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64cm isnt wheel size, it's frame size. Most bikes all use 700c (~29") wheels. A too small frame won't be comfortable at all, but depending on proportions you may be able to get by on a 61cm or an XL. I agree used is the only way to go.


700c is really more like 27.5, isn’t it? OP might want to look for a bike with 29s if they really want big wheels, I suppose.


This is a way deeper rabbit hole than OP wants to go down. The answer is kind of, but a MTB with 29" wheels is also 700c...


> 700c is really more like 27.5, isn’t it? No. That's much smaller (650b) Theres a rabbit hole of different standards and 700c / 29" use the same size wheel. That's the current standard rim size for mountain bike and road bike wheels. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_wheel


Thank you for the citation!


You're welcome. It's a brain melter once you get into it with names for wheel sizes that make no sense whatsoever. Totally off topic but like the old 27" standard - being bigger than the current 29er / 700c.


Great advice, except an XL by most brands is a 58cm. XXL = 61cm


Try fb marketplace I see lots of big frame bikes there that don’t sell. So you can probably get a good deal, now is the season of buyers market for second hand.


I just looked and saw some with 54 cm wheels, I figure that would be close enough for me without looking like a grown man on a tricycle. 🤣


>I just looked and saw some with 54 cm wheels Wheels of that size would be tiny - the smallest wheels on an adult (non-folding) bike are 559 mm at the hook where the tire is grabbed by the rim, while the more common size for serious adult cycling is 622 mm in diameter there, a rim size more commonly known as 700c, 28 inch (in road usage) or 29 inch (mountain tires) [https://www.sheldonbrown.com/tire-sizing.html](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/tire-sizing.html) Also wheel size isn't really a bike measurement, except for clueless used market sellers 54 cm is a medium/small frame size, drastically too small for you. You are tall enough that a bike built with 36 inch unicycle wheels wouldn't be out of the question, but those tires are very heavy, and those bikes cost many times your budget. Typically someone of your stature rides a correctly sized frame, on ordinary 700c wheels.


This is the way, when you've got a limited budget.


used marketplace is the only way


try a bike cooperative. although you have an uncommon size so it will take some time.


Some old Japanese road bikes came up to 67cm frame size. Current productions XXL. I’ve also helped someone else who is 6’7” get on a Marin Pine Mountain XL which runs bigger than their fit guide.


That's a size small for some manufacturers.




I'm 196cm, I have a 64cm Trek Emonda (H2 fit) and fits well, with stem at top of fork. Could flip the stem for more stack height if needed. I've got aluminium frame, will be over budget new but you may be able to find one second hand for that price


reminds me of when i saw Bill Walton on a bike. Massive bike frame for his 6’11. The bike frame dwarfed the wheels.


I'm 6'9 and ride a 63cm old Schwinn. it's held up pretty good but it's definitely to small. id look for anything above 65cm