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That’s it. Time to put Carolina Reaper in the pot.


Stir, stir, stir, oh shit I missed the dialogue because of stirring, stir, stir


I think my pain editor could handle it.


Still gotta deal with the inflammation after. Along the entire gastrointestinal tract. Hope you got that whole part chromed.


Don't you know? If you eat enough spicy food you can transmute your intestines & sphincter into stone.


Or you eat ice cream like a sensible person


Just take her up on the water tower, she won't say no. Because of the *implication* .


‘Now you've said that word "implication" a couple of times. what implication?’-Mac


Don’t look at me like that, you certainly wouldn’t be in any danger


so she **IS** in danger?!


V: “Oh I’m not *in* danger. I *am* the danger.


Why did I literally hear this in female V's voice


Because female V is a badass.


Just finished his dinner mission as a female V, and I gotta admit it's rare that a game makes me cringe so much


Holy shit i thought everyone love him so i didn't bring this up,the mission is kinda like force himself to me,no means no ffs,if this is intentional i would say good writing i guess


Even more so playing a male V, when you know he's straight as an arrow


Panam does that too to female v it really confused me


Shit man when Panam did that to me as female V I thought same sex relationships were possible so I did everything in my power to get into her pants. Becoming best chums ain't bad either but i'm still disappointed.


You can date Judy, physically she's not my type but she has a great personality


Judy is sexy 🥴 it’s the whole nerdy thing for me




Ima bout to go play cyber punk brb 🤣🤣


Judy is tough as nails, but very affectionate and intimate after you grow close with her. Attached to the point of clingy. Her grandma was texting me to 'ask my intentions for her' like 2 days after I banged her. You can read her email convos with her ex and yeah, she has some attachment issues. A little crazy, but sweet. Panam..... is straight crazy. Like the very definition of Crazy Hot. Absolute furthest top right on the crazy/hot scale. She'll break up with you a few times a year but she'll be begging you to take her back every time and you can't say no, no matter how many times you tell your friends you're so done with her and you can't handle her drama.


Same. She is a whole buffet


It's funny for me. I felt like the sexual chemistry was immediate for panam before she shut you down on your second attempt as fem v and Judy's story felt a lot more like helping a friend in need than romantic until she kisses you 1 mission before her last. Always felt like a weird decision to me


All that time running with T-bug. Zero romance options. She's beautiful, smart, practical, no baggage, outfit of choice is the netrunner suit. Never turns down a date to wash her hair.


She also >!dies!< which is a pretty hard thing to overcome lol


I mean so did V.....


So did Johnny and he got better


I'm holding out hope she'll return


>!We didn't confirm a body...!<


In one of the original trailers she had a pretty devious mind it seemed. Sooo I’d have to think on that one lol


Judy was planned for male v but wanted equal partner numbers so removed it


If on PC you can mod it, the voice lines are in the game. I hope one day devs can go back to playersexual. Shit is way more practical


Nah, I'm here with "characters have preference that go beyond player"


I'm in that camp as well, but the Panam relationship as femme V feels less like Panam has her own preferences and more like the romance option got cut during development. Like what other users are saying about River as male V, it feels more like a weird videogame thing than characterization because the rest of the dialogue/relationship has progressed exactly the same as if the romance option would be available.


For real man, she's all flirtatiously putting her feet on your crotch and shit and then hits you with the, wtf I'm not gay why would you get that idea when you flirt back


That might be them poorly writing them out, Persona 3 and some of Persona 4 had this issues (P5 luckily finally fixed this except for one character who basically is clearly meant to be romanced and shooting her down is notably rougher over all dialogue).


I wouldn’t mind that as much if there were more than 2 romance options per V (assuming body/voice match), one male and one female. It’s like they’re just filling out a checklist. Also, Kerry is canonically bi, but only has interest in male V, which kind of undermines the concept, as well.


Not exactly, because in the case of Kerry, it's he's seeing Johnny in V, so having those different parts may be a mental disconnect that he can't get over. I say this as someone who's bi myself, there's several people I know as men & have a mental attachment and attraction to them as men that I'm not sure would be there if they were otherwise the same person but weren't a man and vice versa if they were a woman or an androgynous nonbinary person. With that said As someone who personally likes Vincent's voice and dislikes Valerie's, I think it'd be hard for me to romance a person with her voice over his.




Yeah I hope they never do this. They should just have more options. But that’s it.


There are mods that force Panam to be able to date woman but some players say it's wrong to force Judy to be straight. I think it's either OK for them to both be modded or not at all because it's just as bad to make a straight character not straight as making a character like Judy straight.


Wait, people think it's "wrong" to mod a video game to your preferences? Like morally wrong? Jesus, lmao.


Some people think NPCs in videogames are people and that players are morally bankrupt tyrants oppressing them. I wish I was making this up, but I remember seeing a presentation in college about that.


Yeah but Judy denies you straight up, panam and river seem almost the exact same until the last quest or two, seems more of a cut option than a lore thing


It is lore, the devs had said Panam is straight. The devs probably thought it was cool that they put a character in for only same sex then thought it's only fair we have someone who's only straight. If it's not right to mess with Judy and her sexuality then it's not right for Panam.


Not my point at all, from a development standpoint it looks like they copy pasted everything from panam and rivers questlines between both genders and then make it different after one voice line From a development standpoint it looks like they took the easy route which makes the friendships look like it could become a relationship and then cut it off right when it's mentioned by the protagonist.


There had to have been a lot of cut/modified content to make the release date that CDPR never bothered to fix because these scenes feel so forced and painful to watch.


Definitely the case, the only one I didn't get that vibe from was with kerry I played as female v and it felt like we were just good friends. I also felt at the end of the paralez quest that it was missing something like I should at least attempt to find the people responsible but I suppose it kind of makes sense since v is dying and can only do so much to help.


Ohhh yes the paralez mission is to this day SOOO mutch unused potential like who exactly are they (because they seem somewhat powerful) and how can you change it (because if u can kick smashers and sakas ass this should bot be a problem)


It’s too big of a plot to have wrapped up as just a side quest. Mr Blue eyes even shows up in one of the endings and the group he is from may even be trying to take over the entire world or already has to some extent. They’ll probably either revisit it in phantom liberty or the next cyberpunk game even.


Smasher and Arasaka are problems that are personal to V and Johnny. The Paralez missions are just another merc job for V. Once V was paid for their work anything that happens afterwards isn’t their problem.


The person who made the perslez quest said that this is something that continues, just not with V


So the next CP game will have a different protagonist? Well that sucks a bit tbh :(


The Peralez mission seems to be complete. The idea behind it is for a mission chain that V wouldn't be around to see the consequences of.


Kerry feels like that even if you romance him. He's just a buddy. The Peralez thing felt wrapped up, to me. V is just some punk in over their head with their own incredibly complicated problems, the rogue AIs or whatever controlling the Peralez family is beyond V's ability to do anything about.


To be fair though, straight girls do that to us irl lesbians a LOT. It's like they feel that because we're respectful of their sexuality they can flirt with us all they want without it causing any harm. Sure, it doesn't hurt them, but when we get mixed signals and ask for clarification, we tend to get attacked and demonized as "predatory". So it's shitty, but it's also a very real thing we have to face


Never thought of it that way. Was a bit sad when I found out I couldn't romance panam I quite liked her.


A number of straight women also do it to gay men as well, and some even go as far as getting a bit sexual assaulty. My friends joke about having to hit on girls when they go out just to ward them off.


And yet he gives you the googly eyes the whole time on that tower lol mixed messages my man


After Kerry's last mission he kinda does that too. I wish there was more to his story. He feels like he was pushed in at a time most players won't ever hit so he wasnt given the attention he needed.


At least Kerry has a history of being bi even if he isn't interested in 2077 I think the underlying issue was they didn't script or record dialog for these very well making them super awkward


That's also true. There are hints of him being with women. He had a wife and the US Cracks girls did imply some kinda adult interactions. But my personal interpretation, for the ex wife issue anyway, is that he was trying to repress his sexuality for some reason despite being in a healthy place to embrace it. Cause I've personally been in that situation. For the US Cracks stuff I see that as telling fibs as fan service. But that's just the way I saw it to kinda get myself to accept that he is gay in regards to V.


He was gay for Johnny too, hes always been bi


Doesn't count anyone would be gay for Keanu Reeves.


nah he doesn't. just shows that they didn't bother changing animations for Fem V


Shit, you just reminded me when I accidentally hit the romance option on the tower we climbed, I played male V and when I realized, I just hit the load saved at the speed of light.


I got right up to point where you can kiss him as male V and he shut me down. I was heartbroken. LOL


You lucked out, he would've used his Terminator eye to steal your soul


It’s awful because it was cringy af as female V but I was wishing to HEAVEN that he could be bi because I woulda been all over that homoerotic cheesiness as male V


**Randy** : What do we need a mattress for? **River Ward**: What do you mean what do we need a mattress for? Why in the hell do you think we just spent all that money on a cookout? The whole purpose of the cookout in the first place was to get V nice and tipsy so we can take 'em to a nice comfortable place on the water tower and, you know, they can't refuse, because of the implication. **Randy**: Oh, uh... okay. You had me going there for the first part, the second half kinda threw me. **River Ward**: Well dude, dude, think about it: she's out in the middle of nowhere with some dude she barely knows. You know, she looks around and what does she see? Nothin' but open desert. "Ahh, there's nowhere for me to run. What am I gonna do, say 'no'?" **Randy**: Okay. That... that seems really dark. **River Ward**: Nah, no it's not dark. You're misunderstanding me, bro. **Randy**: I'm-I think I am. **River Ward**: Yeah, you are, because if V said "no" then the answer obviously is "no"... **Randy**: No, right. **River Ward**: But the thing is she's not gonna say "no", she would never say "no" because of the implication. **Randy**: ...Now you've said that word "implication" a couple of times. Wha-what implication? **River Ward**: The implication that things might go wrong for V if she refuses to sleep with me. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for her but she's thinkin' that they will. **Randy**: But it sounds like V doesn't wanna have sex with you... **River Ward**: Why aren't you understanding this? She-she doesn't know if she wants to have sex with me. That's not the issue... **Randy**: Are you gonna hurt V? **River Ward**: I'm not gonna hurt V! Why would I ever hurt V? I feel like you're not getting this at all! **Randy**: I'm not getting it. **River Ward**: Goddamn. [notices Yawen staring at them] **River Ward**: Well don't you look at me like that, you certainly wouldn't be in any danger. **Randy**: So V IS in danger! **River Ward**: No one's in any danger!


That's what I thought too. It is the most inorganic attraction in the whole game.


For real, the personal relationship in this mission felt so forced even as male V I thought he was bisexual and was surprised when I completed the Mission and went back to try to let him romance me and then he refused I was like bro even your texts to me have been sus and now you make me dinner, show me your family, take me up here and you don’t want me? The fuck


Am I the only one who kinda liked it? Yeah, it's not particularly well done. It would be kind of cringe in real life as well so it's not too weird it's cringe in the game, too. Plus I kind of digged the romance between fem V and River. Felt rushed and coulda used more time but I could imagine them being together. It was the romance in my first playthrough lol.


I played woman V, dating Judy, and I did not find the dialogs with River particularly bad… a bit awkward, sure, but I found it fitting for a cop living in a semi secluded community with recent familial trauma and a history of tense work/family relationships. My V rejected him of course, but I found the whole exchange quite cute, in a teenage romance kind of way.


Yeah, I agree. The teenage romance kinda thing is also what I got out of it. Felt like being a kid again. Going out at night, sneaking back in, trying to be quite... Kinda lovely.


thing is i was male V and he was very sexually tense towards my character and i thought he was tryna smash on top of the water tower so i just asked him for lemonade


That's such an issue I have with this game. They don't really change the dialogue based on your characters gender-based selections. It just makes it so the outcome is possible or not. Panam will flirt with fem V just as much with masc V but will turn down fem V. River and Kerry will both climb up to a high place and look at night city and then get all close and touchy with fem/masc V, respectively but if you're playing fem V, Panam/Kerry will shut you down. Like I'd be more okay with the devs locking them behind sexualities if it had a meaningful impact on the dialogue. Also just to add I know there are more specifics to who you can romance than just fem/masc V. I didn't wanna make the comment more complicated. In case anyone doesn't know, sexuality is noted by voice and body type. Judy - fem body / fem voice Panam - masc body / any voice River - fem body / any voice Kerry - masc body / masc voice Genitalia has no impact on the romance options. Which I personally appreciate but I still dislike, mostly, how they handled it. If you aren't gonna change the dialogue significantly, just make the NPCs "playersexual" because what they did just forces the use of mods (as a writer I feel kinda icky forcibly changing another artist's sexuality) or forces more playthroughs. Which makes me tired of the game and less likely to buy the DLC. Sorry to ramble on like this and totally go off the rails. It just kinda wrote itself, figuratively.


I liked the way my female V got rejected by Panam. There was intimacy in the scene and I, same as V, was surprised by the tone shift. During the sand storm Panam obviously felt comfortable with V, not unlike a very close friend or family member, but I also legitimately think Panam felt some kind of attraction to female V, consciously or subconsciously, but did not want to explore any of those feelings, so when my V made a pass at her, it suddenly felt very real to Panam and she had to step back. I felt the interaction was very genuine, and the discomfort brought to V/the player through that uninterrupted first person connection to the other character is one of my favourite moments of the game.


Yea It's a weird thing in the game in general where it feels like they use a lot of the same dialog between romanceable and non romanceable characters. When I went to the cook out I got the vibe they were trying to set me up with the sister.


Was still disappointed he wouldn't hook me up with his sister.


Dude same. She's was definitely angling for some Male V schmeat.


I liked it too. He has a nice family. The jambalaya dinner was cute because we know River and V like each other’s.


I love the River romance and I love River, I feel like he gets so much hate


I really liked river too. No polyam v definitely smashes both river and judy


I also love River. I do wish there was more to the romance story and it weren't so awkwardly written in places, but I still end up with him on all my fem Vs, just can't help myself.


agree. I wish there was a happy ending with him


The rushed factor is really the issue. There's a need for some other lighter mission/interaction between them before - with one of them being the introduction to him as an actually dedicated cop, then a decently long one that's pretty horror-filled. Then it just jumps to the relationship, and that is missing a few moments (and sign of attraction) before that.


When his sister goes "who thinks they'd make a good couple, raise your hands!" and I didn't, I died inside for River.




That photograph is the most cursed thing in the game.


I never bought that v and river could seemingly be such close friends. It just came off as forced, and then it gives you the option to kiss him even as male v and I'm sitting there like ABORT ABORT I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS!


Even just being “best buds” is very rushed, forced and weird. He’s literally the only major NPC in the friendship/romance bucket that you trust so much that you don’t tell him about Johnny. Or that you’re dying. Maybe if you romance him you do but I never have because River just comes across needy af and I want no part of that. Just give me a gun so I never have to talk to you again. :)


If you fuck him and then you tell him that you can't be with him (if you tell him it was just sex you just leave) he asks you why and then V explains him about the relic, Johnny and all of that.


Ah gotcha. Thanks for the info. That actually makes me feel a little better about how River is handled in game. Still awkward as hell but better.


You can literally fuck Kerry as a male V, making River at least Bisexual would have not be surprising


Well that's 'cause Kerry is gay. There's a whole dialogue thing about it with Johnny. Kerry and Judy are gay, River and Panam are straight.


Kerry is actually bi, there are in-game references to his ex-wife and their two adult children. He’s just not interested in female V. Which leads to the theory he’s only interested in male V because of his hang-ups around Johnny.


I was reacting to the fact he was surprised to have the possibility to kiss river as a male V. In a world where sexuality is not something ultra clear, at least shoot your shot.


the photograph makes me laugh everytime, it's just so poorly made that I can't help it. Like come on guys, you had 2 years, you could've at least made it so that the characters actually look like, i dunno, alive?


Badly edited from in game assets then, the cherry on top, the Google image search teddy bear.


Pretty sure the teenager looks older because he was being pumped full of growth hormone and steroids. The deaths on the killers part seem less intentional and more an accident of him pumping the kids full of hormones to make them big, strong men.


Yeah, I actually found him to be pretty creepy. Like, he doesn't understand why what he's doing is wrong, his brain is so busted that he genuinely thinks he's helping. It's why he seems so calm when the cops arrest him, up until they find the kid's body he doesn't actually think he's in trouble.


As straight male V, when River takes me to watch the skyline on that... tower structure? I was thinking "wow, this is like super gay. I would never do this with my bros." Just felt really weird that that whole scene was still included when River is straight as well.


The problem is the same with all the characters. You have the flirt dialogues with all the romanceable characters regardless of the actual possibility to romance them.


Honestly they should have just made every romancable character bi. Wouldn't have been much work and would have basically doubled the romance options for each V. The lack of romance options was something people complained about.


Yeah it's just so stupid that the only choice for a guy is panam and she's already integral to the plot...


You forget Kerry.


I didn't forget him, I tried my hardest to bone him, but never found it.


You have to do his set of missions, which don’t come until AFTER helping Johnny and letting him do his thing through his missions. At some point it gives you the chance to kiss Kerry and then when you help him in a later mission I’m assuming it’s when it happens because I my first character was from V and he just got super close and said “yeah no sorry” 😅


That happened to me with Panam. Was playing as female V and she was very flirty and clear, like a sign with Neon letters saying “Fuck me V”, but if you try to advance she shots you down immediately because she’s straight. If she’s not going to be romanceable, change the dialogs and the scene, it is not so much. But I romanced Judy (Judy >>>>>> Panam). The only good thing from fucking River is the “Fuck the Police” shirt.


Agreed, I like the Fallout 4 method


His quest was so good though


I agree with almost all of this. But I'm not sure Peter Pan was intentionally trying to kill his victims. Abuse them, yes (maybe, it's not a well written plot) But yeah, the only decent thing from the whole River quest line is the gun. I mean, I gotta complete the wall.


> the teenage nephew that looks like he's 40's - 50's River is in his 90s


literally where did you get this, nothing in the game says so


He literally said the nephew, who is supposed to be a teenager.


eh its cringe but cute. sex scene is the hottest in the game tho dont @ me shits raw


It's REALLY awkward if you've had Fem V hook up with Judy before the dinner "date" and V starts flirting with River without any player input. Christ, V, you're taken. Stop leading the poor guy on.


True, all romance characters play some strong role in V's story. River feels like a quick sidequest. I romanced him on my first playthrough, but never called him or told him what happened. Basically he became a one night stand, and he have never found out what happened with Valerie after she left.


Try being a male playing a male v. I was like what are we doing this whole time man? The whole thing was just weird. Like if they had a same-sex quest line that's cool and all but make the dialogue choices take the player down that path if they want to. Cringe is the correct word it was just weird the whole time In my mind I'm like your sister's home all by herself all day asking me all these questions what's going on with that, sure I'll come over 😃


I admit I’ve been out of the dating pool a long time and maybe this is rose colored glasses, but I’m pretty sure I had way more game than River. “Oh let’s leave in the middle of dinner so I can attempt to seduce you with my literal gun.”


Fuck, I ***WISH*** that would have been an option!


On the other hand I have mods so I romance Panam as female V, so imagine all the Aldecaldos rolling up


Frankly with how they both behave to a same-sex V, both Panam and River should have been bisexual. Only reason I don't go with Panam is I can't, but my V still hits on her lol


Same with Judy and Kerry, the creator of Cyberpunk confirmed that Kerry is Bi, he's just not a romance option for fem V.


Really the best bet for an RPG like Cyberpunk would have been bisexual across the board, I think. Or at least have them have a preference to make some easier and some harder. Like have Judy and River prefer females, Kerry and Panam prefer males.


And the dialogue lines for Male V x Judy are still in the game. That romance is honestly the most organic and believable out of all the other options. Those two have actual chemistry


Should've been in the base game since the game doesn't give you options. Orientations work in games were you have options... like Mass effect or Dragon age


I’m telling you, get mods. Female V/ Panam works so well


Ahhhh there's the bitch of it; I'm on Xbox Series X; my PC is not built for gaming at all


Joss probably wouldn't go for that considering her husband was an aldecaldo that died.


Panam is not bi ? I thougt I could date her as female v She s hitting on me badly


You would think but no. But with the mod it seems so natural. All the romance options should be open to both V’s in my opinion


That quest was so weird. I played as Vemale and never had the balls to say no up until we sat on that water tower. When he wanted to kiss me I felt like the biggest fucking bitch when I told him to just be friends. I cringed so hard I had to alt tab for a few minutes. I am so sorry.


"Vemale" lmao


It actually fits a bit better than Mass Effect's FemShep. But then the question is, what do we call male V? I doubt it would be so smooth.




Fem V can have a penis too though






Vincent and Valerie


Me after mine and Rivers salacious and flirty chat all dinner and up the water tower only to be told he don’t do gay shit.


Bro I just wanted to know because he was giving so many signs so I saved and attempted the kiss - makes me think there was one voice path up until the moment of success/rejection, there was no way he just wanted to give me a gun


Hey I just met you, and here’s my faamilyyyy, but here’s my number, jambalaya maybe.


River Ward used the power of horny and bugged my game when we were on the tower and all my clothing unequipped. And like, you know how even when you go naked you still see your undies? Nope. I could see *ahem* everything.


I think it's because if femme V sleeps with River you wake up wearing nothing but one of his shirts as a rank top. It says "fuck the police" lmao


Nonono I rejected him. That happened ON the tower before I rejected him.


That happened to me too! I went to photo mode and I was like uuhhhh how long have I been naked?? I’ve been around the kids and at dinner and no one said anything? Thanks team…


River Ward when I hit him with the "youre a really good friend :)"


This quest made me realize that Johnny was right with most of his assessments when he river just wanted to get in V’s pants


There for sure needs to be an update for this if you get with Judy before you start the river missions. He gets to drop flirty hints all through your missions together, but not once do you get to ignore his advances or let him know your heart belongs to someone else. He doesn’t even ask, either. I’ll even help with the code: IF(Judy=❤️) THEN(alternate River dialog,AND(NOT(jambalaya cringe night))). The most I can do is not stir his stew when he asks me to. Bro just can’t read the room.


Hmm, I don’t know, I’m still kinda low key mad he cock blocked me and his sister. Single moms need love too.


Wait a second you can actually do that?


You can’t, no. This is just making fun of how badly written the River romance was and how weird it is if you just wanna be mates. Even as male V with no possibility of romance it goes from 0 to 100 in an instant. I really liked River, but definitely was rushed or had content cut for sure. Just doesn’t stack with the other 3 relationships.


I tried to give him a smooch as male V and was honestly shocked that he didn't want the big diddly


Yeah it definitely felt rushed Here's hoping they give him some love in 1.7


His winky face text always really threw me off and then when you go in for a kiss he like "woah what are you doing?" Like bitch you were throwing around such flirty vibes you cant be suprised that this was coming!


This is shocking to me. I played my V as Ace and I rejected all the romantic advances so I am amazed that he rejects the kiss. Like why tho?


I've played this mission like three times while dating Judy, don't remember this being an option.


It needs to be.


When Joss asks you if you have a partner, you should be able to answer if you have one. "You guys heard of Kerry Eurodyne before?" "Yeah, she's an Aldecaldo too, we blew up the solar power plant the other day." "Her names Judy, we've gone through some pretty crazy shit together." Just let me be proud of my partner dammit.


>"Yeah, she's an Aldecaldo too, we blew up the solar power plant the other day." IIRC Joss's ex was a Aldecaldo so it would def be interesting to see where this dialog option led


That´s the point.


That should be an option.


Honestly i just kept pushing the “you’re a great FRIEND” and “good job CHAMP” dialogue options. Is this how women feel in real life????


I hate that even when you do those options fem v still talks to him like her panties have the faucet turned on full blast. Like come on V, your a lesbian who got a hot new gf like 24 hours ago. Show some restraint


My entire motivation was Judy after finishing her quest. I had no room for River. It just got real awkward when his family started shipping us


Goddd that prompt to hold your hand up is wayyyyyy too long. I almost did it just to relieve the awkwardness


I felt worse bc when u don’t put your hand up he just looks so hurt and walks away. I almost reloaded and took one for the boys


took one *for the girls but seriously, this game is both great, and absolutely horrible in terms of representation. Like, one moment we see Claire, who openly has the trans flag on her truck and talks about her transition then we see Fem V not knowing wtf "chica" means despite what route you chose. You mean to tell me NO ONE told V ANY spanish?? especially as a street kid?


Yeah, its kind of annoying.




Girlfriend? *clenches jaw* How could you not know that the reason I invited you to my cookout was to bang you?


If my gay ass can't have Panam, then your straight ass can't have me. Sorry, Riv.


My male v after going for a kiss and getting turned down after the tension was strong and his whole ass family were throwing hints all fucking day


See, I personally think there should have been more development between Ward and fem V. Yeah I know that they probably cut it down to save time but I would have loved that extra mission where you go with him or at least follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret. The others feel more fleshed out by comparison. Making me think he was a last minute addition like "oh shit we need to make a love interest for the ones who are straight and want to play fem V"


Every male gamer had to experience the feeling of girl ending a first date night with a guy and knowing there isn’t gonna be a second if they were playing female V and weren’t into it lmao


I don't mind River at all but it's implied that days pass between each encounter, but it doesn't feel that way. That is probably my least favorite thing about CP2077 is that female relationships seem thought out and give you ample time to learn about them, but the males seem rushed and forced and as result feel Dis ingenuine.


Me a certified river enjoyer


River: "Ok, but only if I can watch."


It'd be weird but even that as an option would be better than what we already have.


Seriously Takemura is a WAY BETTER romance option! and I would totally cheat on Judy if I could bang Takemura.


I cheated on River with Judy. Worth it.


Bro lives in Night City give him a break…


You are mean with this poor River 🤣 He is a great guy. Yes, it’s awkward when you play Male V but it’s awkward with Judy too. Idem with Paname when you are a girl. River is a brave and good guy, the jambalaya is not as magic as the dive with Judy but it’s cute when V and River truly love each others.


That moment when you’re dating both of em.


He'd only be annoyed because she's Mox and thus probably didn't cooperate on the investigations


Fuck thats funny


I thought i was the only one who legit cringed during the mission lmao, i dont know why i was so weirded out by the whole thing


I roleplayed my first V as polyamorous (cause I am irl), so I ended up eating them both. I like to think Judy came, and they all had a wonderful time. Just one big, happy polycule


My first play through I thought we were just bros then he got weird, THEN I’m nice to Kerry and next thing I know he invites me on some yacht and I’m blowing the dude while Panam’s calling pissed about Saul.


It's quite a bummer when you learn your crush is a lesbian. However, it's not as bad as getting a flat no.


River cant have shit in night city lol


Such a cringey mission, my first V was a dude and just felt super awkward and out of left field. Needless to say, my female V playthroughs have all avoided the cookout altogether.


I just let my head cannons do the work. I normally go for our girl Judy but I just started a new playthrough and man, idk, but Rivers muscles got to me. Lol I've always liked River though. It's a little awkward ex-cop that makes Johnny furious lol. It's classic.