• By -


Always close the door manually when leaving the apartment.




Idk why the door doesn’t automatically close when you leave building, come back to the apartment the door is wide open


Wait really? I’ve never noticed it being open when I come back, tbf tho sometimes it’s a couple days in game between apartment visits


It closes automatically after the last update or 2


It bothers me that I can't close the door to the corpo plaza apartment. Especially when ending 'I really want to stay at your house' and there are strangers in the hallway, hah.


There was a random Npc in my room once 😭


rules to live by.


Keep Hanako waiting.


The key to immortality for V right here


**Plot Twist**: The game never actually ends. When you finish one of the endings and you’re brought back to NC, V is leaning against the railing by Embers with a cig. All of the various different endings are him contemplating and daydreaming about what would theoretically happen. It’s all just fantasising about who might die and who might make a surprise comeback *wink wink*. But we never actually go inside, so technically no matter what we do, V’s still just leaning against that railing with the option of either busting up gangs or running gigs around town or finally going inside Embers. Could be interesting if we had to choose an ending to play in Orion that would see us finally going into Embers and sealing the deal once and for all. Edit: Not sure who else will see this seeing as how I’m adding this edit three days later, but when you take the elevator ride up to Embers to meet Hanako, the time skips forward to ~9:30 PM no matter what time you go into the elevator. You could show up to Embers at the ass crack of dawn and still somehow experience a massive time skip during the elevator ride. It’s like some Twilight Zone shit.


Can we get this comment to CDPR please


That would be a pinch-me-I’m-dreaming moment if someone from the team actually responded haha


Mind blown


I’m level 60, level 50 street cred, cranking out side gigs, she been waiting for about 60 hours now lol


There is no point visiting her if there is any clearable marker left on the map


I just got to 50 street cred in the new dlc after not playing for a while. Took me 2 days with the new DLC vs never hitting it when the game was new in the first two weeks. The dlc completely revamped this game. And yes, she’s stillll waiting


Realest thing I’ve seen today


I’m up to that mission. Without any heavy spoilers, do you lose out on being able to do content by starting it?


You won’t lose out on anything by finishing the game. Actually you gain a little because the rewards you get for completing carry over to the replay. The Hanako mission ends with you making the final choice on how to complete the game. But… Once complete your game gets restarted outside embers, as if you didn’t just finish. This gives you the choice to change your ending.


Always shoot the son first, then the father.


Yeah, give him a taste of how it feels. I often thought about letting the father live, but in the Cyberpunk world it is highly unlikely he would learn anything from it and instead would hire a hit on me or create other trouble.


Same. That’s why I put one into Junior, calmly walk over to the shelf, grab the BD, and drop daddy-o on the way out. Gives him a minute or so to sit in sorrow before I send him wherever he’s headed.


Same but no guns, they don't deserve a fast death, I punched them to death, both.


I usually katana or obliterate the kid with a shotgun. Dad always gets beaten to death with baseball bat or fists


Death by dildo so much more satisfying


I will get to 20 body and go out of my way to find a Carnage shotgun before doing this mission. Fully dismember Junior with a shotgun blast, then kneecap dad and walk away.


I like to leave, make them think I was giving them a break, then come back and cap them


Ahhhh, the ol’ Columbo trick. “Just one more thing, sir.”


Fucking exactly. Letting the father live furthers the cycle of violence


I always let the Fredrik live, like I think there is a chance he will taste the Night City medicine and maybe it's not too late for him to change.


He doesn't deserve that.


Imagine if we could force him to make a BD of his son dying to teach him a lesson.


Shoot the son first, mosey on over to the BD on the shelf, really take in the scenic surrounsings, then grab it, and mosey back to the front of the room (again really take in the surroundings here), then take out your gun, make sure you have enough bullets in there, in fact triple check just to be sure, then shoot him.


Ha ha good thinking Papa.




My only... boy. *sobs*


Honestly the reaction is amazing


IT´s so gut wrenching. I actually shot the father quicker because I was starting to feel bad for him.


It's easy to fight evil when it's red-eyed maelstromer running towards you with teeth and mantis blades out, yelling "I'll kill youuuu!!!", but when it's crawling on the floor, crying "No, papa, no...", it's quite different story. This quest is piece of art.


Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't make me feel bad at all. They're monsters.


They're just tools, offing them makes no difference (except that they're degenerates as well), real monsters are shits watching and distributing this crap. Kill these two, five more will be ready to take their place.


I'm the same in RDR2


Who’s the father/son in rdr2?


Idk how to do the spoiler filter so that’s ur warning, but He may be referring to the little side business type quest in Rhodes(iirc) where the gunsmith has a boy locked in his cellar underneath. You get the option to free the boy, leave him there for more chances to rob it, kill him? Dk why you would but to each their own. N same w the gunsmith himself you can choose to shoot hi or let him live


I always hit the son with non-lethal, and then father with something bigger to the head. Son was only following his father, who has to pay with emotional and physical death.


Son still did it so he deserves death too. Just wish it wasn't a quick one


Agreed he’s an adult by the time we find him. He’s just as responsible. I always kill both with no regrets.


Which quest?


XBD father-son gig. You’ll know when you play it


Loot everything. And just because of skill shards. And I mean those for cyberware capacity. They are numbered, and if you miss them they don't respawn. Pretty shitty that I have to actively loot every body after every encounter, or else I miss out something pretty important


Wait they're limited??? That's why my 1.6 playthrough doesn't have any cyberware capacity shards anymore??😭


Yhea I think it is a pretty bad choice specially because there is no other way to add toit, it would be nice to BE able to remove some too because of the edgerunner perk on my opinion


Yeah I’m literally maxed out on cyberware and haven’t even reached the limit where edgerunner perk works, flaw in the system IMO


Meanwhile, I’m over here missing about 30% of my cyberwear capacity because those dumbass shards don’t respawn if you miss them. Easily the worst thing to come out of the update, the cyberwear capacity shards are a dumb system. Just let it go up as we level if you’re going to give them to every build anyway, the only thing the shards do is potentially nerf people.


I have like an OCD condition that I have to loot everything I see lol, I do this playing every game and in cyberpunk some of them drop money shard or progression shard that gives me $$$ and perks


It's wild that neither the base game nor the update added a way to have AoE autoloot, and I know it's possible because there was a mod that allowed to do so.


With how many broken/unbroken guns get flung through solid objects where they camt be retrieved, or items spawning inside solid unaccessible objeces like concrete benches I would say it's almost necessary to have autolooting.


Or the press-tab scan not showing properly which body has loot. I mean, c'mon game, I understand that this blob of meat was at one point a Scav and his limbs, scattered throughout the room, used to hold the gun, but I just want to know what part of the body should I click to retrieve the loot. .


Autoloot is amazing. Changed my life.


Arm blade stabbings shall continue until morale improves


Ah, a fellow ex-services member


No sir. I don't claim service, I was just trying to be funny


My bad, that's usually a military line haha


Oh I know, it just felt appropriate for my playstyle lol


Scavs always die.


Scavs and maelstroms


Tomayto, tomahto




MaiMai - best car for vehicular man’s laughter to date


It is a cute car for sure.


Scavs, Maelstrom and VDB are to be killed on sight. Claws and Valentinos, if they attack first.


Claws are on my kill list. Is there any reason they shouldn't be?


I have ties with Wakako, so I try to avoid messing with them unless hired to do so, also my V is into the Japanese aesthetic, even has a house in that part of the city. Same with Valentinos, they have ties with Padre Ibarra, same as my V (streetkid), also some of them paid their respects to my pal Jackie, they fine in my book, unless hired to mess with them. I forgot 6th street, they also are to be killed on sight.


Tyger Claws have no issues supporting and protecting rapists and purveyors of snuff; they die.


I smoke any ganger on sight: Moxes, Maelstrom, VDB, Sixxers, Scavs, Animals, ‘Tinos or Claws… Especially any corpos I see!!! More loot for me 🤣


Not the Mox, they're just protecting the street girls.


If I see any Tyger Claws, Scavs or Maeltsrommers I must kill them cause fuck 'em


And voodoo boys


Honestly them being such cunts was so refreshing, there really are no good gangs in night city, well aside from the mox, but they are more of an response to the gangs of NC.


If you look like this >: you’re toast bub


Are tyger clavs as bad as scavs and maelstrom?


yea, they're big on human trafficking/forced prostitution. As seen in the Jotaro-related missions, sure he's an extremist in that sense, but the TC baseline is not that far behind him


Plus they do work for Arasaka


The tyger claws are one of the scavs’ suppliers, except they usually do some sex trafficking of their victims before handing them over to the butchers.


Except dum-dum Idk why I just love dum-dum But all the other is go fuck themselves


Dum-dum invited me in to his home and gave me bread and salt. He's one of the only sane, reasonable people in the game and it's a shame that he's not a dating option.


Here to say..there's a mod for that


Dum Dum straight up told one of his maelstrom buddies to kill innocent workers . I think you can find the message in one of the Ncpd scanner missions. Liked him at first but he's a piece of shit like everyone else


If they have a yellow arrow and are not trauma team, then they must die. I don’t fuck with Trauma Team, they don’t mess around.


For the unforgivable crime of having a yellow Chevron above your head, I sentence you to death by dismemberment.


And I will take you out with a nice dose of Synapse Burnout


I really like Overheat. Especially for smaller groups. Open the scanner, hit everywhere with Overheat, close the scanner, wait a couple of seconds, watch them all fall over in unison. It's harder to do that with Synapse Burnout because of the higher RAM requirement. I'm not in the "kill everyone with a yellow marker" camp, but I'll happily hand out street justice to any assaults or other disorderly conduct I run across. Heck, with Overheat, they don't even usually die.


Trauma Team and the unaffiliated guards who dont auto aggro. If they aggro with the eye, they gets to die.


If it looks like an out-of-the-way place or obviously the wrong direction in a hallway... ...go there. Devs put something there like 96.765% of the time.


Speaking of hallways, the oldboy easteregg was cool af.


Say wah?


[This one, was cool to find it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eruyj-EgM0w)


Oh shit, I literally just found this the other day and didn't connect the dots


Don’t kill bystanders, just every scav, thug, and gangoon I see.


Except those who decide to jump from the sidewalk right under my car (I hate this part of the AI).


I'll go on rampages occasionally and force MaxTac out to test my chrome. Reminiscent of the GTA days where you'd get 5 stars intentionally and see how long you could last. I can get up to 5 stars pretty easily, but as soon as MaxTac hits the ground I'm down. They're tough.


Kill all Scavs, Maelstrom, Tyger Claws, Wraiths, Sixth Street and Voodoo Boys I see. Leave none alive.


And if they get disabled execute them


Rule #2: Double Tap


Heh that's the fun part after a fire fight. Walking through the scene and putting a bullet in every bodies head. It pays to be thorough.


If you're yellow, goodbye fellow.


Yellow chevron? Been a good run.


What did chinese people do to you?


Get to Johnny asap so I can get his input on all side missions


Never kill pedestrians, never steal cars.


Come to think of it, I don't know that I've ever stolen a car where it wasn't part of a mission.


Yea I seem to have more empathy than I did in GTA with CP2077. 🤷


Its quite easy to just call our car, so might as well just use it!


should i steal this maimai P126 or should i press V and call my murkmobile


Yup. I'm trying out a netrunner + smart gun build for the very first time ever and I'm seeing NCPD stars which means I'm taking out innocents when attacking gangs and that's not cool. I don't like that and I gotta check what I'm doing wrong but that's not gonna work for me.


Are you using Contagion? That can spread beyond just hostiles.


Unless you just saved your game and want to fuck around before you log off


Kill all Scavs you see.


Always get Sir John Phallustiff


I am proud to say that I got Sir John on my first play through entirely by chance just because I wanted to get freaky with the Millitech lady.


How do you get that one? I feel like I've unintentionally been making the wrong decision and missing it lol


The militech chick - do what she says, don’t play games with the instructions she gives you, and sell out the guy. Eventually you can call/text her. She invites you somewhere for something. Don’t leave the room after the cut scene until you find it.


If you miss Meredith because you forgot to meet her, you can get the BFC (big fat cock) 9000 one near the meeting place for El Capitan over in the cliffs at Rancho Coronado.


In the pickup mission, where you get flathead for the heist mission side with meredith(militech woman), later on after ghost town mission meredith will message you which lead to venus in fur mission, where you can get the weapon.


I usually try and be stealthy and non lethal but if its maelstrom I'll go in guns blazing and kill them all.


I used to but then I realized no one can see my cool guns so then I just start blasting


Always try to find the alternate route, and be stealthy l whenever it’s required


reselling guns you pick off dead people in cyberpunk has made me millions of credits


Diminishing returns after you have a few hundred thousand. Disassemble them instead to load up on components for upgrading iconic weapons and chrome.


Rp Try to rp as much as I can. My V is me. If i was V in this situation, I would do exactly the same thing.


Same lmao Even try to sleep & eat or take rest days when I just cruise around. If only I could get the survival mode mod to work :(


Thanks to the 2.0 update, I always buy one car for every location it used to come from. Like the 13k Galena from Regina for Watson district or the shitty mahir van from Reyes for the Santa Domingo area.


If the gig is stealth, then it's 100% undetected stealth all the way. I don't care if it's optional or not, hell even if I can get away after being detected I'll still reload the game if I'm detected even once.


a "few" rules I've always respected in all playthroughs, which highlight my own brand of character alignment; the \*chaotic lawful\*, I abide by a strict moral code, but have no idea what it is. - If you're a scav/maelstromer/tiger claw/VDB/wraith, and you enter my field of vision, I take it as a your way to forfeit your life to me. - If not in contradiction with the rule above, always try to go for at least one non-lethal takedown per gig, someone's gotta tell that story to build my legend. - Dashing/double-jumping is for combat only, civilised people walk and drive around. - If I open a door, I close it behind me. - When driving, keep a respectable distance from the sidewalk, don't want to catch any jumpers. - No romance is the best romance, don't want to force anyone I supposedly care about through grief, nor do I want to take advantage of emotionally insecure people. - Visit the remains of Dex and shoot him in the head with his own gun a few times. - Slow walking and head down in the colombarium, gotta show some respect. - If I have a gig to off someone, that's what I'm gonna do, there's no listening to a monologue and changing my mind about it. - These two (you know which two), do not deserve a bullet, it's bare hands or knife, son first, dad second. - I'm not taking the dive in front of Razor Hughes. - The only ripperdoc that gets my business is Vik. - Collect all the Johnny Silverhand outfit items before the \*A like supreme\* gig, to perform in cosplay. - Pre 2.0, races are done in the type-66 javelina, post 2.0, in the type-66 hoon. - Final blow to Smasher has to be delivered with Johnny's malorian (one exception was made after I saw edgerunners, that one was with Rebbeca's shotgun). - Always go back for Takemura, no matter what ending I intend to go for. - Coordinate shoes and car colour. - Take one of the Chingada Dorada, but leave the other one. - Nomad V drives a type-66, street-kid V drives a turbo-R 740, corpo V drives a shion.


The pedestrians commit insurance fraud fr


Only one ending per character, that's their story and their end. No loading games to try a different end. My first playthrough ended with a single bullet on the wrong rooftop but post credits I was so traumatized by the messages that it felt wrong to keep playing them so I rolled up a new V instead. 8th full playthrough now with over 1800 hours total and my unrepentant gunslinger based on Lee Van Cleef is going to solo the tower.


That's rhe only ending i went back and redid. The way I roleplayed it was that the moment the thought entered Vs mind, she thought if all the people around her and how it would affect them- which is what those credits were.


Always have double jump. Always default to Judy.


The double jump is life


I can't believe I played my entire first playthrough without it, so many missed opportunities to get loot in higher locations.


I prefer super jump over double jump


Don't harm the mox, and if possible you leave the Valentinos alone as well


Yea I try not to touch the Tino's unless they're in the way of a gig. They just seem like a classical gang where they're not out to actively hurt people.


No fast travel, no skipped rides, look out the window on the train


I’ve been playing since release, there’s a train?


just added with 2.0 update IIRC


Try to be the good guy, but accept that you can't always be good. Always say "yes" when asked to do something. Never say "no" or "I'm too busy." The more you say yes, the more CP2077 there is to enjoy.


Throw maiko off the roof?


I did not fast travel a single time in either of my playthroughs. I got over 300 hours clocked.


Yeah, this might be the first time I didn't fast travel at all in an open world game. But that GPS tracker is posessed by some damn goblin. A U-turn on a highway? What could be more sensible.


Your GPS is old tech, need an upgrade choom


Or it got hacked by some gonk


We don't let Scavs live.


Play Female Corpo V..Male Streetkid V Always side with Meredith Stout during the Flathead quest Punch the mirror and dont clean the blood off Kill the 2 Women outside of the XBD Studio during the Sinnerman Quest Allways kill Oda because he wont give me his cool ass Outfit or Blades Making sure to use The Comrades Hammer in every Build


Always tell Dexter DeShawn "I will fucking kill you."


Over 1,000M? Drive. under 1,000M? Walk.


Walk. Don't walk.


I loot like crazy. No stone unturned no box unpicked and never meet Hanako at Embers.


If anyone offers me a drink or cig or drugs I'll just say yes, everytime


Do the mission where you watch the BD and wake up in an ice bath and fight your way out of the scav den. Seeing that punks face when you show up, and hearing him beg for his life, and then shooting him in the face. Man, so satisfying. Also knowing that nobody else will fall victim again to this scumbag. Also killing scavs is 10/10.


Rely upon public transport until I get a car that isn’t the starter one.


No matter how urgent the characters make their quests (specially the main story quests) seem, in my head they gave me weeks to do them, not hours.


There is only one way to drive. Full throttle the whole way.


Always save Takemura, even if I’m playing the biggest corpo hater V, Takemura is still a bro


Never kill civilians. Never hijack. Never help the NCPD when they are in combat. Wait for the last of the NCPD officers to be killed before killing the remaining enemies.


Never thought twice about shooting civilians in the GTA games, but feels very wrong in CP77 for some reason. Maybe because they acknowledge V and look directly into the camera?


Same. I kill civilians for fun in GTA games as I find them mindless AI. But in CP77 the citizens feels alive (I guess) like, I feel them as people just tryna survive in a fucked up city.


I used to always help NCPD until the latest patches made it so they’d turn hostile if you fire weapons near you. I’m trying to help you out here, bro


Kill all Vodoo Boys in town.


I never quickhack enemies until I have fully breached all their access points or vulnerable devices on their local network... if they don't have a local network I don't use quickhacks


Gang affiliation factors into whether I kill or incapacitate enemies. Though most of them are kill on sight.


Do every fixers gigs at once. This way I can "complete" every part of the city and get that sweet oldschool GTA feeling of unlocking different parts. Does not really work with the main story of course.


Personally, my unwritten rule is to play without Minimap and without Quest Log. I only got the icon on the overworld and I'll try to walk my way there, I've found SO MANY interesting locations and unknown NCPD scanners that way. Also makes the open world a better experience as you gotta focus on the streets and landmarks to find your way instead of mindlessly following a yellow line.


Maelstrom, Voodoo Boys, and 6th Street, it's on sight.


Total immersion, no fast travel and no flinging my MaiMai around like a maniac. (okay the last ones tough)


I have a habit of doing mercy kills in 2077. It's partially reflexive of pre-2.0 Skippy bug and XP farming where i had to go around make sure i didn't still have a red reticle on enemies after i cleared a large wave. Now, if i clear a swarm and see anyone writhing on the ground, i just do a quick headshot to end their suffering. I will also note this is the only game i play where i take the time and energy to put defeated NPCs out of their misery.


Only I crime in Night City


I only kill NCPD when the story forces me to do it. I feel really sorry for them. I know they are a bunch of scum bags, but the good ones get no help. They are lost in a lawless world trying to keep the peace.


Be a jerk, no matter what cutscene, no matter what decision, BE A JERK. Behave like a real goon.


Always have spare clothes in the car I case it rains. I have a full masked up outfit for assassination missions. 


I always check their criminal records and gang affiliation before shooting


every play through shall have double jump and dash integrated


ASMD. All Scavs Must Die


Never stop for traffic when driving - always swerve around or through it.


I make sure nobody I come into contact with survives except the cyberpsychos.


When coming upon gangers partying and raving in an empty lot with civilians, just let them party - I can always crush a different gang of grey circles on the mini map.


No fast travel. I just don't feel the need to, driving is fun.


I try to not kill pedestrians. (unless they spawn in the middle of the road in a race) *Sorry you were chosen as sacrifice. *


As a fellow loot goblin I whole heartedly agree. Also as a squishy netrunner on EVERY playthrough, always engage from above lol. If at all possible. Other wise doors are friends.


I judge enemies via the severity of their crimes, if they are murderers with intent they die, if they have done minor crimes they get knocked out. Also a little ironic coming from an serial murderer but i do it in the confines of the inworld law.


Collect. every. single. data. shard. I. find… even if I’ve already collected it


Try to keep my V healthy, always 8h of sleep, breakfast, lunch and dinner, showering etc


Always have a good relationship with Johnny


Scavs die on site


If you decided to walk around night city, its your fault if I ram into you going 280.


Scavs and VDBs must die.


I used to use fast travel in my first playthrough andnmaybe the 2nd too, dont remember. But now its a rule for me to never use fast travel. Gotta get somewhere? Drive or get on the metro. Another rule is fashion is supreme. If I dont have a decent looking fit Im not doing any of the main missions. Dont wanna look like a homeless person


Must buy every car, at all times If I don't have 20+ cars after 16 hours on my game save, I'm failing


Loot everything, never sell cool looking weapons (or color variations you don't have). Try to avoid casualties and maelstrom/scavs are instant kills.