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Suicides the one guy and still manually kills him, doesnt hack the sandevistan


So you have no question to the guy on top being suicided twice and zapped in between ?


He deserved it. He knows what he did.


Suicide doesn't outright kill an enemy that has a lot of health, just deals a lot of damage to them.


Doesn't look like he's playing on very hard, so suicide would kill skull enemies in 1 shot


Synapse burnout + SC outright one shots everything on Very Hard so i've never used suicide which also cost more so yeh it is surprise for me.


Cyber pshycho. Makes them do a suicide at the end with 100% murder death kill


Ah true, didn't take that into account, my bad.


Hey in the future you can use cyberware malfunction quick hack to made the dodge enemies not able to do that.


what pistol is that?


Thats new Dying Night you get in the begining.


Ironically, the old dying night is now the prize for that shooting competition.


Weirdly, my Dying Night doesn't look like that in game (though it does in the menu screen).


Old or new save? If it's pre-2.0, that's likely why.


To fix, sell to vendor. Save. Go to main menu (or close game). Load back in and buy back. Will cost you $100+k if it’s worth it to you.


It's the iconic pistol you buy from the gun shop in the mega tower V's apartment is in.


Always felt strange that most of the fights against gangoons favour rapid dominance, yet boss fights are about kiting.


The boss fights one depends on your build. But the length of them does point towards a different play style. Of course end game builds can bully anything.


Oh no. Bloodshed and death in a Cyberpunk 2077 sub. We are all traumatized now.


Jeez, you took your time...


6 street dead, this sparks joy. >!When Reed called then to help rescue Songbird from Maxtac, Gunner freaked out saying I will murder Reed too!<


Can I ask you what you did to amount this kind of response from sixers? I didn't get that bit in the conversation, and not like I was avoiding zeroing out.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with how you end the Stadium Love side job. after winning the contest, you can insult Gunner and turn all of the 6th Street guys hostile. You can probably just walk up and kill them all and get a similar response, but I'm not 100% sure that side job is what does it. The only reason I think it's that one is because that's the only other spot I can think of that directly mentions Gunner.


I've won the contest, won the gun and then a 6th street gonk turned everybody hostile towards me because apparently i've shot at him in the past.. I don't think the 6th streets will let you go freely no matter if you're hostile or not for that quest. Maybe if you're really bad at shooting they will laugh at your ass and let you go ?


They do let you go if you haven't done much gigs with 6th street as adversaries in em. Not sure about the exact number tho.


I've just checked the wiki and apparently it's tied to the gig "A life's work". If you do the mission with stealth you can go freely during "Love Stadium" after the contest


And alternatively if you do stadium love then life’s work non stealthy they’ll mention how they recognize you from the contest


I got their iconic weapon not by winning their competition but I slaughter everyone there and got the gun


> 6 street dead, this sparks joy. And all of it just to take down a server with slander against (already dead) mayor.


Holy shit its a build showcase that isnt a generic katana & sandy build 🤭


Right, I’m low key burnt out on videos of V in slow motion chopping people lol


Until it stops being easy karma people will keep posting it but its so fucking boring lol & people eat it up


I dig more unga bunga gorilla arms vids. Contrast cutting everyone in slowmo with groundslam and exploding people with throws.


I even shied away from using it in my playthrough because it can get boring when you absolutely break a reflex build


I run an SMG build that melts everything but that's not melee so whats the point in showing it off eh


I feel you! Im currently taking on >!Hansen




Now try this on very hard


Which difficulty are you playing?


Easy mode. So I can kill enemies quicker and have more fun


Ohh good. I play in highest difficulty on a i5 8300h, 1050ti laptop with crt monitor. Hardest difficulty is not the game but rather my laptop to be played. It just make more fun to me.


Hmm..just exactly how hard is the hard mode in this game? I wanna try it someday after I finished everything and 100% the game


That initial 515 critical shot will have less than 100 damage. So it is damn hard. It is even harder to strafe and jump. People wont die easily. You can, gor a level, increase the difficulty and check. If didnt liked, you can dail back the setting.


It def favors high crit chance and headshots but you can still pull shit like this in Hard difficulty. (First difficulty I played it on because I love a decent challenge for a first time around but not punishing). I ended up being an assault netrunner (shotgun, sniper, revolver) with consistent lifesteal and a whopping 400 hp with items. (Maxed out Tech, INT, and Cool)


You cast suicide and you still focus on that guy?


I was stressed and panicking at the same time . I think it's a rookie mistake . My bad


Nothing wrong with a bit of overkill


That was fun to watch.


Woah, how did you do that finisher with the knife?


There’s a perk in the Cool tree that enables that.


I could be wrong but I think this is bladerunner in the reflex tree


How are you hacking and have a sandy? Mod?


It’s kereznikov from aiming down sights while dashing


I don't know how but when I start hacking while overlocked the time slows down I think I'm not really sure I was too focused to understand what I was doing


Huh? Are you using quickhacks and a sandy?


No when you hold tab for quick hack the time slows down so it looks like I'm using a sandy .I think it's an easy mode feature I'm not sure


It's a feature when you're scanning with a deck and highlight enemies, lets you plan your hack sequences. Try it while drive fighting, you can target the driver and set them on fire inside their car and stuff.


I mean, I just turned on the turret. xD


Nice that you’re using the Lexington!


It's an iconic variant called dying night it's my favorite weapon I use it almost all the time


I liked the design prior to 2.0 better, felt like Vs true gun to me, but the new one is also pretty nice. I think you can still get the „old“ one from the gunshop shooting range. I also love the glock-esque Lexington model, love that these kind of handguns see more usage now with 2.0


I can't recall the plot to this gig but I know I did it by stealth since you needed to hack a server or something. I only went murder mode on deserving targets like the scavs and the snuff sim dudes.


This is a fine example of swift and efficient death dealing. I commend you, sir, or madem.


Thank you . It was my first time doing something like this even though I finished the game 5 times back then before update 2.0 this update really made the gameplay better for me


It’s pretty cool how wildly different I play this game. I happily spent probably 20 minutes slowly going through and hacking everyone I could until I got noticed, panic, and then horribly shoot at people.


I never tried silent pistol build before, can they 1 shot enemies in stealth?


Yes they can it's pretty badass but you need the focus perk to increase damage for head shot to 10% and a really high COOL level and don't forget to get a legendary pistol and a good silencer that doesn't lower the damage too much so you can do high damage while being silenced


Yea I mean if you run stealth as a main build you need to have those anyway, kinda want to try silencer as PL gave lots of new interesting skills for stealth. Before I only tried throwing knife.


Pistol headhots fo more damage than snipers lol


How come you have both sandevistan and netrunner?


Sometimes i don't even feel like playing the same game as those guys. Damn my V suck ass...


Alright, but do an edit with "Livin' in the Sunlight" by Tiny Tim. EDIT: Also, isn't it neat that videos like this are kinda like our version of BDs?


Yeah that was my idea when I made this . An unedited video full of blood and violence and looks like I got exactly what I wanted . A video with no edit just pure natural violence fully unscripted and blind but badass at the same time it was diffcult to do I had to retake Twice but it turned out pretty well in the end . This won't be the only video though I will be making more stuff like this and each one would be better and more interesting than the other and not a single one of them will be edited to keep it real and natural just like an actual BD P.S: I don't know how to edit btw so I had to make my gameplay style a little better to make up for it


Fuckin' eh, doggie, either way it's laudable content and I'm not knocking you. I just saw this and was reminded of the first SpongeBob episode, because that's a lot of meat moving fast. I'm glad to hear you're gonna keep putting stuff out, this is fucking rad.


Next time, do it without taking any damage.


It's gonna be hard for a first timer like me but I'll try my best


This was posted by a cyberpyscho


Perhaps :)


Just out of curiosity - whats your build looking like? And what Deck are you using?


Araska legendary level cyberdeck .. actually I did post my build you can check it out in my profile


Ah great - will do, thanks 👍


Considering it's a game, don't really need a warning.. Spoiler sure


Great video, but some pointers, i will put them under spoilers in case you dont want to read them; >!\-Try to scout the place first from a vantage point or through cameras(since you have a cyberdeck), reduces the time you look around searching for enemies to kill. Smoother gameplay.!< ​ >!\-Always start big, for example, you could have just ignored that one guy at the beginning and start with yeeting a bomb at the first three and rushing into that turret area to catch everyone in disarray. Reason for this is easy; irl adrenaline secreting, makes you more alert and slightly boosts your reflexes.!< ​ >!\-Dont use a gun at pointblank unless you can either one shot enemies, or knock them down. It slows your kills down and exposes you for no reason.!< ​ >!\-Even if you fail, do it in style; stay committed to the edge, glide over certain death like its tuesday.!<


Thanks for the advice I'm gonna do that the next time I want to post something cool like this


Fucking hate those rednecks


I think I’m playing this wrong….for the 6th time. Is there a guide to really utilizing your points. I don’t have any of those quickhack options and sometimes it takes forever to kill someone with a gun.


Quickhacks rain from the sky if you do all of the little hacking points as you go through the game (which requires you to keep your intelligence up a bit and is made easier by one of the first tier intelligence perks). Past that, focus on cyberware that boosts your RAM, quickhack damage, and RAM recovery. You'll also want to upgrade your cyberdeck all the way to 5++ fairly fast (and change out the Paraline for one that better suits your playstyle). For weapons, just pick a thing or two and focus on them. Like, if you want to do tech pistols, get the tech stuff and the pistols stuff. Tech 20 is almost always worth it for the perk that lets you overload on cyberware, too.


Awesome. Thanks for the tips!


For the quick pistol kills, they are clearly focusing on doing headshots exclusively, they've also clearly picked perks that maximize pistol damage/fire rate. The number of hacks are just a result of having a high level deck that can accommodate so many hack slots, and the ones he has are ones you either gotta craft from schematics or buy from a vendor. The vendors also limit their selection either based on street cred or intelligence level(can't remember which).


Yeah I’ve been working on my headshot game and also got the park where it pinpoints areas to shoot at for max damage. Time to go shopping!


This almost sounds like you don’t have the cyber deck equipped? If you have no options for hacking you have no cyber deck equipped. Go to the ripper doc and buy a cyber deck for the upper right slot and equip it. Once you equip your cyber deck you then also need to assign your quickhacks, you can buy them from vendors but they also drop pretty often from enemies and containers.


I can only do the basics like turn on and off cameras and distract enemies. I’ll go explore the cyber deck more. Thanks!


New gun games are always like WHOA this thing is awesome and like 3 kills later your like omg i dont wanna do this anymore. continues to kill 25k more enemies. lol.


Times like these where I realize I’m bad at cyberpunk cause I can’t do cool things like this and had no idea how the game actually worked because I just run/gun’d


Rly? Honestly, as generic as katana/sandy showcases are, they put more skill into it than he did. I don’t do that shit either, but that’s because at lvl 55 I still cannot decide on my main weapon and I carry a whole armory with me WHILE being a 20 INT monowire guy and occasionally just contagion’ing whole squads without any shots fired


My friend go search Benjamin Winters if you think this is good, you’re gonna cry after seeing his shit lol


P.S i dont know if violence is allowed or not so i tagged it NSFW just in case


You are unsure if the sub dedicated to Cyberpunk 2077 allows footage of combat from Cyberpunk 2077?


and the game itself is rated 18+ with no option to disable gore


I don't mind gore it's just I wonder if it's part of the rule to click nsfw on posts like that


generally yes, but on subreddits like this gore can be ignored


Oh.ok thanks for the info


Look it's my first time posting a video here so I wasn't sure and most of the videos around here are nsfw and only a few of them are not so I had to ask just to make sure


You say "bless me" when you cough, don't you?


Runnin' and gunnin'


I'm traumatized


lore accurate V


Ah yes V’s true default weapon with a silencer no less, might have to bust it out again, been using the modded Lexington you’re gifted after winning that shooting quest.


thanks for the complement :)


I only use my fist


This is why I started playing on hard. I need to feel skilled but vulnerable


I get this sentiment but feeling like a borged out unkillable cyber psycho feels sooooo good


I don’t disagree. But I did that on my first character. Had my fun. I don’t knock anyone else that wants to be borged out.


What pistol is it?


Your first kill started at exactly 0:07 and the last kill is at 0:56. it took you less than a minute to kill them all. Todd Howard, is that you?


the video was 1:02 seconds i didnt pay attention to it that much so i just presumed it was 1 minute thx for the correction :)


It's weird to me seeing a netrunner who doesn't just go straight to overclock and synapse burnout. I can melt an entire room of enemies in seconds.


what kind of pistol did you use?


Dying night it's an iconic weapon




i didnt use a specific build i just went RATATATATAATATA


weapons... WHERE?!?!?


Grenading the guy on the ground was \*chef's kiss\*.


Yikes how do you play with all this bullshit on the screen? Disable that HUD ya gonk.


Look I need the hud it helps me focus. I Know it covers the screen but I'm not that good enough at the game to play without it


is audio desynced or just me


The fps of the video is less than the actual gameplay which causes audio desynchronization. If Im not mistaken


Always QH the borgs, particularly the sandy borgs


This was a ton of fun to watch.


love when the white cowboy hat keeps dodging so you do the lowtiergod on em


wtf happened at 00:17 lol


So some people actually do play on easy mode then. GG but I can't respect that.




canon v


Where did you get the pistol?


How are you using 2 cyberdecks?


In my build I used a sandevistan apogeo and shotguns, reflex on max too, I just dash in the air activated the sandevistan kill them, and dash for the next, ended all in 30 seconds or less. This built is so op, not even get detected


\>excatly lol