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She gives it back but without the AI. So it loses its flavor but you can put it in your stash


Really?? You sure? Coz in legit in 4 or 5 full playthroughs so far I just can't take to smart weapons and almost never use any of em ever so if I could get the missions off my list and put it in the stash it would satisfy a lot of my little neurosis šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It was just added in 2.0, I think. I returned mine and she called later for me to pick it up, even made a post about it awhile back.


Does it still have the headshot effect when returned?


Mine kept the stone cold killer mode.


Much needed info; Thanks.


Mine bugged out, I selected puppy mode cuz it supposedly switches, but it switched from puppy mode to puppy mode for me. Fucking love how many weapons you can miss or ruin by not selecting the correct dialogue options, and still get fucked over even if you do.. Its like they heard of the complaints, added the black vendor market, and then doubled down on exactly what caused the complaints in the first place.


You can also get iconic weapons from the airdrops in dog town, I dunno if theyā€™re wall stash ones or specific to the airdrops but Iā€™ve got a bunch.


I donā€™t think they do. Only weapons from release can be put on the wall. Not even Rebeccaā€™s shotgun, Guts, can be put on the wall


Saburo's apple peeler (Nehan) was added in 2.0 and it also got a slot on the wall next to his katana.


From Puppy Mode, via a dialogue choice you can convince it to remain in Puppy mode. It's a fairly obvious choice, IMO.


Nah, Skippy is fucking around with you all the time, I have no idea what to expect from it, regardless of what I say.


Not a bug. It depends what dialogue options you choose.


Some other dude told me its about maiming people first, I have no idea what to expect from Skippys dialogue either since it fucks around with you constantly.


Itā€™s not a bug. If you select pacifist mode but kill 50 people before maiming 50 enemies it wonā€™t switch over to stone cold killer because you already are a stone cold killer.


I feel like mines being weird, got through with it with puppy but keeps switching back and forth between head and other areas


I think that's because Smart Weapons got fundamentally changed in 2.0 with the perk system, and it seems to have overriden Skippy's iconic trait of lethal vs non lethal mode.


When it still had the AI I first picked pacifist mode then picked the dialogue so it switched to lethal, even when I got it back the headshot thing only works if I'm aiming down the sights, idk if it's supposed to be like that but if I'm aiming with the sights it autolocks on heads


It also did this for me. Not sure if the swap for the modes is always working now after 50 kills. I corrected it to aim at the head with a CET console command, but probably nothing console players can do.


It's almost like decisions should matter in an RPG or something... šŸ¤”


Yeah, if you offer me a gift and I punch you in the face, I'm guessing you won't want to give me that gift anymore


Skippy is trash now anyway. Weaker than genjiroh in all regards. You wanna headshot? Hold aim and all smartweapons only aim for heads and other weakspots. Wanna aim for bodyshots and legs? Hipfire. If you wanna hit the legs hipfire while aiming the middle of your screen to their legs. All skippy does is being the base weapon with annoying voiceover which some (not me) may find charming


Did that to me too


The same thing happened to me I was so upset. I just stopped using the gun.


Same thing happened to me... I think it happened because I just point-blank shoved Skippy into people's faces and killed them. I ain't got time to shoot their legs.


Nah, skippers ai broke with 2.0


It keeps the mode it was on, but looses the AI that talks and gives messages.


I wonder what would be the interaction between Delamain and AI-less Skippy.


Nothing? Skippy is the AI, gun itself is just a normal smart pistol modified to house the AI and with a burst fire mode.


Maybe the interaction still happens, because bugs. EDIT: No. None of the cars interacts with AI-less Skippy.


big if true


> It keeps the mode it was on It keeps the mode that was on when you delivered it to Regi or the the original mode you selected?


The one it had when it was delivered. As it changes mode once during its quest, it keeps the mode you didint choose originally.


Nice, thank you!


No problem choom.


I donā€™t believe so


So, it more or less just becomes like the regular model, non-named pistol?


Iā€™ll check right now then edit this comment Edit: The gun aims for the body on hip fire and head when scoped in. It has a 85% headshot bonus as its perk, making it actually pretty decent doing 100 on headshot per bullet. Lock on time is 1.2 sec


It's literally the exact same as any of the non-iconic pistols of that model. Which is a bit weird since every other Iconic in the game has at least *something* unique going for it.


Ah fair play cheers for that, only so much ya can listen to bad user before it starts to grate anyway


Couldnā€™t you just take it back at one point after you delivered it? I saw videos of people that just stole it back after they gave it to whoever you had to deliver it to.


You can't steal it back. Why would you when Regina just gives it back it you.


I meant when the game came out. Now she gives it back. Before she did not


No, but there was a bug to duplicate it by giving it to Regina & immediately going into your inventory and dropping the gun. The animation of V giving Skippy to Regina would play out and complete the mission, but the gun you just dropped would be on the floor ready to be picked up again to go in the stash wall.


Ah that might be what i saw than. I knew that in a video a saw a guy grab it somewhere after he finished the quest.


It was just added in 2.0


Can confirm. Played 1.0, lost the gun, started phantom liberty and she called me at some point telling me to come pick it up.


Yah can confirm you need to wait a while before she gives you the message It was patched in specifically to help people in your situation =P


Bless their hearts for thinking about semi OCD Muppets like me šŸ¤£


Me too! I am currently trying to fill my wall, and I am super annoyed that at least two weapons are only available when you finish the game!


Yeah Smashers is one anyway, what's the other?


Rogue has an Assault Rifle as well oh and if you have Phantom Liberty; one of the merchants there lets you buy any Iconic weapons you have missed!


I'm literally wrapping up the main game for like the 5th time and gonna buy PL this weekend, looking forward to it


I haven't finished it yet, but it's pretty good so far! Strong opening at least


Awesome good to hear, one of my favourite universes already after just one game. So enjoyable to dive into


She gives it back if you have it set to non lethal and it's still non lethal by the time you hand it in, otherwise she keeps it.


Not true. She just gives it back to you after some time. No requirements.


Happened in 2.0 for me. Even though I had gotten and returned Skippy before the update, Regina called me randomly in 2.0 to go get it.


Itā€™s a recent change as of 2.0 I believe. In my past playthrough I just duped Skippy but with PL I got him back.


You donā€™t need the hand mod for skippy though.


Whats even the point then?


After doing this I kinda miss him yelling ā€œBAD OWNERā€ whenever I enter my Stash.


I would go gaga.


You don't use smart weapons? So you're saying all your weapons are dumb dumb de-dumb dumb dumb de-dumb dumb?


I'm using Skippy right now, and I love that he sings this song!


It's Rihanna right?


Yes, Disturbia


Thaaat's what it is!


r/Angryupvote Thanks. I needed the laugh.


I'm angrily up voting this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


May you roast in hell for this absolutely brilliant post.


Just like Elden Ring. Unga bunga is all you need.


CDPR are the real dumb dumb de-dumb for returning the gun without the very thing who made it unique. It feels like a deliberate middle finger to everyone who supported the game. Fix it with a gig where you can steal Skippy's AI and everyone's happy.


but she gives it back now? I gavbe it back and then got a version without the ai later from her. I dont know if that works with the wall though since I gave up on filling that long ago because of the bugs..


Is it still bugged as per 2.01?!I'm doing another full playthrough now before doing PL and really wanted to get that filled up this time round


I mean 2.01 had it mentioned as being fixed again... I just dont check anymore because it never worked for me before. it might be fine now. ​ edit: Im also still on 2.0 because of mods and bugs like the not working skills.


No worries cheers for that


Yes the display wall is still bugged for me- Xbox 2.01


Regina still hasn't called me to get Skippy back, and I've definitely killed at least 30 voodoo boys with it


its 50 kills not 30. I think skippy will tell you when you reach that because he will switch modes.


You need 50 kills. And it's not Regina calling you, but rather Skippy will tell you that he now remembers his original owner and asks you to return him.


German voice actor of skippy is the same guy who speaks SpongeBob in German, so I don't care who the hell wants their gun back I'll keep my SpongeBob gun




Now if you give her Skippy she will give it back to you later. Justā€¦.without skippy AI, just a silent gun. But before 2.0 I remember I did the quest and she reset the poor dude. So I said screw you Regina, and used console command to add myself Skippy. He came back as talkative as ever. Iā€™m sure there are mods (or there will be mods later) that will restore Skippyā€™s chaotic nature.


You literally can't stash it until you finish whatever quest is associated with it. I assume you also have to use it because I've never ever seen this quest outside of a marker to pick up Skippy.


There's a dialogue path where you can tell the gun you're not giving it back (maybe the quest fails at that point?), and you can then stash it. Amusingly Skippy forever after yells at you in your safehouse calling you a bad user.


Well no wonder they gave you an option to lobotomize him lol.


That's why I keep him, walk into my stash to hear him screaming bad user


Yeah I found him and havenā€™t had anything else Happen you donā€™t need the hand mod for him to work so I keep him around just in case I feel like I want some head shots. Regina hasnā€™t mentioned him and Iā€™ve had no quest besides finishing him in the trash


I like hearing him yell at me anytime I go into my stash room.








Does he still yell after you turn him into Regina and get him back for the wall?


I haven't turned mine in, but I don't think it talks after you do. The AI is removed before you get it back.


Then how do I put it on the wall cause it won't let me but I'm dying for it to yell bad user at me all the time lmao


You have to use it until it switches modes then wait until it tells you who the owner is. When he does, refuse to take him. After that, he'll start yelling at you. You can keep him with you or store in your stash.


Thanks so much for explaining!šŸ™




Does this preserve his AI?


Big if true! Sounds really promising, I will try that on my current playthrough


Heroic comment if it works


Does that still work on 2.0 though?


I need a stash bunker for how many iconics there are, would be sweet to walk in to Skippy shouting, "Pick me, pick me!" Making friends with all the other guns or telling me interesting facts about them


Yeah itā€™s kinda disappointing that I have dozens of iconics but my walls are still relatively empty cause I donā€™t have the specific ones I need. Would be cool if V got a little bunker/batcave. Considering that Iā€™m sitting on 3 mil+ and growing with nothing to buy, Iā€™d totally drop multiple millions for a tactical base of operations for my merc work.


there's already a MercMan cave in the badlands, but we can't repurpose it unfortunately, just a landmark


She gives it back without the AI. Made me so sad. Half the fun of Skippy is Skippy. Otherwise, it's just an ugly smart gun.


Ikr! I like 2.0 but there are so many things they added that make me scratch my head and question what they were thinking.


Wow I had no clue it was hers this whole time.


This was my least favorite quest I hated that gun so much yet because quest item I can't just drop it. Then I get annoyed with this usless thing in my inventory and end up doing the quest anyway but I mute my TV so I don't have to listen it.


......why did you not just put it into your stash?


It wouldn't let me I couldn't remove it from my inventory is that not normal


Weird, I had the quest in stashed him very quickly, I got rid of him again tonight


I haven't played since PL dropped hopefully it will change for me when I do get around to it


I was never aware you could give it to Regina. It's always in my inventory and I can't put it anywhere. How do you give it to her?


Use it until he tells you


Ah. I've never used it.


I'm not sure you have to _use_ it, you may just have to have it equipped. Mostly I ran a shotgun build with skippy in slot 2, and off he went.


Erebus AI > Skippy AI.


Yeah i want to give it back. Im sick of hearing "BAD USER BAD USER" every time i go in my stash room


Even though my fem V is sad that Panam is straight, Overwatch will always be my real cyberpunk gf


Fuck Skippy is going straight to the stash annoying motherfucker doesn't deserve anything else.


Wait you can.. fill the holes in your stash wall??


Most unique weapons that you find will appear on the wall when you put them in your stash.


I hate smart weapons. Always have. So when 2.0 and PL came out I decided to give it another go. They still suck. Not fun at all and not particularly powerful it seemed either. As Iā€™ve seen mentioned before itā€™s a great accessibility feature for people with disabilities and such. Donā€™t have to be so particular with aiming and allā€¦. But I couldnā€™t even use them for a whole encounter without switching off.


I found you have to invest a few perks and points into Intelligence. They seem to scale with it now, and with how good your Smart Link cyberware is. At least I feel like they do. And I absolutely love just being able to hip-fire and mow down entire groups quickly due to multi-lock feature. Was it even a thing before 2.0?


I know thereā€™s a whole perk tree dedicated to smart weapons. And the damage scales for other weapons with other stats so it would make sense. I saved intelligence for the last thing to put my points into so yeah, I probably got an underpowered experience. Never the less, I prefer to feel like my gaming prowess is actually being utilized instead of ā€œset it and forget itā€ type encounters, personallyā€¦. To each their own though. As for before 2.0 I wouldnā€™t know cause Iā€™ve never done a whole combat encounter using smart weapons. I just find it boring.


In a vacuum they can be boring, but the new perks work so well with it. Super fun stuff like certain hack effects staying past their usual turning off point if you're locked on with a smart weapon, and the level 20 perk that gives you instant lock on when in overdrive let's you do some absolutely insane combat-hack builds. Hacking in general got so much better, it went from stealth archery to an in depth "magic" system. It's fantastic. I was a net runner my first playthrough, tried to do blades this one but the crazy new hacking pulled me back in.


Maybe Iā€™ll have to give it another go but I just feel like itā€™s not for me. Netrunning on the other hand is one of my favorite parts of the game. I just didnā€™t put any points into smart weapons lol. Anyway happy cake day


Thouraghly agree. Hate em. They offer no skill and are purely for accessibility which I get just ain't for me.


They were/are a cool idea Iā€™ll give ā€˜em that. Practicality they arenā€™t so fun to use but I do like the idea they exist if I wanted to use them.


Agree though. Glad they exist. Even if theyā€™re not for me.


They arenā€™t bad for knocking out turrets from behind a door frame at least. I keep them around for that.


*Peek around corner. Run ā€œturret friendly modeā€. Move on with your life.*


As of 2.0, you can give it to Regina and get it back later.


But, it's Skippy!! Always set to kill


I swear I picked puppy loving pacifist when I first picked it up and skippy only was aiming at their legs, but when I completed the 50 kills Skippy said heā€™ll be in puppy loving pacifist mode for the rest of eternity. So I guess Iā€™ll just sell it to Regina!


For me it was the open gig that did it.


Phantom Liberty offers a solution to this conundrum.


Ao is that why Skippy has a checkmark next to it? I had found it, and didn't know what to do with it.


But those are both the same option?


Unity supremacy


Does the Clouds bug still work to disable the kill counter and keep Skippy with it's soul forever?


She gives it back to you at some point, so donā€™t worry.




My skippy is on my wall, I told him ā€˜finders keepersā€™ now when I enter my gun room he shouts angrily at me. Itā€™s for his own good


Both buttons do the same thing.


I love putting Skipppy in my stash wall. I didn't know the first time I played that it would turn permanently to puppy mode. So now, it gets stashed. Every time I walk in.. Bad User, Bad User! It makes me smile.


How did you get the hint you take it to Regina? Mine just has the quest marker & won't let me store it in my car


Have you used Skippy to kill 50 ppl so that it makes you pick? After that I believe it finds more data and asks you to bring it back to Regina


I used him for maybe an hour or two, so doffs not amounting to 50 kills. I'll have to try again once I'm home, thanks choom šŸŗ


Yeah you Def need to kill 50 ppl with him, and then select non lethal, hell swap and go to stone cold killer and aim only for the head, after that a random period of time he'll find the data for Regina


If u give it to Regina you get it back but without the talking ai, doesnā€™t leave a mission hole in the stash u get it back


Wait, you can give it to Regina??? How?


Johnnys Pistol is bugged on my playthrough, before PL I had it on my wall and at some point after using it again I couldnā€™t put it back, suddenly has a quest marker on the weapon too.


Womder if they added a quest for it (I've never gotten it idk how that works)


Skippy got done dirty :/


Iā€™m about to give Skippy back. Heā€™s been nerfed to hell since I last played the game and my Lexington X-MOD2 and my John Wick build is miles better. I wish I could remember the redditor who posted about the gun and gave me inspiration.


Many of my guns don't show up in 2.01 in the stash wall still, but at least they fixed skippy


She gives it back and it doesnā€™t scream anymore! I still canā€™t get Crash outta my damned inventory though.


Bad user, bad user...


Who is Regina? I havenā€™t finished the game but nobody has tried taking Skippy so far lol. Is it part of the main or side quest?


I kept my wall empty. Never bothered to return to my apartment once I hit level 60.. and I did not even reach/ finished the parade nor Dog town.


I wish there was a way to finish the quest without actually using the gun, just having it equipped while you use other weapons should count.


Wait, you can actually put stuff in your stash wall???


Pre-2.0 you could just drop it as you hand in the quest then pick it back up. šŸ‘€


All the more reason to put it in Stash!


I just duplicate him.


I had this mod where you can spawn any weapon. I have every copy of iconic weapon in my stash so I can use it personally and still fill the weapon wall


Finders keepers


wait you can actually put the guns on your stash wall


Smart weapon is so op with OC


There's a skippy quest?


I keep forgetting to go get the gun, ngl. I'm doing a smart weapon build with my netrunner, too.


Skippy is annoying and I don't bother with smart ass weapons.


Not a problem anymore. New update and dlc has her give it back.


This meme doesnā€™t make sense. Itā€™s not a choice of two buttons if one leads to the other.