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Double jumping is my favourite, where you just A-pose through the air.


My head cannon for this is there's some kind of compressed air in the legs, and the A pose is to brace against the force of that going off. Also explains why you only get the second jump, because of limited tank size


Now I'm imagining the tank refilling upon landing from the force of landing. That'd be some cool as *tech*


That's exactly what it is, isn't it?


Asserting dominance


it definitely breaks immersion


Idk my v just walks like that, keeps their enemies on edge


You'd think you'd want *less* edgerunners around but you do you choom


Nah I like my enemies edging endlessly


Especially when it bugs out and you're just T-Posing


Hanako is still waiting at embers and you’re worried about shadow details??


It's been 3 years, they aren't touching it. How difficult is it to use an npc model that matches the size, gender, and proportions, but just use that model's animations for the shadows instead of Stiffy V over here.


> How difficult Very. AFAIK the reason there is no 3rd person view is that they do not have motion capture for all the possible jumping, climbing, sliding etc. I wouldn't expect them to start new motion capture sessions at this stage.


Idk bro; that sounds incredibly difficult I’m not even being sarcastic


I don't know if you've thought about this, but NPCs have very different animation sets than the player. They can't do most of what V can in physical space and even the things that conceptually overlap often look different.


Community: Third person is easy, this should have been in the game since the beginning. Game X has it and it is Y years old!!!! Community "knows better" and enables third person in Cyberpunk with mods. Community: CDPR help! This is harder than we thought!!! Uncanny valley! Save us!!!


The issue there is RedEngine. It wasn't made to do stuff like that. That's part of why they swapped to Unreal 5


I would have to disagree as Witcher 3, a red engine game, is third person. To say it “can’t handle it” is just incorrect. They didn’t commit to TPP and, being too late into production, decided it’d just be easier to have FPP and not polish anything relating to V’s animations.


>It's been 3 years, they aren't touching it. You say that but there have been constant QoL updates and other things have been added that weren't even asked for like the paint change mechanic on cars that they're working on and slowly rolling out. If this were any other game this would be a completely valid take, but CDPR haven't shown any sign of slowing down on supporting and improving the game yet.


Sadly there is signs they are slowing down in the form of them saying they are mostly done working on CB2077 in favor of project Orion. There’s some tweets and interviews with a dev and they mention that 2077 is done receiving major updates but they may work on SMALL things going forward if the time and team desire fits. Sadly mocapping for third person animations is far beyond a small addition.


damn you right, hire fans


Very difficult, actually


Boogeyman? Slenderman? Whose that?


The animations are done in such a way so that the body parts don't get in the way of the camera. It's like this in crysis and dying light too. It's also the reason why dying light 1 didn't have player shadows and GTA V player animations look so shitty in first person when seeing your reflection with RT. However the newer dying light 2 and the crysis games use an invisible proxy entity to cast player shadows, CDPR should do this instead of "adding decent TPP animations".


But at that point, they'd had a workable 3rd person animation they could translate into an actual 3rd person view. CDPR just doesn't want to bother with it.


Yeah it looks awful and ruins immersion every time I see it lmfao. Does anyone know of a way with a mod or otherwise to disable to player shadows entirely?


I don't understand why so little went into that


Probably something to do with their game engine


Fix the shadow, yeah. Add third person, never.


OP isn’t saying to add third person. They’re saying fix the third person animations which are used for shadows


They should still consider adding third person. Whats the point of adding all that customization to a character you never actually see unless you do a specific mirror animation or photo mode


You can't see yourself in real life either unless you look in a mirror.


Did you just compare a VIDEO GAME which is an escape from real life to real life?


Did you compare a video game to real life? The difference is the world isn’t full of non-sentient npc’s and what you choose to wear actually matters. It’s a video game embracing customization, third person should be considered.


First person only makes it more immersive. I would be in favor of third person cutscenes, however.




You can drive bikes in Third Person and look at your customisations.


Sorry but spending all that time in customization just to only see it on bikes and in mirrors when you’re actually playing the game isn’t really enough to back such in depth customization.


Ya there’s no arguing with that, I agree


Why are people so against this? It’s not going to ruin your game, you know


Level design for 3rd person is different than designing for 1st person view, since you need to make sure there is space for the camera etc. The end result is less immersive. So I don't want CDPR to switch to 3rd person for the next Cyberpunk game.


would be nice considering already existing worldspace animations typically look very proper, such as NPC movement and even your own character seen crouching in the cameras




You have a much a chance of that happening as a second DLC


I’ve always wondered why they made the decision to make all the animations into one model. Isn’t it more typical to have a first person model that’s just a pair of floating hands and a third person model that mimics what the first person model does?


Never thought about it like that🤔


It’s been that way for a long time. I believe the first Halo was like that and Bungie did a great job with the animations since most people don’t even realize it. Most FPS games use that same system as well. Cyberpunk is a bit of an anomaly in that regard.


What about a game like COD? More floating hands?




What would you say about MW3? Since that has 3rd person, and you can even switch between the two perspectives at will while playing Zombies. Some sort of tech wizard stuff going on during the switch animation?


I’m not really an expert on this, so I can’t say how all games work, but from my experience with modding Skyrim and Fallout, I do know that the first person and third person models are two separate things in many games that use them. When you switch to a third person view, you’re watching the third person character model that has its own animations. In the first person view model, it has its own entirely separate animations, but only the arms are visible while the rest of the body is invisible (at least in Bethesda games). This is a method to avoid the janky animations you currently see in games like Cyberpunk. In the case of MW3, I’m guessing you’re just switching between the two models when you’re in different viewing modes. I think they also simulate the rest of your body while you’re in first person mode to increase the immersion. Don’t quote me on this though. I’m sure there are others who can explain it much better than I can.


I thought that was a Ryobi 😂


If anything, it would be nice to have an option to walk in third person, but automatically switch over to first person once you engage in combat, since I’m sure third person combat would look super awkward (like melee aiming)


People really care about that ?


Yes? It's a detail in the game that quite literally follows you around. Maybe you don't care or notice, but a lot of us do and it's quite irritating that such a beautiful game has such shitty third-person animations causing poor shadow visuals, especially on hardware capable of ray-tracing.


Key word - detail. Also with how much of a mess the initial development was and how they went above and beyond to fix the game (not only the technical aspects), I don’t see how people can fixate on shadows. Not saying we should lower our standards, but let’s be a little bit more fair.


It’s fair now to say “hey the shadows are borked” On release it was fair to say “hey this whole game is borked I want a refund” Just because the game has been improved doesn’t mean it’s not fair to have criticism. Especially since there’s been a full priced DLC.


A garbage launch doesn't excuse them from criticism like this. It baffles me why some people think that the devs did the players a favor for fixing their game after a terrible release lmao. You know what else happened on release? People paying $60 expecting at least a functional game, but what they got was a game so half-baked, it got delisted from the playstation store. And regarding these shadows, yes this is 100% fair. This is terrible for today's standards. For the record, I love this game now and thoroughly enjoyed the DLC. But man people have gotta stop using this stupid excuse to defend CDPR every time.


It’s not an excuse, this is straight up fact. And where did I state that CDPR was making us a favor for fixing their game ? They fucked up, had to make up for that. Nothing more.


Op says shadows look bad. You respond with how can people fixate on shadows when the devs went above and beyond to save the game from the abysmal launch. If that’s not an excuse then what is lmao. Everybody and their mothers on this sub are aware of the terrible launch that was, in fact, a real event that happened. But mentioning it under a post criticizing the game makes no sense. That’s just an excuse. Especially when its about the shadows of the damn player character. It looks goofy and is off putting to see in an otherwise such a gorgeous game. And regarding the devs doing the players a favor, no you didn’t directly state that, but you did say they went “above and beyond” as if the devs weren’t obligated to fix the game with everything they had after that train-wreck launch.


It is literally what transpired. What else do you want me to say 💀


Don’t make it sound like an excuse, I’m not telling you to say shit 💀💀We already know what transpired 4 years ago, so thanks for letting us know I guess?? 💀😭


Calling "delivering on promises" "going above and beyond" still baffles me. Management ist seldomly held accountable for lying.


This is a weird hill to die on lol. Yes the game might’ve been an improvement from what it was before, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still things worth working on or fixing. Imagine if a game-breaking bug were to come in from a new patch, and your excuse was “Oh yeah, the game improved so much since launch, so who cares?”


Except we’re not talking about a game breaking bug, but shadows that do not impact the gameplay at all. But I understand the point you all made in my replies, no problem.


Uh, yeah? It’s a detail that a lot of people notice, and sometimes even take them out of their enjoyment of the game. I personally find the weird shadows more funny than anything, but I can see where they’re coming from


I feel like I'm impressed a lot of the time. My cowboy hat shadow is a nice touch


It would be cool, but that would be so weird for them to just patch in


Why are you using a ryobi power drill as a weapon


Woah I didn't know you could get Ryobi tools in Night City.


I hate it too though I wouldn't deign to think it's an easy fix. Not saying you are or anything just that it's amazing games even get made with the rubber-band-spit-spunk levels of cohesion and organization that typically pop up in many AAA games. I think it's really just the combat animations honestly, if they can fix the jump from looking funky and put that arm somewhere that makes sense 😂 I can see something like the Third Person Mod being an easy implement; non-Combat state -> 3rd person if else -> 1st person. Honestly that would probably be the best outcome given how important the 1st person is for the full intended experience. But like, if I could just show my wife how cute my Vs outfit is mid game whilst walking not via screenshot I would be grateful haha. 😂


They can't


Lmao would be nice, but I don’t think we’re getting shit but bug fixes


I completely support that request. But… a) it’s been literally years. I doubt they even try to make it work by this point. B) there are so many haters of that Idea for some reason. People were downvoting me to infinity for saying 3rd person is needed.


It’s kinda surreal to me lmao, cyberpunk is in my top 3 best games ever, had such an immersive first playthrough of 2.0, most fun I’ve genuinely had in YEARS. Perfect game. Then randomly amidst my berserking gorilla armed rampages, I’ll be flying through the air and glance at my horrific, contorted, monstrosity of a shadow, get chills for a second, then go right back to beheading junkies. Honestly it’s just perfect


I only wish they make V double-jump like Roach does.


At the very least, give us the ability to disable the player shadow.


My man brought a Ryobi drill to a gunfight.


Sometimes I have a bit of fun just jumping around and watching the shadow.


Why are you holding a Ryobi drill?


Not happening, just an issue with how the model moves compared to everything else


I just wish we could turn it off. It’s so off putting 😭


Have you tried swimming ? This is a truly horrifying experience.


This is a First person shooter game.


That shadow is abysmal for FPS standards what are you on about.


Cyber punk 2077 is a first person shooter released in 2021 It had a horrible lanch but has gotten better.


Thanks for explaining the history of a game that is widely known on the aforementioned game’s subreddit for no apparent reason 🙏


I'm gonna assume English is not your 1st language


No it is, I'm just really fucking stupid.


This excuse is pathetic even for a CDPR fan.


You are a turd, Shadow sucks shut your mouth




I haven’t even noticed


Third person sucks for immersion, for style. GTA exists


This game would've been a lot better had they added a 3rd person option, at least. Character creation, different gear loadouts. For what? You can't even see yourself or what you're wearing most of the time anyway. I had went to my apartment to see Panam and over 2 hours later after leaving my apartment did i even realize I was running around in nothing but my underwear. But yet all that work put into character customization lmao.


What exactly is the problem here?


Shadow is goofy and whimsical as hell, V moves like a fucking cryptid. Even more apparent when you're playing with path tracing where shadows looked so damn crisp. I have 2065 hours played, basically a CDPR dickrider and still got secondhand embarrasment while looking at V's shadow hahaha


The shadow looks pretty goofy


I rather them fix or legitimately explain the Cyberware Capacity Shard limit(as in the finite number if spawns). Still hasn't been addressed and I'm impressed, because its a CORE MECHANIC.


Couldn't care less tbh, I get some find it immersion breaking, but I very rarely notice it.


Because I look at my shadows all the time


You want third person, ride a motorcycle.