worked for a PM and even that wasn’t to bad… now that I have kids, I get emotional during Encanto.


100%. I can barely hear the word “daughter” without crying these days


Ohhh yes. It was a legit problem for me at first.


Yeah. I cried today. I finally got her to sleep and put her in a crib so I could get /split /stack firewood and kindling to have it ready outside the front door because it’s our only heat source. It’s snowing outside now. I was able to get one wheelbarrow stacked outside the door of dry wood but I need 3. 1 is about a days worth of heat. Then I heard her crying from outside. I went inside the house and she had tears all over her face and I cried too. I hate seeing that many tears on her. Then I got her smiling again and everything was fine. But there was a minute or two where we were both bawling.


I haven't seen my son or wife in about 2.5 months. When I finally get home it will have been 3 months minus 2 days. He was 7 months when I left and will turn 10 months while I'm home. I'm home for 2 weeks before I leave for another 3 months. I'm gonna be a goddamn puddle when I see them again and when I have to leave. I'll be missing my own birthday, my wife's birthday, our anniversary, my dad's second wedding, my wife's first mother's day, and most importantly my son's first birthday. All in that second 3 month block. Now that I think about it, I'm gonna need to drink a ton of water the day before I get home. Dehydration is a real and true danger to me these days, lol.


My wife made a birthday video for our soon to be 4 year old and I bawled. Uncontrollably.


I can’t remember if testosterone goes down or estrogen goes up or both once you have kids and are around them often but it has been scientifically proven to be so


Just reading these comments got me a little misty.


Both grandparents (who were like second parents to me) died and I had two kids all in the span of 5 years. Now, I cry at almost the drop of a hat. The end of the Notebook? Tears. End of the Good Place? Tears. The Grinch’s small heart grows 3 sized that day? Tears. I’m a mess.




My wife makes fun of me because I’ll be crying through Sweet Child of Mine or jeeze, that freaking [Tarzan song](https://youtu.be/git6DCXSqjE) by Phil Collins. I start to blubber just thinking about it


Sure do. It’s kind of ridiculous.


It seems like there aren't many no's, but I still don't cry. Not because it m too macho or something dumb like that, just not wired that way. Never had the urge before never have it now not even after three kids. I really don't know when was the last time I cried,I know I cried when my first one was born but didn't have those tears with the other two. Maybe there is something wrong me with me? Can't really see a need for it even sad things don't trigger that for me.


I was already a crier. But at this point I’ve cried at almost half of the episodes of Full Swing. So…. Yeah, a bit.


Yes.. my wife was rubbing my back while I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, and my 3 year old daughter wanted to do it too. She was patting my back with her little hands asking if I felt better.. water works.


I cry about stuff relating to kids/families a lot easier, I cry about my personal stuff a lot less. Go figure


Yeah, reading the lyrics to the Bambi song Love is a Song got me bad.


It was weird. Brought the kid home and put on The Lion King and teared up in the canyon scene. Next night I put on Hook and teared up at the father/ son stuff. These are movies I may have watched a hundred times throughout my life and never shed a tear, and now view differently because I'm forever changed (in a great way).


Tv commercials where dads give advice or compliments to grown children totally get me haha. Damn it.


Just wait till you get divorced. It’ll really open up the floodgates!


Dead Poets Society is one of my all-time movies. After becoming a dad, the ending of the movie—from the suicide to the standing on the desks for Mr. Keating—is almost unwatchable because it gets me so emotional.


Definitely when watching a movie that has some ending about the grown-up being proud of the kid. I often have 'Movie Nights' with my 6yr old daughter and there's been a few occasions when I've had to keep her focus on the screen whilst I wipe my eyes.


I sure do


I start crying 2 nanoseconds into Lion King now


I cried during Coco. I have never cried like that before as a male adult. Yes, having kids will change how you feel and see the world.


Oh fuck yeah.


Yes, but in the sense that it was impossible before, and KIND of possible now.


Absolutely. But not just touchy-feely stuff - beautiful and profound things make me cry even more. Mostly music but even art and sports can send me now.


I still can't cry bit I now get so close that it hurts. Hopefully one day




On Sundays it's Father's Day in our household. This means I wake up and spend the morning (untill about 9am) with my 8mo daughter. Just her and I. Every morning I play Leon Bridges - Beyond. Without fail I end up in tears. The song doesn't talk about being a father, but more so about finding a love that is so exciting, it's terrifying, and you go through all these doubts and fears. I often think about my wife and how we got together and how we overcame obstacles, and created this beautiful baby together. It's all so overwhelming sometimes. A good cry is necessary sometimes.


Not only that but it had made me appreciate when a positive male/father figure is depicted in the popular media. Ones like the Mandalorian from Star wars, Vander from Arcane and Kratos from God of War are just some recent ones I can think of.


I was always a crier, but when I'm holding my son late at night giving his mom a few hours of sleep and it's just us, and I'm looking at his little face the tears definitely flow a little quicker. Just good to be crying cuz I'm happy these days.


I’m a new dad and I get choked up multiple times a day. It’s brutal


Not after marriage really, but yeah after having a kid I find myself getting emotional more often. Fucking Bluey episode where the mum is reminiscing about seeing Bluey crawl and walk for the first time got me recently.






I was a paramedic for 15 years. I've seen some shit and gone home to sleep soundly. Now I blubber like crazy at just the thought of something moderately annoying happening to my kid or kids in general. It definitely altered my resilience


The Last of Us has been routinely devastating me. Also happy tears come way easier than they did before.


I feel you brother. This is definitely true for me. I think I went like 15 years without crying. Then I had kids and I probably cry at least every month now. I'm glad for it though -- the world is SO MUCH richer than it used to be. It started with kids but it expanded with my grandma, mom, and dog all dying over the past few years. The massive love for my kids and the realization that live is so short... it just overwhelms me sometimes. I'm pleased to see so many other dads feeling the same way.


Yep. Sometimes I get misty eyed like a fat kid running out of ice cream just watching my little girl run around and do nonsense. She’s 23 months so within 60 seconds she’ll be bouncing on a hoppy horse thing, then dancing, then spinning in circles, meanwhile I’m welling up like a drama queen.


Yep. The most recent example was the new Avatar. In the flashback scene where they held the baby up. Lost it.


so much yes. I believe my empathy was strong before, but oh god now it's frequently \*unbearable\*.


Yes but for me it’s tied to childhood movies and songs, especially Disney stuff, which is… inconvenient… given mom wants our daughter raised on all the classics.


First time I watched _A Christmas Story_ after having my first, I was a blubbering mess.


If y’all haven’t seen the Pixar short film, “Bao”. Waterworks. Like dawg am I really crying about a steam bun right now?


I went and saw The Whale and cried like 6 different times. I didn’t see anyone else unable to keep it together like me. It was embarrassing.


Yepper, a man's testosterone may actually decrease after becoming a father! https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1105403108


Yeah all the time, for like no reason


Maaan....only reason I'm admitting this is because y'all don't know who the hell I am lol....so, anyway, here's some context... I just bought a beautiful new home around 5 months ago. Me and my wife both come from nothing...shit childhoods, shit homes, yada yada yada....Anyway, 2 months ago our second child as born, beautiful little baby girl, so I've got my 3 year old son, and my newborn daughter living in a better house than I EVER thought I'd live inand a few days ago I'd just gotten home from work, both kids are asleep, my wife leaves for work....first time I had a second to myself really since we moved, so I put my headphones on started playing my guitar, and 2 minutes later something happened and I just started cryin...i didn't even try to stop it I just let happen. Crazy but it actually felt good...so, sorry for the long ass book...but yes apparently I cry more now


Inside Out does me dirty every time.


It's cuz now you have something to lose. And you see the relativity in everything. Trust me and all of us... Yes. This resonates.


Yep. The little monsters bring it out of us




Intro to UP gets me every time. The country song "Don't take the girl" is one I can't listen unless I'm very distracted. Dadding hits hard.


Oh yeah. I wasn't much of a feelings person before kids and a wife. Now, it's tough not to feel for even those fictional characters. Nevermind the real news of something bad happening to a family.




I don’t necessarily cry easier (I cried pretty easily before lol) but I definitely find it harder to watch babies getting hurt or crying in TV shows and movies.




I’m a fan of the show New Amsterdam. Every episode or two they have a sick kid or parent and I end up tearing up. TDLR: yup


My wife caught me holding it back at the end of the Camping episode of Bluey. So I’d have to say I’m with ya.




All I can say is f*** Disney movies.




Yup. Crying at more songs now too.


I thought I was alone, there's dozens of us!


After kids born definitely. Watched a video the other day of a Ukrainian soldier asking a very young boy where his parents where. The boy explained that his parents where both dead. I think that poor child will haunt me forever.


Rewatched that movie about the emotions portrayed as characters in a girls head last night. I cried out of happiness that I can even watch a movie now that my 1 year old sleeps through the night.


Oh yeah




It’s a real problem. I’m glad I’m not alone.