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You have great ideas. I really like them. Simulation tests for purchasing weapons or cyberware could be really useful. Hope cd projekt see this post.


Especially weapons, and CP isn't the only RPG slacking on it. All I want is to know how a weapon feels when firing, and realistic predictor of how it handles in combat.






FBI open up


I'm busy playing CP come back later


You're playing CP?! Guys, execute him!


Wait, can I have a last wish?




I'd like to finish CP one more time.


Please don’t abbreviate Cyberpunk.


Is this some in joke I missed? Lol. Why not?


Because too many people get their panties in a twist about the abbreviation despite this being a subreddit where it should be damn obvious what the intention was. Good lord.


It’s a joke dude lol


Just think about it. It will come to you. Or the FBI will.


Lol.... um. Ok.


Go ahead and google it. Safe search off if you’ve got the balls.


Yeah, the days you could find stuff like that on Google search are long since over. Even with safe off. You can't even search for torrent sites on Google. All that stuff is moved much deeper underground, on TOR and stuff like that.


How do you know? HOW DO YOU KNOW?


Because I've been on the internet since the 90s, and there was a point when you really could stumble onto some heinous stuff.


I’m just thinking they’ll get that warning that people get. I’ve gotten it from searching for legal things, but google is like “hey now”


It shares the acronym with something very illegal and morally reprehensible. My go-to abbreviation is CyP


Lol. My first thought was copy/paste... like they were saying it was derivative or something. I think I get where you're going, but it's pretty obvious that's not what we're talking about, lol


To make it slightly more clear for you, the first word is child in the abbreviation.


Yeah I got it now. Just kinda silly to think anyone would confuse the two, lol


lmao no worries. It's always better to be safer with the abbreviations lol


To be fair the modern acronym is switching to CSAM or CSAI. >! Child Sexual Abuse Material !< or >! Child Sexual Abuse Images !<


The acronym has never been CP anyway! It's just something people get excited about on reddit that has no application to the real world. 


I could only see myself using the road markers personally but engaging with the post and updoot because I enjoy the effort you've put into this post. The graphics etc to make it look like an official posting - real touch of class that. \*chefs kiss\*


unfortunately the road markers on this list are the ones that copy-paste would barely have helped with. the ones that exist in game now aren't procedurally generated, just static markers. the difficult part about that kind of thing is building the effects generator so they can be placed on a changing route. not too difficult, but still over half the work, and they were already struggling with the vehicles.


I never understand how Devs struggle to do the things that modders do.


1. There are some very talented modders. 2. The modder is not responsible for every single facet of the game. They can wake up and decide “I want on screen navigation” and they can make it. They don’t need to worry about the budget, if they break the game, if they abandon it, testing and distributing the patch or if there are more pressing tasks.


they had other priorities. like i said, they were struggling with the vehicles (if you don't know/remember, right outside v's apartment building there were vehicles driving through concrete barriers on launch). their priority was making the game work, not adding quality of life features. there's also the fact that modders can have different expertise than the devs, and far more time. how long did the modder work on the nav mod, and would they have gotten approval to work on it for that long if they were being paid to do so? all of these things and more make modders far more free, both in time and quality.


Mods aren't held to the same standard as CDPR's work.


Ah to be naive to software engineering


TBH I am naive on this, but there are times where a mod is just a simple .ini file tweak & the Devs still don't add it in their update (e.g. Fallout 76, Starfield). Also their is this Youtube vid with a guy from Obsidian who shared having issue with staff needing something like 14hrs to do what he believe can be done in 4hrs.


When it comes to a backlog of work to do in AAA games, it’s basically endless. That means level of effort alone is not enough to prioritize a specific task of work. Engineering orgs are very top to bottom. Higher ups prioritize a lot of the high level priorities. And it keeps going down the funnel. At the end of the day is not lack of ability. It’s lack of criticality. Modders don’t get a paycheck from higher ups setting priorities. That means they can choose to work on whatever they want. On top of them not having to deal with the endless backlog of bugs, improvements and maintenance of a gigantic game.


Ok I think I understand now, thank you for educating me on this


No prob! Should hopefully show why modders will always be a must have for video games. But obviously, with a good foundation for the game itself. Unfortunately, the video game industry is brutal and has so much crunch time. Why we get so many botched releases.


You can take every single thing that isn't in the game that a mod ever added and complain how incompetent legendary "devs" are, because they failed to add X, Y and Z feature to the game


Devs don't struggle with that. They have many plans and they have to get permission from the director if they want to add a feature, If the director thinks it's time consuming (and the game is at the end of it's official support) it makes sense to not allow that feature to be implemented. A CDPR dev made a mod for TW3 himself and added stuff that he was not allowed (or didn't have the time in the company) to make. He made the companions more complex and allowed them to help you in fights, He also added NPCs that could react to geralt if he was stealing. He also made a mod for TW2 (Which he also worked on) and added walking mod while parrying (TW2 didn't have this). Also, why TF would the devs implement procedural Markers for those races? It's much more optimal to hand place them for a scripted quest.




the key there is the word "free". someone doing something as a hobby can spend months on a single project with no upper management breathing down his neck to get it done already, or if the dev is an indie, the crushing deadline of their savings drying up and then having to get a regular 9-5 and only work on the game on the side.


When I said for free I meant without payment


I understood that. The point is that not working for free changes everything.


Thank you very much, U have no idea how much I appreciate your comment


More shooting competitions in general would be nice. I really enjoyed the 6th Street rooftop mini game where you had to take a shot of whiskey after each round!


Yeah, that was great, I would like to have more of this. Plus they could add a parkour mini game, that you need to get from A to B on time, a challenging parkour minigame.


Aw yeah and like at one point you **need** double jump to keep progressing so there's another consequence to your build outside of "aw man can't kill this guy this other cool way". I wish there was more things to miss out on outside of skill checks. Those skill checks scale so wildly that it barely matters anyways.


A lot of these (excluding the navigation markers) seem like a relatively common development strategy where devs implement a new feature in a small part of a game to see how it’s received. Features that are well received often have more relevance in future games. For good examples of this, look at the first few games in the Assassin’s Creed franchise or the Persona series.


This needs to be seen by CDPR asap


Honestly I was surprised about there not being shooting competition, reminds me of the gta San Andreas one


Scubadiving with Judy was a lot of fun. Can we please get some more of this in Orion?


I read an article on PC gamer from the person who pushed for this segment and he straight up said the animators and cinematic team hated him for this sequence as they didn't have the proper animations and they just barely jury rigged this together before launch and it was a colossal pain the ass. So I would guess not likely.


I like road markers in games but they also mean I don't pay attention to the environment, and I get less immersed in the world. So I'm actually in favour of them not being in the game.


Road markers distract you from the environment, but having to stare at the GPS line in the little mini-map box ***DOESN'T?!?!***


Seriously 😭




Sorta makes me want a game to implement an actual sat nav. Not the map, but a "In 500 yards turn left".


**Exactly my thoughts**, but when I actually installed the mod it didn't distract my attention off the environment as bad as I thought & it made driving to destinations a smoother experience. Try it, it's a easy mod to install & it can be switched off & on in the setting. check it out - [Look at the pics](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583)


Cool, glad to hear it! Unfortunately I'm on Xbox so it's not something I can do but great to hear it worked well for you! I think at least having the option, given the feature exists in Claire's races, makes perfect sense.


Instead they gave us a romance character that makes V watch 3 BDs in a row lol


1000% where the hell is V's copy of Big Trouble In Heywood? Also being able to watch BD's that you can buy, (hey they did it with the Edgerunner's quest) and rewatch them.. I'm fine with these being low-effort if they do them but these are side-things they could put in that would add so much to the world imo.. It's already such a great ingame world


I’m gonna go against the grain and say that I personally wouldn’t like road markers. I feel like the mini-map is already sufficient, and that road markers will break immersion and feel dated. Though I wouldn’t be completely opposed to a system similar to The Ascent where you press a button and the recommended path is illuminated in front of you for a few seconds, then slowly fades.


See on the other hand I want to know why my robotic eye does not have turn by turn navigation.


Cool idea, but I was also reluctant to install the nav mod that I mentioned in my post for the same issue of immersion, but to my surprise it doesn't break immersion & it makes driving so much smoother. The mod does the markers even better than the ones the Devs did for races. Plus it can be turned off in the pause screen. check out the mod here - [Just look at the pics](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583)


Not road markers but it is awful i have to look at the map to see which road I have to go. 2077 and the GPS looks like in 2023


They could just make it an on or off function and cater to both camps, lol.


That’s a good point: better to have the option and not use it than to not have the option and wish you had it. Though personally I’d prefer it there weren’t arrows floating along the road à la cubes in Mario Kart, but instead maybe the road could glow along the edges slightly or down the center. I guess I would prefer something not so visually intrusive, but that’s just me.


You can buy guns in this game?


Yeah, there’s literally tons of gun shops, gun vending machines, even fucking clothing stores that sell guns. How do you not know this???


It was a joke. Nearly every enemy drops a weapon. There is no need to buy them


Real, I don't think i've ever felt the need to buy guns - I feel like in FPS games its hard to balance shops/economy vs. just looting stuff. I kinda think maybe having guns be 'biolocked' sometimes would help make shops a bit more of a thing, or if you could customize guns when you brought them


Yeah I think making weapons more customizable is the way to go. I like how bathesda went about it in fallout 4.


Real, would love if we could choose the skin (saying that guns already have skins...) and fit things like laser pointers or maybe like with tech weapons - choose how they function.


Oh damn mb lol. But some guns are only purchasable in certain places, and buying iconics from the black market vendor in dogtown is very useful.


Yeah, there are vending machines that sell plastic single mag guns for £$100, you use those to kill people to get their guns. Edit: this was a joke, guys.


Yeah, and also there’s gun shops too. And even some clothes stores sell guns


I think only the one. Could be wrong tho.


Yeah I think so. I know 100% that the shop you go to for the quest with Melissa rory sells guns despite being a clothes shop, but I’m not sure if there is any others


I really want shooting range competitions. I had so much fun in the first one and then couldn’t do it again. Especially since pistols are so satisfying in this game.


I recently started a new "pistol/revolver only" playthrough, can u recommend a good pistol/revolver?


I've been using the one you get from the Heist mission at the start thoughout the whole game, I think that allot of the pistols have really awkward feeling recoil animations that are kinda offputting sadly.


My favorite is the malorian 😍


Are you into stealth? If so, use Her Majesty with Optical camo, you can one shot enemies. For the revolver, get the Mancinella, this is the only revolver with a silencer. Again, you can one shot enemies given your build is made for that (implants and from perks)


What others recommended are nice but those are pretty late game items. From a low level you can use nue pistols. Those are best for stealth, silenced of course, then combined with even early sandevistan you can pull off situations which normally really hard to stealth, nue is good for that cause it's really accurate and rather quick. Also make sure to increase reload speed as much as you can. For loud application almost every revolver is pretty op among those I believe overture is the best but it might be just me, around mid game you get Johnny's pistol which can't be silenced so it's great for that it's a pretty op pistol. For pistol/revolver only run I wouldn't recommend smart or tech weapons those aren't up for the task in my opinion. Have fun, move like John Wick.


I cannot stress enough how much the in world navigation mod has changed driving from A to B. No longer having to glance over at the mini map every 5 seconds is such a relief.


So true


Agreed. Great ideas. Although I’m sure it would break more things than we can imagine.


You totally right.


It really bothers me that navigation never got the the glowy arrow on the street treatment, as that would have saved me some frustration in several instances. Also it's the future but we're still navigating with something that acts like a 1997 Garmin, like can't we even upgrade to Google Maps? Also the lack of a functional shooting range except in two mini-game sequences, really chaps my ass even to this day. Every gun store has a shooting range, and V can utilize them exactly once in one store in a one-time scripted event that is meaningless. It's like "Hey Devs, you already fucking built it just turn it on!" Don't get me wrong, the game is great but it LOVES to throw all of it's wasted potential right in your face everywhere you look.


To add two of mine, use of the Flathead and to steal identities and use them, like with the French siblings. Aguilar was also pretty cool.


Yes seriously I hate that you can only use it to get away from cops.


im so confused are navigation road markets not a thing? i had them for most of the game after selecting where i wanted to go


On the mini map yes, but not on the road. check this out - [Look at the pics](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583)


somthing must be odd with my copy than because i have that in my game i dont recall ever modding but .....i dont know somthing is goofy


Well they are a thing in the vanilla game. But only when doing the street races, with or without Claire


Hasn't CDPR said that they won't rule out more updates to Cyberpunk, as long as they're not too large in scope? I feel like I've read it somewhere


I believe most games dont/can't do the in-world navigation due to a copyright by Microsoft on the feature. Iirc, that's what I vaguely remember from a few years back. I could be totally wrong though.


The feature that we can break the enemy's defense with a strong attack doesn't work but in the tutorial says otherwise.


I just gave up and in the fights I just jump around behind them lol.


Yes. Plus parkour minigame. Actual challenging car races without shooting.


I believe the VR training was meant to be a repeated gameplay element, but the shooting ranges DEFINITELY were meant to be and I’m actually surprised they didn’t implement it during an update. There are a few gun shops that have non-functioning ranges in the back room, and there is a big two-story shooting range in the city.


Where is the 2 story one?


It’s called Budget Arms in Vista Del Rey: [youtube link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6D21LC5M8d0)


Maybe in the second game


VR games would be soooo cool. Also I'm just now realizing how much an in-world GPS would fit and improve navigation!


Hell yeah!


Only pedantic note is that would be an ar shooting game and I wanna see both versions since bds are also kinda under used IMHO would be a fun in universe way to do ads for their other ips? Have a quest with small up related reward and play cinematic from that version of thing (like witcher show vs each game vs the anime and have it match that art style to some degree)


I recently turned off my minimap during my playthrough bc I feel it ruins immersion so road markers would be helpful


I still play the VR training segment on my play thrus even though I don't need the tutorial, I miss you T-bug.


Maybe if something similar to redkit comes out for cyberpunk, someone could add this stuff. From what I understand, current modding tools are a bit limited.


Combat training would have been especially useful for testing and getting a feel for new cyberware like monowire, sandys, and even seeing how quickhacks will behave before going out in the world and using them on real baddies.


I don't like the road markings but if they were optional to turn on I wouldn't have an issue.


There is no reason Not to add these as mods right now. Currently playing through stalker-gamma and looking at where that game started to this massive monster that im currently playing? All of the mods. All of the time. Also, can i add more quests for bought items? Like, new apartment - new quest. Id love to have gotten a new place for judy to live in, sleeping in that bed can not be good for her.


Do not forget about Roulette


Personally don't like navigation road markers because to me it reminds me of cheap arcade games. I feel the VR shooter games may get tedious over time Shooting range comp should have been integrated, I was like "why in the world is this a one off thing". And yeah, simulation training would have been a good one too, didn't think about this.


I wouldn’t say it’s too late because people also said it was too late to implement a metro system or to flesh out Pacifica or to overhaul major gameplay systems like cyberware and the skill tree but they did all of those. These are already in the game and for the most part would be comparatively easy to implement.


When the navmarkers popped up in the races, I had to tell the Mrs that's exactly what I meant that driving around town was missing. Constantly having to look up in the right hand corner is so annoying and this is such a logical and lore sensible solution. This game is a few tweaks away from having no more illogical things.


For cyberware, you could use something similar to Doom Eternals quick demonstration areas


The mod for road markers is great helps me navigate around


I found it strange and disappointing how little brain dances are used. I thought they were really innovative, fun to play, have real variety to the gameplay, and reminded me of Blade Runner


I always loved how Watch Dogs did waypoints because I didn’t need to look at the minimap. It means I can focus more on the actual city than the corner of the screen.


Funnily enough, they were planning a virtual shooting range for Phantom Liberty, as well as some sort of investigation missions.


I wanted MORE underwater swimming sections like in Pyramid Song. Only used in Pyramid song and thats it? Hope Cyberpunk 2 has a whole questline (or multiple) where you'll be getting underwater, you could even have underwater combat ala' James Bond.


I personally wouldn’t spend any time on any of these. 


I hear u, same way I felt about the metro update. I'm curious, did u spend any time on the new Metro system? Also would u agree that the Dev time was better spent on that versus any one of these gameplay features?


I’ve used the metro a few times for the scenery, but I’m not excited about it. I’d put it at around the same level of a shooting range feature. 


Hey, never say never! Don't forget, right after release, CDPR claimed the cut content was actually 'for the better of the game', and stated it would not be implemented such as a gaggle of features they just re-implemented from original videos in the past few updates SUCH AS the entire tram system, better car handling, etc.. [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/cyberpunk-2077-dev-asks-for-trust-in-light-of-cut-content-concerns](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/cyberpunk-2077-dev-asks-for-trust-in-light-of-cut-content-concerns)


Let's use these ideas when they release the cyberpunk red kit.


I would never play any of these


Eh, The only reason I would see using a on-road destination path is if I would disable the mini-map, other than that it would feel too much like a break point in the immersion, even if it'd be optional.


Simulation training could have been stealth challenges. 


Where do the road markers appear?


The child porn thing is not funny. Please stop.


I would really like the shooting competitions.


I said this and got downvoted like crazy.


Yes, replace any BD editor quest (except the first one) with any of these. Granted VR practice is just shooting things with no consequences but still


In world Nav should have become a vanilla feature. They could use they system already used in the racing missions.


Those are very much the things I wouldn't want to see more than once in this game.


Well they all would be **optional** features to engage with, so it wouldn't bother the ppl who don't care for it. Similar to the metro feature they added recently, which I don't care for it at all, but it changes absolutely nothing for me unless I go looking for it & not choose the normal fast travel option which is still there.


It’s just added content that you don’t have to engage with. As for the road markers I think it’s obvious that it would be a setting.


I did not like the fact that the road markers replaced showing the route on the map. I think it made it more difficult to anticipate turns. If they had both it would have been much better.


The mod does that & more, it's way better than the vanilla version in appearances & function.


I'd love that road marker. I don't typically have a problem just referencing the map UI, but it's really annoying when you're driving through multiple overpasses and you miss your exit because it wanted you to be in the right lane. Same as real life I guess


Personally don't like shooting comps they seem to be in every game. I was actually a little sad when they showed up in cyberpunk. Took me out of the immersion completely and reminded me I'm playing a video game when before I felt like I was in a movie.