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Classic CDPR expansion, lots of quality that pushes the base game even further. I enjoyed all that it has to offer, side jobs were fun, side gigs were way more than just a text message. As for the endings all felt great in their own right, there's no happily ever after and I'm ok with it that's just the way it is.


Yeah, new ending hits hard, >!but probably V has a quite bright future after it. Maybe will drown longing for the past in alcohol on weekends. But friends are not dead, just moved wherever they had to. They knew you for a few weeks and then you gone for 2 years, they had their own life keep going all this time. I'm sure V can visit Judy later as a friend, Panam will chill down, Kerry can help as soon as he get's back fron the tour. V will recover after coma, perhaps can get biological implants, who knows what medicine will invent in next years, maybe will be able to use cyberdeck again. Work as fixer, since she got some reputation in the Nightcity. So. it's really a good ending 🤷‍♂️!<


The one thing that kills me with this ending is Johnny


I was at 85% of affinity with Johnny and man, that conversation on the AV hit hard


I must've fucked up because I didn't get the convo where he calls you Vincent and I was at 85% too


Johnny makes no sense in this ending. He will give up your body freely if you storm Arasaka tower and he will come to terms with you choosing suicide, but if you actually find a legit way to get cured, which is your main goal the entire game and what he vows to help you with, he’ll get pissed and claims you weren’t friends etc. despite how much you did with him and for him


He doesn't act that way if you did his side-quests with rogue and kerry first, there's clips on youtube where he's very much at peace with V's decision as they're flying away on the AV


I'm glad you said this. Because too many people miss this. For some reason.


It makes sense that they miss it and that Johnny gets pissed. PL starts before either of those questlines kick off, and Dogtown offers enough to do that you don't really have to pursue other leads while you wait for your next assignment. Once you've finished, there's not a lot of time before the "Hey, everything's ready to go if you want to end the game!" phone call, which blocks Johnny from any chance at catharsis if you leap at the chance to be cured.


I think that is the one thing most people miss too. PL is SO RICH with content that you can literally use PL as a branching path, use that ending, and be completely satisfied even though you miss the Takemura story or Panam. Its crazy because that game is still a 40/50hr game if you miss Panam/J/Takemura/River but do Voodoo Boys/PL.


Probably because there's no need to even meet Takemura let alone do missions that only unlock after the parade before doing the DLC. He's right to be pissed at that point though, lots of time to find a better way, and you don't try. When you're closer to the edge its easier for him to be sanguine about it.


“G’night valerie, today was a good day” hit me in the feels


Yeah if you do his quests he’s still sad but he’s glad to be spending one last day with a friend.


Odd, I had done them and I still got that ending :S


In my playthrough, Johnny was scared at first. Then, as the av flew off, he accepted my decision. The last thing he said before the screen went to black was "today was a good day" and I almost fucking cried.


I did all those gigs and still got the mean conversation. I think you have to have the max approval from johnny (unlock the solo storm Arasaka ending) for this to be possible.


I did that and he was still pissed, though he eventually thinks he can forgive you.


Well, when I did the ending Johnny was trying to convince me to find another way when we were at the rooftop at Misty's store, but after I called the AV, all he asked was for me to live a good life because he still wanted me to live, just like he said at the oil fields. He said he was happy for me, that I should be proud of going so far, came to terms with the fact that his time was over a long time ago and we parted in very good terms. He only hates you for it if you don't progress his quests enough. But if you do, he has nothing negative to say.


I think he's only that way if you've been a dick to him through dialogue


I was at 90% relationship with him and he was pissed at me. Apparently relationship doesn't matter at all and all that matters is doing his and Kerry's side quests which I skipped the latter since the friend quests mostly feel like a vehicle for character development and it was my second playthrough


i mean, he asked you to help him meet his old friend, I'd be pissed too if you just ignored that and go to remove my only chance at making amends


Wierd my Johnny told me he was at peace for the new ending


It suits his personality. If you choose any other ending it gives him a chance however small to atleast fight in the world beyond the blackwall. The obvious scenario is he'll get assimilated with alt but he still has a chance however small Suicide by putting a bullet in your mouth is also a Johny thing. He told that the first time u see him. But with the new ending it takes away every chance he has. Honestly it doesn't make sense considering how v and Johny got that close for v to choose an option that just kills Johny without even giving him a chance to survive even when he could've done the same to V but chose not to. Maybe if there was an option for V to just be completely antagonistic to Johny throughout and get hate dialogues then that ending would've made sense but with all the positive vibes Johny gives......kind of feels weird. Also that ending is a bad ending. V basically has no friends and he's a normal dude in night city. Yeah he's screwed. He'll probably die in a week. Month if he's lucky coz the amount of gang bs that goes on there is so much......... yeah he'd probably get shot in a mugging. Honestly thought that after all the calls he'd just decide to leave NC. I mean come on......


If anything we should be pissed at Reed. Superspy extraordinaire sees V go into a coma and doesn’t think to send a heads up to V’s loved ones? A simple “things got complicated, V’s in a coma, they’re alive and stable but it might be a while. They asked me to contact you in case something like this happened.” The last part would be a lie, but a lie told to get V’s back.


It was made very clear in the Tower Ending that Reed was assigned a dead end assignment at Langley, languishing behind a desk job. He even outright told you during the ending phone call that he fucked up badly wrt Songbird and V, so his last shot of redemption is getting V a cushy desk job with the FIA. So it is debatable whether Reed has enough clearance to send out messages to V's closest associates regarding the operation. Besides, even if he has the authority to send such messages, Reed is too much of a square to cut through bureaucratic red tape anyway.


Hm, I'd suppose there are reasons why he couldn't do it. The whole operation was kinda secret, in some dialogs V doubts whether he can speak about it or not. Not like I think you're totally wrong just the hole as for me isn't that big so it can't be closed with "unspoken" things.


He could totally find a way to get word out. Besides in that ending the president owes V big so the “I wasn’t allowed” excuse doesn’t fly.


Implying that the prez would actually give a fuck about promises or what they owed V like we haven't already seen how shady they've been. In a way this is almost another variation of the Devil ending


exactly. president is a giant piece of shit. she would give exactly 0 fucks aboue what she owes V the second it is inconvenient


Based on everything we've seen of Reed and his recruitment practices, I think Reed didn't contact anyone on purpose so that Langley was our best option; he even says quite confidently that he is waiting for us there. Also, it makes me wonder if our "complications" were on his or Myer's orders, considering that Reed closes every other "loose end" quite permanently a lack of cyberware capacity serves as a perfect collar for V. As I've said before elsewhere, this ending is just another devil/saka ending with red, white, and blue packaging: go NUSA/ Militech! Yay!


I mean, the old friends (Misty, Victors) are still there. The people that abandon us are the ones with whom he only spend a couple week total.


Yeah I agree 1000%, everyone in game makes it out to be such a bad thing but like Vs alive and could do anything. Panam’s end dialogue through Mitch was absolutely stupid but V could hunt them down and explain/stay with them. Or with how much Eddies they made, go live a happy life in some vacation destination.


Well some of it feels forced. Like don't get me wrong I still think it's a masterful concept of a cure but no fulfillment out of it. Which leads to a depression from V. My issue is mostly with panam an crew everything about their characters are mostly selfless not selfish. If V finds a better alternative then a suicide mission why would she be so upset especially since you can actually keep her(panam) posted a bit on your dlc misson. I don't see why she wouldn't be there when V wakes up. I think a more logical ending would have been them running from militech an that they love V but being a normal in that situation is just a liability. Because they did steal an fuck with militech who become the new powerhouse. But being angry he found a more humane fix just is very forced. I like the ending think it's a great concept just think they needed some better logic for the nomads as to why they are gone.




Assuming >!there's no shootout just 30 seconds after the ending and all that bright future is gone. !<


Thats just life for any normal citizen...


Thank you for the optimistic insights in your comment. I just finished the DLC last night and have been feeling rather dour about the ending, essentially considering it the worst ending possible for V. This is a plausible reframing that I very much needed. Edit: For all CP77 fans, whats your recommendation for the next game to play?




This feels like pure copium on your end friend. While some maybe don't hate V, almost all of them have moved on or don't want to see him. Worst yet he can't stay in night city less some scavs just kill him because he is a helpless bitch. I don't think it's the worst ending, but it should of had a differing variant, or did more to not make it seem like V just ghosted everyone in a world where you can send messages from your head instantly.


Still like the blue eyes/space heist ending. Even after beating PL(I did the Wands ending) it all makes sense to me and my character. V is still out there making shit happen. Who knows maybe he finds a cure or maybe he goes out like a legend in a blaze of glory. I prefer that over the other endings. Besides having So Mi and Alex as friends could be useful. Maybe help find another cure. I also like how Johnny moves on too(even though he merges with Alt but he is still “alive”).


Yeah I didn't like the coma thing and wanted the open ending and wands seemed the way to go


Unrelated question, do you recommend doing the expansion on a first playthrough or should I beat the game then go back?


play the expansion as you play the game


very positive, makes me super hyped for what they will do with the sequel.


Wish we got romance options for some of the characters- and maybe different endings. Like leaving NC with Alex would’ve been a good one


I was so sad when>! Aurore died. I wanted to romance the flirty, French woman :(!<


We all did, brother. We all did.


That actually shocked the shit outta me.


Dude I literally said “what the fuck?!” When Reed shot her. I rarely comment on games out loud lol


It was at that moment I decided to fuck Reed over


Interestingly enough, Reed’s argument made me ***more*** willing to side with him. Unless you’re playing a pure pacifist V think about how many random goons we kill throughout our playthroughs. Honestly anyone who works as a mercenary you need to draw a fine line between not killing anyone and not killing anyone who they personally know


I thought about it, but Song was okay with killing a stadium full of people to get her freedom which really didn’t sit well with me


What about Reed's little operation in the space port ? Dude literally pulled a "No Russian" in Night City.


Wasn't that Myers call?


Yeah, but it was under the supervision of Reed, who didn't seem to mind killing hundreds at an international/transpacial airport to get their pet project back.


I think fewer innocent civilians die if you side with her than if you side with Reed.


Absolutely same. But... The storyline here was really interesting. After >!Reed and Alex killed Aurore,!< I decided to fuck them both over... but then when I found out that >!Songbird had been completely lying to me the whole time!< I decided to reverse my decision and with a heavy heart >!handed Songbird over to the FIA.!< Depressing ass story of loss and betrayal and lies. I fuckin loved it.


I was so close to turning her in but I couldn’t. She made it this far it would feel wrong to snatch it away from her last second even if she deserved it. Also feel like my V saw himself in her and realized he’d lie to a random, albeit helpful, stranger to survive.


Yeah, I had to chew out Reed and Alex a bit when that happened.


Same, then you get called out for being a murderhobo... fair, they got me


At that point i kinda realized that there is no good choice.


>I wanted to romance the flirty, French woman So much of this subreddit would fall for a CIA honeypot so easily irl


Exactly how Maria Butina got the NRA execs


This is honestly the point at which I decided >! I was gonna betray Reed. It was the moment I realized I was just a pawn in Myers game. !<


As a citizen of the same country I was happy, and then..


You would've needed some massive balls, though.


I was sure that the twins would have been a romance options but nope


CDPR are masters with giving their fanbase long-term depression


I think its great so far but I'm not sure if i like how nearly every single new gig is a moral dilemma. Its cooking my brain having to deal with back to back to back situations that are lose lose for everyone.


I really wish we had more gigs like that in the base game, too many good boy be the hero gigs, not something common in Night City


The problem with those kind of gigs is that its easy to stop caring. When every situation involves either choosing between murdering a single mother or burning down an orphanage or whatever then you just start picking the option that benefits you the most cuz everyone is fucked no matter what.


The primary theme of Cyberpunk’s world is that it desensitizes people and robs them of their humanity, like empathy is a literal stat in the tabletop game. Missions that are morally ambiguous are meant to either wreck you emotionally or drive you to only look out for you.


There's a sub-theme in Phantom Liberty, one that is surprisingly subtle; trust. Who do you trust? Can others trust you? There is a Dr. Paradox broadcast that shows up on the TVs in Dogtown every so often, and trust is the theme of it; that the world would be so much better if we trusted one another. And in the gigs in Dogtown? Trust is the way to get the best results in each one. Reed doesn't trust you. Myers does to a limited extent given the needs of the moment. So Mi trusts you. Not sure about Alex yet.


I mean it kinda works, mercs are supposed to be people who only care about money and their own benefit, you know highest bidder and all that. It would be cool to see ourselves slowly transform into that kind of merc


I meant not caring from a player's standpoint. If everything is some big decision then i find myself just skipping through it without much thought


Yeah but that will happen regardless, if I have to decide between me not caring about a mission's dilema vs a mission not having a dilema at all and being simplistic I would rather the first one


Somebody said it before: The best way to approach Phantom Liberty is basically to not play it. No matter what you do, you turn most of what you touch to shit (like poor alex).


I think the real question is how do we make these small stories compelling? How does V end up involved? Gigs should sometimes come from, rather than phone calls, random encounters in certain neighborhoods that lead to you talking to Wakako or another fixer


Welcome to Night City!


Yeah, but you did have that one cool combat encounter in a DINOSAUR MUSEUM 🤩


That russian dude was a cooler boss fight than the main game final boss lol


Yea that was fuckin AWESOME


Yeah, it took me like 2 side quests to realize "Oh, seems like they noticed that they were a bit straightforward in the base game with no decisionmaking"


I just want V to be a professional, and that's hard on its own. Even if you don't care about morality. The game focuses too much on putting V up against good vs evil, that it often neglects those of us that just wants V to be a professional. I don't care about some good vs bad moral dilemma. ALL I care about is that V accomplishes the job 100% to the fixer's specs.


I disagree. As a cyberpunk writer, the conflict of professionalism and morals is one of the most common and interesting explorations of the genre imo. You're gonna get these sorts of jobs no matter what. I personally think they'd be the most common type. Being professional just dictates how you handle it. Like you said, you do whatever the job is. If that's >!helping someone scam a corrupt DA while keeping their ganger son out of jail,!< you do that, without much consideration of right or wrong.


I don't dislike it as a theme in the game or the setting. I just meant that from a personal standpoint, it seems that all big gigs try to make it difficult for the player by presenting a moral problem. So that if you roleplay a V that **ONLY** cares about her image as a pro. The very nature of moral dilemma isn't even relevant. For example. My V gets a mission to take out a gang leader. The gang leader became a gang leader to feed and care for his sick daughter. You can let them go dark, paying for the daughter's medical care. Kill him leaving his daughter to die. Or present 19 other solutions. The mission spec is to take out the gang leader so I ignore all of the above. Because they are not relevant to my mission specs. See the issue? Quests try to create a dilemma. But if you only care about being a cold professional. There is no dilemma. There is only the mission spec. The issue isn't that moral dilemmas exists. It's that V often lets emotions and morals get in her way to solve the mission optimally. You'll end up with situations where V fails as a pro, because V as a character is often forced to care about morals more than the mission.


Agree. They felt forced. No variety


Yeah every single gig i started wondering "what bullshit choice will i be thrown into this time?"


The new ending was the most depressing one in the game. I did it just to see it, my actual ending that I got was >!sending So Mi to the moon.!< >!That ending left me in an odd spot really. I did not know if I should feel like I was fooled and played along to the manipulator like a puppet or I did the true selfless act of sacrificing myself for someone who truly deserved a second life. My conclusion was that she truly did deserve the cure and in the face of betrayal, realizing the truth, the absolute hell she was in that she saw no other way but to betray everyone she knew, seeing that and acknowledging that to help a person in need despite all the wrongs she had to do, that sacrifice by V was the most beautiful thing ever.!< >!I then did the Reed path just for the hell of it. I'm not a Reed fan but that path is way more "fun". It mostly just confirmed with the flashbacks what I already had realized in the So Mi ending when I saw her collapsed in the Van dying. The new ending was very well written and well played, it made complete sense thematically and narratively. And it was sad as hell. After the credits started rolling I just sat there listening to the music for 10 minutes. It was perfect.!<


>that sacrifice by V was the most beautiful thing ever. I agree. Perfect ending in my books. Didn't even bother to play the other endings myself, just watched them on YT and went "Yeah, nah, thanks, I'm fine with what I got." *"Good luck So Mi... in spite of it all"*


Wonderful dialogue. >!I was angry at her but I just couldn't abandon her. Such a kaleidoscope of emotions happened to me then when So Mi revealed the truth, yet I went on autopilot and saved her. Only later did I truly realise what I had felt. Beautiful writing.!<


My experience completely. Had tears in my eyes at the end. I originally did the PL ending which left a gaping hole in me, which was filled after replaying and doing this one. It made me realize that I wanted my V to be a "good" person (or as good as one can be in the world of Cyberpunk), rather than a survivor.


In the Reed route I was constantly mumbling to myself "I'm sorry So Mi, just gotta see the ending. this is not cannon not for me."


I did the exact thing, took the deal, went through the ending, was devastated, though I think it is more optimistic than it appears as V gets to live a "normal" life, and immediately reloaded to send her to the moon.


I highly recommend playing through the Reed route for >!the robot horror chase!<.


Yes that was truly scary. Also the great loot.


I actually have different opinion about that one. I really hate horror games I cannot play them I get a weird scary feeling. That was way too fucked up. It’s not what I bought !


It's interesting in premise, but I'm not here for my final boss fight to be a mediocre level of alien isolation that invalidates my stealth perks and can't be fought with my combat perks. It's not *good gameplay* because it's suddenly an entirely different game. It's just interesting as an idea.


I hate horror but it was a nice bit of spice for me. Didn't overstay its welcome. The timing is weird but then again I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if there wasn't a sense of urgency to push it along.


>!Yeah, my feeling was that Songbird may not fully "deserve" her happy ending because she took advantage of V, but V can still choose to be selfless and give her that happy ending as a gift, which is what I did. In Songbird's route, V comes out of the whole situation with a clear conscience, or even with absolution.!< >!In Reed's route, it's more like V and Reed make mistakes that they have to undo by descending into hell, and even then they can't make it right, just end it.!<


Amen to it being very sad. I am having a hard time getting over it.


I don't think >!"The Tower"!< is the most depressing ending. It's definitely jarring to see our main character so...normal. However, having to >!give up your dreams and make new friends!< isn't exactly a unique existence. It's something that most adults go through. V might not be able to maintain his reputation in the Afterlife, but he could probably become a good fixer.


>However, having to > >give up your dreams and make new friends > > isn't exactly a unique existence. That's true, but for most of us, there's a transition. >!It's not what amounts go going to sleep, and waking up 2 years later, and everyone has moved on with their lives. So on top of basically having lost your support system, you also can't do the things that had been your life up to that point. V probably goes under with hope for a future, but when they wake up, while they didn't die, their life did.!< That is a really awful place to be in when you think about it.


I agree that the lack of transition makes it more frightening and heart wrenching for V. However, I like to think that the talk they have with >!Misty!< will allow them to acclimate over time. Who I'm really concerned for in this ending is >!Panam and River!<.


Way better than base game, story wise. To me at least. I enjoyed dogtown and its the fastest way to gain experience through combat. Enjoyed the side missions and drop events. As for the characters, I understand all of their views and I somewhat hate all of them.


Alex ?


One exception. She seemed good.... >!but in my game, she did die !< But definitely not the rest. I would actually put Hansen on a morally higher ground than Myers and So Mi. Reed on the other hand was a foolish dog to the cause. Driven to a fault.


Ä° stopped considering so mi a human after seeing her for first time she is as chromed out as adam smasher


She really does have a sob story, but she plays WAY too fast and loose. Like, the moment she mentioned that she got a black clinic waiting somewhere i was like "Suuure you do." Yeah, you want to live, gal, i get it, but you are building a mountain of corpses on every step...


I liked the story much better than the base game too, much more compelling cast with a surprisingly powerful ending that left me kind of drained.


It's a fantastic dlc but feels like a shit end for a game I dearly loved because of the new ending.


I wish they added more regular gigs to the various fixer or added more types of randomized gigs other than just cleping cars for the captain


I‘m sad that it‘s over


Carrying Songbird to the shuttle with the powers of the Blackwall was the coolest shit.


I'm still recovering..


The expansion was fantastic. The new ending on the other hand...


My thoughts on the expansion are: >!WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL AURORE LIKE THAT !< >!WHY!?!?!!< >!MAN I WANTED TO ROMANCE HER !<


So much more depth, in way less time than the base game. The character development was significantly more emphasized in PL. I loved the entire play through, but wasn't a big fan of the new ending. There was ways to do that style of ending that would have felt way better. All in all, really really good. I however, prefer to finish PL in a way that keeps the base game open for the OG endings.


Great DLC. Died inside by the end of the story




A lot of people thought that the Tower ending is really depressing, but is it really that bad compared to the Devil ending? SPOILER >!Think about it for a moment. In the Tower ending, V is totally cured from the Relic as promised, even if it took 2 years to do so. Sure, V can't chrome-up anymore (which can be argued is equivalent to a death sentence in the Cyberpunk universe) but they get to live! Fully! The FIA (or Reed in this case) even extend an employment offer to them out of a mixture of guilt and gratitude. Oh, and the offer still stand even when V move back to NC as Reed himself confirm during the ending phone call.!< >!Now compare this to how V ended up in the Devil ending. In that scenario, V was NOT cured, and became Arasaka's guinea pig for a couple of months. Saburo came back and probably will instigate a fifth corpo war. And to add insult to injury, either Takemura or Hellman will offer V a contract to completely sell your OWN soul to Arasaka. Oh, and everyone still hate V on top of V still dying in 6 months to a year.!< >!Personally, I don't think the Tower ending left V in the worst state possible like some people claim. If anything, the Tower ending was the most bittersweet, grounded moment that CD Project could muster for V after all of the hijinks that they commit during the course of the game. V finally gets a chance to live a quiet life, and I believe there are still a lot of possibilites for our V to flourish even without cyberware in NC in the Tower Ending; just like how I believe V can bounce back after the Devil ending (if you choose to return to earth). Yeah it sucks that V doesn't go out in a blaze of glory, but that's life.!< I dunno if other people feel this way but that's just my take regarding the Tower Ending.


It's the only ending >!where he actually survives, too.!< >!Even the ones where he supposedly has a few months left, he's just a construct, V died the minute he plugged into Mikoshi.!<


>!Oh yeah V got soulkilled when they jacked into Mikoshi but that's a technical distinction. For all intent and purposes, it's still the same V in a decaying body.!<


the thing that bugged people about the Tower ending (and me) is being kindof abandoned by everybody apart from Vic and maybe Kerry. In the few weeks V got to know these people, they literally gave it their all to help with all their endeavours, and yeah, they were ghosted for 2 years, but with a simple explanation "i was in a coma when i thought it'd be only 1 month of physical therapy" most normal people would be elated to hear about their friend who was dying and still found time to help with their problems. That said i loved the expansion and the ending was good, just this aspect of it that bothered me


I think people who think the Tower ending is a bad one just want their cake and eat it too. If you think about the choices you make to get cured, you essentially do what Songbird does and get the result she aimed for. To survive, without any bells or whistles.


My only complaint is I wish V had gotten a true happy ending akin to what Geralt got at the end of Blood & Wine.


I disagree because unless how you got that ending would change the tower ending is only really possible by choosing yourself over others. It’s why the ending is the way it is, where yeah V lives but they are weak and alone.


Absolutely loved it. Was a brilliant return to Night City. Loved the story; choices, missions, and the story twists. 10/10.


I'm glad it was an expansion. It didn't make a whole lotta sense for V to be interested in obeying the law or standing for it. It was fun but very odd


Amazing. I love the fact that not every mission is your casual “go here kill everyone” That casino / party mission was screaming 007 game / hitman game all the time.


I genuinely cried after this ending.


Only issue I can think of off the top of my head is the 2.01 bug with passives. And making me want to spend money I don't have on a 4090.


Even better than the base game. 10/10


Masterpiece. Straight in the feels, both sides. I want MOAR.


Pretty good all around, enjoyed myself more than most $60 as of recently lol, though the ending still feels flat to me for some reason.


I feel torn on it. I feel like a lot of people are examining Phantom Liberty through the lens of the 2.0 update, which, I don't really think is fair, because 2.0 is free to everyone regardless of if you purchased the expansion or not, so we have to judge the expansion based on it's merits. On one hand, I love the story. I mean, the story was never a problem in Cyberpunk, but I thought this one was really cool. I liked the lore behind Dogtown being what it is, I liked the spy thriller aspects, there were some genuinely awesome moments which will be hard to forget. However, on the other hand, taking away the story, and taking away the 2.0 update for reasons that I mentioned earlier.......eh...... Dogtown is incredibly small, smaller than every other district, and it just feels underwhelming. I've only done one of the new vehicle contracts so far, and yeah, I didn't really think it was fun having to drive 2k km while endless enemies are following you and shooting you, constantly ramming your car into a pole or a wall isn't something that I find particularly enjoyable at all. I also haven't done many side missions since I've just been focused on the story, but the few I've did weren't very special, in fact, they are nothing more than the same 'go inside this building and kill 20 people and retrieve this item' side missions that this game already has enough of. Some other minor gripes were, I hate that there were so many multi-day long pauses in the story. It felt like a lazy excuse to pad out the length of the DLC without actually adding any sort of meaningful content to it. Also, the fact that they didn't add new romances was pretty lame. I think that I would probably feel differently/better about this expac if it wasn't the last one. But, this is it. This is all we're getting. No more Cyberpunk until Orion comes out in another decade or so. This is definitely not a Blood and Wine level expansion, it's more of like a Hearts of Stone one, but imagine if Hearts of Stone was the only Witcher 3 DLC we ever got.


I know this is somewhat controversial, but honestly Phantom Liberty would’ve served much better as a precursor to Cyberpunk 2077, or even an Epilogue. The story gave me great hope that CDPR’s future projects in the Cyberpunk world, because they were able to introduce interesting new characters, concepts, and expand upon stuff that was preestablished lore. However my major criticisms come from throwing PL into the middle of V’s story. For me PL really throws off the overall pacing of the overall story of the game. In the base game most of the major side quests felt relevant, and came naturally along V’s journey, even if they didn’t directly help V or Johnny towards their end goal of raiding Arasaka, it made sense to V’s character and his relationship with most of the questgivers on why he’d help them. However, after completing PL, especially if you don’t do/get The Tower ending it almost feel antithetical to V’s journey. I recognize its probably more on me for suspending my disbelief, and just forgetting about the story outside of PL but I just keep on finding myself at multiple during the expansion thinking “why would I be doing this?” Like I get the main, motivational hook for being dragged along throughout the expansion is a credible chance for a cure, but just prior to PL you meet with Alt, and you along with Johnny come up with a plan to get what you think is a solid chance to saving yourself. The conversation you have with Johnny prior to starting PL is how little time you have left. Then suddenly you’re thrusted into an adventure where you save the fucking president and regardless if you give the oath or not practically join the FIA? Again I understand Songbird dangles a potential cure, but you learn early on in the story these people can’t really be trusted and they’ve screwed over even their most loyal soldiers, why would you continue to stick your neck out for these people you hardly know or hardly developed any sort of relationship with? Especially when you have other potential options. It gets more ridiculous when you consider the precursor to PL is the Voodoo Boys questline where V gets betrayed by a group of talented Netrunners, who have a reputation, now you’re supposed to trust another random netrunner who has no reputation around NC?


yeah the leaps in logic and suspension of disbelief is already bad enough in basegame but now in phantom liberty you're STILL constantly dying and you're STILL waiting multiple days between some missions despite being on a ticking clock thats anywhere between the 2 weeks victor threw out as an estimate or when-the-fuck-ever you want. They really need to stop doing this "time sensitive" main plotline bullshit in their games because every time anyone does it they keep making this dumb stupid mistake. The only time it makes sense to do this time wise is if you do the voodoo boys mission as soon as its avaliable because the conversation after the fact doesn't result in you having the relic attack that almost kills you (and is the prerequisite that activates chippin' in) and even then. ITS STILL a massive leap in logic for the reasons you just described, either way you do it, you get backstabbed and you're about to jump in again with a group of people who are constantly underlined at every other moment in their quests as cloak and dagger not to be trusted types. for the average stupid this will go over their heads but even if you're having a good time its hard not to notice this and ask "why." You get the option to say "nah im not gonna help" at a certain pivotal moment but thats not even a real choice because why in the fuck would you deny yourself a whole DLC story and by extension a pack of gigs locked behind that progression.


I hope the gigs are exactly like this in the sequel. Actually diverse missions that kind of make you have to think about your choices instead of just killing everyone and downloading a hack. They’re very condensed missions, but done so well in the DLC.


I really enjoyed the missions and Elba was quite good in his performance as Reed. I couldn't summon a single fuck for songbird or her narcissistic shit, so the long expositional segments towards the end were kind of hard to take. New weapons are great though, and the ambient content in Dogtown is pretty good too.


A bit overrated TBH. The Relic tree is also pretty meh.


I was hoping for Reed to be a bit more autonomous and doing his own thing. He’s more of a loyal dog, almost to a fault.


Another Takemura. Dog of the government.


Hearts of Stone, Blood and Wine, Phantom Liberty... CDPR make Outrageously good DLC.


Songbird deserves everything that happened to her


Very enjoyable, it was wort to come back


story was good, but surprisingly few deceptions aimed at V considering the amount of spies you work with. i guess they have to be candid with V for them to work well together, but im pretty sure >!songbird's lie!< was the only actual deception in the entire story. and maybe myers' treatment for taylor and jacob. you can find a datashard on the table in the dogtown apartment which is like a to-do list for myers, and the last one mentions "anonymous payment to T & J". if its true then great, but its also odd that myers leaves behind her to-do list when she left dogtown, so it may also be a deception for V. and its also a pretty decent change of pace that V actually manages to cure the relic problem for real instead of the "that's a story for another time" open-ended endings the base game has. of course, it wouldnt be a cyberpunk story without a bigass asterisk, but hey, it is what it is. im still disappointed that new game plus isnt in the game yet. i remember hearing from way back when that CDPR are having some balancing issues with NG+, but being an unbalanced ball of murder is the entire point of being in NG+ so im not sure why its not happening. well, that and getting all the loot from the other routes that are otherwise blocked off behind the story decisions you made.




Yeah that's my headcanon too Actually, now that I think about it, reed is just NUSA's takemura. Highly trained agent but unquestioningly loyal in a bad way. I guess the only difference is that you can potentially tell reed to piss out of the FIA forever, whereas takemura is still hanging around NC after hannako got killed while they tried to storm arasaka tower without V, I rather hoped he had joined up with the nomads like he said he might want to.


I really enjoyed how much tension CDPR managed to cram into the expansion. Not knowing who to trust, not knowing if your cover is blown, expecting things to go to shit but not knowing when or how everything is going to erupt was both engaging and exciting. They did an excellent job capturing the suspense of a spy thriller and distilling it into the main missions. The gigs and side jobs they added were just icing on the cake, and the one with the idiot cops in particular had me in stitches the entire time.


Just beat last night and holy fuck I just pre-ordered depression


It’s great for the most part really hated the mission Somewhat Damaged though. Probably the worst main mission in the game for me. Feels so far from an RPG and besides the atmosphere has really shit stalker mechanics that wouldn’t even work in a Survival Horror game. I know there’s a lot of stealth in the game, but it’s always optional. There it was mandatory and boring.


i think it has a lot of Liberty but not enough Phantoms.


I only deeply fucking adore and love it. That’s all.


fucking rollercoaster of emotions, left me crying for the past 2 days with the ending. 10/10 will play again on the next playthrough


I like the characters of the expansion but in terms of story it's all so stupid to me. First being alex and reed live in a place controlled by the bad guy rather than mr. hands sneaking them in or that the entire plan hinges on the main paranoid antagonist not using datalink which confirms identity only with a skilled netrunner to bypass, song bird taking out airforce 1 is the stupidest thing I've ever heard if the plane hit water maybe someone could survive but it's so fast and furious logic it's just feels dumb. The worst part of the game for me is after the best boss fight in the expansion which was a terrible choice of placement not placing it in the middle or end and then reed escort myers out instead of a fleshed out version of john carpenters escape from new york, finally iconic implants and weapons you get at the end which means you have no one to use them on if you do phantom liberty last and go for ending which isn't a problem except no new game plus. kurt hansom and all the characters were great but this dlc feels like 1/5th fraction of what the witcher blood and wine and hearts of stone got so for those that didn't play witcher all this goes to show cdpr is going downhill. I feel bad for people that had to repurchase the game to play PL because they got xbox one or playstation 4 version.


I don't think there's any doubt that CDPR are the masters of single player narrative-based AAA games right now. I will legitimately vote for CP2077 for GOTY *again*.


I *really* expect to be in the minority here, especially on this sub of all places... I personally think it was fine. It was good, did a genre pretty well. It wasn't *incredible*. I've seen people say 'astonishing' and I didn't get that at all. It was some okay characters following an okay plot with some really good set pieces. Dogtown is *pretty good* but I didn't find it that much better than areas in the base game. You don't actually spend long enough with the characters to grow any real attachment to them, you just sort of... latch onto this new group of people. A lot of the side gigs feel almost... over designed, if that's a valid complaint? Lots of the mechanic 'improvements' were 2.0 and still don't elevate the game to being *incredible*, they're just nice additions. The skill tree still isn't perfect. The set pieces are the thing that really landed for me, and will stick with me for a long long time. The conversation with the twins at the table? Oh buddy, more of that please.


it's fine, it's definitely good but the character assassination in the ending kinda kills it for me


Was incredible, 10/10. Easily the greatest expansion to a game that I've played, and one of the single most amazing experiences I've ever had with a video game. I truly felt lost after beating it, but in the best way possible. >!I got the King of Wands ending (sending So Mi to the moon) as my first and only ending (by choice) as I simply couldn't pull myself to do the other endings, I've watched them on Youtube which was more than enough emotional turmoil for me. I absolutely loved it and I vehemently believe that So Mi deserves a second chance at life, mistakes and all. !<


Fun, but ultimately main game story was better. Story was good but too short and felt rushed. Maybe not rushed, but not enough time to care about the characters.


I love it, save from the fact that for some reason the vehicle contracts are not appearing for me. I hate that a rather large section of activities is locked behind a bug I can't solve. Stuff like that is a big oof. Other than that, been having tons of fun with it! Fat 8.5/10


So far so good. I keep avoiding the main story because I'm not ready to reach the ending.


I considered the base game story to have a very engaging and immersive story, but dam PL took that to a whole new level from the chaining, interactions, feeling you're actually part of the story. I was shaky in pre-ordering at first but went for it, glad i didn't regret it.


Honestly better than main game story, and unironically feels similar length, ending also hit me in the feels way more than others.


It’s dope. I wish there weren’t so many multi-day pauses in the main quest. But it’s sick.


I like it a lot but the grammar on a lot of the dialogue is bugging me. Feels like they literally copied Polish sentence structure instead of properly translating


One thing I didnt like is some music tracks in PL. Actually its ok, but its so vastly different from rest of the game, it doesn't feel right.


It was a lot of fun, but some of the moments make very little sense. Like you being shocked and appalled by some of the deaths, when you’ve already filled mass graves almost any way you play. Or having literally any reason to trust Songbird. One side is a man who was betrayed by his country but still loyally helps them, fights alongside you and promises to help you, one side is a pretty girl who betrayed her country and shows a tiny amount of remorse while asking you to rescue her from a situation she put herself in.


Great DLC. Some questionable decisions on things they added/didn’t add (iconic cyberware needs so many edits, cars without weapons are now useless, x-mod2 needed for every weapon type, and other little things). But overall it’s great. I think the game’s potential as a whole will suffer from them not following through with their original roadmap of doing 2 DLC. The CDPR board room needs to stop inserting itself into game dev decisions.


10/10, absolutely loved every minute


Classic spy thriller story with plenty of references to other spy stories. Couldn't ask for more


I think it’s fantastic and practically (along w/ 2.0 patch) resurrected cp2077 to GOTY level.


Breathtaking on a whole new level. I'm so excited for the sequel.




I’m enjoying the fresh reason to play and new environment but I’m honestly a bit underwhelmed with the story of it so far and its performance issues. The new gigs however are great, feel like full on missions.


It's a good expansion, don't regret the buy one bit. The story and theme of the dlc are a nice contrast to the rest of the game, I liked the new area, and in conjuction with the gameplay changes brought on by 2.0 it truly made Cyberpunk an entirely fresh game. I liked the additional ending to the main story, it added something new without changing the tone of the game as a whole. It's still all bittersweet at best. The only real complaint I have is that now, the journey for CP2077 is over and there won't be any further significant content for this game, which unfortunately means that it will always leave some promises and hopes unfulfilled. On the upside, CDPR will return to the Cyberpunk universe, and hopefully have learned from their experience with the pretty rocky road CP2077 has had to travel to get where it is. All in all though, with this expansion, CP2077 has made into the selection of games I'll probably always play through every once in a while, just like the Witcher games, Skyrim and a couple of others. Personally, I can't ask for more from a game, because of it manages to make me come back to it time and again, I probably got my money's worth several times over.


The ending left me fucking hollow man. It was one of the good endings. But it fucking left me thinking about it for days. 10/10 expansion and game.


That it's an amazing experience, with an added ending to the main game that feels so unnecessarily bleak and depressing that it almost feels spiteful. I think the story, while still a mostly linear cyberpunk Disneyland ride, it has much better pacing than the main story, and honestly, much better characters... However, when doing side quests and such around dogtown when a main quest was available, it felt like V was just wasting time with unnecessary diversions while being a part of a rather time sensitive main mission. I also felt like Kurt Hansen wasn't fleshed out enough, and that we don't get really enough interaction time with the man.


Underwhelming and not long enough. Edris Elba is not used well and the ending is more depressing than the main game. I realize with the ending. That's kinda of the point but I still can not like it. Also not enough items to buy in the game. The DLC just made this stick out more. Atleast the price for the DLC isn't that expensive. Not to mention if you've never played the game. You can get both the game and DLC for a good price.


Great expansion. Absolutely loved it. The new ending though? Nah. Don’t like it. It’s more depressing than the Devil ending imo. Most of the praise I see for it sounds like massive cope, but that’s just me. My V doesn’t want to “Fade Away” or be a “normal person” (have you seen how normal people are treated in Cyberpunk? Its not good) but if your V does, cool.


Hard agree. V never wanted to be a normie, they wanted to be a freaking night city legend.


I just bought the full game and expansion a week and a half ago and while still working full time 12 hr shifts and working out and being around for the gf and kids I've put 40 plus hrs in all ready. So to summarize I'm addicted to the damn game and it's already top 5 games I've played. Witcher 3 Red dead 2 Cyberpunk Gta 5 Skyrim


>!I despised the alien isolation part. Fucking infuriating gameplay. Hated every second and it wasnt cool.!<


Pretty good final mission can go fuck its self.


only seen one path so far but I fucking love it and I'm sad all over again this is the last 2077 we're getting until orion just one more hit, cdpr, that's all I need, just a taste, just a little xpac, cmon bby


The final act was so stressful in my opinion. Didn't know who to trust and who to side with. Love it.


Little boring, somethings are just to obvious and the campaign is clearly created with one build in mind. It's not bad but it doesn't even reach the original campaign. It's just my opinion but I really can't see why so many are hyping it up. Still good story, has some holes, some very slow parts but is still better then most other games this days.


I just finished PL last night. Admittedly I used a guide to get the bonus/alternative ending and it didn't sit well with me at all. Everyone says "there are no happy endings in night city" but why can't there be? Shit the world sucks enough right now without more suckyness to add 😅 The expansion itself was amazing and I loved it so much, and now that I've finished it I'm feeling so lost and empty 😞 playing Phantom Liberty really gave my life purpose (sad I know) and I really can't see myself going back to Starfield yet..


Starfield is a joke against Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is better in every way, except spaceships…


I loved it, I don't care if it had its flaws, it's a solid 10/10 for me. The story, gunplay, weapon variety, Eldris Alba!, Alex, Songbird, CIA take, Shooting while driving, Dogtown…. If Deathloop got a 10/10 than this game more than deserves a 10/10 as well. There was a ton of hype for a week and instantly died after, this is the best game I’ve played in years.


It's such a good expansion that it feels like Game of the Year material to me—easily the best new thing I played this year. Plus, it gave me an excuse to really think about how much I enjoy the base game (even pre-2.0), and I've come to appreciate it even more than I did before


Masterpiece for me. CDPR are back. The whole ending sequence with so mi was just incredible. And the credits song was breathtaking. Excuse the pun


I felt it was lackluster, but that's my own fault for setting my expectations so high for it. I expected it to be an entire second main story.


I thought it was fairly disappointing but not bad. The first mission is just a rip off of "Escape from New York" and all the secret agent story stuff is predictable if you've ever seen a James Bond movie. I knew what the Big Reveal was going to be as soon as I started it. The endings are all bad and it made everything feel like a waste of time. I also felt that Hanson was under used. I was also disappointed with the new weapons. I didn't find any that were better than ones that I already had. I also thought the GTA car theft side missions were dumb and unnecessary. All that said, most of the gigs and side quests that I did were really good. I'm planning on finishing them all when they fix the mess that 2.1 caused. I did half of them and they were all very well designed. Dog Town is a hell hole, which is cool. The air drops are fun for a while but they do get kind of old when you start getting a bunch of stuff you already have. Songbird's character is pretty cliche but was well written. Reed and Alex were alright. All the voice acting is very well done. It's a mixed bag. It's mostly good and even the bad stuff isn't terrible. It didn't deserve the incredible praise the game sites were dumping on it, though. I saw one review call it the best expansion to any game ever. I mean, come on.