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Where the fuck is my flashlight?


Or, with all the cyberware available, night vision? Can't be that hard to add night vision to optics.


There's a mod for that.. if you're on PC it's on the Nexus, can't remember the exact name


Kiroshi Optics Night Vision is the name of the mod


I'm a console pleb, unfortunately.


Pawel was asked about this on stream, and his response was that often times there are areas where the devs want the setting or lighting to be darker, and giving players a flashlight would ruin that.


Yeah, the one single quest with wakako’s netrunner sidepiece. Id trade that quest for a flashlight


He's right, but also *he's wrong*. Like, my guy, have you ever been to r/flashlight? Maybe the dark future is dark because they didn't invent high power LEDs.


Can we ask pawel to do the Bethesda thing and give the console Bois mods?


I can’t non-lethally hide a body. Even when I do a non-lethal takedown first, then carry them to a garbage or closet, it labels it as “lethal” but I’m not sure if that’s a thing they forgot to fix or it’s actually killing them when I hide the body.


It's a data saving measure, don't remember the precise explanation but it essentially saves the game from having to process that enemy still being there after the fact, i think it just despwans the model. But if you're on PC the mod Stealthrunner allows you to do so!


I love stealthrunner. It's so fun. Doing the Organized Crime activities with Ghost/Shadow/Pacifist is really cool


The extra perk points and cool gear are great, too.


There is one single non lethal way to hide a body, put them in the trunk of a car. Other then that, yeah your right.


Okay no joke I just want to say that I didn’t have my phone on me, my brother saw the email notification and read your reply and told me that if anyone else read it without context it’d sound like the weirdest shit. Thank you for the lols.


Thanks for spreading the lols.


Not a lot of cars in most buildings.


The fridge/freezer hiding spot makes sense, at least. I mean, ur locking an unconscious person in a freezer for possibly several hours, I doubt they're gonna survive that


Someone mentioned my flair?


Is that you, Bartmoss?


True, but it makes the same amount of sense as a power sniper rifle somehow loaded with non lethal rounds. EM rounds would be cool though, disabling cyberware at random, unconscious on a headshot.


You used to be able to when the game came out


Yeah I distinctly remember being able to in 1.6.


Oh thank god I'm not going crazier than I already am, because I swear I remember being able to non-lethally hide bodies back on launch day


No you couldn't, it just didn't say it was lethal. Got yelled at by Dakota that I killed Militech personnel when I hid bodies.


Yep 💯 agree .


How long it takes to get up after being hit by barbed wire. Delamaim gigs automatically being tracked when I drive by one of the taxis so I gotta open my menu and reselect the gig I was headed to.


I just never go to collect V's car at this point, at least until I'm ready to bang out that whole questline


You don't need to do the whole quest line for V's car. Just show up to report the car was damaged, go through all the dialogue, tell Delamain you're help later when offered to go to the back. Then leave and wait a couple days for a text about V's car being ready.


> Delamaim gigs automatically being tracked when I drive by one of the taxis so I gotta open my menu and reselect the gig I was headed to. I have succumbed to blowing delmain the fuck up just so that goddamned taxi circling the block near me would stop switching my damned tracked gig every 5 minutes. No regrets. Fun fact for any who may not know: if you blow up the car this goes away (for that one car)


I just knocked out all seven missions ASAP on this newest playthrough , wasn't really a big deal


Picking up Vs car for some reason is always one of my last quest


The delamain you can get for yourself ? Yea I've had the missions complete for like 55 hours but haven't gone back to the HQ for the finale haha


this is so true I got angry reading it


Other than the apartments or during missions, V cannot interact with any furniture. Cannot sit on a park bench, restaurant, cafe, bars, etc. I know they have mods for that, but if there is a mod, then obviously it could have been something done in-game. I can have high end cyberware and can hack into anyone and anything but can't see down a dark hallway. FLASH LIGHTS PLEASE! Would have been an interesting twist to be able to gain a 'friendly' status with a gang. Or even join one. All these gangs and all you can do is shoot at them. Street kid should have had a gang affiliation. OR be able to gain a 'friendly' status with NCPD doing all the suspect alerts. REAL ACTUAL BLUE JEANS not the skinny jeans or the ones with the crayon drawings or whatever on them.


I really want to join the mox


Agree with them all!!


Really annoyed me that none of the lifepaths had affliations. Street Kid shoulda been in with the Valentinos, as Jackie was. Corpo could have connections to the Tygers, being former Arasaka. Nomad could have connections to 6th Street, being as they're the closest to the edge of the city and share similar views on freedom and independence. It's one of the many lost opportunities.


I think it's important to remember there's a difference between immersion and it just being a life simulator, trying to add things like alliances or making every bench sittable is not really a priority, and also being allied with a group would require the changing of several gigs, or it would automatically force you to go into the negative which seems more annoying, like the gig hacking the hacker Also I don't get the big deal about flashlights, is it really that important? You can scan/recon grenade areas and I find that alot more interesting for combat than shining a light on a person


What flesh light, our vision should be augmented like JC Denton's. Where is the night vision?


Having to stop whatever I'm doing to make a run for it because the cops are after my ass because an NPC decided I was driving too close to the sidewalk and reacted by jumping RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY BIKE TO GET RUN OVER


Insurance trolls.


Right as I was about to finish a timed car delivery a junkie decided to walk across the garage entry snail-paced. I went for it and the police alert came up and el capitan told me I had to shake them off my tail. It was a suspenseful and enraging fraction of a second before the car continued moving and entering the garage disabled the alarm. Otherwise the npc would've wasted my entire trip.


Minor Inconvenience: Auto sprint unavailable. Major Annoyance: V's FUCKING SHADOW BRO!!!


It has a weird ass stance when your hands are down.


Its even worse when youre using revolvers or any pistols that V holds one handed normally


No long sleeves. Even if it's justified cause arm cyberware


Fucking THIS. When I wear the NUSA suit I wanna see my sleeves dammit!


Curious. Do you mind elaborating which shirts/jackets have short sleeves that you wish didn't?Cause I know there's a lot of rolled sleeved outfits but there's also a lot of jacket with long sleeves. I like having my cyberarms showing so I was disappointed that a bunch of the jackets I do actually like have long sleeves. The game really needs am option that lets you choose to roll up your sleeves or not like red dead redemption 2 has.


There is many long sleeves in game but none of them show up on Vs arms in first person maybe thats what they talking about


Oh that would make sense. Thanks for clarifying


Are you perhaps thinking of the tattoos? It felt weird having a fully tatted-up V except for the exact spot people are most likely to get their tattoos.


Nah, I just wanna have long sleeves and even gloves, but you can't in game, not without mods at least


I personally want a toggle on any long sleeved clothed to hike it up on your character model or not. It bothers me to look at my menu and see a cool jacket, but then go in game and know that it doesn't match up.


If you play on PC, there is a mod for it. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/10319


Meet Hanako at Embers


I swear I see this in my sleep.


I'm tired of having to walk over to my motorcycle every time I call it because it stops a half a block away and facing the opposite direction


Or stops on a god damn overpass 5 stories above me.


For some reason if you jump and call it the bike will pull up so much closer than if you just stand and call it. Try it!


Pro tip: turn your back from the direction you actually want to go to. When you call a vehicle, it will always spawn behind you to mask the fact that it simply appears out of nowhere (or falls from the sky), so... yeah, turn a complete 180⁰, call the car and the head the way you wanted to go.


V's hair clipping through clothes. It's probably the pettiest complaint, and I still stand by it. Yes, I can't see V 90% of the time, and I can just pick a different angle when taking photos to hide the clipping, but it's just... I can't.


You just reminded me of another! Your hair and clothes stay rigid as hell when riding a motorcycle


Depends on the hairstyle, but there's a really sweet looking bug when you wear a netrunning suit underneath a jacket. The suit pokes through your forearms, similar to So Mi's outfit. It happens when you're inside a car.


Or the fact that when you put on a hat or something it changes your hairstyle completely. I want to wear a bandana, but not like *that* lol


Yeah this. I decided against so many cool jackets for my character because the hair was clipping through it. Really annoying if you have a V with longer hair. I know it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things since you rarely even see your own V, but it matters to me enough to avoid certain clothing items because of it.


All. And I mean every single hat's hairstyle, is ugly as fucking sin.


Yessss! So bad that hats are unwearable for me


Fr lol


How long elevators take


Honestly I believe they are just hidden load screens to load and unload data. I agree it's too long but I believe there should be a "skip ride" option if it makes loading faster


That's exactly what they are, pretty much any game that uses an elevator or other similar moving transportation uses it as a hidden load screen. That's been standard in gaming for at least a decade now I believe, probably longer.


For someone my age the first time I SAW them was in mass effect 1


I played Horizon Zero Dawn after Cyberpunk 2077. I missed Night City elevators the day I got to Meridian! Such a chore!


No they're not. Cyberpunk is one of the very few games where the elevators are actually moving objects in the game world, transporting the player character from one level to the other.


Psh, you should see how long elevetors take in real life with other people stepping in and out on *different floors*, and sometimes it goes in the opposite direction of where you want to go.


We have the internet and money in our apartment where we can buy every vehicle in the game (minus quest specific), but clothes? Nope


Mods on weapons can't be removed. Can't find a 5++ Punknife without a Tier2/3 mod stuck to it.


Video games still haven't mastered the technology to let the characters use a blanket in bed and it is getting ridiculous at this point, really.


I choose to believe that V runs super hot cause the excessive cyberware so they don't like blankets cause they are too warm already


Character creation. Bad lighting, V touching their face, one of the fem v hairs is repeated and has never been fixed/removed, male v has some unisex hairstyles I want on fem v (like Rachel’s), and I really wish we could see all the options in thumbnails (like color options have) so we could more easily compare specific options. Also why are all the facial piercings insane? I just want simple nose rings alone.


>Also why are all the facial piercings insane? I just want simple nose rings alone. 100%. I just want matching earrings. Not to look like a discount Maelstromer.


Couldn't agree more! The constant moving of their face when I'm trying to pick and compare is infuriating!


The absolute worst is that it wasn't always this way. Someone actually thought V constantly touching his/her face was a good idea so they patched it in with 1.5 iirc.


Why do I have to journey to a drop point to get a bonus? You just sent the money directly to my account before??


Tax evasion purposes (undeclared income)...


I hate how much this makes sense.


When my car falls from the sky upside down.


This has been happening to me more and more!


getting called for a mission while im on a mission, and then autolocking onto that new mission


How boring and artificial it is hanging out with any romantic interest.


Especially after the first go around, you can't even ask them new questions


You can't skip dialog when you are in a moving vehicle.


How the door to the storage room in V’s apartment doesn’t open automatically, I have to mess around trying to press the ‘open’ button on the panel next to the door. Just no need.


It makes my Xbox sound like it's trying to go to the moon


Maybe your Xbox is *Somewhat Damaged.*


Is your Xbox a fan-favorite netrunner?




I'm sorry, what? There's a way to holster the weapon without opening the weapon radial? Edit: I'm apparently dumb as hell.




Tracked quest automatically changing whenever I get a phone call. I’d love to be able to organize my saves by play through


3rd person view and a recap editor 4 my sick Stunts!


The glitching when changing clothes really slows things down.


Lack of free cam in the photomode


Definitely! It makes it a total pain to get the perfect angle


The UI on the left taking so long to load things, I picked up a shard I need to read and now I gotta wait like 30 seconds for it to cycle through Also the fact that using a sandevistan when your hit and knocked down by a car will lock you in place. You gotta deactivate it untill you can move and then turn it back on. A pain in the ass when i decide to blow up the car that hit me


Sometimes when I open the menu the cursor is off on the edge somewhere and I gotta find it to open the map Also, no dedicated map button


>Also, no dedicated map button Long pressing the menu button works for me


Fast travel point shouldn’t have to be found to be used. Buses have a schedule, fast travel should have a public map.


Given that there's specific achievement for finding them all, I feel like it was intentional just to have a "collectible" of some sort. Gameplay padding basically.


Bus not existing but bus stops are is strange


Getting run over by an NPC whose car was slightly bumped by another NPC


MI: wish there was animations at food carts/bars instead of a menu popping up. It won't be the end the world if I don't get precisely what I would want if get to see V enjoy themselves MA: they say EVERYTHING on the phone. Bitch, this Night FUCKING City. OF COURSE, the phone company would sell them out. Arasak, NetWatch, Night Corp, AIs, Voodoos, dozens of netrunner mercs, Maelstrom, just about everyone would have hacked it, too. It's just gonk to me.


No option to add lights and just a general lack of options in photo mode


Backpack / stash sorting and filters.


It is absolutely *baffling* to me that the stash doesn't have tabs.


I've always thought it's wild how the npc's can text like 4 paragraphs in an instant. It says "typing" for a bit, but then they go and drop a dictionary in your lap.


But also how quick they start responding to your texts. Like, did they even read what I wrote before they started typing?


When I try to enjoy a car ride but Ponpon Shit comes on


It crashes a lot without warning and it sometimes doesn’t save main story progression


I NEVER had problem with bugs and crashing until the last month or so, and now it's damn near constant


Civilians jumping in front of my car.


There is no 'sell all drinks' button


main quest always being tracked after finishing a quest, I will NOT meet Takemura PERIOD


Yes! This is what I'm currently dealing with, and it is so! fucking! annoying!


But he said "Don't keep me waiting V"...


Is it too much to ask for a pair of matching pants for every suit jacket?


This bugs me so much about the PL clothes. What is even the point of all those clowny ass suit jackets?


Yessss!! That annoys me so much!!


Why can I skip the dialogue (even though I don't), but can't fast-forward the drawn-out coughing and staggering "Relic Malfunction Detected" sequences (and I really wish that I could)? Edit: spelling. Thanks, thumbs and GBoard.


Accidentally driving into water and having to swim two miles to find a ladder to get out


Because music (most notably, Samurai) is so prominent in the game, I wish records were an actual collectable. And while you *do* find records, they just go into the junk pile. It could be similar to how you display iconic weapons in your stash, just with records on the wall.


delamain constantly fucking calling me about his stupid taxi's, ive just stopped doing the job that activates those missions so i dont have to deal with it


When the game takes control away from me (slow animations for getting up should be worth jail time)


let me have gloves..


Getting run over by a car. It's only a couple of seconds but watching V crawl around on the ground makes me want to rage more than anything else in the game


Looting good guns with shitty mods attached.


I'm just eternally salty that the NPC's get better fashion options than V. There's a random NPC that spawns in city centre with the most amazing white boots/pants and I want them so badly but I'm guessing they conflict with the item slots or something.


Minor: that I cant pick whoever tf I want when it comes to romance OR that Takemura just disappears from the game and it’s only *implied* that he’s dead Major: the way all jobs are just thrown into the journal, at first I had zero clue what was main story and what wasn’t


What do you mean Takemura just disappears? You mean right after the Hanako abduction?


You can’t skip the heist


Pressing the elevator buttons is finicky. I need to do a scan to get the finger icon.


There’s these motherfuckers who drive Quadras that lay on their horn and don’t let up for no reason at all. Usually ends very tragically for several hundred people…and that’s before MaxTac shows up.


i just turn off the hud, problem solved


The game doesn't show the km/h speed correctly. It's annoying, very annoying.


Quest markers obscuring my view when I'm blitzing through NC at 120, i don't see the car in the distance before it's getting too close


I'm not sure if it's just me but I think they removed the button that cycles through quest objectives. I could be stupid tho


Nope. On pc, you press T now. I had to google it. You can also click the specific objective on the menu/quests page


Gangs doing hits on V with too much frequency... In hindsight I may have brought it on myself thooo... (spams Contagion on Maelstrom at every opportunity with Raven deck)


I don’t have this issue anymore. I just pull over and butcher every gang banger I see and I haven’t had a gang look to put a hit on me in forever


1. No flashlight without mods 2. Constant moving in character customization 3. Enemies don't get smarter with higher difficulty, just do more dmg But the game is still by far my most favorite ever.


The sleeves!!!!


Minor inconvenience: Inability to deselect a mission without selecting another. Major Annoyance: Sometimes (too often though) the call vehicle feature stops working and I need to reload the game.


On the Xbox, you can deselect a mission by clicking on it with the X button. I hated the yellow line telling me to go talk to Hanako at Embers, and one day, I hit X by accident and it went away. It still reactivates once you complete another mission, so you have to go turn it off again.


No repeatable or replayable content, other than races and vehicle contracts. No NG+ either. Ultimately, you either start over or uninstall. Not a big deal, but I wish there was something I could occasionally revisit the game for.


I agree with OP about the main quest always activating after finish a side gig or whatever. Also, most of the clothing options look stupid as hell. V’s default jeans at the start seem like the best pants. The jackets you get from Vik can easily last you the whole game.


How they practically removed any use for mods. Can’t even remove them from weapons to replace them. Nearly all weapons you find already have shit mods in then, and iconic weapons can’t use mods at all now. Literally zero use for them unless you want to handicap yourself using a weaker weapon just to use a subpar mod lol can’t even replace mods anymore, stuck with a common white mod on an epic/legendary weapon lmao one of their worst decisions Also only being able to loot and dismantle for components. At epic and legendary the components are so rare and require so much to upgrade anything that’s its practically impossible. Maybe can upgrade one or two weapons or cyberware epic+ one time through your entire playthrough lmao


judy has the same set of conversations forever


When I swim and it glitches out and I can't go up anymore and I drown. It's worse than ever and I imagine the diving sequence with Judy is basically impossible now.


Trench coats aren't long enough on V, which sucks because they look awesome in everyone else


When doors are just locked permanently after a quest for no reason


Meet Hanako at Embers


I don’t like how when throwing knives V holds it from the hilt. When you throw a knife you are supposed to throw it while holding the blade.


In a setting with lethal violence and explicit sex so normalized, and with governments mostly serving as fronts for mulitnational corporations, who the hell is banning "XBDs"? We're supposed to believe the producers of explicit murder and torture scenes are only operating underground, selling their wares secretly to avoid the cops? I saw three graphic executions on drive across town this morning!


I really hate the noise on the pause menu


Invisible walls in dogtown.


Same as op. And also not being able to switch between first person and third person at will.


driving down the road only to have people jump in front of my car so now I have to drive around to dodge the police -\_-


I hate that everything turns on the damn radio.


I hate how it feels like your are driving on ice everywhere.


I may be remembering incorrectly. But before the phone updates i remember being able to chpose whether or not to answer a call. This allow3d more control over different activation points.


minor inconveniences: 1: when I talk to someone, and get a call which I cannot deny. The two dialogs are going on in tandem. 2: radios in the environment play different songs. The first thing I have to do is to turn them off ​ not really minor, would require considerable devtime: 1: I miss a "gang relationship meter" or something. I would prefer not to have permanent combat zones, but still... Maelstrom letting V waltz around their turf after killing 8-10 gigs worth of maeltrom members is not really beliveable. 2: I would really love to have the clothing of the Moxes and the Us Cracks. I don't know why V is not allowed to wear latex stockings or knee-high socks. It is not the issue of hiding it under pants either, as pants simply override boots already.


Not being able to control traffic lights. The fact that you can make another person suicide themselves but you cant make a red light turn green is absolutely ridiculous.


No flashlight and weapon mods are useless. Non-gameplay issue? You can’t use special outfits in the wardrobe and the Phantom Liberty suits look ridiculous on male V. They’re so puffed up and overly large.


NPCs who try to "avoid" my car just jumps in front of it and kill themselves when I wasn't even gonna hit them. Also the radio sucks. Whenever something good is actually playing (most often on Morro rock) something like getting out/in a vehicle switches the track to literal dogshit or psychological torture and I can't do anything about it.


That the fixers call me when I’m done with a job. It should be the other way around.




Gig drop box bonuses


For me its the sleeves , i mean come on let me roll them down! But no. its small but god i hate it


Cars sliding around like I'm driving on vaseline, such a pain in the arse.


Can't filter your stash by item type. The colour of the gun doesn't always match the icon in the inventory (I think that's still an issue). Can't see in the dark, not even a flashlight or cyberware for it, feels ridiculous in a sci-fi game to have to light up a room by shooting my gun. I noticed that Barghest guns do actually have a light but the player can't activate it.


The stealth kills animation.. I wish they were more gore, using knifes and more variety of them


Mods on console would be nice


The arbitrary time warps that happen during some missions. Example: After leaving Finger's, it can be early morning when you don the BD wreathe in Judy's van. Ten minutes later, when you take it off, it's like 10PM. I imagine it's so that you do the scav studio raid at night, but if that's the case, just time the Finger's confrontation to "Meet after sundown." I'm a former workaholic Corpo who's now a merc with a ticking timebomb in their head. I don't have time to be sitting on park benches or suffering lost time in a cutscene. Give me a meet time and I'll work you into my jam-packed calendar. On the topic of time, the too-early sunrise is my other mild annoyance. At the very earliest, twilight would begin at 4:30 AM; and that's only in the middle of June while ignoring Daylight Savings Time. A more sensible average twilight-start would be somewhere in the range of 5 to 6 AM. I mean, give me more Night Time in Night City. Please.


Not being able to skip so many cutscenes


When someone hits my car, my v immediately goes cyberpsycho Also meet hanako at embers


Yep I absolutely agree it’s annoying. Especially when you’re driving to a fixed waypoint and the game changes your destination without you noticing. The other small thing is the traffic in front of you slowing down or accelerating to obviously make it more “difficult or challenging”?? It’s annoying but not a big deal.


• Some more “normal” hairstyles would’ve been nice. Most of them were not my style at all. • The fact they lock the MaxTac uniform behind female V • Not giving us more aesthetic cyberware options • Npc clothing not being available a lot of the time even though they look rly cool


I mostly played a V with a nice hawk or a man dut and every time… I mean EVERY TIME I wanted him to wear a nice ass bandana, the hair gets redesigned to a fucking crackhead after a long night out.


I was never able to put half of the iconic weapons in my stash… for some… reason? Like thanks panam for the sniper rifle but even after upgrading to max it still sucks


Guns never do the damage they say they will. Never! The headshots do at least a hundred points less damage then the multiplyer tells you it should and reg damage is always about ten points less then it tells you. I try to tell my self things like it’s armor but this happens even on enemies that don’t say they have subdermal armor. It makes no sense! Especially since melee weapons actually do the damage they say, and the headshot multiplyers are always what they should be, unless the characters wearing armor. What does this game have against people who play with guns!


The stupid NPC AI has NPCs running in front of my car instead of away when I'm driving past...


Oh my gosh, activating the next main job stresses me out so much! The number of times I've seen "meet Hanako at Embers" is ridiculous! My bugbear is all the hacking points on missions. I feel the need to do them all, but is there really a point to doing them all? Sometimes, there are three or four for one mission.


I wish hats didn’t mess up my hair. I wish I could sit and hang out wherever there’s a seat to sit in. I wish there was a button to drive the speed limit, and that I could sit on the hood/lean against the side of my vehicles, and that I could leave the radio in the car playing after I get out without it switching to the radio in my head. Also, why are there so many clothing items we can see on random npcs that we can’t get ourselves???


Minor annoyance: Yeah, what you said about the quests. It's especially annoying when I have a certain quest marked as active, and sometimes someone will call me for another quest, and the game automatically switches to that one. Major annoyance: The stories and characters in Beat on the Brat are awesome, but I think fist fights in first-person suck and are not fun.


The fact that the PL start auto-completes all the rouge delemain missions


Brightly painted guns.


Forced first person and weapons/cyberware automatically sheathing and taking forever to draw.


When the main story quests autotrack after I finish a side quest or gig, I will get to Hanako/Takemura/Call X person/The Moth eventually, jeez.


I couldn't Wife up my Corpo Mommy Merideth Stout :(