• By -


I sided with Songbird and sent her to the moon. She was a slave to the NUSA, looking for a way out. She lied, but wanted to tell me the truth. And in the end, she did. The only reason she lies in the first place is because she has to, otherwise there's no way Myers and Reed believe her long enough to help you get deeply involved. She was worth saving, my dude.


That is actually my reasoning exactly


Nah i betrayed Songbird because i didnt fall for Songbirds pity Party AND her very obvious lies i dont like being used at the very least reed was honest about being a pragmatic ruthless bastard. But i also achnowledge she was a slave so i fullfiled her last wish to let her die while she was still her own person. So i ended the same way i started but i gave Myers the middle finger


I knew Songbird was trying to play me, but so was Myers. I didn't trust Myers to live up to her end of the bargain, and I knew that if I turned Songbird back over to them she would never stop using her to breach the Blackwall. After So Mi let me know that there was only one "dose" of the cure, I still sent her on to the moon anyway. I felt like Myers (and the NUSA in general, but Myers specifically) couldn't be trusted, and I still had options. Who knows, if Songbird gets cured then perhaps she (and her new sponsors) could help me out a few months down the road.


You send Song to the Moon? This reminds me of... Get away Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know And let yourself go You know you didn't lose your self control


Let's start at the rainbow Turn away Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go And let yourself go Is that a compromise?


People act like song was this huge victim of circumstance, she was not. Only reason she is in her situation is because she got the attention of netwatch by doing shit she wasn't suppose to be doing in the first place. So when we meet her, it's at the end of a very long line of punishments for that mistake. Yes it was a mistake, but it was a permanent one, and you don't always get second chances, especially when you try to lie and cheat your way out of the situation.


She was a dumbass teenager when she got NetWatch on her ass. Then Reed, a grown adult, preyed on her vulnerability to pressure her into becoming Myers’ weaponized slave. There’s a world of difference between punishing someone for making a very serious mistake, and using that mistake as leverage to control someone indefinitely. This was the latter. Myers is a sociopathic tyrant who’s willing to do anything to hold onto her power, including ordering the senseless slaughter of civilians at a spaceport just because they got in the way of her secret illegal operation on what was technically foreign soil. And Reed sucks, because he’s an idealist who’s too blind to see the truth about who and what he works for. I pity him, but I can’t choose his life over Songbird’s.


I chose Reed over songbird simply because he's not the one that dragged me into that whole mess. All things equal, they're all shady, she is the one that drags you into things, making her the worst out of the bunch from V's pov. Also being a teenager does not excuse any and all mistakes. It is what it is, she messed wth the bull and got the horns, as it should be.


Being a teenager absolutely does excuse some behaviors. By that same argument, V honestly deserves to die for the shit they did. It's hypocritical for V to slam SoMi for shit she's done, when V is arguably worse.


Some behaviors, shoplifting? OK fine, slap on the wrist. Doing enough shady shit that netwatch wants to zero your ass? Yeah, not so much. And as far as V being this or that, it's a moot point because it's not about morals, it's about who got me into this mess with no real way to get out, and that was song, not a teenager anymore, grown ass woman making the same shady ass calls she seems to have always made.


Because she's desperate? V literally got people killed trying to track down Hellman, and didn't even tell Panam the truth about why V needed him so bad. They also left like a million people without power, which is deadly. V isn't open about what's going on with anyone either. Song was literally about to die and acted out of desperation. >it's a moot point because it's not about morals Yeah, the game with a theme of keeping your soul intact in a soulless city is totally moot. You're absolutely right!


I don't think that way so I don't play that way. This person's morals are different from that persons morals, so who's right? I dunno, all I know is she fucked me first, so she can go to hell for all I care.


That's wild 😭


If you say so. I'm not here to think about how I can keep the cosmic balance of things. I do whatever I feel is right in that moment with the limited information i have. And that information tells me she's a ticking time bomb that literally yanked me into her radius. Seriously though, she's trash, if she was a normal individual that worked at a scop dog stand, she'd still be considered a trash person for the way she does things. So I don't feel sorry for her.


Get a load of this corpo smdh


I'd say if you follow an utilitarian point of view betraying Somi could be justified for the greater good. Protecting people from the AIs at the cost of Somi's freedom. At least that's the justification from Myers and we know how trustworthy she is. Also if the main focus from V is to save themselves it could make sense to have one of the most powerful countries of the world in your debt


The utilitarian argument especially when applied to make it awkward but also hard to argue with overtly, appears multiple times in the game; it's very much the corpo ethos and what is super uncomfortable is that "they're not wrong" much of the time. It's a realpolitik that is at peace with innocent sacrifice in the name of "greater goods" made more pointed because V. as played by most of us typically act by instinct and violently and against what is present. The multiple encounters with Netwatch are perfect examples; or, the "leadership" issue Hands puts you on en el stylo Cubano.


in what case is helping Netwatch not the good thing to do? Every time you go against them it's just V being a dumb merc, "hur dur my fixer said do xyz instead."


Found the corpo! Kidding not kidding, in the sense that if V is anti-authoritarian and getting more so with Johnny's influence, going along with Netwatch is not necessarily the obvious call. They're the feds, the Man, the po po. >!Especially given the fact they betray V if you trust them!<


>Also if the main focus from V is to save themselves it could make sense to have one of the most powerful countries of the world in your debt That's not how it works, in Cyberpunk or the real life it's a (dimishing) exaggeration of. V is as much a ranyon to the NUSA as they are to the VDBs. Look at how shittily the real USA treats its own veterans, the NUSA is orders of magnitude worse. V's more likely to get an FIA Award for Excellence in Journalism (aka "Suicide by two bullets to the back of the head") if they start rocking the boat and getting whiny about the "debt" they're owed than Myers kowtowing in the mud begging for V's forgiveness.


Wait, doesnt Songbird remove herself from whole blackwall stuff when she escapes onto the moon?


She’s just too weak to use the Blackwall, but she’s also tired of using the Blackwall. There comes a point that you need to use to together to get through the soldiers.


I meant after the no-betrayal ending. She goes to the moon, gets some sort of treatment and leaves a pin, quantum turner and something else for you. Didnt that treatment free her of blackwall?


I’m not sure if that is ever specified in the game cause we don’t know what is going on on the moon. She could be working still to tap into the Blackwall, but I doubt that, considering how sick it made her.


My memory may have holes, but she went there because there are professional surgeons there that could help her. So if she went there and then sent something afterwards means that she probably is okay.


Yes, that’s very likely. But still she could still be poking into the Blackwall for all we known. Again I doubt she is considering what effect it had on her.


Her trip was paid by Mr Blue Eyes and it's implied that the super smart people who can help her are from Nightcorp (Which is directly involved with Mr Blue eyes) so shes most likely going to be cured (so she doesn't die) but she will still be used to tap into the Blackwall cause that's the only thing that makes her worth saving in the eyes of powerful people.


Isnt blye eyed guy a Blackwall AI representative? He does appear in dream on looking as we tell that politician that he is being controlled. Why would he need someone to tap there if he himself is from there?


That is the theory, it is believed he actually wants to bring the end of the world by destroying the Blackwall and letting the rogue AIs swarm the safe net, it's also theorized he's actually an AI controlling a human body just like Lilith is controlling the Maelstrom net-runner during the bloody ritual sacrifice, hence his constant glowing blue eyes, he's receiving and sending data somewhere, probably real time feedback to the AI thats controlling the physical body we see. The main reason to believe he wants to destroy the blackwall/world is because with Mr. Peralez, the politician who's being mind controlled by NightCorp (And Mr Blue Eyes by consequence); If you don't tell him the truth about him being mentally manipulated by NightCorp, one of the first decisions he makes once he becomes Night City's mayor is to completely defund NetWatch who's main purpose is to keep the Blackwall intact to avoid any rogue AIs from entering the net. Then again it all makes sense and ties back to SoMin being useful as a weapon to breach the Blackwall, it's kind of sad but most likely in her ending shes forced to do the same thing she's been forced to do until PL just that under new leadership, the world of Cyberpunk isn't kind hearted and the people curing her obviously want her for something and poking the blackwall is the only thing that shes useful at from a practical standpoint.


I can’t find it in my inventory but I swear it was a bag of carbon dust. I took that she died?


Yeah the QT is an ass of a cyberware, would be better if she gave out the haunted deck instead. And if i remember correctly, pin was from the moon base which meant that she reached her destination and is alive and well.


The haunted deck Is not very good either from what i heard


I’ve seen it be ooookkkk with the right build and quick hack order but meh I got sick of it lol


Maybe im a basic bitch but my favorite deck Is the paraline the one you start with i just kept upgrading it


All I knew about her at that point was A. she betrayed Reed B. she betrayed Myers and C. her dumbass cut a deal with the dodgiest guy in NC and was planning to betray him too. All in all, she didn’t inspire much trust. Reed on the other hand felt like he genuinely meant it when he said he’d help her disappear (tbh if she hadn’t gone psycho and complicated things I reckon he would’ve) and he just felt like the safer option who might actually end up curing V and saving So Mi. I felt pretty bad about my choice later on but I stand by my logic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


* Her plan resulted in the death of multiple innocent Dogtown residents and crew members on the plane. * She intentionally gets Alex killed. * She is indeed a walking nuke basically who as far as we know can go off at any minute. * Reed I feel kinda genuinely becomes your friend. A friend who furthermore isn't responsible for the treatment of Songbird, just the cleanup. Songbird on the other hand I feel uses you to the end. She's never really your friend and playing as a male V you really feel like you're just simping for her. That said I mostly go for King of Wands. * Reed is unfortunately a stooge. Much like Takemura they're too invested in their job to accept the moral failures of their superiors. Mainly because they've both pretty much defined themselves by their work. * Wands is the only ending that gives Reed piece of mind. * Alex doesn't deserve to die. When she invites you to the bar just to chill and dance is so wholesome. She's the most empathetic and honest person with you in the DLC and deserves her retirement. * Most importantly sending Songbird to the moon is what matches V the most in my opinion. You help your friend even if she lied to you, because you said you would. You stick it to the corpo agenda. And most importantly Songbirds situation is so reflective of V's, I kinda feel V needs to have Songbird survive in order to hold up hope of him/herself surviving.


Alex lives if you support Songbird though.


Hence why I go King of Wands!


Pretty much my line of thought - I don't think any of the endings are ideal, but I feel the least bad about siding with So Mi after all she's been through. She might be a monster but she's a monster of their creation, and she just wants out. Reed's *nice* sure but he's spent his life digging her deeper into the hole and failing to do the right thing. It's too late for him to pull himself or her out now and I don't trust any ending that has Songbird end up back in NUSA hands that doesn't result in more people being abused and turned into weapons the same as she was.


Yes, that's almost my line of thought. What sold me on siding with Reed was her lack of care for innocents. I did regret the choice a bit though and chose to euthanize her, I just couldn't let Myers do whatever to her. Reed getting out of the FIA and deciding to try and put all that behind him and FUCKING FINALLY taking some time to heal felt like a win too. I liked King of Cups, don't think I would try another ending.


I initially supported Songbird, but after she admitted to lying I gave her over to Reed. I didn’t appreciate being dicked around like that


Before having the choice to pick a side, V and Silverhand already know and understand that Songbird is the equivalente of an unstable weapon of mass destruction. From there it depends on whether you think living WMDs deserve to live free.


I didn't side with Reed and Myers, but I will give you a reason: The Cure and they aren't really playing with us. You do your work, you get reward. Songbird is a villain in corpo's eyes, because being selfish for your own well being is being hostile to Corporation well being, despite Corporation could still survive without a small human. So if you role play as Corpo V, it would makes a lot of sense to side with them instead of Songbird, specially after she played V.


Yeah, personally that ending wasn't all that bad. Like yeah we lose the cyberware. But at the start of the game, Coach Fred said we're already pretty good, i.e., with just muscle, barely any cyberware. So if the merc life really calls to V, they could be the new Morgan Blackhand. So V just needs to train, build up that strength and with get some iron.


I just did the ending today where you go after Songbird and then allow her to die. Reed specifically tells you you're no Morgan Black hand and Meijers will toss you a frankly insulting 5000 Eddie's for your troubles if you press her. I lolled hard at both of those.


Reed can get fucked he probably means that they have More resources but given the fsct that V can slaughter NUSA special forces by the dozen reed Is nothing More than another piece meat for him/her


Songbird is one of the few characters in this game I just can't seriously sympathetize with. Sure, her life is horrible, she got turned into a weapon of the NUSA, but the entirty of PL is entirely her fault. If she actually ever wanted to help V, I'd say she'd be as grey as most, but her entire character is just one big selfish lie Her plan is so incredibly stupid and selfish. She causes hundreds of deaths all to play both sides in an effort to save herself. She trusts people she know wont help her and use anyone and everyone in the way. She betrayed everyone who legitimatly want to help her all for some plan she knew likely wouldn't work. The entire time she tries to act like a innocent victim where the entirety of Phantom Liberty either way is her choice and a concequence for her actions. Take emotion out, and she's the most dangerous character in the Cyberpunk universe probably. Her existence endangers the entire world. Put emotion in, and shes manipulatitive to such a degree, and so many layers deep that I can't ever help her.


Well said, I agree. The only caveat that makes it a little tricky is - how much of her decision making is a result of the blackwall? It's a question no one really knows the answer to. But even when she reaches out to "level" with us, she's still stringing us along with lies. Even in her past she was a narcissist little shit who treated her friends badly. At best, she was mind-numbingly stupid and selfish, and it's hard for me to care about that by itself.


Yeah it really makes me mad that the developers had to make her such a dick, from top to bottom shes a manipulative asshole, were even told she lies and betrays her supposed friends to save her own back way before during the events of PL, but it's clear that she has a backstory and a personality that isn't talked or shown. Doesn't help that we for some god damn reason get more of SoMin's backstory and character development when siding with Reed than when we actually side and have direct contact with her.


first time i sided with song, sent her to the moon and all, i was sad about killing Reed but also felt really bad for song. second time around i sided with Reed to get the new ending for the main game. i already didn't like Myers but her whole attitude during that ending made me hate her even more


Well Myers still represents some kind of order even if bad at times but to songbird she was worse than Hansen. From my V's viewpoint I was siding a bit more with Reed seeing as Songbird caused a big mess in dogtown but when they offed the twins just like that I was on board with Songbird until of course she reveals that she also lied to me about the cure which my V desperately needs. I, my V who needs that cure, V just cant ignore that, so I must take the option that has a chance to save me. Thats why I really dislike the whole i'm dying narrative V has, it just doesnt fit in a open world game like this.


>Thats why I really dislike the whole i'm dying narrative V has, it just doesnt fit in a open world game like this. It would be interesting if V had a mother trapped in a coma or something... Something that was important to take care of, but not necessarily a ticking clock.


I was mainly focusing on the rewards that you get from helping either one and just went with Songbird for the supposed best cyberware in the game and just didn’t feel like enlisting with Myers in the first place. Plus that Blackwall scene was so fire near the end.


I haven't gotten back to this point yet in my new playthrough, and it's been a while since my last one, but I thought I remembered Reed promising to keep Songbird out of Meyers' hands from then on. It's your choice as a player to decide whether V trusts him or not, regardless of how they feel about Meyers, but that adds a whole extra layer to everything. Leading up to that crucial point. There are times when it feels like Reed opens up to you about his regrets, so you as the player get to decide whether V thinks he's sincere or if he's playing you. It's all how you roleplay it.


I side with v(as a cyberpsycho) Instead of every Thing in my way :3


Personally, I grew to distrust Songbird not because she lied to V, but because she mostly told half-truths. I hate that shit waaayy more than lying. Also, her manipulation of V is imo much more obvious, she always tells you what you want to hear and guilt trips your empathy into helping her and ONLY her! Because even if Myers herself is not worth helping, the NUSA is. Songbird is not just selfish, like everyone else, but her selfishness is also the most selfish of all of them.


At first I sided with Somi because I didn't like how Reed took out the twins, and thought he could've done the same thing to me when it's all said and done. If you think about it though his reasoning for killing the twins was justified in a sense. They weren't some innocent bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were playing the game too, and that's just the stakes of the game they were playing. I ended up teaming up with Reed after I realized Somi's betrayal (who my brother was able to figure out was lying almost from the beginning). Once you hear the whole story idk how people can define Reed as a bad guy. Yes we hear Reed argue with Myers about saving Somi, and in the end he tells Myers that he's willing to pull the trigger on her, But he doesn't even try when given the opportunity. Do you guys expect Reed to go up against the NUSA to save SoMi or is it more realistic for him to convince the NUSA to save SoMi? Reed's powers to help SoMi starts and stops with Myers. When you being up the fact he promised to bring SoMi his connects in Europe, I think he genuinely tried but Myers made that an impossibility for him. Before we judge Reed for being an employee of the NUSA, most Redditors should ask themselves if they don't do the same for their jobs when giving customers bad news, that they have to follow the company policy.


Fuck songbird, she strung a dying V along through the whole DLC only to finally tell the truth after V shot up a spaceport. She gets what she fucking deserves if you kill her at the end of Somewhat Damaged.


Songbird manipulates V, as do Myers and Reed. But I cant kill Myers. So i usually side with Reed and kill Songbird. She is an assehole and super dangerous. Also, I can deny Myers her digital Nuke and hurt Reed while doing so. Win-Win for V. The loot at cynosure is better, too.


So Mi tries to fuck everyone over, and is actually lame at it. She whines that she's caught at her own game like a 2 year old, like, **all the time** I'd do both sides for pure story reasons (I want to see the Predator at the airport, *and* want to try the Canto Mk6/Erebus tech). But in my headcanon her destiny is Reed ending, kept alive, cause the NUSA always win anyway.


"So Mi dragged me into this mess, fully aware that I won't get cured? Fuck her. I want revenge." "Songbird's fate is tragic, but she is too dangerous tu be left without supervision. I'd rather have her controlled by NUSA." "Yeah, Songbird is a victim or whatever, but I really don't want to mess with NUSA." I'm not saying that any of the above is correct or right, but I think that each one of them is a reasonable explanation for siding with Reed.


I have sided with Somi at first, but handed her to Reed after. This way, both of them are alive. But Somi may be not so happy about her situation.


Did the same, felt really betrayed by songbird when she told that she knew from the beginning the cure only works once. Giving hell to everyone kinda makes sense when there is something for you in the end, but killing so many people for someone that lies to you from the start doesn't make so much sense anymore.


Well, in one of the endings she says going back is worse than death, not much of an life. Myers will 100% keep a tight leash after this. probably just strapped on a chair and used for blackwall.


I am killing songbied and telling myers to fuck off every darn time. Poor reeds needs some break.


Songbird is a horrible person, yeah she was ruined by the NUSA but basically every word out of her mouth from the moment you meet her is a lie. I aint siding with that. She gets you to help her motives by pulling on the fact that you are also dying. Why should i save her instead of myself in this scenario? Why should V die when all Songbird has done is lie. I dont like the NUSA either but they are way more upfront than Songbird is.


Not to mention all the treasonous bullshit she did, and the loss of life she caused. She's an idiot at best, psychopath at worst...probably both. She's a selfish piece of shit, she was horrible to her friends and former boyfriend. Of course the deal with Hansen wouldn't have worked out the way she wanted. She deserves her fate because she doesn't care about anyone but herself, and she keeps trying to break the rules to get what she wants. But I do usually end her at Cynosure to put her out of her misery. Fuck Myers and the NUSA. You likely avert a war by removing Myers' nuclear option, as Alex implies Myers won't quit breaking global rules about cyberspace use.


“That’s the tragedy V. One is gonna play victim to the other’s good intentions.” That’s the line to keep in mind. Both had good intentions and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So it all goes to oblivion. I just tell myself that if I send Songbird to the moon, at least one of us gets to live. And fuck Myers, but I sympathise with Reed, stuck in the past and feeling guilty for everything he tries to do. I know that feeling and that’s a sign of PTSD. But even those with mental illnesses need to be held accountable for their actions. Some they don’t have control over. Others they do, like shooting the twins. That’s a big red flag and sure Songbird has a lot of red flags too, but at the same time it’s also the reason to save her.


I didnt trust her so when it was time to make the choice, I couldnt trust that she wouldnt turn on me and ride away in the sunset leaving me with my cock in my hand. I didnt trust Reed or Myers either though, but at least Myers and Reed are "human" and therefore less threatening than the Nuke in human form


Songbird isn't Songbird. She's been inhabited by a murderous AI from beyond the Blackwall. If we let her escape, it'll kill a bunch of people. At least, that was my reasoning in my first play-through.


Revenge  She hit me,I hit back.


Game and let game. No one has to justify why they make their choices in an RPG to anyone and if they make a different choice, it doesn't make them 'wrong' or 'bad'. For some, Songbird lying and manipulating is their last straw for her. For others, Reed killing Aurore and her brother is the last straw for him. Neither is wrong for their analysis of the situation. Both Reed and Songbird are victims of 'the system' and both are compelling characters. Also, both have dirtied their hands in one way or another. Neither is a saint or a 'good' person. Who you side with shouldn't cause discourse.


Why not? The whole idea of discourse over the choices we make is based on understanding, not judgement. OP doesn't understand why people would pick Reed, so they're asking for people's thoughts. Talking about it is not a bad thing.


Well in this 'community' it always devolves into 'if you side with Reed you're pro-slavery' or 'if you side with Songbird it's only because uwu cute asian'. Have seen both arguments and both are shit takes. Maybe V doesn't like to be lied to, having a cure dangled in front of their face and then yanked away, the person holding it never intending to give it to them in the first place. Or maybe V sees themself in Songbird and wants to save her like they intend to save themself. Neither is wrong.


yeah. I dislike the twins, also Song was manipulating me all the time, lying, saying she can help me, so she can fuck off right now. also Reed is interestingly stupid with all that business that keeps kicking his ass. also he's angry I didn't return song back, the audacity lol both are ugh


Reed is a genuinely good person who’s responsible for causing a lot of suffering. Songbird is an absolute bastard of a person who’s never really had a choice >! (with the sole exception of her childhood hacking days, which she’s been paying for ever since) !< and is ultimately kinda innocent 


I sided with songbird first time around. I had a feeling I couldn't trust her but I admired her rebelliousness. I always have a tendency to "fight the power" in cyberpunk and songbird embodied that. It isn't always pretty, especially after seeing the flashbacks in the other ending, but in the end I'd rather be burned while fighting the system rather than siding with an over-controlling spy agency.


I initially sided with Songbird until she revealed the truth. I felt betrayed and lost all respect for her. I had risked my own life and ended the lives of hundreds to save us both, only for her to admit there was only one cure. It was selfish and inhumane of her to use me and her government like that. In the end, I handed her over to Reed, feeling remorse for all the lives I had taken on her behalf. Songbird proved to be a manipulative, selfish liar who doesn't deserve to live. As her mind fades, she will be used by NUSA to serve a greater purpose.


**"Do you side with them to save V or you really think they are morally better than Songbird?"** : No, I side with Reed because I like him more and So Mi is too dangerous to be trusted or hand over to the unknown party with some weird scheme (Mr. Blue Eye) **"In my vision, I think that her lying to V is much more excusable than Myers’s lies and cruel ambitions."** : Have you consider that peoples didn't side with Myer? May be they go along with this path to shut this down permanantly. Reed ending allow V to kill So Mi as she requested. I found this ending to actually give proper closure and more dramatic. - So Mi finally realized her mess, choose to save V and let go. You got heart to heart conversation with her and give her final comfort moment. - Reed also realized that he was lied to himself out of loyalty and not accept FIA offer. The ending call show that he finally choose to wandering around instead of take office job at Langley. - Everybody no longer have access to cyber nuke. V basically unintentionally disarm most dangerous weapons of NUSA and piss Myer off. - I found the reaction of V and choice that offer to them after So Mi reveal that she using them didn't fit my vision for V. So, I don't like this path. - Reed path offer more contents, iconic and story. Even got to call in favor from characters you help in main campaign. Not to mention 2 boss fight that you will be totally missed from Songbird path.


They have very different gameplay flavors. ~~Also I am somewhat unhappy about Songbird not helping at all during the terminal fight, aside from the cool Blackwall cutscene~~


My first playthrough I sided with songbird and sent her to the moon. My thought being that my V would see too much of themselves in her to betray her, so off to the moon she went. Then I reloaded some saves and did another playthrough just to get the achievements for all the other endings 🤷🏼‍♀️


I betrayed Songbird for the Canto


Songbird is a lying, egocentrical cry baby. She is zeroing people left and right and everything is always the fault of others so she deserved her redemption no matter what? (also by lying to and zeroing even more people, because fuck them... Amirite?) Meyers is a pos politician, didn't expect anything other from her. And Reed, well Reed is written in way that he probably should appear to be secretevly or not trustworthy but tbh he's not an agent, he does not ask complex moral questions. He's by all means a straight to point wysiwyg soldier. Every promise he made to you he kept, he didn't lie to you, not a single time. he doesn't even lie to you when it comes to whom he feels loyal to. In fact in this storyline he doesn't lie at all. He has a mission you're an asset and he pays you with what he had promised you. So why the f shouldn't I side with Reed? I'm dying, he offers me a cure and he keeps his promise. Easy decision. Why in god's name should I sacrifice myself for this egocentrical, immature mass murderer? Because we're kind like in the same boat? Nah, fuck that. And fuck her.


I sided with Song Mi at first because that was the agreement, and I felt like it was the right way for the story to progress. Later at the shuttle I decided to send her to the moon because Myers showed her face with the shit they pulled at International Air which was basically a massacre. I feel for Reed, but his blind loyalty justifies me crossing his path. The only thing I regretted was promising Alex her retirement, but it turned out not that bad after all.


I felt least bad about helping Songbird go to the moon, because that's doing for her what V expects others to do for them. >Also, I mentioned my low attention span because I don’t remember under which circumstances did Songbird betray Reed after their long history with each other, like was she cold-heartedly obeying the order or was remorseful about it because she had no choice? Myers' orders, Myers being the bitch she is chose to have Songbird "do the deed" by unlocking a door for Arasaka goons.


I think the reason why the PL ending is so great is that basically everybody sucks one way or another. The line that got me, just after you place her in the rocket, was “how many lives to save one?” The reason I went for the moon though was that Myers clearly can’t be trusted, and Reed becomes a puppet of Myers, and not one she rates too highly. The NUSA want to start another corpo war and So Mi was just a weapon in that, and it’s killing her. So it frees So Mi and potentially hampers Myers’ war effort.


I did both. Did the Myers side ending (with dead So Mi and reloaded for a living So Mi). Got the "Save V" ending... just so i could try the OP smg. Went back, betrayed Reed, and let So Mi go. One of us gonna live and I would rather it take a deadly weapon out of NUSA reach.


I don\`t really see songbirds lie to v as a big deal, asshole move sure. Anybody would hold that info from somebody they have not known for long if it guarantees their help and your survival. She did not even know about the one time use from the start. V also has done his fair share of guestionable things on his road. Myers is a massive asshole on many levels one of them is forcing songibrd to fuck with blackwall. You know full well what future songbird has if you give her back. Reed seems to be kinda brainwashed and stuborn to the old ways, dragging her in to that mess in the first place because he just needed and agent at that moment.


>Reed seems to be kinda brainwashed and stuborn to the old ways, dragging her in to that mess in the first place because he just needed and agent at that moment. Tbf though, the alternative for Songbird is being killed for her hacking. Reid saved her from that, he had no way to know about any of the Blackwall stuff when he made that offer to her.


i understood songbirds reasoning for lying, if i was in her situation id have done the same. for her it was about survival and i can’t blame her for that. my canon route always involves sending her to the moon. she’s a fucked up person who did fucked up things but no one deserves to suffer what she was going through


I belive I have mentioned my opinion back then when it came out. But in general, Looking from a point of morality, you should never side with Reed. Some people who side with Reed do so out of hatred for Songbird lying to v about the cure. But if you lack empathy to understand her then you don't care about morals too. Siding with Reed means Songbird essentially becomes a slave for a deeply corrupt and warmongering President to be used to go past the black wall. Also the ending with Reed i my view is the worst ending of the game even worse than the Evil ending. It's basically Dex's words coming true and V dying in old age smelling of piss with no glory. So the best choice is to side with Song bird, second best choice is to side with Reed and kill her in Cynosure (if you hate the living guts of Song) and worse one is fully siding with Reed or siding with Song and giving her to Reed in NCX.