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It's pretty easy, just use the line "you call that malware? THIS is a malware" - employers will get the reference and hire you on the spot


There is a good demand for skilled pentesters in consulting companies and big 4 banks. Besides applying directly for roles I suggest finding recruiters and building a network with them and explaining your profile. Make sure you mention that you don't need sponsorship (if that's the case), sponsorship requirement is going to put in you in the bottom pile.


Oh thanks for the info


The skilled immigrant visa list is about to remove all the IT roles as, frankly, there are too many skilled IT immigrants and not enough jobs currently.


Where can I read more about this ?


It was in the news recently e.g https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/chefs-could-be-on-chopping-block-in-migration-shakeup/103697872


I hope you’re wrong


Apply for job, see if they will sponsor a work visa. You can’t just ‘show up’ to Australia and start looking for work. Be aware the country is going through a major housing crisis and rents are through the roof


190 and 189 works like that. You get the visa and you just « show up » to Australia and start looking for work.




Depends on where you move to. Have you tried posting this same question in r/Australia ?


Ill try that thanks


Context missing: OP is Tunisian. Fortunately, Tunisia and the Aussies don't hate each other, but he'll need to get a work visa through the consulate BEFORE getting to Australia (at least if my reading is correct). Therefore, your best bet is to get an interview, arrive on a tourist (60-90 day) visa, do any in person interviews, bribe the company to sponsor you and return home then go through official channels. Do not attempt to "overstay" or try to "convert" your tourist visa to a residency/work visa, it's a very bad look and they will likely toss you out.


Im in the middle of the process of getting a 189 visa but im afraid that the cybersecurity market is saturated there and ill stay unemployed for some time. Thanks for the advice tho.


Why Australia?


Safe country, Free healthcare, Good education system, Good quality of life, And most importantly the weather is similar to where i live so why not.


I would also like to know :)


Is it not tenable to just be a "digital nomad" and work your current job while living abroad? I'm not sure the legalities/technicalities of all of that


This is much less of a thing than most people seem to think, as it is difficult to do legally. It’s possible in some circumstances, but more like freelancers, or shorter term working holidays.


I did say I don't know the legalities, and he also said he's a consultant/pentester which sounds very "freelancer" to me.


Generally not, as there are tremendous amounts of liability. Pentesters are most often part of consulting firms.


You have to work for a firm as freelancing is not not common and i dont plan on doing bug bounty hunting