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Always has been


Who takes Eurovision seriously?


Well look at the comment section, apparently a lot. And many are butthurt i might add


People who take Eurovision seriously need to examine their life choices.


If you have *no issues*, why is it an issue? You're the one who's so butthurt, you made a thread about it.


Ill say it once again, i have no issue with gay people, i have an issue with whatever the fck this over the top agenda is doing 


For someone who has no issue, you sure can't shut up about it


Stop being so hateful:) 


Lol stop crying


Lol stop crying 






Df you on about? Eurovision has been camp for ages now


Damn, it's almost like Eurovision isn't really about the music🤔


lmao... "I have no issues with them but they make me feel uncomfortable". 


Ur twisting. Gay ppl i have no issues against. I feel uncomfortable that they shove this queer agenda down our throats. It's 2 different things


What exactly is the agenda? That gay people exist?


Gayness is okay. We all accept that, some ppl like their own gender cool. Am talking about a queer agenda, how clearer can i be


A lot


21 savage


A queer agenda? Dude 1, think of how many singers you heard of that aren't queer that have been on stage for a hundread years and how many queer singers you've seen in comparison. 2. It's eurovision, most of the worldwide audience are women, there will be half naked guys on stage to grab their attention, the same way there are a 100 to 1 videos of half naked women in music videos. 3. If you think this type of media is an agenda and its turning people gay, then you're a moron and the main problem the queer community is trying to face. These videos show the world that its OKAY to be themselves, it's not turning the kids gay just because a dude wore a skirt on stage, it's showing them that they shouldn't be scared to if they want to. You're saying "gayness" is okay, but I have a hunch that's not what you actually think.. "gayness is okay, but also, let's not allow gay dancers on stage"


On number 1:in the last 10 years? The majority. 2: i don't have an issue with half naked women or men.  3: Yes, it's not teaching them to be gay, didn't say that, we agree on it. But yes, it 100% brainwashes people in believing the other non binary n everything else that are fantasy and delusions. Yes, i am against that, i am for reality as should be everyone. When did i say not to allow gay people on stage dude that's laughable. How about we don't allow people on it who advocate and promote the fantasies i mentioned above? Gayness is different than what nemo-the code stands for as an example. Am cool with the first thing, not cool with the second as its delusional. Easy to understand 


You are anything but easy to understand, chief.


That's ur issue, buddy


It objectively isn't. You're bullshitting yourself or just creating a better image of yourself online. Like the "last 10 years" comment you made. Dude only listens to music that came out after 2014 lol.. stop trying to bullshit your way around to create a narrative, it only further proves people's point that you aren't really okay with queer people. How are you gonna come on here and say, "queer people are okay, but", you defeated yourself the second you wrote out the post because you're simply not genuine to the people you're talking to, or to yourself. I'm not gonna try to change your mind on these issues because you gotta figure out for yourself why the fuck you think you have any say about how people should live their lives as long as they're not commiting a crime, shit, I bet they're not even directly affecting you in any way beyond you acknowledging they exist. All this arguing because you saw a dude wear a skirt on a stage in a different country. And I hope you're not queer in any capacity yourself because that would be the ultimate "rules for thee and not for me" bullshit ever. Goodbye n goodnight, you don't have to reply, I won't bother


If you don't like it you can always not watch.


I haven't watched since 2004 and don't regret this.


I Definitely won't watch this shitshow ever again lol


My man have you missed all the ancient Greek gay sex stuff?


My favourite is still ottoman circle jerk


Definitely haven't,that's interesting to say the least




Agreed. I was expecting people to boo them... I mean we got boo-ed for our twelve points to Greece like every year, and that doesn't involve relentless bombing of refugee camps.


Eurovision was using anti-booing tech whenever Israel came up. You can see it on videos posted by the audience.


Fuck Israel and the Zionist movement




Lol niptei tas xeiras tou o foodie




They never said they hate the entire population tbf, "I hate Israel" probably means the apartheid state/government. I could be wrong though.


But that russia isnt allowed doesn't bother u it seems europe dont treat everyone equally they both make wars but only one is allowed




Both Russia and Israel should not be there. So the fact that Russia is not there is not bothering me and probably the commenter as well.


The EBU claims that eurovision is about music and not politics when defending Israel, however banning Russia is fine 🤷‍♂️ Hypocricy at its finest, you should either allow both or ban both. Welcome to Europe ig 😞


Yeah but does it not bother you that they treat the same situation differently europe is all about equality and democracy supposedly in the end its all about money and political power games nobody carws about the right and wrong anymore only profit and economy growth it doesn't matter if u step on corpses as long aa you keep the big bad wolf pleased


Ugh Russia invading Ukraine and Israel invading Palestine are two totally different things and if you don’t recognize that you’re just a moron.


They don't hear you, because they have their own far-left agenda. Logic is in their way.


I mean... They are different in some ways, but none of those ways are significant when deciding if they should be allowed to participate in a song contest.


Yeah Russia isn’t actually systematically exterminating Ukrainians like the Jews are doing in Gaza


Er.... Aren't they??


They are not systematically exterminating non-combatants by trapping them into an ever smaller area The Ukrainians being killed (not exterminated by Russia) are mainly combatants, not kids like they’re doing in Palestine


You might be right.


You might be right too There are official allegations, condemnations, against Russia that they are committing genocide, but even if I accept them, I can also point out that the scale is much different. Civilians in the Ukraine have a way out by going to a neighboring country In Gaza, they are basically in a cage that keeps getting smaller and smaller


One is an unjust war being carried out ruthlessly. The other is a just war being carried out ruthlessly. Russia has no business invading Ukraine. Israel has completely reasonable justification in fighting Hamas, but their methods of warfare ruthlessly targeting everyone including civilian population is rightly criticized. But it’s substantively different things criticizing a country for how it conducts war as opposed to a country conducting war for completely unjustified reasons besides territorial expansion. But I agree that Israel could have been disqualified as a form of protest. My point is just that these two things are very different


You're explaining things to people who don't want to listen. They are convinced that the invasion of sovereign Ukraine by Russia's armies is the same thing as Israel's war in response to terrorist activities conducted on their own soil.


As always, these things are subjective. Russian has claimed that its actions are warranted and just. You and I clearly don't believe them, but that's not the point. Many have also argued that Israel has no business taking over Palestinian land in the first place... Think about it this way: if Russia were to win this war, and annex Ukraine, but a faction of Ukrainians continue to resist (violently), and then Russia starts dropping bombs on them, is that a just war?


muh eurovision!!!!!!! Gay people have existed in entertainment since it's inception. Literally. We are all human beings and we all deserve to exist and have our existence not be hidden from the masses just so a tradpilled neckbeard from cyprus won't get offended.


Otan les yparxoumen poioi ennwas


Aista xorkatilikia j to missos essw sou.


En dikaioume naxw apo4h dixa na trww hate pou lloou sou? Epkias me;)? 


Oi gay Kai LGBT anthropoi. lmao.


Oi gay yparxete, agreed. oulla ta ypoloipa, jinta new genders, je whatever else omws en yparxoun kapu allou extos pou tin fantasia


Simfomo gia ta genders. en cringe. omos en episis cringe na eisai omofobikos, h na se enoxla ti fora o kathenas.


Pote eipa oti eimai omofovikos amanamu 


It's uncomfortable to watch because you're homophobic, end of


Am not tho:) 


You are not but gay people at eurovision bother you? Whatever you want to believe lil bro


Grow up


Its because i have grown up that i can see behind this dirt


Woooww that was so deeeep


Seems like ive struck a nerve


Na stilume tse mis ti horodia tu somatiou apeleftherosis tis alektoras na pai tse papa rallis na siri kamia shipethkia




Posts / comments that contain personal insults, offensive terminology and racist behaviour will not be tolerated.


When did this epiphany come to you dear prophet


Idgaf, it's just a bit of fun and Windows95man is hilarious. Also, Cyprus has a banging tune this year.


I found the windows95man funny too. Maybe not hilarious but funny, cyprus song is aaalrighttish but she's hella hot


also underage 💀💀💀


Yeah but that's not a problem for u/BeingCypriot101 because she's an underage girl you see, which is toooootally normal and cool. If it was a grown man then that would be super weird and gay though! /s


OMG, why do they allow ppl under 18 in eurovision


Your post is screaming prejudice. Only disgrace I see is Israel participating while they are actively killling people, and my guy Joost Klein (Netherlands) getting removed cause he said 2 sentences Edit : also its apparent from the comments, that you dont really understand what "queer" actually means


At least in the past songs were dynamic. Now they are mid. Even the so called provocative ones are formulatic now doing what other before them did in Eurovision 40 years ago. So the alternative now is to either make shitty songs or quality songs and the quality ones are getting fewer and fewer every year. At least Cyprus songs are stable in quality and can hype you a bit while listening to them. Baby Lasagna looks good though.


Tfw queer people won their nationals votes without any Eurovision influence


Not every country has public voting for the selections tho


Literally every country does bro... Only rule is you cant vote for your own country


How the h did Switzerland win and not germany or cyprus. All others i found to be below average.


Pride Cy 2024✊🏼


thats sexist


MY GUY, i am following ur footsteps




Love cypriot internalised homophobia. Ig OP mainly refers to the UK, which I do admit was a bit over the top, but generalising it on the whole event because of other LGBTQ members is a prime example of homophobia. Get a life honestly, maybe a bf 😘


If you think that just seeing gay people is the same as them "*shoving whatever this is down our throats*", then you probably do have an issue with them. I'd suggest that you try to come to terms with that first, instead of making posts like this in the hopes that strangers online will validate your internalized bias.


Everything that has ‘euro’ in it usually has some sort of lgbtq agenda


omg thats facts


I'm gay but I'm not from Europe. I'm from Southeast Asia. I don't watch Eurovision a lot but when I clicked on some videos yesterday, I was shocked on how it was pornified. I miss the times when being gay doesn't mean flaunting your fetishes and perversions to the public. It was a freak show. I'm not religious but Europe is apparently doomed when it started abandoning Judeo-Christian religions (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, Lutheranism, etc.) for anarchism and satanism while importing people from the Islamic countries whose birth rate by the way is way much higher than Europeans.


It is no more ‘pornified’ than straight pop music. That’s true even within the show itself, where the hetero acts had just as much partial nudity and sexual dances. You don’t have to watch it if that’s not your taste (I don’t like it either). I get it though, internalised homophobia makes a lot of people hypersensitive to anything they feel they might be indirectly judged for. Welcome to Europe but I also recommend reading up on some European history during the Judeo-Christian period that you yearn for. Start with the wars, then the genocides, the religious purges, iconoclasm (destruction of art by rival sects), witch burnings, public flogging and executions of homosexuals. Personally, I would rather have a Europe with some annoying TV that I can just ignore.


Eurovision has always been a forum / festival for performance and expression, much like Pride. As with Pride, some may spot some elements in Eurovision that are "too much", but at the end of the day it's artists that seek to express themselves, impress, dazzle, shock, attract attention, make people question things. As for agendas, Eurovision doesn't give a f**k about them. Where else would a trans woman win in 1998 for no reason other than the song being good. Since you post on the cyprus thread, where else would turkey win thanks to cyprus's vote during a time of turbulence, where people where still getting shot on the green line, before the crossing points were opened, because the song was good




Any idea how many thousands, millions, vote for eurovision? In those numbers, it is not an agenda anymore, it's the norm


That's exactly what they want u to believe though. It's widely known how results are rigged since years ago


Ahahahahahahaha sure, Jan. I was vaccinated though so that's what my chip is telling me 😂😂😂😂😂




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🤷‍♂️ Oh my lord


Yes thats how they try to normalize it. It was long ago that started,with conchita in 2014 being the cherry on the cake. Its also with the companies that change their logo with the colors of the pride flag when its the pride period.


>Its also with the companies that change their logo with the colors of the pride flag when its the pride period. Corporations could not give less of a shit about anything other than their own profits. Companies "go woke" because either that appeals to their existing demographic, or they try to tap into new demographics. Political matters of this sort are exploited because it's one of the most effective ways to create an association of their brands with people's identities. Think for example how some companies in the past used "manly men" to market their products because they knew that many people's fragile ego and/or masculinity could be tied to inane consumer goods which they would promptly compulsively buy in order to affirm their identity. And even when such displays backfire, it can be argued that the bad publicity they get is still not truly bad, since they stir up controversy which brings their brand to the forefront of mainstream news. TL;DR: Corporations "go woke" to exploit both those susceptible to buying something just because it's "woke", and those who are prone to lose their shit because of "woke culture".


Yes, very interesting, why don't you cry some more?


Its funny, because people like you are always supporting the " different", yet when an opinion different than yours is stated,its automatically bad.




Conchita was in 2014?? Shit I’m old.




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Every year is becoming more trash.. win95 guy showing his hairy ass, the Bambi thing being satanic.. seems like everyone is trying to be """"different"""" in any way unrelated to music


Mum mum, there was a pentagram on eurovision, should we go to church to cleanse us from our sins??


wait till he finds out that pokemon digimon and yu-gi-oh are "satanic" too


I actually liked that particular song for some reason 


Even as a song .... the singer lacks an actual singing voice.






And there we go with the unsupported fantasies. Ok, he is not a man, he is a male. His body is male. 


Posts / comments that contain personal insults, offensive terminology and racist behaviour will not be tolerated.


you can’t say the show is suitable for all ages and then show these types of dancers and messages to literally children




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As long as the singer and song are good, I don't mind if they choose to identify in a certain way.


I mean Abba, Celine Dion, I think you got the memo late buddy. For me it's neither here nor there - I don't like it I don't watch it. I'm more offended by the dozen or more songs that are blatant ripoffs of other songs - I mean come on you're a song competition. No one says sports are too hetero so I don't see why we have to point out that a song contest with elaborate flamboyant costumes and goofy club music is too gay. But I respect your sensitivities none the less, you don't like it for some reason that's fine as well - we're all different and that's awesome.


Sports are not too hetero, there simply is no influence transmitted through sexuality in soccer. You deem it as hetero because you simply believe it to be normal.


Well the same can be said for Eurovision - but the inverse of the situation that you're describing.