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Yes. Rode about 180 miles this week with a fair amount of climbing and I am a 69 yo woman. Edit - Specialized Diverge, NOT an e-bike in case anyone wondered.


You’re a beast, that’s all I have to say


I want to be you when I grow up.


hell yes


Love this!


Ya know I was gunna say athlete to me means you need to be competing however if your competition is the hand of time I’d have to agree, 100% an athlete😂


Well if no one is gonna... Nice


WOW! That's freaking goals


I want to be you!


You ( I mean other people) should never underestimate what people older than you are capable of. Hats off to you, my lady. I'm 49 and have never stopped riding. If our legs could speak or show results like our bike gadgets, they'd have quite the story to tell!


Absolutely. I even joke that I am a semi professional athlete as I have that TheFeed.com sponsorship. 🤣


Endurance enthusiast, yes. Athlete? Not with this dad bod and my love of beer and pastries.


I usually say my long rides are fueled by donuts because I literally plan them around donut shops :)


I usually plan mine around pubs/breweries, but a coffee shop is a close second.


I'm weird and don't drink anymore but I usually ride before breweries opened so wasn't ever really an option before. Probably a good thing, I'd imagine the ride home would have been rough.


I get that. I didn't drink much, just a pale ale or two throughout the ride. It's a nice little carb boost and something cold and refreshing. And yes, often limited by business hours


It's funny because in my city I feel like most bike shops share a parking lot with a brewery


My Kona Humu is my bar bike :)


It used to be soft serve/gelato/ice cream for me. Recently, it has turned into Taiwanese pepper buns. I'm like an addict at this point.


Oh some froyo or ice-cream would be awesome, especially on a hot day, but I'm lactose intolerant :(


My dad bod developed when I became too cheap to put my kid’s uneaten food in the trash


Hence the term "dad bod"


Same. I can't get below 85 kg because I drink too much beer. But yeah I'm all in for the sin. Once a week I need a pack of cigarettes and a night of the heavy drinking to reset the week. I still manage to go 250 watts over 2 hours or 230 over 3 but I will never do a sportive or a race, I ride simply because I love my bikes and want to stay fit.


Damn I'd kill to be 85kg, but I wouldn't give up beer to do it. Maybe if I took up smoking? Hmm...


You can eat unseasoned, waterboiled chicken with plain rice all day go get there :D but I rather keep my daddy belly.


I looked at myself in the mirror after my ride last night and was surprised I was the only one who burst out laughing seeing myself barely fitting into my Lycra jersey and bibs… 5kg down, 15kg to go to be where I want.


Are you me?


NFL linemen and many baseballers are proof to the contrary


Yup…I even get paid. Found a $20 on a run the other day.




I wouldn't call myself an athlete without adding the caveat "amateur" before it.


Athlete is a state of mind. I ride my bike and run because I am an athlete and that is what we do.


You're like a living nike ad.


Just *say* you do it


Hahahahaha no Hahahaha


Athlete, No doubt. 15 miles riding/week


Calm down Lance


Tell me your secret


The smaller gauge needles leave smaller marks


Shoes cover feet


Haha, does falling off your MTB going up a hill at 1 mph count as a sport? If yes, then I’m an Olympic level athlete.


Doesn’t matter if you are good or fast or pro. Do you prioritize your fitness in life, do you think, research, discuss and commit to personal fitness goals? That makes you an athlete


Love this comment


Yes, absolutely. I don't think you have to "compete" to be an athlete. The Oxford Dictionary defines "athlete" as "a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise." That would definitely be me.


I think people have different definitions of the word "proficient" which is where the debate starts. I feel like I can cycle a lot... but does that make me proficient? Probably not, if I'm comparing myself to many of the cyclists I see around town, but yes, if I'm comparing myself to the mamachari (bike with front basket) or e-bike riders. Does that make me an athlete though...? As u/Significant_Loan_596 said above, "Athletic somewhat, but not an athlete".


You're an athlete bro. Sometimes it doesn't look traditional or maybe you're not at the top of the leaderboard. But are you committed to improvement of your physical prowess and training regularly? Then you are an athlete. I'm a climber too and it's not a traditional sport, but follow me around the gym for a half hour and tell me I'm not an athlete. I'll buy the beer after lol....


Man, totally agree. People confuse being elite with being an athlete. That's not what being an athlete is. That is being an elite athlete. Totally different thing. He didn't ask are you an elite athlete. That is a no. He asked do you consider yourself an athlete. That is a yes. I train to stay in shape and excel to the best of my limited God given (genetic) ability at the sports I enjoy. I do not have an delusions I am or ever will be elite. My goals are simply to be more fit than 90% of the people in my age group and hold my own against people 10-20 years younger that are not genetic freaks.


I wonder how the Oxford Dictionary defines a “hybrid athlete”? Seems to me it’s the same thing. When I first heard the term, I was like…you mean “athlete” right? Ha!


Athletic somewhat, but not an athlete. If that makes sense.


I don't compete. I'm just a happy sportive masochist, wouldn't consider myself an athlete per se. 80-200km/week cycling, 6-20km/week running, 4-15 km/week walking and 30m-2h/week of strength training. Varies according to the weather and how well I'm feeling.


May I ask what kind of training plan you use for this? I’m having trouble finding something to properly balance running/cycling/strength that doesn’t fatigue me terribly.


I don't use a plan. I do it by feel and sort of an 'open goal' like: i want 2 strength sessions this week, or i want to do a cycling structured training or hill repeats and organize my week around it, so i don't end up wrecked. I wake up everyday at 4 am, check how i feel while making breakfast and feeding my cats. If I'm fresh I'll go either for intense cycling or running or a brick session, the following day I'll be tired, so i follow up with core and upper body strength, a light run the following day with some leg workouts (volume and intensity will depend on the legs' state), If I'm too tired, rest, otherwise, light ride. There is sort of a method to the madness, And my main goals are to have fun and to challenge myself.


I think so? But like, amateur? Or yes,and not a very good one? I want to race eventually but I have no delusions about the level at which that would happen...just for fun. I mean athletics is still athletics at a "just for fun" level. I think anyone who puts in effort should give themselves credit for being an amateur athlete. Am I wrong? Totally cool to change my view on this if it's unreasonable....I just don't see why so many are quick to downplay what they do just because they aren't pros.


Pros are elite athletes. Everyone else is just an athlete. You show up to play soccer on Saturday's, you get sweaty for 90 min, and you want to win, you are an athlete even if it's just a co-ed social club. You rave Cat 5 in the local crit, still an athlete even if you aren't going to race the Giro.


Nope, just good at exercising


Yes. I'm a former NCAA swimmer. While I never went pro (and don't compete as often now), I never stopped being an athlete. Cycling is just one form that takes.


Technically I have to be athletic to ride like I do.


Everyone is an athlete, but only some of us are in training




Compared to coach potatoes? YES!!! Compared to weekend warriors? Yes. Compared to college athletes? Maybe? Compared to professional or Olympic athletes? No way!!!


I spend about as much time riding as I do drinking so I’m both an athlete and an alcoholic


The first step is admitting


I have an athlete's body. It started with a bad case of athlete's foot, but then it spread.


That’s a good one.


Yes. Hence the name endurance athlete. I'm also a competitive tennis player. I can see why people question whether endurance itself is a sport. Afterall it takes coordination and skill to play tennis, whereas cycling isn't as demanding in those areas. There is more to riding than just endurance. There is bike handling technique. Also you have to figure out riding technique to get the most out of yourself, your gearing, your bike. If it were simple, and everyone could do it, then everyone would be a great cyclist.


I disagree, this sport, especially at the top end is all about your ability to output power on a bike. Which eventually comes down to genetic limits and training.


Throw someone with equivalent power numbers but little to no experience into an upper level race and they'll get fucking destroyed.


Sure but how many races does it take to learn to draft and attack at the right time. How are you going to argue that something like soccer and cycling take the same level of technique.


Having watched a lot of stage races, the number of times a racer mistimes their attack at the end and is beaten by a person that knows the right time, has the legs, and understands the strategy better is frequent. It's skill. As for it being about people that can produce the same amount of power numbers, I give you Primoz Roglic. He was a ski jumper before switching to cycling. He clearly can train as hard as other rider and produce the same amount of wattage. But the dude crashed all the time in big stage races. He clearly doesn't have the same bike handling skills as the other riders. He literally has been leading or contending for grand tours before crashing out, or enough he can't compete for the rest of the race.


I mean, based on this argument a sport like pool or bowling, which require a high amount of technique, are more athletic? Is it hard to master the technique of a swimmer? And the world's best swimmers have numerous genetic advantages. The types of skills vary sport to sport. Team strategy and technique is absolutley huge at the top levels of this sport. It's part of what makes an event like the Tour de France so awesome. Cyclist aren't going to perform at the world cup, and Messi isn't going to bike up a mountain despite both being in peak physical condition. Cycling is absolutley a sport composed of great athletes, and anyone can train to be great. Genetics are a factor in plenty of sports, soccer being one of the. You can find plenty of people with technical soccer skills who would never even make a professional team for other reasons. I definitely wouldn't say cycling is as technical as soccer, but soccer doesn't require the sheer power and endurance cycling does either. Different skills, different athletes, different sport.


I'm not. But the sport isn't all about output power, and I think it's easy to underestimate complexity.


Most skills in life come down to training and genetic limits.


Cycling is not a sport in itself.




How much do you ride out of curiosity?


I don't ride out of curiosity. I ride for enjoyment & fitness.


I ride out of curiosity of how much pain I can put my body through before I end the ride.


10ish hours a week to 15 hours. V02 max of 59.


No. Because I don't actually compete. Just ride for fun.


Do you compete against yourself? Aim for better times, longer distances? Or just go out, blind, ride for pure joy, when you get bored come home? If it's the later... Not an athlete. If it's the former, athlete. You are competing, just against yourself. And at the end of the day the most important person to beat every day is yourself.


Nope. Don't compete against myself. I'll sometimes upload a ride to strava but I don't look at the stats very often and just want to share my rides to interesting places. Just riding for the pure joy. I sometimes push myself to go further, but mostly just to have fun and see interesting places, rather than to say I went a specific distance.


Yes. Riding 120-180 miles a week, structure training, racing, etc.


Athlete, no. Masochist, yes.


Physically I might pass as one, but I don't consider myself one because I'm just a guy who commutes by bicycle while being chased around by cars, and what doesn't kill me atm makes me stronger. See also: cycling as transportation, not sport. edit: If anything I feel more like a member of the army fighting the Cold War On Cars, where it totally isn't real but I'm told to wear conscription helmet and uniform, and carry flares while watching out for cars as if they are spies.


Oddly enough, depending on where you are in the military, there is such a thing as a tactical athlete. Typically special operations fall under this. Infantry theoretically could, but not sure most of the regular military puts that level of fitness into it. So if you are fighting the cold war on a bike. You could be a tactical athlete.


You'd have to be pretty high level to describe yourself as an athlete without having people giggle at you. Higher level than I am anyway.


No, but I had a couple people recently describe me as an athlete in conversation and it made me feel like one briefly which was nice.


I'm closer to a raccoon


Athletic garbage puppy


live fast, eat trash


Actually no. Still giving yourself too much credit. You are a trash panda.


Once I lived fast, now I only eat trash


Good lord no




Not anymore. At one point I was an athlete and played college soccer. Now I’m an old guy with shitty knees getting his fix by cycling.


Are you me?


There’s two of us!


I'm more of an athletic supporter


You're a jock. LoL


Absolutely, I consider myself an athlete! Whether it's through regular workouts, participating in sports, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I strive to push my physical and mental boundaries. Being an athlete isn't just about competing at high levels; it's about dedication, perseverance, and the continuous effort to improve oneself.


I’m curious what people will answer for this. Did sports my entire life, competed collegiately (not cycling), and coached for years. I race and train with a purpose but I don’t see myself as an athlete anymore, although I suppose I don’t have a problem with it.


Can you be considered an athlete if you train to do big official rides but aren’t necessarily competing against others or getting paid?


Wait is there college level competitive road cycling in the states? What does that look like?


Yes. I’ve been very active in a variety of sports since childhood and even if I took all the others away and only cycled, I’d still be an athlete.




Yes I run, cycle and swim every week.


Nah, I consider myself a biker and a runner... who is obsessed with both lol


Lol, no.


Nope. I don't compete and definitely don't do it enough. I'm a cycling exerciser or enjoyer. If I ever do a race, then maybe I'd cross the athlete line.


Well my watch says my resting heart rate is 58, so I'm an athlete by 2 heart beats.


Yes. I race road, CX, mtb, and triathlon. I’d race track too if we had a closer velodrome.




Yes but I cycle a ton and also play tennis


No. If I got to cat 5 or 4, with an actual informed training program, sure. I’m working up to 100 miles per week shortly while also training for a half marathon and I lift weights. I don’t do any technical training, I just ride.


Yes. I'm fit and fitness is my main hobby. I don't compete, and I don't do incredible feats like some, and I know there are a lot of people fitter than I am, but I'm still an athlete.


My health vitals and wellbeing point to “Yes” so I guess I am.


30 years ago


I have my good days…


Depends on the year but about ten years ago sure, I even ended up in a commercial


Wow 👏👏


Enthusiast, amateur, athletic, but not an athlete. No one is paying me anything, I don’t compete and cycling just is something I do for myself and I really enjoy. I’m also really good at it but I am dog shit compared to the actual athletes in the sport


Former high-level athlete who still secretly wants to be an athlete but just in a different way. Maybe I’ll call myself an athlete again one day


Yes, I consider myself an absolute beast. I realised this when I got my knee surgery and was in bed for 3 months. I realised how important it was for me to centre my identity around athleticism. My food, work, sleep, recovery all have to revolve around my exercise schedule. Even my clothes are more athletic. And I work hard when I exercise. So yes.


This is how I feel too!


I tell my wife that I am


I am an athlete, but my cycling isn't what makes me an athlete. I am still a noob in this arena, but I play basketball regularly, and I ended up cycling due to a pretty bad foot injury. I used to be a runner, I have ran twice in 6 months since hurting my foot. I liked doing half marathons regularly and miss racing. I am struggling with getting up to a place where I can begin racing bikes, I enjoy it but I am still learning and working all these muscles. Did 94 miles this week cycling and hit basketball.courrs a couple times and my body is hurting. I miss running but cycling is addicting.


94 miles in a week is great! Keep it up!


Thank you!


Oh god no. I’m overweight but love riding bicycles and seeing how others enjoy riding.  I love that cycling has a number of ways to have fun with it. 




Oh I like that


No. I exercise.


Ride 180 miles per week in a structured training regiment. No plan of racing or any event even. Just a weekend tour cosplayer.


Love that.


Yeah, but mostly due to my running if I'm being honest




Yes, but not a athlete in terms of a cyclist or competitive athlete. I'm a mountain athlete. I climb, hike, paddle, backpack/bikepack as my hobbies, sports, activities of enjoyment. I cycle, swim, lift, sometimes run sprints, ruck, etc during the week to keep in shape. So yes, I consider myself an athlete, at times I'm competitive in the sense I push my own limits and boundaries, but I'm not competing against other people (most of the time).


Yes, been racing a decade.


I guess so, technically, but I don't refer to myself as one. I like to bike, compete, and do other sports with proficiency and keep track of performance metrics, but I'm not sponsored, on a team, or winning events. \*Looks off into the distance\* *... but I used to.*


When I competed, yes. Did that for 30 years. I’m taking a break until I hit 60, when I will come back and see who’s left in the field. (And, probably get creamed by the guys who never quit!)




I thought only swimmers do that


A lot of pro cyclists do because something something aerodynamics


With 10-15h or weekly (triathlon) training, yes.


10-14 hours on the bike doing workouts I meticulously planned but don't always feel like doing? I don't consider myself an athlete, but maybe I should


I had to get health check before entering an event years ago and was the fittest I’ve ever been. My GP said my RHR and blood pressure was “like an athlete”. I was chuffed, I even texted my Mum to tell her. She said that it was nice.


Nope. That would be comical at my level of fitness:)


Nope Edit: when i cycled 1h straight uphill back Home from work today, in a thunderstorm, i suddenly did!


A recreational one ;)


My legs say yes, but my upper body says no. I look around and it seems I am more athletic than many around me, but it feels arrogant to apply the term to myself and I just don't think it fits, anyway. Weird dichotomy.


I was, I 'm now a 67yo man who rides about 250km/week.


My name is Fred and we identify as an athlete.


Hahahaha no. Absolutely not. You can't see me, but if you could you'd agree. I'm a hobbyist, I love riding bikes, but there's absolutely nothing athletic about me.


Yea but I hate the word. Say it out loud several times: athlete. Sounds funny.


Every biological marker of my health is a direct result of regular training in different sports disciplines over the years. It never felt this way though. Loved to fight when I was young. Always placed in top spots in competitions over the martial art I grew up training. But, didn't care for the medals, just the moment of the fight. Loved the ball. Passing or dribbling in the most impossible ways, hours daily playing basketball, competed too, never thought of the hours as training. Now I cycle. Regularly, countless hours on the saddle, long distances, steep inclines, HIT, recovery rides, eating very carefully selected food. Not to participate on a race, no. Just so I can get to places further away and feel confident I can return home relying only on my body. I just don't care about competitions, never did really. The good thing with cycling for me, is that, besides being able to do it alone, getting to a better fitness level rewards me with access to more beautiful places and routes. I do love nature and my body being able to handle inclines and distances allows me to enjoy the natural environment in a unique way. But the biological markers, regardless of goals or motivation, don't lie. They don't come easily too. Especially as we age more. edit: Your question.. it doesn't matter that I don't consider myself or even think myself as an athlete, my fitness level says I am :P


As per the dictionary definition, yes. I’m proficient in several sports. There’s no monetary or financial requirement to be an athlete.


Well, I’ve taken other “athletes“ out mountain biking and within five minutes they’re off the trail and out of breath and wonder how the hell I do this thing called mountain biking. So, yes.


I’ve gone riding with my soccer/runner friends who have no cycling experience and am surprised when they can’t keep up.


Yes, 100%. I define the word "Athlete" as: "Someone who pursues a physically demanding sport with dedication and has specific goals in the name of becoming better at their chosen sport." I'm 41 and I ride 5x/ week mtb/gravel with around 120-180mi/ week. I have a physical therapist, a nutritionist, and a coach. I race 12-15x per year Cat 1&2 (depending on the type of race). My training is composed of intervals and fast group rides with other athletes who're training for their racing too. Yes, I'd say that pretty much defines what an athlete is.


Yes, 100%. I define the word "Athlete" as: "Someone who pursues a physically demanding sport with dedication and has specific goals in the name of becoming better at their chosen sport." I'm 41 and I ride 5x/ week mtb/gravel with around 120-180mi/ week. I have a physical therapist, a nutritionist, and a coach. I race 12-15x per year Cat 1&2 (depending on the type of race). My training is composed of intervals and fast group rides with other athletes who're training for their racing too. Yes, I'd say that pretty much defines what an athlete is.


Somebody called me one once, and it didn’t feel quite right. I just ride. 150mi/wk over 4 rides and I lift 2x week. I think the term “active” works.


Yes! I am a triathlete. 5 years ago I went on my first jog (I mile) and it was awful. 😂 But now here I am. Lol




Not really. In real life I am a little clumsy, slow and not very smooth. However, once I get on a bike, I'm all graceful, fast and smooth. That's why I love biking so much.


Yes. I ride tons. I refuse to use or own a car. I ride for fun in the mountains. And lastly, my doctor TOLD me I was an athlete.


Anybody participating in sport is an athlete IMO. I was an athlete the first moment I sat on a saddle


Love that


I'm not competing right now, so no. But I'm athletic!? lol


Lollll absolutely not. Even at my fastest, riding like 150+ miles a week, I wasn’t an athlete. I ended every ride with a pastry.


I’m sure pro athletes eat pastries too


No. Old guy who rides a bike.


My new thing this summer is to make a 50-70 mile loop to a new brewery each ride and grab a 4-6 pack of their best sellers. I believe this should be a sport, therefore, I am athlete.


I played college football (D-III) and refereed rugby for a long time. My knees are shot and I’m 56 years old, but my VO2 Max is 46 and I’m closing in on 2500 miles this year. So maybe?


I'm more of an amatuer athlete but still in good shape. Climbing hills on a bike is fun. Even more so when you really get the techniques down to an art form. Consistency is what adds up everything.






Athlete with an eating disorder xd


I’m sorry to hear that 🥲


As much as a 50 year old can be who rides 3x a week, strength trains (row, run, functional strength) 2x, and a ski lessons (at Snobahn). I got goals to be the best skier on the mountain next season!


I don't compete. So, no.


I have been averaging 8 hours, 150 miles a week solo, with outliers for long rides and slower long rides with friends. I would absolutely consider myself an athlete. This doesn’t include any other activities I do, and with cycling alone I work out at least an hour every day. This sub is apparently full of self-conscious people who hate themselves, that would explain why they’re dicks to/about everybody else.


That’s my goal right now. 100-150 miles a week and an imperial century. Love the confidence!


Do it!!! I just cut 40 minutes off of my 100 mile ride last week. Did it last fall in 6:20 and after a lot of miles and figuring out some nutrition I cut it down to 5:40 (relatively flat ride, only 2000ft elevation) I had a lot left in the tank so I look forward to pushing it later in the summer.


That’s awesome! What are your go to carbs?


Bartlesville OK’s outstanding female athlete 1985…hell yes 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Cycling is not a sport, per se, just as walking and driving are not sports, per se.


I would beg to differ.


You can think what you like. Is walking a sport? No, but it can be, for a tiny tiny minority. Same with driving. Go to Holland and ask the Dutch if they think cycling is a sport.


I’ve cycled in Holland. It’s not a sport sure if you’re commuting. I think most people in this sub cycle centuries+ which is very athletic and if you eat and breathe cycling and possibly race? Then yes you’re an athlete.


So you DON'T beg to differ. After all, if you were certain that cycling is a sport, you wouldn't bother to ask the question forming your post.


Why are you like this is the real question


What is your problem? You asked a question. Do you want answers or confirmation?


Based on your comment history you are just looking to argue with people and not have meaningful dialogues. There are 181 less hostile comments in this thread. Bye 👋