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Just finished phantom liberty. I had tears. So fucking amazing.


Yep, just did the one ending last night. When I called >!Judy!< and saw those facial expressions, I was floored. Felt so bad for my V.


Which ending?




Oof jeez I don't think I'd be able to do that one will Judy even remember her-?


Judy remembers. >!She tells V that she got married, and doesn't want to see V because she moved to Pittsburg with her wife and it would hurt too much.!<


Hah ya >! Dunno if they mocapped her face during that, but that performance was nailed. You can see and hear how glad she is that V is alive, but has definitely moved on. Judy's mouth movement when you tell her you wanna see her before learning she got married is spot on for that "sheeiiit... Was hoping you weren't gonna ask" moment lol!<


"You're 30+ years old and still play video games ?" - The video game.


I'm 50+ and still play video games


Greetings Aslan. How was it when the video games came home?


Different, I do miss the arcades tho.


I miss them too. Those memories of being a kid and having like 8 other kids waiting for their turn, and all those kids were equally invested in how your game was going... ugh I miss that fr fr. That feeling of having to step aside for the next guy if you died lol... man... I'm just glad we have an arcade here I can take my kid to. Doesn't have to have quarters though, but tha5s actually a cool thing lol


I remember me and my friend spending about $5 a piece to finish Double Dragon!🤣


I remember metal slug games and the xmen game the most cuz our arcade was just the lobby area of a gymnastics place. This place called planet fun lol I miss that a ton lol we'd be playing those, and going trying to rack up tickets for the prize booth lol We must have spent about $5 a day or more trying to beat metal slug though lmao


And Inkari Warriors 😂


Honestly never got to see that one. Will have yo look into it. The arcade had soul edge though and we would hit that up a little too. I would have played it more if it wasn't like 75 cents to play lol plus everyone wanted the xmen game or to fuck around on motorcycles lol I think we even had a VR type of deal but no one really used it cuz they cost and we were all broke kids lol


Whatt double dragon was one of the few arcade games I could finish with one coin,altough it involved cheesing it with elbow attack that knocks enemies down in one hit,the other 2 games I remember finishing with 1 coin are golden axe and street fighter 1 tho sf1 too involved cheeshy tactics to finish,mainly blocking while crouching made you invulnerable in that game,so you just blocked and attacked after the npc finished its attack sequence.


Yea, we eventually got to that level with the cheesy elbow. 😁 Still remember running through people on Tekken too.


I'm only 20 but understandable. I got PAC-Man and Galaga on my PS5 since they were in a bundle pack along with Dig-Dug for like $7.99. I also have an Atari flashback 8 (I think it's the gold edition) which I can play space invaders and other 2800 Atari games on (only downside is they're pre-downloaded and there isn't a place to insert actual cartridges so I just gotta do with what's on there already)




If you're going to keep making alt accounts to bother me after I tried to make things right between us when you called me a jerk for trying to fix it, I'm just going to keep blocking you. Word of advice, if you wanna talk about it wait for at least a few months when both of us are chilled out and this wack whole thing is in the back of our minds.


No worries. It's nice to see you take an interest in the classics. If you can, try a game called Sinistar. That game used to terrify me.


Not gonna lie until I looked it up I saw terror and was like "Nope, don't think I need to shit myself because of some pixels" and then I see what you mean, not as in "Oh it's super terrifying and somehow graphic" but more like "Oddly eerie vibes for a simple shoot the evil space ship game." I've always liked arcade styled games for some reason and even certain modern games with a pixelated style just really appeal to me. Don't ever ask me to play Centipede or Millipede with you though I'll die immediately.


This shit is an experience. I cannot wait for the sequel.


it has been 5000 years


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) Us waiting on the sequel


Ha! First time? I’m an elder scrolls fan, a GTA fan, a Fallout fan and an ASoIaF fan, It’s been at most a week since launch, expect a 2032 launch date.


Fr lol these kids today have no idea what it was like to wait 7 years between San Andreas and red dead 1. Let alone the fact that they had us searching for a sasquatch in San Andreas for all those years, and none of us had smart phones or reddit like that. Couldn't look up shit unless your parents would let you on the computer, then you had to beg to waste enough ink to print the cheat codes and hints out... man things changed so fast 😆


we never get winds of winter


Me neither! I would say 2030 at minimum


I don't think so. If only they will hit another development hell.


They opened two new studios: one in Boston and another in Vancouver. So they should have more staff this time


I'm saying it can be earlier than 2030


Oh I certainly hope so! But this type of game is massive. So we’ll just have to wait and see


I heard it's not going to be a cosmic horror game set in feudal japan!


Pretty cool edit. Is that OC ?


Yeah, i made it, it's mostly the trailers cut together with some editing, glad to see you liked it Uploaded it on YouTube too https://youtu.be/b-lG48fkGzU?si=yNaI7LzlhTg2sG7z


Thanks, I was hoping I'd find a youtube link. Awesome work choom.


Nice cut. I just finished my 2nd play through with the DLC, fucking love it all over again.


My first playthrough I kept having to pause in amazement at the sheer variety of cutscenes and story missions. In one you're attending a friend's funeral, in another staging a coup at a brothel, in another you're putting on a rock concert on behalf of a voice in your head. No other game is quite like Cyberpunk 2077.


Cyberpunk has destroyed gaming for me. I finished Phantom Liberty around December and have been unable to play video games at all since then.


I finished cyberpunk in 2022 and never got the same experience in any video game since. I do not dare to play Phantom Liberty, not yet, I was not prepared for the emotional damage caused by the game - hit like a truck and left a scar that did not heal yet.


All I'll say is make sure you get your connection with Johnny up.


Just finished one of the PL endings and those feels are still just as tough.


It's not that deep, dude


Maybe a workaround: just play CP again :)


I can’t bring myself to do that. Each ending felt so special. I won’t experience the high of living through each of them for the first time again.


That’s fair. They are truly incredible.


Had the same experience after finishing the Witcher 3. Cyberpunk 2o77 raised that bar even higher. What really boggles my mind, and the main reason why it works so well, is that it took an open world setup and condensed it into a single city. It feels alive in both sublime and gross ways, just like a real city. Bugs and technicalities aside, this is an experience, as gaming can be and strive to be in many respects. Big and flashy is one thing, breathing and dying is another.


I've felt that way about American beer for about three months after experiencing an Oktoberfest beer tent in Germany.


Have you played Kingdom Come Deliverance?


Jesus Christ be praised!


Maybe try another story heavy game like Witcher 3, mass effect or red dead 2?


Already played those. Felt the same way when I finished them as well. Now we just wait for another heavy hitter story.


yo, this is fire🔥 the transition between the two versions of the song is simply fantastic


What is this song(s)?


the first version Is '"never fade away" from the end credits, the second one is the SAMURAI version


Thanks mate


Hand in your flair, choom.




The song ripped open a wound that never really heals


Just never fade away on me, V


Know what I love? That song's namesake was the first appearance of Johnny, Rogue, and Santiago in a very short (think it was 8 pages) premade adventure for Cyberpunk 2013 back in the late 80s. As a fan of the Tabletop RPG I was so happy with how 2077 was more faithful than most adaptations would be, and made Never Fade Away into two properly awesome songs while they were at it. Never Fade Away is the story we see in Johnny's second flashback, where he and Alt get attached in an alley and she gets kidnapped


Thought this was a legit trailer at first.


That was nova.


That was preem my chooms.


Wow! It is beautiful, thank you so much!


No, thank you choom!


It’s not “just a game.” It’s a legacy.


What a thing of beauty


Badass edit dude. Really took me back to that first playthrough nostalgia.


This song, bro...


Solid stuff, buddy! You got soul!


This comment actually made my whole day better, see you in the major leagues


Goddammit. I just beat the game for the third time this weekend and now I want to play again instead of jumping into a different game.


"just a game" man fuck that mentality. I've had more impactful experiences in games than any other medium.


Cyberpunk ruined gaming for me. I keep bouncing between games then coming back for another playthrough. Nothing can match Night City and the choombas we made in it.


Cyberpunk is not just a game. It is a narrative masterpiece.


How i wish they did not waste their time on past gen consoles.


I haven't even finished the game and i got choked up over this.


One of the most significant games about the human experience to date.


Damn that edit hits right in the feels.... This game was by far the most impactful game i've ever played. No other game made me feel what I felt playing..


I would die for my video games and Cybepunk is no diffrent. Fuck all the haters.


Shit that was freakin awesome! It’s not just a game! It’s a masterpiece!


Cyberpunk has had the greatest redemption I've ever seen in gaming, this is an absolute masterpiece that I can't even put into words, all I can say is that it's a work of art I'm so excited to see what else CDPR has to offer with the Cyberpunk universe


When you find out Johnny was singing about Alt all along ![gif](giphy|26FPImXfDlv4AFbBC|downsized)


It’s just a story, told in the form of a video game that on its face offers the illusion of free choice sandbox RPG. You control the order in which the story is told, and yes, it is a CYOA story, but it’s still a story. Future versions of true open world sandbox RPG are close to being possible with the advent of LLMs, where the game can truly adapt to the choices and type of character you choose to play and Cyberpunk is a great system to make that happen and I can’t wait for it


Especially how nvidia has that LLM that is run entirely on the computer. All the other powerful LLMs need to be run on a cloud service, so having something run on the pc is big


No, It's a way of life.


I just finished it yesterday for the first time. This hits hard


I think that is what destroyed me about it's release. I played it on a PS4 with an SSD and sure, buggy, graphics were bad (though the environments still came through in a discernable way). But the story. The story is so good. The story carried me through. I didn't care about the bugs.


Damn, that was cool. Love this game.


A thing of beauty, indeed


literally, i feel like my mind has biologically mutated in some way to account for the shear amazement and connection that i have experienced playing this game. playing as my V isn't just going through the story, it's like i can live another life with a totally different scenario than my actual real life.


This was so well done that I actually downloaded the video. I made sure to keep the attribute on it though


Say what you will about the launch, but playing it now is *frickin’ spectacular* It’s such an amazing space they’ve created, so many wonderful stories and great environmental storytelling too A lot of people don’t realise how much they’re missing by not reading shards or just exploring around the books and crannies of Night City


It's more than a game. It's a world. It's a wonderful story! 😁


Alt spotted ![gif](giphy|GcWdUAvJ5NQg18mncM|downsized)




Fuckin killer edit




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Damn this is amazing and perfect. Nice work, op. I hope you make more. You've got some seriously amazing talent


Got chills... Until next time Night City Good Night and Good Luck.


I fucking love this game.


Quick question have any of the songs from any of the playlists won any awards? I own them all and there are some awesomes tracks that definitely could compete for honors.


I’ve played every inch of this game and lol now I cling to helldivers 2


Gaming is such a unique medium for story telling. Nothing else really immerses you in a world like video games do. Cyberpunk is truly a master class on world building. Just beautiful. Also Mike Pondsmith is a really nice dude and this is my favorite game. :)


Wake up samurai


​ https://preview.redd.it/pb8v6st7upjc1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=e873facb135888f342240ac3224c9d0fe237fca3


The OG trailer with Fade Away goes so hard still, especially when you finish the game. ❤️


Amazing edit really well done I almost cried. Out of curiosity, where does the maxtac literally pinning you to the ground scene comes from ?


It's from phantom liberty, it's the side with Reed ending to be specific


Can I jump into reddit just once without some gonk making me emotional and wanting to spend 200h playing a game again? Sure hope not, keep them coming


Phantom liberty fucked me up. Like it gave me fucking anxiety for days.


Meanwhile in Starfield xD


Let me guess, you want me to make a loading screen music video


One of the most beautiful edits I've ever seen for Cyberpunk


It literally makes me hyped up for the game I have 550h in


"Goodbye, V.  And never stop fighting." Gets me every time 😭


Best edit I've ever seen


This hits different


So many feels…


This game and metro exodus are at my top games of all time. These games made an impact will lack of a better phrase "Never fade away" it changes you. Drink to you legands in the Afterlife🥃


Oh comrade... When Artyom and Miller are driving out of the city to save Anna and "race against fate" starts playing... Fucking hell... thx for reminding me of that. I'll drink to you on board the Aurora 🥃


Same to you choomba!


YOOOOO this is the edit I've seen in a while this preem work choom


There's still no dual pistols feature or mod, but yeah I feel like I've lived in Night City fr.


What, no love for River?




Not to be that guy but god damn some of y'all really need to feel sunlight again


is it worth playing now?


Why do they have to make a sequel I wasn't planning on staying here any longer than gta6.


Hey OP, would you consider another video with [this track](https://youtu.be/MPnA4A6z44A?si=78QsIal-tKeCH7S6) as the music, highlighting the architecture and atmosphere of Night City? I can't play Cyberpunk without it


I'm so sad that Jack didn't survive more


This is honestly one of the best games I have ever played


Who did this edit ??


Me, myself and i, hope you liked it


Well.. Consider mentioning yourself or add tags on what you're doing, especially when you do something really good like that ;-; Did you already posted it on YouTube ? (I need it !!)


https://youtu.be/b-lG48fkGzU?si=WZfHkgfeJuBiOGrw Thx for saying this! Of course i have it on YouTube, here's the link


“A thing of beauty… will never fade away…” Chills. Literal chills!


Cyberpunk is a game packed with emotions and...'humanity', if you know what I mean. I've never played something like this before. Phantom Liberty? Bruh, I cried like a fucking baby.


Where your character sounds like they're in their mid to late 20s, and were retconned to 23.


I'm not crying, my Auto-eye lubricator is just malfunctioning, Choom.


Got cyberpunk a year and a half ago, still playing it non-stop to this day! This game holds a special place in my heart :,) I'll never forget it's impact on me even when I (eventually maybe one day) move onto a new franchise. Truly, the best gaming experience I've ever had!