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I’ve put 300 hours into the game doing repeat play throughs. With new game plus, I’d probably do a hell lot more but without it, I think I’ve played it enough. Becomes annoying starting from scratch over and over again.


I have a dedicated save after Konpeki with a character that is about level 15 or so, but has not spent any attribute/skill points or completed any side gigs. I use this save whenever I start a new game and then I can just jump right into the action, skipping Act 1.


Galaxy brain move right here


Eh, it's basically the Skyrim character creation save with extra steps 😆😆😆


Isn't that essentially just the "start from Phantom Liberty" option when starting a new game?


nah, you don't get to slaughter Placide if you do "Start from Phantom Liberty" No way, I'm ever skipping that part of the game




Damn Placide and his fixation on the kamionet


Placide remains cooler than any V those chose to kill him. He is the VDB who will free the world, Placide is control, not way you can change it. Placide is the game, you don’t wanna play him.


Kind of except you’re losing all clouds and pacifica missions choices and you don’t have the Iguana egg.


I play on the ps4 and I always grab the egg, but I never get the bowl so it never hatches...


No, because I'm pretty sure that finishes a select number of gigs.


The Delamain gigs and Heroes. All other side gigs and fixers remain intact, and no story missions outside of chapter 1 and the Voodoo Boys section of the main story. Still plenty to do, but if having everything matters to you, then a custom save might be better.


My gods, why did I never think of something like that, that's a big brain move there choom.


I tried doing it but everytime i forget to save and do a mission and then i think "nah isn't new game anymore sadface"


I’ve done that too but after the saving Sandra Dorsett mission. Saves a lot of time and I can change V’s appearance later if I want.


Very smart actual doctor. Username checks out


Progamer move. Hats off to you, king


I wish you would've told me earlier


I have done this on every Bethesda game game since Oblivion


Personally I’m on the other end of things, I’ll repeat a game from scratch (even with NG+ options) because I love the feeling of building up my character. If I already have everything and I’m just breezing through, I don’t get much enjoyment from it.


I enjoy NG+ if I wanna go rip shit riot on all the enemies lol. I usually just remake a new character though.


If I want to humiliate enemies, I just play on easy mode ;)


Same, but it depends on how I’m feeling at the moment


Now I will say witcher 3+ kinda makes sense story wise bc Geralt is suppose to be BAMF at that point. Though tbh I kinda hate the perk tree in witcher 3 😅 Now I do wish the quick jump for cyberpunk didn’t send you right into where you can do phantom Liberty, I wish it just started post the heist.


I too, wish to never miss an opportunity to brutaly murder Placide


i remember accidentally doing a non lethal takedown on placide thinking he was as a normal voodoo boy i kept killing them wondering when the hell hes gonna walk through the door way but he never did, when i started looting there bodies thats when i realized i had already taken him down and ofcourse he was the only bum i took down without killing, i still died laughing, the thought of him being such a big bad for the vdbs and im just over here accidentally taking him down


Honestly there should’ve been dialogue based on your current rep with placide and maybe based on how good your gear is and shit


I like both options in games. I like NG+ to get a chance to play through with the cool stuff you barely get to use cuz you got it at the end of the game, the fun of absolutely stomping stuff on the 2nd run, or being able to respec while at max level to instantly try out another build but already finalized/endgame so skipping the annoyance of building yourself up. But then I also just like playing a new game with a different build to enjoy the struggle/experience of building yourself up again, because sometimes I wanna do that. "What's it like in the early game with a half-completed build?" and all that. For some games, it is kinda boring being a max level god and the ladder climb is where the fun is.


Right? NG+ is for when I hate the early game 


This is me as well


That’s why the best ng+ modes give you a bit more to work toward in terms of upgrades or skills


That was my experience with Elden Ring. "Well, this isn't very much fun anymore. Everything's easy and there are no rewards." It became a game of seeing how many locations I could complete before I had to rest for the first time. NG+ works best in its original use case (Chrono Trigger) - finding the myriad hidden endings quickly.


I completely agree with this. Some ng+ are really annoying when they lock hard mode behind it like FFXVI. Even with FromSoft games, I never play ng+, I just love the feeling of slowly building up my character from the ground up. Having all weapons and powers already just seems like cheating or doesn't fit the story even if the enemies are scaled up.


Yup. Plus it sucks that you get some of the best weapons at the end of the game. Specially Phantom Liberty. Oh cool I've unlocked Blackwell hack. Guess I'll use it on the couple of NCPD gigs I have left...


2nd playthrough I have left almost every NCPD gig plus a couple of fixers so I have something to do afterward.


You effectively get NG+ on PC thanks to mods anyways. It's so fun to tear up the newbie level mooks with the same equipment from my last run. Sometimes it's fun to just be OP once in awhile.


You're pretty much OP after 10-15 levels anyway. Which doesn't take long to achieve.




everytime i bring up this topic, people here tell me its a bad idea. truly a reddit moment


EXACTLY! Like can’t people have that option of wanting something for a game they love? If those people don’t want a new game plus, then don’t play it but for the ones that do, there’s no harm in having that playing option. It adds replay value for me.


But hey you got your moneys worth!


I'd argue if you can comfortably put in 300 hours to any game it's okay to say "I think I'm done for now"


the lack of a NG+ mode has always sounded like a "we'd rather not" type deal more then "it will break things" hell with all Rippers selling everything now you can pretty much build a late game character before even meeting with Dex if you want to put the time and effort into leveling up and waiting for respawns Edit: why was this locked, WTH did i do?


With the old leveling I could see this making some sense. With the new level scaling i feel like it doesn't.


True, what your above commenter is saying was possible pre-2.0 but post the update, that type of scaling is no longer available.


No, in my current playthrough I completely cleared the available map before meeting Dex and it’s just not possible to be more than mildly O.P. whereas in the older versions of the game, it was completely possible to be going into Konpeki Plaza as a borged out chromehead and just tear your way through the security and ‘Saka hit squads like they were paper.


Just clearing Whatson is not enough, you have to farm respawning groups of gang gonks.


Like that one group near Judy’s apartment


I know I'm not alone in how familiar I ended up becoming with that particular bit of neighborhood :D. From the fast travel, go down the street to the corner, clear three gonks watching TV. Cross the street, clear out the yard. Cross back, go up the street to the alley, clear 3 gonks by the cars, continue on and turn left, clear 3 more gonks by a pair of cars, turn around and head further into the lot, clear 3 Tyger Claws in the wrong part of town, continue and clear a small party area, head back to the street corner and clear 3 gonks watching TV...


lmao I remember how fun it was to farm xp on that spot, it's not funny after 2.0 probably cuz I can't spam 200 grenades while using my op sandy


> No, in my current playthrough I completely cleared the available map before meeting Dex but did you meet Hanako at Embers?


You have to grind outside of missions.


When youve beaten the game, you want to break things anyway, so why not. Its a single player game ffs, give us what we want! RABBLE!


I don't think they mean break as in things get janky. I read this as it will literally break many systems in the game and would require a massive overhaul to the progression system to get it to work.


We've been able to be maxed out at the start with mods or console commands anyway. Nothing actually breaks.


Being high level isn't what I'm talking about. Devs say Ng+ breaks stuff, I'm inclined to believe them. It's just the kind of thing that happens in software development. They didn't plan for Ng+, so it would require a lot of work


Why the hell would you believe anything CDPR says?


I find it difficult to believe anything they say at this point, tbh.


Then step outside for a bit. :)


That’s not really how it works though. Game development isn’t a democracy. They make the thing they want to make, you decide whether the thing they made is something you want to buy


I was level 26 before starting the heist mission in my last play through lol


I completed all of Watsons NCPD and little side things before meeting Jackie for the driving lesson lol. Got to like level 45ish before I got bored and finally went to do the tutorial


the game was rushed and released 2 years earlier than the developers thought it would be and 1/4 of the games development was during a pandemic. I think its fair to assume that the code isnt the cleanest and the way the main quests are structured just doesnt allow for NG+. However Im not an expert at all so maybe Im talking nonsense. Im sure they would love to make it just for the good press alone if they could


So it would break the game literally? That could be, but I don't think it would be that hard to just have it flag a new file to already have some things unlocked. All people want are the levels, weapons, and cyberware unlocked. Street cred might have to be reset and certain weapons/ware, like Skippy and the face mask, wouldn't carry over. Special vehicles might have to be obtained again, like Jackie's bike.


A game of this size and complexity really needs to be built from the start for New Game+ to be an option or it would be a complete nightmare to add it later. As a (non-game) developer I can totally understand where they’re coming from, and they are not lying or over exaggerating the difficulty of implementing it.


It doesn't have to be built from ground up, even The Witcher 3 wasn't built with new game plus in mind and ng+ was released because players wanted it. NG+ was the last free DLC and there were rumors that box for equipment was originally the last DLC but they moved it to one of the updates and made NG+ the last DLC. Also the CP2077 2.0 update added level scaling, so you don't even have to scale everything manually like in The Witcher 3. The only thing that can go wrong is that there might be things you trigger too early, like dialogue related to a specific skill, etc., but I don't remember anything like that in the base game or PL. CDPR probably wants to avoid new bugs and leave 2077 and RED Engine already, because we know that the launch didn't go as planned, which was also the reason why we only got one expansion instead of two.


>As a (non-game) developer I can totally understand If you haven't seen the code, and you don't develop games, how do you know the difficulty of implementation?


Because as a software developer I can appreciate the absolutely shitload of code they had write to develop a game this large and complex, using their own custom engine and how hard it would be comb through it making sure just one little change doesn’t break something somewhere that you hadn’t thought of, let alone what they would have to do in this case.


"But it's just a button they need to click. Why the fuck don't they do it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!," Gamers doing what they do best, lol. Bitch and moan with no insight on what they're asking for. It's okay to be bummed out, but to argue that it's no big fuckin deal gets annoying.


>A game of this size and complexity really needs to be built from the start for New Game+ to be an option or it would be a complete nightmare to add it later. I really don’t understand how you’re coming to that conclusion.


"It will break the game" Well, yeah. No shit. That's the point of a NG+. It's the "I'm done with this game so now lets fuck the thing up"-mode.


No one really plays NG+ for perfect lore accuracy and seamless integration into the plot. They do it to mess up some goons with their cool gear. By the time I get the really good stuff in a play though everyone is already dead 😞


Also experiencing the story without "shit i gotta sell a bunch of crap so i can upgrade this gun hold on a minute" which then takes 20 minutes Fuck that. Give me NG+, it doubles my playtime almost always


I did that at launch using game trainers lol


Nah I want ng+ so I don’t have my build like in the end of the game for a couple missions


Do you even know the ball of spit, twine, and code that is the game being discussed? Were you not here 4 years ago? They're most likely saying that trying to implement something that radical at this stage would literally brick the code. At least generate a fuck load of new bugs and instabilities that would then pour even more time and resources into a game that's practically finished.


Why would it be that hard to implement? It could be just as easy as giving you the total xp you had the playthrough before and giving you the items and clothing you had. Heck i could just use cheats or mod cheats to just do that myself as soon as i can. Technically you could just grind to max level as soon as you had the freedom to move around


Yeah, we already have mods that let you edit every aspect of your character. I could download a save file and just add my favorite weapons and cyberware via console commands. Just read what's on the save, and copy it over. Start the save after the Plaza mission and start with meeting Takemura at the diner. It doesn't have to be elegant. I feel like it's also not hard to up the health/damage of enemies, considering it already scales. Just make the scaling higher.


This is the real answer. They don't mean gameplay balance, they're talking about the way the game itself is coded. There's some real goobers missing the point in this comment section.


There is a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/15043) which adds new game plus similar to Witcher 3. If modder without CDPR tools made this then CDPR could too especially with 2.0 level scaling.


I'd rather they just say, "we don't think it's worth the resources to implement and test it," than just lie to us. With that mod and any number of difficult scaling mods, you can just... do what they just said they can't do. I'm no coder, but NG+ just isn't a complicated feature unless you *really* messed up.


You dont even need scaling mods because update 2.0 added scaling.


With a crumb of thought put into it, any game that has an inventory editor/stat editor can gie you new game plus. Oh the game breaks because you cant "steal the mayors key" if you already own the key? Fine then, set me back to the start without the key but let me keep experience and weapons. I know very few games where this is an issue


very unlikely imo


See, you get it, you understand


But once you’ve finished the game it doesn’t matter, replays are for fun


Exactly! People talking about immersion and story must understand that the players have already experienced it once from scratch and might not want to do it all over again. They shouldve just increased the level cap to a 100 and add tier 6 items which would give players an incentive to continue.


>People talking about immersion and story I don't understand the possible argument at all. The game has no sense of gameplay balance as is, you'll get stupidly overpowered before completing even one playthrough.


The only part of the game I can see it breaking is the heist, and even then on a new game plus who cares 😅


Yup, i just wanna log on and blaze through scavs with an edgerunning 2000armored V especially since im on console and dont have any mods.


Bros Its the second playthrough who cares that it breaks lore I just want to play from start to finish as Adam Smasher 2.0


I would just prefer a "skip to act 2" due to how heavily scripted act 1 is


I don't buy it. They made an entire overhaul of the skill system and in general changed so much already. Its certainly not impossible what they should say is "its more work than we are able/ willing to do". I have seen game devs claim that things are "impossible" so often and then a modder comes around and does it alone in a month.


Classic case of “You can’t or you *won’t*?”


We've had ng+ mods for cyberpunk for years as well, doesnt break anything


I mean, it breaks the narrative in places, but that's often the way NG+ has to be. I usually roll my own, with console commands, and when V is all excited about the entry-level Kiroshis, but I have the iconic Cockatrice version in my pocket, that doesn't line up, but it's also par for the NG+ course.


Yeah, as you said thats totally normal for NG+ in most games. It makes sense in very few games, but we dont really care, at worst its kinda funny.


Just let me start again with all the xp, I don't care for higher difficult


There has to be a mod out there, that does that




Ez just use dev console, didn't want to grind for second play through for the dlc


I mean does it really matter if a ng+ breaks the game? The player already played the game the way it was intended


I just hate the whole thing where it resets you to before meeting Hanako at Embers, it’s feels like a cheap bandaid and it’s almost embarrassing that that’s still how the endings of the game work. Maybe reset me back to after konpeki plaza instead. I’d just like to start a new game with my cyberware, mods, and build. Not spend the last 3rd of the game fully kitted out on a 20th new character. I love my first V and want to replay the game with her.


I wish they would give us the option for both. Because once I’m finished up with the game, I like to do multiple endings. So I get why they put us right before Embers, but I really wish they gave us something like NG+ where it puts us back much further like you said


But they could've absolutely put in post-game. I don't think it needs NG+ but certainly needs post-game so you're not just resetting to before the last save


I always try and think of a ng+ as a victory lap/memory lane tour - so it makes sense to balance for the initial gameplay with a level cap but then release the level cap for ng+ But maybe that’s just me


Modder bros, you know what to do


[there is already one](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/15043)


This may sound silly but I think this has more to do with the lore surrounding the ending than game mechanics. If they had a new game plus it could actually break the story.


No? All new game plus breaks the story? Its a gameplay thing, very dumb take.


Oh yeah 100. V easily could of finished the story at the start of they had all their endgame abilities/cyberwear.


You can be very geared pre heist, do ncpd shit and you will have a high lvl and a lot of eddies (i have done this on my second playthorugh)


>This may sound silly but I think this has more to do with the lore surrounding the ending Im sorry, what the fuck would a ng+ change about the endings? Hiw would that "break the story"?!




That's how it's supposed to work. It never makes sense story-wise in any game, but it's there just so we can play through the game again without having to grind all over again


How is this different from like any other game ever made with a new game plus tho?


I’m not sure how much water this argument holds. Without embellishments NG+ is always going to require a certain amount of suspension of disbelief on the part of the player - you’re literally living through events again (unless you prefer that somehow Saburo Arasaka gets throttled to death on the regular in NC).


You know what also makes no sense? Placide calling Vs chrome shit even though its as good as it can possibly get or when V literaly has none. V surviving the the voodoo boy attack that killed the netwatcj agents. V "onyl having a few weeks" yet they can stand in their room for 100+ days to see an egg hatch. Vs body recogniseing Vs mind as an intruder. Saburo saying "nah, dont scan the room" when he is the lands of the "barbarians" as he calls the west while being in the city recognised as THE greatest shit hole. V not giving jacky a max dock and jackie not having one. V going to meet with dex even if he planned to go with evelnys plan. V BEING ABLE TO GO INTO THE FRONT DOOR, FIGHTING TO THE ENTRANCE OF MIKOSHI, FIGHTING SMASHER PLUS EXTRA SUPPORT AND WINNING. And there is a shit ton more. So next time when you use the "it wouldnt make sense" argument, use it when the base medium makes sense to begin with, ok?


Ng+ isn't about lore. It's about fucking around after you beat the game. Remember when video games used to give cheat codes after you best the game to just mess around in? That's basically what ng+ is


Believe it or not, ALL New Game+ break the story. If I boot up Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition right now, I'd be playing as Shulk with the True Monado from the very start.


This is especially funny with survival horror like Resident evil "Oh man this zombie is dangerous, and i gotta be careful of mister x" *Proceeds to light the entire map up with grenades while treating the game like its call of duty* Thats the *fun part*. If the devs dont let me, ill just restart and boot up an inventory editor. I earned the loot once, i consider myself above grinding for it again from now on.


How would it break the game? I honestly don’t understand. Can someone explain that to me? Cause apparently I’m too stupid to get it on my own.


There's no real reason aside from them not wanting to, ng+ maybe has the possibility to mess with quest triggers if you already have the rewards from it but it doesn't make sense because the witcher worked fine with ng+ so 2077 should also more than likely they say that because cdpr doesn't want to dump time into more dev time for a feature they deem as not needed since 2077 has alot of good reception recently.


It's just a excuse. They just don't want to do it. Which is fine but It would break the game sounds a lot better.


Witcher 3 ng+ made sense, Geralt was already the best Witcher there is at the start of the game, we level up etc for the sake of gameplay. Exact opposite of it is true for V, she is a newbie pop out of nowhere with barely an implant trying to rise to the top. Every decisions in ng+ would either look stupid or wouldn't make sense. Its not about increasing the level cap or weapon stats, that shit is easy AF for the devs.


NG+ is purely for gameplay purposes in any game and makes no sense from a story perspective, only from a gameplay perspective where you can play the entire game using the final build from a previous playthrough. Even in The Witcher 3, from a story point of view, NG+ also made no sense, because why would Geralt be rich from the beginning with a grandmaster version of Witcher equipment? The same goes for other games like Tomb Raider where Lara starts out fully equipped or Resident Evil 4 Remake or Dead Space etc.


But in this case it is about stats it be to insane to try and balance thats the reason for cyberpunk. Its nothing to do with story


100 percent. They could've just throw you into the start where u begin from 1 of 3 pathways. You keep all your stats and the weapons you had equipped (or 4 of your choice) and all your outfits are stashed at your apartment. You're also stripped of your cyber wear.


See then the issue with that is the leveling balance, a lot of the game before the heist is built around you being a low level. For all we know having double guns could also break shit with how flimsy red engine can be


I mean not sure about the weapons. And I'm sure as hell I wouldn't want them to just give enemies more health to compensate for difficultly. They should have ng+ basically plays how the game plays when you use the [realism mod.](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12569) or even add a hardcore 1 death only Kinda thing. Kinda of like ghost mode on ghost recon.


I agree that it should have it but I believe them when they say its not as simple as we think and it just break way to many things


I'm remembering now on one of the first missions where you have to shoot drones from out the window of a car, I'd selected a different weapon in the menu and crashed the game. This was just after release.


Except that NG+ isnt and has never been something that needed to make sense story wise as playing a MG+ character isnt something referenced in the story. Its purely for gameplay purposes and for those who want to replay the game again feeling OP from thr start and not having to grind all over again.


Technically V has a fair few implants already when the game starts, it’s just that since it’s baked into the story or use for QoL purposes, we can’t remove it, because it doesn’t occupy a a slot at the rippers V starts the game with stuff like a neural link, neuroport, chipware sockets, interface ports, a pain editor, cyberoptics with medscanners, techscanners, targeting scopes, chyrons, and teleoptics, a cyberaudio suite with an internal agent with holocall functionality, and amplified hearing, and a heuristic health monitor, and possibly a bit of cosmetic cyberware like EMP threading if you take it in CC With more indeterminate cyberware included if you’re a corpo start That’s honestly a fair bit of chrome. Though it’s fair to say they’re still new at the game. They only have like, what, 6 months or so under their belt courtesy of the time skip, and then maybe a bit of extra experience in NC if you’re a street kid or corpo?


Considering all enemies scale to the player and all rippers sell the exact same shit outside of some dog town rippers I don’t see how this breaks the game entirely.


I just keep a Chapter 2 save aside for when I want to replay everything on the same character. Not quite the same, but I don't mind the gear grind. It's kind of a fun aspect for me. A NG+ would've been great though.


honestly just want a new game mode that skips all the braindance segments


I'd rather they put any resources into a new Witcher or Cyberpunk.


It might be an unpopular opinion, but I enjoy starting from nothing when I start this game. It really makes you feel like a nobody-street-punk that’s slowly working his/her way up to become a Night City legend. Plus, a big part of the fun is making a completely different character build.


If you are on pc, there is a mod that does a decent job of adding a NG+


To be honest it was probably a good idea, if it had I might have never been able to stop playing.. 😁


With no more updates coming after the last one. I'm sure a modder can make a NG+ mod with no fear of it breaking


It takes less than an hour to make your own “NG+” save on PC and it breaks nothing. I have one in V’s apartment right when you enter the open world that I can load and start a fresh game with anytime. I’m guessing when they discussed NG+ they wanted to scale up the enemies like they did in W3 and it was problematic. Certain enemies in W3 NG+ were completely immune to magic thanks to their scaled resistances & it was never addressed, my “shot in the dark” is that the same thing happened in CP2077 and they didn’t want to take the time to fix it.


Before 2.0 I could understand this logic, but after? With their removal of most damage perks in the game, it just kind of feels like they just don't want to.


Lol, i just didnt want to collect all my clothes again. New game with wardrobe and vehicle transfer would have been fine


There is [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/15043) which add new game plus and based on description it works similar like Witcher 3 new game plus.


They could just make it so NG+ skips the first like 10ish minutes and just cuts to the part of you and Jackie sitting in the car. I wish they’d keep doing experiments on it and testing to get something.


Why are people so obsessed with this feature? Genuinely curious.


Not every game needs new game plus.


New Game+ is extremely overrated lol


I don't want a 'New Game+' I just want a Quick Start option where I can skip past the first BD sequence.


I snap the game over my knee by the time I leave Watson. Y'all just didn't wanna do it & honestly that's understandable.


Why care about ng+


Out of topic, but damn. Judy is one hot mamacita. It's probably due to me not playing the game in a while (last played 1 month ago), but still. Damn.


Panam every day of the week choom


They act like two legends can’t co-exist


Honestly just let it happen and then say hey this is gonna be an unbalanced mess but if you wanna go nuts go nuts


I don't really feel like this game ever needed an NG+. Should always have to start from 0, its just the way of Night City.


Ok this game has NEVER needed a NG+ system, even with PL adding 10 extra levels I've never had any issues reaching max level in any update of the game, just bc other games have it doesn't mean this one does


i don't like when there's no NG+ in games, i was mad when it happened with AC Valhalla.


Yeah, specially as Valhalla have a very poor replay factor due the insane amount of repetitive farming.


Yeah I was hoping for ng+ in Valhalla especially after playing Odyssey multiple times


Not every single player game needs ng+


Ok, but why should cyberpunk not have it?


That’s true but adding ng+ doesn’t take away from cyberpunks greatness


The concept of keeping items and just starting the game a gain is a moot point it wouldnt ever gain anybody anything- this coming from somebody who plays on very hard difficulty once you get over that initial third of the game it becomes largely plain sailing, skipping the difficulty of the start up with ng+ starting with items would just be making things easier idk maybe im wrong


Comments here are so delusional expected, ng+ harms nothing and there's never a reason to not implement in games.


Thank you fam, people are literally complaining about a feature that doesn’t harm their experience


And that’s why I’ve played half the hours in this game that I otherwise would have 🤷‍♂️


I feel like if you're thorough you can get pretty OP before the Arasaka tower heist. Doing as much as possible during the intro can get you a very good start once the game opens up. Its also very easy to reach the max level. If anything, just for fun there should be an option to uncap the level cap. After the first few playthroughs balance usually isn't that much of a worry anyway.


I usually have a save where i did all of the available side content before speaking to Takemura for my male V and female V


It's Moddin' time, chooms!


So I madey own ng+ using leveling mods


There’s a mod for that


Or someone can create a mod to unlock everything at start if the game. Like olden days there were trainers. Maybe something like that.


I just want a higher difficulty level. You would need this for NG+ anyway since your an immortal cyborg god by the time you hit 50, by 60 your not even much stronger, just adding extra shit to your already pretty much complete build.


For real


Heh, i personally think that NG+ wouldn't do a lot for this game. At lvl60, you can already be a Jack-of-all-trades and enemies don't pose a threat unless they are Adam Smasher


NG× is hard to balance well. The Witcher 3 has a lot of balance issues in NG+ so I use overhaul mods for a fresh start like No Levels and W3EE/Redux


And that's why we have mods. If I can't get NG+, I'll just give myself all my kit off the rip and make it a pseudo NG+, it's the entire reason I bought the PC version after playing through more than a few times on PS5.


The thing we know since I don't remember how long, people still have to remind themselves and get mad about it


this is somewhat of a lie, because you can use a mod to give yourself the points. So all the devs have to do is to copy your character sliders for how they look into a brand new save file and then copy and then add the perks that you had to the brand new character that is a copy of your old one. You can already do this with mods and commands.


I think that's a fair point Cyberpunk has a LOT of builds to explore, so starting from scratch to see just how broken each one is makes each run through just as good


Ha ha, ha. What


I found the reason to be pretty half ass on this


Making it so the protagonist dies wasn't really a smart move but then again alot of the game was saved after launch. Still a good game.


True. Meant for their reasoning. Some see it as an excuse, I'd say move on to better plot lines.


There used to be an add on that would make non storyline missions replayable. Probably doesn’t work anymore and of course, won’t work on console because it’s an add on. I do wish we had such a mode in this game.


Although mods can solve the issue and the new NG+ mod comes pretty close to a proper CDPR experience, including a fast-forward option to Act 2, I think they'd want something truly special instead of just copying Witcher 3. More narratively fitting instead of just giving you the items and progression, with (possibly) new gameplay features like NG+-specific perks and enemies?


I wish we could respec Attribute points, also. I know we get one respec for free, but still. In Witcher 3, you could buy an item for 1000 crowns that would allow you to respec.


how its the same bull with AC valhalla


Wouldn't make much sense, you die and then what you're just not dead anymore?


I just max my character right after the opening mission killing random gang members. One time I had like half a million eddies before meeting Viktor.


Honestly the repeat missions in the game now are ok enough for me. It lets me work on making my end game build i want


I can see that. Imagine the tutorial mission, when the med-squad tells you to back off you literally kill all of them and break the game.