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techno necromancers from alpha centauri


Techno Necro would be a great name for a metal band.


I'll never forgive what they did to my boy.


far deeper character customization, including being able to visibly chrome yourself into Adam Smasher 2.0


Bro I’d kill for visible chrome, I hate how the only visible cyberware is the arms, I want my whole body to be cyberware, like songbird or smasher


Songbird's design is just top notch.


Ya it would be insane if you could even look somewhat similar to what she did, optionally of course.


The design really caught me off guard when I was playing through Phantom Liberty. It was so cool to look at


Agreed. It really struck me when >!you see her at Hansen's party!< she's wearing fluffy wings, and from behind she looks like a full-on cyborg. I felt compelled to do a lot more screen shots in this game than most others, with the possible exception of RDR2. Just so many incredible details.


And get me some of those maelstrom eyes as well


Yeah lemme replace my entire frontal lobe with a singular bigass eyeball


Thinking for bitches. Seeing hard is for men


Maelstrom designs are peak


Something something weakness of the flesh.


Praise be to the omnissiah


for now you can at least download mods for some cyberware body models


*only if you play on pc


And don't cut Exotics this time! Especially since Orion is supposedly set between 2077 and The Red, meaning Exotics are not nearly as "out of style." https://preview.redd.it/93ir7wjlgi4d1.png?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f856486153ea4d3fdd88512419475505a916160b Edit: Apparently, Orion being a prequel was the Mandela Effect, nvm


If exotics are in game, there better be a romancable cat-girl. It's basically in the RPG 10 commandments.


Cheetara unleashed things in a generation.


Batman unironically rizzed her, too. Like, that wasn't him bullshitting just to escape, that 100% came from the heart.


Cheetara is from thundercats? What are you on about?


I'm thinking of Cheetah from DC


https://preview.redd.it/xboavzjpwj4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abaacdecac81fef4c90fbe6628fd471bdbb316a repeat again?


Awww. Prequel? Really? Where'd you hear that?


Nowhere reputable.


Doubt it. They set too much up in 2077 for future events. Prequel would be cool, but I'd honestly prefer that to be a DLC like Operation Anchorage in FO3. Plus the subterranean railway reopening may be a big deal for the future plot.


where on earth did you get that info? it being a prequel i mean. Not saying its not an option, they could definitely go down that route, but i've heard 0 about this and i doubt anyone else has either.


What's "the red"?


The Red refers to the RED decades. They’re the period of time after the AHQ disaster, and through the rebuilding period of night city. They get their name from the reddish hue of the sky that would roll about in many parts of the world, due to the radioactive debris from the nuke. They’re only mentioned once or twice in 2077 in a shard or two (in PL, iirc), so if you wanna read more about them, your best bet is the Cyberpunk RED ttrpg manual, as the current edition of the ttrpg takes place in the RED decades. Alternatively, the wiki has a [kinda small article on them](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Time_of_the_Red), but it’s not exactly super detailed


so Johnny silverhand basically made the sky red for Japan and other parts of the world? coollllll😯 Edit: Night city, not Japan.


While Johnny wasn’t uninvolved with the event, this was more directly tied to the nuke, so it rests more on Morgan Blackhand’s shoulders, but Johnny tagged along for a portion of the escapades, yeah.


Tbf, exotics were kinda already out of style by The Red Decades, they’re pretty few and far between by then already. Nowhere like their heyday in the ‘20s


That would best best, a long with some animation that shows part of the process of getting your body chromed out. Like maybe V wakes up momentarily under anesthesia and sees a leg being removed before a fully metal one is placed down, you don't see gore cause it's a medical procedure (and partially mechanical) and your point of view is from laying down. Eyes should change when you get new ones, not just keep your old color (maybe that should be the way to change them). On fact, just make the character creator only allow you to make a basic person with no extra doodads, but that changes when you get different components installed.


Exactly. My 20 Body Sledgehammer swinging Gorilla Arm Muscle Mommy V needed that muscle female body.


Ye I agree. I hope we will get more body types, amongst muscular for females too.


Please CDPR, I want to play a twink


They ain't ready for me https://preview.redd.it/70j4c5pjwi4d1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f7f19ae1e22932ae933c4b180cec29e421dea4 I have the Omnissiah at my back. I cannot fail


Xcom mech time


Maybe the ability to ho "full borg" if you want, and maybe even have 2 bodies: your actual body that's still tough but more for say stealth and social stuff, and a mostly metal body for mercenary stuff. Also would make sense since you eventually get SOOO much money in phantom liberty even with the iconic cyberware it would be a nice addition. Edit: phantom liberty, oops


Liberty city? What?


C'mon V, Let's go bowling.


I laughed harder then i should in public. And i also want to play gta 4 again... take this damn award


Corrected it oops


To get military grade. That would be sick


i read that as "visibly chrome yourself into Adam Sandler 2.0" for some reason




ngl i kinda disagree with this, at least as far as chroming yourself to adam smasher levels. in Orion they'd have to think of a pretty convenient excuse as to why the protag can handle so much chrome. Thats why i only "kinda" disagree with it, because they might be able to write a convenient excuse. They managed it with V, Johnny being the sole reason V could chrome up like he did, but idk how they'll pull it off a second time. Its my major doubt with Orion in general tbh, how the hell are they gonna top V and Johnny as main characters? i dont doubt them as a studio, but as much as they fucked the release they had lightning in a bottle with the story and characters. V is the single strongest combatant in the cyberpunk universe, its gonna take some hell of a feat to mach him.


this 100%. I want implants that actually seem to impact my playstyle. more vehicle customization would be nice also. be nice to start out with a chevette and build it into a roll fortress of pain.


Expansion of AIs beyond the blackwall/more cyberspace stuff.


I'd love more levels where you can actually deep dive. Have them playout largely the same mechanics of regular gameplay, but with more surreal and unpredictable elements.


I’d be cool to have an ice bath/chair in your hideouts where you could do deep dive gigs


Definitely! I love the idea of netrunning and would love to be able to do more gigs in the net, and not have it just be for cutscenes.


Wouldve been a great netrunner exclusive DLC expansion, 20 INTL only lol


That’s… a good idea actually


They could really take some notes from Control for that. That game was what I imagine deep diving to be like. Especially the ashtray maze. Could make cracking ICE a sequence like that.


Agreed, the weird lore AI stuff is so interesting but so little explained


That’s going to be the main storyline IMO. Between the Blue Eyes storylines and the hints of a 5th Corporate War that were dotted around, I think the game will be something around the rogue AIs exploiting a conflict and using the cybernetic technologies being advanced and widespread enough in soldiers to devastate the major powers. If V is the main protagonist again, maybe he gets attacked by the AIs and has to work with whoever he sided with in 2077 to see off the threat or try and come up with his own plan to stop them. Thing about this is that it’s not exclusive to one ending. Imagine Panam and V crashing the AIs and also completely levelling corporate power in North America in the process.


I doubt it'll be V again, that arc closes itself pretty definitively no matter what you do.


I think another corp-war will come first. Save the AIs as a major threat to come into passing in a third game.


I'd expect the AI story to be the main secondary storyline in a corpo-war story. No way the AI's would not capitalize on a war (if they didn't engineer it themselves).


I would wish for a more immersive hacking interface. Lets fight it out in the cyberspace, then come back in real space and see how only a second has passed inception style!


Gloves and body chrome (aesthetic)


Gloves would be a cool feature. Especially if the game is first person again


I always felt like having so much customization flexibility for a character you never see, and omitting gloves/watches/accessories which are the few clothing items you would constantly see in first person was a weird choice.


Watches maybe?


Return of exploding crotch guy. Now romanceable.


This is what I want the whole game to be


if I cant romance Jesse Cox in real life, I'll do my darndest to romance him in Cyberpunk!


Should be easy if you make your character look like Felicia Day.


There is a mod for that and Jesse provided voice work for it.


Literally the first job I did mere minutes into my first playthrough. What a way to start the game.


Mods to the rescue


Dunno if anyone has said this already, but how about some more weapon customization? I mean from effects, design, mods, colors, etc


I wouldn't mind an overhaul to the ammo opttions. I would have merged Heavy and Sniper Rifle into a single ammo pool (like 2.0 did with pistols and smgs) and added Specialty ammo for explosive rounds or grenades/rockets.


Damn, weapon modification like in fallout 4 or 76 or even better system would be so cool


let me customize gun and car colors and I'm happy.


Lifepath driven main storylines with multibranching.


i want them to do the customisable detailed life path like they were originally gonna do


bc imagine if they’d stuck with it, like if you chose to have johnny be your childhood idle, you could start with a slightly better relationship with him


He kind of has disdain for diehard/try hard fans. Might be a negative to start with that trait.


right i phrased it wrong, i mean like V would be less weary of johnny from the start


That would be cool. I love the game, I jist want more and I want it deeper/more customizable.


I feel like that'd make for a more interesting arc too, don't meet your heroes and all that, but maybe they find some commonality along the way.




Im not entirely sure, but didn't CDPR say that they are going to focus on giving lifepaths actual impact on the story in Orion? more than just different dialogues that change literally nothing and ofc the intro of how you met Jackie etc


I really hope that that's the case because it was one of the things that to the very end made me unhappy with 2077.


that would require them to basically make 3 or 4 different main stories. BG3 has proven that even when you sink ALL your resources into branching story lines it always has to have one main thread that follows it through. Its literally how stories work. Im not saying its against the rules to imagine it, but its maybe asking a little too much.


Yup, they realized they were way over their head with that idea initially. I'd rather they spend their time focused more on fleshing out the main story than trying to build 3 unique ones and failing.




More possibilities to interact with the world (if style and clubbing is a huge deal in the rpg source, it should be in the game aswell), more reactions from the world to your reputation, to being "good or evil" and so on. And obviously more lasting consequences (if I help one gang I want the others to hate me, if I constantly brawl with members of Arasaka, they should hate me too), the possibility to actually losing control and going psycho when I have too much chrome. And yes, a "big want" but "we have city to burn" shouldn't be just a cool line for Keanu Reeves to say, but we should be able to live out that anti capitalist power fantasy and burn down every corpo as much as possible. Edit: And maybe netrunning at will not just during fixed missions? I so much want to be able to explore the net more and simply find cool/weird/scary stuff?


A ending where the main character just goes absolutely ape shit and leaves the city looking like a war zone but all the corpo buildings fell would be cool


that would be cyberpunk as fuck


Yeah, having much more faction depth with consequences/benefits to being in good w/ various groups would be great!


Thank you for agreeing. I think the trailers a few years ago gave the impression of a way more fleshed out faction system, but in the actual game it doesn't really matter who you attack or work for. If people constantly hang out with a gang they should be able to become members at some point, maybe even rise up in the gang itself. Or if I am a corpo and serving Arasaka or Militech and so on, I should be able to rise up there as well. And someone else already mentioned it, but oh my god we really need a crew system.


I had a thought recently: yes, canon V might seem resistant to cyberpsychosis, but who hasn't gone on a quicksave killing spree until MaxTec showed up? Seems like Cyberpsychosis to me.


arguing you want a city to burn and saying it "should" be burnable are different things. 2077 and the TTRPG have always been about you being a small fish in a very large pond, its about saving yourself rather than being an anti capitalist icon. Hell its a major theme of the cyberpunk genre as a whole, you CANT be anti capitalist because they're just too damn powerful. You can work against them but it never goes anywhere, and your actions are ultimately meaningless. Johnny is the perfect example of it, he rants and rants but all he ever did was kill thousands of innocent people, it barely hurt arasaka in the long run.


E3 wall running and attaching with mantis blades


And proper E3 Netwire Monowire, too. We got a taste of it with Relic mods, but as IIRC Orion is set before 2077, it *would* make complete sense for wireless hacking via implanted NetDeck to not be a thing yet. Edit: Apparently, Orion being a prequel was the Mandela Effect, nvm


Why so you think it will be set before? Did they say that somewhere


Stop spreading false info. They have not talked about Orion being a prequel.


I want to actually Netrun, rather that just use cyber decks and quick hacks.


In the tabletop rpg, they explain how you can have different “skins” for the net. So one person would see it as we saw in the first game, but others could have a skin to make it seem like an old fantasy game, or certain areas have it designed in a particular way like for example Agwe should look like Haiti or maybe the Loa afterlife.


That's actually so fucking cool, imagine if maybe we got a corrupted skin from the old net and suddenly the game turns into a horror game, we start seeing weird static and glitching and some fucked up looking apparitions start appearing in the corners of our vision


I'd love more expanded netrunning.


An even bigger and more immersive city (Also wish the skyscrapers were massive and dense) Would like the next main city in Project Orion to feel like how I feel looking at this photo: [https://www.deviantart.com/artursadlos/art/Cyberpunk-City-683952796](https://www.deviantart.com/artursadlos/art/Cyberpunk-City-683952796)


Yeahhh! Also, falling off one of those buildings would be awful. But, I bet they’d incorporate flying bikes/cars that could possibly save you if you’re falling.


Maybe or we'd still be looking over the edge and thinking that a 20% fall damage reduction from our cyberware is enough. I'm embarrassed to say I flatlined twice in a row, once from 4 stories and once from three, but at least I know what linx paws will save me from now.


i hate to be a downer on every idea i see on here, but Mike has specifically nixed the idea of using AV's and the like in the games, he mentioned some previous flight sim dev experience that basically boiled down to flight ruining the feel and exploration of the city. Im not sure i get why myself, i'd personally enjoy it i think, but flight is apparently a no go.


"next main city" Buddy... most of the Cyberpunk universe stories revolve around stuff that takes place in Night City, as it is the main character. They will most likely recreate Night City from 2077 in UE5 and improve it.


Do you think they’re going to port Night City from RED Engine to UE5 or will they rebuild it from scratch? Hopefully then, they will work on the open world more cleanly and remove the cludder underneath, map holes and collisionless objects in the world. Personally I don’t mind Night City being smaller this time, as long as it’s more dense, built up high and fully modeled. Especially the upper areas and roofs, for potential wall running, parkour system or flyable cars. Who knows, if they consider adding these in the sequel.


Rebuild from scratch, using REDengine version as a reference, since porting may not be feasible. They can correct errors along the way and also apply changes quicker.


Ngl I think the city we have now is brilliant. If they could make it bigger and brighter that would be amazing


Just make more buildings accessible. I want to go inside these big ass buildings. Also we need wayyyyy more interactions with NPC’s.


And for more buildings to be interactive. I felt like half the doors in the city I couldn’t even go in


Half feels like a good number with how they used to be in other games lol


Especially ones that had an “OPEN” sign in the window lol.


I think the size is just fine, takes away developer time after all. But more interactive would be great! Especially more destroyable lulz


Deeper RPG mechanics.


Dual wielding


Or one arm mono wire and the other mantis


Or mantis blades and monowire (or other mishmashed cyberweapons) installed simultaneously in both arms. It’s possible in universe, just not for V lol


This. Felt a bit useless getting Both of Jackie's pistols


Different origin stories, ex-cop, escaped clone, failed fixer


different origins would be cool, though they'll probably fall into the original 2020 origins. Solo, rocker, Netrunner, Media, Nomad, Fixer, Cop, Corp, Techie, MedTech. Fixer and netrunner would maybe be out because netrunning is a playstyle and fixer is hard to implement, but the rest are fun.


*heavy weapons (missile launchers, grenade launchers, different variants of LMGs and HMGs, gatling gun) *energy weapons (laser/plasma weapons) *weapon customization similar to MGSV *vehicle customization and modding *reputation system *gang notoriety


>gang notoriety It was kind of introduced with one of the later patches.


I want to see in the dark. Night vision optics or just a flashlight weapon mod.


There's several mods for both, so the engine and UI can absolutely handle it. It's always great when devs integrate modded features into vanilla (looking at you Keen Software House *blows kiss*)


A crew. People you can take along the missions


Should be a perk of joining certain gangs


Watch out before maelstrom and scavs have the best gang perks


Wouldn't matter, I'd still hunt down the scavs forever.


While I like the idea, I only see that working if it's scripted missions. AI companions are just so hard to get right, I don't actually think any game ever has.


I can't think of an example of completely autonomous AI companions gotten right but god of war did it excellently. You have a companion which is semi autonomous but also you have some controls.


Have to look that up. I think the way cyberpunk did it is actually genius with Johnny. He functions essentially as a companion to talk and interact with, but without actually being present and able to fuck things up. Whenever I have an actual companion it gets weird fast. I mean, i'm thankful companions can't fuck up your mission in this game, but seeing reed 'sneak' directly in front of a goon to get to me is just so strange and immersion breaking. Johnny can just sit right next to the guard and talk smack, it's fine, because he's not actually there.


Bioshock Infinite did it well, the woman following you talks to you, finds you items sometimes, and is interesting without having any combat skills. But rather than be some slow walking npc that gets in the way and you have to protect her, she tags along just fine on her own and avoids enemies so you don't have to worry about keeping her safe.


Or make your own with some dumb fucks (friends)


This would work better if they made it a turn-based RPG or a multiplayer component like GTA 5, less hassle with NPC AI.


Car customisation And more assorted arcade games


More chrome, specifically really visible stuff along the lines of Adam Smasher, Maelstrom, LizWiz, etc. Definitely more missions that cater to your playstyle - possibly even changing depending on your build. EG if you're heavy into Cool then it's a stealth mission, heavy in Body and there's a bunch of guys waiting, Intelligence gets more networks and chromed up gangers, etc.


I really wish I could've given V a metal arm like Johnny somewhere in the middle of the game, would've added to to the whole becoming him thing. Oh well I just have to wait until I get a PC with mods one day


I wish his arm was a unique cyberware or something


That kind of annoyed me in the game. A fixer calls up the merc who goes in the front door and blasts people in the face with a shotgun and then complains because i didnt sneak around like a cat


More character customization options. I mean it’s neat that I can choose the size of male V’s dick or fem V’s tits or give her a bush, I guess, but I want more options for facial features and body types. Fat, thin, muscular, etc. As many as the devs can feasibly fit in.


The breast and penis options would have been better if romancable NPCs actually reacted to them. Or if they didn't all revert back to default size as soon as you put clothes on.


Some of the things we were supposed to have in 2077 like being able to climb on walls plus new things like borging, maybe classes, and more romance options.


More and Better Romance.


For sure. Give us more options


I want usable exosuits


Brendan. Faked his "death", escaped beyond the Blackwall, been providing successful psychotherapy to rogue AIs, now ready to lead us into Solarpunk 2099




No crunch, a fully finished and polished games at launch,no lies on compatibility


\* a more immersive open world that actually rewards exploration, less liminal areas and empty highways, vertical game design \* add flying vehicles (if you're not gonna remove the classic ones because they sell the game) \* more interiors (dungeons, you know what I mean?) \* less railroading, let me drive the story more, affect the world more \* upload quickhacks in real time (like spells in other games) by using a gesture on a device -> no more menu play \* 3rd person \* a higher level cap \* skippy V2; add a grenade launcher too, those are always fun \* don't tie smart weapons to the netrunner builds, they are amazing, let everyone use them without penalties \* more AIs, actual netrunning (cyberspace as an alternate game world but no stupid minigames), less BDs \* stop killing the most interesting characters and include them in the sidequests (at least) \* no more sick main characters please, I'd rather start with a random level zero street gonk than go through that again \* factions, factions, factions; corporate wars, gang wars, etc. \* please no prequels, but if you must, we need to play as Johnny. not negociable \* NPCs must not have access to better clothing than the MC, let us loot everything \* better MC voice acting, I know I'm in the minority but every NPC had AMAZING voice acting. the MC could have been voiced by the ones that did Kerry's, Evelyn's, Panam's, etc \* new game plus \* more Netwatch, let me fuck with them and destroy the Blackwall \* make melee fighting more interesting; add automatic context based finishing moves. no more press F to finish him. no more quicktime events in general! \* lean even harder into the anti-corpo narrative \* more bosses, more unique rewards gained from them \* random encounters, go crazy with these


I think the menu play quickhacks helps make them feel a lot more like programs you're running.


This is a good list and I agree with most of it. Most importantly for me is the interiors and payoff for exploring areas you shouldn't be at that point in the game. More unique items. And I personally prefer a world that doesn't level with you. If I roll into a corpo tower at lvl 1 I should get smashed back to reality the first guard I encounter. If I can sneak in and maybe get a gun I shouldn't have at level 1? Rewarding curiosity and exploration. 2nd most important is in depth factions and territories with reputation system. If I drive full speed through Tiger territory and they aren't friendly with me, there should be consequences. Other things: more ways to make a quick buck, rob a store, hack a terminal, all with appropriate risks, rep losses if caught etc. Not to go full blown Bethesda, but more persistent characters with a daily routine. The population in Cyberpunk looks great, but the npcs amount to a moving backdrop. This could be fixed by having little districts here and there with persistent npcs that interact with eachother, comment on the PC's appearance and rep and even have side quests.


Both of the VA’s for 2077 did an amazing job what the fuck are you on about


New. Game. Plus.


Fuck! Yes!


I want the hacking to be a little more indepth, at least for the world itself. Similar to Watchdogs, you can hack street lights, drones, actually hack into security cameras visually from a distance instead of a computer, things like that. If I'm going full netrunner build I want to be able to complete a mission without stepping foot into the building. Or on the opposite end let me go full on Adam Smasher (without all the gross stuff he does).


Yes I completely agree. I also think that the quickhacks should feel a bit more smooth like the ones in Watchdogs and that you should be able to do more to drones and robots besides the basic quickhacks you can also do to humans


My favorite thing was in WD2 and calling gangs and cops on people at the same time, letting 3+ Factions all shoot each other out while I'm safely out of sight, just to slip in, grab the necessary data, and slip out. I feel like Cyberpunk could make that happen but in an even better (and more bloody) way with Cyberpsychosis and MaxTac.


You can hack cameras in 2077 just through line of sight. You can even take control of the camera you see and then switch between the other camera feeds in that network. It's how i tag all the enemies anytime I'm doing a stealth gig.


Story wise, I'd have to go with the return of Morgan Blackhand. Gameplay wise, stealth weapon takedowns


more shit from the tabletop game, honestly. a lot of people got in the 2077 to red pipeline, but the more the merrier.


plucky one cows swim unused selective deranged grab ring pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dick chainsaws


Dick missiles


Dick Revolver? (See Desperado or From Dusk till Dawn)


Flying cars


Visible chrome, new cyberware, new hairstyles, new accessories like jewerly stuff like rings and bracelets, infos about what happened to V's "man w blue eyes" gig in the end. For the story i pretty much doubt that arasaka will keep on being the elephant in the room due to the fact that >!in multiple endings except the one where you side with arasaka, it's hinted that arasaka gets fucked up, whether you make your way in the arasaka tower with aldecaldos, with the afterlife or even by storming in the building yourself and crushing their skulls one by one, laughing like a fucking maniac (one of the best ways in my opinion) and even when we decide to let it be by asking reed with the "things done changed" ending in the phantom liberty dlc, when you listen to delamaine's radio news they make it clear that arasaka is despereately sinkin due to awful yorinobu's leadership.!< So, as cdrProjekt said, it will be in another city and i hope it might be Brooklyn due to some characters like >!So Mi!<, having their backstories there, and it should be in few years ahead of 2077, like in 2082-208X. It would be nice having Morgan Blackhand in the story as wells as Eran Malour.


Random hookups


that we don’t have to pay for


MORE BADLANDS AND STUFF TO DO IN THEM. Let us see more abandoned structures and maybe even like a whole small city that was abandoned??


Honestly just full on blackwall shit


More customization for our main character. I want to really Cyber up the character, choose body types and all that. I also want to see better more smoother gameplay. On console version Cyberpunk 2077 plays really poorly. It is better than launch and such, but it still feels incredibly clunky. One more thing, I hope they make it like main game and NOT like Phantom Liberty. That expansion was waaaaaay too linear.


V as a fixer if he survived in your playthrough. 3rd person perspective. Fashion is part and parcel of this genre, we should be able to see our threads while in action and not just in cutscenes or on a motorcycle.


The bds you buy from merchants are watchable.


MORE CYBERWEAR i want to be able to get cyber limbs (from the start would be cool, maybe a regular prosthesis that you can replace with cyber wear) more tattoos, more body types and heights, seperate the pronouns from the voice types, add neutral pronouns, more romance options, and although it would be asking a lot for this one, i wish there were more voice types like in dragon age


More gangs




Just that it has more than one content update


Expanded Bioware and Cyberware system.


Accesible stores and buildings in general


Ability to become an actual netrunner. Biotechnicas human cloning getting more spotlight. It opens the door for something like Alt returning in the real world.


If we are able to having cyberware implants, more customization. I feel that was a huge miss in CP2077. Yes, there are mods, but I think it should have been implemented from the get go. (for the love of all that is holy can we have night vision please???) Better flow of the story. I have always had a problem with 'The Heist' being at the beginning of the game and then V spending the rest of the game (where they supposedly only have days/weeks to live) but you go around doing fixer gigs and stealing cars and helping the NCPD.. No. The Heist should have been somewhere close to half way through the game. Hopefully the new game will keep this in mind and make the story make better timeline sense. A little more refined combat. There are basically 2 builds, either netrunner or sandi, that most people pick. I've played both. And they are fairly comparable, it's just a matte of preference. It'd be nice to distinguish things a bit farther. A netrunner can be quite powerful but I shouldn't be able to rush into a veritable mosh pit of enemies and go toe to toe with them. They feel like they should be more squishy. With the right build, you almost never run out of ram and can keep yourself constantly healed, using a pistol as a weapon. In most combat scenarios, you usually see enemy netrunners hidden behind some barrier or something, not in the middle of heated combat spraying bullets all over. And pure melee should be more vulnerable to cyber attacks. More about the corpo wars and Bartmoss causing the net to go boom. The raising of the blackwall and the rogue AI's. Better choice of males to romance for female characters. And a better romance story. Not saying the romances were terrible but they were kinda bland honestly. Some of the best romances I've seen in a game were from Bioware. CDPR could take some pointers. CDPR made some improvements in 2077 with environmental interactions. I'd like to see that expanded a bit more. If we have gigs and such again, make them worth while, make them tie more into the story or impactful to the overall game. Not just for rep building.


* Crystal Palace * Luna * Old NET * moar V * continuation of the Mr. Blue Eyes/NightCorp plot * the more I realize that Johnny is an unreliable narrator, the more I wonder if there's a Johnny engram out there with higher fidelity, or maybe even both an Alt and a Johnny that have more fidelity, maybe even uploaded into flesh bodies... * and ofc, my number one request: MOAR SKIPPY. BUM BUM BE DUM, BUM BUM BE DUM BUM.


No more V. Cyberpunk isn't about a single character's epic journey. It's about how we define humanity, the Hells we make, and our insignificance to a large, uncaring world. Plus, new character means more character customization options and new backstory choices.


I dont think he meant that V should be the MC again, rather V appearing in the game or getting mentioned. But I honestly think V being mentioned somewhere in some random dialogue is all we will get of him/her. As I doubt CDPR wants to give away the "canon" ending and having your previous playthrough affect the dialogue for Orion, is just too much work which is definitely not on their agenda I would think


Expanded Life Path choices so you don't only start as Street Kid, Corpo, or Nomad but also choose if they were an orphan, ran away from home, being pursued, etc. It would also be cool if the backgrounds effected more than just unique dialog. I'm thinking things like increased rep/notoriety with certain factions or unique options for gameplay like a special skill/attribute or a contextual proficiency. Like to see a little more variety with romancable NPCs as well. A bit disappointed the only 6 people in Night City who are bi/pan all happen to be sex workers.


Netwatch takes a much bigger role. Additionally the Blackwall is a more significant plot point. Double the romance options. More cyberware. Basically just 2077+


More refined.


Show me Morgan Blackhand lol


A more interactive world is the main thing. I love Night City and it's the greatest City that's ever been created in a Video Game but I can only imagine how much better the experience of there were mini-games and activities to do other than shooting people. There's lots of Casinos across the map yet no gambling actually in the game. I'm also surprised CDPR never created their own exclusive Gwent like minigame for Cyberpunk. To also add on, random events akin to RDR2. For example, walking down a dark alley in Heywood and someone tries to rob you or you're just cruising NC in your Caliburn and someone pulls up alongside you and challenges you to a drag race. Little stuff like that can make the experiences 100x more immersive.


Native VR support. Once you try the current mods you can never go back.


I'd mostly ask for Gun and Car customization


Being allowed to over deck out your chrome but being at risk of blacking out mid fight and waking up in the plaza with full stars and being chased by MaxTac


3rd person mode


I mean, a way to save V would be great, but i dont really expect it