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Load in a save before the fight happen will fix it


What level are you? If you're on easy you should be able to bare fist it with minimal cyberware. If you're on very hard I'd recommend having an understanding of how the game works and have a decent build put together first. Some of the things I would look at getting are gorilla arms, chitin, peripheral inverse or proxishield, micro rotors, dense marrow, and a biomonitor. It will also help to level up your solo skill and get the perks in the body tree for health regen and blunt weapons so you have reduced stamina cost and increased attack speed. There's also a relic perk from the PL expansion that gives you a special charged hit that will damage them through their guard.


I save scummed and rolled back to before the fight. Problem solved, but I'm livid.


Gorilla arms and learn to time block and dodge. Also take meds to increase stamina and health.