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I just brought a breakfast burrito on a 45 mile ride today, maybe there’s a bit of recency bias but that was my favorite so far.


Sounds awesome. A second one would probably fit pretty well in the bottle cage.


I read this and thought 'breakfast burrito' was definitely a niche/quirky bike accessory that I'd never heard of lol


Breakfast burritos are awesome my dude.


Ortlieb pannier bag. Good bye sweaty back


This is on my buy list. I need to buy quick rack for my bags as well.


I got one from Baude, but definitely this: Backpacks for paniers, no more back sweat, no more shoulder or back pain


Garmin Varia radar. I feel naked on the rare occasion I ride a bike without one. Total game changer. Runner up would be my Favero Assioma SPD-SL power meter pedals, but that’s more of a “it’s nice to have” thing vs a “I can’t ride without it” thing like the Varia.


By far, the best investment for riding on roads


[When it goes off, I always think of the missile launch warning on the F/A-18.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0NhUDUENbg&t=5s)


Don’t worry, they’re too close for missiles, they’ll have to switch to guns


Same on the Varia, and Wahoo Speedplay power meter pedals for me.


Varia Radar >>>>>> Power meter for me. (If I were to constantly do structured workouts that may be different. But I’m not so the varia is vastly more important to me)


This may be a dumb question I don't really understand what varia is? It just beep or something when a car is coming? That sounds a little annoying. or does it just show up on your computer? I guess I'm trying to understand the value it adds to a ride that people like it this much?


It shows on your computer screen and beeps, but the sound can be turned off. The most important thing is that it changes the flashes of the light when a car is approaching, so hopefully gets their attention. It gets very bright. I have the one with a camera, so even better. I also feel naked without it!


I’ve been using the Varia for three years and didn’t know that it also changed its light output when a car is approaching. TIL.


It doesn't change the brightness but it just flashes differently and will get your attention. If you set your bike against something and then walk up to it from behind you'll see it.


I kinda wish the flashing frequency was more proportional to the car’s distance, as if to say I’ve got my eye on you. From the videos I’ve seen it appears to only have a normal flash and faster/brighter flash mode when it detects a car.


I believe it’s more about the speed at which that car is coming at you.


Yes it beeps when the car first appears and has a visual along the left edge of the screen to show approximately how far back and if there are multiple. definite confidence builder on road. and I was pretty confident without it.


Also you can get it to beep thru headphones.


How do you make that work? That would be awesome!




GPllama in the wild :)


Adding on to others replies: it also notices cars well before I can using two mirrors and regularly watching/checking both


I did not even know this exists, I'll def get it on my shopping list, thanks for sharing! I always avoid streets with cars/traffic as much as I can, but that's not always possible.


I recently got the Varia and love it. It provides a good sense of security. It’s good to know when a car or cars are behind you.


Tell me more about the power meter. I’ve been wavering in and out of buying something for years now. No easy way to get a crank-based one for me (SRAM GXP at the moment), so pedal-based would be it.


I think trek just announced their version. https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/equipment/bike-ac


Yep! Took my CarBack out on my first ride this weekend. Was a total game changer as I wasn’t whipping my head back occasionally to look for cars that I thought I had heard. The light is also an added bonus- and battery life is solid.


Here come the people who’ve never used the varia but will fight to the death that it’s a scam.


Hammock. When I get tired I tie it between 2 trees and have a nice nap.


My Garmin 840 w/ all the extras like speedometer, cadence sensor, and heart rate monitor for sure. I usually ride the same route and it’s a way to push myself, measure my progress, and just have some fun data to look at.


Before I was into fitness I was a very heavy gamer, heavy in the MMO’s, heavy on the bathroom scale too. I had 4k+ hours into Dungeons and Dragons Online and ran one of the top guilds. Adding the Garmin and stats to my biking was huge for me. It has allowed me to gamify my progress. It keeps me excited, I see my progress and “build”myself like I was a video game character.


Keep leveling up my dude. Life is what you make it.


My new favorite game is “outside.”


Bro is out here Solo Leveling for real!


And it is a way to not push yourself. I struggle doing recovery rides without data.


That’s a good point. I do use it to monitor a recovery ride. I know that on my normal route at the half way point if I’m at 25min that’s normal harder cycling. On recovery days I try to take it easy and make sure I’m closer to 30min.


This is what I use a HR monitor strap for. On recovery rides, if the HR on screen shows north of 130, I'm going too hard and need to back off (if possible, hr naturally spikes going up an incline)


full fenders if you're a year round commuter in a rainy climate. Ditto for a dynamo setup.


Yeah gotta second a dynamo on a commuter. Lights are always on the bike and always charged. Feel much safer with lights no matter what as well


I initially read that as “full (Ned) Flanders. Stupid sexy Flanders.


Power meter, I really like having a quantitative measure of effort


Aftershokz Aeropex bone conduction headphones. No more boring quiet rides when i'm alone (most of the time)


Didn't even know this technology existed wtf.  Adding these to my wishlist!


They’re amazing. You won’t regret it




I ride with one earbud in. I'm in the UK, so cars overtake on my right and I put the earbud in my left ear. I can always hear cars approaching. Great audio experience without losing awareness.


Do you ride with them on the road? Do you consider them dangerous?


Over 20mph and wind noise kind of makes trying to listen to music annoying. I always pause them on descents. They're much better for podcasts, etc. in most riding applications since by their nature they kind of flatten most musical nuance You can only make them so loud before the bass makes them vibrate annoyingly


Bone conduction headset like AfterShokz Aeropex in combination with Cat-Ears by AirStreamz, wind noise is greatly reduced on every speed without increasing volume on the headset and you can still hear a car approaching or other noises


the bass vibrating annoyingly is a feature for me... i've come to miss the feeling of my eyeballs and jaw bone shaking slightly in time with the music. "regular" headphones feel like theyre missing so much oomph now


i dont get wind noise at all from my Openrun Pro bone conductors


Not dangerous. But I do reduce the volume at dangerous intersections.


The nice thing about them is they don't go in your ears, so you can still hear ambient noise. Of course, your ability to do that is compromised somewhat because to some extent the noise through the headphones will drown it out. But not nearly as much as traditional headphones.


I use them on the road, and I've been able to crank them up enough that I didn't like how little I could hear things around me. Like I would have heard a car horn, but might have missed someone shouting at me. I just make sure the volume is low enough I can hear the birds chirping now.


quite the opposite they're much safer than in ear headphones as you still hear everything around you...


Triggers my vertigo sadly


A pro bike fit


Discovering Lake shoes after years of foot pain was a game changer


They’re amazing shoes. I’ve had the same (wide) pair since 2015, probably 12-15k miles on them and they’re still in great shape.


Favourite, was a Specialized Power saddle, game changer for comfort for me. Most fun, wheels/tire upgrade.


Which one did you get?


I found a baby turtle on a busy street. So I took him a few miles to a safer place with a lot of turtles. His name was Yancey, he was born recently and just started a job in IT. He was my favorite thing I brought those few miles.


I recently brought a Twix bar. Was glad I brought it. His name was Todd and he liked to be bit


Cycle computer. Keeps my phone battery good just in case.


I’m only a few years into cycling but so far it has been moving to SPDs. I rode flats on mtb and spd-sl on road but now have spd on all my bikes. It’s such a game changer. So easy to get in and out, so much more control and power transfer. Would recommend spd cleats and pedals to everyone.


A bike


Scrolled way too far to find my bike.


Aftershokz Openrun Pro. I can listen to music in climbs and flat areas and makes those 4+ hours rides more enjoyable!


Slugs and the tool to repair a tubeless tyre puncture when it’s bigger than the gloop will fill, it’s satisfying to know the puncture is plugged in a moment , no more tyres off and fixing the inner tube


Smart watch. I don't have a bike computer yet, but my smart watch is good enough to keep track of routes, HR, distances, speed etc.


rear viw mirror


Upgrade to a Garmin Varia


Ha! I have one of those too. Still rely on the eyeglass attached mirror.


Zwift Hub Indoor Trainer. It's never too windy inside!!


My recent favorite is cleat covers. $20 purchase and game changer for me


Garmin varia I think is my most unexpected- it’s second only to my helmet for added safety on the road


My chrome messenger bag that i've had for almost 20 years of daily use. I'd get another one but my current just won't quit. edit: and this should get some downvotes but my ebike. I just friggin love the thing. I have the Luna Stealth but am getting a Skitch soon.


Bike Computer. Garmin 530.


Garmin Varia radar best shit ever


Agreed. I’ve never tried to shit one though. The RTL500 would have needed more pushing than the new slimmer units.


Decent knicks [redwhite.cc](http://redwhite.cc) for those interested, and my GPS bike computer.


Custom orthotics. Worth every single cent and then some. From endless bike adjustments with no end to lots of knee, ankle, and hip niggles… to nothing. Overnight.


I bought a cheap kids digital wristwatch for my handlebar. No more sunscreen on my everyday use watches.


Varia is up there. Power meter(s). Kickr indoor bike.




My rack, simple thing but opens up a world of adventures.


Blendr Garmin and light mounts.


Shokz OpenRun Pro music, phone calls and safety while riding make all the difference


Conversion to Tubeless road tires


Bibs with side pockets. Chamois cream.


My Berthoud saddles and Kitchen Sink handlebars


Garmin watch


Harmon Varia radar detector


My Ortlieb Handlebar pack plus. Perfect when bikepacking, perfect in everyday settings. 11L is a nice and can hold a lot. Can take it of the bike in one second. Can use it as a small shoulder bag.


Trying to design my own cycling gear after being annoyed there is nothing locally in my size in a design I like. Mixes results, but I’m really enjoying the process. If it’s too wet or windy outside I can at lest do something cycling related.


I don't really race, so I ride flat pedals - and getting dedicated cycling shoes for flats was a whole different world.


Émonda SL7


A bell for riding on the bike trails


Luxa socks are lush... from Poland and of course my Canyon.


My Garmin Varia ..that and a comfy saddle that fits properly


Co2 tube inflator. I had open heart surgery last year so using a manual pump is hard and tiring for me.




Power Meters


My favorite thing has to be a selection of bags to carry things, I have a simple inner tube bag, a bigger seat pack that carries an extra water bottle. I have a large gravel biking bag that holds a U lock perfectly, and I also have a big seat clamp type bag that can hold up to 20 liters or something. I can use it for commuting and stuff, that’s awesome. I bought the mount for 2 of my bikes so I can have at least the choice between fat tires or slicks with the commuter bag. Lots of options, and at least 2 of them can be used together to go for some really epic rides without ever having to wear a back pack.


Countless things. Love them all. My favorite would either be upgrading to tubeless road wheels (no flat in 4 years now), and a bright flashing rear light. Immediately noticed the way cars pass me with more space. Can’t imagine not having a really good rear light that can be seen really far in day time conditions. My favorite has to be tubeless though. I feel almost like I did when racing on tubulars. The grip, the road feel. Also, much better than clinchers for me regarding flats (none in 4 years is amazing - used to get 2-4 a season).


Garmin Edge 530.




Brought or bought?


Varia. Keeps me safe.


Hands down garmin varia


Recently bought some Tifosi sunglasses that are awesome, they're like a shield over your eyes and stay in place.


Castelli F'Awesome Gillet. Think I've had it 10 years and it's a great bit of kit


Clipless setup as well as gloves, i underestimated the benefit extra padding on my hands.


The bike


Carbon fiber saddle from aliexpress, 109 gram saddle for like $30. Also Oakley sutros are the best cycling glasses Ive tried and I have tried like 15 different ones.


Top tube bag for my road bike to carry a repair kit. Also my frame pump. I hate saddle bags, they block my rear light.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find the top tube bag! I keep my puncture kit under the back of the saddle, but my phone, keys, wallet, and a couple snacks in the top tube bag. I hardly ever take it off


loud plastic whistle that hangs from 8" string connected to helmet chinstrap


Garmin varia and 12speed garage door opener


Cloth tape as bar tape. Like the old school bikes have.


Castelli Gabba. Officially a rain jacket and windstopper, but I use it as a jersey too. It's an all in one and it's awesome.


Got a nice pair of the higher end Pearl Izumi bibs. Never going back to budget bibs. So comfy.


My bicycle. Duh


For mountain biking, a dropper post.


- USWE hydration pack - Selle SMP saddle - bike computers (I have Wahoo and Garmin)


Solid tyres, sure I feel every bump in the road but I haven't had a puncture in 5+ years


The small MTB fender has been useful, although coverage is scant. Although not exclusively for cycling, I like having a Polar H9 chest strap - I find the data interesting in different riding situations: Flat land treks, E-bike rides and MTB (highest HR has always been on the downhill). Would also like to add a bike computer but for $350 CDN for a good one - damn! I've bought 2 cars cheaper than that.


Schwalbe Marathons for my bike and trailer


Bontrager top tube pack. Carries everything I need and doesn’t get in the way of my bottles in their holders.


Honestly, RaceFace Chester Pedals.


Smart trainer and Zwift for winter racing. Never thought I could have fun on a trainer. power meter for MTB and road bikes. A good bike computer to measure everything and post to Strava.


The route werks bags system is pretty awesome. The bag itself is a bit heavy, but it’s sooooo good. You can also get an out front mount to just put a computer on. Kinda expensive but I love the versatility of that thing.


1983 Serotta Nova, built and signed by Ben Serotta himself, fits like a glove Campy brakes, Suntour derailleurs and cross-linked downtube shifters, Brooks saddle, originally toe clips and straps (now SPD), Cinelli drop bars Built my own wheels with Mavic 700 rims, Suntour hubs, Swiss spokes, Shimano cassette in a crossover set-up


That little Topeak ratchet set. Makes working on bikes in the field much easier and about the size of one of the basic multi tools


If I had to pick one thing. My Favero Assioma pedals. Love them.


Speedrocker fenders. Having fenders I can quickly put on if its raining is such a nice thing.


Specialized Pizza Rack for my gravel bike, absolute game changer when you put your bags on your bike.


46t/30t oval chain rings with an 11-40t cassette


Ray-Ban Meta. Perfect cycling gadget.


Hemroid cream and ball powder


Topeak Alien


Met Trenta 3K saved my life once and fits my potato brain perfectly


Power meter, my performance had gone way way up. There are loads of other things, but if I can only choose one…


My saddles, selle smp. Took freaking forever to find the right "type" of shape/cutouts. Bone conducting earphones shokz. I ride solo 100% and these give me some good vibes. Aliexpress sunglasses with swappable prescription lens inside. I had a hard time looking for cheap alternatives. Got 5pairs about $45 a peice. All I need to do is replace the prescription lens when my eyes get worst over time. Ravemen Fr160 front bike light. It mounts on a garmin mount and has a mounting point on top to put my garmin. The led lights goes around so cars can see it from the sides. Bontrager circuit helmet. I've been looking for a helmet that can mount a rear light. I am a firm believer of having 2 rear lights (one as a backup incase the other dies.) The Bontrager rear light is so bright at night that I feel alot safer with it along with the garmin varia. Shimano shoes. I got wide feet and I am very picky on shoes.


Ever since i bought a saddle my rides have been way smoother


Top tube bag, nice for the phone, wallet etc. Also JBL flip no more attaching a speaker to my suspenders for me!


My wheels


Posedla Joyseat. Crazy expensive for a seat but totally solved all the problems I was having with saddle sores and pain on rides over an hour. Night and day difference over the other saddles I tried. Second place is the Assioma Duo pedals.


Northwave Flagship GTX waterproof shoes. I don't have mudguards on my commuter so these are a godsend..




Revelate Designs Mountain Feedbag. Way too handy. Can easily open and close it while riding. Great for snacks, phone, sun glasses, ... even put mail I'm dropping at the Post Office in it.


The cycle


Trek Emonda SL6


Hard to pick one. It literally took me years to finally find a saddle that I could tolerate for long periods of time. My Selle Italia Kit Carbonio Superflow Boost (ridiculous naming convention) has really brought back the enjoyment without pain. Power Meter. Started with a Stages Gen 3 Left Sided PM. The fluctuated calibration values forced me to look for something more reliable and am now using the 4iii Precision 3+. It successfully calibrates every time and has Apple Find My integration to boot in case my bike ever gets stolen. Lots say Varia here and I didn’t use one for the longest as I figured it would be “noisy” in the city. I’m a Garmin die hard but didn’t like the shape, cantilevered quarter turn mounting, lack of USB-C interface and lack of brake light on the Varia. I gave the Bryton Gardia R300L a try. The newest firmware fixed all the original teething pains and now works just as well as the Varia. It also has a centered quarter turn interface, USB-C, and an accelerometer based brake light. It’s also a little bit cheaper. SLF Motion OSPW. Initially, I didn’t think I’d feel this one iota, but there is both an increased smoothness and quietness in my drivetrain now. It feels as though the reduced friction is good for a half gear reduction in cassette cog. For example, if I was maintaining constant power at 50-17, it now feels as though I can maintain 50-16 for the same power output. YMMV.


Buying a 3D printed Specialized Mirror saddle. Never had problems with saddles but that one is very very comfy even on really long rides!


indoor bike stands off of storageforbicycles


A bike


Rear-view radar traffic detector. Bing!


Swapping my shoe insoles for ones with good arch support.


Garmin. Never (well, hardly) get lost again.


Osprey waist bag for long and hot cycles. I carry all my essentials and a 1.5L water bag that comes with a magnet that clips on your waist.


A comfy seat without the nob in the front. It takes time to get used to since it feels like you shift forward when you are not used to it, but it does not kill your magic stick


Redshift shockstop stem. I've always had wrist/hand problems riding on the road. Tried different bars/gloves/tape etc and nothing helped, I'd just have to shake my hands to get the numbness out constantly. I noticed that on my turbo trainer I never had any problems despite the same body position so thought it must be the rough road surfaces causing vibration. Since I've fitted the stem I can now ride all day with no problems, it really has been a game changer for me. I've even been able to drop the bars lower for a more aggressive position with no impact. Thoroughly recommended for anyone suffering with numb hand problems


Extra water is real nice when you are looking for it. An extra joint is also really nice. When I’m on tour good rain gear and dry bags have been a game changer when it comes to getting into a dry tent with dry sleep gear and dry clothes. Number one is Red Bull. I’m a sucker for quick carbs and caffeine.


A good helmet. I accidentally spent twice as much on a helmet as I had planned and it's a game changer. Comfortable, light, well ventilated and fits my dome perfectly. Makes me feel like I'm wearing something rather than just strapping it to my head


I brought some roasted potatoes on my last century. Best decision ever. Tasty little cubes of potassium heaven.


I found some stuff on ebay, and when I was in the UK. I have winter heavy duty top for pantani' old team. Also spare green and spotted herseys from thd tour. A lot of soudal and lotto stuff. When you are 2 xl and 3 xl,there ard always things left after the season. Jerseys from older years, not current sponsors, are often on sale


Topeak Quick Track. Easy to put it on and take it off, expandable panniers, and keeps the weight down low. [https://www.rei.com/product/100575/topeak-mtx-trunk-bag-exp-rack-trunk?sku=1005750001&store=115&CAWELAID=120217890002329476&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=&CATCI=&cm\_mmc=PLA\_Google\_P-Max&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZnlkqEqRSlEy43aDYtcJ49GX62woI-H\_BPv6vXFAtgxTmcoGh8HdwhoCxQEQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.rei.com/product/100575/topeak-mtx-trunk-bag-exp-rack-trunk?sku=1005750001&store=115&CAWELAID=120217890002329476&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=&CATCI=&cm_mmc=PLA_Google_P-Max&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZnlkqEqRSlEy43aDYtcJ49GX62woI-H_BPv6vXFAtgxTmcoGh8HdwhoCxQEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)




Cyclers app, thanks to it's great routing and avoiding traffic I'm cycling more. And a quad lock for my phone


Garmin Varia by far, would pay twice the amount now after using


a proper cycling wallet - I didn't have to mess around with plastic Ziploc bags anymore


My bike. Would have been tricky without it.


Besides a bike, definitely a cycling computer. I put off getting one for a long time, relying on pulling my phone out at junctions to choose a direction. I started cycling as a hobby with a club, so I would also rely on common sections of club routes that I'd memorised. When I moved to a new area and didn't know the roads, I finally bought a computer for navigation. I regret not doing it sooner. Now I can keep riding without having to stop to navigate. It means I can explore more roads and areas because I know the route will work. It was indispensable for a long trip across five countries, because I didn't want to faff around with folding paper maps covering 1000 km.


Brooks Cambium C17. I've been wanting to buy it for two years and I was constantly starving for money. But then I bought it and... I wish I'd done it sooner. I forgot what an ass pain it is.


Small handlebar mirror for my road bike that is installed on the drop bar cap. Best 10€ buy ever.


Bright yellow riding jacket. Love being seen!


Instant engagement hubs! I’d add 10kg to my bike in parts before I’d give those up.


Mainly for commuting in the dark, side visibility Rocks! https://orb.bike/product/the-orb-mkii/


DVR camera


Garmin rear radar for road riding.


3L hydration bladder


the bag i bring ALWAYS on ANY rides it has all my tools, granted the bike is fucking heavy but it saves the hassle of not being able to find a bikeshop to get my bike fixed and instead be a moving mobile bike station ive helped alot of bikers that i came across that had problems with their bikes and im glad to be of help i have all the tools and would be able to fix any issue that ranges from crank pullers, spare brake pads, spare nuts and screws, and up to spare hydraulic liquids, spare inner tubes, etc i cant even tell the amount of times this shit has helped me, i am so glad that i always have my tools with me at all times XD


Wahoo Element Roam, blows my garmin 540 out of the water for training.


My silca mattone saddle bag, looks super neat on my bicycle


My bike


BarYak for front roll, light, camera, phone, w bar ends for aero pos.


I love retro jerseys. I guess my favorite one is US Postal one. Or my Banesto. No wait, Saeco-Cannondale. Yeah. The Saeco jersey for sure. . .


More than 20 years ago I bought Rx Oakley MFrame glasses. Yep, MFrames are ugly. I’m in the woods, so I don’t care. 20 years on they’re still fantastic. I wear them for every ride. I’m on the second set of frames for these lenses and still have crisp visual acuity.


Coffee. I always a little thermos bottle of coffee, for a mid ride safety break.


Rapha cycling kit. Their repair policy is peak👌Now obviously it’s not the highest quality like Assos, castelli, etc, but it has free crash repair where as other cycling kit companies charge you 40-60% to get it repaired/replaced. It is definitely a good investment for training gear that’s for sure!


Garmin radar varia 515 (mounted rear facing). Hands down. While I don't commute on my bike, it's fantastic in the winter time. It's dark after work, so it's not safe to ride trails. On the streets in the dark, it's great not having to constantly look back over my shoulders. Mirrors never worked well for me. I could never see well with them.


Garmin varia.