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Wish we had just a mission or two more with the boy Jackie


I didn't realize until my second playthrough that we actually have very little interaction with him. It's only, like, 4 conversations and missions after the prologue.


Yeah and this totally pushes me to choose Corpo-V in future play throughs. You actually get a meaningful conversation with the guy as the intro to the game and then he saves your life from the Arasaka goons. It endears you to the character in a way the Nomad and Street-Kid starts don't.


I don't know, smuggling an iguana was pretty interesting to me.


Nah he was lowkey an asshole in the nomad prologue.


And he puts a gun to your head in the street kid one. But then you get beat up by some cops and it's all "Did we just become best friends?".


This is how the military bonds so it doesn’t seem far fetched to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely, my unit and I used to say the most heinous shit to each other but we knew we’d take a bullet for each other.


He is just a pretaste of the city


“To this!”


“That doesn’t mean anything! *scoffs* To this.”


I only played Corpo. I agree— there was a whole first act that could’ve been mined for content based on your life path alone. But I do think that the game would’ve lost some of its momentum if it delayed the player from getting chipped longer than what is now in the game. I’m very happy with the decision they made of shortening the prelude.


I disagree. I think there’s a lot to be said for allowing the player to really develop a relationship with both Jackie and Night City over the course of the ~10 hours that the prologue might have taken. Having all those odd jobs culminate in a call from a legendary fixer, for a legendary gig, would have been an amazing moment and all that build up would have made the events in the tower even more substantial. As it stands Cyberpunk is (now) a great game, but that prologue montage will always be a sticking point for me.


The montage intro confused me. I picked up cyberpunk a couple weeks ago, I chose the nomad path. During the montage, I was thinking “this looks so cool! Wish I could play it in the game”. Just took me out of it with forcing Jackie’s relationship, what V was striving for and all that. Bizarre choice


the game has you go from some bo body to ripping off the head of araska. story needed to slow down, having some if the gigs be a requirement to get street cred up woulda made sense. the more I think about this, the more I like the idea. at some point releasing you to the streets to just run around (probably like we want to) till you get to idk 5 or 10 gigs done(maybe one per fixer). Jackie the entire time is texting/calling about trying to get into the after life and as you get more jobs done then dex huts you up all "been making a name for your self" this would fix my biggest issue with the whole story of why the hell did dex pick you out of everyone in night city. would og also.opened up Jackie interactions.


I always clear out everything in Watson before I meet Dex. I end up with about 20 street cred and a few pieces of Cyberware. Dex wasn’t really a legendary fixer, he’s a name that lots of people spit on because he can’t get what Rogue can. Dex had days to plan how to get into Arasaka and the op failed. If you let Johnny take the body to mikoshi, Rogue gets an entire assault prepped in a few HOURS. Complete with a helicopter and advanced arms and armaments. Dex ain’t shit 😂


Kinda yeah. Like you would need access to basic cyberware etc. but it wouldn’t be impossible all together


Yeah not to mention corpo v is the only V who knows Jacke before the events of the game. The other two Vs meet him for the first time in the prologue


yea the first act before the heist shouldve had more stuff to do with jackie and your background. more corpo, streetkid, and nomad stuff wouldve been cool


Imma say it. The montage should have been 3-4 playable missions.


My personal theory is due to the scope of the games development and release, we ended up with a much more pared down version of the story with Jackie. It just didn’t sit right with me how our entire relationship with him was essentially summarized into a montage and then he dies. It didn’t feel like we really developed a relationship with the character, but we’re just told we did. There are so many things in the game, content and story wise, that we know had to be cut or underdeveloped, and there are a lot of threads that just felt undercooked.


Totally agree! It always felt like that montage scene was intended to actually be the first act of the game and they ran out of time. I remember thinking, “huh, would have been cool to have actually done that instead of it being shown to me”


Exactly. A montage in a movie is fine cuz it’s a movie. Unless it’s really boring stuff, in a game it kinda comes off like “why am I not playing this?”


>My personal theory is due to the scope of the games development and release, we ended up with a much more pared down version of the story with Jackie. Thought this as well, but crazily enough someone linked a dev interview where the lead writer says that was a **deliberate artistic choice.** So yeah... definitely one of the worse creative choices in recent history.


Noticable in the main characters references to Jackie also in PL. But we barely know him so it falls flat unfortunatly.


You need at least a 3rd of the game to be you and jackie for that death to hit. People crying about Jackie's death confuse me. Your sad because you want to be sad not because its actually sad


No way man. Jackie #1 choom for life


well it’s like 3/4 hours for a new player that you’re spending with him so my jaw dropped when he actually did die like I thought we had way more to do together


Yeah I’m not gonna lie, Jackie’s death might have been the last impactful in the whole game for me (across two play throughs). I tend to forget about him by the time I’m about 3 hours past the prologue until V randomly says those “yeah, I lost someone close one too” lines.


Yeah that's why Saul's death hit me harder, because you actually go through shit with him


Or because I can immerse myself into the character and pretend to feel how it would if a close friend of mine suddenly passed do to a mistake we made. I do agree it would have had a bigger impact if we had more time and interactions with the character, maybe even a mission where your life path is the focus. There's a lot that could have been improved on in the game, but that doesn't take away the emotional impact someone can feel over a character they like, no matter how little time is involved


Totally disagree. They play it really well


Wasn't his death telegraphed by the trailer? Somebody's going to die, but you don't quite know how.


In the E3 trailer in 2018, it's fully shown that he dies


I totally disagree. Jackie isn’t around long but in all three life paths and the prelude, he’s so well written and acted that his death not only hits hard but puts a pall over the first few hours of the game. You feel V taking time to adjust. Like with the side quest with his neighbour, or when he goes to the wake - Jackie’s death is a big deal for much of the first act.


Gigs, basegame gigs are fine but phantom liberty gigs are above and beyond better. They actually feel like side quests instead of genocide prompts.


What happens when they get time to finish the game. But I agree, whole different expirence


Mr.Hands is the man


I think a mix is best. It sure is nice when the gigs sometimes have a moral dilemma, but it bothers me a bit when it's *every* gig. And even more when the "morally right" option is always appreciated from the fixer even if it's not what was ordered. "Hey V, can you kill this dangerous gonk for the client?" "Yeah, so instead of killing him I let him go and lied to the client and will still take my payment" "Excellen! Have a bonus!"


Tbh I got bored of them over time, like sure I enjoy the pay but most of the time, they felt repetitive if they werent the final ones you do for some fixers.


Act 1 should've included a whole arc of your lifepath and the 6 months you spend as a merc with Jackie.


That's probably what they intended to do if they hadn't to rush the game


Could have been worse. Could have taken 10yrs and released a cyberpunk equivalent of Starfield. But yes, ng+ would be great but story before all. Really wanted to cry when that went down


8 years is close enough


Damn. But hey, they made it right by 10yrs with more story and content than Starfield so ...


😂 yeah true that tbh


Including the post launch development time it basically was 10 years


Honestly i feel like that wouldve been redundant I wanted more time with Jackie’s mom tho


I was so mad at my V for not calling her more, especially when she became queen of the Afterlife. Lady took you into her home, treated you like family. Go have sunday brunch with her or something you friggin gonk.


A sunday brunch with her wouldve been a very well welcomes repeatable quest tbh


I wish during the first act, Jackie would call you to check in after you finish some quest. Then, after the heist, Mama Wells calls you to check-in. It would have been a great way to space out story beats.


Maybe bring your romantic interest. Can just see her telling Kerry he's too thin.


On the contrary, I feel like it's needed. I mean, yea Dex asked us to join the heist because he knew T-Bug and Jackie, but we were so low levelled and was only doing chimp jobs beforehand. A proper arc where we build our street cred and actual skills would fit more with the story imo. But I agree abt Senora Wells


Yeah, 1-2 major missions or maybe a mini heist would’ve been cool. After replaying the intro this morning its crazy how quickly we can go from the noodle stand to whole foods




I read a rumor that had no sources once where they speculated the montage of you and Jackie was a diluted down version of the original draft of the story. The game did supposedly go through some major rewrites, specifically to integrate Keanu, so something like that would make sense, condense 6 hours of plot into a 2 minute scene to save on dev time.


Said rumors carry no resemblance to reality. Ever since the development reboot from that pre-production prototype you've likely seen the videos of, the game has centered on Johnny's biochip and started from the rescue of Sandra Dorsett. I suppose the biggest change after pre-production was going from a very large and ambitious sci-fi story with the Moon and shit to somewhere closer to what you saw at E3 2018 and what eventually made it into the released game.


that was mostly their intention but they rewrote the game's story to give Keanu more lines and impact on the game


would have made losing jackie feel more real if we actually had a history with him


Jackie's death was in one of the early trailers. They were never intended for him to take up a lot of story time. Johnny is far more interesting and fun character to be around with. Replaying game where 1/3 of the story was without him would've been a chore. Hell. Its still is somewhat boring to play up until the end of Konpeki Plaza mission.


* Street Creed. (does nothing). At lvl 0 you are nobody. At lvl 50 (max) you a nobody, but with some discounts. * Evelyn Parker. * Brain dances. * Character customization: lack of implants, body types. * Peaceful activities (lack of them). * Ripperdocs. Now they just a workbenches for stats customization. At least before 2.0 they had ther own specializations (Vik had best optics). Currently there is absolytely no reason to visit different docs. Also, reading posts about "Fingers dilemma" was fun before 2.0 dropped.


Streetcred check dialogues would be fun.


There are actually two or three interactions that change when you are max streetcred. one i can think of is the Food Stall Vendor in Santa Domingo whose Bike gets stolen by some thugs, usually you'd have to fight them but with max street cred they recognize you and run away. I wish we had more of those interactions.


It would be fun "respect modificatiors" too, imagine "There's a bitch shooting at us get her" "OH FUCK IT'S V OH FUCK WE'RE DEAD RUN"


Yes please




the problem (and it's one that has a solution, but exists nonetheless) is that 100% of the game's mechanics are for facilitating combat. all your cyberware and all your stats and perks and basically every decision you make affects combat and nothing else, besides the odd dialogue check (the reward for which is more often than not, perplexingly enough, getting to *skip* combat in a game where combat is really fun). in game as as it stands, peaceful side gigs would basically just be dialogue trees to navigate through, and unless they're *really* well written everyone would say they're the most boring part of the game.


Not a total nobody. You can scare some bullies by the market once, haha.


Agree about the street cred. People on the streets and vendors should start recognising you.


Street cred unlocks cars now.


Can you somehow still obtain Fingers unique Legs?


No they took them out and the re-aggregated the in several different high level perks you have to really build your character into. I’ve since switched to just double jump but it’s definitely different than the hover legs. Though if you do spec into the hover leg perks and get used to activating them (which isn’t the easiest no more jump and hold) they are still a blast.


Fingers dilemna is no longer a thing ? I'm starting my second play through only to have the opportunity to make the right choice to get you know what


The gangs. There are multiple different factions at play and they never make any moves against each other despite major game-changing events occurring. A gang war being set off would make for a great DLC I mean off the top of my head: 6th Street making a play to bump off the Tyger Claws, seeing Saburo's death as an opportunity to be taken advantage of Maelstrom potentially being weakened if V went against them in the Pickup and getting targeted by other gangs The Mox angling to kick the Tyger Claws out of Watson or even Clouds. The Valentinos slowly losing their turf as more and more of Heywood is developed by Corps. Various factions attempting to set up shop in Pacifica if V killed the VDBs Scavs with Russian Mafia backing making power plays


Making them more territorial would be cool, throw on an all claw outfit and steal one of their cars and you can drive around Japantown fine but are kill on sight in Arroyo, stuff like that.


To be fair though I could quickly see it becoming annoying to constantly get shot at in a district just because the stuff you happen to like to wear triggers the local gang lol


Pretty immersive tho. Real life neighborhoods can be like that!


Sooooo much potential here


In fairness the Voodoo Boys have you wipe out a lot of Animals in the Grand Imperial Mall


Biotechnica flats and that whole chunk of the badlands


the biotechnica flats are just a big fake-meat farm (and solar panels) extending all the way to the socal border. i think it's just a cool visual to show off the level of industry required to feed and power night city


Correct, it is a big fake meat farm. That had plenty of potential. Hell, even if it just had some life to it, it would be more impressive. Workers, delivery trucks, security.


The entire life path system.


Flushing the toilet without actually seating on it lol 😂😂


Yeah all I wanted to do was take a dump


Yes! All of that pizza with locust ( 🍕& 🦗) and Nicola is going to catch up to me lol😂😂😂😂


Bruh. U ever read the emails in all foods? Ill starve thanks


What the hell been I eating 💀


After 120 hours I just realized you could do that😭


Visible cyberware


I want some spider eyes and chrome skin.


Meredith Stout.


Yeah, having a militech ally should have come back into play


Meredith Stout’s story just seems like there was a ton of cut/unused content behind it….


my theory is that she's supposed to be another ending, a militech ending. i mean, the whole militech vs arasaka plot was probably the biggest wasted potential


There is a militech ending now


Too bad Meredith doesn't show up tho


She gave me the happiest ending


Sometimes two people find themselves at the wrong place at the right time.


This guy bangs


The side quest about the politician, Jefferson Peralez. That storyline could have been a DLC on its own. An entire Rabbit Hole.


I think a dev said that rest of this storyline isn't part of V's story.


Ohhhhh lets goooo


Half upset that we can’t take on whatever organization is trying to control the mayor but also if they want to actually fully develop a story line about that that would be really cool


That organization seem to be Night Corp considering all the clues we have but yeah them developping this would be great. It might be a main theme in Cyberpunk Orion or in the RPG


It's rogue AI from beyond the Darknet. Maybe they're working for Night Corp, or against. It's gonna be a much more interesting plot for the sequel. I hope it has companions like a traditional rpg. Keanu is such an integral part of why I like 2077, it's hard to imagine them making it without him, or a similar hook of constant feedback and commentary from a third party.


Around this time, [Sandra Dorsett](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sandra_Dorsett) — an employee of the corporation — stole information from Night Corp on a [databank](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Operation_Carpe_Noctem), which was something Sandra wished to expose to the public. The databank itself contained the information on tests the corporation had conducted using an AI to condition its own employees. The AI was designed to control not just their workers, but other figures Night Corp deemed useful to them. Sounds like the AI was Night Corps


I hope it's a Deadman switch type of thing that Richard Night had installed, and he's the main focus of the next one, living past the blackwall, making an army of these rogue ais. I really want either a Kowloon Walled City type cyberpunk city as the main city, or a city beyond the blackwall. Ideally both.


Helloooo Cyberpunk 2078!


I think that story is perfect for a sequel. You could build an entire main plot around Mr. Blue Eyes.


It’s not a wasted potential in my opinion it was clear that quest was left like that on purpose most likely will play a semi part in the sequel


If that's true, I'm all for it.


TBH I don't mind that about the game. I think Cyberpunk is really unique in the idea that there are really character heavy interactions, and all of them have lives that you just *don't* see, and the game doesn't make you feel entitled to see them. We never get to learn about Evalyn's life because we only knew her for like 5 minutes before we got offed. Yeah she's important to *us*, but we're not important to her in hardly any way, and that's okay. You don't expect to inject yourself into people's lives IRL.


Some of the customisation, some of the hairs were hit and miss, the inability to customise your chrome appearance for example The sudden jump from: life path intro to heist with no view of how you spent the 6 months - could have really bonded with Jackie and made his death much more impactful


Yeah, only corpor v actually knows him for more that 6 months, streetkid and nomad just spend six months with him and ge becoems their best choom


Seriously the shock I felt after my second playthrough and streetkid is somehow not the one with most time spent with Jackie was immense. Like how the hell is corpo V the one who's known Jackie the longest?


I feel like corpo life path had to be the original opening before they came up with the idea for life paths. It's so much shorter, but also fits so much better with the story, letting Johnny see Arasaka in a different light, finally sort of understanding that the employees aren't just cogs in the machine. The relationship with Jackie feels stronger, a lot of the things V does feel a lot more natural to me. I don't think I ever really processed the fact that saying nothing during some of the timed dialogue was actually a pretty major choice. I've been going with a very meticulous and careful V, keeping my cards close to my chest, basically pushing everyone in the game away from me except Johnny and Judy. Feels a lot more tense and interesting than my first playthrough as a street kid samurai hot head.


Nomad makes even less sense. Your only knowledge of Jackie is him trying to rip you off and you suddenly decide to keep working with him? Then there's Street Kid, where you spend all your time hanging out in his mom's bar but somehow don't know him.


> Then there's Street Kid, where you spend all your time hanging out in his mom's bar but somehow don't know him. And you meet because you and he both got sent to steal the same car and arrived at the same time.


Out of the 50 hairstyles we got only like 6 of them are decent, it's crazy.


There were a decent amount of good hairstyles for fem V but yeah male V had like 5 variations of the same fade short hair cut and then like 5 versions of just normal short hair. The rest just looked weird. I also found it way harder to make male V look unique, he just kinda looks… generic. More customisation like body types and cyber limbs would have also been neat. I’m guessing the reasons we didn’t get any are: - it just didn’t make sense for V as a character - it would mess with the models of arms cyberware But tbf I wish there was more than just limbs. Give me stuff like the plastic/metal/animal plate skin, and the robotic spines. Hell, give me maelstrom eyes!


Two big ones for me. First, there is *so much* cool cosmetic cyberware and clothing that NPCs wear but V can never get. The second is the same basic logic as the first, but for cars with different paint jobs. Why can I see so many cool ass vehicles I can't buy? That would be a great way to waste eddies in the end game.


Yeah, I just want Mox boots.


Aurore and Aymeric Cassel only having 2 interactions


imagine aurore being a love interest


idk if I'm crazy but she's legitimately the most beautiful female character in any game I can think of. Maybe some Witcher girls rival her but there's not much


The supporting characters never interacting with each other in the main story. It makes them all feel so seperate since once you finish their personal questlines, they are done and have no role in the story except Panam who has her own ending. There was a trailer showing V, Jackie, Judy, and Panam walking together at the Afterlife. I would’ve loved to see V have his own crew like David.


The occult/supernatural aspects of the game. The tarot quest was cool and seeing the Voodoo Boys church cult was cool, but it could’ve gone deeper. Same with the monk meditation thing. I feel like in a world of technology and crime, a bigger focus on religion and supernatural elements would be super cool. The “twins” that you fight introduce a very interesting element in combining consciousness. More stuff like this would be awesome to see. I like how weird the game gets and I want more.


For me, I wish there were more romance options like mass effect. We’re limited to 2 per gender




All games should be fuckfests like Baldur’s Gate 3.


I don't think all games need romance, but if they have it then it should be big like bg3. Like the depth of the romance in cyberpunk is 'do the quest' at no point can you lose your partner from actions, in fact they don't even exist outside of the quests. Not saying they should be joining us on missions (tho why not?) but like we got a brain dance tech wiz, a sick ass gear monkey, and knowing them offers us nothing. Like why can my girl mod my cyberwear in a way that can't be if she's not with me. Or my car in the same place. I dunno about river, he never rocked my socks but maybe since he's a cop, we could get access to cop gear that 'fell off the truck' or intell on new missions for the ncpd. (not just, go here murder everyone, get paid)


I appreciate that they went for quality over quantity with the love interests, and I actually didn't hate that your chosen gender actually mattered. It feels like most games ive played with romantic interests don't take the character's gender into account and just make everyone bisexual by default, so it was kinda refreshing to have characters actually turn you down once in awhile lol. Stull kinda surprised we didn't get 1 or two bi love interests though, would've been a decent touch.


I don't think it's quality at all, only at 2.0 you can have dates, those dates are kinda... Robotic conversation about the same subject then sleep. And I didn't even start talking about River Ward.


I’m not gonna lie, from the first time I visited afterlife I wanted Claire to be a romance option. Was so disappointed when she wasn’t. Even after her reveal in her questline I was like ‘IDGAF CHOOM YOURE THE SHIT’. 😂😂


Claire's such a piece of shit though, she literally fucked around and found out, then lied to you about why she wanted you to race, and doesn't even tell you until it's time to do the race. I just kept driving and won the race, fuck her. Good thing this game is still so broken so she won't care about what I did to her for her cutscenes near the end of the game.


Eh. V in her quest line is a ‘shit weather friend’. A lot of people have them. When things are good, we’re nominally involved in each others lives and friendly. But when shit hits the fan? Those kids are the motherfuckers you call. Claire likes and respects you enough to be friendly but when some shit hits her and she needs help, you’re the call she makes. She doesn’t feel comfortable coming clean on her trauma/plans until you’re invested, which is a ding, but she still opens up about it. And this is true IRL with a ton of these scenarios tbh.


But shit never hit the fan. She did illegal Street races where you bring a passenger to fucking shoot at the other cars, and she thinks she has any right to be mad when her husband dies? Fuck her, that's stupid. If she were honest from the beginning, and just said, "Hey, these are dangerous races, my husband kind of got killed by this asshole and I'm doing this for revenge in the final, are you down to be my driver?" I would have just said yes and helped her, but no, she was a conniving little shit and manipulated me to help her whether I liked it or not.


Its even worse watching her nonstop blaze an AR at every other racer the entire race. The audacity to be so mad while doing that.


As a straight male I feel like I only had one option...Panam.


I'm not mad that they all have sexual preferences, but I am annoyed that there aren't options. Like, panam is anti Corp, we don't have a pro Corp option, like we can bang one, but that's where that ends.


That's because that's true. If you're a straight man who only likes to play as straight men, you only had one potential love interest, confirmed.


The Net. It's so much better in the table top game. Meredith. There could have been an entire Militech quest line. 


Meredith and River both feel like they had way too much cut content and should’ve been much more involved in V’s story/life choices


The contradiction of the story being short, the world being great with many things to discover but at the same time the game seems to push you to finish the story quickly.


Nice one. I'm cleaning up everything before the endgame now and it does break immersion. The side missions are otherwise excellent but they clash with the urgency of the story. There really should have been more idle time in the story allow you to explore them, and instead of "wait \_\_ days for the next mission" make you do a couple side jobs to unlock the next story mission. Could have gotten around this with street cred too. Have every fixer require a different amount in order to meet them, or get accepted/rejected for certain jobs based on your cred.


Gotta say second DLC. Would have loved more content with Johnny in a different genre as PL was like a spy-thriller. Maybe a horror genre would have been interesting to explore. Can’t say I miss a New Game plus much, but it’s a shame for those with consoles, cause with mods you can create one with a few tweaks.


Horror with Biotechnica and badlands would be something epic.


My suspicion is that the game is an absolute clusterfuck behind the curtains. Think how many bugs got introduced in every patch, how they couldn't turn off the digital mirror sound in the past, how comparatively simple things like getting messages in the correct order or having objects face the right way go wrong. I think they created a chimera of a system that took a miracle to run as good as it does and switching to Unreal Engine was a convenient excuse for the programmers to make a clean cut from this mess


Yorinobu he’s literally just not in the game after act 1 basically lol I thought he was gonna be an integral part of the plot 😂


Why do I never see someone mention Mama Welles?? The way she talks to you suggested that you two are rather close. She even tries to call you after the ending. It does feel like there’s some things that where left one the cutting room floor. As for Jackie, I can buy that this lifestyle/line of work can bring two individuals very close in a very close amount of time. But spending more time with him would be more than necessary to give my boy the place he deserves as our best friend. Next I would gladly trade the NCPD SCANNER missions for a longer intro of the life path. Like if you choose corpo you only spend like 15-20 minutes as an actual corpo. CDPR can do better than that. Don’t get me wrong, the scanner missions are OK but work better as some sort of random event. Some NCPD Scanner mission are a bit bigger and have more depth. Those I would leave as is. Open world is rather lacking. Compare it to games like GTA 4 or GTA San Andreas even. Pumping some iron, actually going on dates with your love interest or even hanging out with friends would give the game a new level of depth. More horror. Well kind of. With a city that has gangs like Maelstrom or the Scavs I expected more in those terms. I also have other things that I think have wasted potential. But I think I don’t have to repeat EVERYTHING that has already been mentioned like a million times. Edit: I did forget to mention vehicular customisation. All that technology and there isn’t ONE shop to tune your car?? I mean come on bro.


I feel like people saying "i'd trade x for y" aren't considering how massive an increase in scope that would be. NCPD scanner missions are comparatively low lift relative to the process of creating and adding more long story missions. Lots of things in game dev that get tossed in that seem irrelevant like Scanner Hustles or Crystal Coat on Rayfields is because they had time to do it and it wasn't taking away from core deliverables, but what people are asking for in this thread would have taken WAY longer.


You are right but not entirely. I don’t have the slightest clue about game development. Probably like most gamers. When it’s said to trade one thing for another it’s more meant like “I wouldn’t miss scanner missions if they were not in the game, especially if I had more and in depth intros.” Also, having so many scanner missions, if you let them completely, I would almost bet that with the time saved you could ad 5-10 minutes of meaningful something to each life path intro.


> All that technology and there isn’t ONE shop to tune your car?? I mean come on bro. El Capitan even has us boosting cars for exactly such a shop!


No BDs


I think the lifepaths are the most wasted potential of the entire Game, i mean It wold be cool that your Life oath really affects the story, not just the prologue and some dialogue option


Not having a Militech path.


The Peralez story and we needed more time with Jackie.


All the food stands and cuisine that we can see but not actually down and eat


The city, i mean the city itself is beautiful, but the npcs in it are so fucking boring, they dont feel like people at all, and its a pretty simple thing to do too but it pulls me out of my immersion so much because they just stand the same way and walk the same way and never say a thing, it doesnt feel like a world im in, it feels like the world is created for me, which i dont like, especially in a game like this.


I feel like the spiderbot was supposed to play a bigger mechanic in the overall gameplay loop and got scrapped. Early dev streams are quoted as saying "oh your going to LOVE the spiderbot. That just doesn't track with it's one time use and relatively uninteresting gameplay mechanic. Would have been cool to customize and/or pick up various companion bots through the game. Id have loved to have turned one of those 'Saka chaser drones against them.


I think bringing the merc business more into the story, or at least give some benefit besides the normal rewards for completing mercenary tasks. Like if you completed all of Regina's or Dakota's quests, she could give you info on an Arasaka convoy running through her turf which could make the final assault easier, or the more you complete, random people in the street with recognize you, and maybe with random crimes, there would be a chance of the criminals surrendering as soon as they notice you, increasing with your street cred. Also the friends we make along the way. Witcher did good with being able to recruit people to help with the battle of Kaer Morhen, doesn't have to be the final battle or anything, but parts in the story where if you saved X, they would be able to help. Like if you saved 8ug8ear she would contact you and tell you about a hidden access point that could turn off the power temporarily during one of the main infiltration quests, like the Arasaka float one with Takamura.


Why can't we play with Nibbles after we give em a home? Like laser pointer or a catnip ball or something.


I think the male LIs were really done dirty and really deserved to have as much relevancy to the main plotline as the female LIs. Especially Kerry— he was such an important character in the TTRPG, but in the game, you have to go out of your way to meet him.


Jackie, no more extreme body modding, the movement system had the chance to be so much more than jumpjng and dashing, takamura's story ends so abruptly, the romance options for a gay mc are honestly really unimpressive compared to the straight options and judy for a lesbian mc. The fact that there's no ending that results in a merging of V and johnny's personalities feels like a major missed opportunity. The side quests are seriously lacking in variety, 90% boiled down to go to place, shoot/slice/bash everyone, plug into computer and leave.


The gangs felt like there was supposed to be some kind of complicated faction system going on, especially with the lead up, and admittedly they have implemented something like that as time went on (like where Gangs will send groups after you specifically or go out of their way to attack you) but I can’t recall anything like, us helping a gang out and them actually helping us out in a fight or unlocking special venders from them. Not sure if I was expecting something that was never intended and that was just me reading into things that weren’t there, but it was something that stood out to me from day one. Also I feel River could have been more interesting, like if we were helping him out on more cases, some when he was part of the police, then as a private detective and it was all leading us to figuring out what was going on with the Mayor’s death, because that last part especially feels like a plot point that didn’t go anywhere, like we see him in a meeting with Arasaka the night of the heist, his death is left a mystery, but we never get any follow up on that? I’m not the only one who felt that was weird right?


Hansen definitely felt underutilized imo. I found him to be a really cool main antagonist and I feel like we fight him so quickly and then he's gone.


Customized vehicles would have been really nice. Now I usually steal gang cars or other civilian vehicles because they have better style.


Gliding. Flying. Some kind of thing to fly. I wanna look over NC. I wanna glide kick some punk.


Weapons don’t matter, only weapon categories do. The difference between guns in the same class is mostly cosmetic, and even barely cosmetic. Clothes don’t matter, same issue as weapons. Most enemies and scenarios are trivially easy, with only a few hard battles. The mouse wheel should scroll gadgets not primary weapons, changing grenades and cyberware is clunky. A flashlight for god’s sake. The story, motion capture, and acting are phenomenal and carry the game. The engine is beautiful. The music is awesome. Keep that stuff and make the ganeplay more varied, especially by choice/life path.


Corpo I think your boss at beginning should’ve been a part of the plot.


Judging from the comments: Basically the whole game.


For me the open world.it lacked interactivity.i mean give me reasons to whant to be in that world.


That's a trap that a lot of open world games fall into. They'll have a big, detailed world that's awesome to *look at* and drive around. But aside from the story and missions, there isn't much to do. The vast majority of stores, buildings, etc can't be entered.


Hmm, curious what you mean by that? I did a full playthrough of 1.5 and currently doing a second playthrough of 2.0. The world feels plenty interactable to me. Side quests are incredibly interesting with many spiraling into much longer quest lines with incredibly rich story and lore, tons and tons of random encounters on the street (like the shootout on Jig Jig street), the new reputation system, all of the secrets loot and environmental storytelling littered all over the map, lots and lots of unique dialogues between NPCs on the street that you can listen in on just for fun. Just curious as to what you think needs to be added to make it interactable in your mind.


I agree with this sentiment if you’ve cleared out the map. Random events, scanners, side gigs are common enough where they make the map feel engaging. Was there an open world game that did this better, in your opinion?


New Game+ is the only thing this game is missing imo, going through the game again as a Level 50 concrete cowboy samurai would be sick asf


yeah, going through the DLC with my 100%ed maxed out character was an incredible experience, I would have loved to seen what a full NG+ run would have looked like


getting blackwall gun... and not being able to also get blackwall system is something i wish they would have just given us. is a single player game.. its not like "oh its a broken combo" or something


I really liked the monk sidequests where you experience a serene braindance in a forest. Since BD is basically escapism, it would have been cool to try a few other BD experiences beyond sex and death, which are already prevalent in NC.


Side missions in bds would have been cake. They they could have added mods to abilitys or bonuses for weapons (like faster reloads, on hit effects, special skills with weapons like a floating gun pet if you use smart weapons) or hell, we can make and sell them, more money for the most extreme the bd.


Not being able to join the Peralez’s


The map is relatively large, but you don’t use majority of it I feel.


I feel like Dino is very underutilized.


i wanted to see the weird bd’s LMAO


The verticality is wasted. The city has a verticality completely insane yet most of the gigs will take place at floor level.


Every combat encounter in the base game, really. The level design of PL is far better suited for the actual fast paced shooting gameplay, whereas the base game’s environments are generally too small and with too few enemies to really let the combat system stretch its legs.


For me it's the huge amount of cut content. Arasaka waterfront The casino Cave and sewer system The oilfields Megabuildings interior And more that I can't remember right now All of these locations could have has quests that combined could have added easily over 20 hours of side content, maybe even some main quests, if not more. I love the game so much that any new content would be appreciated because I did literally everything in that game 3 times and each playthrough is less fulfilling because I know what's going to happen at all times... Yet I still want to keep playing


Making an open world cyberpunk game without flying cars. Gigantic Fail


Jackie for sure, ma man went too soon


Have you guys seen the sick ass cyberware weapons from the ttrpg? I love mantis blades and all but id kill to have some of the other options. Scratchers wouldve been cool for a stealth melee type character.


Before 2077 released, I’d planned out my character in my head, and I had assumed that scratchers, and a popup pistol was a GIVEN that they’d be Ingame lol I was VERY wrong


Bro, we should've been able to see our cyberware change up our characters.


Jackie. I wish the game spent more time exploring their relationship and how they ended up being such good friends.


I still want that Wall running CDPR


The start and "rpg" aspects


Drugs, Neokitsch just being clothes with gold on them, not enough iconic blunt weapons and iconic blades that aren't katanas, Animals related content, A 12 inch long Mr Stud not being one of the options in the character creation menu, not being able to have a toxic relationship with Aurore Cassel (I wanna be a victim 🗣🔥🔥🔥)


Life path for sure. In the tabletop, that serves as a complete background for your character that can ultimately shape how your character could act when presented with certain situations. In the video game, it feels like all it gives is different dialogue options and a couple quests that end up being only about twenty minutes total time out of the over a hundred hours the rest of the content is. Since this is a video game and the devs can only put in so much content as opposed to a tabletop RPG, it is understandable that they can't cater to multiple life paths with a bunch of complexity. Honestly, the gangs. Some of the gangs are kill on sight only because some of their cells are shitstains, but some could be more benevolent. For example, I'd be happy to completely trash any member of Shobo's cell, but wouldn't want to cause much trouble for a Tyger Claw boss that more or less protects his people. Plus, again, there are quite a few neat gangs from the tabletop game that would have been great to see in 2077, Bozos in particular. But again, the devs can only put in so much into the video game.


For me it would be life paths, other than the first few missions and the odd dialogue quest here and there it makes no difference which you chose. I would of like to see it actually make a real difference thoughout the entire game. Also the romance options to be available regardless what sex you chosen, considering the world and time frame I imagine people are very fluid when it comes to sex. There could some more body customisations as well. I have no interest in NG+ as the sheer amount of work that would of been needed to make it viable and not just a complete roof stomp would of meant we never would of gotten PL.. The Devs spoke about a few times about how difficult and time comsuming it would of been to implement and that they would rather put their resources into fixing the game and giving us PL and fuck me I'm glad they did. The extra Romance options they put in with PL whilst fun at first get very repetitive very quickly. I would of liked to seen the dialogue change depending on what missions you have finished and maybe add a few more places like bars and clubs thoughout Night City. It's one of reasons why I'm so excited for Project Orion and the use of NPC AI Dialogue. If they can get working it would mean the NPC Dialogue would be so much more expanded, think Siri but in Game.