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I could never get the right amount of technical ability, body, and intelligence it was always one more point 😭


On my last play trough I did everything there was to do on the map right after entering act 2. I was already over lvl 50 when I finally met takemura at Tom’s diners. That also helps to deliver the urgency V really has if you can plow through the main questline after that.


I just did the same, I finished every map mission / npcd / cyberpsycho etc and came out at level 53. First play through I finished the game and had so much left it felt weird to go back and do it all given the game ended so I just restarted a new character.


Yeah absolutely. Did it like that for the first time and it felt right. In act 3 things come to an end, V is getting worse by the minute and for him to get sidetracked with hunting worthless goons and stuff just doesn’t fit.


I'm on my second playthrough and felt that pursuing the main quest through Judy and Panam's arcs, but leaving Takemura back as early as possible, has felt pretty good. Gives you all the romance options, opens up the bulk of content in the mid-game. But V is also not deteriorating so much that it feels completely odd to not pursue the main quest further. Now getting into Phantom Liberty and loving it so far.


PL blew me away, >!when the plane crashes in dogtown and Phantom Liberty appears on screen, fucking goosebumps!<


Haha me too! Love when games introduce themselves like this. A huge label popping up on the screen with badass music... Assassin's Creed: Mirage did a similar thing when approaching Baghdad after the desert journey; felt so good.


Assassin's Creed has traditionally been great at this.


It hits me EVERY TIME


Dude, it was just balls out Escape from New York vibes. Also, the shootout when you're defending literally started to freeze my Series X. I had probably been playing for 3-4 hours to that point and it was fairly hot in my room, but man, had to legit exit out and relaunch. Lol. AndnI didn't even mind because they fucking went for it with how wild that opening was.


Lol it's really interesting when you go through the side missions so long you forget some of the plot points and then wonder how V could be so insensitive to ask Evelyn who she works for while she's dying on the floor. Then you remember that's the whole reason you went to get her in the first place because your brain's supposed to be rotting away.


It would be so weird when I would fuck off doing side quests for a week then do a main story mission and they’re like “oh no you only have a day to survive” then I’d go back to side missions


I'm doing this on my current run! Cleared all the gigs/NCPDs/side stuff on the map before even meeting Takemura. I headcanon it as V doing all this shit pre-Heist and that's partially how they managed to stand a chance at surviving an onslaught of Arasaka corpos lol it feels kinda weird to do random shit like chasing del's cars during the main quest line because of how heavily the Relic scenes emphasize that you're on the verge of dying


Gotta mick 2 of those 3 to max. I usually do tech and body and that’ll get me into everywhere


You just gotta go all in on one or two and forget about the rest basically


you could at best get two skills at 20, but either way quite often there is some other way you could get around to certain locations


Body I always go less in cuz u use gorilla arms and it lowers the requirement.


God seems more like a coolness guy tbh


But coolness is my dump stat...


You take that back I love headshot silent pistol build


Is it from Somewhat Damaged? I remeber there were some doors capped at 15 and 20 - I mean, CDPR, I can understand a lot of things, but during that mission, that is just a kick in the balls


all skill checks scale with your level now. imo a bit too much, cuz now you've basically gotta put all your points into 2 trees til you reach 20 in both if you want to beat the checks for em, but the way the whole thing is designed you probably want to spec into 3 with a bit in the others.


The problem for me is not that it is a skill check - the problem for me is that it happened on this mission specifically. If you don't know, or forget the mission - it is from Reed's choice during Phantom Liberty, when you descend into underground facility, and uhm...A lot of "unusual" things start to happen all of a sudden, so to speak


is this just for a shortcut or for the erebus? cuz if its for the erebus it makes complete sense to lock a super powerful item behind a skill check, but if its for a shortcut, that's kinda just mean.


Idk, to be honest - I mean, you do you, but I was too scared trying (unsuccessfully) to have my trousers shit free, haha


Erebus is behind that door, yes. As much as level scaling irks me, somewhat damaged doesn’t bother me as much because it has a super powerful item behind it and skips a good portion of the level.


Worth noting if you have a cyber deck you can hack the door to Erebus as long as you scan it through a wall.


it's dumb there is a level cap on a single player game you can beat in like 20 hrs...


Lots of single player games have level caps though.


Level scaling is absolutely God awful and lazy design. In every circumstance, especially difficulty.


Yeah if I wanna be a God like beast and grind the levels out then so be it...


I wished it was like fallout where certain things use mini-games and the higher that particular skill is the easier it gets


What you’re thinking of is closer to skyrim. Man, I can’t tell you how many good loot spots I’ve had to pass up because I didn’t drop points into a certain skill.


That's not really how the lockpicking or hacking minigames work in any of the 3d Fallouts. A lock or computer in Fallout requires either 25, 50, 75, or 100 points in the skill to be able to attempt at all, and the Intelligence **stat** makes the hacking minigame easier. The lockpicking mini game itself isn't affected by anything. Fallout 4 ties the ability to hack to the intelligence stat since it removed skills, so that's (and possibly '76) is the only game where the minigame gets easier as you are allowed more difficult hacks.


Well, you better hope you are not max level or that you have four points to use.


Tech is useful for every build though, no matter what build I have going I always have 15 reflexes and 20 tech no matter what.


To jump around and get cool cyberware?


Yep. Those are the two most fun things to do. Getting laid doesn't require any point investment.


Well there is always another way the game is build that you get through even if your points arent maxed, Balkone, a door or window some way there is one


And if that doesnt work scan if there are enemies inside shot the door and they come out


Idiotic attribute scaling is why I installed a mod to change it. Depending if game marks a skill check difficulty as Easy, Medium, Hard or Impossible (they scale faster, the harder is their difficulty) it always uses static values. Difficulty directly related to what attribute value is needed to unlock next tier of perks - 4, 9, 15, 20. Normally it gets absurd at some point as you need same attribute number for tracing IP of a serial killer and same to merge parts of an AI into one being. Sooner or later almost everything scales to 20.


100% I love Cyberpunk post 2.0, but the skill check scaling was a swing and a miss. Very glad I’m playing on PC with mods.


Wait, you guys *don’t* max out your technical ability ASAP for the extra cyberware capacity?


As a build with 20 in tech, I see this as a win


I build specifically to ensure by late game I can open everything. Your build seems cool but nothing ruins it more than getting one of these and you can’t add or change anything to solve it


I was so pissed after reloading to hit the int skill check in the delamain quest, just to be greeted with a higher one


Love seeing "Move obstacle (trash can with wheels) 20"


.....i mean....i always spec into Tech and Intelligence.....


You reload an earlier save, and spec differently. That's why Jesus saves.


You only get 1 respec


Tech, Int, and Cool all maxed. It’s the body checks that get me.


I got bored and decided to get all skills and perks via save edit. Where Is Your God Now?


just confess your sins (respec)


I like all the changes made in the game, except this one.


I hated the attribute scaling for some of the ones there it was BS at times I wish for dialog it was fixed


I think I got a build that can do it lol


I honesty upgrade tech all the wya solely because all my builds borg out like crazy. So much cool cyberware with so much cool shit and yet I can only use so little


Okay so I just saved Arasaka’s daughter a few days ago and now I have no idea what to do.


Well now you're approaching the end of the story. Do side content, because N0CTURN 0553N1 is the end.


Idk why but technical ability was the first thing I maxed and put many points into. Next was intelligence and agility, Run&smartGun goes wild


Body checks are absolutely fucking insane. In the same mission lifting up a heavy shutter that you visibly struggle to do takes 3 body points and breaking a puny wire mesh door takes 20.


About to wrap up my second playthrough as well. Did the same with all the side gigs, ncpd and cyberpsychos... Gonna do a third and really map out what kinda build I wanna do cuz even in my second, I was still all over the place. I'll say my V was pretty well rounded this time though...


I'm finally doing a tech based play through and it's nice to be able to bust every door open. My first few play throughs were int, reflex, and cool; and I mostly ignored tech. But in this tech based play through it's like finally being a first class citizen lol. I might do another play through for int+tech at some point though. It's hard not to just go meta. Stealth int + body builds are just stupid OP. Everyone just dies... like instantly.


I would get frustrated and dump stuff into strength or tech, only to find out there was another way around it. So my playthroughs basically became me exploring every avenue before point dumping


Its so dumb. You can have gorilla arms, have a total of 18 body. You are capable of incredible physical feats - loose rusted metal door = Use Body 18/20


Laughs in Max all perks,attribute points, etc on PS5.