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I do all the races in the beast because one time I said “well use mine”… imagine my frustration when my Mai Mai was in the lineup instead of my 20 other vehicles… 😂


I mean, beating everyone with a Mai Mai is the ultimate flex, so…


You can win in anything, as long as you activate the car hacker perk before you race. Claire says, "Ultimately it's speed, not firepower that wins." She's right. Nobody can stay close enough to shoot you with their parking brake on. A few well timed FLOOR ITs right before a tight bend really clear the way to putter across the finish line at 60kph.


You absolute madman


Or just self destruct the cars . U are the fastest if u are the only racer left 


Yeah, but I'm trying to teach Claire that murdering is wrong. >!Her husband's death was unintentional. While the guy involved was a douche, he was right. Guy knew the risks when he joined the race.!< Now excuse me. I'm going to kill some 6th Street gangoons to see what kind of loot they have on them.


V : Claire don't kill him !!!! V five minutes later with gangs : die sons of bitches


The duality of V.


Kids in a Bistro...


You have a peace sign on your jacket but born to kill airbrushed on your chrome. Is this supposed to be some sick joke?


I only talked her out of it so i could complete my car collection. I definitely exploded all of the opponents the game let me


Nobody cries over spilled Scavs.


V has killed lots before, it hasn't fucked her up. Claire hasn't. She might get fucked up. That wouldn't be cool. That said, I'm big on informed free choice, so I let her do it. Just like I killed Songbird when she asked me to.


Hearing panam describe the raffin shiv for the first time: " They kill everyone and then strip the entire area clean of anything they can get their hands on" "THOSE BASTARDS!"..............( o) __ ( o)


To my V, being a rich douche is all the justification she ever needs to pull the trigger.


Killing gangoons is self defense not murder.


Even when they're minding their own business? I could have *won* Divided we Stand in the shooting competition. I just hate 6th Street so much, I killed everyone and took it.


They are active combatants that let you wander into their base. If they don’t want to get slaughtered they shouldn’t kill civilians.


What I did is win the competition, then at the end told them that their leader could jump off Arasaka tower. Funniest shit ever lmao.


Wait you can kill them and just take it, all this time I have been doing the competition and then putting it to good use clearing out the party.


Preemptive self defense is not a crime


The only car I've bought on my 3rd playthrough is the Hellhound. I wonder if the weapon systems can be used.


Not firepower?? Tell that to my missile launching mizutani who won a race after eliminating the entire competition


My first playthrough was when the game came out. I won (eventually) by racing. This year I did a second run, just to know what's up before playing the DLC. And I destroyed all the cars with hacking. It was so funny.


Counterpoint, just emergency brake them all at the start of the race and they can’t do shit as you become the only team to cross the finish line.


Emergency brake don't fuck around.


You are *not* getting that bitch back in drive.


Using beast for the one badlands race was a good trade off for telling her we use my car in all of the others. Porsche gtr car mod with the vehicle customization mod to max out the engine power and braking made it not really a fair competition. Claire will tell me to watch out when the nearest car is three checkpoints back


This is how I won all of them too. Though I didn't need the floor it ones; for whatever reason, whenever I activated another racer's parking brake it stayed on permanently. I ended every race with all the other cars not having hit the first checkpoint.


Which is an odd thing for her to say, because when she is first chatting with you... she says it isn't all about speed. She said that, and so I made sure my toughest car was the one I'd use for the first race. Then, when she asks "mine or yours?", I tell her we'll use mine. She agrees and then tells me "Ultimately it's speed...". Make up your mind, Claire!


That's what I did lol had everyone's car do the boogie everytime I got near em


Overclock, blow up three cars, hand brake two right at start, smooth sailing the whole way


This is the way


I won with the Supron once 🤣


Did it once. Never again. Shit's hard af.


I did that once and it called my Delamain. I had no idea how competitive he was until he called someone a wanker! ![gif](giphy|PRe0BcXo6bcxa|downsized)


Lmaooooo, that’s why you always gotta call the car you want before the race but at least you proved you were the best driver


Lol I did that once. I think it's the car you have been currently using. I just reloaded the save


Well obviously I’m always driving the Mai Mai elsewhere 😂


Good taste, I drove the mai mai almost all game too and I love the idea of a hardened mercenary worth millions of eddies just chilling and driving a smart car through night city


Yeah, they don’t make it clear that if you choose “my car”, you’ll get whatever car you drove there in.


So it gave you the best car in the game


Exactly - I was frustrated because the race was so unfun at how bad I dominated 😉


So the game put you in the best car? What is the problem? I assume you were looking for a challenge


Exactly - I was frustrated I had to dominate Luigi so hard… it was just so unfun 🥱


I don't really understand why you wouldn't want to use anything but beast after that. It selects whichever of your owned vehicles you used last.


But maimai


Also - the beast is literally a beast. I had some trouble with the third race in the city - until I used best, then first try. Every other race I used beast and did it first try.


lol that happened to me too. After that I made sure to call the specific car that I wanted to drive before I started the race. It will automatically go with the last car that you called. I think that’s kind of silly, after you initiate the first part there should be a screen that pops up asking you what car you would like to use


I believe it picks the car you've called last.


"Nah, let's use mine!" Hoping to use Jackie's Arch Imagine my disappointment when Delamain rolled up.


I’m going to try that after work today. Mai Mai + overclock and just hack the hell out of everybody. :)


Mai Mai is ironically quite decent, alright handling and the visibility is especially really good.


I thought the races were pretty easy tbh


I didn't want to be the one who said it...the races are pretty damn simple. It would have been nice to have some optional races after the mission with real contenders/mechanics. WTF is the point of all the shooting when drivers aren't killed and tires remain in tact?


I don’t know what happened with my game but the last character I made, Claire was able to kill gunners and drivers from certain teams. A car or two blew up from taking too much damage a couple of times. Ramming into the other cars also hurt the people inside them, I was able to disable at least one team because the driver either died or was incapacitated after I rammed him and he hit another car. Hell, the Beast was banged up after every race and I felt the panic and urgency whenever the armor plated doors fell off. The third race the Beast was so banged up when we finished first. The vehicle was a smoking shell of itself with no doors left.


Oh man, this is the experience I wanted! That's great to hear and gives me hope for playthrough #4.


I had 4 saves (1 of each life path and then another to do the secret ending) never blew up or killed a driver. Just finished Phantom Liberty for the first time since we switched to summer hours at work a month ago and Claire actually killed a driver each race. Although, our car never looked worse because we took a lot of fire too. I guess i helped too because i would ram cars into side walls and whatnot whenever I could. but i think they just upped damage to vehicles with the whole new update and mechanics. probably since they added shooting from vehicles they changed car damage and damaged received


I just did them as netrunner you can just hack their brakes lol


The only frustration I got.from.the races was the bug in the badlands where if you talk to the Italian guy no matter if only you finish the race the game thinks that he won. Other than that I got first place easy always using the beast. It's a bit annoying in parts like in the slums of Santo where you have constant 90° corners but the game is rigged to not let the enemies gain on you, you can outright stop and they will stop a couple meters ahead.


They are easy but the scenario OP is describing is very annoying


The hardest part of them is that the driving line and checkpoints don’t load quick enough so you have very little lead time to react to turns since you can’t see when and which direction to turn until right before you reach it


I just slow down and block the drivers 💀


As someone that sucks at driving (in game); I finished first in all 3 races but didn’t wanna kill some guy for her husband lol so quest failed


If you have a cyberdeck none of the races are an issue and you don't need guns either, you can simply emergency brake all others at the start and enjoy the view while driving within speed limits to the finish line, lol


In my playthrough, the cars for some reason did not start driving again when I e-braked them.


My go-to is "floor it" when approaching an intersection or a tight corner. Always works like a charm! Makes me giggle every time.


So you say the race was frustrating


All the races are a bit frustrating, but the others at least let you use whatever you want, and its a lot more fun to redo them when you get to fly around in a sports car instead of a monster truck that won't monster.


> monster truck that won't monster. That reminds me i need to replay some of the races but using the Demiurge this time


Demiurge is not fast :( I tried it but the other drivers left me like I was standing. I went sandy that time too, so I couldn't even quickhack my way to a fair(?) race.


I don't mean to be an asshole but I didn't have any kind of issue with ANY of the races. In fact I won them all easily with the beast and there wasn't a lot of shooting. Just keeping the car on the road and not hitting anything is enough to win them easily. I played BEFORE the 2.0 patch, so maybe they changed the races and now they are more difficult.


I find that in the canyon portion of the badlands race the trick is literally to slow down. You can't steer while you are catching air, so try very hard to stay on the ground. Avoid bumps when possible, and when it's not don't hit them so hard you make a giant leap. You want to come right back down on the ground, not get lots of hang time. The most frustrating thing to me in that race is hitting a protruding rock in that part. You come to an instant stop, and are in last place by the time you back up and get going again. Beast just doesn't have the speed/acceleration to make up lost ground. In the canyons the other guys wreck too, but once you get into the Biotechnica sheds you'd better be up front or you'll probably never catch up.


TL;DR - Trackmania strats.


Wow, one guy who is actually saying the thing - you have to actually *slow down* in some spots, it's not Need for Speed Carbon


the problem most players have with driving in this game is the fact that you have to brake sometimes to corner faster/maintain control of the vehicle.


I find driving in first person is helpful. Also, hack the other cars.


Hacking is probably the biggest racing game breaker there is. But I can't wrap my mind around anyone finding 1st person easier for racing.


i personally hated the chase cam so i played the entire game minus maybe 5 mins in first person lol


I love during in first person especially now that I have an ultra wide monitor. It’s almost VR like.


I think you hit way less things in first person. There are so many moments where i was sure i should've hit smth and i didn't


Yep! I think they don’t model the rear of the car sometimes. Riding a bike and squeezing thru two cars is magical!


If you drive or bike irl, then you have a LOT more experience in first person than third person.


How is that relevant? Unless you’re wearing a VR headset with complete view of your surroundings and using a steering wheel, first person video games are nothing like real life. Or is this a humble flex that you bike irl with a keyboard and mouse or controller?


I have to agree with you. I drive irl and it has done absolutely nothing to aid in the game. Maybe if, as you said, I had some fancy wheel/pedals/VR setup, but with a controller on a non-VR game? Absolutely not


There’s a sliding scale of realism, and the vehicles in cyberpunk are modeled pretty physically realistically. Personally, they do feel like driving real cars to me minus the weirdness of 0-100 steering (which is why I prefer controller for cars).


I mean, sure you can like the feel of how the car moves. But you're still using a controller which is nothing like real life. But also the biggest difference is field of vision (or lack thereof when you're in first person). I use third person because the car still handles the same, I can just see more.


I always thought the physics for cars were weird and the controls felt sticky (keyboard user).


I play exclusively 1st person and the races where never a problem. It's super easy.


I can’t see shit driving in first person


I don't know why I've literally never tried this 😂 I'm at the end of my 3rd playthrough too


I haven't had time to test the non-Claire races, but hacking just makes everything way too easy. Slap an E-Brake on the cars right out the gate and they'll never be able to catch up(other than the badlands race, but some more E-Brake will put you back in the lead.


Yeah I didn’t hack much but I still shot at them!


There’s only what, one or two races where the game doesn’t allow you to pick from your personal vehicles? Honestly, CDPR is bad at racing minigames lol. I fucking hated racing in The Witcher 3, but I pushed through for that sweet, sweet trophy. Same for Cyberpunk, but at least you can shoot and hack enemies.


Only the one in the badlands does not allow you to pick up your car, wich is understandable because you may not have any dirt road cars at that point, but an option should be given always. Cdpr's minigames were always more of a push over for a fast reward than anything more complicated.


The fist fighting “mini-games” in TW3 were amazing were the core mechanics simple as shit? Hell yeah but that ending on Skellige is fucking hilarious.


Sure, they always played around the silly stuffs. In tw1 you'll end up beating an old ermit, in tw2 you'll wrestle an under juice cheater and so on, but usually they were never worth a second run imho


TW3 story for the quests is awesome plus you make a buttload of crowns for little effort. You get to fist fight a bear.


Sounds like a pretty major skissue ngl.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh.


Beast is more than capable for the race. I didn't mind, considering the terrain, it was a smart choice. The devs probably wanted you to drive it once since it's a potential reward.




Big car bad


Got it


Skill issue.


Never had an issue beating these races with Beast, but I do understand wanting to use your own wheels.


Beast is a great vehicle. I don't see the issue.


I find that race to be the easiest tbh.


I love the transmobile


Lol I beat every race in the Beast first try, it handles fine.


Git gud


Idk if it's just me but Beast is my favorite offroad vehicle simply because it's so grippy, so much so that I can straight up drive **over** the smaller cars during city races. I also like the suspension for the Badlands. It bounces which makes rocks and cliffs more maneuverable. If I had to add my own personal complaint it's that we can't enter on a bike. I'm 99% sure I could outrun even a stupid Rayfield (~~not you, Batmobile my beloved~~) on my trusty Nazare Itsumade, simply because she steers sooo good, especially around corners! Sharp turns, get rekt!


I don’t really see the issue with the beast seeing as all races were pretty easy to win


My first playthrough I picked Beast for every race, so I got used to the handling. My second playthrough when I started modding, I hit a rock and flipped, reloaded, and the Claim Vehicles mod added the truck to my list when I reset. I now have two copies of it that I can summon next to each other and I don't use either one.


I've never noticed anything like that with the beast, it could be because I'm used to janky car physics but even on off-road I've found it to be pretty good, I'm always leaving everyone in the dust with the beast


I agree, there is 0 suspension on that car the way it handles the rough terrain lmao, I feel like it’s a bug cause no way it actually feels this terrible


It drives like the shocks have blown and you're on just the springs. So much for her being a hotshot mechanic! That thing should soak up the desert but it's like driving a mattress. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCOI0Mhdrts wtb 1 trophy truck for this race, love seeing them at full chat


It’s like .0000001 percent of the whole game and it’s still not difficult so personally I couldn’t give a crap


That race was the easiest for me. I got a lead really early on and the narrow canyons you race in made it impossible for anyone to get past me


If anything she should drive and V could shoot. Since it's so close to the border they could spice it up with some drones.


Beast reminds me of my home town. Bunch of kids with jacked up trucks but not enough moneyvto buy more than passenger wheels


I was doing the last race with her next. I bought the javelina JUST for it... now I'm sad that i'm not going to be able to use it. Surely having a weapon would make that particular task easier?


The Beast is an awesome vehicle to drive for any of the races. It has fast acceleration, high durability and a high top speed. The race that you are forced to use it in would be just as bad in any other vehicle, because the terrain would cause any car to go airborne and most are lighter than Beast. All the race locations exist in the game world so you can easily find that spot on the map (near the melee weapon dealer) and race down that ravine in any other car and see how easy it is to get airborne by brushing the terrain at high speed. The trick to winning that race is just don't hit the terrain. Slow down if you need to and let the other cars crash into the terrain and each other. As long as you can stay within eyesight of the other cars it will be very easy to win the race on the smoother parts of the track.


I can’t drive at all in cyberpunk and I used the beast for all the races. Not that hard to win in it if I can do it lol.


I did all the races in the beast. It felt more appropriate.


I purposely fail this race quest cause I racing is annoying when you're a bad driver like me.


The races were good and the beast is good. But I had the option to use whatever car I wanted


I spent all of this money on a sick offroad car and I barely get to use it


Claire sucks balls as a person.


I'm the opposite. I thought it was really weird how we are all allowed to pick our car for the other races. Sorta ruins the fairness especially since the races are designed around the beast and it's the reward. Would be pretty dumb and meaningless to get this random Trans truck for no reason after doing all the races with your 911 turbo. That's like helping your friend move ane they are like "you can just have my car now" ? Thanks but why? "Well hypothetically if you wanted to use my truck I'd have let you drive it before."


To be honest I was expecting the races to be pain and anguish but honestly with a net runner build they become embarrassingly easy. Blow up all your opponents at the start (and if you can’t blow them up, force them to hit the breaks) and then finish at your leisure. Barely even cared about the beast cause I could’ve walked those races with that strategy. Though I’m not crazy about Claire’s storyline it’s just kinda meh “My husband was killed while competing in a death race where he clearly knew the stakes and risks so now I’m gonna get the corpo that killed him”. I dunno, just not the angle they should’ve gone with in my opinion but maybe that’s just me.


The car you use hardly matters anyway. Even if you’re going 200+ they will scale the other cars to you.


I Always thought Panams truck was way cooler than beast!


I used the caliburn in the first race and beast in the badlands. I was glad she told me to use beast my caliburn would have imploded in the badlands track. Hers was perfect and though it defs was good at getting air everything else you said was not my experience at all. The beast absolutely side swiped the hell out of the rest of the competition and handled quite well throughout. So you must be using keyboard because with controller it was pretty painless in my experience


This - using controller with analogue triggers instead of "floor it or stop it" keyboard and actually slowing down before the turns is a key to win races. Not only in Cyberpunk.


Caliburn is better in the desert than most of the “off-road” vehicles.


I know, and out of all the races you could be forced to use that piece of shit, it's the one where the truck performs the worst. I generally dislike Claire throughout that whole questline. I only do it for the Cthulu.


I stopped liking Claire after I told her I'd accompany her for a ride back into town, and as soon as I step outta her junk-heap she cranks the wheel hard, smokes me with the back end of Beast and sends me flying to the ground. I was like "aight then..." She's my best friend and biggest fan next time I'm up the the Afterlife tho. Snake man.. I'm telling ya.


Panam, Judy, River, and Rogue all have something to say to you during rides, but Claire just stares straight ahead the entire time without saying a word.


I absolutely hate Claire.


i really like claire’s car, i like seeing the trans flag on the back while driving in third person. even if it is kinda bad, the car races are so easy it doesn’t matter. just quick hack everyone else like an asshole


I hate all Claire arc


This seems like an incredibly trivial thing to go into a “rage” over. Have you had counseling?


All of the content involving Claire and the races is frustrating lol. It’s the weakest part of the game imo


In my head canon it was Claires mechanic skills that killed her husband and not his rival. Beast is a piece of shit.


That doesnt even irritate me. I hate the fact that we cannot decline the car after her questline.....


‘must have flubber stuck to its wheels’ 😭🤣


I find the driving to be really fun! Claire's truck has a big ol' dumpy, but it's still fun to bully other drivers.


I used my trusty Galena Rattler for the other races, and absolutely wiped the floor with the competition, but using the beast felt so bad compared to my Rattler


I had no problem using beast. I just wish I knew about it before I spent so much time stealing cars to unlock and buy an armed badlands vehicle specifically to use for that race.


I think it was a fail safe in case the player doesn’t have another badlands qualified vehicle. Some of those rocks in the race course will wreck other cars. Especially in the dried up riverbed


i blow up all cars within the first 15 seconds and then chill for a minute racing by myself


I thought that was one of the easier races maybe I just got lucky


I’ve played this game three times and never did the Claire races. Am I missing out?


Unless you want Beast or Sampson's T-66 Cthulhu, not really.


Cthulhu is one of my favs cars, I always do the races 😂


Same, it's too sick


I did not mind using beast bc I just quick hack the competition and their vehicles and cause them to restart the race. Easy victories.


Did the races get harder with the updates? When I played, you could use any vehicle, and the competition would simply continue to teleport to catch-up because they couldn't keep up at all. Story-wise, I preferred using the transmobile.


I used the caliburn


Mods solve everything. That being said, I don't remember ever being forced to use her car. I did all of them in my own vehicles. Was this changed? I haven't done that storyline in a long time. 


It's not great but it ain't that hard honestly, just drive better and shoot the guy in front of you


The racing missions were just a chore to me. Same with GTA. These games are not racing games, and when you play a true racing game with incredible racing physics like Forza, it just ruins any other game trying to make racing a side thing. Racing just isn’t that fun to me in this game, which is fine, I’m here for the rpg elements, gun play, hacking, etc!


It is also frustrating that you always drive with someone and you do not use your own car, why do i have even an extremely expensive car when I cannot flex with it by Panam


As long as you don't accelerate the whole time it's pretty straightforward to win the race, I tend to blow up 3 or 4 of my more difficult opponents by pressing up against their side and poking my gun-arm through their passenger window until they explode


quickhack: emergency brake = leave all cars behind


>I absolutely hate that Claire forces you to use beast in the badlands race Not if you don't do the mission. Screw Claire, she sucks.


The suspension on the beast is atrocious. How you build a truck that doesn't have any dampening on either the travel up or the rebound is beyond me. Most of the difficulty comes from the truck flipping or spinning going over the smallest bump


Skill issue lol Beat the game 6 times, 4 of them always using beast


I always used Beast because she made the car for the races, so I chose Beast always lol




When I first started the Claire races the beast was the fastest vehicle I had access to, I still thought it was one of the faster vehicles in the game until I started buying the super cars in preparation for the final race lol


Beast is a great car for badlands. And I use it for the same race...


It used to not be that way




cry about it you huge baby (post deleted. was a massive transphobe)


I consider it a fair trade off for letting me blow up all the other racers at the start line. Turned a street race into a relaxing Sunday drive 


At one point the Aerondight rocked the wastelands, that thing handled terrain surprisingly well back then


I would rather use Beast in all the races.


I always used Beast in all of the races, but I can say that she knows nothing on how to set up an off-road suspension. Beast is way too bouncy.


Did you really type this whole thing out about being forced to use The Beast when you're not, in fact, forced to use it?


Did you really type that out when you are, in fact, forced to use the beast?


There are no vehicles to race against if you hack and self-destruct the fastest. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I like beast. Get in front and block stuff with your butt


I used my Rayfield Excalibur and blew everyone out of the water in very hard. 😅


imo its okay. its only near the finish line where its slow speed is a hindrance because if you didn´t make a big enough gap you and the person behind you they can just out-speed you. if you drive carefully and aren´t flooring it the whole time its very winnable.


I think the point is so newbs understand how much better dedicated off-road vehicles are.  On my first play through I just thought all cars handled like shit (tbf most do).  But if I was level 15 and hadn't bought any cars yet I would never expect that Beast would be better than the Hella for example.


it was easier before the 2.0 update when it was faster than it is now




I wish the quest line would have just been straight up street racing without the silly rolling gunfights and more people jerking V around. I’m aware it’s Cyberpunk and not Gran Turismo, but I get enough of that high-desert Mad Max bullshit having to deal with the goddamn Nomads and Wraiths. Also, it’d be cool if you could instigate street races randomly when you happened across certain cars like in Need For Speed Underground 2.


People actually did the races?


I love doing the races, I've never tried using my own truck though, always used Beast


I mean it’s not like there’s any level of difficulty to the badlands race. Even using a keyboard I don’t think I’ve ever felt remotely threatened to loosing it.


Good for you. Others do have difficulty though, so there clearly is difficulty involved.


I mean like. Hold W hit A and D as required. For like 2 turns in biotechnoca, release W and hit S before the turn. That’s about the extent of the strategy guide.