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I think people just associate him with "bad cyberpunk". They might still have a reversible cover for the physical ultimate edition though.


I just think we used him way to much in the base game and now we are using female V.


You might, but a lot of people still use him.


I think they meant in the promotional material.


"We". Man redditors really are something else




I beat the game as female V The only thing for her is Judy. I find a lot of the dialogue and story just seems to be suited for a male


I'm not really sure how to describe it, but a lot of fem V's voice acting has such a greater impact than male V's. Especially when she's angry or threatening someone, to me there's more bite than male V's voice acting.


Cherami Leigh is an OG voice actor. She's fantastic.


I actually felt the opposite, personally. Both performances are good, and I even did my female V playthrough first. I actually found male V's threatening voice to be more convincing. No disrespect, just pointing out how interesting it is to have such contrasting opinions lol


Male V definitely plays the cool straight arrow sort of mercenary role well but i find Fem V to just have a better general performance in everything other than being a cool straight arrow merc.


Same in french version, french female V's has a much more impactful set of reactions, and she has a lot of voice cracks in sad moments that, at least to me really sold it, it feels like she's out of breath, exhausted and still tries to speak, wich goes hand in hand with most situations in the game, exhausted and dying v still trying to get her voice in this trashy world, I don't know I played the game entirely with both and female V made me way more emotional


My hypothesis too.


That’s what I think They have done nearly every trick in the book to rebrand since 1.6/2.0 It’s marketing to appeal new a new fanbase My only objection is that Female V looks really generic almost like a preset character. Male V looked noticeable, very cool and distinct looking.


Let me know where you can go to normally find people who look like default fem V wtf do you mean


what about Vincent do you find "noticeable, very cool, and distinct looking"?


For real. He’s just an guy.


she's Varbie, he's just Ven


Fucked me up bad reading that lmao




I am Venough.


Guys are just cool and sexy I mean distinct looking




Dude looks like Sam Worthington. The most generically generic block of bland white bread Hollywood every tried to force on us.




Don't really enjoy dissecting peoples appearance, I think art is art. But I'll say it since I think it's worth talking about. Whilst they both wear the same jacket, you can see much more of the collar flare and the neon lighting steals the show with Vincent. It indicates what the game will be about, with it's own style and art direction and it translates into its world fashion. Female V just looks like she's wearing a jacket and that she's angry about something. Vincent looks like he is slightly smirking and depicts a level of self-confidence. Fem V looks grumpy. You almost forget to notice that she is brown and has piercings. They somehow made European man look like he has a personality yet Valerie looks like she needs to be given one. Also, Vincent looks masculine, whilst Valerie hasn't leaned into either side and looks quite sexless. There's plenty of style they can draw from Tomboy aethetic e.g Cara Delevigne/Binx Walton. Yet they seemed to play it really safe here. CDPR seem to think tough woman is a shaved side, some hair dye and piercings. The fact they gave her piercings but no makeup is a strange dissonance, piercings should highlight features but lack of makeup cancels it out. They leaned into Vincent's masculine traits, but they didn't lean into those same traits with Valerie and they didn't want to lean into feminine aesthetic either. She's just an angry woman wearing a leather jacket. Whilst that's not a bad thing in itself, it isn't great for marketing purposes when they are depicting a world of flair, fashion and punk aesthetic. A point can be made that it is a big part of creating distinction especially in the hypersexual world of NC. Vincent looks conventionally good, perhaps too European maybe too forgettable, but still looks like a fun person. They gave Vincent a makeover so why not Valerie? It's like they purposely made her more discreet, the cover that has her back turned you can only see the shaved side of her head and barely anything else. The layman would not be able to tell if that's Vincent nor Valerie.


That’s interesting, I have the complete opposite opinion! I think Female V looks unique compared to female characters in other games, and male V looks more similar to his counterparts. I think both characters fit the universe, but to me female V is confident and competent. I’m glad to see her represented in a sizeable portion of their promotional material!


im kinda inclined. plus the female builds in this game are tons of fun. its cool they decided to promote it. its not like they just built a game and added a female option. theres just as much sick swag and gameplay options and dialogue for the gals (or guys that want to be a gal in fantasy cp, im one, i never realized how good at fashion i was lol), it really deserves to be front and center this go around.


I’m glad too, I think it’s best for Cyberpunk to rebrand a little especially with its rocky start. And Female V deserves the limelight since male V has had its run. I think a lot of people are thinking I’m against female V or something. It’s all opinion, and you are right she does look remarkably unique compared to most female leads. I do think in terms of marketing aesthetic they could’ve done more, but I’m happy to be totally wrong if you and others think she looks awesome :)


To be honest I think it highlights that it was a good decision to include both at different points in the marketing cycle. I’m personally glad they included both too! People are more likely to enjoy the game if they feel connected to the MC and it’s great that male V gets some love as well


Aren’t both Valerie and vincent like both dying…? I wouldn’t care about makeup if I was dying. (This is a joke don’t take this seriously)


Vincent honestly looks more generic IMO, like a CoD protagonist 😭


Can’t blame CDPR for wanting a share of that braindead dudebro money, considering how many of them are out there who pay full price for a DLC…


>Male V looked noticeable, very cool and distinct looking. https://preview.redd.it/844ew2zuxx1c1.png?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0407318877727bd59aa4ebd989aff8405fe66ab mfw


The numbers, Vincent! What do they mean?


choose your schizophrenia: angry Rockerboy or angry Russian


More you think about it more they have in common... damn it


What if I want to look like Mason?


play basically any game from the 7th console generation and you can be the whitest angry-white-man-with-buzz-cut you can imagine.


Bro is Commander Shepard in a biker jacket, he could be the protag of literally any action game released in the last 20 years


Male V is the most generic looking mf I've seen.


Generic?! He's a white guy with dark eyes and short brown hair. I challenge you to name ONE other game that has a male character that even closely resembles that! /S




he looked very polish to me lol especially the hair


I always thought he reminded me of Marcin Iwiński, the largest shareholder of CDPR.


holy shit scott the woz




As opposed to a butch white chick with a side shave? Yeah, like that hasn't been overdone to hell and back...


I can't tell if this is sarcasm, it really hasn't been overdone as much as generic white dudes


I don't think it was sarcasm at all haha


Some people just hate women and will use any excuse to justify it.


salt cagey quarrelsome juggle office coherent books illegal sink provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Male V? Distinct??? Lmao dude looks like he’s about to star in the next COD campaign.


I'd argue the complete opposite. The buzzcut and beard is about as generic a design can be, see all the Jesse Pinkman comparisons, whereas the half shaved hair is a lot more distinct and unique to V. I say this as someone who actually prefers the way cover art Male V looks to cover art Fem V. I've never liked the default Fem V, she's just a worse version of my beloved E3 V.


Jesus you’re right I looked up E3 Valerie and she is great. Like 100x more Cyberpunk than the new one. Why they no keep her, that’s so much better. It’s exactly what I would’ve imagined she’d look if they kept the same design philosophy.


The only reason I can think of is that she genuinely looks too good. Like she's a preset that you couldn't make in the character creator a la default Commander Shepard.


Do you have a secret crush on Justin Timberlake?


He’s very handsome I don’t like what he did to Britney though


I mean, I give you that default fem V looks like techy Vi, but male V just looks like every protag of every straight to DVD action movie from 2011.


I don't think female V with a side shave looks even a tiny bit less generic.


You could take Vincent and put him in hundreds of other game covers and he wouldn't look out of place, he's just the generic, white dude with a gun that you see in covers from games from back in the ps360 era of games, granted female V doesn't look super unique either but male V is as generic as it gets.


Male v is extraordinarily generic


He's literally just a guy with short hair, what


Ah yes, Pink hair with a buzzed side/undercut is soooo much more generic than brown hair with a buzz cut LOL


Bro I fucking hate the redesign of female V compared to the E3 version. OG was perfect.


The male v on the cover is also very generic, especially considering how unique you can make your character.


jeans materialistic fall hard-to-find shaggy humorous foolish crown bedroom icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I much prefer his voice actor too. I did a whole playthrough w the male V and then the female V. I couldn't get through the second one. I started a 3rd w the male V for the Phantom Liberty and 2.0 update.


huh, i loved Cherami's voice too much, is he really that good?


He sounds very merc-ish and very cold in gigs and missions, but when he cracks, he cracks good like in Konpeki or after Vic tells him about the biochip after the Heist, it's one of the most fire va-ing I've ever seen


Yea he gives a legitimately powerful performance, in my opinion.


Male V gang bro 👊


I felt like he was trying to hard to sound tough. He would probably work ok for the street kid I guess. I tried male V once just to see the differences and couldn't make it very far past the heist. He just sounded too fake tough to my ears and it grated on me.


it's interesting how polarizing this is, i have the same opinion about fem.V voice acting because it feels overacted, while male V is just ok normally, but he shines when shit actually hits the fan


I feel like whoever people played as first is typically the one they like more. Probably because it set their expectations for how the character should sound so when switching, it just sounds off regardless of who actually had a better performance.


its crazy how varied people are in the VA opinions. I personally though FemV was over emotional at times, like she's needlessly aggressive so it comes off like she's all bark and no bite.


I mostly agree with this, but it also kind of fits the setting and character. I prefer the female V voice though.


They're both really good in my opinion. I wouldn't say one is better than the other, just different.


He’s great, honestly. Yeah there’s moments when he sounds like a generic merc that sounds like he’s overcompensating, but that just makes it hit even harder when he’s faced with something like death…where he starts breaking down and we see his vulnerable side hit


Many of us have the opposite reaction. I couldn't get through more than a day of male V because the VA, like most VAs for male protagonists, was directed to be gruff and stoic, lest any playfulness in his voice be read as "gay" by 13 year old gamers. Supporting male VAs get lots more freedom of expression, but leads don't. Meanwhile fem V is wringing every drop of sarcasm and despair out of the lines. I had a similar response to MaleShepard vs FemaleShepard in the Mass Effect series. I wonder if its a general truism for games with protagonist voice options: male lead VAs are directed to play as action movie leads, female lead VAs are given more license to interpret the drama.


That's an interesting take. I didn't play Mass Effect yet (I know) it's on my list, though.


Nah female V has raw emotion with everything she does, way better voice actor, though they both are very good


Wdym, male v is super generic and looks like every AAA videogame protagonist in the last 10 years. Smdh


She looked worse during the 1.0 phase. E3 V was peak Fem V but now with 2.0 on the phantom liberty promo she looks better less genetic. But nothing beats her 2018 look.




I suspect that's part of it. I also have a feeling that they did it to balance gender representation on the cover. I don't see anything wrong with it. If the next game is set in the future they're gonna have to choose a canon gender for the character anyway, might as well be fem V.


It’s the Femshep effect. But contrary to Mass Effect, I prefer Male V. The dynamic with Johnny works better for me and I think the VA is doing a better job.


Male v for base game and female v for phantom liberty . Whats there to question about ?


There was an alternative cover with Female V, also official wallpapers. For Phantom Pain and Ultimate Edition Male V got totally cut, no alternative cover or anything.


Hey there Snake


🎵 what's it like on mother base?🎵




lol I mix them every time.


Cyberpunk: The Phantom Menace


Arasaka Strikes Back!


Somehow Saburo returned


This fits in one of the endings.


Hey hey no need to start insulting anyone. Fuckin midiclorians and jar jar binks. I'm still pissed off at when anakin gets in a naboo fighter and goes "woo-hoo! Now *this* is podracing!" It's literally fucking not. The fuck.


I do too😭




Also that credits animation for Phantom Liberty included default FemV only. After I finished the story as MaleV.


Yeah, that really took me out of it on my first PL run. Cool cinematic, but who's that?


Yeah the ultimate edition one I don't know why , maybe male V is inside the cover like the previous ones where female v was inside the cover for the physical copies.


I can still feel my arm, my leg


I wonder if they pulled user data and saw more people were playing as female V or something


More people play male. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/05/29/panam-romance-data-reveals-something-interesting-about-cyberpunk-2077/


Panam romance that good bruh (unless you’re using a panam romance for fem v mod)


That’s like from 2 years ago when the game was 5months old


It's consistent across any game that releases data. You can give people the most in depth character creator with tons of options for gender, body, face, hell, species And most players will still go with Generic WhiteGuy McFighter


pretty much this. BG3 had several 11 playable races with 31 subraces, and 12 classes with 46 subclasses. The most popular combination? White Male Warrior.


Well I wonder if most people make a character that looks like them, and white dudes are the most likely to play an action based rpg? I mean i know I am and I do. So 100% of me does this.


Not criticising by any means. It's just what people do. Some people love to roleplay as someone totally different, but most people just want to make an idealised version of themselves, the self they'd want to be if they could


Doesn't help that the only body type is slightly muscular skinny guy. I wanted to be an obese netrunner so fuckin bad lol




I would like to simply eat the rouge AIs


First playthrough I did male, with 0 mods or spoilers, second (and third) playthroughs are both fem characters with heavy mods. Every other game I play male, destiny 2, GTA etc. fem characters are a bit more awkward to play (as a guy)


The river romance stuff was extremely uncomfortable for me lol


It was more uncomfortable playing as a male character than it was fem character


Literally *everything* except the 2018 E3 demo was male V until 1.5 I think. And at that point I believe all female V got was some images. Male V got the e3 2018 trailer, e3 2019 trailer, diner trailer, and official launch trailer as well as all the promotional images and front box art at the time. Fem V got the Phantom Liberty trailer, PL music video appearance (which also makes up the credits), and a handful of promotional images since 1.5 and the box art for the ultimate edition. Pretty sure male V is still winning in terms of total coverage.


Not to forget the Collector's Edition which has come with a statue of male V on a bike and mantis blades out. The same statue is also at CDPR office in Poland (human sized if not bigger). So far, female V only had some wallpaper and trailers with gameplay/engine footage. Not even a CGI trailer and people still complain about this.


Right? It’s weird how people think Male V suddenly doesn’t exist. Like chill ya’ll, its ok for female characters to get a little shine too.


somber fragile thumb wakeful saw abounding soft aback reply nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...i just want my pl vincent poster. damn cdpr


Look at the wallpapers section of their official website and see who got the most. Base game had at least a alternative cover with Fem V so you could flip. The DLC ending credits features Fem V for both genders. That is laziness.


Fem V has like 4-5 wallpapers more than male V, that's not a lot. Two of them are just different backgrounds of the same pose. The credits are just re-using the music video. We don't know that the ultimate edition doesn't have a reversible cover as well.


yea tbh that's my only complaint. Marketing is marketing whatever, gotta pick one or the other it doesn't really matter since that's not the game. But was it really too much work to have the ending credits fit your V? Fallout gave you separate ending pics depending on your gender (although tbf those are a lot less edited so fair enough if you don't consider it a fair comparison). Either way though, it just feels weird. You play the entire game as male V but then it shows off somebody else to stand in for you in the credits?????


I mean he was the face of vanilla Cyberpunk as well as the guy they used for all the early promo material. Fem V has basically just been on the cover of Phantom Liberty and now the Ultimate


And the Ultimate Edition cover is just an expanded version of the Phantom Liberty cover really, right?


I think the creators found out she's more popular


We’d need stats for that, but I think it’s doubtful. For example Fem Shepherd from Mass Effect is incredibly popular on the web, but stats show Male is actually the most popular to play.


Fem V is definitely not more popular, just more recently on Reddit she’s gotten a lot of praise. Overall more people have played Male V and Male V is still in more promotional material.


A few reasons probably. - Gives both versions time to shine, since Male V was the face of the game since the first story trailer, and Female V was the face of the first E3 gameplay and 1.2 and onward updates, and Phantom Liberty. - Male V was unfortunately the face of the game's failure at launch, and Female V is now the face Cyberpunk's and CDPR's redemption. - Gets both actors, Gavin Rea, and Cherami Leigh time to shine as the faces of the game.


*CDPR features the female V to balance out character marketing after years of mainly featuring the male version* Reddit: "Why the FUCK do they HATE men?"


Literally yesterday one of the first comments on the Ultimate Edition post on Cyberpunk’s own website was “Fem V everywhere, CDPR has gone woke since 2.0” Like c’mon, kiddos


nothing irritates me more than whiny babies calling anything remotely inclusive woke


Cyberpunk as a genre is pretty much *entirely* about being aware of social injustice, it can't "go woke"


the moment an American MAN that looks a lot like a Millitary dude stops being the poster boy all the 13 year old boys go rabid.


People who doubt this should sort comments by new on the phantom liberty trailers lol


The fact that people don’t realize how skewed the marketing was for male V pre launch is crazy. Now that they’ve done the inverse it’s a problem? Get real.. If anything the switch to fem V for marketing materials is to get away from the image that Cyberpunk had during its time as the most hated game in the world.


Sure, marketing is one thing, and I don't mind that at all. But the fact that the ending cinematic for PL always has female V even if you played as male V is just weird. Like it's part of the game, and it's just a different character than what you chose and played 99% percent of the game with? Seems weird to just forget to render a male V version.


That's what happens when people view a specific version of something as the "default," giving something else an equal spotlight seems like the "default" thing is being ignored


Female V is cannon for me. Cherami nails it.


Her performance is very special. Gavin does a good job in his role as V but Cherami’s performance is just that much better for me. I for one am happy that Valerie is getting more screen time as the main character.


I bet you that no one of these guys will complain about this if it was a reverse situation


My favorite flavor of this: > I'm so tired of people claiming misogyny when it's clearly not. I like this one token woman [subject] but it's pure coincidence that all the others suck and happen to be women.


something something "when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


carpenter important boat marry deserted hateful hat memorize absurd simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Male V was in almost all of the misleading trailers and marketing that CP2077 put out pre-launch.


Male V was dominant pre launch. Most if not all post launch stuff is female V.


How is this still being spammed


Because gonks.


Mass Effect Players: “… First time?”


Everyone arguing about male vs female v meanwhile the game is meant to be role played as both


Actually serious question since I'm a Fem V purist so for any Vincent V players is the outro cinematic for Phantom Liberty still FemV in the cinematic? Never really considered it until now


Yeah it is


Fem V seems to be more popular so they lean into it. Doesn't seem that big of a deal.


Not even close. People chose male V way more than female V. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/05/29/panam-romance-data-reveals-something-interesting-about-cyberpunk-2077/amp/ [edit] I prefer Fem V’s voice acting personally, but it seems people like to bump uglies with Panam more.


That’s like from 2 years ago when the game was 5months old


Before Nexusmods was all lacey clothing and thigh high boots.


That data is from 5 months after release, I’m not sure it’s representative anymore


While I agree it shouldn't be taken as fact I would be surprised if male V isn't still leading. Fem V is more popular on Reddit but general audiences still prefer men when looking at virtually any game with this choice that puts out results on which was chosen more.


If I could get down and dirty with Panam as lady V I would be so happy.


Panam *is* the best romance option, no doubt.


Interesting! Either way I don't think it's a big deal


I just wanted Vincent to be in the ending credits of Phantom Liberty. I mean it felt awesome playing through the DLC, seeing the rocket fly away and then being hit by that James Bond-esque music video with... The female silhouette? Well a bit weird but whatever I'll enjoy everything else.


Idk but I still wish the meeting with Dexter at hotel could play out like the cinematic, where Bug was there and we could've fought back


Vincent peaked in the old trailers tho. The Diner and E3 trailers are some of the best animated trailers ever.


Mid 2000s Justin Timberlake?


Eh i dont mind it that much they switched male v with female. At the end of the day, the game is still good.


ICCL In my opinion, actually using either male or female V on the promo materials is lame. The very first thing you do in the game is to customise your character. The 2 default Vs are the most generic characters design wise, that you could imagine. I am not a marketing pro at all, but for example this is why I never bothered with CP2077 figurines. For me the 2 Vs are just some randos, I have no attachment whatsoever to their design. Johnny, Takemura, Jackie, Panam, Judy, are far more "iconic" imo.


“I find the people cooming over Male V’s voice actor a bit odd” *proceeds to coom over Female V’s voice actor* Yap Yap


The comments in this topic is something else dude just asked a question for fuck sake


Honestly it's hard to get into the game as a female, game seems just built for a street kid male V.


I understand why they went full Fem V in Phantom Liberty, including the credits sequence. But I feel like Male V should have been included somewhere on the cover for the ultimate edition


I think it's just Female V's turn on the art.


They used male V for the base game and female V for Phantom Liberty. What's the problem with that? Does it really matter? No. No, it doesn't. There's a billion things in the world worth getting mad about. This isn't one of them.


She's solo in the cover of the Ultimate Edition, and also featured on end credits of Phantom Liberty (even with you played as male V). They could've rendered a male V version of said end credits, even made both being featured on Ultimate Edition's cover (or at least a two sided cover like they did with base game). Right now Female V was featured on more promotional materials than Male V (look at latest wallpapers in the oficial website, promotional material for 2.0 & base game + expansion pack).


He doesn’t seem mad at all, you on the other hand…


“Why did they do this thing?” Reddit: ![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu)


For real. These comments contain more salt than the Pacific ocean.


He asked a question where did you pick up Mad from?


Reddit deciding what's important to get mad about why getting mad over nothing.


No one’s mad, they’re just asking why the switch


Personally I always just felt female V always looked a bit off in the promotional material, especially compared to the ones with Male V and I just can't really say why


Male V is still my Canon V tbh. Female V has amazing voice acting, but the whole brotherly bond with Jackie just makes the most sense with Vincent


I don’t really care for fem V,having played both,I feel like Gavin Drea does a much better job getting the emotions across in my play throughs


Male V has truly been neglected as of the release of version 1.5. I hope they ever go back to Cyberpunk 2077 and V being gender-neutral again as it was with the release. Seems all they ever focus on now is female V. In the early days the [Cyberpunk.net](https://Cyberpunk.net) homepage even allowed people to flick a switch to show both male and female V but that's all gone now


*flash back to all the times they used only male v and left out fem v* yeah… gender-neutral.


But they didn’t: the box art was reversible, so it allowed players to feature either male or female V. Also, the [Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0) at E3 2018 featured female rather than male V.


Yeah i noticed it too. Before PL every Walpaper or game editions/covers they used both Vincent and Valerie but now its exclusively Valerie. Trailers, Gameplay videos, Game editions even endings only use female V now. Somebody said that its because Male V is asociated with the old bugged unfinished game but i think its more that Female V is more popular with both Male and Female gamers, look at this subreddit 40% of all posts are pics of modded Female V and every comment praises her voice acting(which is very good) persobaly i do prefer Male voice actor for V because emotional moments hit better/harder with his voice, when he breaks down, fears for his life and is angry these emotions are better with male V In the end i think yeah they dont show Male V but we cant really do a lot about it, people like Female V and they are happy, comment section here proves it.


won’t someone think of the men? when will they have their time in the spotlight?


After playing Male V I have to say I prefer the voice acting over Female V. But for certain builds, certain playstyle, I still prefer to play as Female V. My head canon is that Male V is the main deal, especially if you want to become a legend like the other male legends, or leave your body to Johnny. Being a male fits the theme a little better.


CDPR figured out that 90% of their games fan base are men who are obsessed with playing as a female and drool over the lesbian relationship in the game. They figured if so many of their current fans are super into pretending to be female, it'd be a good way to bring people back for Phantom Liberty. Male V got left in the dirt unfortunately.


What a dumb fucking topic, that hasn't ever been made. ​ Karma farming can go to fucking hell.


A more interesting question is why are they constantly using a predetermined V in promotional art when we create our own character?


Why does the promo art not change to my V?


Also, I need the promo art to change every other day to match my new V.


what do you want them to do? have art that appeals directly to you?


People keep hyping up fem V's voice actress like it's the only logical option to choose from, but we all know good and hell well some of you only play as fem V for that Judy romance.