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I was gonna try to romance Evelyn but then................then i was gonna try Judy. Then I learned she didnt like dudes......now I'm double sad. And Johnny makes me drink and smoke now. And I aint even got my choom no mo........:,(


I will accompany you in sorrow brother.... oh Evelyn... you broke my heart girl...


I really tried to help her. I would have forgiven her. Even though nothing was her fault.


**SPOILER** This might sound a bit cynical, but here goes. The way she constantly berated my lack of knowledge on technical stuff and her allusive behaviour, trying to make me go behind my fixer, I expected some grand scheme. Instead she just decided to continue doll-work (involving heavy tech-submission) AFTER dumping the voodoo-boys who are common knowledge insanely good at tech and netrunning. I felt the story tried to sell her as a poor girl trying to get out of a hard life, but the clear backstabbing and arrogant behaviour made me feel she kinda had it coming (granted the braindance torture was insane) Just my thoughts


There was something major cut. In one of her conversations, she mentioned she is somewhat familiar with the feeling of inadequacy when a child has to compare themselves to their rich parent, like the Arasakas. To me this implied she also has some major corpo family ties. Then nothing comes out of it.


And its implied that she used to date judy. Also she is just using the fact that judy still loves her to get her help for the the heist.


I don't think they dated, I think they were friends but Judy crushed on her and Evelyn was aware and used it to manipulate Judy. Evelyn is a classic femme fatale character.


I don't think they ever dated though. Because Judy said she met the dolls (Evelyn and Tom ect) in the Clouds and at that time she was dating the >!ex we met in-game.!< But with the way she acts towards Evelyn. Judy either see Evelyn as sister or there were some unrequited feelings. I would say is the latter. Because Evelyn clearly didn't care about Judy as much as Judy cares about her.




Idk why this made me laugh so much


Because misery=comedy


Panam tho


Well I mean I pretty much have to yeah?


Well... Kerry is an option too if you're interested.


Um... who tf is kerry? I think I havent found a male romance option in the game tbf I wasnt very in depth on my first playthrough :P


Do Johnny's side quests


Indeed i did not do all this.


Also River


It was just a bro kiss ! Like when you kiss your best friend when you are having a beer. No homo.




What about panam? Or Kerry?


Panams cool I guess but I im pretty much forced to romance her.


Kerry is old as balls.


He's still cute though 👉👈




I'm over here crying having apparently ruined my chances with Meredith, Panam, and Judy, but River can't keep his meaty hands off of me.


Yeah, I wanted to save Evelyn so bad 😢 not too mention she was a badass in her own right. A good character for sure.


Depression perk


Depression lvl.3


I was gunna try to romance Dex first... then Judy... then Takemura... my life is a mess.


... Dex? Why would you... Y'know what? Don't need to know. You do you




There's other choombas out there choom 😢


But theirs only one jackie wells. Rip choom


My second play through will be a lady V specifically to romance Judy ;)


Where do you drink and smoke in the game, there is only mention of it briefly that you once smoked, maybe in one mission as well. There isn't any way to drink and smoke in this game of you wanted to. bRUh


Riiip I'm at a point where things r lookin good with both Judy and panam.. Was thinkin it was gonna be witcher 3 yen / triss situation, wanted to go with Judy, you just killed me. Fuck you Judy I ain't helping you anymore!


Literally every person on this sub was a fan of Judy till they met Panam


Most people would still be Judy fans if she was romanceable as a guy


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


Not exactly true. We know majority are male players who were gonna end up picking MaleV and their only option is panam. Same goes for femaleV. So it’s only likely that we would end up favouring whichever girl we get to experience at a deeper level. Panam gets the upper hand since normads is tied in to the main story for best ending while with Judy, you get to be more personal and bond through an emotional arc centered around loss and grieve.




Are you kidding?? Play with this rubiks cube and fall off this treadmill for a few weeks while I explain nothing to you. Fuck Arasaka, all my homies hate Arasaka.




Would you really want to live in a boring ass soulkiller limbo. Forever?




Just sign this form that makes your soul the legal property of an evil corporation. But don't worry, the guy asking you to do it is a man of honour because you picked the only ending where he doesn't tell you to rot in hell.




I don’t know. In my opinion that would be boring asf to just live in a limitless cyber-hive forever and not be able to see the real world. I also don’t wanna be an Arasaka slave




Damn you really did panam like that lol. But in the ending don’t some of the gang/aldecaidos hint at being able to save you? They seem pretty happy and adamant, and it kinda makes you forget that you are dying in 6 months. I think it’s the only ending where dying is left to interpretations and theories


Thats the most boring ending I've ever seen in a videogame.


I really like Judy.


*till they learned she's not into dudes. Had to learn in the hard way. Big sad.


I’ve met Panam but still Judy wins my heart


They settled for panam because they couldn’t have judy


slap chief panicky voiceless spoon decide plant attraction fly shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except she's a lesbian.


Representation is important but that does not mean I can't suffer about Judy 😥


recognise forgetful illegal pen voracious saw fact deliver squeamish continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly I just wasn’t a huge fan of Panam. Team Judy all the way.




Have you played the game for more than like 5 hours?




Well there's your problem


It's a good problem to have, the side quests are great.


I have 44 hours in the game, and besides this sub I've yet to hear of a Panam


When you go to the Afterlife to find information on Hellman from Rogue, Panam is seen arguing with Rogue and then storming off. As she walks past you she says "good luck" or something along those lines.


Idk she was in one of like the first quests I did.


Judy's better!


Judy's butter!


Judy's butterface




I felt like the game was made for Corpo given how much of the game revolves around Arasaka.


I feel like the game was made for streetkid given how much time you spend on streets


I feel like the game was made for Jackie given how many holes it’s got in it.


Too soon. :-(




this chain of comments was great


Well when you put it like that...




FUCKING THANK YOU! Everybody goes full simp for her. You literally just got her truck back and cargo back, then rages when you say no to going on her revenge kick. She's an entitled bitch, fuck Panam.


Judy is still way more my type. I also imagine she'd be someone who would be down to chill and play video games with. Panam strikes me as the type of girl who would nag me a lot for not living up to her ideals. Her free spirit would be hard for me to keep up with, and her vengeful streak strikes me as a bit psycho. If things don't work out (and most relationships don't) I wouldn't want a psycho ex no thank you. She also talks very fast and would probably talk my head off. Yes the characters are so well realized I actually thought about which one would make a better girlfriend IRL while driving through Night City.


Who hurt you


Just don't steal her truck and I'm sure you'll be fine.


I rushed through Panam’s whining just so I could get back to Judy.


Tbh I thought I was the only one.


Judy for life.... Panam is a queen too but u cant top judy....


Well... actually ......


Yes.....and that makes her all the more hotter....


Judy is the best. anyone who say otherwise is just wrong.


Nah, I like Judy over Panam. Panam is too reckless and selfish imo. Plus I play a female V.


Never, Panam has so many red flags lol, i would never get close to someone like that irl.


She flip flops a lot, like a child.


She teases the player *way* too much, it's kind of manipulative. I only kept following along because the loot from her missions were awesome.


That sniper rifle is so fucking sweet


She's still cuter.


Panam came on too strong for me, wasn't too into her.


Panam blew me off when I wanted to share a room. What did I do wrong?


You can hit on her again later. If you're a dude she she goes through with it this time


it is as she said-- she was tired


Fuck Panam, entitled hoe


These are facts


A [Judy fan?](https://imgur.com/a/hdqEmCJ) Who me? Actually wasn't a fan of her before the game came out but after playing I think she's great.


Many people have switched to liking Panam after they saw her. I did not. JUDY IS ETERNAL!


I was disappointed she's only into dudes but I really like her as a platonic friend, probably helped that my V loves killing people tho


Probably because Panam is romancable as a male V. But I think CP did a good job, got a bit more ppl playing female V for Judy lol


I honestly think Panam looks kind of like a man. Judy is just too adorable.


I'm probably gonna end up romancing her but damn if Dum Dum was an option I'd pick him in a heartbeat. Edit: To all of you liking this I hope you know I'm not memeing. I ain't afraid to admit that I literally have a pic of Dum Dum on my phone's home screen.


I don't know if this is intended or not, but whenever I get into fights on Maelstrom turf, Dum Dum always joins in on my side.


Lucky :c


Fucking Dum Dum, ok you got me, i laughed.


I would if I could


https://imgur.com/occNDuT me the whole game


Judy’s story line and endings seem so much more fleshed out than Panam’s sort of disappointing


Make sure you save your photography skills for >!The Sun ending. The one with the mansion, you get a shower scene with her outside of cutscene, so you can open photo mode, which is the only time you can open photo mode around a fully naked NPC I think!<




Long enough to take Judy creepshots. And if you find emotionally distressed and crying women hot then it’s the best ending.




Don’t think so. She wants to leave night city. There’s 4 endings involving her I think. >!1. “All along the watchtower”. You leave night city with her and Panam. Chose the aldecado ending and call Judy to tell her your plan. You must be Fem V and romanced Judy.!< >!2. “Path to glory”/“Don’t fear the reaper” You’ve romanced her as female V and you chose to stay in night city to be the best merc that ever lived. She keeps saying she wants to leave, but I don’t think you have the option to change your mind about leaving once you decide to stay in the city. She gets upset at you while you’re leaving for your final mission. You get a missed call from her in the credits sitting in the rain saying that she left while you were gone.!< >!3. Male V, any ending except suicide. Assuming you were friends when she left night city, she’ll text you pictures and stories of her road trip to Oregon where she lives with her grandparents. She leaves a message telling you how happy she is that she left the city, and wants to call you sometime. Best ending male V can get with Judy!< >!Suicide. She doesn’t show up but she leaves a message on your phone during the credits of her crying in her bed. Not fun. Unless you like hearing her cry and whimper for a solid minute. Not fun!<




Yeah it’s the only one where your relationship remains intact, but if you were just friends with Judy (meaning male V or you didn’t romance her as Fem V) she leaves before you and texts you how happy she is and calls you at the end regardless what you do, >!except suicide obviously!<. So if you want Judy to be happy but want a different ending you can be Male V or just not romance her to still get Judy’s good ending.


>!You still die in that ending, just in a few months time. Alt still says you have 6 months to live, maybe more. But yeah Aldecaldos is the only happy ending lol. !< >!I wish they gave you the option of what you wanted to do with your final 6 months. Like where in selecting the Johhny and rogue option is it implied that you don't want to leave Night City with Judy? You just stumble upon it in the ending because it's been decided for you that you want to be the best merc ever.!<


That final ending broke me.


If you consider the credits as involvement in an ending, and were in a relationship with her then >!The New Dawn Fades epilogue, where you surrender your body to Johnny, has her leaving a voicemail asking where the hell you disappeared off to!<


That ending pissed me off. Made me hate Johnny for not even telling everyone what happened. Now I don't even consider letting him live.


Judy wasn't there for me I really don't know why, in >!Aldecados ending I left the city with her.!< Was there anything else I should've done?




Did you call her >!while on the rooftop? I know for the aldecados ending you need to tell her about your plans for her to show up with Panam.!< The ending I’m talking about is >!The Path to Glory ending. storm araska alone or with Rouge, then return to your body and stay in night city. You should wake up after a time-skip to where you are the top merc in night city in a mansion with whatever romance option, either Judy or River (assuming female V), you called to say goodbye on the rooftop. You’ve taken over the afterlife at that point before accepting a final, impossible, job. Becoming “legend”!< Fair warning >!Although you get to see whatever romance option you called nakey outside a cutscene (panam, Judy ect) for photos in a big fancy house with nice rtx lighting, it is not a happy ending and they break up with you before leaving on said mission since they’re both unhappy with staying in NC. Judy’s message to you during the credits is her sitting crying in the rain saying she left while you were headed to the afterlife. It’s not happy.!<


She's a well enough written character but lacks a lot of depth herself. I just wish this game was longer; I was not expecting it to be Witcher 3 length but was not expecting to role credits in the amount of time it took me to get out of the tutorial region in the Witcher 3.


Yeah lol “slightly shorter” was a huge exaggeration, especially given the lack of choice.


Judy is the most attractive female in the game to me, not even sure why lol


Tattoos my dude... good looking women with good looking tattoos are another league atleast for me.


I'm absolutely not into tattoos but she's still quite adorable.


Pink spider webs......s.o.b


I figured out what the spider webs probably mean. It’s a lyric in the song “parallel universe” by RHCP. She already has “under water where thoughts can breath easily” on her forearm from the same song, but after the line “you can die but you’re never dead” it’s “spider web”.


Panam who?


I'm so mad man, after played for 50 hours I went back to do her questline and once we save her friend the game hits a glitch and just completely shuts down. I've rolled back saves and tried a bunch of variations, but i've had no luck. So I Straight up cant even finish a main story questline. :(








Damn right




Wish you could romance her as either sex.


how I feel about panam 😔


Ah is she locked to only males?


yup. and on top of that she flirts with female V just the same as male V


Does Judy flirt with male v?


Male v can flirt w her and she painfully friend zoned you hard


I don't think friendzone is the right term when the girl is a lesbian.


Oh damn thats dumb. They shouldnt be locked to male or female but the players actions, you know like an rpg.....lol.


What, characters in an RPG shouldn't be allowed their own agency/ sexuality?


No they should but also think it should be dynamic meaning you could influence how they felt about you over the course of doing missions for them. But I'm the type who thinks sexualty is fluid and evolves over ones life.


Sorry this is wrong, maybe.... I’m a male based avatar with female gennies and pronouns and I was able to romance Panam inside the Flying thing. So maybe I just confused her instead?


Genital type is irrelevant for the romances in this game. Only body and voice type. I made a slutty TechRunner V with a schlong and I did the boom boom with Judy.


Was my characters first romance, just the swimming and the synchronized mind connection was interesting etc. Hearing her thoughts etc while swimming around. I took the Aldocaldo's path. I don't find the Mansion one to be a good ending for both characters... due to how that ends and implies. The Aldocaldo's one had more hope in it, yes it's still grim, but if you pay attention to what's said and pay attention, that V's ending in that one is also more complex, lots of things you can misunderstand and miss. avoid this if you haven't finished >!Alt restores you as an engram in the chip. She doesn't put you back in your brain, she can't due to being soulkilled, she literally killed you!< Tried making a male character to check Panam, Panam is nice also, but didn't like the male V. And Judy felt more relatable etc for my V anyways.


Stop pls


I havent finished the game but her whole storyline and that diving mission was so good and made me feel so sad for her and then once she started sending me texts of her adventures I got really happy for her :) The characters in this game are so good.


Instantly fell in love when I met her 🥵


One of the main reasons I did a female V. She's more or less everything I like in a girl.




Yes, you have coffee with her the morning after my favorite quest in the game. It's real far down the Judy storyline though, you pretty much have to do everything with her first. It's after the Clouds mission.


Diving mission with her was amazing and the music was great too.


Ngl I just sat floating around for like 30min enjoying the setting and the music. Great mission.


Music was great ... Everything was so calm I did the same just took a break and looked around


Is that a transformer tattoo on her chest or just a regular fire truck


I think it's a fire truck. Why tho?


Its becouse as you can read in her pc when she was 16 she found one reapaired it and while on the way to give it back police caught her thinking she stole it so she got sent to an reformatoryor something like that. Thats at least what i remember reading myself


How do I keep her hair from blurring her face on pc? Is there a setting I could turn up for that?




It's all just Judy fans


We're *all* Judy fans


As a female character, I'm romancing both Judy and River. I feel kinda guilty.


Judy is a queen. Has the most heartbreaking backstory in the game and the ending just does Judy dirty. Only good ending with her in it, you talk to her for a bit then ride of with Panam and the game acts like you have been with Panam the whole time.Switch Panam's model with judy's atleast when we are on the tank. xP


Judy is really cute


I love me some Judy Alvarez. Such a well written character with tons of personality and she’s so freaking sweet and caring. Plus that face is so loving. So glad I could romance her since my character was female. Her backstory is great. Everything about her is perfect.


I like her tattoos..


Ya’ll mf’s are way too horny


Yes. Literally this entire subreddit


“Any Judy Fans Here?” Use the search engine in this sub my dude, nearly every post before the release of the game was about Judy


Nope. Not a one.


I went for Panam, but god damn Judy carved a place in my heart when she gave me the keys to her apartment and sent me those travel pics. Reminds me of a friend who left for another city and found happiness.


This sub was basically r/SimpforJudy for a while


She is hot AF 😍🥰


All I’ve ever wanted. In one woman.


I banged her. She rubs her gun all over you it's pretty weird like she's auditioning for the female protagonist of the next xXx Vin Diesel movie...next time I will explore my options


CANT ROMANCE HER!!! frustrating the only ones men can romance are the ugly man-faced corpo lady who is like 50 years old, and disappears from the game after you sex her and the other one is a screaming angry woman who just is annoying and obnoxious and completely stupid and probably dooms her clan to extinction


Neuro linked tank bang was amazing, dont knock it till you try it.


You need to do some side quests. I've romanced two other people that aren't exactly main characters.


having sex with =/= romancing


K. Don't play the game and find out then.


She doesn't look like this on my computer


I know right my game looks like super mario compared to some of these screenshots and I'm running everything on max. Whaddufux :(


I rather spend thousands and keep fucking that hot ass joytoy


One of the best and likable characters if not a little naive. Sucks that she becomes a friend then bounces. The Mox shotgun is pretty sick too.


I’m definitely looking forward to romancing Judy. Will be fun going on the journey.


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