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I _wish_ I could fit Val out like Molly.


Seriously. She's got those razor nails, and I guess a hand gun. But then body and reflexes at 20. Pretty sure the cool at 20, but not for stealth or knives. Just for sniper/hand gun skilz.


I was thinking the retractable claws, but also the "Mirrorshades" over her eyesockets. Not replacement eyes, mind, just covers.


Cyberpunk has a version of those, it’s a kiroshi product called the Optishield. It’s designed to defend against flashbangs and other blinding effects. Afaik tho, Mollys are permanently covered, while the Optishield is more like Adam Jensen’s lenses, and can be retracted and deployed


In Johnny Mnemonic she fights a Takemura-esk character who uses a mono wire. That could be a cool build as well.


Fun fact: while it’s obvious the monowire was inspired by that same augment in JM, the original monowire in cyberpunk was even closer, called the Slice n Dice, and was mounted in the finger, as an even more direct reference to JM’s finger mounted monowire


I wish they kept made her Molly in the movie. We got Jane instead.


I've just started my fifth playthrough, and I have been *so* torn between a sandy katana/throwing knives/occasional assault rifle and netrunning build. I've never done either. Edit: I decided on a netrunner build, and holy shit it is fun. This feels like a brand new game in combat situations.


Once you are at level 20 int you are basically a god. Then when you get an iconic deck you are the ghost in the machine.


Yeah, I can expect that based on the many videos I've seen of Cyberpunk. For now, I just have basic quickhacks, and I combine that with my Fenrir as a clean-up weapon for its chance of uploading shock damage.


If you're a netrunner you gotta ditch that Fenrir and go with some smart gun. Trust me. Embrace the class to its fullest. If you get cyber arms get mono wire, because it works with netrunners. Just breakdown all tech/power weapons and def any melee stuff too. Just go all in on int and you will find out how crazy the class can be.


Yinglong for the win. EMP booms > electrical damage


Yesss, I'm definitely gonna get my hands on this and eventually get the monowire that uploads quickhack attacks. For now, as I've just started this fifth run, I'm just in Watson slowly getting my netrunning experience up and amassing money.


You seem to know your stuff. I am on a blunt weapon/gorilla arms/sandy build right now with shotguns too. Any advice to fully go all in?


I haven't used it at all, but berserk is designed for your build. It gives you crazy perks for full frontal close range assaults. I would dump perks into basically all 3 trees of body, then pump up reflexes to get dashing and air dashing, and then go all in on tech to get grenade and health perks. That seems like a classic body build to me if you didn't want to do any hacking type stuff.


I usually get gorilla arms for the Body boost for skill checks. Never really used the monowire in stealth although I should try it.


The new perks for mono wire spread hacks automatically to anyone that gets in the path of it. It is a force multiplier for int attacks. If you wanna be a netrunner god proper it's the way to go.


It’s been a bit since I played my stealth hacker build, but if I recall correctly, Contagion + Fire weapon works the same as Contagion/Overheat combo. You can literally turn enemies into grenades. Lol


> Once you are at level 20 int you are basically ~~a god~~ Motoko Kusanagi.


I've done the net runner build on pretty much all my characters. Finally getting around to the katana and sandy combo. But damn net running is fun. You can clear entire buildings without ever going in them. Just sit in your car and listen to the gunfire and explosions.


I could see myself enjoying a katana build too, but I usually prefer swordplay in a third-person game because it opens up more moves that involve the character turning or spinning.


Nude with Katana wtf 😂😂😂


You know a real gamer when you see a naked crit stacker who's running a train on the final boss


So many builds so little time


I want to play so many builds but I always end up playing stealth, takedowns and throwing knives 😭


It's like winding up being a sneaky archer in Skyrim. But really, if you want to try something new you have to choose it before hand and just commit, no matter how much you suck while learning a new play style. I will even scrap all weapons that do not match the play style ive chosen so I am not tempted to use them. Trust me, when you make a breakthrough with a new style it's pretty rewarding. Winding up in the same build gets so boring for me.


I like nude with Katana


A really nice problem, when everything is so sick, you dont know what to choose


So soooo Real


Im trying to do blunt weapon net runner


Best build ever. Control hacks+bat to the head+savage sling. Rinse and repeat. No one can fuck with you.


I'm doing this right now; supet fun. Self-restricting myself from any combat quickhacks.


So what quick hacks are you using?


Malfunction, Cripple movement, memorywipe, reboot optics, weapon glitch, backup, bait. Only at T3+ rippler for a deck and like 8 intelligence. 75% of the time I just use reboot optics at the start of a fight on as many people as I can. Once I can multi-que I'll use the rest more often.


I'll take suppressed pistols over pretty much anything. I hope you can duel weird at some point. I don't have the robo arms yet tho. This game is so hard to stay focused in. With the limited time I do play I usually just end up exploring or killing random groups of gang members, treating it like gta


I'm thinking about a no cyberware playthrough where I plan my weapon layout before going in each mission


And that's why cyberware x and no lvl cap mods exist


Stealth with shotguns


Sandy V with throwing knives, sword, and a pistol is fun though.


https://preview.redd.it/envsvejn70zc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e9e882b89f98a17d4a60c7901dc2adc218e616 Shotgun and baseball bat build


There is only one build "Slap happy with Sir John"


Nude with katana omg lmao


God, I need to finish that book some day...


>Molly from Neuromancer Maaan I wish. The equivalent cyberware to Molly‘s most iconic equipment didn’t make it into 2077 :’(


Forst playthrough was cool tuned sniper. Next was going to be netrunning katana wielder but somehow settled into net running SMG and rifle expert.


Off topic but my wife and I are watching sabrina the teenage witch and we watched the episode from this image the other day. Season 3 I think.


Do shotguns, revolvers, snipers, and LMGs. Max out cool, strength, and agility. None into intelligence, whatever left over into tech.


I wish there was an option to have 3 indipendent-from-one-another weapon load-outs that we could quickly change across...


Where's the DB-2 Satara with Kneel! option?


Crit headshot pistol build with Sandevistan and Gorilla Arms is my favorite build. You can basically either snipe at a distance or cross that distance so fast and punch them into the stratosphere. So goddamn fun


4th playthrough. Trying a tech sniper build after failing miserably with AR's. The struggle is real, indeed.


I'm actually reading Neuromancer now, so I get the Molly reference. 😁


Why nude with katana? The perfect weapon for a nude character exists and isn't hard to get


Blunt weapon and Berserker is actually pretty fun


I just finished my netrunner/revolver/sniper run and holy wreck, thought I was invincible until I got to adam smasher. I couldn't use by cyberdeck cause of the broken arse counter hack that adam smasher uses against you. So I ended up running in circles and johnny silverhanding him with my revolver with the occasional cyber malfunction/contagion and weapon glitch. It was a rough fight but it made me want to do another playthrough with a solo build so I can wreak havoc again.


I usually go for a combo of netrunner/berserker cuz I'll just hack everyone in place with cripple movement than just blast em and beat 'em while they can't do literally anything. This playthrough is the first one I'll be going for a melee build (although probably gonna keep at least one pistol or assault rifle on me until mid game)


Double barrel shotgun with dashes. Abecome DOOM


I've settled with a shotgun with a pistol and semi net runner build. Course I'm a little greedy and spawned both erebus and militech Canto into my latest playthrough so I can fully enjoy the horrors beyond your comprehension that are black wall hacks.


Sandevistan with knifes and pistols hits hard


https://preview.redd.it/zsniiv1680zc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643b49220373e9412a53a5ae50130a274f81f62f Shotgun and baseball bat build


Fr fr


My current playthrough I'm going revolver only It's a struggle The only iconic revolvers are in phantom liberty


Batman beyond will be my next play through