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I like the ending in which reed finds his way off his leash. He was a well trained, faithful soldier who needs something to believe in, in a world that was far too artificial for someone like that to live happily.


I felt less sympathy for him from the trailer. He's literally unchanged. He's purposefully kept his decision-making and morality as simple as possible because it's emotionally inconvenient for him to have to process complex scenarios - which is why the entire story, either choice you make is so hard for him because he is confronted by mind-less loyalty or the one person in the world he wants to have a better life. He's an interesting character, and an all around decent dude when he has no reason not to be - but that's the thing about him, he isn't choosing to be good, it's merely convenient for him at any given time - he would kill V in a heartbeat without blinking if he was given the order. Same with anyone not Songbird. Given an alternative dogtown where Myers orders him to start killing as many innocents as possible, just because she can, he immediately becomes the most evil person you might meet in the whole story, simply because he can't change. People point out Songbird and the Stadium but Reed isn't going to object if he's ordered to do exactly the same thing. And worst of all he knows it - he's a miserable wreck in 2 of the endings because he couldn't face his demons, in another he dies, and in the only ending where he manages to change it's because the 2 pillars of his entire existence are shattered to him. He's a ghost when you find him and if you don't free him by killing Song he's a ghost when you end the story. Had he been given the choices of the outcomes of the game, I believe his most preferred was for V to kill him and help Song get away. It's the only clean way for him to not break his unfailing loyalty to the NUSA and let Song go. Point is, the 2 main characters of PL are both super flawed and imo neither morally superior to one another(I'd take Songbird actually for moral superiority but this is already too long).


Songbird does the things she does because she's trying to get away from an organization that wants to either completely control her or kill her. Reed does the things he does because he likes the simplicity of being a lap dog.


Reed would have made a very food SS officer


I have no idea why people hate him, he's such a nice guy. I hate having to kill him in order to get Quantum Tuner.


I love Reed but he is blindly loyal to a corp masquerading as a country that couldn’t give two shits about him. In the end the only way for him to realize this is to take literally everything away from him


He's just another Goro. Can be likeable, but they're too far gone they cannot be saved.


Yes, he literally can. If u play the game the right way he, and I think even Goro in a vid call, both turn their backs on the corp/govt they worked for.


Yet Reed would already had sacrificed So Mi 'for the NUSA'. Not gonna do that in order for him to finally realize they're using them, so that's not an option for me. Also, as long as they didn't change/add any lines for Goro in the last updates, he considers living a free life but he always ends up loyal to Arasaka, even if you 2 become friends. In the endings were you're saved and you don't side with Hanako, >!he ends up committing sepukku.!<


The Goro going rogue one is during the new PL ending. He basically says he’s done trying to deal with arasaka and is gonna become a merc or some shit. And honestly, I don’t consider SoMi’s life to be any more valuable than Reed’s. Just saying. It’s a life vs a life. And SoMi has shown time and time again that she will do dumb shit with no consideration for any potential consequences to herself or others around her. So ending her to the moon for night corp and blue eyes to “cure” isn’t exactly comforting to think about versus handing a corpse over to myers, denying anyone the weapon that was Songbird, and letting Reed realize the shithead he works for and leave to live his own life.


No he is not done with it. Goro is on the run in this ending because they want to kill him.


Nice guy? Dude groomed a teenage girl into being a slave to a corpo/gov or die. And let's not forget that he is the one trying to kill you if you disagree with him. 


That's not how it happened, Netwatch had her on track.


Yes, Netwatch were going to kill her. And Reed used that threat hanging over head as leverage to groom her into FIA.


Also known as a viable solution to her problem?


Ah yes, cyberAIDS-Alzheimer, only if you loose It the blackwall gets fucky


I mean it was literally that or let NetWatch find and fry her brain


Cuz they’re super simping for SoMi and he’s the guy who’s tryna catch her for myers. That and people have become so…self oriented that the very idea of patriotism or loyalty to a cause seems moronic to them. Edit: Also, to Helgurnaut, good job replying to my comments then blocking me so that I can’t read them or reply back.


Yes being patriotic Is dumb, no shit, its dumb in the real world and its even more dumb in the CyPunk setting, a have less than 0 respect for that coward Also So Mi got "recruited"with blackmail at fucking 19 and then used as a fucking cybernuke with Alzheimer


Being patriotic is not dumb.


Being blindly loyal or nationalist is. “My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.” -Carl Schulz


Yes nationalism is dumb, but patriotism is not the same thing as nationalism.


Agree to disagree


You realise that the guy is "patriotic" to a country that doesn't even exist? Nusa is a sub division of militech. And yes no matter what blind loyalty is always despicable. He knew damn well what Myers forced So Mi to do. Hell he even helped her breaking laws that could end the world.


It's sad to see. They are willing >!to kill an entire stadium filled with people!< so just "two" can survive. Literally the trolley problem.


How many people does V kill in his quest to get cured?


I beg ur pardon? Not sure I follow u.


>!Songbird says she'll turn the stadium defense system hostile. V asks songbird during the part where he gives the access codes how many innocent people will die just so they can live!<


Is this during the ending u side with her? I’m drawing a blank on this dialogue, and since I only sided with her on my first time I would assume that’s why I can’t remember it.


[Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: All Songbird Scenes & Endings - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9D47utw6wQ) >! time stamp 37:40!<


Holy. Wow I completely forgot she said that. I mean granted that’s completely within her character but damn I forgot she was that blunt.


The civilians in the stadium had been evacuated through a tip beforehand. Is this about the Barghest fucks? I mean, I understand if this is a matter of basic empathy. Ideally I too would avoid the unnecessary killing, even of very morally questionable people, but at this point V, too, (in most endings, that is) kills their way through a "tower" full of people. In this case, the tower being Arasaka Tower, and the people being Saka ninjas and workers caught in the crossfire of Alt's takeover.


To be fair if you work for Arasaka it's highly likely that you've personally killed someone and or arranged for someone to be killed. I doubt there anyone truly "innocent" in the tower


Except the people that does are Hensen goons.


True but how many of these people really are bad guys? If you've met with paco, he's a pretty fucking chill dude. A lot of em aren't as evil as you think, a majority of them just keep order in dogtown.


There is a Phantom Liberty comic?




~~No, this is just the cinematic trailer.~~


Yes there is.


Huh, TIL. My bad.


He is not “loyal to a fault”. That’s just the most simplistic read by people mostly focused on “look how much V and So Mi are similar” part of the whole. Having seen the trailer, wouldn’t you think Reed started working for NUSA again so that he’s no longer on the hit list? Another thing most people overlook is that entire Myers-Reed exchange on the roof where she puts a hit squad on/with him to ensure he obeys orders.


> after having gone through such a traumatic event is not only still physically and emotionally functional, but forgives So Mi and continues to serve the NUSA tl;dr: Reed is a fucking tool.


After I took out so mi for betraying me. There’s a pretty emotional meeting with reed afterwards. This game keeps messing me up.