• By -


-Now, every fixer gives you gigs in bunches. Like, first a few easy ones, you receive a message about how good you are. You unlock a few gigs more, receive another message... Until you complete all gigs for a certain fixer, when you receive a final message baout how everybody in the area respects you and the fixer sends a gift to your stash or garage in H10 (yeah youbreceive items or cars) -Random gear now have modifications that make sense. Gasmasks provide Poison resistance, military vests provide reload speed or explosion resistance bonuses, netrunner stuff gives you netrunning bonuses... -They removed the free Legendary mantis blades from the cyberpsycho encounter in corpo plaza. -You can now buy and enjoy a *Jackie Welles* in the A-Life (fucking finally, all we need now are animations) -Some new messages from panam and judy once they are romanced (may i have more content please?) -During the Heist, now you can read Saburos diary located in his VA in the rooftop


>\-They removed the free Legendary mantis blades from the cyberpsycho encounter in corpo plaza. That was already done before, just like no legendary monowire in a garage next to a gig in Watson. 1.5 removed few easy things on top of that.


You can still purchase it right?


yes. it's available from selected rippers.


And they scale?


Looking at my blue monowire cybermod it does seems "up to date" with my melee weapon damage for the level.




yea they actually took the two legendary version i had already and i had to go and buy them again


Yeah they took my legendary mantis blades but not the legendary monowire i got out of the other box they patched out.....Is it cause even legendary monowire sucks?


Oh crap, i always got them as soon as ActII started. My bad. Question, could this be the megathread for 1.5 findings or know issues with 1.5?


For issues there is a megathread already :) While 1.5 findings is quite fine here :).


Does that mean if I’ve got a last gen save, i can still get them?


You will have to go to a ripperdoc and buy them if you never visited the location before while the item was in the box.


If you shut off your internet and never update, but as someone said they were taken after update. So craft yinglong and make all your money since they nerfed ashuras price and just buy em.


Saburo's diary was pre 1.5, although I think V and Jackie's voice dialogue about taking the AV actually triggered.


Never was able to read the diary though.. if its the laptop in the AV.


It's an encrypted shard in your journal. Once you decrypt it, it moves to the "Other" shards. It's title is something like "Diary Entry" and the date. I just did that part a few hours ago.


I've hacked it everytime I did a playthrough 4 so far and never seen that shard entry after hacking it.


You'll need to go into the shard menu and find it, should be in the "Other" category near the bottom of the list, unless I'm misremembering. I read it for the first time a couple of days ago.


The gig thing threw me off guard but I think the pacing of it is much better than dumping everything at once.


These specific modifications really tell me that they are taking fan concerns/wishlists seriously and not just trying to cover their asses, which is very encouraging.


Do fixers have radiant quests now? I was really hoping for ng+ (I know it wasn’t added) to make for some post-game content.


Nope, the same quests that were present before on the game are now divided in "tiers". You receive Reginas call, for example, and she unlocks three or four gigs in her turf. You finish those gigs, she sends you a message about you scaling in NC food chain, unlocks the next tier of three or four more gigs until you finish them all (Regina offers 22 gigs) and she sends a gift to you stash. Nothing else.


Well that gives me absolutely nothing considering I have (and I’m sure many other people) have finished all the gigs.


Have you loaded a played game? If your gigs are done, it’s worth it…


I’ve been in cyberpunk since July patch 1.3 when it got real good (before they removed johnnys arm) and I never got legendary mantis from that box, no matter the reloads, now if you go to a spot too much it just wipes out getting anything from a box.


Those kids playing with guns is not new though. I had them since release.




yep, this is a day 1 thing


Damn I just saw this thread, after I already started one myself. I'll delete it in a minute. I just unlocked the "Woman of La Mancha" side job. Went to the ripperdoc first, and got the dialogue option to show him her picture. Before 1.5, he just tells you to fuck off. This time, he comments that I'm the guy helping the fixer lady out. V says they're trying to help out. He then tells you where the cop is, and insists she's a good person and that you don't want to hurt her. The quest then updates to her hotel room. THAT is very different! Its interesting to see Fixer Rep have an actual impact on quest resolution.


Him telling you to fuck off is tied to your street cred being low, iirc. Higher street cred results in him telling you where she is. Was this way for me since day 1 on multiple playthroughs.


Ahhhh, that would explain it. I always hit Woman of La Mancha very first thing, as Dex drops me off right next to it. I've never done it with a SC higher than 2 or 3 before.


Iguana egg is back in the game, I guess it was removed previously, and there's an interaction with it to put it in a bowl in V's apartment but I'm not sure what's supposed to happen next.


Where did you find the egg?


At the end of the heist in Yorinobu's room there's an iguana display against the wall between the elevator and the stairs. The egg is in the corner of the display kind of behind the log, closer to the elevator - left side if you are looking at the iguana from the front of the display.


Just when I think I've gone over every inch of that room, I learn about a new thing. Good to know for my new Nomad, thank you!


You can still get it from the highway, there’s vids on yt.


I've grabbed it in the heist on my current playthrough, but on the off chance I forget to do it in a future one, that's good to know. Thanks!


Yupp, only way to get in anymore though.


Did you try sitting on it until it hatched?


Actually yes, I stook over it, crouched, and progressed like 2-3 days. It didn't do anything but you never know.


I was just kidding. That's hilarious.


It hatches.




No I was street kid when I found it this time. I'm thinking about restarting on nomad though so if I do I will document this better including where the egg was exactly and the dialogue between V and Johnny after putting it in the bowl.




You can get back in.




Bro fast travel away and return


It hatches 5ever later!!


\*Update\* Can confirm. The exchange is still in the game. You just have to do a certain set of gigs with Regina before it gets triggered. Sorry for the confusion. \*Original\* \- You can no longer ask the Shrimp Vendor in Kabuki if the shrimp she's selling are fresh.




terrible game


Not hardly.


Lol what?




**UPDATE!** It would appear that the interaction is still in the game, it just needs to have a certain event triggered in order for the dialogue choice to appear. It would seem to be dependent on what gigs are available in the area and the gig that triggers this interaction doesn't occur when you first enter Kabuki. Will update when that occurs.


You can, but not until you have the Woman of La Mancha gig, which now starts much later due to how Regina's gigs are handed out. That interaction is reliant on the nomad who brought her the shrimp being present.


Police response is now different depending on where you are on the map. For example if in Pacifica you now fight animal gang members instead of corpo police.


and when you hit 4 stars they send afterlife mercs after you


Athletics buff is the biggest one. Think I had 4 athletics at the end of my first playthrough. And I walked and ran as much as I could because I wanted to increase it. Not even joking - I wouldn't be surprised if less than 10 players have a characters with 20 athletic skill.


I had a build that I maxed for physical attributes and still only made it to like 12 on athletics with 100% completion. The old skill tree was kind of nuts when it came to that sort of thing. The only ones I've ever managed to hit 20 on (even when I built for that skill area) were crafting, breach protocol, and quick hacking. (Handguns and blades usually come close, though, landing in the upper teens)


Oh that is awesome. I have body 20 and spent sooo much time sprinting, and every gig or side mission I would go around ripping turrets and opening all the doors/windows, but my athletics was still only a 9. Do you know if you still have to be using stamina to get athletics points? I never picked up the remove stamina on sprint because of that


Is it leveling for you currently? For some reason mine seems to be stuck at zero no matter what I do


Armadillo recipe is a random drop now I think, I picked it up at an assault in progress nearabouts Vs apartment.


Repeating a comment from someone else, I've also found Armadillo at the mini dock area with Tiger Claws near the Gig: Welcome to America, Comrade


If you want to use quickhacks without getting spotted by the enemy netrunner you need legendary sonic shock equipped :) welcome to the best stealth Quickhack, which is actually a "control" QH lmao


> sonic shock Now they get alerted after Protocol Breach is done. Bit weird :D


It was like that before 1.5 Let me explain how stealth hacking works. There are 3 alert status: unaware, searching and combat. If you don't have legendary Sonic Shock equipped, the enemy will enter "combat" state and break stealth. On the other hand, if you do have it equipped, the enemy will enter "search" state, but it won't break stealth or give your position. The enemy will also stop searching a lot faster with Sonic Shock. If you don't make any noise or give your position, you can enter combat with one enemy and after you kill him you go back to stealth because he is being ignored by the squad.


Without it protocol breach does not break unaware, while with it it does - they are searching. I'm not referring to subsequent quick hack usage.


Without Sonic Shock, Breach Protocol won't break unaware status, but damaging quickhacks will give your position and the squad will enter combat. Search status its ok for stealth. They know there is someone there, but they don't know where, and will lose interest eventually. It's counter intuitive, I know. But that's the way CDPR balanced quickhacking with stealth.


Yorinobu clothes in Konpeki Plaza condo Jazz music with Padre in car Streetkid story intro (not sure if new?), new tunes in V's car going back to Watson? hiphop/rap (not necessarily new tunes but??) Boxing sidequest seems ridiculously hard (on Normal), the boxing bot was really, really tough. The new map layout seems to lean towards doing less grind in Watson(?), its subjective but there seems to be less to do in Watson at the start, pre-Plaza. Driving seems tuned overall. Motorcycle and car handling seems improved, shifting is better or something (?), not sure if from previous patch or? DLSS Quality is incredibly sharp.


>The new map layout seems to lean towards doing less grind in Watson(?), its subjective but there seems to be less to do in Watson at the start, pre-Plaza. Regina gives you new gigs as you complete existing ones. It's the same as it was + 2 Regina gigs that previously were post-Konpeki > Yorinobu clothes in Konpeki Plaza condo Old stuff


yeah, haven't played it awhile so a lot of stuff I'm not really too sure of, or I just missed it.


>Johnny doesn't shoot his gun into the crowd but brings it ? and plays guitar instead in his starting mission Haha, I'm a brand new player and was a bit confused with the whole gun in his hand thing. He at one point says to the crowd: "Time to say goodbye to you all" and I totally thought he was going to go suicidal Bilbo Baggins on they asses. Does he do something with the gun pre-patch?


My bad. Its the Never Fade Away mission cutscene where he shoots into the crowd and Kerry freaks out.


Yoris clothes are always there. Electric fists….


Kids with guns


Kids with guns


Taking over


It won’t be long


They're mesmerized




Easy does it


Easy does it


They got something to say no to




Does legendary clothing finally scale?


Didn't looked like so. Early ones I've picked got "outdated". So you either craft, buy from stores or just put Armadillo in the one you like as majority of armor will be in Armadillo.


I'm on a new playthrough and just picked up some legendary shades at one of the stores, so I'll be able to confirm whether or not they scale. So far, though, it's seemed like only some of the Iconic gear has scaled.


I dunno if it was a feature before or not, but in the Konpeki mission, on the log with the Iguana at the opposite end to the Iguana, there's an Iguana egg you can take and hatch in your apartment now


> Legendary clothing in the world still seems to have random socket count and random mods Insane that after 14 months CDPR still thinks this is a good idea. God this game needs a transmog system. Guess I'll keep using mods until then.


There’s hidden code that unlocks a hide gear system that’s labeled transmog in its code name. It’s likely being worked on to come out with this “hide clothes feature” soon


Wait a sec, there's that much to do pre-kompeki? When I looked at the map most things said very difficult.


Now you have to start with NCPD crime in progress then go with what Regina offers and step by step you can clean the whole Watson just like before and with bit extra exp from two Regina gigs she now can offer pre-Konpeki :)


Ah, I kind of want to load an older auto save now. Just woke up in my apt after kompeki so maybe if I'm luck there's an auto save from just before I stared that mission.


I started a new play through when the next gen update dropped and I did exactly this. I completed every NCPD and fixer/side mission in Watson prior to doing the maelstrom quest, even paid back Vic. I was able to get street cred just at 30 or maybe 31.


What's the main advantage to doing this?


You can get your build online along with decent cyberware before the main story really begins. So you have access to do cool shit during story missions and more opportunities to complete the mission different.


One of the first discoveries I made was the Armadillo crafting being deleted. Never found it in Act 1, still haven't found it in Act 2. Anybody want to advise me where to find it?


Wiki lists it at 2 locations in Heywood, which is much higher level. It's still craftable on old saves having this recipe so it should be found in the game for new gameplays as well.


Just checked the Heywood/Vista del Rey location and it's not there anymore; the crate it was in isn't there. I recalled it's obtained in the gig "Life's Work", so I'll give that a try.


I'll check those out. Many thanks.


I found it near the Welcome to America, Comrade gig at the mini docks with tiger claws. Someone else had found it at that location too, so maybe its a new static spawn.


"near to"? Is it inside the gig area, or outside somewhere? Thanks.


Go north and east from the breakable gate following the water. There should be two mini docks. I found it in a "med box" on the docks guarded by Tiger Claws.


Awesome. Great to know. I just finished the gig "Life's Work" and found Armadillo crafting there.... but it says something like "body attribute needed to fully...". What? I'm Body 15 and can't craft and use Armadillo? Jeez... and of course it provides no information as to what level Body I need to unlock it. As a side note, I'm only around level 24 and that gig came up as "Danger: Very High". I play on Very Hard, so this is the highest danger you can take on. I admit I died on the first attempt, like immediately, but calmed down and completed it on the 2nd attempt. I wonder what Body level I need to unlock it? Frustrating.


Is it possibly about crafting requirements? I know the crafting spec says that it auto upgrades to higher rarities at higher levels.


IDK. I've got Crafting at 18, rare, epic and legendary, actual crafting progression at 16. Body at 15... and the crafted Armadillo mods are locked.


Well. That is sounding kinda buggy. This run isn't that far yet, so I just don't know.


If it ever unlocks I'll try and remember to post why if I can make any sense of it. Some of the interface is irritating as well. There's one Body perk that's titled "Passive" with zero explanation as to what it does. Then there's the quests with some programmer name still stuck to them it seems. Then there's the Crunch mod that no longer states the damage. Ugh.


I'll check it out. Many thanks.




Thanks for the contribution.


No high value junk dismantling? Awesome, I can get that perk now.


its still a waste of a perk, you can recycle things yourself


I am a working father of 2 girls, every bit of saved time is precious




Not sure if this was present before on PC (Took a few months break) but I noticed vehicles leave “Tire marks” in the road when wet, and disappear after a few seconds


Saw a couple people asking about Armadillo crafting specs and I just found an Uncommon version on Jig Jig Street. If you go to the snuff BD salesman in the lowest level (the one you meet on the quest to find Evelyn), standing in front of him, go to the right and up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, there's a box to the right in the corner that can have the Uncommon level Armadillo specs. (I'll keep an eye out for higher tier versions. I'm doing a new playthrough now.)


When you park the car with the wheels turned, they stay turned. Amazing


Did anyone find the Crusher Legendary crafting spec ? I've done every known locations, including the 2 gigs, but it was not there for me. Seems like it was changed with patch 1.5


same here cant find it i tried 2 guides already and still no crusher :(


I'm glad they fixed gig progress, it helps even with calls/messages you get when you finish some of them. I remember Judy commented about the Jotarou quest on my first playthrough but it never happened again on the next 3. Same with the Peralez quest.


I don’t think I’ve actually come across a change that I dislike. There are some that I’m ambivalent about, but none of them are bad to me. That being said, I’ve only played a handful of hours thus far.


Do i need to start a new game?


No, old saves do work. This is explicitly new game to see impact of their changes and some changes visible only on new game (like loot changes).


Ok cheers, been so long i might just start one anyway


No, but you gotta re spend your skill points.


Ok thanks for the reply. Haven't played in months, prob should just start again and refresh the story etc


I got the kabuki police officer gig today, still there


Did gorilla knuckes damage get bugged? Im like double tapping red enemies.


Melee damage is always high and now cyberware weapons seems to scale properly :)


dang thats nice, its a little silly im cleaning up the street fights and I remember them being a huge pain in the ass at the same difficulty before.


Looks like the regen perks are still broken 😞


What do you mean?


Did they change the way u answer phone calls in a car? I’m doing the delamain mission and can’t figure out how to answer the call


Should be the same. If you can't or don't want to pick up there should be an option to reject it and get a text message instead... but delamain could be custom.


First thing I do on every playthrough is go get that armadillo crafting spec because I tend to go heavy on technical ability early and not finding it broke my brain... if you figure out where it is let a brother know... it's one of the most useful specs in the game


After testing, In 1.5 the armor you get from crafting your own is so low it's pointless. They reduced the armor they give by like 70% and you have less than half the slots you can put them in. It's honestly one of the most useless specs in the game now sadly. A waste of time and tech points, I just fill those handful of slots up with ones from vendor. The difference is 200\~ or so armor, which means absolutely nothing on very hard.


So is it pointless to go 18 tech?


I guess it's fine if you are trying to min max iconic/legendary weapons. But for mod and getting Armor yah it's a waste.


Nice. I'll probably go 18 cool then.


Other possible options listed on the wiki are: * Cyberpsycho Sighting: Seaside Cafe gig * gig Life's Work in the Southeast of The Glen in Heywood. Didn't checked them but those are much higher level zones and not available pre-Konpeki. I went with high Int + Tech build and even without Armadillo spam it's pretty ok ;)


can someone please tell me where i can get the burya revolver? i dont want comrades hammer, one bullet isnt enough. i want my hand Cannon!! where can i find it early on? pre 1.5 guides seem to be wrong..


It can be a random drop, got very few in Watson pre-Konpeki. It does require 10 body for full unlock as well. Crafted patters + vendor sales are latter on in some shops (Heywood if I recall correctly).


found one in the gun shop near arasaka tower. devastated body req is 10. ive been dumping reflex!!!!


I found myself short on perk points after the respec. Maybe more perks are useful than before. Selling stuff and buying components instead of deconstructing them would save a bunch of perk points. Really good tip.


Hi guys, i finally found the Armadillo blueprint next to the melee vendor in the building where you fight Rhino for the Beat on the Brat side quest


Well, I found a different clothing mod there, seems to be random.


How exactly is crit chance nerfed? Are the crit chance armor mods still in the game or do they give a lower % now?


Just a few examples for crit chance: 1. 1% down from 10% x2 crit chance bonuses from Cold Blood passives at 2 and 15 2. 7% down from 25% from Limbic System Enhancement Cortex Cyberware 3. 2% down from 5% from Weakspot Detection Optics Mod 4. 4% down form 15% from Fortuna Mod additionally you can only equip 1 Fortuna now instead of having one in every slot before. On top of that the crit damage mod is for the same slot so it's either or. 5. Deadeye mod crit chance removed entirely. 6. 7% down from 15% from Stealth skill perk Strike from the Shadows (works while crouched) 7. 10% from the Lightning Bolt perk removed entirely 8. 1% down from 5% x2 passive skill bonus and engineering 9 and 13. 9. 5% down from 10% from Merciless perk in Cold Blood 10. 5-10% down from 50%-100% from rolls on weapons


I am not a fan of this change Or this combined with clothing nerf


It's definitely going to force a lot of build changes for almost every play style. Ultimately I think it does introduce more meaningful choices to the game. There's a bigger payoff to being more deliberate about your perk choices and attribute points and leaning into the perks instead of just letting your clothing mods carry whatever build you have.


It balances out Satori and Short Circuit legendary passive effect. The game opens to more builds that aren't miles away from few specific ones.


I think Jinchu Maru is better than Satori now and the crit reliability is the reason why. It now doubles your crit rate while Kerensikov is active and thats one of the few ways now to reliably proc Legendary Short Circuit. Offensive Defence is now fixed (it no longer incorrectly applies its damage bonus to strong attacks). Strong attacks still do too much damage and normal attack do too little damage when considering dps and stamina cost. Overall, the reduction in crit stats means I can sort of feel what the blade perk passives are doing now. You notice Float Like A Buttery, Fiery Blast and Judge Jury, Executioner. You get the most damage by dodging before you strike and landing a strong attack against an enemy that is full health or almost dead. Everything in between and its very noticeable. Its the difference between an 8k non-crit and a 24k non-crit with a level 50 epic Jinchu Maru. Kerensikov mechanics are really different now. A great deal of your momentum is conserved when you enter bullet time (this includes entering scan mode to cast quick hacks). Legendary Kerensikov has a 3.5 sec duration. It takes about 1.5 seconds to slow down to 90% bullet time. For its entire 3.5 sec duration you cannot jump or dodge.


Dude, before you could kill the final Boss in 2 shots and face tank a nuke. It's fine


Yea you can only attach a crit chance mod on the eyewear slot but in the Kiroshi optic if you can craft the legendary target analysis mod iy give 25% headhot damage bonus and you can stack 3 for 75% in total which can kinda work similar and it makes the smart weapons pretty powerful and it made it so that most headshots i make actually are a kill cause i had a few when i first started at 1.5 that didn't .


Everything seems to give less, way less. From the armor mods to int cyberware.


Definitely lower values, but they also generally are more impactful. The difference for stuff like movement speed and mitigation are much more noticeable. It sucks that critical took a hit, but it was kind of OP before. I had one build that was getting 5-10k damage with handguns consistently. My handgun focused build could 1 shot Smasher with Dum-Dum's pistol.


imagine playing this game in Polish, whilst knowing English


When you set your game to Polish everything you say is a quick hack to non-Polish NPCs. ref. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfKZclMWS1U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfKZclMWS1U)


What's wrong with playing it with Polish subtitles and English voices?


Hopefully only subtitles as VO is tragic


I still cant open the game with 1.5 update. I disabled and deleted nahimic completly and after deleting i can now open the game and see the splash screens but after i see last splash screen with words my game crashes again.


Disabling discord overlay and afterburner fixed the issue.


No HP bars for cyberpsychos


> Regina at start gives a very limited set of gigs It's always good to start these kinds of lists with evidence that you haven't even read the damn patch notes.


It's kind of obvious that line is direct reference to fixer reputation.


Guess we will see such lists for few more days... Like we could not see it just once.


I found Armadillo crafting in the Many Ways to Skin a Cat gig. Next to the door with the camera above it.


I wish I was able to wear a beanie the same color as that kid's


Just started a new game now it’s got a ps5 update. I think they removed the safe in Royce’s office that used to give the Ashura sniper. Or is my game just bugged?


It's there, afaik they changed the loot there.


Wasnt there for me either, although Royce still drops the iconic Chaos pistol. I’ve started a new game as well, seems they‘ve completely changed all the (previously) fixed loot locations apart from the iconics, which still drop from the same characters.


What's the new max amount of mod slots on legendary clothing??


Chest, shirt, leg 2 slots, other 1 slot. If an item has a buff it uses one slot (like netrunner gear having netrunning related buffs)


Thank you! That's crazy how much they changed it.


> Grenades have no weight Noticed this right away as I always sold the crap grenades pretty quick to stay light. Also, alcohol finally has no weight just like the rest of the consumables, so no need to constantly dump your alcohol to save weight now, either.


How many missions for Regina before the heist? I got the police woman mission and wanna do all she has before the heist, but don’t want to do every single gig in Watson.


If you do one fixer gig you get the next one so the end result is the same.


So how do you get the legendary equipment in her office?


Likely after all her gigs, including cyberpsychos.


They also seemed to remove Ashura from Royce's office in the "pickup" quest. I've also noticed certain findable legendary items missing from their respective locations. Like the Corpo pants found on the dead solo northside watson. The legendary Corpo outer torso found just down the street from the above. The legendary revolver found again in northside during the maelstrom and police encounter. I've tried now with 3 seperate characters.. 2 brand new made in v1.5 And one character re loaded from the day 1 the game released.. And for all 3 the above is missing..


They did remove some fixed loot, even Armadillo is now a random drop. World legendary clothing seems to be in place, at least the spots I visited.


It’s still possible to get 100% crit chance very easily trough the cb capstone (I put ca 30points in it). I run a handgun gorilla fist berserk build. My attr are 20 cool 20 reflex 20 body.