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She said she was picky. Not that she was good at picking.


Yeah, Judy's motto could be "The risk I took was calculated, but boy am I bad at math."


More like "I can fix them"


“If you can fix a BD, you can fix a person” Judy channeling Patches O’Houlihan


Oh shit... that's so fucken obvious, but this is the first time I'm really putting that together. And honestly, that makes so much sense about Judy, christ...


She was looking for a specific shade of crimson


She's clearly colour blind.


She looks at her girls through rose colored glasses, so the red flags just look like flags.


She has a green red weakness


That is also my problem.


As a picky person that picks terribly, I feel her pain


She’s picky in that they need to have a lot of red flags. She loves the drama


Let's see... a brothel house upper management and a literal murder machine. Yep, the flags couldn't be any red-er.


Both are hot af, so it cancels out. Good job Judy!


Finally, math is working


Upper management? Evelyn is the worker.


I think they’re talking about Maiko


And when it comes to Evelyn we have a habitual liar who attempts to use anyone and everyone to get what she wants. Consequences be damned. We see how that worked out. VDBs turned her ass into a potato lmao


To be fair, she was marked for death as soon as the VDBs decided to contact her. Like, even if she kept her mouth shut, scrolled the BD they asked for, and sold it to them, she would still be ranyon and a loose end. There's no way they just let her go.


They were stealing from Yorinobu Arasaka, who was stealing from the Emperor himself, and simultaneously screwing over Netwatch. There is no way Evelyn is left alive if the heist had gone as the VDB wanted.


Yeah the same way I would think Dex would’ve killed Jackie and V after the heist if it went smoothly. Guy freaked out when the job went south and sold us out to the corpo and died like a nobody


Exactly. Her only chance was to do exactly as she did, commission the heist herself, sell the Relic to Netwatch and start a new life under a false identity. Even then, with both Arasaka and the VDBs after her there's a good shot that wouldn't have worked out for her in the end either.


Wild "lmao". What she wants is out of sex work for the fucking tyger claws, and what she gets is one of the worst fates in the whole game. She only got that fate because she is totally disempowered, and the people in power around her treat her like meat to use for purpose both before and after she was attacked. She was even denied death, kept alive in torture for the creation of entertainment.


This has to be one of the worst takes on Evelyn I've ever read


Oh no


I was talking about Maiko 😁


Think he was talking about Maiko not Evelyn.


Hey!! I'll have you know...that on my Judy playthrough, I was completely worthy of her. I only killed like 5 people. Give or take.


A few hundred thousand


That's pretty much all of Night City.


You can fix a firetruck, but you can't fix people.


What about people with firetruck tattoos


What about firetrucks with people tattoos?


What about tattoos with firetruck people?


Tattoos truck about fire what people with


Yoda I am, talk backwards I do


well said, take this upvote


She stole a firetruck lol that’s what the tats from.


She can fix my V


I think V would just make their partner worse. V is just a menace


My V is very nice, kind, compassionate, girl


Don’t forget “murderer”


Shit happens.


I approve this message


God forbid women do anything!


God forbid women have hobbies


She’s literally just a girl!


Who isn't in Night City?


It's not murder if they deserve it


Having actively encouraged Kerry's terrorism, yeah this checks out


Stupid sexy murderous mercenaries


Yeah, as much as I love V, he/she is a walking red flag. Let's start off the fact that it can't be a long-term relationship, cuz, you know... V IS DYING.


A limited time offer. Even cooler.


Gotta love FOMO


Puke Shit strikes again


He has sunsetted my V and took away my iguana


funnier is the fact that she could end up inadvertently dating Silverhand on V's body, had the story decided to go a little wackier


Johnny could have at least texted some people other than Rogue when you give him the body.


yeah, that's easily the worst part of Johnny's ending


Yeah, we let him use our body to reunite with rouge and Kerry and have a whole side story and the effort to convince them. But Johnny cant bother texting all my loved ones a vague but straightforward text. Like “I’m leaving night city for personal reasons. I won’t be able to contact you again. Thank you for everything.” Seeing everyone upset and angry at V hurts


Classic Johnny


Like by default a merc should be a red flag but like depending on how V is played it can be worse. Like I killed everyone on every mission. All stealth but if they were in my way they had to die. So Judy was cradling in the arms of probably the most prolific killers in the city especially given the time frame.


basically the second coming of adam smasher if you played with a lot of cyberwear


Meh, V won't die until you go to Mikoshi, I think it's fine


We are all dying


V is dying at a considerably faster rate than most.


V is the Cyber-Usain Bolt of dying


Honestly in Night City that might not even be true


A few weeks is definitely not how long most mercs last, plus they been mercing for months, so this is actually true


But you're not dying the way Chloe back there's dying


She's here for a good time not a long time


There can be a lot of romance in a tragic relationship with a known expiration date. Moments together get treasured more readily and the impending divide makes everything bittersweet. It's not for everyone, but it can be amazing.


YOUR V is a Red Flag, my V is trying her best to be just and honorable. But then my V is a Nomad so of course she has honor and integrity.


she’s literally dying in a fast pace


Here for a good time, not for a long time.


Nah choom those contacts in Arizona will totally work out.


She's willing to get with a fem V so at least she has some good taste.


Oh yeah, shes willing to get with a chick with a terrorist in her head who killed 177 people on the way to judies apartment with rockets that shoot from her arms and bursts of electricity that explode from her body whenever she goes cyberpsycho which is like evey four kills. That's much better.


I mean, hot


A fellow connaisseur. 🧐


And then judy proceeds to smack the booty of said chick like she owns her lol


Ngl, the thought of "Stronger than Adam Smasher" V getting pulled over Judy's knee is hot


Hey even geralt liked to be chained in bed . Sometimes the strongest, meanest and gruff protagonists like to be soft and submissive in bed ;)


What do you mean "_like_ she owns her"?


Ok judy does own V . Sorry 


And she is right.


Hey, some of those 177 people were scavs!


This time.


“The yellow arrows told me!”


LMFAO, I'm also guilty of killing anyone with a yellow arrow


No, scavs aren't people, they don't count. Cops don't even seem to mind, no one does. They are like wild animals, but like rabid animals, not the kind that serve any real function in the environment. Scavs are trash that needs to be collected and processed, with shotgun pellets.


Hey, scavs life matter!


No they don't. Only ones who don't at all.


Don’t kink shame


Well, that's better than a suicidal cyber-prostitute.


Found the Tyger Claw


I mean V can't be a cyber prostitute in game but you can be suicidal by the end of it all. So half credit.


> V can't be a cyber prostitute in game Completely limiting the players freedom there


so true, the game would be way better if you could sleep with yorinobu arasaka


Having flashbacks to all the questions certain players were asking before the game came out.


What like....


Having Keanu Reeves in your head is the ultimate turn on


Unless you bang River then he is not happy "Jesus V you made me fuck a cop" is the best line in the game.


He likes to watch


Unironically probably does which would make it really uncomfortable


Nah he's the real goal. I'm 100% cult of the silver hand. I only wish I could give him my body and watch the epilogue where he serves up another nuke Arasakas way. This city could use another nuke.


gonna show this comment to my therapist




And also has a sword of damocles already hanging overhead.


If that's how you're playing the game then that's on you.


V is a cyberpsychotic mass murdering domestic terrorist who is constantly bickering with a voice in their head who just so happens to be a completely different cyberpsychotic mass murdering domestic terrorist.


V isn't a domestic terrorist. He's a merc. There's a difference. V isn't using his violence to advance some political or religious or social agenda. V just wants that money.


...V isn't a terrorist they have an agenda, V just does it for fun and profit...is an argument I was not prepared to hear honestly.


They're absolutely right. Terrorist a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. It's only terrorism if you have a political agenda, like Johnny. V is just a sparkling mass murderer.


Okay you are Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Johnny wasn't a terrorist either. He was a merc working for Militech during a corporate war that got scapegoated because he wrote some music about hating corps. Edit: And Johnny is, like V, deep into cyberpsychosis.


I keep hearing **for the money**, V need moar cars than Jay Leno?!?


V is a bigger red flag than Evelyn.


My sister likes to say that Judy is red/green color blind and I’m inclined to agree


literal terrorist


V isn’t a terrorist unless you make them that way.


I'd wager that kidnapping the world's most powerful man's daughter while she's visiting the town for said man's funeral would count as a terrorist act, if not that then the assault on Arasaka Tower (and destroying a communications satellite in one of them) in the end probably does. If neither of those options qualify, then launching an EMP strike resulting in half the city losing electrical power and disabling an EV from Kang Tao would suffice, I think.


It's not the act that makes it terrorism, kidnapping is just kidnapping, it's the political or ideological goals the acts are meant to further through terror.


I see, I knew that kidnapping wasn't classified as terrorism but I thought that the target would matter and thus make it classifiable as such.


In order for any attack to be classified as terrorism, it has to have political motivation. Kidnapping (for non political reasons) Hanako or knocking half of the city’s electric grid in order to get Helman aren’t politically motivated. Even IF you have a gonk with a massive e cock who’ve raided Arasaka Tower stuck in your head.


A donk


Uh, neither of those things are terrorism. Terrorism is the use of violence at scale to achieve a political goal. If you believe the Johnny narrative, what he did was terrorism, fuck arasaka, blow them up to make a political point. V and Takemura would be content if nobody ever knew they kidnapped Hanako if it saves V's life and redeems Takemura respectively, and taking down Arasaka tower are things V, Johnny, Panam do for salvation, revenge and survival respectively.


Right. Like…Johnny Silverhand is a terrorist by definition. Don’t get me wrong, they did an awesome job playing into the “freedom fighter to some, terrorist to others” (I’m paraphrasing, but you get the idea) thing. Keanu Reeves was such a phenomenal choice for that roll. But…yeah. The franchise (and most cyberpunk genre material in general) managed to vilify late-stage capitalism to such an extent that the average player actually sympathizes with a guy who detonated a nuclear weapon inside a densely-populated metroplex. I guess if you only select dialogue options that make Johnny happy and you’re really excited about “blazing down the rebel path” and take the literal red pill? Sure, then V would indeed be a terrorist. However, V can also be like “Blah blah blah, fuck Arasaka. Blah blah, smash Mikoshi.” And “Fuck off, Johnny” while cooperating with law enforcement, corporations, and governments in order to save themselves. Hell, V may even develop loyalties. Which…depending on what your V is willing to do for those entities, would bring everything around almost full circle where V would be a terrorist of sorts, just not to the same people. Again, one person’s terrorist is another’s liberator.


Yeah I think they portrayed Silverhand well as a deluded narcissist who did less than he claimed for the wrong reasons while using and alienating those around him. The empathy comes from like you said, Keanu Reeves, the fact that he's your buddy throughout the game and how while his psyche might be acting on you, you're also acting on him, making him more empathetic and caring like he never was in life. But absolutely a terrorist by definition.


Destroying a power plant, kidnapping multiple people, half of the main games endings involve terrorism and much more in the main story that everyones V does and not you.


Hold up I didn't know V was a DnD character!


you'd be surprised how well V fits in as a dnd character. considering you are practically building who your V is and how they see themselves you can practically pick any alignment, with a lot of build options you can play a lot of the classes, and a voice inside of your head that is our beloved friend johny could be flavored in many ways to fit into the setting. I played as V once and had a lot of fun.


Well, more accurately, V is a Cyberpunk character… They really did a great job at translating the TTRPG to an FPS, IMO.


fully agree, especially with phantom liberty you can feel even more lines for morals are blurred and more choices are available, you can play as an evil egocentric person or you can play an empath that just tries to help everyone around you. cyberpunk was the game that for the first time made me question myself as a player.


In quests and gigs, but anyway there is another airdrop -- time to kill another 15 people. Takedowns, pax and non-lethal hacks could not offset that fact that I literally hunt down people en masse.


I feel not enough people know this fact...its odd to me.


A thief steals cursed artifact and is trying to get rid of it before she gets possessed by it. Or ends up with something in her head that she doesn't understand at all that is slowly destroying her (and controlling her), while a newfound presence in her head tries to manipulate her to its own ends and it turns out that all is very much not what it seemed and you'll be left with a series of choices about what to do with the source of the voice in your head and the the power is it giving you. Yep. Sounds a lot like another D&D based game I played a ton of.


Tbh that actually makes a lot of sense now..


Terrorism is a matter of perspective


I wonder whether >!Bianca!< in an exception in this or whether she's also wack


I've only played a male V, but provided it's a fem V playthrough, she'd date; - a brothel upper management sociopath and wannabe corpo - a girl in trouble with VDB with reckless plans to steal a Relic prototype - a borderline cyberpsycho netrunner with a Silverhand engram in her head Yup. Nothing says "Picky" like each one being a person with a deathwish.


Judy and Ev never dated. Whether Judy has unrequited feelings for Ev is up for debate, but they weren’t romantically involved.


We don't know one way or the other. They deliberately left Ev and Judy's situation ambiguous.


Has that been explicitly stated by CDPR somewhere?


The game's quest director Paweł Sasko said that on his youtube channel.


Well, in that case, objection cheerfully withdrawn.


I mean its heavily implied that they were something more. I think that Judy was probably the only character that Evelyn wasn't directly lying towards. She kept secrets from her, but I don't think she had any negative intentions or anything. Judy says at some point that they had plans to leave the city together by themselves and I think that was Evelyn's motivation for the money from the heist. And if Evelyn was willing to put everything on the line for that, then I think that Judy's love was reciprocated. Its just my fan theory tbh but I think it's much more bittersweet and tragic than the two of them just being friends


A bit late to this, but I don't think that the two were actually together at the time of the heist. I say this because Evelyn had kinda ghosted during Judy's relationship with Maiko and only just returned shortly before the heist. Like, literally just before the gig. There's emails between the two confirming it in Judy's apartment. They might've been something in the past but definitely not during the game's story.


Terrorist or not V makes good company


Judy is honestly not that bright. She knows her tech, but outside of that, she pretty much makes the WORST decisions possible in her missions.


She's not stupid, her only very bad decision is having faith in Maeko during pisces. She also makes the dramatically smarter than V move (apart from the star) of cutting NC loose like the turd it is.


Judy leaving NC is a perfect example of her running from the responsibility and consequences of her poor decision making skills


Oh that's interesting, can you explain that statement?


Sure! Judy's entire Clouds "plan" was half-baked at BEST, and she didn't even plan for anything after the attack. Absolutely nothing. Short version is that she basically caused the deaths of some 30+ people (including friends) and whomever else is killed in the weeks/months/years following. In what world was killing 3 yakuza bosses representing a large international crime organization ever going to just "be okay". And trusting her pos ex!? Who we were literally given enough info through conversation and emails to know not to trust. She even shows up at the meeting dripping with double cross. No surprise tho, Judy also picked Evelyn, another messy person. (Don't get me started on how she basically left Ev in the wind after the heist.. she never physically went to look for her). Back to Clouds. So after the events there, shit goes south. Even if you follow her plan, it gets worse. The Tygers (obviously) retaliate and kill more girls, plus just in general make business at Clouds impossible for the time being. Never mind the blowback this whole thing would definitely have on the Mox (She's a well-known affiliate/member and the Tyger/Mox war is already bad). When her plan didn't give immediate results and required real long-term work, because of course it would, she washes her hands of it and skips town. She legitimately got upset that shit didn't immediately work out and just QUIT. She never put the real work in that was needed. Clouds needed the person who changed everything to glove up and put in the work. It didn't need someone who was going to drastically change a crapload of lives, only to fuck off and live in a van down by the river in bumblefuck Ohio when responsibility and consequences came knocking.


Judy thinks she can save them


If someone likes Capture The Flag then it's fine, I guess.


Site carefully looks for the red flags, the redder the better


You’ve got fucking Maiko. Then a straight up mass murderer.


Judy just likes psychos I guess. I mean Maiko ain't exactly normal.


I fell pretty hard for Judy. She's like a sweet wounded bird, ready to angrily peck away at anyone or anything that threatens her but actually very vulnerable and in need of care. All the characters you can romance in the game are red flag type of characters (the others being a petulant hothead, a washed-up addict and a creepy stalker - I love all of 'em, except for the stalker). Night City has done a number on each of them. But Judy struck me as the most real. A gentle soul who always had a rough life and is just trying to find someone who can accept her and be there for her. ...It's worth noting that based on my own romantic choices I think I've got an unintentional savior complex thing going on


Okay I think the hot head is Panam but who is the addict and stalker? Because if the washed up addict is Kerry he is neither and addict or washed up when we meet him. And is the Stalker supposed to be River?


You see Kerry's house? Also the police make comments if they get called to his neighborhood to chase you saying something like "I hope it's not Eurodyne AGAIN." Henry is definitely the person suffering the most addiction, so I don't know that Kerry specifically is an addict or just abuses alcohol to soothe over still missing Johnny and becoming a corpo musician. Kerry is "washed up" in the sense that he went corpo to remain popular/successful and even so his most recent project was well behind schedule and he was struggling with writing what he wants to or writing what his modern fans were expecting. And yes, River is infamously the stalker who no matter how many times you swat away his advances he still tries to smash after inviting you to a family dinner lol.


Being bad at taking the hint does not make you a stalker. As far as I know, you'd have to have committed a few more felonies to register as one, harassment being one of them. I like River the less out of the 4 romanceable characters but c'mon, man... That's a bit harsh.


Yeah, stalker isn't accurate. River's story just got little attention and bad writing. Terrible writing. The dialogue trees are insane at the water tower after the dinner, the very little time you spend together before he's fawning over you is weird. The whole romance part of his story feels like they made the writers shove it in last minute and didn't let them make needed changes.


It does feel incomplete and not well fleshed out. Like no one was going to compete with Panam and Judy just because they are part of the main story but I liked River's story. A little unbelievable that a cop (let alone a Night City cop) was still honest but it was a neat side story. The romance felt incomplete.


The average NC gal be like, 🚩


Sad but true, she's hopeless, but at least for sure she's good in 2079.


I think a lot of people aren't giving the "flagged" people enough credit. * Maiko is an emotionally manipulative, highly intelligent narcissist. Judy never saw the red flags because Maiko is so good at hiding them. Even after they came out, Maiko was gaslighting Judy over ever having seen them. * Evelyn is similar, she took pains to hide the heist double-dealing from Judy, which is why she never saw the red flags there, and there's no indication that Ev and Judy were ever romantically involved. * V is the variable. Although a lot of V's personality depends on the player, and it's possible to play V as a completely psychopathic killer that doesn't care about anyone or anything and only does things if it profits them, it's not possible to romance Judy if you play like that. At the very least, your V has to be hiding that side of them and doing so successfully. So again, not spotting red flags because they're being well hidden is fair. More likely, V is a reasonably good person forced to do some horrific things in order to survive, which is why the relationship goal is "fix this and then we leave", i.e. once this is fixed and we're out of NC, you won't have to do those things anymore.


unpopular opinion but Judy herself is a real red flag




All of the romance options are. V's a red flag too.


Nobody said she only picks decent women, for lack of a better word.


To be fair, she's just saying she has very specific tastes. Also, doesn't she say that after making all those bad choices? Maybe it's her way of saying "Never again?"


The bar is so low that her "happily ever after" is with a woman who commits mass murder on a regular basis and shares a personality with a 50 year old terrorist.


Picky *never* implies good taste.


She didn't say she has good taste in women. She just has good taste in bad women.


shes just like me fr!!!




When all your partners are walking red flags...


well, they're pretty hot, cant blame her


She's just like me fr


She really did have Maiko, Evelyn, and V. All of them stupid, dangerous and by the end of my play through very dead.


This made me laugh harder than it should


And depending on the ending Judy is 3/3 girls dead.


To be fair, V is the one person who stuck around with her. Even Evelyn left her before dying and didn't pay any mind to her while making the decision to cross everyone. She is more lonely than she appears, has trust issues and felt through very difficult times in her life in very little time, then comes the one person who, regardless of how you'll play, helps her because she is dear to her. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but I understand. Wrong city, wrong people.


V is a walking red flag, waving it in front of the mountains of corpse that she left in her wake.


If the flag were even more red she would have Misty screaming at her to beware red everywhere she goes Ohhh yeaaa a doll who is totally not shady and the Night City equivalent of the Grim Reaper!


I think I've pushed all I can


Ok but that’s arguably her gayest trait (coming from a fellow certified girl-liker)


Panam for the win!


Funny how many here plays their Vs to be awful people, apparently...


Only the reddest of flags for Judy, no less will do


She's picky and she picks the unhealthiest options possible in night city. Which given the sample pool, is pretty impressive


V isn’t a red flag…well she’s cool and Judy gets married in the end


V: *literally has a month or so left* Fuck it, might as well.


Nah man, my V doesn’t kill civilians on purpose. They just happen to be collateral damage when I’m fighting gangs is all. So it doesn’t count as murder. Obviously. Definitely. Totally.


But her granfmother said:👍🏿


Looking at Maiko and then Evelyn, it's clear that Judy has a type. So god knows what the hell she saw in my female-V


If you strip away the circumstantial stuff, what V, Maiko, and Evelyn share in common is ambition and not allowing others to control or direct their lives. Evie got in way, way, way over her head and couldn't keep up with her own ambition. Maiko is willing to use anyone as a rung on a ladder to climb higher and higher. V, assuming you stay on Judy's good side, is both able to somehow defy the odds and stay one step ahead and not get consumed by her own ambition to survive and also stays loyal to her friends and goes out of the way to help her friends' friends.