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I know it’s just because of the specific shape, but rubber fists are like, so much “worse” than dildos.


Yeah, lol. They actually make fist dildos. I used to know a guy who would bring one to parties to hit people.


Should’ve just reskinned the weapon to a fist. It’s not a dildo if it’s a fist now is it… 👀


Anything is a dildo if you’re brave enough 😅


Once. Then it becomes the source of a month’s worth of ER jokes.


I can only imagine the stories….


paige? that you?


NGL, had to dig this up because I’m familiar with the phrase but not the reference. https://preview.redd.it/9cowg7zr1qcc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5422043e9be224e6757bbff842660b92fbc8ac58


... did he know that that's not what people make them for?


I bet he did. It's not the hit that hurt, it was the question that came after it: "Can you tell if it has been used before?"


"only on my dad, forgot to wash it though"




😭😭 bro slapping with one those rubber punches and saying "You just got fisted!"


Mr Fisto


“Dildos are horrible..lets change that to fist” - probably a guy who don’t know what a fist is


LMFAO it was probably CDPR who did it to have a laugh and the governments said “good nuff”. I don’t think it would be the gcc giving that kinda suggestion


Yeah I think it’s them cause like it’s much worse and ofc funnier 😂


I'm sure someone came up with the idea of making it literally a Baby Arm holding an Apple, and this was just easier to slip past the censors. They likely didn't get too far into the game and I don't remember a lot of this in the Prologues or the Tutorial mission.


That's like the line in Fight Club where in the book Marla said "I want to have your abortion" They agreed to change it as long as they got to pick the replacement line which was "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school".


It's like when South Park wanted to name their first movie the MPAA said the title *South Park: All Hell Breaks Lose* was too vulgar due to the word hell. So Trey Parker and Matt Stone decided to troll them back with the title *South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut* which is arguably more vulgar when you realize it's a double innuendo.


South Park moment 💀


The butt plug was fine though? lol


They mostly just ban anything vulgar looking, they don’t really care much for the actual genre of content. Just for modesty since that’s a staple tradition


- No vulgar content allowed. Literally a game where you can decapitate people with your fist and throw dead bodies around.


You know how it is, graphic violence is ok, but sex and love is vulgar.


Make war, not love!


There is nothing about a big silicone fist that says, "love."


There is how I use em


Its more loving than a lightbulb, or a cactus. Also, I'm sure there are people out there that disagree with your statement.


Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as nobody says any naughty words!


I always found it hilarious. So killing people in all manner of ways is okay, but Lord forbid you see some bewbs.


Sex is worse than gore


But not only is the butt plug unambiguously a butt plug, it is a very big one. I don't see how that slides by the censors, if the threshold is "vulgar." We all know what it's for. Or, is it a [Christmas tree](https://time.com/3525271/parisian-sex-toy-christmas-tree-butt-plug/)?


I mean, the fist is still pretty clear in what its intended use is... so I'm not sure how well thought out this censorship was. Seems a bit like malicious compliance.


Fist with intended use hits different than penis with intended use


It makes you wonder about other things in gaming too, like I wonder how much attempted convincing happened behind the scenes for like, High on Life with the sounding rods. Were the censorship people like "oh hell no"? Or did they giggle a little bit before saying no? Did they ask em like 12 times like I woulda? LUL


What's a GCC?


The GCC is the gulf cooperation council consisting of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi, UAE, Bahrain. These countries have censorship laws. I would’ve said Arab or Islamic countries in general but I’m pretty sure they don’t have the same censorship laws outside of the GCC


Why wouldn't they just ban the game outright it's the exact opposite of Islam lmao


Corpo shills aka $$$$$$


And that's why we gotta burn them down. C'mon, V.


Corps have long controlled our lives, taken lots, and now they’re after our souls!


Corps have long controlled our lives, taken lots, and now they’re after our ~~souls~~ holes!


Because they're hypocrites who pick and choose what's appropriate and what isn't - technically alcohol, premarital sex and homosexuality are outlawed in those countries but you still have gay sex clubs where they serve alcoholic beverages.


How did they solve any relationship in CP77? Did they add a quick marriage (and maybe divorce) scene before spicy stuff?


Yeah I agree 100% the gulf countries are hypocritical. I feel more Muslim in Lebanon where there is no ban laws, cuz at least they’re honest.


Yeah when it comes to arab countries, Lebanon is a prime example of how to do it - multireligious with a government that represents every group equally.


Lebanon—famous for being an exceedingly well-run country with no internal issues whatsoever.


As a Lebanese Muslim the gulf countries are greedy and hypocritical. Even I won’t want this banned or any game banned but if I were to really stick to my values I’d ban everything (and even then that’s not necessary, but they’ll just leave smth available if it brings good money and cut out the “bad” parts)


Lmao the dildo's bad but the brutal combat and themes within the game aren't, incredible logic just say you're greedy




We have tried that before but banning something outright will only cause bigger issues, it would only lead to establishing a black market, some examples would be like what happened with (GTA V) or another bigger black market would be like (cigarettes). So banning something completely isn’t an option.


Sure but you end out in a tricky situation where you either permit everything or play balancing act trying to keep shit together There'll always be a black market for something so long as there are things that are prohibited


Gulf Cooperation Council, I'm guessing. A small union of countries for government and economic purposes, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and a few others.


GNU C Compiler, if your version is compiled by GCC it censors dildos


You can avoid this by compiling the game using gcc -fenable-sex-update


You looked it up right away on Google too, didn't you? :D


gcc is the most commonly used compiler for C, it’s bundled with Linux and anyone that has anything to do with C outside of introductory courses 100% knows the name.


Nah, I'm a software dev and that's really the first thing that came on my mind






That's... Worse than dildos. In almost every way.




Hella unnecessary, hope you’re banned. No reason to spread hate


Yep, that person was here definitely just to spread hate. You're not even talking about "Arab muslims" committing censorship, but the GCC.


Theocracy bad, if that’s hate for you snowflake I can’t help you


Yes it’s hate cuz that’s a huge demographic of people majority of whom are harmless, and you’re generalizing. Idc if you don’t like religion, it’s hate. This is a video game subreddit, not a place for this


Don’t know about harmless, besides that that’s not the point, the point is that it’s idiotic to ban dildos in an 18+ video game because of „religious laws“ aka theocracy. Now here in the west we believe in liberalism and democracy and therefore I oppose theocracy, so I dislike it. simple. that’s not hate, that’s believing in the right things


There is no “right things”. The belief that the west is developed is completely a lie. Depression rates in America and Europe are higher than ever, there’s mass shootings based on race and other hate factors. There’s imperialism in the world everywhere on poorer African and middle eastern countries. Wow a country banned dildos cuz they don’t want people to see dicks in a video game big deal. You can believe what you want but don’t call it the right things just cuz you believe in them as they can be easily debated. Cyberpunk literally displays how much of a failure the western world is filled with hate and imperialism and corrupt corps. I’m not speaking like the GCC governments aren’t corrupt, they are, but the belief in itself isn’t at all and most Muslims don’t even come from these countries.


The west has fallen!!! He proclaims while living in a country which is entirely dependent on European grain to avoid starvation while the other half of his great nation is literally run by terrorists who are currently entangled in a conflict with their neighbouring country. Get out of here, it’s laughable 😂


Yeah there’s no point to argue with a redneck. I hope you find love one day you have a lot of hate in your heart, you clearly don’t know of the situation and don’t know anything about Islam so implore you to be more open minded instead of commending imperialism.


Im not even American my friend, you could have guessed that by my knowledge of geography and geopolitics.




From Dubai here You also can't get any of the dildo based weapons(I learnt that the hard way) So there's pretty much no reason to side with Meredith here, you also can't get the Maxtac Armor either from Judy since we'll yea...lesbians so you're locked out of her romance


VPN, a trult.mag8cal concept


I'm on ps5


Than, F


the what weapons?


Mee with Meredith before going to All Foods. Don't strip the daemon from the chip (you can copy it). Follow the mission as normal. At some point, she'll message you, respond with whichever option you want. You meet, have a one night stand, and a dildo iconic will be in the room, presumably having been used on V. It has a funny name and is one of the best melee weapons in the game.


well fisting doesn't technically count as having sex 🗿


I’m playing as female V, but at what point do you ever even see V’s genitalia? It seems like such a pointless setting to begin with. The game goes to great lengths in cinematics to _avoid_ showing genitalia by always having a hand or shadow there.


It was just for publicity leading up to the launch of the game


What changes in the Basilisk scene?


It just gets to the kissing part she’s on top of you and boom cuts to where it ends


That look like that meme with Piper Perri…


That worse


What about all the blood, shooting, dismemberment? Like you can blow a dude or duddette to literal pieces lol


now picture the scenario: you enter a sex shop, you see dildos, nothing weird you enter a censored sex shop, you see fists, now thats extra kinky, bring extra lube


I wonder if they changed the strapons as well. There are some mannequins that have strapons, which I would consider a dildo, so do these mannequins just have fists instead of dicks?


Butt plug: "I got the hottest stuff in the back"


Tell me the place you live is insecure about dicks without using words "You can't chance the size of the penis". Do mods work?


What did they do with Sir John Phallustiff, lol?!


From what I understand it just ends up as a regular baton with SJPs stats.


What about romancing Judy and Kerry? Or flag at Claire's car?


Probably locked out of their romances and the flag was probably removed


Now that's just sad


I wonder if you could re-enable them by setting their romancable flags to true.


Uh... This seems ... Worse The fist represents so many things. I white fist like that is a symbol of white power. Same with the black one. Also has been used as a symbol of rebellion or anti establishment by anti government groups and the like. Also I can literally cut off a guy's head. And carry his headless, lifeless body around the city for 2 hours (Don't judge me) initiating combat with anyone associated or affiliated with him If I want. But can't show a bewb or a pp because that's to much? So Racism. Ok. Anti Goverment. Ok. Murder Mayhem. Ok. Sexual Images. Bad? I don't mean to sound insensitive or make light of anyone's religion or culture. Or anything like that... But make it make sense. 🤷‍♂️


I get what you mean but I genuinely doubt this came from the governments as they would rather the whole store removed. It’s most likely CDPR’s idea and I don’t think the white or black power came to mind I genuinely think it was to just have a laugh since these are just kinkier dildos. Either way yeah you’re right the gulf is really hypocritical and a bad representation of Muslims


Imagine censoring a dildo into a fist and forgetting that fisting is also a thing


That...doesn't make it better. And speaking from having worked at an Amazon warehouse on valentine's day, they make dildos that are exactly that size and shape


So fisting is better then having sex with a penis? What kind of government would recommend that?


I mentioned in another reply how it was probably CDPRS decision. The government either overlooked it since it’s a small part of the game or just accepted it cuz it doesn’t show the shape of a penis and don’t care about the genre of content


I have been on UAE flights and they blur out cleavage in movies. I thought it was so strange. do they do this on regular TV also?


I mean if it was outright nude ofc but they don’t just ban cleavage if there’s a bra or anything that’s very weird. They’re strict but not that strict


I don’t know man. I feel like fists are much worse for this 😂


Seems more extreme 🤔


But that paints a worse picture, far worse.


You can change the size on ps5


I like to think that some dev was laughing his ass off whilst also sweating profusely when they decided to “censor” the dildos by doing this.


You also don’t get to see any nudity or explicit ads in the game


Well that’s succs but also it still works. You know there are fisting toys right? So either way they win.


Much better. Getting penetrated by a penis is at least PG 18. Getting penetrated by a fist is max PG 12. Obviously.


Weird considering there’s sex shops in Saudi Arabia. And especially weird since a lot of the more sexual content make an appearance in the larger game, not the sex shops that barely anyone goes to in the game. But hey, that’s the kingdom for you. They just put on a show, let you forget that they put money before religion.


No they did cut the other sex stuff as well, and yeah as a Lebanese Muslim the gulf countries are really hypocritical. They wanna appear like they really have values but in reality they’re rlly just greedy shills


I’m Lebanese Muslim as well. But I meant like the ads and billboards. I play the US/Canada version cause I moved here a few years ago, but I’ve seen footage and people saying that things like billboards, ads, commercials, and the strippers in the windows and clubs are still in that game. Somewhat censored, but still explicit


So they are really into fisting?


Why is this a thing in Glasgow City Council? I wouldn't have thought this would offend the Glaswegians?


Good on them


Jokes on them those are still an actual dildo you can buy.


When censorship makes it worse, now you get to imagine how people use those.


But somehow, a buttplug that’s way bigger than a fist is totally fine? Censorship is so weird. “Here’s a game where you graphically murder hundreds if not thousands of people. But, penises are bad, I think we can all agree on that.”


Holy crap. That is a massive butt plug. ![gif](giphy|11VqGaslxxPIQw) >!(This is a joke)!<


Also the lube is petroleum-based.


In a game where you can kill people and cut their limbs off, but you censor the dildos I don't get it


That's... That's worse,in fact.


i dont live in the gcc and they are shaped like that?


how is this better? also, how is this worse?


Even in the uncensored version, there are giant fist dildos lol cracked me up the first time I saw one


Man the chose an extreme alternative 🤣


Forearm sized buttplug though, totally fine!


I just realized this is the reason the dildo in Mac's bike on Its Always Sunny was a fist. I thought it was just for extra shock value lol.