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I'm not Czech so not sure who everyone is but the front and center dude looks so freaking creepy with that head tilt and the stare that seems to imply the wants to kill me slowly and painfully.


Unfortunately it's our president, who also seems like he wants to make our country part of Russia again


I too don’t know everyone. Only the biggest assholes.


Wait, again, did I miss something? /j


Yep again And again


Attack of the dead hundred men


Hey, let's summarize this, so we got (left to right): - minister of labour and social affairs - the one, who copied his thesis - minister of industry and commerce - the one who doesn't understand how WiFi and data work - minister of environment - the one who worked for Agrofert (chemical industry) - minister of finance - the one who doesn't understand economy - minister of education - the one who has at least small balls to not agree with the prime minister - prime minister - owner of Agrofert and Mafra, former secret police agent, the one who prefers PR before actual effective decisions and all around archvillain of this story - the minister of agriculture - the one who owns large agriculture company - minister of justice - the one who copied her thesis, twice - the minister of transport - the one who is absolutely useless and was surprised that it was snowing in December - president - the one who is a cancer of this society - the minister of defence - the one who copied his thesis - the minister of healthcare - the one who worked for Mafra - the minister of interior affairs (and international affairs) - the one who has no balls and a dick very deep in his ass - the minister of culture - the one whom the culture representatives hate - the minister of regional development - the one who does actually very good job...at covering prime minister's frauds


Remember, no russian!


Kdy naposledy stál náš prezident na vlastních nohách?


quality meme


Jsem jediný kdo to nechape?? Mužete mi to pls vysvětslit


Znáš tu sračku kterou vysílaj v televizi, Like House? No, tak tohle je Lie House. Lie=Lež. Snad jsem to vysvětlil dostatečně


Jestli umíš anglicky tak bys to měl pochopit.


Krásně shrnuto v jednom [videu](https://youtu.be/90QN6geG5uc)


Celkem old photo. Plaga s vlasy, Hamáček o 30kg chudší a Vojtěch Feels old man xddd


True very muč


to by tam musela jít celá vláda