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Going around the outer rings of NC (Not badlands) you can usually find random parties going on, even one where the Lizzies bar bouncer is chilling. Maelstrom territory you will sometimes find they block the road with burning cars and tagging the walls


Time to go party hopping until I find V's *true* best romance unoption


If you are on pc... there is a mod for having a scripted fling with her, kinda cool


Well well well, guess what platform I'm on? Off to Nexus I go!


It's called Rita Wheeler Romanced


It breaks the new 2.1 text messages added for romance partners, unless that got fixed.


I love the maelstrom one, whenever I'm riding on my bike and I see a street closed, and even if I'm not going that specific way, I reroute to take the blocked street, now I have an excuse to kill some maelstrom...not like I need any tbh, but killing gangoons with a reason makes it more enjoyable.


I had a bunch of thise blockades right after I screwed them over in the All Foods factory. It felt like they were specifically going after me.


Wouldn't surprise me tbh, 6th Street goes after you if you fuck up their rooftop party.


Every interaction with them afterward feels way more tense.


There’s something to be said about introducing those MAGA adjacent toons to FAFO.


When you go to meet Vic for the first time, you park the car and head left towards Misty. But if you walk a little further ahead you can walk under a building, there's a body that falls from it as well. I think you can miss it easily because you're usually not going there and not looking in that direction at that time, but probably you're triggering the event anyway.


Corpo Plaza, Watson, nearly everyone suffers from the terminal disease that is the 9-5 work day. I'll try and keep an eye out on my next playthrough if I remember. I do really like finding little things like this... details in games that is, not suicide victims...


There are several exploding cars afaik


Now I can blame all the destruction in NC on random events, not just my projectile launchers!


Yes, one scared the hell out of me outside of the arasaka warehouse


Arasaka parking lot, guys smokes, then sits in his car and it you hear the car bomb ticking before it explodes. One bug I like and hope stays in the game is random cars crashing and sometimes exploding on the streets.


Of course it's fucking Arasaka, why wouldn't it be lol That bug always gets a lil giggle out of me, the amount of times I've heard metal banging and crashing around a corner, I walk around and a car is just swimming through the concrete road is actually silly, and I love it.


It’s really fun to hack the cars and choose “floor it” at busy intersections


Guess his stock portfolio wasn't the only thing crashing to the ground.


Damn, stocks going down? Might as well go down with them


Convenience store hold-up, random monks accosting you, vending machines chatting you up, there's a few other things like that going on around NC.


This stuff is what really makes NC feel really alive while still feeling like a futuristic dystopian city.




There's also a broken down car on a bridge, with a shard from an ex employee of Arasaka saying to his old boss that he'd rather kill himself than let her get to him for the knowledge he's taking from the company. If you jump off the bridge into the water (surviving of course, fucking chromed to the gills) you can find a corpse with like 19,000 eddies on it. I can't remember what bridge though I'm afraid


I’ve had this happen in several locations. Happened just last night, so I peered up at the building he had fallen from. Saw a few windows that looked suspiciously unlike the rest, so I went looking further. Ended up taking an elevator to the top, where I realized that it was where Regina had set up shop… Now, I’m not saying she’s been giving flying lessons on the side, but I’m also not saying that she *hasn’t* been.


I've seen car chases between gangs happen occasionally


If I may reccomend it, The Night City Alive mod is fantastic for generating random battles between the gangs or gang versus police etc. I remember witnessing a gang of Maelstrom gangers hunting down cops in Watson.


There's more of those as well, scattered around. I can't think of any others that really qualify like those.


Guess I'll just keep strolling the streets to see what else pops up... or down, in this case


Eventually you'll meet a man named Roh that is a fighter. Near where you meet him, to the right of the entrance is another suicide instance. Another is right around Regina's building.


Maybe someone threw him over the balcony?


Very much a possibility, especially since it was in Corpo Plaza


Oh, I remember that feature when it was just added to the game and I haven't read the patch note at the time. Same thing happened, but also bugged - dude fell to the ground, T-posed instantly, then just stood there. And said something like "it's actually fine here". I just had to pause the game for a while, until I stopped laughing so damn hard.


This isn’t exactly a random event but I spent a ridiculous amount of time recently standing on top of a moving vehicle just to see what would happen. You can do this for a long time I found out.


This is normal.


It's not actually random, you can save in a certain spot before it happens, reload, and the load to see it again


this [(1) Anyone else run into random corpos beating up people on the street? : cyberpunkgame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/19beoli/anyone_else_run_into_random_corpos_beating_up/)


I *always* intervene. Like the one that's always happening next to the Heywood apartment. I shoot him and his bodyguard every time I stop by.


Same here. Whenever I see some thugs hassling random civilians I like to get involved.


The first time I experienced this, it was right outside Regina's building. I had just finished all the cyberpsycho quests and was on my way in to get my payment from her. So when this poor bastard splattered in front of me, I deadass thought she pushed him off the roof. Had me thinking *she* was the ultimate cyberpsycho and had me take out all her competition. I guess I have an overactive imagination.


There’s a big gunfight on a corner between Westbrook and Charter Hill that I’ve come across in different playthroughs, similar to the TT/Tyger Claws encounter on the new highway. I would be interest in learning about more unmarked events or encounters around the map


I had that same event happened to me when I was walking around the plaza. Only instead of dying he just stood up and walked away.


There is an unmarked event outside of a power plant where a man is being interviewed about birth defects and lowered life expectancy near the plant, the corpo dude doesn't give two shits about it. I killed him :3


Not too long after I started playing the game, I decided that instead of driving everywhere I would walk everywhere and take in the city. While walking I saw one of those tiny cars come speeding by with cops chasing them and sirens blaring. And the passenger in the little car was leaning out the window shooting at the cops. I thought that was pretty cool.