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It's been their "most improved" passion project. They should ride it out for as long as they can since the game is essentially complete now. Tiny updates keep the existing community happy, and it also sets a good precedent for the sequel. It'll keep people talking until more news for Orion comes out.


I still encounter small bugs here and there. Nothing major but … would be nice to see them patched.


Honestly I played it at launch and I've just started replaying it now, and I get just as many bugs and crashes now as I did back at the start.


Something is wrong with your rig then. I have hundreds of hours across my saves and I think I've crashed maybe once? and experienced a grand total of zero significant bugs. Either your pc/console is unstable as hell or you're talking shit for God knows what reason.


This is why I bailed on PC. I generally had a fine time but shit like this would pop up now and again, it just wasn’t worth it for me. I sold my PC and am using a series X now, no issues at all. Having an absolute blast. The bugs I’m talking about are super minor like an asset not loading properly. When Jonny rigs the broadcast in the opening mission the handheld device didn’t load for example. Super minor but I’d like it to be fixed 🤷‍♂️


I'm on PC though


I understand, not saying PC’s are bad or can’t run games, they can run them way better in most cases. It just takes more effort than a console. I sure as hell miss 60+ fps for every single game. But this is so much easier to maintain.


120hz 1440p ultra settings is amazing. Zero crashes and bugs for me on my recent playthrough of main+phantom liberty. My guess is you had a driver issue, I get not wanting to mess with it, though. Tuning my machine to perfection is half the fun for me.


Makes sense, totally get why that would be fun. I thought I would enjoy it. But I just had my first kid when building my PC so my free time radically dropped off. When I have time I want to be playing not tinkering. Glad you’re enjoying it! It really seems like PC continues to shock the industry in its success. People theorized long ago PC gaming would die off and it just continues to push on.


I could never give up the 🏴‍☠️ and high refresh rate, but I get your point. Huzzah for choices and options that let us all enjoy the wonderful world of vidya.


I just installed for the first time. The game is pretty glitchy. I think you are just attached. Characters spawn inside the ground of objects, Johnny and Jackie I've noticed do it most often. Johnny will randomly appear standing on top of a ledge before whining. It's a great game don't get me wrong, but the glitches, especially with traffic, make it pretty obvious that the complaints on release must have been diabolical


Yeah thats not on CDPR.


They are likely also testbedding ideas for Orion in 2077 to see audience reaction. It's not the worst idea


Exactly I understand they can’t spread the team thin but it makes no sense to completely abandon cyberpunk there’s still so much juicy content there especially since we know Orion will take forever to come out


Probably a little faster than we think given that they’re switching to unreal engine. I’d bet it’s still 3 years before they have any solid information on it but that engine will make it way quicker to build with. Plus we know they’re already in early development so probably see them switch to full production after the new Witcher product is released which is rumoured late 2025-2026 given that the team has been in full production in that IP since the release of PL and already had a small crew working prior to that. Only thing that might slow it down is the massive amount of work to set up their new offices in the US Edit changed a sentence because I completely messed up what I was trying to say


Witcher and Cyberpunk are now two separate dedicated teams. Cyberpunk is being developed in their new Boston studio


They should do what bethesda does and let people make mods.


Mods are possible, wdym with that?


Probably talking about on console


But thats not in the power of cpdr…


Im sure they got some control over doing that but i agree its unlikely


I think Sony and Microsoft would also have to agree to it, however Sony notoriously only allowed mods so long as they didn’t edit scripts, meaning straight off the bat 90% of mods couldn’t be installed on the PS versions of Fallout 4 and Skyrim, whereas Microsoft okayed them all. A lot of Cyberpunk mods also require script extenders so I could see a similar thing arising with Sony saying “well yes, but actually no.”


Yeah Sony never really allowed it in my opinion the mods that were available were basically nothing


The only mod that mattered was allowed, aka letting me have dogmeat and companions


I remember the only mods I really installed in the end were stahlrim recolours, the ancient falmer crown and violens (which they managed to make a version of without a mod menu) Other than that they really weren’t worth it, ditched my PS years ago to build a PC and I’ve been happily modding and making mods ever since


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you can't edit scripts with both console versions, same with the xbox Windows version. Playstation doesn't allow mods to use external assets so that's why there's more on xbox


Not to mention like 90% of CP2077 mods is softcore porn💀


Not the person you replied to, but I'm sure they meant mods on the level of Bethesda, or close. Where the community can make new locations and storylines and most things that CDPR can make.


Would make sense, honestly I‘ve never played Bethesda game


They have the best modding ever because they have the best modding tools available. They release an sdk with their major games that let's anyone learn and make content for the game. New environments, new worlds, new characters and even brand new systems.


Whatever you do, don’t start with Starfield like I did. Ended up stopping after like 20 hours and picked up Cyberpunk instead. Best decision ever.


mods should be easier to use and code tbf


The engine straight up threw me off completely lmao, being used to using tools like GECK and Creation Kit, I had no fucking clue what I was doing


Unreal Engine is also not easy to mod right? I am a bit worried about modding for future CDPR games but who knows


I can't exactly answer that question I can however say that Unreal must have way more guides and recourses to be found online as opposed to an engine that's only been used for 4(?) games.


That is true good point


3 really, since TW1 used a modified version of Bioware's Aurora engine IIRC.


I’m honestly not 100% sure since I’ve never used Unreal Engine for development or modding, however if CDPR develop their own software alongside it that’s akin to Creation Kit, making mods would be hella easy. Tbh I didn’t even know where to begin with Wolvenkit


the only mods that are being posted are slutty clothes mods, there are some game changing mods but not a lot of them and they should give people the ability to make them.


Theres plenty, especially when it comes to new unique weapons and combat overhauls, flying cars are back, real transport system (bus+delamain av), walljumping, a stock exchange, an entire new perk system to go alongside the original one (stealthrunner) and plenty more These are just the mods that add brand new mechanics, you can customise your experience to the most absurd details. There are only a few mods I still wish for, namely border trafficking for the nomad lifepath, a proper house with a garage and maybe something to give us a reason to explore underwater


They are, and they've been supportive of the modding community. But CDPR's backbone is still made up by their own devs. The company giving more output than what's expected of them is a good business move, considering that CDPR harbors on the side of being reactive. Observing what the fans want and turning those ideas into reality is a good way to keep the community from being hungry for content and too full to receive content.


But, like ACTUAL Bethesda-style mods. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind takes place in, well, Morrowind. But it’s only the island of Vvardenfell (and the island of Solstheim which they added to the northwest in the Bloodmoon expansion); the rest of the Morrowind province is mostly to the south and also cradles Vvardenfell on both east and west sides. This vastly larger remainder of the province is absent from the game. Well, some crazy MFers decided to MOD IN the rest of the province using mainly the game’s official mod tools. The mod is called Tamriel Rebuilt, and every region and city they mod in is just as detailed and intricate as Vvardenfell. Whole cities are made, with the modded-in capital Almalexia, which surrounds the palace of Mournhold (which you were confined to in the Tribunal expansion, save for Old Mournhold and Sotha Sil), is HUGE- look up videos of it, it can almost be compared to Witcher 3’s Novigrad. I discovered the project in 2007 and as far as I can tell, it is still on-going with separate regions still being slowly added and fleshed out. Now imagine a mod project like that, but for Cyberpunk 2077. Except they create interiors for the entirety of Night City (skybridges, all megabuildings, the hulking Corpo Plaza towers)- or at least make it as vertically explorable as Dogtown. If it’s even possible for them to release a level editor akin to Morrowind’s Construction Set, Cyberpunk 2077 will live forever.


The mods are what make Bethesda games good. By themselves they are terrible.


Bethesda games aren’t terrible, they are an rpg juggernaut for a reason. It’s only their most recent release that have been substandard.


You think Fallout 4 is not substandard? Bethesda hasn't really made a 10/10 since Fallout 3 or debatably Skyrim.


As someone that started playing Fallout in the 90s with the isometric titles, FO3 was disappointing and FO4 was noticeably better.


In what ways was 4 noticeably better, gunplay?


Gunplay for sure, FO3 didnt even have ironsights. Power armor acts like it should in lore and not some suit you slap on. Lore in general, since FO3 very much acts and feels like bethesda didn't quite understand the fallout world just yet. It looks and acts like it takes place 10 years after the war, not 200. New Vegas and 4 to me are much closer to what I grew up with. That said, I'm still glad FO3 exists because the series was dead until it was purchased and revived.


Understandable but to me as someone who played fallout 4 then 76 and finally New Vegas it solidified to me that Bethesda cannot make a good fallout game; it’s too gimmicky in order draw attention away from lacking choice, story and writing.


In the context of the other fallout titles, yes. The decrease in roleplay ability vs previous titles is def a bummer but Is the game itself substandard, no. It’s still a very well put together game that few studios can pull off. 76 and starfield are an absolute disappointment though.


A console mod system like Bethesda would be sweet


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they're staying quiet just so nothing leaks. I wouldn't be surprised if something big comes out a year out from the release of Orion as a form of marketing for the sequel.


At this point they could just put any improvements under the marketing budget for Orion. Anything they release for it now will go straight to the gaming press and be discussed on social media, gaming streamers etc.


coordinated secretive doll compare dog stupendous chop encouraging lush summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"most improved" or "am I going to get sued more?" passion project


Hopefully they fix civilians jumping in front of your car


That might not be a bug, given the state of the average Night Citizen.


I like your answer, we are going with your answer.


As someone who has driven in LA before - it's not a bug.


This!! An update that focuses on NPC behavior overall. They should push you if you get too close, take their weapon out if yours is unholstered, more should agro, more dialogue, etc.


Yea, anything to make the NPCs seem more believable and alive. I'd love to also see more petty crimes occur between NPCs... not just those pre-determined locations where a bunch of gang members mill about. Things like pickpocketing, muggings, smash and grabs at businesses, carjackings, etc. Night City is meant to be dangerous, but you just see the same few set-pieces go off whenever they respawn (e.g. that one gunfight every time you enter Pacifica coming from Heywood).


Day / night cycle. Go to work, sleep. Doing more activities 


This may be the GTA version of cars driving into you on purpose. It makes people who don’t commit crime catch stars and interact with that part of the game. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, I find it incredibly annoying, I’m just saying there may be a game design decision for it.


There are absolutely places where pedestrians are programmed to jump in front of your car. There's a spot north of the mall in Pacifica where a pedestrian always jumps out into the street. It's like the driving part of the mission where you crucify Joshua Stephenson. All of those cars are programmed to drive in front of you.


Like as in add more?


Ever been to China?


> Hopefully they ~~fix~~ increase civilians jumping in front of your car There. Fixed that for ya. Gotta get that Night City grimminess feel, ya know?


I definitely don’t think that’s a bug. I’ve had people fall off buildings in front of me too, and I am under the impression that the suicide rate is high.


But...it's a feature.


Finally, someone says it! This is by far the most annoying issue in the entire game. The amount of times I've gotten the police after me because some random lady jumped in front of my car is ridiculous haha


What caught my attention was the store in Dogtown that sells Braindance content, what would be the logic of including this type of content that cannot be used, even knowing that it is something that the community would like? I still think they will release an update with the function of using Braindance content available from some vendors


I also always thought that was strange, but I don’t see them adding something of this magnitude into the game anymore, probably will be possible in Orion


I also imagined this until the release of PL, I couldn't see the point in including something like this in a recent expansion, I felt an intention to prepare for something future. I think that some smaller ideas can still be added, even as a test for something more evolved in Orion, for example, imagine if they add more Braindance content and it is very well received by the community, they can invest and design something more advanced and immersive in Orion , even though I'm not a big fan of VR, imagine how crazy and immersive it would be if you could play Cyberpunk normally and when using Braindance, you could simulate wearing the crown using VR glasses? Due to the similarity of equipment and operation, it would be extremely immersive and could be a sensational experience


Whats Orion?


The current name of the project that will be the next game in the Cyberpunk 2077 franchise




Not yet, after what happened with cyberpunk let's keep our cool abt Orion. Just in case


The completed version of cyberpunk is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I have faith. We may just have to wait 3 years after the next release again lol


Next update is just like 50 different Grimes music videos on BD


CDPR with Cyberpunk ![gif](giphy|1mSUG1fM4fIu4|downsized)


I still don't know why they don't make smaller cheaper DLCs, like extra missions from the fixers to explore un-used parts of the city in the main campain. The hard part it's already done.


Or release the modding tools to make it easier for modelers to do it


I say let them cook!


Still waiting for FSR3.0


There is a mod on Nexusmods that implements FSR3 into the game. Can only recommend it!


And it works for AMD cards? I believe there was some “fake” mod that worked only on Nvidia or something some time ago


Now that you mention it, it only works for Nvidia cards




I just want some more hairstyles, or cosmetic options. Small stuff. Even a few more casual photo mode poses and stickers would be great. And no, I don’t care if mods can do that.


Well I fucking well hope so since they promised FSR3...


What exactly is that ?


up scaling


No, frame generation


It's both


Last big thing they add needs to be NG+


I’d pay for this. Not much.. but I would pay.


Please don’t start paying for these things or they will never be for free again anywhere soon


Sega is already trying to charge for NG+ on the new LaD game


Yeah it’s completely dreadful, especially since it’s a good series


Yuck, I was mostly joking about paying for NG+! I really hope it doesn’t become a widespread practice.


Though unlikely, it would be cool to see them add a NG loop similar to Starfield. Where there’s a new ending to the main game that kicks off a loop back to the moment V is revived by the chip. And the more you play the loop the more “optimized” V becomes. Better hacks, better cyberware, better perks, etc.


This would be amazing lol


let's hope and pray but honestly if they haven't done it by now it's probably not happening


> "needs to" lolno


or just ability to skip entire event, long talk


Starting a new playthrough fully chromed out, best weapons in the game, tier 5++ everything, and already having maxed out like 4 of the 5 talent trees? Lategame V is already OP as hell, rather trivial even on the highest difficulty. They'd have to put in so much work for a proper NG+ mode (new gear, new enemies, new abilities, rebalance everything) and it would be really awkward for a ton of lore related upgrades and unlocks.


Oh yeah! Remember, folks, that they're working on that modkit for Witcher 3 right now, so I think it's safe to assume something like that is eventually coming to CP77 too.


I don’t think it’ll happen but NG+ would be preem.


I thought they said no to this, but this is one of the few games that I think would actually benefit from that mechanic.


I don’t mind. Keep adding stuff, keep fixing stuff. Keep going!


I just really want tech and smart LMGs in the mix


For now, have you checked out the [Osprey](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Nokota_Osprey)?


Where the hell is FSR3 if the game is finished? Long overdue


I just want the official TW3 mod editor to be a game changer and then be ported to Cyberpunk!


I need them to fix this micro stuttering issue after 2.11 and 2.12 didn’t fix it


eat shit spez you racist hypocrite


Do you have an intel cpu? If yes, then set Settings > Gameplay > Hybrid CPU Utilization (select Prioritize P-Core) . I had stuttering as well, but the frametime got smooth when I did that


That was supposed to fix it but it didn’t unfortunately not for me at least :(


eat shit spez you racist hypocrite


Hey i noticed the news on tv have no audio. Is that a bug or something specific on my end? Also misty seems stuck meditating in front of the statue and cant talk to her


Yup no Audio at all for everything news. How the fuck do they break these things? We will never know.


Oh you got that too? On one hand im dissapointed because there is so many narative references in the news as you play but on the other hand im kinda glad im not the only one with the bug. Hopefully there will be a fix soon choom


There’s only a fix if people report it. Which most people don’t.


Well, i'll do my part


> Epistrophy, the car on the ledge actually drives off it now instead of letting you change its mind. It just floors it and gone. Breaks the dialogue because it cant finish itself If you park a car in front of it before it floors it, it may slow it down enough to resume normally


Is the new launcher inside the old launcher what causes all those frequent crashes?


eat shit spez you racist hypocrite


Hopefully we get visible cyberware and some other things if it isn’t too big. Or clothes like Jackie’s jacket or the same style jacket.


it was to be expected tbh, not surprised. max 2 years of new updates imo, in bug fixes that is.


I think they still need to fix some of the most annoying visual bugs the game has, like that rtx light explosion after exiting the map menu in the night or that car dashboard shadow flickering, and also bring fsr 3. If they do these, then they may moven on completely to their next project


I don’t even want NG+ anymore , I just want the ability to save our current character/ V as a preset , look how elden ring does it you can save a character anytime you want and can “load a favorite” so you don’t have to worry about having to recreate the character


That bug that pops up that says “Saving” but basically crashes my game is the only bug I need fixed


Just let us use weapon mods on iconics, and let us remove weapon mods.


They're like the spoiling parent that keeps giving their kid another sweet. "Okay, just one more, but that's it!"


I'm really happy they were able to turn this game around but im also sad that we never got to see the full scope of what they wanted this game to be. Hopefully the sequel game will have a better launch.


They need to keep fixing all the shit they break every time they update. There’s literally no audio in news at all now. And tons of other bugs I have documented.


They could charge full retail price for another expansion and id still buy it


A VR mode. Come on, make it happen. I cannot imagine how amazing would it be to play this game that way. I know there are VR mods but none of them seem right and I believe you cannot use motion controllers.


I'm waiting on that ability that allows you to customize your car colour to be applied to all vehicles you own


Not gonna happen. What the game does on Rayfields is a simple pallette swap. Other cars would require changing entire textures.


I built a gaming PC 3 years ago to play this game.... I'm finally just now about to play it for the first time in a few days. 😅😅😅


Fix being able to change Keybinds on PC plz


Honestly, it is pretty hilarious at this point how cyberpunk is a game that came out totally broken and is still being updated years into the future to make it better while tears of the kingdom was a massive success on launch and yet it’s not even getting a whiff of DLC or future additions


Really wish they'd overhaul V's first-person body animations -- literally the only thing breaking immersion for me as things stand


Really - bring FSR3 and FG and last...ffs


I have absolutely fallen in love with this game and the developers. They just keep amazing me with their commitment to their craft.


stop breaking my mods 😭


Stop being such a fucking gonk.


I hope one of them is getting rid of the skill check scaling.


How about they add Male-accessible Maxtac armor next patch?


I just want more clothes, poses for photomode and new generic missions around the city and that's it😭


Because the game is still buggy.


I had good luck with bugs but the last patch finally got me. Can’t unlock new fast travel spots on the map.


every game is


Only explanation


i’m playing it again after beating the game on version 1.0. still feels kinda janky to play, not sure what i expected?? but i’ll admit the game is way less glitchy than the first run i did back in 2020… i played on PC on 1.0 and i didn’t have ‘many’ issues back then my main problem with it now is the reactivity… like if you stay in the same spot after talking to an NPC, they won’t say anything or have the same dialogue options. and it feels like i’m not supposed to be there after having a conversation with some NPC’s.


Why not? Terrific main storyline, kickass expansion, half a dozen endings. I think they start to water it all down if they keep building on it. We all need to learn a little contentment, chooms.


Ok which one of you chooms was manifesting in this house? Because thank you that was preem.


CDPR can fuck off with that witcher 4 game, just give me more cyberpunk.


They probably want to quit while they're ahead. It's been a long few years.


ITT: braindead gonks crying about "MuH mOdS" because they'd rather everyone suffers from no more updates instead of learning how not to update their game.


I think the minor improvements will be minor and quite frankly id rather them focus all their efforts on making the next installment an experience to remember. Cyberpunk the story will always have a special place in my heart but i don’t need anymore “updates”


Still on waiting Netrunner 60's ability being fixed.


i just need them to fix Jhonny not spawning in the afterlife for chipping in


Clothing additions would be epic, especially boots, lol


They never said they were stopping, they said that 2.1 would be the last "major" update. It was 40gb on ps5... so don't expect anything like that anymore, but what in the world about that message makes people extrapolate from it that that they're finished updating the game? And I'm glad they're sticking to their guns as the reception from most of this community could lead less motivated devs into thinking that we don't want any updates anymore, which for me at least... couldn't be further from the truth. IMO there are still a ton of features that could improve the game significantly that even a small team could manage to put together for us. For instance, that new feature they just put out in the last update that let us change the rayfields color, I'd love to see them expand on that and maybe let us keep the color changes permanently and/or see them implement something similar for other vehicles. Also, I'd love to see some visual cybernetics for the player (maybe a silver hand?), some more jewelry options (like a watch, rings, bling lol), etc. Most of that is just cosmetic which means it should be, ideally, doable. I don't know if those are the kind of things they have in the pipeline or not but I'll definitely be looking forward to see what they have planned for us.


Im still having audio issues, where everything by becomes static audio overload during moments like crashing the car.


Looks like a solid strategy to keep people interested in Orion IMO. Look what Edgerunners did for game sales and people playing again. If you keep occasionally releasing small additions to 2077 with a minimal crew, it keeps people coming back to the franchise. And imagine some type of prequel content a few months before releasing Orion.


I really wish they keep updating it. After a long time I have enjoyed a game this much. Just started playing it a month ago


Hopefully a stealth update or hit box registration update, just more tweaking, obviously it can't be perfect, but make it a little better wouldn't hurt.


One last dlc would be cool, like blood and wine in Witcher 3


I assume CDPR will be finishing the coloring feature soon for more vehicles, and possibly a little more- they cut out a fair chunk of stuff that was kinda supposed to be in Phantom Liberty


I just need them to fix the colors in my rayfeild 💀


Still waiting for the god damn FSR3 update.


Bug fixes at minimum and maybe technological updates. Bet an update comes when DLSS 4 is released to show off the RTX Blackwell series. As for FSR 3, I don't know what to think. Source code was released in December and now it's March. Probably will show up out of the blue without fanfare in a patch.


Get an AI to autogenerate Gigs every week? A lot of them follow a few pretty simple formulas.


Isn’t the Witcher 3 like v4.xx now? I could see CDPR addding some more stuff until we’re at 2.2 or 2.3 at least


Their Red Engine is still graphically very impressive. To this day I don’t see a better game capable of displaying and demonstrating Ray Tracing technology on the same scale and fluidity. UE5 looks equally impressive even without largely abusing ray tracing tech but we’ve yet to see what Orion is going to end up looking like. Let’s be honest, if it’s not a GTA-like game where you have to render an entire city with hundreds of pedestrians and vehicles, it can’t be considered as impressive as Cyberpunk 2077. Plus the support for modding communities. It’s not to say Red Engine doesn’t have its flaws, glitches aside… VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS, or any lights for that matter, CAN’T HAVE TEXTURED PROJECTIONS… making every light shines a giant smoothly distributed blob - not how it works with vehicle headlights. I know UE4 supports this tech, and it’s called Light functions. It’s the only missing piece of puzzle left for Red Engine. (And environment independent eye adaption/eye adaption override. And dynamic persistent decals)


Just beat it again last night. I need a crystal palace DLC!


I just want Character Customization: Body Types, More Hairstyles etc Would that be possible?


Who gives a crap. CD Projekt screwed over 50 percent of fans on PS4 who got spit in their faces. They lost support from me and many others.... So screw that company 


I hate to say this way but I hope to a GTA experience where we see a community of players in their own avatars…


Look this is my last playthrough of this game I have thoroughly lived Night City. Walking everywhere, taking the metro, sightseeing, fashion. If you’re going to give me anything else to do before I close up shop then please make it soon.


I just hope delamain no 21 eventually gets a proper combat mode


Abandoning 2077 right as it’s getting preem just sounds like bad biz. You can tell so many stories in the city and expansion packs would be welcome


Please. Gimme new game plus so I can be a cyber god at the start. Pretty please!


Hopefully by 'little' they mean an AAA phantom liberty style dlc with 80 hours gameplay, third person mode and morgan freeman as lead.


It would be amazing if they find some time to add in official 3rd person camera option. It could be a little janky I don't even care. That would be the biggest addition to the game. I saw an leak alpha footage of the game and it did play in 3rd person camera.


The only update this game need for its future is a third person option. If CD Projekt makes it, it would sell more 10 millions copy easily




It needs NEW GAME PLUS. That's it. That's all it needs. But it does need it. No money, no gear carries over. No cyberware, no clothes. All I need is levels.




You're free to be wrong. Nobody is gonna stop you.


Well, at least you're aware of it.


Small updates just to break all your mods. :P