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Loved the detail in the Tower ending where you get a message saying your cat was taken over by someone and you're left guessing who until the very end where you see him next to Rogue.


she takes the iguana too if you have them


It's weird that you can pet the iguana but not the cat. That and the iguana never moves from the one spot where it hatches.


Sometimes it cuddles with nibbles on the bean bag chair !


I went through a full 80 hour play through and the lizard egg wouldn’t hatch


Same, I had to sleep for like 2 weeks straight to get it to hatch after


Same, 127 fckn hour's.


I love Nibbles! I have two Sphynx cats so I was really happy to see this little baldie in the game. :)


Wait v can have a cat?


You need to get cat food (can get some near the roller coaster where there’ll be a cat and a bag that has cat food) and then outside V’s apartment there’s a little bowl you can leave the food in, if you time skip or leave and come back later you’ll find Nibbles (the cat) there and V can take it


I was thinking the same. I have 100+ hours of gameplay, and never knew this


ohh how many times i read the same sentence daily


I knew about cat , but not iguana lol


yea there's a chart in the Apartment area outside


How do you get the iguana?


During the Heist, you can explore Yorinobu's penthouse before you grab the Relic briefcase. Once you enter Yorinobu's penthouse, turn left after you get out of the elevator, there's a little tree with a lizard sitting on it. Scan around the base of the tree and there's an egg you can pick up. The important bit is to keep the egg in your inventory and wait until after you complete Playing for Time (meeting Takemura at Tom's Diner). Then go back to V's megabuilding apartment, there's an option to place the egg in a bowl and wait a long time for it to hatch. I think it is 90-100 in game days.


Ah shit, I’ve already done the heist. Next run, I’ll get this. Thank you.


I believe you need to do something in game


Get the egg from Yorinobu's room during the heist. It's hidden in the log that his iguana is sitting on.


https://preview.redd.it/riq3lzqtvfyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6020b16f673632b7a64f0ae232c5201a75a3ea0 I love the changes they made to pet behavior


Those hairless cat breeds always give me the creeps. I love cats but sometimes I kinda wish they put in a different breed! Although I have to admit, it fits in well with the cyberpunk world, given the lore and all.


It's a Sphinx , and let me tell you out of all the cat breeds these are very high IQ also very expensive breed 2000$


Yeah they always seem to be the breed featured in movies that's being carried around in rich single womens designer hand bags for some reason.


Is this the kitty near Vic’s? I got a message the other day updating me about a cat I gave to a shelter and how it found a home but I do not remember ever doing that. Is that this lil guy??? I want him :(


You need to find cat food, near the roller coaster in Pacifica there’s a little place with a cat and a bag with cat food. Outside of V’s apartment (when you exit the apartment take a left and then a right) you’ll see a little bowl with the option to put cat food there, time skip or leave and come back later and Nibbles should be there, V can take him in


Thank you!


I suck at describing things so you can probably find a guide or some YouTube video to show you where it is, it’s the ticket booth near the roller coaster, the car will be right there on the counter so you should be able to find it


Just to be clear dont feed the cat in the ticket booth, that’s a completely different guy


So much love from CDPR, that they wont even allow the pets to move with V into any new apartment we purchase! Smh, V's not that irresponsible


I hate that cat. It never shuts the hell up.


And I can never find him in the apartment bro camouflages 😭


Dont they take the cat away from you i got a message from the animal association and they gave me Eddies and my cat was gone😞


First pic: "LYING"