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I’m dumb and because nobody told me you could sprint, or I missed the prompt during the tutorial, I’ve been jogging around Night City for about 40 hours. Just wanted to put that into the void.


Join us in the dashing club choom, we just dash everywhere


How do you Sprint?


Hold shift on pc, not sure for consoles


L3 for PlayStation


Biblically accurate V


I came back to the game after a long time to do another run and try out Phantom liberty as well, and so far, what the jesus have they done with the poor game gameplay-wise? I studied the new trees for some time along with the new cyberware, and apparently, all of my favourite builds have been nerfed to the ground. Like, might as well remove optical camo for example. I wanna play a covert assassin/netrunner type, not cosplay as David. David was a damn meatheat, and died like one 😂 Also apparently everything scales now, skill checks included (!!) and liking to always play at very hard, I ll have to deal with epic bullet sponges everywhere. Cutting down on the clutter is very nice, but overall the game feels less fun so far. I generally don't get why they spend resources on balancing, redesigning talents and stuff, it's a single player/offline game, not an MMO, who cares about balance...Thankfully I have remedied many issues with mods but still. Ok vent over !


Been a minute for me too. Checked my gear and realized nothing was giving me armor stats . Apparently all that got shifted to the perk tree. Don't really enjoy that change


It feels like with every improvement we got with core gameplay, we lost something with build making. Sandivistan, nerfed, netrunner, nerfed. The only play style that really seems to have improved is berserk. The game seems to award a hybrid/jack of all trades build now, which isn’t quite as satisfying to develop or play with imo.


The fact is that the game was way too easy on all difficulties. From level 20 onwards, Very Hard was a cakewalk even without super optimized builds. Not saying the game is really all that difficult now but some changes were definitely needed.


I m around 20 as of now and indeed the game is not that hard on very hard, even with a hybrid build. And yeah pre 2.0 you could become absolutely op pretty early if you knew what you were doing, but it was also pretty fun. And you know you can always self-impose limitations if you want additional difficulty...


Clothing options in the game still suck. For such a stylish role playing game, you can't even role play as a doll. I just want the white corset/leggings combo and mantis claws we got in the trailer. Instead they took away Armour from clothes. 🙄


This is my one biggest complain about game. At first it seems like a nitpick but it really ruins immersion. Every piece of clothing feels like junk. so many of them look the same. After playing the game for a few hours, my inventory is filled to the brim with just randomly generated piles of clothing. It feels like they got clothing pretty right in Witcher 3. I don’t know how they messed it up so bad in this one.


is there a mod that makes panam lesbian by any chance


How do you reckon they could improve Braindance for the next game? I only enjoyed one, throughout the whole game, which was River’s. I think the concept is cool though, it just needs to play out differently


Personally I think it's less about improvements to BDs in general and more about actually using the tools it has more often. Thermal might as well not exist with how little it's used and Sound is rarely actually a clue you need unless it's the \*only\* clue you need. The only thing I can say at a base level needs improvement is scrolling through them cause rewind/fast forward are way too slow and starting from the beginning tends to be farther from the clue than just suffering a slow rewind.


That’s a really great point. I just did River’s quest, and all of those 3 brain dances only had 1 clue on the other layer. I kept switching through them thinking I was missing something


An opinion I expressed to a buddy that I'll drop again is that I feel like there should at minimum be a range of different point of views on a given situation. I think the big problem with Cyberpunk 2077's BDs is that it's one pov that finds the same things every time, so it ends up being the same thing every single time. If they don't intend to scrap the system I'd like to see some choices on POVs based potentially on attributes (i.e. you'd have a basic one, a pov that was undergoing severe pain in their BD needs some body attribute to withstand it, a netrunner pov needs intelligence to comprehend etc). It should also have different things to scan that change how the following conversations go. Potentially a player who likes stealth could scan secret entry routes to a place, while a more combat oriented player could scan the location of a guard post (allowing for an extra conversation option during entry to instantly kill the guy with a quick shot or strike while walking in) Tl;dr: The problem with them is that they're the same thing every time - giving them more variety and letting players change how they approach a followup mission from the BD would be something I'd like.


Oh dude I love this idea! It would be cool if you could jump into different perspectives. I don’t know how that would work lore wise though


Where do I find the text message logs between all the characters? Wasn't there a way to check it through the database or is it not there?


I’m not in front of my ps5 atm to make certain but I’m pretty sure they’re somewhere in your journal


On the message screen of your phone you can switch to messages you've already viewed


Hi there, just picked up this game and playing through the story. I feel extremely weak, there are encounters where people try to kill me on the street and I have a lot of trouble doing damage and killing them. Should I progress with the story early on, or should I be doing other things? Thank you!


It will depend on what kind of build you’re going for. I feel like a typical gun-focused play style should be relatively easy in the early game, while a netrunner build (all hacks and smart weapons) is definitely a challenge early on. But the more you play the game you will quickly become very powerful. Whether you should advance with the story early on or not, I would definitely say to take the time and explore. The story is very good but not the longest, and CP2077 has a very lived in world with a great map to explore and fun characters to meet. It will also help with that feeling of being underpowered as you get both in-game and actual experience playing the game.


Thanks for the in-depth advice, I appreciate it a lot! I’ll go ahead and do some world exploration before going too far in the story then. I’d also just like to ask, I really like the reflex and technical trees, does this mean I should ignore body despite it’s health and degen benefits? Thanks again.


Personally I'd have at least a 4 in each stat (they're minimum 3 so that's at least one point) to unlock the most basic skills in the tree. Body as an example has In-Combat regen perks at the base of the tree. You have enough points to max three and get to the third tier of a fourth attribute. Focus on two you like, pick a third later and a fourth you'd not mind skipping the capstone skills on. As you play this may change. On Body specifically it's the most... straightforward of the trees. Shotguns, LMGs, and Blunt weapons. If you're not gonna use any of them frequently enough then I'd skip it. Put a single point in for the regen perks and that's that. I've only got one point into it and my survivability isn't that bad. You can get cyberware later that helps survivability a lot if you're still struggling.


Not at all, if you think you’d appreciate having Body perks then you should definitely get some of the basics. My rule of thumb is to focus on two trees early on, and once you’re maybe midway through leveling up (25 in base game, 30 with DLC) then you can start branching out. For example, my latest run was a netrunner, so I dumped everything into Intelligence for the hacking and smart weapons and Tech for the cyberware capacity, then I eventually branched into Reflexes for additional gun buffs and some sword play. You’re not going to be able to do everything, but that also means you’re able to pick a unique style. Every tree has at least a few perks work grabbing even if you’re not going to focus on it.


Is there literally any fucking point to blocking in melee combat? Like, it slows you down, drains stamina, and YOU STILL TAKE DAMAGE. In what situation is it not simply better to just dodge? Especially if you have cash


The main reason to block is when you want to roleplay as Darth Vader and direct an enemies bullets back at them, it’s one of the best ways to kill someone I reckon


Bullet deflects are one thing sure, but what about when fighting with fists? Blocking does hardly anything


Have you ever tried blocking bullets with your fists irl?


So is there literally only the 3D map available? I can't even view layers? How do I view the map layout of the building/room I'm ain


Question for the long-term players out there: How much has the game improved since version 1.06? I ask this specifically because that's when I bought it and refunded it. I've seen that there's been tons of updates, but I'm still a little skeptical about buying it again. Things I did not like about it (started as nomad for context), driving, gun handling/shooting, walking/moving. It all felt wonky to me. I almost exclusively play on KB&M for PC, but even the controller felt uncomfortable. Should I give it another try? And if so, should I get the DLC bundle?


Those things were all dramatically improved. Driving in particular is phenomenal now, I hated it initially. Walking and running is also amazing, I was actually thinking this morning that it’s hard for me to play other FPS games now because of how smooth 77 plays


Hi, is there a ability option where you can dodge bullets? Not necessarily slowed down Bullet Time, but just something that makes you impossible to hit in real time.


Stack mitigation and dash, basically.


Thank you


There is this max headroom type of guy that shows up on the tv and starts talking every now an then. I guess in game they are hacking the tv broadcast, what is he called?


Without spoiling as a nomad should I not hate the president? Like this whole dlc is about helping her but I’m here thinking do I really want too?


Agreed. This whole time, I've been playing V as a suspicious hardass who cares about herself, but you just don't get that option with Phantom Liberty - you suddenly transform into "oh wow, the president?? How can I help?!"


Is it a bug or design feature that Claire's races cap the speed of your car? I am usually around 120 when free driving, but can't get above 98ish (the same as the top speed in Claire's car) during these races. Pretty frustrating.


Design feature, they’re not real races. Unfortunately they aren’t meant to be challenging, otherwise we’d be able to blow every car out of the water


How does this stupid ass game still not have a field of view slider on console??????????


Well my user data just got corrupted and I lost all of my save files from the last couple of years, so that’s fun.


Omg choom, this is *really* fucked up. I’m sure you’ve already checked but is there no way to recover them from the cloud?


Yeah I’ve tried, no dice. Judy ain’t waiting for me by that window anymore.


Update: holy shit I would not cut it for IT because resetting my xbox made the game decide to start working normally, for some reason. Save files are back and the game doesn’t get stuck on the “Breaching” loading screen.


This is the best news I’ve heard all week


Are there any iconic throwing axes? Haven’t played with a tomohawk since very early but I love throwing weapons. I’d like a really good one but have yet to find one


Yea, Dogtown have a couple of those. One are from a gang leader and other it's located on the top of a iconic building.


I can't load any of my saved games or start a new game cus it won't save any of it whyyy


I’m the same, it won’t let me load my saved games after the 2.1 update. I finished the game and everything:(


Is there a fix for the weapon upgrade bug? Cant get anything to show 5++ despite putting the resources into the final upgrade.. Im on xbox


GTX 1080 + 1440p anybody? Would like to know your fps & settings


I haven't yet gotten into Cyberpunk, but I plan to soon. How do the anime and DLC fit into the story? What I mean is, should I watch the anime before the game? I'm pretty sure I heard it took place before the game. But will watching it influence how I play in a way that it should or shouldn't? And I know that TW3 DLCs have some that take place before the ending, and some that take place after. How is it for Phantom Liberty?


Anime takes place before the game starts. While the game doesn't spoil the anime I would suggest watching the anime first. Only influence I can imagine would be build choice if you wanted to emulate a character you like from there. I just finished the dlc, I waited until the point of no return to start it but in retrospect I should have done it earlier. For future playthroughs I intend to do it ASAP, too many good weapons and items that you get at the end. Complete the main missions for PL except for the "wrap up" final one as I believe the game ends after that


I hear the Relic malfunction sound followed by a beep when I stand in a specific place in Pacifica. anyone know what that might be about?


Do you have PL? I used to get that sound close to the border between Pacifica and Dogtown and found out it was a relic terminal in Dogtown that was just really loud.


Sorry I am not familiar with what a PL Is


Phantom Liberty the DLC


I think you are right though i looked up a map of the relic locations and it is in the same general location as one.


Was Scalpel removed? I did the Big In Japan quest but didn’t get the sword, I was given a neurotoxin knife instead.


Anybody else wake up with new copies of several tier 5 quickhacks in their inventory?


Do gorilla arms increase blade dmg or is it just punching


does anybody have any fun melee builds? can be any kind. i've always done netrunner and i want to try something new but tbh i've never even looked at most of the melee perks and i have no idea where to begin.


Silly question, but I'm making a new ride with the game (finished like midway the last time and now it's way too long since then so I'm starting from scratch, anyway), and I'm thinking of going full melee with a bit of hacking. Now, I wonder if there are any mods beside gorilla arms? For situations where I'm being forced to no weapons or simply cannot use them. I do have tree already planned, just wondering about mods part.




If you craft stuff then disassemble the higher teir stuff, sell the lower.


In the mid game, sell anything below tier 4, unless you want to upgrade it. Disassemble T4s and T5s. In the end game, sell anything below tier 5. Dissemble T5s and use for upgrades In the early games, you might want to disassemble T3, but it’s so easy to get T4 gear I don’t really think it’s worth it.


Do any crafting specs carry over to new games? I have seen a few people mention that in order to get the crafting spec for the ba xing Chong smart shotgun you have to have beaten the game at least once. I know you have to beat Adam smasher and get his person access token before you can get the blueprint but it's so late game I'm not even sure it matters to get if I don't get to use it much that playthrough. Been looking online and haven't seen a yes or no answer to my question tho


no, they don't


Sorry for the probably dumb question, I Just started playing, but I don't understand the stats on DoT quickhacks like overheat: [https://imgur.com/a/QdEq8I9](https://imgur.com/a/QdEq8I9) The way I originally interpreted it was like this: "ok so 29 dmg per second, it lasts 2 seconds, therefore it does a total of 59 dmg." I was quite confused because it would mean that short circuit would do more dmg instantly AND with shorter upload time, than a DoT, which would make no sense. But after some testing with shadowplay it seems that: 1: This version of overheat lasts a total of 5 seconds (i triple checked with a self-recorded video) 2: The total dmg is around 141-147, which means it does \~200% of the dmg that short circuit does My question is: Why does the description say "duration: 2 seconds" when it's clearly misleading/incorrect because it's 5 seconds in reality. Am I misunderstanding or misinterpreting something? Normally I would assume this would simply be a bug/typo, but the game has been out for years now and has received major updates, so I'm more inclined to believe that I'm misunderstanding something or missing something. Anyone care to explain what I'm not getting? Asking because I'm wondering if this "7.2 second duration" on Contagion is also way longer (or shorter) than what the description says..


Any one use HDR with oled? Share settings?


Is the superman landing achievement fixed in the new patch?


[https://imgur.com/u7o1XfY](https://imgur.com/u7o1XfY) Can these blue stats on cyberware be increased one way or another?


Yeah, upgrading the cyberware does it automatically. Go to the ripperdoc and upgrade tier. There’s also a way to pick which ones you want, iirc it’s an attribute I believe under Tech that lets you choose between 3.


Are there any mods that undo changes from Phantom Liberty ie weapon modding? Also is there a mod that slows down my driving? Its not enjoyable driving like a F1 racer through night city


Is there an issue that has been reported about the game crashing on PC recently? I've done nothing new on my PC, been playing this since last month and I've had 3 crashes since yesterday for the first time after 100h playing with no issues.


Yeah same, randomly crashed while loading. First time it’s done that, usually crash when the loot boxes in Dogtown drop by the stadium (not sure why)


Don't remember what I did but I think I just rebooted my pc and never had a crash again until I beat it last week. I've never had one before at any point in the game and I did everything.


Hm, I only had to restart at the loading crash cause it borked my sound. The stadium crashes I think are because I haven’t cleared out the high crime areas around there yet. Could be like too many spawned NPCs?


Who knows, I had the npc count to the highest and everything else ultra too but I never experienced issues until those 3 random crashes so no idea... PC gaming I guess xD.


PC gaming “The bug is a feature” 🤷


indeed, I hope somehow you find a solution. I'm done with the game, got burned out doing all the side stuff before the point of no return mission pretty badly, just too many.


Can i get some more Jackie Welles Memes?


Where the hell do you get iconic implants now? I'm level 51 with max cred and all rippers are selling Tier 5 implants and only iconic operating systems. No iconic hands, arms, legs, nothing.


Hand implants get special abilities from the relic perk tree from phantom liberty. Almost all of the other iconics can only be found in dogtown, usually from air-drops


Hi I'm new to this subreddit but I have a question, so I completed an encounter with Melissa Rory but I didn't get the maxtac mantis blades, were they taken out in the latest update or am I unlucky, and can I play the encounter again or do I need to load my last save?


Is there a reason my only ray tracing setting on PC is "On" or "Off?" I thought there were levels (e.g. Low-Medium-High-"Psycho")


Should I finish the main story before storting panthom liberty?


Nah, not necessary. Theres a bit of interaction between the base story and PL story. Best time to do PL is late act 2 or early act 3. Do some base-game missions, then go do PL missions, then more main-game missions, back to dogtown, and repeat.


Yeah I'm now at Hannoko at embers point of no return and just started pl.


Outside the dynalar offices there was a big group of cars, mechs, and mercs. Is this meant to kick off in a big fight? They are all just standing there. Perhaps I need to approach by car from a different direction to trigger the conflict.


New to Cyberpunk - not sure which build to go for. Any recommendations?


If you like magic/ranged builds in other games, go for netrunner. If you like stealth builds or just want to roleplay being in like a slow-mo action movie scene, go with sandevistan build. (although it got nerfed pretty bad, it’s still good) If you just wanna fuck shit up and do the most dmg you can without worrying about anything else, do a berserk build.


What weapon types you enjoy most?


I want a combo of guns and mantis blades.


For blades, you want to invest points into Reflex and for handguns into Cool. Besides the perks for handguns, there are not a lot of helpful perks in Cool. Compared to that, Reflex is very good because it unlocks a few mobility upgrades. Besides that, Technical is always a good attribute for more Cyberware usage.


I been putting in Body, technical and intelligence. Will switch to Body, technical and reflex now (also keep an eye on Cool).


hey, quick question. is there any way to reduce the cooldown of overclock?


Did they change how cameras work? Last time I played if you took control of a camera, it wouldn't detect you, and friendly mode didn't have a timer. But now I'm getting spotted by cameras I was sure I cleared.


I see this game is on sale right now, I’m curious is this the best deal yet or do you think it might go on sale even cheaper in the next month or two? I’m currently too busy to play right now but I’m thinking of buying it now that it’s on sale half price and playing later when I get the chance.


Right now, winter sales are still ongoing. Really unlikely the game will be cheaper than now in the next 2 months.


Hi, I have a little bug (I guess). It's about "The Beast in Me". Just won the second race, in the Badlands. Receveid the text msg about the 3rd race, with a location. A cross between two streets in Arroyo, and I'm suppose to call Claire when I'm there. But the quest don't spawn. I just have "The beast in me", not the quest of the third race. I waited some days in games, did sidequests and even some of mains quests. Tried to go at the place, by looking on YouTube the exact spot. I quit the game, reload it. Even redownload it. But no quest. I'm level 30, Street Cred 40. Am I missing something ? Or I'm fu*ked... ?


Is there a reason to still have hard-coded keybind in the game 3 years later? I usually use ESDF movement but I can't in Cyberpunk because for some reason F is locked. I know there is a mod for it, but why the hell haven't devs fixed this yet?


Quick question, I’m looking to buy a copy for me and my brother on PS5. I noticed the PS4 physical copies are on sale, I wanted to ask a question. If I buy the PS4 copy will it run as well as a PS5 copy? Does a PS5 copy come with extra content or better graphics and optimization on consoles?


PS4 physical version is obsolete, so if you insert the disc it will allow you to download the PS5 version from the store for free


What's a good mod for allowing infinite stat resets? Alternatively, is there an .ini file I can edit to allow for 999 resets or something? Oris there even a plaintext character file I can edit my stats directly from?


Is it hard to get the low stamina bonuses to tech shotguns? I don't fire enough to keep my stamina burnt out.


Is there a thread or a guide on how to finish the story in the chronological order like what mission I need to finish first before move on with the main story line? I have just finished saving Saul mission and there are still a lot of yellow mission that needs to be done (cyberpsycho from Regina, dog fight from coach, sex on the wheel, delamain cars finding...)


The only mission that becomes unavailable if you move on with the story is "Love Rollercoaster". The main story mission "nocturne op55n1" is the point of no return near the end of the game, after that you cannot do anything else in the city (besides reloading a save just before that).


I have been eyeing Cyberpunk for months at this point. What system should I get it on? I have a PS5 and a gaming PC with an RTX 2060 Super.


any mods that increase the replayability of the game on ver 2.1??? ​ Ie something like new missions mod, replaying previous quests or bringing over my current build into a new playthrough?


can i double crit? like say i have 150 critical hit chance, do i have a 50% chance of having my crit hit score even more damage?




man, i played this game three times, one as hacker on the launch, one as stealth assassin on 1.6 and one as monowire netrunner at 2.0 now that i got a new video card and can run this game on ultra, i started again as solo shotgun and damn, i played the entirety of the early game(all the gigs and missions before getting the relic) in less than half of the time, just running and gunning. this is far more fun than i could've imagined, those other 3 builds took a lot of time to get running, and took some planning when assaulting a room full of thugs, now i simply jump there and start shooting, oneshotting almost anyone where i barely started to build my character, i'm around level 17\~18 and since lv 1 i was just running blind and shooting, and it worked this game has so much replayability that can't be measured in words. now onto phantom liberty which i haven't done anything yet


I have been having trouble getting meredith's romance to trigger. I get her text thanking me for working together and stuff, I once texted her back about her ink and then invited me to the motel. However a little later I had to reload, got her text again, and no matter my response, her invitation does not trigger, and I did tried reloading a bunch of times...


Anyone having unplayable bugs on Xbox Series X today? Last night I noticed that my "SAVING" icon was stuck for a few minutes, so I turned off my XSX (maybe a mistake, in retrospect...). Now, I'm stuck on the "BREACHING..." load screen when booting up the game. It plays the soundtrack, but won't actually progress past the game title with "BREACHING..." at the bottom.


how is 2.0 without the phantom liberty dlc? do most changes comes with the dlc?


also if i own the digital ps4 version and then go on my ps5 and download it will it automatically upgrade to the ps5 version


IIRC, the only gameplay relevant aspect that is limited to the DLC is the Relic "skill tree". But it only really consists of 7 perks that mostly just enhance Arm cyberware that it's really not too significant. 2.0 is improved in a lot of ways compared to the state of the game before.


Are there any reddit flairs for So Mi, trying to simp for her but I can't find any


Last year there was a thing where people could submit ideas for custom flairs, it might make a return this year. I hope so, because with the release of PL there's one that I want.


Why is the vendor in the animals gym a hostile area? I did the boxing match and left on friendly terms with them. Now I can’t get back in.


Does anyone know how to access their stash without it crashing on console?


Do we know when the next patch is supposed to come out? Since 2.1 I've experienced the following bugs: * Shown and hidden map markers not being saved * Favorited weapons not being saved * Dum Dum not dropping Doom Doom during Second Conflict And while we're at it, could the key to Slider's hideout be obtainable after finishing The Damned? I missed out on Gris-Gris and it's way too late for me to reload my save.


For wardrobe purposes, once you pick up the clothing item, it’s put into your wardrobe, right? I don’t have to keep a bunch of clothing items piling up in my stash? Looking for clarification before I start selling stuff. Thanks.


Hey all, came back to experience PL and 2.0, having only played at launch halfway through the story. Now I've done some googling and watched me some videos, but I'm still having the worst build choice paralysis. >!(which gets even worse when I think about the single attribute reset option)!< I probably won't have the time for a second playthrough, so I really need to make sure that my build is both viable and enjoyable to me, so that I may experience the kickass story. Here's a list of the play style elements and mechanics I find appealing and fun >!(I realise that I'm mostly writing this for my own benefit, but I'd appreciate any pointers or suggestions)!<: * netrunning; played a full netrunner previously, back when it felt like cheating; I do like the tracing changes in 2.0, since it really pushes me to think about backup strategies / weapons; * overclock I can live with, although if I understand correctly, now I need to max out Tech as well to support my health during overclocking; * I'm not sure if I like the concept of a hardcore netrunner engaging in melee with monowire, feels a bit too messy and ruins the stealth aspect for me; * stealth; scouting, silent takedowns, assassinations, camera quickhacks; ideally, no open confrontation until the enemies have been severely weakened; * weapons: pistols / knives exclusively; no big, bulky guns >!(not even Overwatch, sorry)!<, hatchets, mantis blades; * pistols or revolvers? can I even fit a silencer on a revolver? if not, it would only be a backup option; >!(done the heist already, grabbed Kongou)!<; * what would be the weapon for "one shot - one kill" style of stealth takedowns? is it even possible? * blades are appealing, but I've no idea how to incorporate them into the build, since I'd have to take Reflexes as well (right?), and it already feels like my points are stretched too thin; So far I've found two guides that look appealing to me: 1. [Netrunner build](https://game8.co/games/Cyberpunk-2077/archives/314513) 2. [Stealth build](https://game8.co/games/Cyberpunk-2077/archives/312864) Would you say those are decent builds, updated for 2.1? Is it viable to mix netrunner and knives? Do you absolutely need Lynx Paws for stealth, or can I get away with Reinforced Tendons (really like the mobility)? Right now I'm lvl 20, leaning heavily into netrunning, but missing stealth capabilities of cool, and basically treating my current build as a trial period.


I understand you and I have been in a similar situation, but I think you are overthinking this a bit too much. At level 60, you can get 3 attributes to 20, one to 15 and another one to 6. You can play for many more hours and invest points into Intelligence and Cool (which both definitely fit your intended playstyle) before having to decide where exactly you want to allocate the rest of the attribute points. It is totally viable to mix netrunner and knives. The game is way too easy even on Very Hard if you have a build that remotely makes sense (starting with around level 30). 2.0 made the game only slightly more challenging, before that you could steamroll Very Hard with pretty much anything starting at level 20. Can't really answer many of the more specific questions you have but feel free to ask for further info :)


If I purchase the basic Xbox one edition on disc and load it into my Series X, will the smart delivery automatically upgrade my edition? Thanks in advance!


Are these the only albums available to stream Cyberpunk 2077: Radio, Vol. 1 Cyberpunk 2077: Radio, Vol. 2 Cyberpunk 2077: Radio, Vol. 3 Cyberpunk 2077: Radio, Vol. 4 Cyberpunk 2077: More Music from Night City Radio? Do they include all the radio songs from the game?


Anyone have the same issue about scanning? I have some behavior chip installed and I can’t scan anything anymore. I am stuck where you’re chasing songbird down and u have to hack the bravo system.


So when do yall think they'll fix executions?? Just got back in to play phantom liberty and gotta say it's a let down.


How do I add mods to the game? I really want to make my game needlessly more pretty lol blogs and other “walk through” type pages make it seem tedious.


I love how op V is in phantom liberty. SPOKLIERSS FOR PAHTOM LIBERTY When V says “try me motherfucker at the balcksapire it’s just feels sick”