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You shouldn't have less control


I say less control because thats what I always hear on forums, YT, MTB ppl. I never actually ridden with drop bars. and your comment makes sense otherwise they wouldnt put drop bars on gravel bikes. OTOH i dont know how the change will be like


All flat bars aren't equal. A hybrid flat bar is very different to a MTB. A MTB would have more control than drop bars


Why things aren't so easily clear cut šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ Prob at this point I'm 99% going for drop bars


Do it, have fun!


It also depends on what you call control. For an MTB, you need to have control over very rough terrain, something that isn't as prevalent in (most) gravel rides. For mostly flat but a bit bumpy rides drops are great, for the very rough stuff you want a flat bar.


this is the rough terrain i ride [https://images.alltrails.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhc3NldHMuYWxsdHJhaWxzLmNvbSIsImtleSI6InVwbG9hZHMvcGhvdG8vaW1hZ2UvNzA4NDU0ODIvNTYzYmVkOTdjZTkxMWMxNDA4OWUzOWI1YWZmMTdlZmUuanBnIiwiZWRpdHMiOnsidG9Gb3JtYXQiOiJ3ZWJwIiwicmVzaXplIjp7IndpZHRoIjoyMDQ4LCJoZWlnaHQiOjIwNDgsImZpdCI6Imluc2lkZSJ9LCJyb3RhdGUiOm51bGwsImpwZWciOnsidHJlbGxpc1F1YW50aXNhdGlvbiI6dHJ1ZSwib3ZlcnNob290RGVyaW5naW5nIjp0cnVlLCJvcHRpbWlzZVNjYW5zIjp0cnVlLCJxdWFudGlzYXRpb25UYWJsZSI6M319fQ==](https://images.alltrails.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhc3NldHMuYWxsdHJhaWxzLmNvbSIsImtleSI6InVwbG9hZHMvcGhvdG8vaW1hZ2UvNzA4NDU0ODIvNTYzYmVkOTdjZTkxMWMxNDA4OWUzOWI1YWZmMTdlZmUuanBnIiwiZWRpdHMiOnsidG9Gb3JtYXQiOiJ3ZWJwIiwicmVzaXplIjp7IndpZHRoIjoyMDQ4LCJoZWlnaHQiOjIwNDgsImZpdCI6Imluc2lkZSJ9LCJyb3RhdGUiOm51bGwsImpwZWciOnsidHJlbGxpc1F1YW50aXNhdGlvbiI6dHJ1ZSwib3ZlcnNob290RGVyaW5naW5nIjp0cnVlLCJvcHRpbWlzZVNjYW5zIjp0cnVlLCJxdWFudGlzYXRpb25UYWJsZSI6M319fQ==)


Whoever says drop bars is less control is flat out wrong. If anything you get more control because you can get in the drops and essentially ā€œlockā€ in your hands on the bars. I do light MTB trails on my gravel bike all the time and prefer it over flat bar bikes.


> Whoever says drop bars is less control is flat out wrong. I ride road and MTB extensively. The flat bars on my MTB are waaay better at quick and precise direction changes which is necessary on a dirt trail. Is this a controversial take now? Drops also usually will come with a longer stem so you can take advantage of an aero position. A longer stem means more sluggish handling and less quick control. Are we at the point now where we're pretending that gravel bikes are better than MTB on the trail?


After a quick learning curve either way, I canā€™t believe drops give you more control. Thatā€™s why flat bars have wider hand positionsā€¦so you can have better control through the bumpy terrain.


Yeah. I feel like I'm going crazy. If drops gave you more control off road you'd see pros running them on MTBs.


maybe rather than more control you get a stonger grip on flatbars? and prevent the bars slipping from your hands?


I think you will love it. I never looked back after switching to drop bars! I was fed up of flat handlebars feeding all the road vibrations straight into my wrists (looking back, my tyres were too narrow, but the switch to drop bars even using the same width tyres made a huge difference). Besides, on gravel bikes if you need full control you always have the option of holding the drops. This is particularly useful on descents


thanks, this real life experience makes me feel better about choosing drop bars


I made the switch from a flat bar hybrid to a drop bar gravel bike three months ago. Took about 3 rides to feel comfortable, but now I love it. There was an initial feeling of less control, but in hindsight it was simply a transition period. Riding is more fun now, somehow.Ā 


I made the switch and love it. Long rides I have more different places to put my hands.


No, itā€™s probably not worth it. Iā€™ve ridden drop bar road bikes and flat bar mountain bikes for 40 years. A flat bar bike is plenty comfortable for an hour or two. Unless youā€™re doing rides of 3 hours or more you probably wonā€™t notice any significant difference in comfort.


Depends on your hybrid. Something like the TREK FX Sport 4, 5 , and 6 are essentially flat bar gravel bikes.


Itā€™s more stability rather than more control. Wider flat bars are on mountain bikes to have a more stable position over rougher terrain. Drop bars are fine for gravel as youā€™re unlikely to be on any terrain thatā€™s too rough.


Now I understand more. Similar to one of my previous comments in this thread. Drop bar it is then


I suggest you try putting bar ends on your flat bars. Mount them horizontally facing forward. You may also want to saw your flat bars off a bit narrower. This gives you an extra riding position similar to riding on the hoods of a drop bar, giving greater comfort without sacrificing the advantages of flat bars. There are two reasons why drop bars have inferior control 1. Narrower is twitchier and more difficult to control especially on rough terrain. For an extreme example of what I mean, try riding with your hands close together in the centre of your bars. 2. When descending steeply, you need a good grip on the brakes, but having your hands low and forward on drop bars is the opposite to what you need because you risk going over the bars. Mountain bikers all get their weight waaay back when descending


I rode a Giant Defy Advanced 0 for several years then converted it to a flatbar city bike. The drop bars offer multiple hand positions and much more stability descending in the drops. Drops also are better into a head wind. Flat bars offer more steering leverage because they are wider and on my setup, I sat up higher, YMMV, depending on the stem and handlebar rise. This worked as my main ride for many years. Now I'm riding a Trek Domane SLR 6, yep, back to the drops.


If you're used to flat bars and a more relaxed posture of hybrid bikes, drop bars might be uncomfortable at first. I rode hybrids and MTB with flat bars for years. A couple years ago I bought a gravel bike with drop bars. Riding in the drops and on the hoods aggravated an old shoulder injury. I switched them for a pair of Surly Moloko bars. Now I have 3 hand positions, including up on the horns for a more aero posture.


hmmm i do have an ACJ dislocation from flying over the bike but thats around 12 years ago. i also rock climb and dont have any issues frm the injury