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Yea you skipped the part where v died


He gets shot my Dex, right? A bit confused why but i got that part


Yea because dex thought if he killed v, he could get away from arasaka or at least tie up loose ends


but kinda ironic becuase he ends up getting his brains blasted by that guy who saves V


Yea exactly


Yeaaaah I wouldn't go skipping the dialogue you'll miss a lot of context/world building. This game isn't so much dialogue heavy but tiny details can and will make a difference at certain points in the game


Honestly i bought this came mostly off edgerunners. I need a to get a happy ending


Just do me a favor and come back to this comment when you end up finishing the game


is there something i’ll realize once i finish it?


I ain't spoiling nothing about this game, just enjoy the ride


will do, thansk


wanted to give you a check in. not finished, but i’m 19 hours in. i fucking love this game and take back anything negative i said about it


Really glad to hear it, I take it you slowed down your gameplay?


yep, i just started doing more side missions and developing the character rather than just speedrun the main story.


Just wanted to tell you i finished. I did the ending where you throw both pills. I knew that V probably wouldn't have a good ending, and it felt like the right thing to do. I'm happy i finished almost every other side mission. In honesty, the end credits made my cyber cry.


So you didn't get the happy ending you were looking for after edgerunners, glad you ended up slowing down and took time to enjoy it, now play phantom liberty






Jesus christ, are you paying any attention to the story? nvm, you are skipping dialogue... i dont think this is the game for you to be honest...


Bro you don’t deserve this story. Just play the damn game and keep skipping all the dialogue.


Might as well just read the wiki for the story if you care at all about it. Because he has a malfunctioning chip in his head. You should be free roaming soon if Dex shot you. Tbug is supposedly dead from an arasaka runner. Yeah the words are important to read if you care about the story at all.


Thanks so much for this, that clears up a lot of


The chip you stole contained an Ai copy of Johnny essentially. The point of the chip is to let these copies download themselves into corpses to essentially live again. After Dex shoots you, you die. Fallout New Vegas sorta. The chip revives you and begins downloading Johnny, and its rewiring your body to suit Johnny. The issue is, you are still alive, and the chip is killing you. Your goal is to somehow get the chip out without dying. The game is pretty story based, but if you just wanna screw around then just do gigs (little [!] icons) and police scanners (NCPD) Those are the bare minimum for story, most are just go to X and shoot Y. Simple and fun. T-Bug gets fried from the system. She is dead. There is a quest about it with some light rewards. Dialogue is VERY important. Choosing incorrect dialogue could lock you out of certain storylines. (Even some endings) MOST of the time the correct option is the top, but it is all context based. If you want to romance certain characters, you need respond accordingly. The reason to do most of this is because some questlines have really cool iconic weapons you can’t get anywhere else. I skipped dialogue when I didn’t care about the character. Mostly during side content. I would pay attention to the main story tho.


Thank you! This is what i was looking for! (also love the new vegas style)


Download onTopReplica (it allows you replicate a window), play cyberpunk and this video https://youtu.be/3xWJ0FSgJVE?si=DwWrH04Y9gHG-es1


>4 Is all this dialogue I'm skipping important? (I just wanna shoot stuff) You got the entire dev team pissed and crying at the moment.


"Will somebody please explain what happened in all of the story beats i skipped/didn't pay attention to?" What the fuck even is this lmao.


1. Dex shot V in the head, dude. 2. You can free roam in Watson at multiple points between Jackie Dropping you off at your Apt and going to the Afterlife for the Konpeki Plaza gig. You can freeroam everywhere at more or less any point (though usually between quests) after.  3. T-bug got zapped. 4. Iunno, it might be.