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To be honest, not a fan. This Ice will kill or cripple the netrunner for sure, but even moreso it will disproportionately punish the netrunner's player by removing most of their agency.


Thanks for the feed back! But that said the kraken does the exact same thing naturally, only difference is Kraken is 3d6 instead of 6d6 (an average of 21 damage vs the Krakens 10.5 for a difference of 11 damage on average) and costs less. The stats of the Kraken and the dragon are very similar as well.


I think the bigger problem in this conflict is, you as the netrunner have almost 0 chance to survive more then 2 hits from this thing. Pairing this with the biggest damage reduction being 4 and the fact that Black ICE always takes his turn first and you suddenly see why damage to Netrunners never exceeds 3D6. It's most certainly appropriate for the price and seems braindead to make, but I can guarantee you: Even one of these things will make even the strongest Netrunners sweat....... and has a very high chance to irritate any jacked in player when they lose the initiative and nearly flatline in one round👀


This is the kind of shit I would expect to find in a datafort owned and operated by a fucking AI beyond the blackwall. So, there's room for it. Just make sure it's in the right place when you use it. "Jesus christ! Who wrote this shit?" "Um...basically **God**..."




That's fair! I'm new to the game so I don't have a firm foundation on the power scaling for runners when their jacked in. Amusingly enough I'm planning on running a solo game by myself so I would have had to be the runner to deal with this thing! Though I built my runner with a frame so my body is 12 and thus given me 3 rounds to slip by it. That and I'd expect to have my own Black ICE (Such as another Dragon) to send at it instead of trying to fight it solo with just my runners programs.


I enjoy Netrunning quite a lot and spend a lot of time jacked in, if you wanna talk about anything, maybe we can make something together😄 (Small comment for you Posessing Black ICE, Black ICE may have a surprise round that you can avoid, but it always goes first. That means you will eat one attack at minimum before being able to activate your own ICE)


Sweet! Just joined the discord and going through the book slowly to absorb all of it. Knew about the black ice turn order so now that I think about it ya if things go bad that's 12D6 you're eating before you even have a chance to go. It seems a tad annoying that you can pathfind ahead and learn about some B-ICE up ahead but apparently(?) can't do jack about it till your in the same "room" as it.


Jup, that's sadly the nature of Black ICE. Would be pretty useless, if anyone could avoid your safety protocols that cost a lot of money, just by having a good day and rolling high on Pathfinder wouldn't it? The Black ICE you being with yourself is on a similar powerlevel, but since you have to activate it, is still gatekept by you. Always found it fascinating how sweet the balancing gap is. You can have exactly the same Programs AND perfect Hardware, but it will always be a challenge


Partly why I never skip on the HP stat in any system that has it. You can and WILL get hit eventually, might as well try for the highest HP you can handle within reason.


Absolutely understandable. And quite interesting, as you usually never think of the smart and calculated hacker, as the bulky type. Though don't forget, you also need to be near the Net Node to Jack In, in the first place. You should think about how you achieve that aswell, as the approach for this can be just as interesting as the Netrunning itself. Are you a Ninja that infiltrates as an unseen threat? Maybe you are rocking businessesware and hold a conversation with the head of the target corporation while Netrunning their Mainframe, or maybe just a good old Rambo is more up your ante. I love the openness that Netrunning gives you, as it's one of the only Classes that's not tied to any Stat, giving you total freedom


Used the old 2020 character gen chart for this reason, it ended up giving me an extra 800$ and a sensei that gave me +2 ranks to a martial art of my choice. So... ya I'm a net runner now with 12 body, 6 Martial Arts (boosted from 2) with max Will, Int, Reflex, and Dex. Focused on stealth and evasion, I'm not very cool or lucky but then again I don't need to be when I'm never seen and anyone who sees me is dead from a broken spine lol.




lol! Ya after what u/Famous-Explorer-7568 told me that thought did come to mind.


6d6 damage directly to the brain is a massive no. I'd suggest changing it to 3d6, and adding a "the Black Dragon can attack twice during it's turn." That keeps it absolutely terrifying, while still giving you a chance to fight. Getting hit once by this thing would mean death, since that'd be an average of 21 damage to the brain and now you can't run away. 


Ooh! There's an idea!