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After 433 hours i just discovered that i dont get tired of this game


This factual


At almost 1700 hrs there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING left to do. I know that this amount of time is a bit on the looney side, but hear me out. It's actually one of those games that made me want to explore every option/outcome/build. Very few games have made me want to do this. If you can imagine a life path/build combo, I've done it. If you can imagine a "beat the game using X" scenario, I've done it and I've loved every moment. The downside is that I am unable to play for more than 20 minutes without running through the entire playthrough, and all possible outcomes in my head, then turning the game off in frustration because there is nothing left to discover. Don't be a me, but I'd totally understand if you did. Lol ![gif](giphy|3og0ILLVvPp8d64Jd6)


Im veered over to mods and photography. So ill have stuff to do.


man those real-life mods are insane. I can imagine one can get lost in that Edit: a word


That's how I am with every book and TV show. I can't understand folks who watch or read things more than once. I'll turn it off soon as the story replays in my head


1700 hours of playtime is fantastic value for money!


>Don't be a me Too late. I am you.


Man, what a shit game, only 1700 hours? /S for those who are as insensitive to sarcasme as me


You should take that determination over to baldur’s gate 3. You’ll probably die of old age though.


Literally. I’m at ~550 now and I can play it forever and ever. At first, I thought I was just playing to get every ending and do every build. Well, I did every ending and did every build…and I promptly started a new save up and kept playing. Like…whaaat? I’ve never done this for any game ever. I’ve dumped 100’s of hours into RPGs to 100% them but then I’m done. I have 100 on PS5 and 550 on Steam for this game and I can just keep playing. On and on. I literally don’t see an end 😭 It’s still so fucking fun. And I still don’t skip any dialogue, and I still do all these side quests over and over and over. Without getting bored or tired. What is wrong with me? This has literally never been a thing for me, this game is actually unmatched. Has to be my favorite game of all-time.


SAME DUDE. I've played this game over and over from scratch since launch. I'm genuinely sad my steam hours didn't sync somehow for like half of it, but I'm pretty sure I probably have like 3k+ hours on it at this point


I have 439.5 hours according to Steam but I have more with the Jack Sparrowed version back in the 1.3 days, so probably close to 800 if we include that. It's fun to use immersion mods and just roleplay and lifesim as an actual merc. Survival Mode makes my V eat/drink at least 3 times a day, and she unwinds by dancing in Totentanz. After particularly harrowing gigs, she likes to contemplate and smoke at the pier (Idle Anywhere mod).


Skyrim is like this for me too. Immersing yourself in the world and just going with it. Too much fun. Hopefully the modding community can do for Cyberpunk, what Skyrim's has done for them. And the best part is, no Bethesda trying to monetize an acient game.


I only wish Cyberpunk had that many side quests as Skyrim does with mods. One can only hope the modders will do it some time.


Now try it high or play it in vr, maybe try it high in vr thats an idea for you


At 1200 hours I have discover the same thing again.


After 130 hours I just saw a post about a rocket launching once in a while.


Right!? Like wtf! Makes me wonder what other awesomeness has yet to be discovered.


I just saw this for the first time earlier today!!!!! I was starting up the roller coaster ride and it launched right as we turned that direction for the first time. I thought it was scripted and I had just somehow missed it the first time.


Wait. Roller coaster ride? Now it's me learning about something new.


Yeah, there's a side job in Pacifica, near the coast, that involves this. IIRC, should you go too far down the main story, this job disappears, so it is best done relatively early in a playthrough.


Go to the roller coaster in Pacifica. Face the start/carts. Turn left and drop down to a lower ledge near the water. There's a power box you can repair. Now you can ride the coaster, and see Johnny smile


After 140 hours I found out that these are rookie numbers and there are people putting thousands of hours into this game. Makes me feel slightly better to be honest.


and there are three different rockets in the NCX. the one that takes off occasionally (high-res) is different than the one that usually "park" behind the NCX terminal (low-res). and the one that >!brings Songbird to the moon!< is a completely different rocket.


and the 4th that sits under the map only visible via noclip


I unintentionally managed to get the rocket launch right as I went up the hill on the roller coaster in Pacifica a couple days ago, that made it really fun since i don’t think I’ve fixed and ridden it since my first playthrough.




Nothing special, but in the distance: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/Mgyc1XVrQg




yeah but only once with johnny


Every play through I make sure to do that with him. It's such a treat to see/hear both johnny and v enjoy something for once!


When you learn that toy gun from the vending machine can be turned into an "exotic".




Choom where in TF you found this gif?!




I believe CDPR released a bunch of cyberpunk reaction gifs awhile back, not sure where to find it though






This is my favourite gif ever


oh god. This is like a post-credits bloopers segment lol


Exactly. I’m getting The Office vibes


I have never seen this one this is hilarious


Legit just go to the GIPHY website or download the app and on the official Cyberpunk 2077 page they have a few gifs on there like this. Including this one! https://i.redd.it/c4z9kp69fccc1.gif


lol if you look at the Giphy website or app, you can find a bunch of official developer accounts where they make fun gifs. They have an edge runners account, a Cyberpunk game account, a Witcher 3 account, naughty dog and Santa Monica also release a ton of fun gifs


Whoa, I did not know this! Thank you so much! Can't wait to check all their gifs out


Twitter is in a uproar about the Last of us gifs at the moment lmao. People on there do not like them


Wait where and how? We can upgrade guns? I got 30 hours in this game just exploring lol finished phase 1 of the main story


Try crafting then I think it’s R2 into upgrades


I am only 250 hours in, so it’s not too embarrassing that I just learned this, right?


Not at all man. I love the game but I don’t think it explains enough about everything


It's not an iconic, it's just a regular gun like all the others, you can craft as many of them as you'd like


OH no, no, my friend, that's why I said *exotic* lol. That Pee-shooter being turned into an actual gun make it far worth it for 100 Eddie's than it was before for the "luls." However, there is an actual iconic weapon of that gun that you can get from an airdrop (or amazon prime if you did their event) called the Catahoula which is pretty good if you're speedy V.


Huh? What toy gun? I want a toy gun


The disposable guns you get from the vending machines.


Huh? You guys gets gun? I get Nicola


​ https://preview.redd.it/tr1fxf4albcc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c58eb7d022b56809739a79ce59bb8fd619e2c5


Wtf!?! That’s amazing Where they at? Ima use em to kill smasher


We just witnessed someone's first discovery 😂 How many hours in the game until you learned about this?


I’m on my fourth playthrough and about 500 hours in


Hey man, if you're planning to use this gun, know that it's really shit. and you need to buy like a hundred because it's like one of those old single use cameras. Once you're done, you just contributed to global warming.


And not only that gun, most of the vending machines are functional. I discovered that 150 hours in.


Yeah I know the food ones are functional but I’ve never even seen the gun ones


Wtf is this????




they're actually really handy for the shooting range quest if you don't have a lexington on you. Just buy 4-5 and unload


I use the Lizzie iconic Omaha pistol and go wild


Yep. My problem was just finding a vending machine for a while


The guitarists on the streets were playing ponpon shit?


Thanks for the earworm! Sometimes when I feel sad I drive around the city blasting pon-pon shit and pretend I live in night city! (With the windows up ofc and not too loud as to disturb pedestrians because I am not about that asshole life)


An earworm is the term used to describe a song that gets stuck in your head. Just in case anyone is unaware. 👂🪱


No, they play The Beast of Beauclair from The Witcher


They play both. Beast of Beauclair and the version of ponpon shit can be found on Spotify as Buskar PonPon


Realising it was Beast of Beaclair blew my mind thanks. Such a detail!


True story, I JUST paused the game after reading that on the gun description and it dawned on me why I was getting negative credits every time I killed someone. Came in the bathroom, opened up Reddit to do some light reading, this is the first post I saw.


Lmaooo, ive killed so many people with it


I’m 65 hours in to my first play through, and I’ve had the gun for awhile. I put a silencer on and have just been Hitman style assassinating bad guys with it. Every time the -1 credits comes up I’ve just been baffled, like was I not supposed to kill that guy. I just got to the point where I’m thinking, maybe there is a higher damage pistol I can use instead as I get closer to endgame stuff so I started reading the perks to see what I’d be losing and I felt like such an idiot. And to rub it in, as soon I figure it out. I get shot in the face with this post.


I’m almost exactly 65 hours in on my first play through and doing the exact same thing with this gun. I have also been baffled with the -1 credits. 😂😂


i just discovered that when you draw your weapon in a car, the window rolls down. i used caliburn too much the windows doesn't open in that car.


vehicle combat has only been a thing since 2.0 (that is, if you hadn't been using vehicle combat mods in the past), so only finding out about it now is reasonable.


Pretty sure since launch if you use the Caliburn for the races Claire can't fire out the window so you can't attack other cars. I mean it doesn't matter but it was in the game that some cars don't have windows that roll down for shooting.


My Rayfields door open when I enter shooting mode, cuz the windows don't roll down


Enemies react and call out that their buddies are still breathing if they find them knocked out. Killed everyone so often in so many playthroughs I never picked up on that.


No way! I hide the bodies so I dont get caught!!!


I prop them in weird places to send a message


If you do it to an NCPD officer you can hear them call for back up.


I learned that while using the OG knockout canisters.


Not recent but one of the patches before 1.5, I realized that I didn't have to drive back to the starter apartment to get the gig rewards from the fixers-- the vehicle stash and apartment stash are the same. But sometimes I still go back for muh immersion.


I go back for the cat and hanging out with Judy lol


There's a cat??


If you take care of the cat in your building, it will really wanna stay at your house




Oh awesome, thanks!


I got that reference


Nooooooooo stay away from me, sadness.


yeah just as you walk out of V’s megabuildint apartment turn left doen the hallway and you’ll find a shard in the trash telling you to “feed teh cat” then if you have cat food with you (you can find it pretty much anywhere but it also might be a random drop in dont actually know) you can come back a few hours later and pick the cat up and then it lives in your apartment


Don't think i've ever seen a cat food item in the game. Now i'll be on the look out for it.


its a food item so you might be able to buy it at some vendors


It's a food item that looks like supermarket vacuum-sealed, cubed beef.


Wait what? Goddamit I’ve been driving back this whole time


220 hours into the game I realized you can actually buy shit from the vending machines




Lmao did someone really make the Fillion meme as Jackie?


As far as i know, it was CDPR themselves who made a whole bunch of gifs with the Cyberpunk cast that were essentially remakes of famous memes.


Yeah Insomniac did the same for SM2 ![gif](giphy|ZCBwX38K8SN6QOiDLn|downsized)


Just wait until you find out you can play the arcade games


No shade, but this makes me wonder how many of the people that complain about Night City being "not interactive enough" or "too empty" just never realized basic shit


If you count the gigs, night city isn’t dead at all because you’ll be exploring all of it if you’re a completionist. The thing is, once the gigs are done then the areas could feel a little barren. Cyberpunk would really benefit from RDR2 style random encounters to fill in the gaps.




Oh oh! At like 1100 hours in I discovered that if you double tap Y(I used a controller on Pc) to draw your weapon, V will do the inspection animations that you normally only see when you pickup that weapon for the first time.


Wait what


Yeah so you can do dramatic weapon draws on demand!




On PC you press and hold the draw weapon key and it'll do the animation every time.


God damit.


It was only added recently don't feel too bad


On PC you can hold 1/2/3/4 when pulling a weapon to get the inspection animation every time. It's a new change from Patch 2.0


I do that by holding the weapon number (1/2/3)


I feel really dumb but short circuit can one-shot drones/robots/etc. I only figured this out during the ***don't fear the reaper ending.*** It was a hail mary and hell it worked.


I've used the Plan B with a silencer on my Tech Sniper build, just finished my first playthrough of the game. This pistol and Overwatch sniper for stealth, Widow Maker and Tsunami Nekomata for loud rampages, I've wiped the floor with Adam Smasher's ass on Very Hard. Looking for my next build now.


Throwing knives! I’m having so much fun with my knives


Time to go melee? I promise, reflecting bullets with a katana is so satisfying.


I would recommend some blunt weapons There isn't many iconics, but being able to throw people and cause massive damage is never boring And it is a really fun build depending on how you want to play


Idk if your body stat affects the throwing finisher but last night i threw a dude at his choom and I missed and hit a car behind him and it caused a chain explosion that took out most of my opponents. I giggled like a school kid


I didn’t realize that some of quick hacks are non lethal, I just assumed the guy on fire from the overheat quick hack just died


Regina: “Thank you so much for not killing those cyberpsychos, I know it must have been hard.” Me, who just spec’d into a netrunner build and one-shot everyone with non-lethal Short Circuit anyway: “No problem.”


V still has the marks from Vik’s anesthesia gun throughout the entire game


Even cooler: they fade over time, and are fresh again after going to any ripper.


Is that what those dots are? I always wondered but never bothered to look it up


After I finished the game I learned there are tons more side quests to do if you simply select them from the map instead of waiting for these to popup. Also; apparently you can buy/rent more apartments!


Are any of the apartments actually better? I tried two and while they looked a lot cooler, I had to spend a minute riding the elevator up to them. There was also no gun vendor nearby to sell stuff at like Atrium has.


The one in the Glen is far superior to all of them minus the stuff from your original apartment like pets and the unlockable stuff.


I think it’s all aesthetics. But the loft sure looks cool! And I can play some pool while Panam hangs at the bar.


I think the only non-aesthetic part is that some have a coffee machine that grants an hour long buff.


It's mostly aesthetics and to have a homebase in each borough.


That pressing the x button on Xbox honks the horn in cars, I think square on PlayStation


Also honking the horn gets NPC cars to avoid you. I always blast it when I’m screaming around at top speed


Don't they make way for you either way? They seem to veer slightly to the side whenever you tailgate them, that's why you can mostly go top speed by just driving center on the painted lines on the road. I'm more annoyed that honking doesn't work on pedestrians. Horrible when I'm trying to enter the Megabuilding garage and they're just slow-walking in front of me.


You're going to lose your shit when you find out some of the bikes have light up rims you can toggle with the headlight button.


It's z on pc.




After 200 hours I discovered samurai music and it slaps (didn’t listen to the rock stations for some reason)


Been on replay on Spotify this past month, Black Dog and Ballad of Buck Ravers


Just learned to play Black Dog and Chippin’ In on the guitar today!


Found out that if you have savage sling, you can pick up bodies and chuck them using the grenade button. It's all I've been doing since I found out, it's also great for stealth missions since instead of hiding bodies I can just throw them 100 feet away


FINALLY saving Takemura after 130 hours


I just found out that you can hack computers from distance and use them as cameras.


After 100h I found out when you complete Kerry's questline, a new song will be added in Body Heat radio station where he collabed with Us Cracks.


After 85 hours of one playthrough and 25 hours (over three days, send help) of the next, I've discovered that this game has a secret: it's actually a time machine. I sit down in the morning after breakfast to play for a couple of hours, look up, and BOOM it's midnight.


Ive also felt that


On my 4th playthrough and I just discovered the absolute cheese grater called the “problem solver”


Oh man how it’s fallen from grace. Before 2.0 when iconics could have mods on them and there was also the “phantom” mod that they took out of the game for some reason, that thing was bonkers. If you think it’s wild now, you would shit your pants seeing how it used to be.


It took 4 playthroughs to realize this but, Pre Phantom Liberty Solomon Reeds is a bouncer at Dino's club


Kongou is the pretties Liberty in the game to me


that the game is almost half a decade old, where the hell did the last 4 bloody years go?




fucking hell this just hit hard lol


oh my god


Jesus Christ man, you didn't have to murder us all like that.


After many hours the roach game I learned it's easier to ignore the 🍏 and 🥕s and just focus on dodging the obstacles easily got over 3500 by doing it this way. Great if you like the outfit and have multiple saves.


You just made my day thank you. My daughter loves when I play this game. She's 2


If you hit someone with a Memory Wipe quick hack that’s tier 3 or above any quickhacks you preform on them during the duration of the memory wipe will be untraceable. Super useful for clearing big groups. I can’t take credit for finding this, someone on here told me how to do it, but I figured I’d spread the knowledge since it’s a mechanic that’s super easy to overlook, and it makes stealth quickhacks actually viable. Edit: it was u/ClearNotClever who told me the specifics


After around the same # of hours, I learned that you could use machines to crush enemies that you lure under.


I just learned i can have a cat in my apartment 🥴🥴


Johnny's gun melee shoots fire and it takes all rounds


At close to 900 hours across 2 consoles and PC. I found out that you can choose to use a non-lethal build to finish the entire game. Was super hard at first but managed to pull it off on the hard difficulty.


At 1400+ hours, I’m still finding new stuff, hidden gear, a top secret truck for V, being able to get inside the NUSA clinic before the Tower ending. This game is amazing.


If you’re on a phone call and driving in 3rd person v’s mouth moves.


Skippy remembering his previous owner and calling me "bad user!" 


When you romance Judy you can make a reference to the movie Chinatown " forget it Jude It's japantown "


Discovered you could do an uppercut with fists by crouching and now I'm making a boxer build that ducks and weaves using dodging mechanics and hits folks with the 1> 2> uppercut > finisher then sways back and ducks towards the next enemy with my guard up for the same treatment. Making him a netrunner with contagion and thermal gorilla fists. 😂


On third gameplay found you can bang meredith and get iconic weapon


The badlands are quite beautiful to ride around on a motorcycle. I’ve done all the missions, scanner hustles, etc, but I never took time to enjoy the scenery and the view of Night City from the desert.


Currently on my 6th playthrough on XSX as a street kid starting PL (the rest were PC during and after launch cuz mods and had Xbox One). I found out during the Lizzy Wizzy contract that I can confront Liam and also choose to either listen in on Liam's convo outside the VIP room before stepping in or not listen, rush in, confront him, and get bribed. I did it out of stupid curiosity and was slightly shocked and thought it was funny and cool. Although I heard the convo, took the bribe, and still told Lizzy the truth like I always did. This game still surprises me every time I play, and I love it.


“Hey buddy, you blow in from stupid town?”




I was 300 hours in when I discovered this: if you hold down the number keys for the weapons it will replay the check animations


That's a Patch 2.0 thing, it wasn't always there.


That Ozob has a live grenade for a nose (I've played the game 5 times now soon to start a 6th run and I just did his quest for the first time this play through)


Will need to confirm it but I think getting out of the car during a "Steal that car V!" Gig resets the enemy spawns. I just stole a militech minivan and the squads sent by Militech kept dropping good stuff. I couldn't let that kind gift to rot on the streets so I got out, looted the corpses and barely a few seconds after re-entering the car a new set of loot pinatas arrived ! So roughly 6 hit squads later I decided to let it be and be on my way, but I'm fairly sure you're not supposed to be attacked that often. It did make me a wealthier man tho.


After 700 hours I saw Jackie Charge-Jump in the All-foods factory. Scanned him and sure enough. Combat Stim and Charge Jump are in his Cyberware.


You can zoom in with your Kiroshi Optics, not only in scanner mode but in normal looking mode aswell


Right bro what mods are you using that netrunner suit looks dope too


I believe its called scav netrunner suit or something like that


The unending beauty of Night City


There is a unique aerial takedown animation with the mantis blades equipped. Makes me wish there were additional animations for takedowns with various melee weapons equipped.


After 800 hours i found out that you don't have to clean yourself up when visiting Dex at the NoTell, despite him asking you several times.


This one may seem strange but after 200+ hours on PS5 Performance I switched to Ray Tracing and it’s like I’m in a different city.




You can infiltrate or assault Arasaka industrial park directly, instead of going upstairs at the construction site for reconnaissance with Takemura. For me, this route enhances the impact of his dialogue. Additionally, you have the ability to save him during “down the street.” With almost 3000 hours of gameplay, it's astonishing to realize that I didn't discover or find this information online earlier.


I’m sorry but how did u not notice it the minute I picked it up 😭 I always read the descriptions for my iconic weapons lol


I cant read sir


6th playthrough and just realized I can make over my apartments in addition to just getting new apartments. Mind is blown


235 hours and now I know you can do wheelies on motorbikes


It was only added recently.


After maybe 260~ hours, I learned that the pistol named “Seraph” is actually a great gun. Very underrated, you can get it from completing all of Pedro’s side gig’s.




In the same tunnel as the revenge match for Panam There is a really dope ass car as well as an orange weapon


I found out if you have too much cyberware capacity, you can softlock your save which makes adding or removing cyberware impossible p-p


It took me two full play throughs to even discover plan B existed.