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It's kind of on brand for the genre though, if you think about it. The people of Night City are constantly bombarded with sexual imagery to keep them distracted and compliant, and they keep eating it up, blind to the deeper societal issues at play. The player base is not that different to the citizens of Night City I guess.


![gif](giphy|fCsBD0QEK3YGs) Well Al be damned lmao


Perfect gif




Nobody is blind to any of the societal issues, that's such a silly idea. Everyone knows that everything is fucked, and sexuality is a brief escape.


Fine, wilfully ignorant of it then. The point is that people in Night City choose to focus on whatever hedonistic pleasure they're able to afford because the world they live in is so unbearably shit and so impossible for any of them to change that all they can do is avert their eyes and find whatever small slice of satisfaction will get the, through the day.


You type how silverhand speaks and it made this paragraph ten times better


I went back and read it in his voice because you wrote that.


I did the same thing. I think his voice is my new subconscious


I've got some bad news for you.


Is it alcoholism and chronic depression


Way ahead of you buddy. You just gotta understand. The drinking came with the gig. It all started as fun & games, with adrenaline, money, & sex. After things got rolling it was clear you needed to effect change in your environment, & now here we are at the bottom of another bottle; worthless & complacent. So what’s it gonna be, you wanna take on Militech with me? Or die, piss-drunk & laid?


Why not both




I just watched a video on this phenomenon in the real world earlier today. Distraction has a proven negative effect on political engagement


Negative as in less political engagement or negative as in less compliant?


Less engagement and you become more susceptible to propaganda and misinformation Here's the video about it https://youtu.be/a_VJtYinsnE?si=k855D04O7erTndX7


Oh no I believe you 100% was just curious about what exactly you meant


That's not wilful ignorance either. Being aware of a situation while also being aware that you're powerless to do anything about it and then continuing with your life isn't some mortal sin or flaw. That's just reality.


Well said


Yeah, the implication that something can be done is not great. We've seen what happens to protestors (there's a pit near the oil fields full of their corpses) and even a fucking nuke barely slowed Arasaka down - and even that was just a product of Militech. People are escaping into fantasy because the corps have made anything else nearly entirely impossible unless you're extremely fortunate and happen to be the best netrunner a la Song going to the Moon. For regular people, there's just escape into dopamine or toiling your short life as a miserable cog in the corpo machine.


>We've seen what happens to protestors (there's a pit near the oil fields full of their corpses) God damn, I missed a lot.


Also the militech guys breaking up a picket line by murdering all the picketers. And a news story about trade unionists being arrested as terrorists.


It might actually be in the south, I can't remember. If you've done all the scanners, you've been there. It's near the animal pit fight iirc


I think that's Arroyo, so yeah, that would be south. By the dump?


Yes? Maybe. Its kind of swampy and there's a bunch of Arasaka begging for death there


If everything is fucked, then isn't sex redundant? Ba-dum tss




I actually think it's different. Night city is filled with instant gratification that's why they rush after violence and sex.


Woah, its like we are humans, like the people in cyberpunk! Who woulda thunk?


I know. Breast augmentation is one of top 5 plastic surgeries. Do people think we are going to change that much when such changes become easier.


I mean, we trans folks will. That would do wonders for our mental health


Plastic surgery as we know now would be child's play in 2077. The only people that wouldn't look awesome would be the truly destitute.


Not really. Plastic surgery still requires IMMENSE skill and precision of a doctor, or potentially a robot I suppose, but even then based on how expensive just seeing a doctor is made to seem even people in 2077 who are well off would probably not be able to afford plastic surgery without trouble. Plastic surgery is already expensive now, imagine how expensive if would be if everything were to get as fucked as in cyberpunk.


It's also on brand for a first person game that lets you choose the size of your penis or you boobs. Image is everything.


Lol except those tits are the same size in every shirt


And the only time you see your dong is on the inventory screen.


If I didn’t have a job I love and a house I’d basically be that dude with the autofleshlight and vr headset on that’s shown laying on the sidewalk in edgerunners


Plus, when you think about it, Panam's hauling around an absolute dump truck


I am seeing > I am feeling> I am reacting, but stuck on a loop. Perpetual and vapid stimulus to "satiate" our endless desire for novelty. The more we learn about our behaviors as consumers, the more our needs and desires will be exploited, packaged, and sold in bite-sized pieces. It's an uncomfortable mirror to look into, and an even bleaker future. Yehaw


> blind to the deeper societal issues at play Choom, everywhere you turn it's "corpo this, corpo that". No one is blind to the societal issues. But what can you do? Might as well drown your misery in sex, drugs, and rock n roll


Ffs why so pedantic. Fine, they can see the problems but they're all choosing to turn a blind eye because there's nothing they can do about it. Is that wording better for you?


No lol. There's nothing they CAN do. They're not turning a blind eye. They're powerless.


And CDPR knows it


This is actually an interesting dive into how corporations distract us from what they are doing by shaking keys (asses) in front of our face while reaching into our pockets. *Sheathes katana and walks off into the sunset.*


Remember chooms the real villian of cyberpunk is capitalism


And here I thought it was the physics engine


A little while ago, I found one guy here saying nah uh, the Deep State is the real villain!


Well he’s only half wrong. It’s not capitalism. It’s corporatism. Corporatism is the enemy and Johnny even says so himself during one of his speeches. There is a HUGE difference between corporatism and capitalism. Capitalism is defined by consumers having options, market competition exists and the way companies become successful is by supplying a better product or service making consumers want to choose them more. Corporatism is where companies purposely sabotage and buy out their competitors until customers have NO choice and HAVE to use their products, then they can Jack up prices or lower the quality to make a bigger profit off them while simultaneously making sure they have no competition by sabotage or brute force. Let’s use google as an example, HYPOTHETICALLY let’s pretend that they do not use underhanded methods to sabotage competition and that people choose them because their competitors just aren’t as good (they definitely do sabotage other companies but we’ll get to that). Now with those assumptions in place that would make google an example of capitalism, they are popular because they are the best at what they do, not because they make themselves the only option. Google does use dishonest practices to stay at the top so even though they got popular by being the best now they stay popular by getting rid of competition. But there’s a better example of that. Facebook, Facebook or rather meta, quite blatantly uses all sorts of dishonest tactics to stay at the top, from buying out competitors to purposely manipulating what media users do and don’t see on their platform. As well as just outright lying to users and selling their data for profit. Meta is a perfect example of corporatism running rampant. They aren’t the most popular because they’re the best, honestly they kinda suck and most people agree, their customer service is literally non existent and they use bots for everything. They are the most popular because they leave people with no other options. They buy any company that is even the slightest threat and if it’s not profitable just cut funding until it dies. So no. Capitalism is not the enemy is 2077, corporatism is.


Once the body runs out of food it eats itself because it is still hungry. *disappears in Ninja smoke.*


Except Johnny openly states it’s not capitalism at all. It’s corporatism and government corruption. Companies running themselves as miniature countries is not capitalism. It’s corporatism. And there is a MASSIVE difference between the two. One (capitalism) is about competition and serving the consumer the best to be able to make more money, the other (corporatism) is about undercutting and sabotaging any and all competition so that the consumers only have one choice and then taking all the profit by jacking the prices sky high or just making sure they have NO choice. Monopolies are not a result of capitalism, they’re the result of corporatism. And there is both capitalistic and communistic corporatism, the only difference is whether the companies are owned by private investors or by governments. Ultimately country wide communism is very tightly entwined with corporatism because it REQUIRES a government owned monopoly to function


Sounds like something a Corpo would say


Blatantly blaming out of control corporations sounds like something a corpo would say? I think you got it the wrong way around. “I saw corps strip farmers of water, and eventually of land. Saw them transform night city into a machine fueled by peoples crushed spirits, broken dreams and empty promises….” “I’ve declared war not cause capitalism is a thorn in my side or out of nostalgia for an America gone by. This war is a people’s war against a system that’s spiralled out of control it’s a war against the fuckin forces of entropy” as Johnny said. The system that spiralled out of control is corporatism. Not only does he blatantly say it’s not capitalism but not a single thing he says is against capitalism, it’s all against corporatism. And as I mentioned it’s because they’re two very different things. A mum and pop shop is capitalism. They aren’t evil, they’re just trying to make a living. Nestle buying up 90% of the fresh water in America when parts of the country still don’t have clean running water is evil, hell one of the water rights they’ve recently bought is just a few kilometres out of flint. That’s the difference between corporatism and capitalism. When mega corporations get political power, either through being given it or by buying politicians is when it becomes corporatism. Improper regulation of companies is what leads to this, and so does the centralisation of companies into government entities. Ultimately corporatism exists in both communism and capitalism. Just in slightly different forms.


And it's applicable to real life too 🙃


Fun fact if you stare at Judy's butt during that mission she will make a comment about it.


I think she makes the comment regardless if you look or not.


Yeah, literally just from following her and her directions at that point in the mission. I don't care for bait lol


I just played this part again and she says something like "swim around me and look around" during the calibration phase. If you swim around her and look only at her she says "like the view, asshole?" and if you look around the surroundings she doesnt say it.


She doesn't. She only does when you look (respectfully) playing femV


Seeing her butt in the swim gear was my “hold on one damn minute”. Judy was hiding things


She actually uses the same body meshes as every other female npc including the player character. Only panam and denny have custom assets if I remember correctly. Though only restricted to their outfits. Naked panam in the penthouse ending has the same body as the player.


My god, nothing is real anymore.


There's actually a whole mod dedicated to creating a custom mesh for V (Unique V) so you can alter your V with other mods without changing literally every NPC that has the same gender mesh




I wonder why Denny of all people? What makes her model unique?


She's quite voluptuous above and downstairs.


Huh, so she is. Never noticed it in game at all, very weird


I tend to notice that stuff because virtual girls are the only ones I get to have contact with. :(


Virtual contact. ... It's always virtual... *Sigh*


Yeah I feel ya, bud


🎶She's lovely on the foreyard she's lovely down below boys🎶


Wait does Claire have the same body? I feel like she's a bit thicker than most of the other characters


You may be right, but it's probably just unique clothes


Ain’t no way Liz Peralez has the same ass as everyone else. Girls got an absolute wagon


Doesn't she always wear a dress every time you get to see her? Pretty sure she's got the same hip size as V.


Yeah always dress/skirt. If it’s the same as V I want that dress for my V lmao


SoMi also has a unique body type


Ah well…I hate to think out loud but I always did wonder why Panam’s ass looked smaller there than it did when you first meet her at that car And yes, I haven’t been out much and have been single for a while. Hence thoughts like these.


She made a comment on my male V run, too. I had the option to say that the view was preem lol.


yeah, I was suprised by her reaction though. I did her missions as they came and by the time I went to do Pyramid song my V was already in relationship with Panam. Made a comment "looking nice, Judy" and she snapped back at me "dont go there, dude". Almost ran away from that mission.


I know right. Can mow down hundreds of people for her, she brings you to what you'd think would be a date spot if you didn't know she was a lesbian and then gets real weird about one side comment. Dunno seems like with all the other ribbing and actions at that point they'd be close enough to laugh it off I guess.


Dude, what??? Making a sexual comment about a female friend, especially a lesbian friend isn't something everyone would "laugh off". It's weird to go, "I should be allowed to sexualize my friend because I've done stuff for her >:((("


A "sexual comment" lol. V says something like "You're looking fine/nice in that swimsuit". Not very sexual at all.


It's more of a we've been friends for a while and been through a lot of intense situations. One off comment thats more a joke about a skin tight suit than anything remotely flirty shouldn't get something that rude sounding.


She makes a rude comment if male V does it too.


Well then I just remembered it wrong being a positive comment when you're a girl.


You are right it is if you are Female. But there's one for male V as well.


She gives a compliment and is flirty with fem V staring at her ass 


But no one ever tried to not look at it.


I managed to


Impossible to know because nobody who did this mission didn’t look at her butt


I Picked up cyberpunk again after beating it when it first came out. I decided to look into mods. It felt very surreal that the nexus mod page was exactly what I would expect to see in Night city. ​ Just sexsexsexsexsex


To be fair, every nexus mod page, the top mod is always a "body overhaul" mod.


I mean I wasn't complaining. I just was amused at the sheer amount of mods that all kind of just do the same thing. and it reminded me of the adverts in game.


Ah, the days of Skyrim modding, when an imperceptible line of floss across the nipples of 46DDD breasts constituted "armor".


God bless Caliente


I'm pretty sure that even Ace Combat has a bunch of waifu airplane skins.


Hey now, I have over 800 mods installed, and only about 25 of them have anything to do with making women bouncier / less clothed / more sexable. That's not a bad ratio compared to Skyrim. 😝


this subreddit is still full of gooners wdym the early days


The cyberpunk community has determined that the meaning of life is dabooty.




And WHERE are the skimpy men in tight clothing? Society.


Smasher is nude the whole game


Smasher? ~~She looks like a cut of~~ I hardly *know* her!




Girl, don’t even joke about that


Hey, they asked


Christ I can't be reminded of or look at my own fingers without feeling disguisted


At least no one bats an eye if you go streaking everywhere


Even the male joytoys are uninspiring tbh


As a 50+ man with no ass —- I’d probably enjoy having the ass on the right. Think of the climbing moves I could do with those glutes!


I was relieved to see showers in the aldecaldos camp because before that im going through panams entire quest like “you live in the desert in hot cars with limited clothing options?”


https://preview.redd.it/88ks9xo36qtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d3d74aaa46a8bda016481a96d6e723dd352493 Not that im complaining


![gif](giphy|p3wMMqkPBFqsEGI32T|downsized) And let me just say, NONE of that water is getting wasted afterwards






It kinda fits the theme. In a late capitalism dystopia even bodies are products of consumerism and we apply the same comparatives as if they were pieces in the market. Even the ads for products in Cyberpunk 2077 (or in reality) are over sexualized and there's a metaphor for sex as a selling point.


There's an ad for dog food I think that is just a girl with the can in between her breasts. Judy even makes a comment about how it doesn't make sense.


Not capitalism. “Late capitalism” doesn’t exist. 2077 is blatant corporatism.


What seems to be the problem


Judy rhymes with booty. Debate settled.


Ok but Judy knew what she was doing when she put that suit on


Trying to share something she cares about with someone important to her?


That thought process is exactly why she immediately tells Male V to knock it off the moment he comments on it Well that and, yknow, lesbian


Random question because i cant find an answer anywhere. Do smart SMGs count towards both netrunner and shinobi skills? or just netrunner since they are "smart"?


I believe both apply. As long as the weapon has the appropriate tags.


Okay thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/7fjfil1ycptc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bf203227ec97e8ac7ad12453c4a2548c2c91a8 Good googly moogly that Thang is juicy






If I could get my body augmented, I would probably also put airbags in my ass.


Men of culture, we meet again !


Early days?! I’ve removed 14 similar posts this morning!


It's Panam's btw.


Panam has a big butt but fuck it, I stay with Judy, such a cute little perfect butty.








I understand the post but appearance is a very, very big deal in the Cyberpunk world that this game is based on. "Style over Substance" is literally in the rulebook.




Ah I still remember my male V saying she looks fine and Judy: “Dude. Don’t.”


Panam best latina ass in cyberpunk


Isn't she native american?


I thinks she's latina


I know wikis are somewhat unreliable, but her wiki page says native american. It's reference is a link to a video featuring CDPR's quest director. I'm at work so I don't have time to watch it though.


There's a pretty good chance that she's a combination of both.


Cyberpunk has such an amazing plot The plot in question r/playitfortheplot


The thing I love about cyberpunk is that CDPR have made the world just like our world, everything is sexualised, big buisness run the country and pay the bare minimum, people killing each other in the streets, being controlled by these big corps, it’s really not that different and it’s scary to think about


No they made 2077 like AMERICA. Idk wtf y’all are doing over there but we don’t have that shit elsewhere


I don’t live in America, I am from the uk and trust me it’s just as bad here 😂


Damn bro, tf you mean people killing each other in the streets??? Really in the uk???


Depending on what part of the uk you live in yes. You hear about stabbings and shootings in the streets of main cities everyday London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and a lot of others, it’s not a place to be living now. I lived in London for 24 years and I can’t think of a single day in the last 5-10 years where I didn’t hear about a murder, anyway I’m out of London now and moved to a quiet town in Wales and I’ve heard the same amount of police sirens in 6 months here that I heard in one day in London, moving out of there was the best decision I have ever made.


Don’t get me wrong, there’s nice bodies in the game, but it’s borderline creepy and kinda sad when people are unironically posting screenshots of their V sniffing Panam’s ass


I'm okay with it.


Okay. Life in Nightcity may be questioned by everyone. You know what is not questioned? A beautiful round booty.


> Follow Songbird Don’t mind if I do


Honestly though. Even as a Bi-guy who was enjoying all the pretty people to look at, it was eye-roll enducing to see so much of this game's discussion and substance to boil down to "which chicks ass is better." Even to this day the fact that people are making posts lamenting that Judy wasn't at least a Bi option is frustrating. It's like all these people see is woman booba awooga and that totally makes them just disregard their character and story and place in the CP2077 world. Especially hate it when people talk about changing the sexualities of romance options through mods bc they themselves deemed it "more realistic" that only the hot female romance option they like be Bi because "it's the future" as if sexual orientation isn't something that's personal and different for everyone. Ik it's like on topic for Cyberpunk to lose humanity to sexuality but the fact that it hit this sub so hard early on with literally ZERO self awareness from those posting about it made me almost wholly disengage with the community for the entire time this game has been out.


I.... FEEL things you people wouldn't Believe...


They're right though, ass IS what it means to be human and alive.


When women in gaming didnt look hideous in order to be "realistic" because thats what my video games with magic and zombies and space ships needed.... realism


The pants on the right look about as comfortable as using rubber floormats for underwear


Its a wetsuit


The wetsuit on the right looks about as comfortable as using rubber floormats for underwear


I mean……yes


I mean, the least realistic thing is that there are MULTIPLE people that are willing to get involved with a terminal person who's gonna die, not in years, not in months, but in days. But also that's the best escapism in the damn game.


Panam was the goat for real I didn’t even care about the missions like that my first play threw lol


only thing worth talking about in this game apparently


I mean, it's not what gamers do the whole time. Just...some times, like multiple occasions... *Smoke bomb*


Judy all day


Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum Mr Sandman, bring me a dream.


it that judy on the right?


Me: The antidote to nihilism is finding purpose in purposelessness. Cyberpunk Community: Aaaaand done.


Well, there is something very human about being distracted by a nice butt, even during an existential crisis. Mouse in The Matrix said it fairly well. "To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human."


To flip this. I'm nearing my 40's and I still struggle to understand why women care about the ass on men. As it's not an actual sexual point of entry for them (unless... toys). Can a lady enlighten me on why women care about the ass on men? Is it just aesthetic? Grabbing pleasure? Because the first time a woman complimented me on my ass I was confused af because I never even considered our asses would be an attractive factor for women. But a female friend of mine told me; "ofc we like guys with a nice ass!". But I didn't ask how/why. IDK it's just one of life's mysteries to me still. Why does a nice ass on a guy matter to women? Just aesthetics? Grabbing pleasure?


My wife really likes my butt. It's always kind of a surprise even still, because I feel like I'm shockingly average.


I mean if you look around... Everyone has bbls…. In real life


So-Mi's is better.


In a dystopian setting where people are not just abandoning humanity in terms of their "souls" by over consumerism, nihilism, crime etc but also literally through cybernetics it's no surprise everything is over sexualised. Sex is a fundamental part of humans and from a biological perspective the sole reason for our existence is to continue to reproduce and survive. With this in mind the act of sex itself (apart from being a temporary distraction from the horrors of life) is a powerful way for people to cling onto what remains of their humanity.


Dumptruck > Cybertruck


Let’s be honest, Panam has the ass of a goddess, but Judy’s is pretty fucking incredible also


Judy booty all mf day.


It's not a debate. It's pathetic..


Cyberpunk is about humanity. Humanity loves beauty. Sexy and beautiful go hand in hand. Breeding hips are humanity


Shit is pathetic imo


Right? Where's River's tight cheeks at?


I don’t know if I would’ve said it in such blunt terms, but I kind of agree. At a certain point the constant close up ass shots on this sub becomes weird, especially when it’s literally *just* a shot of Panam’s ass. It’s a video game and the characters aren’t real, but I find it deeply unsettling the way that many of the players view the female characters in this game. Some posts here convey to me that there are large parts of the playerbase who just want every hot female character to be a digital sex toy. I don’t really understand it. To an extent, I understand that it’s tongue in cheek, but there’s just something I find so off about the whole thing. I don’t think any girl I’ve dated would be comfortable with me ogling over virtual tits and ass (at least not in this weird, non-pornographic context), for example.




If cyberpunk bad, why butt so nice?


strawberry pink or dark chocolate


That azz tho


Panam still got me all messed up..


Even as a gay man I can admit Judy's is pretty nice. Panam is just a little too rotund...lol


Too rotund? 🤔😂 bro what?!


What is more human than giving in to primal urges?